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why do most cutfags defend the disgusting jewish/muslim practice

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why do most cutfags defend the disgusting jewish/muslim practice of mutilating children, aka circumcision? and yes, I'm aware that some cutfags wish they had their foreskin.
Why do you care about others foreskin leaf? What benefit does one's cut/uncut penis yields to you?
It's more about caring for the sake of children who haven't been born yet, and preventing the future generations from being mutilated. Maybe your country hasn't developed caring for the interests of others yet. But once it has then perhaps your country will stop being a call-center.

Mixed marriage. Wife's family wants sons to be circumcised, I don't.
Besides just shouting 'Fuck off' and never leaving them alone together, how do I stop this?

Stat/ graph dump appreciated.
Firstly, ask her why she thinks that it is okay to treat your son like property. It's his body, so it should be his choice what he wants to do with it. Why should she decide what your son does with his own penis?

Secondly; educate her on how damaging it can be. Not only physically, but psychologically too.
Got semi-circumcised cause of phimosis, I don't see the point of doing it if not necessary but it's neither a big deal
>Maybe your country hasn't developed caring for the interests of others yet. But once it has then perhaps your country will stop being a call-center.

Okay Peter I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I hope you again get better than us in GDP.
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we are white,its our holy duty to stop barbarism and crush savages till they learn
>why do most cutfags defend the disgusting jewish/muslim practice of mutilating children, aka circumcision?
Do we? We are victims of child mutilation and fags like you rub it in.
What about your Capital city? And the Paki rape gangs in London?

You stopping them real good I believe.
this uncut fags only try to make us feel worse
It's your son mate, you are the father, end of story. If you let this happen then you might as well just kys
I'm circumcised. I don't want or care about my foreskin. I'm not crying like a baby about it. I'm not mad. I don't care. You people are all fags, obsessed with dicks. Y'all niggas gay

My kid won't be circumcised.
I don't care about how you feel about your dick. I care about the future children who will be mutilated without their consent.
We don't want to rub it in we feel for you bro, it's the ones who pride themselves on it and say they will carry it on who need to kill themselves.
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Some do, but i assume thats only people desperate to justify the unjustifiable actions of their fathers, aka, people without critical thinking capacity.

I dont rub it in cut people, i just really want people to learn and stop doing that in the next generations.

I particularly picked up interest in this subject because i had some problems related to disinfo about non retractible foreskin as a kid (pic related), and i know for sure that if i was in the US some butcher would have cut my skin off, instead of just waiting it out and letting nature run its course.

Anon just so you know, I still have memories of my circumcision and the pain. Save your son's innocence.
Tell her that as soon as she has her labia and clitoris removed and has the cut labia sewn together, then and only then you will talk to her about circumcising your son.
And I said mine won't be. You will be in charge of your kids. Schlomo will be in charge of theirs. You have a say with the child that you own. If you try to control my kid's dick either way, I'll fight you. You don't have the right to tell people what to do with their kid's dicks. You don't own other people's children. Fuck off.
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Does foreskin restoration actually work or is it just a meme?
>3/4 of your gdp isn't from call-centers and scammers.

>I'll fight you.
why are americans so hostile?
why are you so obssed with cock and having extra USELESS skin? MUH NERVES is a shitty excuse because you dont need it, if you cant cum without foreskin you probably have ED or jerk off too much
Can kinda work in some ways (aesthetically), but you can't regrow the lost nerves.
You don't get your nerves back, but you can feel again with your cock head, make the most of it.
Because you're trying to tell people what to do with kid's dicks. If you wouldn't resist that you probably won't resist anything.
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Anti-semite thread! I'm reporting you all!
>Mfw Indians are the richest of all ethnic groups in USA. Kek
Tell her he can always choose to do it when he's older
>why do most cutfags defend the disgusting jewish/muslim practice of mutilating children
Probably because they don't want to believe their dick is subpar. Not to say that it exactly is, I think it's a matter of preference and either can be fine provided proper care and hygiene.

I'm cut and would've preferred to have the choice myself, for the record.
Population of 1.3 billion barely has a GDP better than one of 61 million

Way to go Pajeet
WTF is with desert monkeys and cutting parts of your genitals
You're the father. That's all that's required. Tell them its your decision not theirs.
Glad you're still in india huh?

Must suck to have American envy for your own ex-pats.
>most cutfags defend the disgusting jewish/muslim practice of mutilating children, aka circumcision
they don't
>poo loo
This will never change. We have too many against us having this brutal ritual done away with.

Go to 3:45 and watch until 4:18. Listen to the laughter as they discuss this practice and watch the female on the left as she snaps her fingers with female privilege.

>is made in "god's" image
>decides know better than god.

>watch the female on the left

Sorry meant to say on the right
>its your decision not theirs.
It's not his decision either. The decision is for the person whose penis it belongs to (the child's, after they have reached a legally acceptable maturity level (not a minor))
Whatever makes you feel good about yourself. Also, there's no Muslims in London and UK is not going to embrace the caliphate in 2020.

>other people who aren't me who live in your country make more money than i do.

>be proud

Nigga a single big name American jew have more money hidden than all of india wealth. How could indians be richer than (((them)))
>you can feel again with your cock head
what kind of doctors are you seeing that you cant feel your dick? where r u sticking it? I can literally cum without touch if I want to and im not circumcised
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Look up "dual tension restorer," contact Chuck, and move on with your life.

It's the best thing a man can do for himself.

This now a designated shitting thread.
i dont at all

i still remember my parents holding me down at because some skin partially reattached to the glans and had shit under it. so they had to peel it back off and it hurt like hell
>why do you care about the kids in your country being mutilated as a sign of obedience to kikes
Yea cuz they send hell lotta money back home. Also, control the govt. and promote goodwill.

You just jelly monkeyman.
Tell them you'll agree if your daughter gets circumcised too, also the women of your wife's family. If they can lead y example then you'll consider it.
>The decision is for the person whose penis it belongs to
sorry about that cleft palate billy we wanted to wait to let you decide if you want it.
Implying it's not true.

Also no one gives a fuck about London, it's a lost cause. Like your entire country.

Next famine when?
You dont OWN your kid, for fuck sake. No one does.
It isnt about you choosing if you should or nor cut off part of another persons dick.
It is about the fact no one should HAVE THE RIGHT to even make this kind of decision before hand.
Neither do you or anyone else have a right to mutilate your own child's cock. Simmer down.
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This model has body parts proportional to the density of nerve endings.

They had to make it circumcised or its foreskin would have been longer than Doctor Who's scarf.
Can't regrow the nerves so what's the point.
T..that kinds sounds like some shit a stupid nigger would say, anon...

You're the man in the house you damn moron yo decide and if her family doesn't like it tell them to fuck off
>Also no one gives a fuck about London

Complaining it to your momma britbro.

Next Terrorist attacks when?
>Mutilating genitals

Fucking degenerate
>some shit a stupid nigger would say
nah stupid niggers complain about not having more saggy penis skin
It's definitely not a meme, but it does take time. If you look closely, you'll find support.

I don't want to say more because we already had a neo-Nazi problem recently.
because jews went ahead and destroyed circumcision to the point where the practice doesn't even resemble what god wanted anymore

>in other news
>jews find way to disobey god while obeying god
Child of the 90's here.

seems from my parents estimate to be more of a trend. my brother (who is christian) circumsized my brother and I.

I mean, my dick feels fine, idk it's still pretty euphoric. Yeah I don't know what I'm missing but idk i literally didn't even realized i was circumsized until 16.

my brother is pissed and got mad at my mom and purposfully didn't circimsize his son.

on the other hand my friend has a brother who had to get circumsized at 6 because his foreskin was fucking up his pissing.
Throwing stones in a glass house Pajeet, perhaps you should learn to poo in loo before criticising others.
Perhaps you should think about saving your daughters and sisters from muslims before thinking about India.
Hrs trying to tell you that people shouldn't submit to a Jewish barbaric practice and slice off highly erogenous tissue of a non-consenting child. Maybe you shoul be less of a retard and think of the child's best interest. It's not your choice, only your son's to make. So stop REEEEEEEEEEEing when civilized people tell you you're acting like a nigger
On the contrary - no one thinks about India
India has about two Americas' worth of people who aren't potty trained, and almost four Americas' worth of people who literally worship cows.

So primitive. Please recapture it.
I really hope no one does.

Get back to your safe spaces oliver before muslins impregnate your whole generation
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>tfw I will always be circumcised
>tfw my bird is curved because of it
I blame protestants for my mutilation.

You are literally too much of a brainlet moron for me to explain how stupid you are lol
>>tfw my bird is curved because of it
Are you sure? A lot of people have curved penises even not circumcised.
Tried both and cut looks and smells better
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I haven't actually checked with a urologist, so maybe it would have been curved anyway, but the scar doesn't look symmetrical so I always assumed that's what caused it.
It might be, but I'm uncircumcised and I have a slightly curved donger.
At least you're blaming the right people. Buy a DTR and do manual method 3.

I promise you with 100% seriousness that it does work, and that I've been restoring my foreskin for almost 9 months now.

You won't "always be circumcised" because "restored" is a different state of being. You can expect massive sensitivity gains. It takes time, patience, and dedication!
>I should use memes now to protect myself cuz h-he's speaking the truth.

Utter shame britbro.
You're spending too much time thinking about the cock. Either play with it or don't but no need to shame people either way
>dick curved as a result from being cut
nope it's cause you jerk off predominantly with one hand. next time you're jerking off, watch the trajectory of your stroke for confirmation.
>cleft palate

Totally different issue. A cleft plate is a genetic defect. Are you suggesting that foreskin on a penis is genetic defect?
Don't call it circumcision. It's male genital mutilation and you would like your daughter to be genitally mutilated as well.
Penis position in the underwear >>> jerk off position when it comes to influence curvature. I think.

They don't want to admit their parents mutilated them. It's like abortion. Women probably defend it because it's easier than admitting you've murdered your child. World is fucked.


I bantz now and then but genuinely feel sorry for cutfags.
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I don't, I wish I had my foreskin. Also, I feel awful that I did this to my kids. I wish I had been a /pol/ tard before they were born.
How does it work in America? Did you have to request it? I've read stories of it just being done by hospitals automatically without consulting the parents.
>>Mutilating genitals

>the infliction of serious damage on something.

circumcision causes no damage you dumb saggy cock idiot.
All it is is just choosing the child's religion at birth,there is 0 other reason for it.

Divorce the whore,she WILL find a way to do it if you ever leave the house.Unless you can redpill her she is lost.

>child that you own
What?Good god someone like you shouldn't be near children.
no its just useless, like an appendix. Humans no longer need it since we dont like in such filth it would effect our dicks.
>would like your daughter to be genitally mutilated as well.
if its only skin then why not, vagina do look kinda gross. Unfortunately it often causes damage which is why its mutilation and circumcision is not.
Reminder that there is a higher prevalence of homosexuality among uncircumcised males.
>letting your wife control you
max cuck
>I wish I had my foreskin
I wish I disgusted women so I wouldnt have kids
I wish my kids also had disgusting dicks that turn off women.
Fuck off man, it's not like most of them chose to get cut.
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I can have an orgasm from stimulating only my foreskin. I would definitely notice it's absence. I am sorry you feel so threatened by the truth about your parents mutilating your genitals that you are willing to make nonsensical arguments to protect yourself from reality.

It is a useless procedure. It is abuse of the most horrific degree.
The appendix isn't useless, it provides a place for gut bacteria to recolonize the intestines after you've been violently ill and shit your guts out. I suggest doing a little cursory research before parroting out of date medical myths you probably learned in grade school.
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>claiming removal of foreskin is not damage
The entire procedure is to amputate a vital part of the penis, OF COURSE it's mutilation. Stop lying.
No one gets their appendix taken out unless needed. lol
Nice comeback you literal nigger.
>circumcision is not.
But it removes a piece of flesh...
I wish I was as insecure about my penis as you are.
Nobody cares about what faggot's think.
>having foreskin , having something that is natural , is bad because muh brainwashed women don't like it
You should just mercy kill your kids, then kill yourself you bluepilled Jewish slave.
you dont need "sensitivity" for your dick to work you fucking moron, its not damaged if it works perfectly.
to put it into another context its like you saying your car doesnt work d\becas it has normal tires inted of race tires. The race ties (more senstivity) might get you to the finish line (cumming) faster but it doesnt mean the otherones wont get you there. I personally like lasting long and making the girl cum instead of apologizing for my gross saggy cock bursting in my skin hood in .5 seconds.
Wrong on both counts, retard!
im cut, im not insecure at all. I would be if my dick looked nasty and turned women off. Im more concerned with a woman's opinion than how sensitive my tip is. pro tip: stop jerking off and you'll be more sensitive.
>the point of sex is to ejaculate
have I got news for you...
Make her watch a video of it being done. Or point out that if he turns out not to want to be circumcised, there could be very serious psychological damage.
if you could get rid of it at birth with no damage or surgery most people would except for people like you.
sorry that 3cm of saggy skin brought you up to a full inch but its gross and has no benefits. Sorry that makes you so mad.
I guess Ahmed al-Abdullah Saladin Abu Muhammad can choose what to do with his daughter's body too then.
>elaborate metaphors and rationalizations
Let me share a fabel with you.

>A Fox that had been caught in a trap, succeeded at last, after much painful tugging, in getting away. But he had to leave his beautiful bushy tail behind him.

>For a long time he kept away from the other Foxes, for he knew well enough that they would all make fun of him and crack jokes and laugh behind his back. But it was hard for him to live alone, and at last he thought of a plan that would perhaps help him out of his trouble.

>He called a meeting of all the Foxes, saying that he had something of great importance to tell the tribe.

>When they were all gathered together, the Fox Without a Tail got up and made a long speech about those Foxes who had come to harm because of their tails.

>This one had been caught by hounds when his tail had become entangled in the hedge. That one had not been able to run fast enough because of the weight of his brush. Besides, it was well known, he said, that men hunt Foxes simply for their tails, which they cut off as prizes of the hunt. With such proof of the danger and uselessness of having a tail, said Master Fox, he would advise every Fox to cut it off, if he valued life and safety.

>When he had finished talking, an old Fox arose, and said, smiling:

>“Master Fox, kindly turn around for a moment, and you shall have your answer.”

>When the poor Fox Without a Tail turned around, there arose such a storm of jeers and hooting, that he saw how useless it was to try any longer to persuade the Foxes to part with their tails.

And the moral of the story
>Do not listen to the advice of him who seeks to lower you to his own level.
>muh brainwashed women
well keep fucking men then idc
yet the only argument you dumbasses have is MUH SENSITIVE PENIS TIP
I wasn't aware the foreskin was by default a genetic defect that could interfere with eating and speaking.
So you posted 14 times because you know you're missing something very important, or what?
How about I come to your house and remove your cars windshield? Then all the wind, bugs, dust and debris can blow in and hit you in the face while you're driving? Don't worry though you'll get used to it. Also I'm going to steal your radio too, you don't need it to drive from point A to B.
so your an animal who fucks to get her prego then leave? The point of sex for most people is pleasure not just to cum as fast as possible.
It removes like half the skin on the organ, as well as densely innervated tissue, mucous membrane, and smooth muscle.

I could get that shit cut-off at any time, bro.

I won't because that would be retarded. Sorry you never had the choice and feel so backed into a corner about it.
interdasting... maybe you should find some humility, hayden
Appendices aren't useless firstly, and secondly you'll get a lawsuit up the ass if you remove an appendix that isn't severely infected.
Funny thing is that you generally can't remove healthy, sensitive tissue without surgery, and that in and of itself is damage.
Same boat anon. Mine curves down sharply. Virgin fag because of it
you are a idiot, uncut here i can last a long fucking time because i know how to avoid orgasming like every normal human should
brush your dick with abrasive paper that will make it even less sensitive so good in your opinion
Here's the argument for circumcision:
>Circumcision does not reduce sexual pleasure.
>Circumcision does reduce the chances of several medical problems, including phimosis.
>Babies who get circumcised recover quickly, whereas adults take several weeks.
Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital

The Truth About Circumcision
I'm cut, and I would love to meet you in person.
Dildos work too.
Personally, I rub sage on it.
>most people
>woman's opinion
>race tires
You should go ahead and read some books and not come here and spew your insecurity about your mutilated dick which made you worry about women's emotions & compare sexual organs to rubber.
>does not reduce sexual pleasure
There are studies that state the exact opposite and have evidence to back it up. The most widely cited "study" saying there is no effect is a bullshit "meta-analysis" that doesn't even take the time to counter any arguments. It just rates studies on a numerical scale.
>reduces medical problems
Phimosis is rare and easily treated, as are most other problems that are cited by promoters of circumcision. What's more, even if there was a significant reduction in risk, that doesn't necessarily justify an invasive and excruciatingly painful surgery.
>adults take longer to recover
At least they consent to the surgery and get anesthesia.
educate her and her family on circumcision and its risks

dont let them do it
Name one other situation where surgery is used to treat a problem before any symptoms or indications of someone being highly predisposed to it occur. You can't because it's considered a gross violation of medical ethics, except of course when it comes to mutilating the genitals of infant boys.
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It's the foreskin brah. Exquisite sensitivity.
What about your Capital city? A toilet? Oh sorry that is too advanced for Modern India. A turd?*
>Indian commenting about rape gangs
Better to leave it at just a labioplasty, it's more comparable. Trying to compare male circumcision to type IIb/type III FGM is laughable, and you're basically just strawmanning yourself rather than posing a defensible argument.
You could make a strong argument that it is also the following:
Child abuse
Sexual abuse
Violation of Hippocratic oath
Destruction of property
Violation of informed consent
The only people defending the practice are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and cognitive dissonance.
hes talking to a woman tho, this will scare her
I've studied these arguments before, here are my thoughts:

A medical establishment somewhere, for example in Russia, would have taken these positions by now if they were valid. The "reduction in pain, no decrease in risk" arguments seem to come from organizations with no circ as a starting point. Same idea for the cancer conspiracy, if there was a cure involving Tibetan mountain ash and chili peppers, it would have leaked out in China, or
Argentina, or Russia, etc.

Regarding consent, children don't consent to vaccination either, if the medical benefit greatly outweighs the harm (the case for both vaccination and circumcision in my opinion) it's a go.

The issue of Jews and Muslims is a red herring, who knows why they do what they do, they might even have discovered the medical benefits of doing it and enshrined it in their religion, similar to avoiding disease-ridden foods like shellfish and pork, although now we know how to cook them properly.

A final thought is that medical treatment is not always available, if you get circumcised as a baby, you never have to worry about problems like phimosis, whereas otherwise you are more dependent on medical care.
why the fuck do people get mad when female foreskin si removed but dont give a fuck when male foreskin is removed?
like every agency treats female cirumcision like its the worst thing iin thr world when its literally the same shit
You forbid it and that's that. Your wife and her family should be scared to try and circumsize your son behind your back, because you'll beat her within an inch of her life if she does. If you allow it to happen you aren't a man at all.
maybe you should worry about the shit in your streets before you worry about the shit on this board
>A medical establishment somewhere
You do realize essentially every professional medical society in the western world either recommends against or outright condemns the practice right?

You are the cancer conspirator in this scenario, hanging onto something that everyone else knows is wrong and doesn't work.
Vaccination isn't surgery but it's an example of a painful procedure before the child is impacted by anything. Yes, circumcision is unique as a preemptive surgery.
Why do you care faggot?
>why the fuck do people get mad when female foreskin si removed but dont give a fuck when male foreskin is removed?
like every agency treats female cirumcision like its the worst thing iin thr world when its literally the same shit

1. The Empathy Gap.

2. Because men don't respect and stand up for themselves. Stop being women's bitch and the government's slave.
But there are physicians who promote it elsewhere in the English-speaking world, including the UK and Australia.

If the conclusions are wrong, they're wrong, I'm not making money off circumcision or anything. But I do have a little trust in the people who dedicate their lives to this sort of thing. Meanwhile the anti-circ people I've met here have been dopey hippie alternative-religion types who would probably also be against vaccinations.
Yeah, the dichotomy would really crack me up if it didn't make me so sad. How can there be such opposition to female circumcision when it is morally equivalent to male circumcision? It's denying the right to bodily integrity either way, and anyone defending either one should hang on the day of the rope.
>part of the skin with most nerves
>not losing sensibility upon removal

some serious doubts im having here

Because I don't want no dick cheese.
Jesus Christ just do the little retard and the whore a favor and end yourself so the kid won't be as autistic having to listen to yourself have a raging shit fit over something so rediculously trivial
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In the studies that support circumcision, guys who get circumcised after becoming sexually active say it feels about the same.

Logically speaking, if circumcision reduced pleasure substantially, as female genital mutilation does, I think it would be treated similarly by the law. I can't believe the authorities would single out boys for this kind of abuse.
Vaccination isn't even on the scale of pain compared to MGM. You're comparing stubbing your toe on the coffee table with having your foot blown off by a landmine.

>Yes, circumcision is unique as a preemptive surgery.
So why is there an exception made for this in terms of ethics? Such a colossal exception must come with an equally colossal risk? Of course we know there's no colossal risk, having an issue with a foreskin is at worst an inconvenience that generally requires medical intervention on par with a sprained ankle or bad acne.

>But there are physicians who promote it elsewhere in the English-speaking world, including the UK and Australia.
And they're a distinct minority in those countries and essentially non-existent in countries like the Netherlands or Norway. You're appealing to the experts and then ignoring the majority of those experts and going with the minority opinion which is just you being a gold medal mental gymnast.
Except in terms of proportion of erogenous nerve endings it's comparable.
It's just another useless religious act. All religions are cancer of the mind.
>Caring so much about how much your dick feels during sex or fapping
Sort yourself out you hedonistic faggots.

Just get the little bastard circumcised. He won't have to deal with dick cheese, chicks are generally more used to circumcised penises and like them more anyway, and he will have more pleasure from stimulation of his penis head. Chances are he's not even your kid anyway because you're obviously a cucked piece of shit.
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The Actual truth. Not the fucking Cartoons.
White man is a fucking burden on earth.
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>ears and nipples that small
Kill yourself
Found the Jew.
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It completely fucking destroys your testosterone balance for life

you have every right to target and eliminate women who exploit the trauma symptoms that result from being mutilated


Not until I bleed you through the throat

Found the lover of dick cheese
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If you notice, the countries with the highest prevalence of circumcision practices also suffer from the highest rates of sex slavery kidnapping. Could we meme this into saying sex offenders prefer uncut?
Please consider regional differences before posting. Most of your points don't apply to Europeans, outside of the cuckoldry thing. We don't deal with dick cheese thanks to superior hygiene equipment such as showers, and 99% of people aren't circumcised, so you're more likely to be mocked for having a jewdick.
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No, I just have to live with suppressing the urge to murder the doctor who mutilated me, every fucking day of my life. I would cut him into little pieces, starting with his dick.

No you're more likely to be considered exotic for having a "jewdick"

The Jews are pretty horrible in everything else but they did figure out a way to make sex even more pleasurable. If you're uncircumcised you will never feel the pure ecstasy that results when a chick rolls her tongue around the tip of your dick.

Only a moron would consider the ability to receive more pleasure from blowjobs a mutilation.

Kys cuck faggot
>So why is there an exception made for this in terms of ethics?
I'm no medical expert, but I think it has to do with high benefit, low cost. It's relatively noninvasive because it's outside the body, unlike the appendix and tonsils, and females have "everything inside."

>they're a distinct minority in those countries
People in these countries talk about having had the exact problems that circumcision prevents, including phimosis. A guy in Sweden even complained about having had to get circumcised as an adult because it got so bad, many weeks of suffering after that. From the rest of the medical experts, I don't see any conclusion that a) it reduces pleasure in a noticeable way, and b) it doesn't reduce the chance of medical problems, not to mention hygiene issues, while the pro-circ physicians do have these conclusions.

Put another way, why would circumcision still be practiced in the US if this were true? We would notice uncut guys having amazing sex while we could barely get it up. This difference actually *is* seen with FGM victims for whom sex hurts. Instead the anti-circ studies seem to go, "fat middle-aged guys felt depressed about their circumcisions and had higher rates of "impotence" but that's reversing cause and effect.
God damn it. What the fuck you guys? I thought you were cool!
>severing a chunk of neurons gives you more pleasure
enjoy your kike brainwashing, fag
>If you're uncircumcised you will never feel the pure ecstasy that results when a chick rolls her tongue around the tip of your dick.
You're wrong, see gif. It feels just as good as it does for you with added stimulation from the foreskin.
It's the Anglo curse.
Apollo astronauts did because appendicitis in space is a very bad thing.
Your fucking pathetic. Pah thet ick! Sort yourself out instead of fixating on your genitals you scummy fuck.

It's a flap of skin retard, it's not like it's bristling with nerves. Cutting the skin allows more exposure to the nerve filled head though so it feels better being circumcised when you're getting good head or popping your dick into a chick.

The foreskin doesn't add stimulation like that you dipshit and no self respecting woman is going to want to stick her tongue in a flap of dick cheese corroded skin. You'd have better luck finding a chick who wants to tongue the underside of your fat rolls you ignorant polack.
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Spending this much time and energy focusing on what other men's penis' should be like and what your penis is like compared to their penis is homosexual in nature.

Stop thinking about penis' this much. It is utterly irrelevant relative to the fact that world IQ is dropping at an exponential rate and third-worlder's are breeding out our race in our own homelands.
>a medical establishment somewhere
Virtually every medical establishment outside the US, Israel, and Muslim countries already frowns upon the routine practice of circumcision. In Europe you can get in hot water for doing it without a medical necessity.
Every country that vaccinates has seen massive reduction in incidence of relevant infections, and there are few ways otherwise of preventing those infections. Circumcision is different; there usually isn't a clear pattern of countries that circumcise having fewer relevant infections or medical issues (a comparison between the USA, Africa, and Europe actually leads to the opposite conclusion), and there are numerous ways (most of them less invasive and less painful) of preventing the medical problems that are supposedly justification for routine circumcision.
>The foreskin doesn't add stimulation like that you dipshit
I'm touching it right now and it feels pretty damn good. Why don't you touch yours? Oh right, it's gone, never to return.
Literally sour grapes.

>self respect
top kek
If you had your dick chopped up because your parents listened to a bunch of Jews, would you want to admit that you're scarred for life and will forever have a Jew dick?
You really must have no idea of how painful circumcision is.
Fun fact: much of the time nobody bothers with proper anesthesia because "hurr they won't remember it." Imagine that for a second.
Hey retard, the skin can be pulled back.
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But that's not a woman, so it don't count.

> Polack
> Opinion that matters

Choose one.
>with high benefit
What benefit is that exactly?

>A guy in Sweden even complained about having had to get circumcised as an adult because it got so bad, many weeks of suffering after that.
So you're going to subject millions of infants to an incredibly painful procedure that robs them of the most sensitive part of their penis in order to prevent a condition that occurs in less than 1% of males and requires surgery in less than .1%?

>why would circumcision still be practiced in the US if this were true?
Because of people like you that invent these ridiculous rationalizations to avoid coming to the obvious conclusion that cutting off a part of an infant boy for nebulous reasons is wrong by every standard of western society. You argue the medical, the cultural, and the physiological minutiae of it while ignoring the obvious ethical and moral arguments because you have no response to arguments on body autonomy or freedom of choice.
>there are physicians outside the US who support it
They're few and far between, and some are outright quacks like Brian Morris. He isn't even a physician but acts like he's a fucking neurosurgeon. If you go to Norway, there isn't much controversy about it solely because it's presumed to be unnecessary and unethical in most cases. The controversy when you bring it up in Europe is pretty furious though, because people know what a foreskin is and what it does.
>Nerve endings removed
>More pleasure
You're a fucking retard.

Oh, I'm supposed to be OK with a part of my body being taken against my will? I wanted that part! Sort my self out how? I have a job and my own place, and am in peak physical condition. I fucking march into forest fires and put them out to save homes and communities. What the fuck do you do, besides regurgitating meme non-arguments you picked up on YouTube?
That's assuming that the law and the people who make laws don't have biases or flaws.

Most sensitive part of the penis is actually the head, which is covered by the foreskin, you ignorant fucking cuck.

Goddamn I'm ashamed to live in the same country as you.
>descent into outright shitposting
Feels good to win arguments on /pol/, come back when you have something meaningful to say.
>some people might develop phimosis (which is are and easily treated without circumcision)
>better cut off healthy functioning tissue just in case guise!
>why would it still happen
Because nobody likes to admit there's something different or unnecessarily modified about their genitalia.
How the fuck do you know? You don't have one! You'll never know, and neither will I, except you're just too weak to confront it and get mad like any real man would do.
>The retractable fold of skin encompassing the most nerve-dense tissue in the human male, which naturally covers and protects the head of the penis
Just anecdotal, the circumcision rate in the US has been declining and according to a relative in the medical field, the number of instances of medical issues preventable by circumcision have been increasing. This topic has become so controversial that the medical establishment is putting its hands in the hair and saying it's a "family choice" as pro-abortion people now say it's a "personal choice" again because of the controversy.

is tricky because it's so poor and disease ridden, but if
>there are numerous ways (most of them less invasive and less painful)
that accomplish everything that circumcision does then those ways are better, yes.

The point is to take the alternative-religion no-vac no-circ people out of the medical discussion.
Common misconception. The most sensitive part of the penis is the ridged band and the frenulum. They have the highest density of fine touch receptors in the form of specialized nerve endings found only on those structures.
Actually cutfags complain about it the most
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>be born
>Jews immediately fuck you up for life
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I lambasted my mother when I found out the truth about my foreskin. How could she do this to me? She was supposed to protect me. She was my mother!!
best rack i eva seent
the amount of uncut fags on here explains the extreme addiction to porn, now self-esteem, and premature ejaculation that is so common among NEETs. really makes you think.
What's the point of trying anymore? You're obviously too stupid or biased in favor of your dickcheese ridden cocks to listen to any logic or fact.

Literally the only benefit of having a foreskin would be for masturbatory purposes, because you could fap without having to lubricate your dick with something else to get pleasure. That's it. In any actual sexual situation with a woman who is either giving a blowjob or taking your dick, circumcised is going to feel better, because it allows full stimulation of the nerves within the head of the penis. Of all the chicks I've fucked and talked to about shit like this, circumcised dicks feel better to them. Uncircumcised has been compared to one of those little water filled finger toys that shit slides all over, and a lot of chicks are grossed the fuck out by a flappy piece of useless skin, dick cheese or not.

Healthwise uncircumcised men are also at higher risk of dick related health problems.

The only reason this is even an argument is because stupid fucks like yourself would rather hold onto your crusty dicks and jerk yourselves off than to acknowledge that even the Jews, like a stopped clock, can be right once in a while and so you fabricate bullshit about it "unbalancing testosterone" etc. Testosterone isn't produced in the fucking dick you ignorant mongoloids.
I'm sure it does hurt, but vaccinations and pushups hurt, too. Lots of circumcised people in the world, and they do not have mental problems distinctly different from uncircumcised people. Instead our mental problems come from bad habits, bad food, bad ideas, etc.
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die dick manglers xD
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If you actually have PTSD or flashbacks of pain from having a circumcision there's a 20/10 chance you're a pathetic piece of shit or your parents got you cut too late in your life, and your mom probably breastfed you until you were 9.
yes, everyone who isn't a NEET must be a kike
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mudslims and burgers are kike's slaves
uncut looks fucking disgusting. slimy schmegma filled dungeon. lmao women find cut dongs more attractive too. u mad?
What I hate most is that women think it's totally okay to mutilate a boy's genitalia at birth and it's not exactly the same as female circumcision. One I was with said she would have our sons cut, another fervently argues that male circumcision is totally okay and not barbaric like female circumcision and that I didn't lose most of my nerve endings from being cut so I shouldn't complain. Women should have no say in anything, ever.
I'm glad I was born in Canada where there is no obligation to this stupid Jewish tradition.

>tfw had a proper Catholic upbringing
Well on my end it's turned into a part of my culture. The first child born in these American lands of my family circumcised himself when he met the Pacific. So why stop?
>being this cucked

That fact that this is even a topic in your marriage showed that you fucked up.
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Interesting ... the density of nerve endings is quite different from the mapping on brain.

Pic related is the "sensory homunculus", each part of the body's size proportional to how much area it takes up on the brain.

It feels better for women when the head of a cut dick slips in vs. the disgusting flap of skin sliding in and out as on an uncut dick..

Face it.

We are the better qualified mates.
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Quick rundown on circumcision:
>practiced by jews and muslims (do I need to say more?)
>cuts an essential part of the penis, prevents the penis from working properly
>pushed in the US to hinder masturbation when it's not the source of the problem
>pushed by jews because (((traditions)))
>pushed by hospital to add an operation during the birth of someone, adding extra costs
>pushed by hospitals because they sell the foreskins to the cosmetic industry, so they can make anti-aging creams
>the operation can go wrong, scarring a man for life
>makes sex less comfortable for the man and the woman
>women orgasm way less frequently when the man is cut (if you wonder why oral is so widespread in the US, here is the reason)
>traumatize the baby and alter his pain mechanisms for life if the operation is done on a newborn
Wrong. One of the women said while she hates the look of uncut it feels much better.

Fuck my parents and their (((doctor)))
There is no logic or fact involved in your posts - you are completely wrong in almost every point you make and simply ignore any post calling you out on it.

Having a foreskin does in fact make your sexual life better - the gliding action it introduces makes penetration less painful for women.

Foreskins can be pulled back and the entire head can be fully stimulated, with the added pleasure gained from the foreskin - a point you can't handwave away for the simple reason that you don't have one.

>Healthwise uncircumcised men are also at higher risk of dick related health problems.
People who aren't eunuchs have higher chance of testicle cancer - more news at 11.

The unbalanced testosterone thing is most likely bullshit, I'll give you that.
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So that's what you tell youself, eh?
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>What benefit is that exactly?
Reduces the chances of medical problems, including phimosis, and reduces hygiene issues. Remember that this reduces one's dependence on medical care and technology like showers.

I'm just arguing little/no damage, high benefit, so it's in the same category as vaccinations, haircuts, and other alterations that children don't consent to.

The most damaging thing to a cause is false representation, the anti-circ people use Kellogg as an example because the guy wanted to put acid on children's genitals or whatever (he was a religious kook) but American physicians who research this stuff for a living are not represented by them. Again, it's the controversy that has made the medical establishment so reticent in recent years, just like the pro-abortion people.
kill them
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>dick cheese
Of course it does. It literally makes the penis fatter
I don't see your point.
It's the shit you find in unkempt weiners.
>preventable by circumcision
Another assumption. A lot of those issues, like STDs and penile cancer, have other factors that are much more important than circumcision.
Interestingly, Western Europe has much, much lower rates of penile cancer and STDs despite circumcision being very rare in most countries there.
>anyone who is anti-circumcision is a hippie alternative medicine quack
Nice meme. I guess the vast majority of males on Earth, as well as most doctors outside the US, Israel, and Middle East are alternative medicine hippies.
It doesn't just "hurt." Imagine, for a second, a metal probe being pushed under your toenail and your toenail being pried off. Imagine that sensation now on your penis while you're held down and not given adequate pain relief. This separates the glans from the foreskin. This is just the beginning. Then imagine a large metal clamp gripping the penis and cutting off circulation. Then imagine a blade cutting into the sensitive flesh and moving all the way around, and finally the nerve-laden flesh (which accounts for about half of the penis skin) being cut off, leaving a large open wound.
Man your pic would freak me the fuck out if a girl did it to me

I'm circumcised and if i ever have a son he will be too. There is no need to be walking around with this nasty ass smelling and unhygienic foreskin. Btw, the ladies also prefer circumcised dick. And they're damn right. Who the fuck wants to suck a dick with filthy liquids between the skin while you can suck a clean circumcised one?
that shit feels so fucking good
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don't have anything like that down there

There's plenty of logic and fact. Your inability or unwillingness to accept facts don't make them less factual, just makes you more obtuse.

The gliding action? Top kek. As it's been described to me by degenerate women who have actually fucked an uncut dick, it feels like a slimy flap of skin is sliding around in their vagina and makes them feel even more uncomfortable. Maybe polack women are simply more degenerate and like disgusting things like skin flaps inside of them though.

Did you even read that post as you made it? If you're pulling the foreskin back, you're not getting pleasure from the foreskin you idiot, you're getting pleasure from the head. The only thing a foreskin does is add an extra barrier to the most pleasure sensitive part of the penis.

phimosis much?

It really is no wonder Hitler wanted to put so many Poles in ovens.
The reduced chances of phimosis is outweighed by the risk from complications during the surgery.

Reduced chances of cancer is ridiculous. Remove one testicle to have a reduced chance of testicular cancer while you're at it
Are you fucking kidding me, why is that even a question. I have an Arabic/French/black wife and I told her already no circumcision, no discussion. Stop giving her a say in matters that are important to you if she can't or won't understand them.
>mehmet can not into bath
of cource!

Go without showering for a couple days like a typical frenchfag and check again. You'll find a disgusting crusty pus like substance just hanging around within your dick skin.
>Reduces the chances of medical problems, including phimosis, and reduces hygiene issues.
None of these are even close to "high benefits." Even if we assume the foreskin was just a flap of skin with no function or benefit the risks involved with the procedure would make it impossible to justify.

>Remember that this reduces one's dependence on medical care and technology like showers.
The fact you're making this argument in a first world country is so absurd I'm honestly amazed.

Haircuts? You're going to put something that kills around 140 children a year from complications and leaves thousands permanently impotent in the same category as a haircut? You're either incredibly stupid or a complete sociopath.

I'd point out that you still haven't addressed the ethical arguments but at this point I'm pretty sure you're mentally incapable of doing so.
Well, you get smegma with an uncircumcised penis. That shit's like, pus level disgusting.
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HOOOBLE WOOOBLE *pig noises* WHEEE WHEE *oink oink* WHEEEEE MERICA WHEEEEEE WHEEEE *more unintelligible pig sounds* WHEEEEE
source please.Perfect tits
>be american male newborn
>have to give a tip already
>I'm no medical expert, but I think it has to do with high benefit, low cost.
It's no benefit, all risk.

>It's relatively noninvasive because it's outside the body, unlike the appendix and tonsils, and females have "everything inside."
It's extremely invasive and painful. The foreskin is fused to the glans in infancy. They stick a probe in between two internal structures and permanently expose them.

>People in these countries talk about having had the exact problems that circumcision prevents, including phimosis.
Phimosis requiring circumcision is extremely rare. You will likely kill several infants in the process of preventing one case of severe phimosis.

>A guy in Sweden even complained about having had to get circumcised as an adult because it got so bad, many weeks of suffering after that.
You are going to subject millions of infants to surgery because of the problems one guy has problems with his penis?

>From the rest of the medical experts, I don't see any conclusion that a) it reduces pleasure in a noticeable way,
Based on what studies. The strongest evidence we have for the sensitivity of the clitoris is not from doctors or scientists; it's from the millions of anecdotal accounts of uncircumcised women. It is the same case for the foreskin.

> and b) it doesn't reduce the chance of medical problems, not to mention hygiene issues, while the pro-circ physicians do have these conclusions.
The medical problems are from circumcision. The risks of infection or bleeding causing death and very real.

>Put another way, why would circumcision still be practiced in the US if this were true?
Yes. It's based on religious zeal and profit motive. It's a billion dollar industry they are trying to expand into Africa. Now that the fraud has become too big to fail, expect them to double-down.
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>mehmet can not into bath
>of cource ????
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>Go without showering for a couple days
this is the most retarded post you could make, kill yourself ameripig
The US medical establishment actually hasn't explicitly condoned the practice since the 1970s IIRC. We're still different from the international norm in that we don't consider it unnecessary without a present condition.

I shower twice a day you faggot, fuck the world and fuck a water crisis.

Frenchies though, goddamn they are some stank riddled snail eaters.
The most sensitive parts are the frenulum (frenular-delta) and ridged-bands.
Yes, although I think by now the cat would have gotten out of the bag, and it would have been banned in most of the EU or something. Instead a few countries have restricted it, considered banning it, etc. but it's driven by women's feeelings as is usual over there.

My penis functions fine while being circumcised so I'm not worried about it, even if the medical establishment changed it's position I would just stop supporting the practice.

Some of the most hardcore supporters have been Christian kooks like Kellogg unfortunately, which the anti-circ people use against us.

I'm just describing the people I've encountered here. Remember the current state of European culture though.

I never made the cancer argument, of course you could reduce the chance of breast cancer with mastectomies, however that's a straw man.
belgium+cut = smelly mudslim shitskin
get it?
good for you, but point you made is retarded and you should make use of that 2nd amendment against your head
Are you seriously trolling?
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>100+ deaths
Learn to read bruh. That study was wildly inaccurate and only people who are pushing an agenda cite it.


Because they know that it is irreversible. If they atleast keep the practice popular then women won't find it gross or a turn off

T. cutfag
>my ears get wax, better cut off my ears
>my eyes get crusty, better cut out my eyes
>my nose gets mucus, better cut off my nose
Imagine defending being mutilated against your will? That's basically stockholm syndrome.

one of the reasons yanks and mudslimes are so stupid and warlike is the repressed anger and pain at having their dick attacked with a knife as a baby
There's still a risk of infection and a host of potentially very, very nasty issues. I'd prefer to think that most parents wouldn't take that risk with their own kids' sex organs, but I guess I'm wrong.
You child is a person, not property. You have no right cutting off parts of someone elses body. That's their choice to make.

Child abuse is still child abuse regardless if it's your kid or not.
You'll "fight me" if I try to stop you from abusing children? Get help.
I'm uncut, I'm getting my kids circumcised, that's the tradition in Canada and the rest of the Anglo world for a 100 years my retard immigrant parents refused to assimilate so they didn't do it to me. Now I have to get it done myself
Get him circumcised retard, your grandpa probably was
Per Wiki:

The highest quality evidence indicates that circumcision does not decrease the sensitivity of the penis, harm sexual function or reduce sexual satisfaction.[20][71][72] A 2013 systematic review found that circumcision did not appear to adversely affect sexual desire, pain with intercourse, premature ejaculation, time until ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or difficulties with orgasm. However, the study found that the existing evidence is not very good.[73] Another 2013 systematic review found that the highest-quality studies reported no adverse effects of circumcision on sexual function, sensitivity, sensation or satisfaction.[21]

Circumcision is associated with a reduced prevalence of oncogenic types of HPV infection, meaning that a randomly selected circumcised man is less likely to be found infected with cancer-causing types of HPV than an uncircumcised man.[45][46] It also decreases the likelihood of multiple infections.[17] No strong evidence indicates that it reduces the rate of new HPV infection,[16][17][47] but the procedure is associated with increased clearance of the virus by the body,[16][17] which can account for the finding of reduced prevalence.

Studies evaluating the effect of circumcision on the incidence of other sexually transmitted infections have reached conflicting conclusions. A 2006 meta-analysis found that circumcision was associated with lower rates of syphilis, chancroid and possibly genital herpes.[48] A 2010 review found that circumcision reduced the incidence of HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus, type 2) infections by 28%.[49] The researchers found mixed results for protection against trichomonas vaginalis and chlamydia trachomatis and no evidence of protection against gonorrhea or syphilis.[49] Among men who have sex with men, reviews have found poor evidence for protection against sexually transmitted infections other than HIV,[13][43] with the possible exception of syphilis.[43]

Not bait, I'm 100% serious
I'm not a retarded faggot European communist who will refuse to assimilate to Anglo culture
Anglo Canada was 90% circumcised in the 50's now its only about 60%
>I shower twice a day
This isn't good for your health, you know?
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Good post lad
>15 minute ban for posting porn
ree, doing it for free etc.

Contrary to what you may believe, your lack of knowledge on the matter doesn't make your posts more factual.

The women you've been talking to deeply pity you and are simply hiding the superiority of gliding action from your circumcised ass, because you would've killed yourself if you knew that you'll never be able to truly please a woman.

Please stop running your mouth on thing you don't understand. A fully retracted foreskin introduces a band just below the glans, which not only makes the penis appear thicker, but also stimulates both the male and the vagina he's having intercourse with. Once again, you would know this if you weren't mutilated at birth.

>phimosis much?
Easily treated if you're not scared to visit a doctor. No cutting required.

>he never put a lubed up finger under his foreskin
You're missing out on 50% of satisfaction from life, my man.
It doesn't reduce sensitivity, I keep my foreskin permenantly retracted and it feels just as good my tip, the only difference it's not wet and soggy and nasty. It's "less sensitive" in the sense that I can touch the tip and rub it when I jerk off which feels 100 times better than just rubbing your skin
I'm a muslim, so what? I prefer being a an Alpha shitskin over a beta pigskin with filthy uncircumcised dick. All the white bitches that sucked my dick explicitly told me that they preferred circumcised dick over uncircumcised pigskin dick so that works for me just fine lol...
How easy is it to get benefits there? Do you have to paint your face brown with shoe polish beforehand? asking for a friend
>using facts and not feelings in a circ thread
The exact number is largely irrelevant, the point was the absurdity of his comparison.

>and only people who are pushing an agenda cite it
I am pushing an agenda so I'll probably keep using it if I know no one is going to fact check me. I'm more concerned with ending the barbaric practice of MGM than I am of academic integrity.
I did a survey of 40 women, not a single one said they like uncut better, all the Europeans said they either like cut or like both
>I'm more concerned with ending the barbaric practice of MGM than I am of academic integrity.
That's not a good attitude to have. There's enough information available to support your point without blatantly making shit up.
You are a piece of shit for wanting to put your sons through what you didn't have to endure, but even more so you are a fucking idiot for wanting to Jew your own dick. I would literally kill to get my foreskin back, and here you are about to pay good money to have it sliced off like a dumb goy. You and your slumlord parents should just go back to China.
>I'll gladly lie and misrepresent the facts to push my agenda

wew lad

Just shut the fuck up Polack, and try reading up on research instead of blowing shit out of your ass. Better yet, go try to fit into an oven.

The women I've been talking to have no reason to pity me you ignorant letch, and some of those I was talking to purely as a matter of conversation didn't even know I was circumcised at the time of saying what they said. Your argument just got BTFO on two different levels.

Even cuckapedia clearly states that no research exists to suggest that circumcision lowers sexual function or negatively affects pleasure. It does however reduce the chance of a FUCKING SHITTON of possible/probable health complications.

Now go cry in your oven like a good like polcuck because your parents didn't love you enough to make your health and sexual enjoyment a priority.
I'm Hungarian, you're a filthy kike circumcision is part of our culture you dumb Yid trying to get the Anglos to give up their culture. Fuck off, I will assimilate Canada circumcises so I will too
Holy fucking false equivalence. You should try looking at the fallacy picture sticked on the front of /pol/

Would you give chemo to a healthy child? No? So how is it hypocritical to give chemo to a child with cancer?
>The highest quality evidence indicates that circumcision does not decrease the sensitivity of the penis, harm sexual function or reduce sexual satisfaction
lmao you what

you expect me to believe chopping off nerve dense skin and leaving behind dead scar tissue does nothing to reduce sensitivity

are you bullshitting me right now
>Asks about benefits in my country
Polish people are just as well known for living off of benefits in my country just like muslims are. i'm not surprised your asking though. My guess is that you move over here with your entire family and live off of benefits or work illegally in construction for half of the legal minimum wage to pay for your wodka addiction.
>chicks are generally more used to circumcised penises
maybe in the (((USA))) but not here.
Btw for all of you ignorant dickcheese infested uncutfags, you can stop bitching about "jewdick". Circumcision existed as a practice before Jews were even fucking around, as in 15,000 BCE.

I wish I was circumcised. But I don't want to tell my wife. I will just convince her to circumcise our baby boy due in July.
Good goy :)
>You're missing out on 50% of satisfaction from life, my man.
I'm gonna try this tonight, thanks polanon
The field is so polluted with "facts" from people like Circumcision Fetishist in Chief Brian Morris that arguing with them gets you nowhere when people can dredge up a study that "proves" you wrong.

I'd prefer just to argue the ethics of it but that goes over so many people's heads that it's a fool errand. At the end of the day you gotta do what you've gotta do.
Every single British girl I've asked said they either like cut better or like both
you mean when bathing wasnt a thing and women had gashes just as nasty

you realize kellogg wanted women to be circumcised too but for some reason wasnt allowed

That's not my words you ignorant cunt, that's per research quoted on Wiki. As in, people that know more about dicks than you or I conclude what I've been saying the whole time, that cutting off a dick cheese infested nerve dense flap of skin doesn't actually reduce sexual function or ability.
Haha, you've been found out! Now go back to whatever desert shithole you slithered out of and leave the poor Belgians alone.
Circumcision isn't even Jewish, in the bible God commanded Abraham do it, Abraham isn't Jewish he's a Christian. When it says Jew in the bible it means Christian not "Jew"
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>tfw have neither a foreskin nor a head
I'm not sure whether I'm a mutant or some doctor was supposed to circumcise me and cut too much off, and I'm too nervous of asking my parents. Feels bad though. It works fine, but I don't think anyone would want a penis like mine in them.
Literally every chick that sucked my dick (not to brag or anything, but it's quite a lot of chicks) told me explicitly told me that they normally don't like sucking dick but actually liked sucking my dick because it was circumcised. If i had to believe some random survey from a random 4chan guy, or the ones that actually put my dick in their mouth, i'll go for the latter.

Try to biblefag when you actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

Abraham could not be Christian, you idiot. "Christian" is a word signaling people who followed Jesus' teachings in the New Testament. Old Testament is what the Jews follow, New Testament is what Christians follow. And in the book of Acts it clearly states Christianity don't give a fuck if you're cut or uncut.
Nah i'll stay here. You can always come and try kick me out of the country.
What's funny us that only English Wikipedia says that. French Wikipedia is nowhere near as enthusiastic; IIRC they mention potential risk reductions but accompany it with some moderating or cautionary notes.
By the way, I've done some research on the author of that study. He's published literal hundreds of """studies""" on the topic, many of which seem to use outdated, out-of-context, or outright fabricated """evidence,""" often citing himself or literal Victorian-era garbage. He runs a website with supposed """accounts""" from circumcised men (all of which mysteriously write the same glowing praise in the exact same voice) and page after page of weasel words and numbers regurgitated to avoid actual discussion of logic or morals.
I suffer from Phimosis, a common issue that can be extremely dangerous for people who haven't been cut. Luckily there are treatment options that don't require surgery, but people need to be educated that having a foreskin can have it's fair share of problems. I don't think society in general care much for mens sexual education as much as they do for women.



My survey says not a single girl preferred uncircumcised retarded Wallonigger, learn to read
>t.burger stationed at NATO HQ
Those people are pushing pro-circ propaganda because they either profit off it or are disgusting fetishists
See Brian Morris
i dont believe shit half of researches say anymore

they backtrack so fucking often and get massive amounts of grant money to research and say certain things you cant trust them as far as you can throw them

foreskin harvesting is a massive fucking racket that feeds a multibillion dollar industry
wait fucking what?
>the ethical arguments
I say it's ethical because it benefits health, according to the current understanding of the American medical establishment. Have a little faith, they invented the polio vaccine.

>making this argument in a first world country
Unfortunately things can go to shit very quickly, for example during the world wars.

>kills around 140 children a year from complications and leaves thousands permanently impotent
Medical procedures always have risks, considering how many circumcisions are performed each year, that figure is very low. You can get sick from vaccinations too.

>what studies
In these studies men who have been circumcised as adults say there's no substantial decrease in pleasure, just googul around for "circumcision effect on pleasure" there was a big study in Africa. Which leads to...

>It's a billion dollar industry they are trying to expand into Africa. Now that the fraud has become too big to fail, expect them to double-down.
Africa has a big HIV problem and the guys don't want to wear condoms so circumcision is hoped to reduced transmission. Otherwise you could say all charities are scams (some of them actually are).

They're uneasy because of women's feeelings. It's the same thing with "traditional Chinese medicine" in that these kooks believe in poking parts of the body, and the American medical professionals who have studied this stuff for years have to accommodate Chinese patients and recommend actions that do not contradict their witch doctors, all out of respect for their "cultures."
That's a Catholic Pagan lie to try and control the pagans in Rome, Jesus was circumcised he did not oppose circumcision, circumcision isn't mandatory to be saved in the sense that you can't be saved by works, if you believe your circumcision will save you than you obligated to keep the whole law which means not breaking a single or the 613 commandments God gave us. BUT we have to have faith in Christ who said not one jot of the law will be abolished, if we have faith in him and we have faith in God we will trust what they say and circumcise our son on the 8th day as we were asked to do
Translation: Herpa derpa FACTZ R FOR LOZERS herpa derpa dickcheese
Numbers without explanation or reason backed by empirical and logical evidence aren't facts.
excellent post senpai
you almost sounded better than a subhuman
lmfao, my bad
I'm convinced circumcision causes psychological harm. Your reaction is not unique.
Jew doctors are ritually harvesting white foreskins

Are you fucking autistic?

Acts 15 concerns Paul, Peter and Barnabas taking part in a Jew council. The Jews all told them that in order to be considered saved, they would have to have cut dicks. Peter, who was Jesus' personal MVP and choice to lead the church after the crucifixion, told them to GTFO and that cutting your dick isn't going to get you into heaven on its own merit and that gentiles (uncutfags) were still salvageable even with their crusty dick cheese.

Of course the bible doesn't say shit about what women prefer and overwhelmingly women prefer cut dicks.
Oh god it's this religious nutjob again.
If you want to assimilate, you should start with learning proper punctuation. Your sentences read like a careless fart that turned into shitting the pants!
And don't cut your dick off just to fit in, you swarthy Hun retard!
The eternal leaf strikes again

The only people who have "psychological problems" from circumcision are people who are too obsessed with their own dicks for their own good. The same type of useless cucks who will go through midlife crises and buy a dick shaped car just to compensate for their inevitable ED.

If your doctor isn't a backalley quack piece of shit, you don't even feel it happen because they use anesthesia, and localized anesthetics in the case of infants.

The only psychological harm it causes is, again, in people who are too obsessed with their own dicks or the dicks of others.
You're just repeating what I said
I never left I'm here everyday
>"""studies""" consisting of numbers with no explanation or argument other than more numbers
This is like the SpongeBob wallet gif
i dont think several month old baby boys are obsessed with their dicks bro
It's a fact
Circumcision is recommended by GOD everyone here who restores HATES GOD and thinks he made a mistake asking us to circumcise, anyone here who won't circumcise his son is telling God to fuck off!
This is liberal insanity
Sweden Yes!
circumcision hasnt been required by God himself since the old testament
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Poo in loo is not a meme though. Indians will be shitting in the streets for millenia to come

surgeries and trauma in childhood cause permanent brain damage
The only people who practice circ apart from insane rite of passage bullshit and jews/muslims are Americans.

It all started when the loony Kellogg promoted it as a way to stop masturbation. Then the doctors kept promoting it because it makes them shit tonnes of money. There's the reason most of the world doesn't do it, because its not fucking necessary.
>I say it's ethical because it benefits health
That's not how ethics work. You're violating the body autonomy of another human being and an infant at that. To ethically justify something like that you need to have extremely compelling reasons such as saving their life. "It's a little bit cleaner" is not a compelling reason the same way having your child's back tattooed with an image of the Grim Reaper holding an M60 to "make them way cooler" is not a compelling reason.

>Unfortunately things can go to shit very quickly, for example during the world wars.
Now I'm sure. You're an absolute moron. "Cut your foreskins off so in the event of a world war your penis won't be smelly." That's literally your argument and it's the argument of an idiot.
Rare and easily treated without cutting off healthy tissue. Also it's not dangerous unless it's severe or turns into paraphimosis, which is even rarer.

If you're too lazy/stupid to read research results, what the actual fuck are you doing in a thread trying to act like you have a factual basis for your argument?


Obviously you've never read the works of Sigmund Freud.
If you think the law is abolished you think either Jesus lied, or heaven and earth have passed.
I think heaven still exists, I think earth still exists and I don't believe Jesus is a liar. Either way you're blaspheming saying this and are a dumbo left wing nut job. Go back to Red it
sigmund is a hack

not surprised you lean on his word
Sounds like a botched circumcision that caused and infection and the removal of the glans, you're lucky to still have the rest of it. I remember a story about a fella that lost his pecker to a botched circumcision, so they gave him a sex change operation and raised him like a girl to see what would happen. Long story short, he killed himself.
the old testament became out of date the second jesus died on the cross

the new testament is the word now
like I said, you're a blasphemer who thinks Jesus is a liar. You should be whipped for this
>this is still acceptable to be done to baby boys
there is no justice in this world
smegma - basically a harmless mix of fats and oils that builds up under your foreskin if you don't shower for a week

can be completely eliminated by showering, or in the most extreme cases, eating less dairy

i would've loved to have been born in europe

Freud is not a hack you ridiculous nit. He was a pioneer of psychology and helped make it known that people had a mental state other than consciousness that affects their daily lives, decisions etc.

Have you ever even been around a small child? Little bastards play with their junk all the time.
8/10 bait
you really got me for a few posts
>The only people who have "psychological problems" from circumcision are people who are too obsessed with their own dicks for their own good. The same type of useless cucks who will go through midlife crises and buy a dick shaped car just to compensate for their inevitable ED.
The obsession lies with the circumcisers that relentlessly promote this quackery.

>If your doctor isn't a backalley quack piece of shit,
He is not your friend either. His goal is to sell you goods and services at a profit, while simultaneously avoid getting sued.

>you don't even feel it happen because they use anesthesia, and localized anesthetics in the case of infants.
Anesthetic was not introduced until the 1990's. Most are still not fully anesthetized.

>The only psychological harm it causes is, again, in people who are too obsessed with their own dicks or the dicks of others.
The harm comes from the infant being tortured into shock. Infants acutely feel and remember pain.
in that case you should be perfectly okay with female circumcision
>Come and try to kick me out of the country
Oh believe me, as soon as it's sanctioned, I will. That day is coming soon too, thanks to your brothers in Islam demonstrating what the religion of peace is really like.
Complete and utter false equivalence falicy.
Vaccination != Circumcision
chink converts are the fucking worst

hint: we convert you to control you
I'm not baiting, you're a blasphemer you think Jesus is a liar.
I'm Hungarian, my family has been Christian for thousands of years before your country was even discovered
7/10 now
youre pushing it

All muslims will be covered in piss and petrol and dragged into the streets
Female circumcision actually affects the female's ability to feel sexual pleasure. It'd be like cutting a boys balls off and making him a eunuch.
>not a chink
ok, kid
The study provides numbers without trying to refute the studies that contradict its conclusion.
By the way, Freud wasn't a fan of circumcision.
>they're uneasy because of women
Oh yeah in the same country where religious freedom is considered an excuse to suck blood out of an infant's penis, and in the same world where literally every challenge to circumcision (male and female) is met with screams of cultural insensitivity. Totally.
lmao im done with you
you false equivalency fuck
According to the WHO there are several types of FGM, some of which don't even remove tissue. All of those are illegal.
You're conflating reduction of medical risk and improved hygiene with trying to "look cool" and unfortunately some American women like circumcision just because of that (stupid bitches), more ammo for the anti-circ people.

What about vaccinations, you can probably get away with it if the child is in the middle of herd immunity the entire time.

>"Cut your foreskins off so in the event of a world war your penis won't be smelly."
Just from what I've heard from a physician, it was more like phimosis in the trenches that prompted circumcision after the war.
Did you read the bible? The law is not abolished that's what Jesus himself said, you don't believe this for some reason, I don't know maybe your catholic pedophile pagan priest told you this, maybe you hate Talmudists and fell for their lies and believe the Old Testament is "jewish" (it's not)
So tell me why do you think the law was abolished,
> random beta 4chan user tells me he will come and kick me out of the country

ahahahahahahahaha please just stop. Everyone on this board knows this is just all talk. There is no way that you possibly can kick me out of the country.
>Majority of people in here are (in your words "cucked) liberals, so they are not gonna do it.
>I literally only hold Belgian citizenship so it's impossible in anyway to revoke it from me. If you do i will have no citizenship of any country which means i officially don't exist. It's also impossible to send me back because i was born here lmfao.

Seems like the only way to remove me from this society is to kill me, which most likely will not happen lol.
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