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Brit/pol/ - #USEPENS

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 384
Thread images: 115

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>Bodger of Bodger and Badger dies 67:

>Diane Abbott conveniently diagnosed with "crippling incompetentitis" and temporarily stands down as Shadow Home Secretary

>Woman stabbed by 3 women shouting Allah, schools put on lockdown <---- Just to be clear this has happened today, the 7th of June, this is not to be confused with any of the other recent terrorist attacks

>Special Branch monitored Jeremy Corbyn for 20 years amid fears he was 'undermining democracy'

>Researchers say even moderate drinking of alcohol can damage the brain

>Two England fans banned for Nazi gestures

>May says Trump 'wrong' to criticise Khan

>UKIP activist and dad Sam (((Gould))) loses battle with cancer

>Third London attacker named as Italian man Youssef Zaghba, alongside Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane

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Is anybody else like REALLY FUCKING EXCITED for the vote count?

I'm actually shivering a bit and i have butterflies in my stomach...
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>Told girlfriend I was voting Labour
>Friends too
>Even went to a dumb rally with her
>Put my cross next to Conservative

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Big Soup.
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Ahahahhahahahha, just went to vote n there was 15 pakis who couldn't vote due to not being on the electoral register. LOL GET FUKD LABOUR VOTING PAKI SCUM!
sticky when?
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Soon lads. Soon.
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It's better than sex

(I assume)
Reminder that the Tory response to terrorism is to fuck up the human rights and civil liberties of British citizens.

Hope you're all looking forward to getting arrested for shitposting, lads.
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what did i do wrong?
Just did a VERY cheeky vote for are tories. Can't wait to drink communist tears later tonight.
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Post Bodger and Badger
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UKIP have served their purpose. It is time for them to slowly walk off stage and take their place in history.

Unless Nigel returns.
>91% of 18-24 say they're registered
this is how I imagine most young people are kek
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nth for God, Queen and Country.
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I kind of want to put 500 quid on the Tories getting the most seats for a free 50 quid desu
Based Shomrim protecting God's chosen sandniggers

Placed £50 on a fairly safe bet?
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i imagine it is...
Who else /spoiled_ballot/ here?
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What were Conservatives and Labour polling right before this all got started. I'm aware theres no exit polls as of yet.
I put a bet on Conversatives get 1-24 seat majority. bit nervous now
I'm in a conservative stronghold. I do like the UKIP manifesto though. Even my friend who said "I'll never vote for them" said he would vote for that after I told him the manifesto but didn't say it was ukip.

I'm torn. Can't give labour any chances but would love a ukip mp
Just had some mystery meat faggot from the Labour party ring my doorbell to ask if I'd voted and who for.

Told him it was a secret ballot and shut door in his indeterminate ethnicity face.
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nth for The Sun is mean and the Tories are mean
It's definitely better than mediocre sex lad, and most sex is mediocre sex

t. half-normie
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First for Labour-Lib-Dem coalition
literally could not care less, not even staying up
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You'll love this.
They were empty when I went earlier. Near newcastle.

>1-24 seat majority

they'll get way more than that. Likely 50+
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how the fuck do i calm down
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Hope the Aussies hacked the shit out of them
>not liking The Sun
England's paper desu
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Labour are on course for a landslide victory.
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And last
Go to polling station, a little old lady sitting on a plastic chair with a piece of paper in her hand says "can i ave your number", i thought 'fuck me, I've pulled here.
What's all this about?

Are they just paranoid?
It's better than about two thirds of all sex i've ever had. But i've had some good sex
But they hate women and coloured people REEEEE
lol what a loser
has to hide himself

If I go to bed now, when should I wake up? (been up since 4am)
explains why the odds were 9-1, but I couldn't resist a chance with how badly the election has been for Tories last few weeks
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>people genuinely think there are officials using erasers to change votes
>implying if they were going to all this trouble, they wouldn't just put votes in the bin because it's simpler, quicker and easier to conceal

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Who else excited for the MILKMAN SURGE????
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Are we really FUCKED if Corbyn and his Cabinet of twats get a majority?
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I got a kikebook message from a labour bot earlier.
have a mental age in double figures
Just voted conservative lads
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I think you might be confused about the meaning of "love".
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Post your /comfy election snacks/ for tonight

>chocolate digestives
>hot chocolate
Absolutely dead in Lincoln i was the only person there.
About 9 so you can countdown to polls closing and have time to get comfy
lazy students lying to cover up their incompetence hold the front page
"And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain...."
>didn't watch the video
>didn't get the joke
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Anyone else hear about the Saudis refusing to join in a minute's silence for the victims of the attacks in London earlier?

They were playing Australia in Australia and two Aussies died in the attack.

The Saudi fans that were there didn't observe the silence either.

And reddit cuckolds defend them:

Isn't that illegal?
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Post your reaction when the Tories take Sunderland by <100 votes
I know people who went to his Gateshead rally and I feel sorry for you for having to endure that company.
the labour party telling people to vote labour?
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Eat some smarties

(as part of my election night tradition, a parcel arrived an hour ago full of imported Jap sweets, drinks and weeby shit like melonpan and chocolate cornets... I'm going to be bouncing off the fucking walls come 2am)
Just got off the phone with my cousin in Lancashire. They are all voting Corbyn.
>fresh pack of earl grey
>splurged on some fancy organic milk
>choco leibniz

and now that I'm finally free of final university exams I can stay up all night and shitpost on /pol/
Just spoiled my ballot lads. Wasn't expecting it to be so small though, hope my little ditty is readable.
How am i supposed to vote for UKIP when they don't even put anyone up in my area?
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>pot noodle of the beef and tomato variety
Voting Labour? It should be.
>I did it my way (by giving Labour its worst defeat in half a century)
Voted for UKIP.
These people are fucking idiots and it serves them right

>hurr this secure legal process asks that I enter my address
>durr surely the street name will be enough

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New voters are cancer
It was legal when the tories did the same thing in 2015 on twitter and facebook.

>tfw can't drink because I have driving test tomorrow

Too early, wanna be up for when the majority of seats start calling, when do you think that'll be?
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I had the same problem although i definitely filled everything in correctly i was fine for both the last election and the brexit referendum. Called the council and they said they had no record of me at all.
Spoil your ballot or go for a more right wing party.
Campaigning on election day.
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I've seen some serious autists in my time but this guy actually pulls it off
Just got back from voting UKIP lads, it's a 100% tory hold seat anyway. Feels good to not have voted to take away my freedom
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Want to know the result of the election? Don't bother watching Dimbleby, just ask your installed CIA spying device.
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Comey shit is on right now, lads. It'll give you something to watch to pass the time.

Taking my doggo down to the polling station with me

For good luck and good sleeps to all conservative voters
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>party targets the 48%
>goes backwards in the polls

Never change libdems, never change.
Fucking cuck
just a hashtag lad
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Several boxes of Pocky.
A 24 case of Red Bull.

Reminder that both main parties love uncontrolled migration.
The Tories want to fuck us over with immigration for business interests
Labour want to fuck everyone over because of "muh immigrants"
Reminder that both main parties will give us a shit deal with europe.
Reminder that both main parties will ensure that immigration stays at least in the high 200k range for years to come.
Reminder that both main parties are dedicated to Orwellian levels of spying on this countries citizens.
Reminder that both main parties will keep us part of the European Arrest Warrant, meaning out citizens can be dragged before foreign courts.
Reminder that both of the main party leaders campaigned to keep us in the EU.
Reminder that both main parties support abortion.

Reminder that the status quo wont change if you keep fucking voting for it.
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Tea, Cider, Stouts and a bunch of classic biccies
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Nig bogs who collect the vote tried to just take my postal vote "and deal with it", fortunately I refused and thankfully In found the only Englishman who pointed me in the right direction. A colonizer still took my vote in the end at the desk, who knows if its counted.

Something no liberal has thought of is what happens when the army, courts, voting booths and police are all a hostile foreign group.
Good way of scaring all the pakis away from voting

Nice one
>having any sort of electrical equipment with a microphone
pics of doggo pls
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Onion rings, crisps, sandwiches, energy drinks, coke.
>turnout reported very low in the north east
>seat with strong UKIP showing last time
>tories have seen big poll gains in the north
It's astronomically unlikely but it'd send a hell of a message to commie cunts on social media
Reminder that your reply is riddled with autism.
Jesus Christ... Get a grip, man.
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The absolute madman.
Sausage rolls
Pot Noodle
Hope your ready to keep on top of the threads lad
Feasters rib sandwiches
Spiced rum
Whole milk to properly oppress the lib dems
Off to get a couple of beers for tonight. Any suggestions?
>we hate Hope

Top lad.
I think he means NE Scotland

Fuck I hope they take newcastle. But hell will freeze over before that happens.
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The russian hackers are literally going to erase votes so that their commie friend corbyn wins
It's been hard to follow this story since the majority of /pol/ is retarded
>Chilli Pringles
>Tunnocks Teacakes desu
>Lime Doritos with nacho cheese dip
so..should I not use a pen?
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Already making the OP text
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>mfw lost polling card but still voted.
Labour BTFO!
Riveting argument.
Me too lad, I could't vote conservative and still have a clear conscience.
honestly i voted leave and want a hard brexit but the internet regulation has got me on the fence. Plus not all labour's ideas are bad such as wanting to move towards federalisation. Yet at the same time want to give 16 year olds the vote which is retarded. Also I do support renationalisation of the trains because they are horrendous lowest common denominator services now. However if i vote labour to stop may's internet crusade i wont forgive myself if we stay in the single market. What do i do? I honestly believe I'm gonna hate myself either way but I will hate myself if i dont vote or spoil my ballot as well.
I thought Timmy didn't like bummers, now it turns out he's in a same sex marriage...
Shit box living students BTFO
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Abbots lad
Honour Are Diane and her 'inconvenient' 'mystery' 'illness'
>turnout reported very low in the north east

Source? I can't imagine it being that much lower than the rest of the country when a lot of people are presumably at work.
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Something salty.
You don't need a polling card...
It will be close but i think theirs a chance seeing as most of the students have gone home.
Those comments are sickening.
Frankly I can't imagine Corbyn appeals much to the classic breed of northern labour. Increasingly it seems his only support is on metropolitan social media with people too young or too stupid to vote. They're so vocal it has made it seem like he is in the running.
Anyone else watching the FBI hearing? Comey seems to be going all out so far.
Well gents I think I've just failed all my A levels and I have no backup plan if I don't get to uni. Can I avoid becoming a NEET or am i well and truly buggered?
Jesus fucking Christ that pen video gave me cancer.
>houghton and sunderland flips blue
>owen jones on suicide watch
who do I vote for? I'm in a labor marginal
Yeah, last minute panic

I'm just going to get some haribo or other gummy sweets and maybe a soft drink of some kind
>New slippers
>new dressing gown
>cup of tea

I am maximum comfy for the election lads
do an apprenticeship. learn a trade.
I belive I was over the limit of my test.
Same. I've opted to not vote for that reason, any other vote would just be a waste of time or would help Labour.
Manual Labour usually requires little or no certifications, and if you aren't a bitch it really isnt that bad
>le university fees meme yet again
Really needs to die desu, can't believe that voters are falling for it
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>Tesco doing two 12 packs of selected beers for 20 quid

Get McEwans.
If you want Russians to erase your vote for may.
Vote UKIP.
vote for someone to teach you English.
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red top.png
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Fuck beer get Henry Westons 8.2% English Cider
Just voted Lib Dem in a conservative lib dem swing seat.
Not sure I did the right thing since I hate lib dems but I couldn't stand voting for conservatives and no one else had a chance.
There are no solid sources for anything because of purdah rules lad, it's just social media reports

>north east
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Post your constituencies and how you voted, this is mine, voting UKIP can at least leave me with a clear conscience.
Think about it in the long term. What do you think will be the greater issue a few years down the road? This is purely subjective, for me, getting out of the single market mattered most, so I voted conservative.
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Get an apprenticeship lad.

Being paid to learn is better than paying to learn.
When will all the votes be counted do you reckon? Would like to stay up and join in with the shitshow that brit/pol/ is gonna become but got a work induction at 10 tomorrow :(
fucking cuck
>not all labour's ideas are bad such as wanting to move towards federalisation.
>seizing the means on production isnt bad

Hello comrade
>12 cans
sounds like a fucking rip off lad.
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requesting a "Wank In The Garden" Edition
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in the voting booth like

Can't wait to see the response from Cenk
I managed to sort it all out. It wasn't hard. I even super glued the free Nigel Farage tshirt to my communist housemates window. So every time he woke up he saw Nigel's grin staring down on him.

He was a cunt
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Gonna go to the pub tomorrow, be steaming on MDMA and give some Tory voters big hugs.
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>No UKIP candidate
Wouldn't have bothered leaving the house if I'd known that was gonna be the case. Thought about Tory for a moment but ended up just writing "NONE".
>direct link to The Young Turks
Fixed, it's like archive.is for youtube

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Exit poll at 10pm. Good idea of results probably 3-5am.
thoughts lads? looks pretty safe to me
Why would Muslims care about terror attacks in one of their colonies?
yar, you can tell it's all politicking though
patrician choice.
wetherspoons used to sell it for £1.00 a pint, going back 10+ years of course.
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UKIP. I took a chance. As I said though, hell will freeze over first.
Forgot my pen but I near stabbed a hole through my ballot incase some fucker tried to change it.

Hopefully labour wins.
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Sucks being you desu. Time to get one of these for the inevitable enrichment
Well I expected that.
How do you defend internet censorship and refusal to debabte your principal rival?
if a couple of thousand of UKIP switch plus disaffected labour voters maybe looking at a 3000+ majority.
I'm a student but fuck me, I don;t understand why our vote can be bought with promises of 'free' shit
I don't see how me wanting federalisation and thinking some core services should be publicly owned makes me a communist. Also seeing as trains are a service not a means of production completely invalidates your meme's.
Where? If it's with a third party that isn't the SNP then vote for them, and if it's with SNP/Tories vote UKIP
I'll be on a 12 hour overnight shift. I'll be monitoring with my laptop at work.

>flavoured water
>Pepsi max
>chicken salad

Gonna be comfy
hope they get 11
Could go either way, I've seen predictions giving them anything from 4 to 12 seats.
Has anybody got any youtubes of toffs laughing? I can't find any lads.
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>New arm chair
>New books
>Cup of tea

have a good night and weekend lad!
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A truly heartwarming post lad
>secret ballot
well except the the voter registration number that gets assigned to the number on the back of the ballot paper making it very easy to see who you voted for, to 'combat fraud' of course, yeah totally secret
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Spoilt my ballot with a swastika in each box
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>All these cucks voting UKIP

Nice wasted votes
Did you honestly not check before?
/have you even read their manifesto. I know you haven't because you'd realise they are a complete and utter joek
Think I'm gonna have to wake up and smell the butthurt then

>TWO packs for £20

24 cans, lad.
>be steaming on MDMA
If you are in Oxford West I hope you slip on the pavement and really hurt yourself.
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>lib dems btfo
The Tory's manifesto isn't even costed.
I prefer their 'of the sea'. Really hard to find.
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Who here
>excited for Con victory?

4chan is going to be so much better when mummy may may bans the site and and only 5% of the brits can proxy hope their way in.

>not voting for Woolfe
poor form
>two packs
reading too fast lad. breddi gud
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Madeleine 'start more wars but cut the military lol' Moon is getting blown the fuck out
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Sweet nipples. Gulags when?
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Holy shit my Cons is pretty fucking good looking.
Glad I voted for her.
I'm a student too mate, been a nightmare with all the Labour shilling from my fellow students.
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Lib Dem (No UKIP)
Voted Lib Dem in Eastleigh, our tory mp Mims [sic] Davies is fucking awful.
Nah Eastleigh
Wasn't standing this time round, otherwise I would've
Soon comrade.
Agreed she's garbage
Better than voting for the main 2
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>not voting for the big bad Woolfe
Shes pretty cute in a non conventional way
why'd you post some rat-faced paki then?
Woolfe left UKIP ages ago
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Ghost Ship
still not recovered from having his block knocked off I imagine
>Jezza prepares to deliver gulag strike to counter-revolutionary bougeois old lady.
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What do I do
Shut up you utter bottom feeder.
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heh, yea...
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>MDMA in a pub
Don't be doing it in the pub you mug you'll get kicked out for your jaw flying about.

Just get some pub grub tier Charlie to shove up yer nose
>Sky News showing full coverage of boring US Politics on Election Day
nah fuck off
>tfw to intelligent to vote
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment
Daily reminder that flashing GIFs are considered deadly weapons in freedom land
>Ghost Ship
just the right level of hops there. you can have a few without feeling like you've got a mouthful of pine sap.
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>curry conservative
best kind of conservative
>unironically being called bim
kek, yep that's how the scruffs will see it
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nottingham green party looks like THIS?!
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It's sad really. Some of you bongs were alright.
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They can't show anything from our elections for now. Embargo ends once polls close.
They'll never take Sunderland or the Town lad, nor SE Northumberland.
11 student cunts can't vote=election 100% rigged, entitled snowflake confirmed
The media isn't allowed to cover our politics on election day until polls close
Better than voting for cuckservatives
Up the Blades!
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Last white community in London.
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Anyone else's normiebook clogged up with this shit?

Young people, honestly
Haha same.
I'm even a BA Newcastle uni student.
I'm surrounded.
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lads I might be the biggest beta in the world

>walked over to polling station laughing to myself planning to spoil my ballot with something edgy like 'clone Mosley' or just 'Remove'
>got there and the old ladies officiating were so nice I just wrote 'count as spoiled, thanks'
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Meh, who lives near me?
Same here, luckily for me I rarely see the work shy cunts.
So if May's internet whatever gets passed how will this effect me watching porn? This is a crucial question for me.
never actually realised this
sounds grim tbph.
Williams Bros do an ale flavoured with seaweed, it's not bad, bit odd though.
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Not running here lad, all I can do is vote Tory to possibly swing the majority.
It won't pass
>new books
What you reading lad?
Do an apprenticeship. Hobestly fuck university if you hated a levels and can't be sitting in anymore classrooms. Also you get fucked by the system as soon as you take one student loan or don't take an apprenticeship before 21. I've literally been fucked by the education system now. I'm low income with 0 chance of doing something I'd actually want to do without having to save up for a decade to be able to afford full time education. No one told me at the end of my a levels that I shouldn't go to university and that has literally cost me 20k in student loans and 6k in personal loans(and people wonder why people want free tuition, it's so when they hate 1st year they don't feel like they've wasted 15k and are willing to move instead of make the mistake again.)
>don't bother to register properly
>durr da eleckshun iz rigged

Students are retarded

Good feels when got Indian conservative gf
also one of the few beers i've had that's pleasant at any temperature.
Mike Thornton's a great MP that supported brexit. You're fine desu
I was gonna vote Dick Rodgers until I got a leaflet from him and realised that he wasn't a joke candidate
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who am i voting for lads
voting in london must be terrifying, wondering if anyone is gonna stab, shoot, blow up or mug you
Nah it's fine mate. As long as you didn't vote for the so called Conservative Party.
I bet you feel like you are around about here
I honestly doubt it will pass, i expect that policy to get more opposition than the fox hunting.
an alarm will go off on your facebook everytime you watch a video
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Tory in swing seat, UKIP in a safe one if on the ballot.
Spoilt my ballot lads. Everyone voting for conservative is fucking retarded and can't think of a strong reason to do it that isn't

>muh brexit
>keep everyone else out

I'm Alyn and Deeside, voted Tory because my Labour MP has a majority of 3000, and is a prick.

I'm also Eastleigh. Mims voted against rapefugees which is more than the Fib Dems will do. I'm kind of tempted to vote UKIP though since I think we'll stay Tory.
>failed all my A levels
>no backup plan if I don't get to uni

Well, that was smart.
Having only finished my degree yesterday, unless its for a STEM subject and you're absolutely certain its something you want to do, DO NOT go to university. Learn a trade, get an apprenticeship, find a job and stick with it and work your way up. Uni is no longer worth it in my opinion
im in south east londonistan so idk if its safe to vote ukip or not
There was only like one other fucking person there, when are the peak times for voting usually?
Adnams Broadside is another good one. Great for sausage and ale casserole.
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Which subject did you pick?
Place bets on a guaranteed winner
Lucky mate, I've given up on black girls quite fancy dating an Indian next.
Vote conservative or UKIP depending on which one has the best chance of deafeating labour or Lib dem
Is that you Master Brew?
Picked up a new translation of Don Quixote - had some shite translation where the editor was correcting the translation everywhere in footnotes.
Also picked up Turgenev's First Love and Other Stories, seems super comfy to read at night.

Suspicious package just found in Trafalgar as well. Possibly happening
What seat? Look it up on wikipedia. If the 2015 Majority is under 15 vote tory, else UKIP.
Labour. Just watch the Question Time debates. Corbyn on top in every single one.
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>got Indian conservative gf
fair enough, the aussies shouldn't have done it either. only if a Home Nation team was involved is it relevant.
15% that is
nah vote Tory if in London
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>Constituency has been solidly tory for basically every election ever
>Same guy has held the seat since around 2001.

Voted UKIP last time around.
Drew a penis on the ballot paper this time.
>4chan is going to be so much better when mummy may may bans the site

Are you retarded? You only have to worry if you're looking up fucking child porn using a google search. I couldn't give a shit who can see my browsing data.
Early morning (before work) and 6-8pm (post work)
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For fucksake, just been to vote, passed to gangs of feral Labour shills, in the 500 yards to the place. One outside the polling station. Labour badges, leaflets, red sash the full kit. Are they allowed to do that on polling day. It was a bit intimidating. I think I'll take my dogs round and scatter them.
I'd like to think i'm on the lifeboat escaping to safety, at least until the lifeboat gets taken by enrichment pirates.
ahmed gets triggered my a manefesto, stay calm though not worth getting the knives out for
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>Do you want to reply to that?
>*looks on angrily and twitches a little*
Corbyn shat the fucking bed badly on QT.
They should be over 100 yard away from it or something?
Brexit is a strong enough reason you thick cunt, even if you disagree with it it's happening now and the EU are gonna be out to make an example of us. But a spoilt ballot is still good, and Tories have already won, so good on ya despite being a thick cunt anyway.

It's OK when vote leave does it.
>A colonizer still took my vote in the end at the desk
you put it in the box yourself, don't you? you did everytime i have voted
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Work till 11, Someone remind to get some crumpets from the shop opposite for when I get home
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Not true lad

bromley and the south west are pretty white
I'd love an Indian or Asian gf. Black girls are too wild and shouty. At least Eastern girls are taught how to behave.

Although I have seen my fair share of normy Indian girls who are basically trying to be White. Very disappointing.

Fuck I'm a retard.

Ignore me
Not when you hand a postal vote in on the day

Brexit is a given now by all accounts, you can look to no lib dem support for that
used to get broadside all the time at spoons because it was the cheapest beer that wasn't absolute shit. looking at you Ruddles Best.
>labour voters

pick one
I am raising money to erect a statue of mien fuhrer at go fund me called Hitler was a hero donate nigs and get woke here

This is not a joke, it is leadership think of the press coverage this will get and the red pills it will drop
>I get triggered by a bad manifesto AKA a list of shitty policies that will turn this country into a shithole if it goes yes.

Yeah, I guess I am mad.

Were we watching the same QT lol. He had two, he was strongest in his head to head against May by MILES!

On the more diverse QT a day before it was give and take but labour was consistent and everything Corby said made the most sense out of all of those mugs standing around him.
And to think I fell for the 'unelectable' meme. If it wernt for QT I dunno who I woulda voted for.
Can confirm, I go there quite often (family) Lovely area.
Christ, fuck off back to r/uk
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Voted Conservative.
STFU you idiot
>Muh spaces between paragraphs is le reddit
Its conventional fucking paragraph spaces you uneducated binman
Been 8 months now lad, would recommend
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but my friend, what tea are you dunking them in, it better be TETLEYS FUCKING TEA or ill cut your nipple off if youre up north on weak shit like Typhoo
that's what i hate the most about this shit. it is perception. someone has been raised to be thin skinned and so it more easily a 'victim' of such a crime because they perceive it to be one, when a normal person would just brush it off.
i don't know how these things pass the "Reasonable Man'" test.
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> tfw lib dems are the only real option
Last poll of the campaign before the exit poll

Westminster voting intention:
CON: 44% (-1)
LAB: 36% (-4)
LDEM: 7% (-)
UKIP: 4% (+2)
GRN: 2% (-)
(via @IpsosMORI) Chgs. with 01 Jun

>using STFU
I see, I should have said back to neogaf

fuck kind of name is that
About 20 foot but moving along the road, towards then away, I nearly backed in to them with the car pulling out the Caremark. Yes 500 yds away and I drove, I'm a lazy twat.
>all those mugs standing around him
Are you talking about the leaders debate you fucking mongoloid?
Which other Labour figure would be fun to have as opposition leader though? After Blair, Brown, Miliband and Corbyn anyone else will be a let down.
>Had my old pollinated
>Can't vote as I moved to uni and I'm registered to my home address
Slightly off topic, one of the most enjoyable two games ever made
also rather annoying that I now associate that with Tim cheers lad
ill say again, does someone still have that wemb from brexit where a black girl was rubbing out votes live on camera on the bottom left
Go back in and say to the clerks you felt intimidated, they legally have to move them on
>policies that will turn this country into a shithole
but an immigrant free shithole ahmed, our shithole, not a shithole that isn't even ours anymore, you still don't get it do you?
They looked like dockers, that was the women. The lads like real scallys.
New thread anyone?
Abbot would be amusing to watch every week. Though two women screeching at other over the dispatch boxes might also sap my will to live.

Underrated post
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bourbons, whisky, tetleys tea
Yes boys, I hope there's loads of buttoned 18-24 year olds who blame their elders "old people shouldn't be allowed to vote" and that
But all they really have to blame is their peers for not voting

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>UKIP: 4% (+2)
Terminal negrititis.
you like the internet? vote labour

you like immigrants? vote tory
I'm voting for aryan UKIP
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Just had some cunt wearing alabour rosette asking me how I voted. I said conservative, he beat a hastily retreat. Lol. Fucking commies.
lads I'm living in Rotherham, who do I vote for? everyone is "me dad voted labour, so i'm voting labour"

Labour always win here.
You like Immigrants, boosting faggot hipster cucks egos and 10000 trillion pound notes?

Vote Labour

You like Saudi funding, faux right wing, internet grabbing cunts?

Vote Tory.
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>voting Labour in Rotherham
Its literally asking for a munchy box and a gang rape.
yeah, they have stockholm syndrome up here
Fuck off.
It's mind boggling.
>my dad isn't voting Tory because May was last month, it's June now
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voted ukip
Phillip Hammond will announce his resignation next week, regardless of the outcome of the election/
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