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Why is UK housing so grotesquely shit? Even parts of P*land

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Why is UK housing so grotesquely shit? Even parts of P*land look better.
>almost 500-600k USD
>No yard
>Commie block quality
I'd rather be le 60% may may and have a fucking acre or two to raise Jamal's kid than live in that roach hell.
Cheap, big squares to cram workers into so they don't waste an extra nickel
They always act as if humans are robots with no emotions whatsoever
It's all about money mate
Holy fuck I am so god damn happy I live in Alaska. That is fucking commie block shit. WTF EUROPOORS
Looks like a council house to me

I'm guessing that's London?
Where I live is similar in size and style but half the price. Yeah they are small and shitty but it's just a rental whilst I save up for a mortgage.

The house market in the UK is rediculous overpriced. Just holding out for another economic crash desu
A lot of places in th uk have these really shitty houses. People seem to think they are nice or decant for some reason, i have no idea why. People here tend to have no taste, the food here is terrible compared to literally any other country.

>industrial revolution
>stuff as many workers close to factories as possible
>people still live in them post-revolution
>not living in cheaper suburbs or rural areas in 2017
>shiggy diggy ur a dumb fucking kraut
regulations and unions
>living in suburb
>instead of downtown

kys really you boring fuck
we, as a country, gave up on nice things a long time ago

November '18 was no walk in the park for us either
Me and my wife are looking for our first home. The housing here is so depressing, our budget is £230k and we are looking in NW England.

Even houses I'd never want to live in because they are run down and god awful in shit areas are out of our price range.

We have a 5% deposit and the £230k mortgage will cost £1075 a month for the new 35 years...

If that is what is available to us now how is it going to be for our children?

To put things into perspective, my friends grandad told us that when he was young, he was a mail worker with an annual salary of £1,000. In 1965 he purchased his first home of £3,500 with a deposit of £150. His house is now valued at £650k.

For a person to buy that house now they would need a deposit of £35k and a salary of over £200k.

The working class don't earn that here in the UK nor have that amount of savings. Housing price inflation and wages stagnation have totally screwed the UK for generations to come.

We are seriously considering moving back to my wife's home country in South America. As believe it or not living standards and wages are better than the UK in many aspects.
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Too many crooks. This always happens when psychopaths run the place. They kill the Golden Goose every damn time with their greed and corruption.
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Turk detected

dude, you like on a landmass 100x the size of UK, how can expect to have huge houses on a tiny island, there isn't enough room for everyone to have acres each.
Because someone thought it was a good idea to expand our population along with mass immigration without thinking "hold on, maybe we also need to build more houses and schools"
Now you can get up to 40 kids per class aswell.
Jesus Christ is it like that everywhere? Thats like one of those pieces of shit you'd have to get in San Francisco. Anywhere else in US can get brand new 3k sq ft for half that price.
Your a fucking idiot looking to buy right now. Wait for the bubble to burst. What's wrong with renting in the meantime anyway?
You are lucky Hermann, we knocked all your old buildings down for you and you got to build nice new ones.
Obviously we can't loose like you so we have to suffer market forces which so far haven't compelled us to flatten the nasty looking old buildings.
So funny that a German would ask that question.
Nobody actually thought it would be a good idea. They are trying to destroy your country.
>there isn't enough room for everyone to have acres each.
Then I would move to a country where I could have an acre?
Which is what my grandfather did for me thankfully and yes.
1.5 acres of land, 1200 SqFt house, 130k USD.
It's amazing, never been happier.
You white people should just move to The U.S.A. your countries are obviously fucked and overcrowded.
our infastructure is very bad. there's a road near me where houses are lined up with no pavement. You literally have to walk in the busy road to enter your house.
is this kettering?

oh yeah, we'll all just move, it's that easy.

>just move

fuck everyone you care about and your culture, and everything you've ever grown up to know, just move
Europe is the homeland of whites and the Pakis must be removed
>just move to my country that makes you wait two decades to get a visa if you aren't a refugee taxi driver from shitfuckistan or a college-degree-holding millionaire

practical advice as always.
>saving for a mortgage

Oh man you cuck. I though like you a few months ago but I won't be letting the government sell my house literally tax me to death.

There's literally no point. Govt already takes 25% of my money before I even see it. and now they want to take 50% on death, 10% for the council. 20% VAT... need I say more
>believe it or not living standards and wages are better than the UK in many aspects.

That's something I don't believe desu.
$1000 is considered a high salary there.
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It's better than Germany.
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/pol/ pls...

>but where will the low-class live?
I can confirm, I’ve visited the UK about a dozen of times and housing quality is seriously bad in some areas.
I’m not talking about the aesthetic or the look, but I had the impression that general maintenance and unkeep are well below any other country I visited.
The situation is even worse in outer London and in costal towns.
>Assuming Poland is in any way worse than the UK when it comes to architecture.
Their daily fuck Great Britain thread
It's always a German poster. Is Mohammed still mad about Brexit?

You normally see those types of houses, called terraced houses, in old coal mining or industrial areas. The reason that house is going for £400k (assuming its not a photoshop) is probably because its in London somewhere. In my town there are houses like that going for £90k and in Wales and the north of England where no one wants to live they can't give them away
Come live where I do bro. Allerdale is comfy as fuck. We have some chavy towns, but get yourself into one of the many villages(and you can for 230k). Everyone knows each other. Every village has a good school and everyone is friendly because there's so much space. Where I live literally nothing has changed for 20 years. Need I say there's no muslims and you can drive about the country without seeing a for days because it that safe.


Yes but you can live a goof life with that, cost of living is much less too. Peoples life priorities are different, they don't impose the same stress on material objects like we do. They don't care if they have the latest electrodomestic products or cars. People are focussed on friends, family and sticking together to help one another out and having a good time and enjoying life. Food and weather are always good too, people spend a lot of time outdoors doing nice things. Here in the west we are underpaid slaves working our bollox off for nothing in our shitty cold raining climates.
There should be free passage between The U.K and U.S.
They have more relation than any-other two country's out there.
Although we all need to do something about your refugee problem.
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Ok Gunter.
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I rented a 2 bedroom apartment in Canary Wharf for 460 quid a week. Between a flatmate, my gf and myself it was around 150 quid a week rent.

Why would anyone buy a house in England of all fucking places? It's way more economical to rent. Save up and buy a comfy 1/4 acre block on the eastern seaboard of Australia for $250k. That's less than £125k. You can't raise a family in those wall to wall commie blocks. Don't buy the ministry propaganda. Come home white man.
All of our country's money has honestly always gone to London

Did you try living there? From inside, it might look wholly different than as a tourist. You'll have to deal with the corruption, crime, idiocy of the locals ...
>leave behind thousands of years of heritage
>give up on your nation
>become the deracinated and rootless American consumer
>get your 1200 square foot goy
fuck off, we're full.
>inherit small office
>get 500€ for it
>costs me 300 a month

it's free 200€ a month but is it really worth the hassle dealing with all the shit that comes with it?
Krauts build their homes and apartments from masonry. Bongs use stick frame like burgers... which is why burgers use stick frame because of the bongs.

Bongs are pretty stupid right like lets completely decimate our forests like were not on a fucking island.
I'm still holding out on Trump annexing this place at some point desu.
Those rowhouse things can be kind of comfy. When I was in England (in Newcastle), I was living at a building that didn't look like much from the street, but it had a little backyard area kind of like the picture, full of currant bushes and some raised beds for gardening. Some people kept hens.
>£460 a week
>£1840 a month
>£22,080 a year
>£110,400 over 5 years
>dead money you will never see again
>why would anyone want to buy a house?

What's the problem?

>Pounding my wife late at night
>Neighbour gets horny from hearing us
>Starts pounding his wife as well
>We can literally hear the meat clapping sounds through the 10mm thick wall
>my wife's son wakes up and screams "WHAT THE FUCK? FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE"
>As he leaves the house in a rage my mother in law sleeping downstairs wakes up and starts banging on the wall
>Dogs barking everywhere
>Finish and go out for a smoke
>My neighbor comes out, still zipping his pants "Hey wanna go for a pint m8?"
>Head to the pub joking about which wife screams the loudest
>Get murdered by Muslim

Fucking muslim cunts

I lived in Lima, Peru for over 4 years, came back to UK in 2009. Had a 3 story condo by the beach in private estate with security, BMW on the driveway. Earned about $1100 at the time. Lovely weather, amazing food, fantastic culture and music, lots of things to do, amazing ancient country with lots of sights to see.

Yeah some of the locals are idiots, as the are here in the UK. You find idiots wherever you go.
I don't know why people are so obsessed with owning a home. I earn OK money (130k a year). But the last thing I want is to be in debt to some bank for the next 30 years.

To be honest I'd rather rent places within my means and just move on every few years if I feel like a change. Buying a home is debt, I've been there before, and I'm not interested.
I bought an appartment in 2009 for 160k£, in 2015 i sold it for 230k£

in 2009 when I bought many were talking about renting and waiting for prices to drop, luckily I didnt listen.

.t just wanted to brag
>you need more immigration goy
>but from the US
>we're still mostly white

the last thing Britain needs is more Americans
let alone non-white Americans
>your flag
Pick one
Ok Ex-Convict Shecklestein
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There you have it, you lived the "wealthy expat" life. The average local has it much worse.
Other way around, I'm not interested In living In the U.K.
I mean; I already live in California, there's nowhere else to go at this point.
Have fun living good in your shitbox, shitskin.
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Tell me about it

t's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year.
Indeed, house prices don't drop. They can slow down but they never drop. Financial institutions artificially maintain them that way, if your house wasn't worth what you paid for it at the end of a mortgage, then no one would borrow money to buy houses anymore. Banks would be fucked.
> I already live in California, there's nowhere else to go at this poin

Going anywhere would be an improvement just to get away from the liberals, beaners and other shitskin bullshit.

Is 130k not a lot of money is Aus, cunt? Or is it cheaper depending the city?

I'm a doctor and was looking to go to Aus for a few years, but salaries are only about 100k at my level.

What you working as?
Better watch that mouth Mohammad or I'm going to have to jump you on your way to the cube in the dessert. Shill harder Mohammad
>Me and my wife are looking for our first home.
>We have a 5% deposit

save up some more you idiot

>We are seriously considering moving back to my wife's home country in South America
good, fuck off
if it wasn't for so many people coming here housing wouldn't be so expensive anyway
I know it's bullshit, But I could totally see that happening.
You have to be extremely careful where you live and who you associate with.
We never had a war to blow apart all major cities so they could be rebuilt nice and big. Honestly with the state of our urban planning, rail network, industrial collapse, non-enforcement of crime, unchecked infringement of civil liberties and death of any kind of personal moral compass for 90% of the population it'seems truly a miracle that this country still exists at all.
Fuck is this China ?
>bought a house in post-Brexit UK *right* before the housing bubble crashed

lmao people like you deserve to lose their money

Erm no, everyone I worked with doing the same job earned the same at me. All the other condo owners were peruvian.

Stop posting bollox Gunther, it's become clear to be by your posts that you've never lived.
UK housing is fucked and still people want more immigration:

All money is dead money you fucking tard
>VICE video
Hooktubed that for you so they don't get views. Just switch the domain in the url.

130k is way above average wage. Most people here earn less than 65k.

Also working as a regional doctor here is huge money. HUGE money I tells ya. You'll easily make 150k+
Germany - all of it looks like that and don't let them tell you otherwise - they know it is true.
Make this into a fado, Magellan. It's good stuff.
>that you've never lived.

... in Latin America? No. But I've lived in Moscow, by example, and know there's a big difference between how expats and locals perceive a city.
looks very much like Russia
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>Holy fuck I am so god damn happy I live in Alaska
>a garden so small a midget could stick his arms out and touch both fences
>neighbours house overlooking it
jfc how is your suicide rate not higher?
>Small houses, no place for plant frutal trees or some vegetable
>Walls thin, you can everything in the whole neighborhood
>Shitty neighbors with dogs and many other unnecessary worthless shit animal tier
>neighbor with loud music it will Literally kill your sleep
Shit houses, I hope you Anglos are not that much of shit people.

Cheers, mate.
Was getting worried there.
You better be white. If not fuck off we are FULL.
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this is what 125k will get you in Bumfuck, Nowhere, Nebraska
all things you said are true, but in europe you dont need to plant frutal trees or vegetable to not starve.
It's not muslims you fucking idiot.
dont judge a book by its cover , the inside of em is incredibly comfy.
but they do look like minecraft houses from the outside and the fact they´re glued together is for saving spacepurposes from WAAAAY back when they were prehistoric animals when it came to buildings.

i kinda like them desu.
>South America
Anything but that anglo, south America it's a mistake. You will be trapped here.

Jesus that would be a £500k house here in the UK.

Already answered that, read up.
Have you ever heard the term LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION? That ameritard house is hours away from any major town. You literally can't work if you lived there.
its all according to plan for the NWO to make housing impossible and force people to take the mark of the beast if they want to "live".

wish i was joking but that is our future and the future looks very bleak.
thats why im an alcoholic.
I'm a lead software engineer.
It's good money, but it doesn't go as far as you'd like to think, especially considering that most people that work in a field that's high paying (outside of mining), are most likely working in central Sydney or Melbourne, and the cost of living in both of these cities is probably high compared to what you're most likely used to.

if you're a smoker it's about $30 for a pack of cigarettes, if you like to drink enjoy paying $13 for a pint of beer.
If you want to live somewhat central in just an OK apartment, you're probably looking at paying $600+ a week.
Don't forget to consider the conversion of your savings into Euros. You'd need to earn/save 20% more in Australia than somewhere like America to cover the loss.
come home white man, your great grand pappy should have come when he could have instead of living in some ultra slum in Londo, 1776
To add, it does completely depend on the city. But $100k is more than enough to live good, if you're smart with your money. You'll be living above average,
Guys, who makes the house prices this high?

even if you look for a house far from the city it's still expensive as fuck, is it the Bank-jews? they want us to be in debt (Their slaves) for rest of our lives?

can't we do something about this?

Debatable, lad.


I'm only going for the experience, can't be leaving my ginormous opus dei family behind for long.
Aus has some of the best drug addiction programs so I'm going to learn from your "bogans", then return.
>tfw grandparents bought slum house and now inherited a few million £ of real estate
>enjoy big house ameripoors

An Emudollar is only 0.67 euro, so you won't be even earning that much.
We plant it because we like, it's tradition.

For example I have 4 frutal trees (mango, lemon, abocato and oranges).
It's funny because most of the fruit it's eating by birds before us. I love birds, their singing it's peaceful. (Except for parrots, their screeching it's the worst).

Fruit and veggies from our own garden are extra tasty.
>But $100k is more than enough to live good, if you're smart with your money. You'll be living above average,

Are you taking the piss mate? He'll be earning double what most Aussies earn.. He will live like a king.
Why the fuck do brits having washing machines in their kitchens you fucking weird cunts.
They're salty as hell over losing the biggest net donor to the EU, yes.

Awesome house.

Would love to, mate. But working in the US as a doctor is near impossible/not worth it-tier.
>$13 for a pint of beer.

Fucking hell. That all tax is it?
Bogans will hate you with a passion. Enjoy being called a 'wog cunt' by everyone.
Higher wages than your Muslim infested country.
Wooden house?
I have a garden too with a plum tree and a apple tree, also I have raspberries ,I was just wondered becouse I thought its necessary in argentinia. Would love to have mango and orange trees but the climate is to cold here.
kek wog means nigger over here
That guys never been to a pub before. Firstly we don't sell by the pint, it's by the schooner or middie. And secondly most city pubs that aren't tourist traps will sell domestic beer for 5 bucks max. Regional it's around $2.50.

Not really, Wong Ling. If you convert both in USD, it's about the same.
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this is a 550k house in a nice neighborhood in a great state (93% hwhite) no more than 40 minutes away from a large metropolitan area.

get jelly ciggy-nigger. there are great homes for 150-170 that same size not in the middle of nowhere.

why do people care if its fucking wooden or not? i always hear shithole inhabitants bragging about their matchbox concrete homes, bit deal, its not like we have weekly hurricanes or impending riots like you fags
Can't wait for the bubble to burst again.
>Enjoy being called a 'wog cunt' by everyone.

I go on 4chan for immunization. Addicts generally are compliant enough though, especially when you can simply nix their treatment for being belligerent.

My other option was to work in addiction in Darwin, but my understanding is that the Aborigional community couples their addictions with child molestation, which is something I couldn't handle. Bogans the better choice.
i guess, im studying to become an engineer so i dont have to deal with insane hours, you guys are always striking over anything so you get 4 weeks vacation and lots of free time, kind of jelly desu
>150k+ as a doctor is huge money
No wonder you all have a doctor shortage.
>It's not an asset if it is a shed that needs to be replaced every 60 years
You do realize schooners and middies are smaller than a pint right?
And the only places that don't sell pints are the tourist traps you're talking about.

Every fucking pub in Victoria sells pints you useless cunt.
>built in 1850

Enjoy your asbestos ridden derelict shack that will cost you double the mortgage repayments just to keep livable.
get out before the Brexit mate, if you're already struggling now you won't survive the EU's hard Brexit negociations
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Should have thought about that before you let your empire crumble.

thats a pretty retarded attitude goy
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How does it taste?
I always wanted berries trees and apple trees but it didn't grow here after I planted some seeds.
>so you get 4 weeks vacation

Closer to 5 weeks in Spain, bro.

I was actually referring to the difficulty in getting licensed to practice medicine. For a doctor you can print money in the US. The issue you have immigration, uslm, and sometimes state licensing hoops to jump through as a foreigner. All in could cost you 100k before you do a days work.
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I think it looks super comfy
Not if he wants to live in a major city where there's actually shit to do.
I like Flemish niggers but I really can't stand French non-countryers
You caused our empire to collapse because muh poor brown and black people
I need to know ashole, wooden houses attracts insects and many vermins.

Wait... You people live in cucksheds?
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Is your wife's son living with you?
>clothes washing machine and food prep utensils in the same 'kitchen'.
Sounds legit.

Allo Mother! Were be my pie-floater?
In the washing basket George!
I live near Newcastle NSW and I've never ever seen a pint sold here. If you asked for a pint they'd assume you meant a schooner.

Must be a hipster Melbourne thing. You guys has he always been 'different'..
Walloons are the worst, most of them vote socialist aswell
One-stop-shop for the servant, er, I mean "wife"
Shhhh don't tell them about the Mid-South
Old factory turn house, yea sure they are small and kinda dingy looking but for the price it has, why da fok not senpai
>having a crowded room dedicated entirely to a washer, dryer and sink with a cupboard for your vacuum

I'll take the bigger kitchen.
they taste good but only if you take alot of time in them or they die.
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Yep that's what they're called
Your "country" has 40 million niggers you cuck. You will never be able to convince any white man with dignity to live in a country full of ugly mutts (like yoy) and niggers.
You tried this shilling 2 days ago under another fake ip & a polish flag.

Go die liberal cuck.
No it's not, Germany is basically 6k USD lower.
ye boi i want dem big houzes wiv plastik gold ornamentz n sheeeeeit 50 bedroomz 4 d white bitchez show dem my 100k cash money u get me cuz? 100emoji fistbumpemoji
As someone who just moved here from Eastern yuro, I gotta say you Brits have whack interior architecture.
>hot and cold water coming from separate taps
>everywhere it's just baths, you have to install a shower separately
>no electric sockets in bathrooms
>so much carpet
>light coloured kitchen furniture
>no heating in the room that's most likely to get cold
>thermostat in a room that can't be heated, so it just heats ad infinitum
>light switch in the middle of the fucking room, not next to the door
>power sockets with that extra completely useless hole

As if the architect was like "I don't want any Europeans moving in here".
Stop living in working class areas you prat
they are a 10/10 fruit you can probably buy them for some inflated jew price from a specialist shop
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This is what you cuckolds live in. MUH STONE HOUSES. MUH TEA TIME. MUH CRUMPETS. MUH QUEEN.

What a floating, irrelevant turd of an island you faggots live on.
Huh. I was going to prove him wrong, but apparently he's right. There's enough land for everyone to have only 0.92 acres each. Your island is overpopulated as fuck. Maybe start deporting some of the unwanted?
You live in sheds just like the ooga boogas in Haiti
Those are the news houses dumb yank
What, $1000 a month? I always feel so disconnected from Euros because I can't tell if I'm being rused by these low numbers.
How are they bad looking houses?
You should do something about your nigger/black/ape problem, which is exponentially a bigger problem than our refugee problem. We are 5% muslim and <0.5% negroe while you have 40 million fking apes/15% apes. You shouldn't even speak about any other country, you should be ashamed of yourself you cuck.
You could live like a kang for 1000 dollars a month in here.
These are usually council homes for the poorest. Pretty retarded to view this as the average British house

Ehm, no.
Here's what practicing doctors earn, e4500 to e13400:


Putting the median somewhere around e9000, or e108k per year, aka 168k AUS per year.
Whereas the Spaniard said, he got offers around 100k AUS.
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>implying the city would allow it to stand without it being renovated.
if true, i see your point, i would not buy that specific house, i plan on building my home, but still, even with asbestus on the sticker/ad you could not buy this house for that much in your shithouse of an inferno/island

pic related was built in 1987

what did he mean by this...

>le cuk shed meme xDD
fuck off, also they all die in the winter and if you can afford a half a million dollar house you can afford an exterminator.

kek this.


>there is a jewish conspiracy out there that forces the goyim to buy only wooden houses
wew lad
On the plus side you get to live in the UK rather than Poland.
go back
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>Be UKuckold
>Live in a tiny house glued to another tiny house
>Have CCTV camera shoved up your ass
>Go on 4chan
>Make fun of Americans because some Americans are brown
>Go to jail for racism
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Just move nigga

They're small and "glued" together. Nearly every house in the UK is like that. There is no privacy at all.
McMansions. Sad!
you forgot
>have CCTV camera shoved up your *arse
>have to pay CCTV-Ass licence or get knackered on the door every Tuesday by the billman asking for their license fees
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>As if the architect was like "I don't want any Europeans moving in here".
>Britbongs consider that a 'mansion'
We're talking about average wage for the population, not a particular industry you weiner eating kraut cunt.
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>new houses
this makes it better how?
>no land
>no guns
>no yard
>cant own a "tele" without having to pay a fee every month, even though i dont use it
top kek
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The average american house has plastic rocks glued to the walls like some disneyland ride

And how much would that be?

Does your calculation factor in green belt land and brown belt land that cannot be built upon, also agricultural land? and we would love to deport people, I would at least, but alas I don't run the country unfortunately.

All land in the UK is owned by someone, and if it's not owned by an individual or a council, it's crown land and belongs to the queen.
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stupid dumb kraut scum
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>Be UKuckold
>Try and stealth fap quietly and hope your neighbors can't hear you through paper thin walls
>Get caught fapping on the CCTV camera monitoring you anyway
>Get featured in some shitty bong reality television show fapping to traps on 4chans

Unless you're up for joining a Mosque, keep out of Leicester.
>tfw im spaniard and I have an above average spanish salary

I bought (well, currently paying) a single house, 2 floors, with garden, 20minutes from Madrid for 350,000€
how the fuck can yo live in those shitty houses?
they should do that. have a public website like youtube where the houses that dont pay their license are listed on maps and stream 24/7, K E K! that'll get the cuck to cough up the cash to the nanny state
This is the kind of house we put our menial laborers in.
Not our proper citizens.
Literally none of this...... Mexico is more corrupt than you fucking limey bastards the average income for Mexico is less than 600 dollars a month
I'm currently house hunting and the houses I can actually afford are shit and I make decent money. Fuck this country.

How difficult would it be to emigrate to Burgerstan? I want some freedoms and guns.
>Be American
>Have superiority complex
>Meet British
>Brag about big $50k shed house
>British sells £500k house
>Buys yuge $800k shedhouse
>Pounds your women as sugardaddy
dont get so desilutioned, im sure if you dont count the people picking up bottles for a living the average goes a little higher. kek
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the UK is literally hell on earth, what a dreary depressing shithole

Okay, I therefore capitulate before the Aussie/Chinese masterrace. But you have relevant resources, we don't.
ye housing is degenerate in this country

roger scruton / francis terry / intbau / skyline campaign

all good places to start if you want to learn how to fix housing market / architecture

tl;dr degenerate architects, financialisation of housing markets / commodification of homes (global trend, 2008 blah blah u should know why),

want to profit? buy historic and buy aesthetic, london whilst stupidly expensive is still a safer bet than some shithole, but don't buy modern sw8 and etc, go for the 500k first floor stucco flats in west kensington which have been reduced 100k from 6 months ago lmfao

top 0.1% uker here, housing in london (zone 1) is some of the most aesthetic on the planet and london and england in general has some of the best areas/housing stocks in the entire world, even when comparing it to paris, (dirty, literally people pissing on the streets), london has a quality and an edge, plus there are nice places around the uk (bath etc) but are few and far inbetween...

some areas of england are legit 1970s sarajevo bad,

follow the old money
will you do it?
quit being a jelly pleb, go butter your crumpets before it gets too late for tea time
>gf on 24k

I want to move out of the city to somewhere nice that isn't full of undesirables. My problem is that I know that most places that are affordable that seem ok now are going to be flooded with pakis and niggers within the next decade and the value of the house will plummet.
no way thats the uk... holy fuck
>it is
Since the industrial revolution majority of Brits were treated as livestock for their rich jewish capitalist factory owners. This led to them being shoved into tiny houses in lifeless cities and were goaded into slavery under the promise of being the best country in the world. The bad conditions over a long period of time led to a ruining of their gene pool which is why they are so ugly. It's like how battery hens are always inferior to free range hens.
Edinburgh also has old god-tier architecture and is in the early stages of a tech boom
Those sorts of small one-up/one-down were built during the Victorian era for factory workers. That's Leicester, so mostly Pakis live in them now.
>people complaining about 100k+ wages

What is this madness?
that's brick
Fuck off shill this is the average private terrace house.
Great British crapitalism for the (((1%))) only. Any cunt who votes Tory votes for this

You're a subject, lad.
Whatever helps you sleep at night Muhammad.

Commute in from Harrogate. Not too bad, and a comfy as fuck train ride.

i still need to visit edinburgh, but i can imagine its good

places like aberdeen and glasgow however I have visited are enormously depressing in my southern eyes, especially with the grey granite they use

Some parts of the UK are an embarrassment, but there are other parts that make up for it. much like how you have shitty places like Chicago and Detroit, we have shitty places also.
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The knowledge that your continent will diseappear soon, xìngmíng.
>if it wasn't for so many people coming here housing wouldn't be so expensive anyway

most of the uk benefit money is housing benefits, that go straight to landlords.some of the biggest beneficiaries of that are conservative politicians. you cunts are getting so fucked its untrue.

>he doesn't realise without manual labourers we would be fucked

are you one of the people that ponce around not giving a second thought to the reason the country still ticks over? it's the electricians that come out when your power cuts, it's the plumbers that come out when your 4 toilets are broken, it's the builders that come out when your wall collapses.

without these people the rich would be as equally fucked as the poor.

don't even forget help to buy

we all pay taxes so we cant help OTHER people borrow 95% so they can "afford to buy", but this only raises prices further and continues house price inflation,

ive lived in very affluent areas in london, and i know people who have never had to work a single day in their lives, and have made millions by leveraging debt to houses for the last 15 years and flipping them
If you can, try living in the USA for a bit.

It's a good experience, properties are pretty affordable out there. And if are going to be renting for a while, rent somewhere bigger, better and not so damn crammed in.

UK house prices are peaking, people are maxxed out with debt and the market is primed for a crash.
we'll trade you all our wogs for 10,000 XJRs, any year is fine.
grew up in glorious new town flat in edi, would be a great city to settle if I hadn't already lived here for 21 years
Went to edinburgh university - is truly the best UK city

Thank the Scottish National Party for their competent rule.
They got replaced with a labour council I think kek
Not even top 3
Perfect beach weather mate.
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>1 million for a decent house in a decent area of town

Fuck this gay earth
because people keep voting tory so only the south east gets nice infrastructure
same breh. Edinburgh is comfy but the uni has gotten shite
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What is the British culture?
It's a serious question
>Be American
>Break leg
>lose 1.5 acre house and die
Live where though?

All the job offers I've had in the states have been in cities that are ridiculously expensive.
SF, NY etc.

I'm sure it's cheap living in some random city but how do you even make a living there.
You had to be carried. Stop being proud about it.

empty apartment blocks are not just a uk phenomenon although you have plenty of them, we have more believe it or not.


surveyors value apartments at 200k, therefore building is worth x million (not taking into account off plan sales), construction company then uses this 'asset' against more debt.

no one can afford these fucking apartments,so they sit empty as the company and bank at this point dont want the assets devalued (market values can be a bitch).

the biggest irony of it all is that those construction companies in the uk are getting subsidized per unit, up to 30k i think. the uk housing market is really an education in corruption, even for ukrainians
if there was free passage i think there would be a lot more brits abandoning ship than vice versa
Some of its older than WW2, but there was also a post-war effort by the Labour government to tackle social and economic issues which resulted in things like the NHS and shitty housing.
I know the feel, I bought my house in 2012 luckily we shafted the previous owner who bought it pre 2008. 2 bed miners cottage in Wales.
Now I'm literally a new father and need a bigger boat, but Brexit is making me anxious if there is going to be a price crash.

Things are cheaper in the Valleys but who wants to fucking live there, not enough migrants go there it's 99.5% white in an area with nearly a million people on the poverty line.

So Cardiff it is, but house prices are going insane, mine has gained 30k in value in four years!!
what did you even do in wwii

Move to America.
Silesia is German and i think you meant Silesia as this parts of Polunt
Not even migrants *
I wanna move to a snowy Northern state with a nice tight community. Someone where I can fish with my son and buy a gun. That's literally my only dream in life.

What's a good state for such a thing?
It doesn't make a difference if there is a crash or not right? Either way you will be sitting on an asset?
even when the next mega crash happens people still wont be able to afford lmao
>I married a filthy spic and life isn't going as well as I had planned

Burn the coal...
there was some projection in this post near the end
Maybe because its an island half the size of cuba that houses 70 million ppl, not a lot of space for fancy big houses right mudhumed?, assuming thats your name based on your flag
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> tried moving to South America
> had a very high salary compared to the standards
> me and my wife earned around 4000 usd a month and taxation is low.
> Lived in a confy apartment for around 800usd a month with private security, went to the restaurant several times a week.
> Got assaulted a couple of times in the streets, moved to Asia before getting killed.

No way you can rise your kids in Lima (pic related), homicide rate in Peru is even higher than in the US.
Taiwan has among the lowest crime rates in the world, housing is cheap, white people are respected, salary is higher.
Damn UK, these are ukrainian standards.
.t no one
Haha at least I have 3 acres of buffer zone between the .78% of niggers in my 94% white hometown
Enjoy being cucked by rapefugees europoors, and enjoy being charged with hate crimes for daring to speak out about it. You're fucked.
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>mortgage will cost £1075 a month for the new 35 years...

I hope you are joking
1200 sqft is quite a small house, unless you're not counting the upper floors. The land property size is nice though.
Wait for the bubble to burst, idiot. Most of the rich buy-to-let landlords that exist now with 8 houses bought them when they were dirt cheap in 2009. Wait a year until the next dip.
what is French culture?
Serious question lad.

I am sitting on so much cash atm it feels bad because it feels wasted but whatever I put it in currently would go straight to 'guess who'
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Hey we also got good heating in Ukraine. Ukraine > UK

EXACTLY, it's incredible that people dont make the realpolitik analysis of the situation and understand that there are some serious vested interests involved, yet voice nothing about it, you ukranians know how fast a situation can change i guess

we brits have been extremely cosy for the last 2 decades because everyone's house goes up ###k per year if you own (which is a fair size of the older generations), more people are happy than those that aren't (my parents house has gone up ~400k in 1 year LMAO etc)

however this conveyor belt will stop eventually when people can see that theyre going to be burnt (unless theyre counting on bailouts), and you can see this conveyor belt almost starting to turn already, the amount of wealth destruction that is possible is truly gigantic and no government in power can let it happen, its a systemic risk to the national and global economy
That's got to be fake, your pic is Cavenish Road in Rotherham. House prices are about £50,000.
>pay 4200 a year in rent
>council tax of 750 a year (includes single person discount)
>gas/electricity is 700 a year
>food is 2000 a year
>car is 600 a year
>phone/internet is 500 a year
Just under nine grand a year just to live. Must be fun saving money if you're on minimum wage.
No, you want to realise a gain when you sell.

Also means I will have to borrow more, with higher monthly payments.

if there is a significant drop I could be sat with negative equity.
Which city is that cavendish road in kraut?
The next crash will be a big one fo' sho'
Easy-going, lazy, interested mostly in other French-speaking countries, history illiterate, like to eat food and drink alcohol at the same time, going on vacations in Spain, riding bikes, friendly to other people

Now answer my question?
o I thought you were selling and moving to the countryside for equal value

Help me and my family out then, we're seriously struggling here. I can prove who I am.
>in rent
Here youк family either got free apartments after soviet collapse or you're fucked for life.
It used represent power, wealth, and class, the epitome of the white race, but now it's just another culture that has fallen under the domino effect of liberal cuckness
Can't you move to some other country in Europe? Ireland or something? Or do they have the same problems there?

i know loads of people living in london. none of them brits. and honestly, they love it, but they love it because they can always leave and go back to eastern europe, which is what most of them will do at some point. what fucking chance has any brit under the age of 30 got? a mountain of student debt, really low salaries and a studio apt costs 10 times an average wage.

even the rises are relative, if you sell it, moving will eat your profit. unless you just go and live on the streets or in tents like americans are starting to do.
The last house price crash 2009 if you call it that only took the prices back by 4 years. To which it then bounced back higher than ever.
Make a /pol/ gibmedat charity website thing
Brexit is already leading to them cooling. Just bide your time and wait. There are too many people for them to dip significantly due to the 'rubbing the right's nose' in diversity during the 2000s but they'll dip markedly.

Or just go and move overseas. We let too many people onto the island and now we're fucked.
That's like a free £50k+ for just waiting
How do I do that? Never heard of this before..
One of those ones where they normally ask money for refugees and US blacks ask for college donations
G*rman scum, all real germans died in the war, only fake g*rmans are still around
the Brits ITT dont live in flats that nice
You live in a country were most of the native whites are morbidly interbred. Exactly why so many of the English look hideous.

And all real Americans don't browse this retarded website.

Paying 400,000 for a fucking cuck shed living next door to Muhammed and his 7 wives who get their rent paid by your taxes.
You fuckers are obsessed with the UK

Focus on your own dump.

>Muh 10 millon acre
If I had a larger deposit than our 5% we have saved, I could get a much better and cheaper mortgage rate..

Any of you secretly rich readers want to help a young family buy their first home?
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exactly, essentially london is losing its soul because the lower and middle classes cannot afford their kids a place, or afford their own place if they've moved to london, and as its essentially the engine of the british economy (MEGA centralized compared to europe), this is why you see brexit, its all about control of london really

the amount of foreigners in my capital city is legit driving me crazy, the city that we built which is honestly still one of the best places to live in the world is slowly losing its mind

i consider the thousands of frenchies in kensington for example an actual invasion , the upper old money brits who have in general looked after the people are dying out, and new money is moving in (candy brothers, banking people etc), its very degenerate money in many cases and is destabilising british society

in london, your career either takes off or it doesnt, and if it doesn't youve essentially been a debt slave for several years, however if it pays off (and it seriously has to pay off big to even afford not to rent, + need rich cutie gf whos family has money plus also earns), but yes getting london on the cv is a good career move for europeans (english language + in many cases tier 1 business expierence)

if you parents own in london and have a spare flat in belsize park or primrose hill for example (this is a reality for some people), with a safe job you're literally living life on godmode
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>Pic of George Washington
God you're such a fag, you do know britain fucking decimated the colonials in actual warfare right?

Not even gonna mention our ass kicking in 1812
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not read but
>cherrypicking: the thread
looks comfy.
if theres a drop you can sell and buy at a similar reduced price, then you just sit on it until the market price explodes again and you're a happy chap once more
Actually british walls are solid as fuck unlike the cardboard in this country
People live in suburbs cause they don't wanna be near subhumans like yourself
There's no reason why "rowhouses" should cost more than a quarter of a Mil.
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The car on the drive is worth £3k btw

shitty 2 bed in a shitty area bought for under 100k 15 yrs ago, now worth half a mil

just wat the fuck.

If you want to rent this palace say cheerio to £2k a month.

but dont worry, the taxpayer will pick up the bill if your an immigrant.
for all those waiting to buy, just remember that there are thousands of people waiting for a drop though, yes the market is propped up by leverage, but how much is that ?

what you'll see is a bounce when people inevitably take the juicy price reductions and just want to get on with their miserable lives

the question is whether or not you should catch that falling knife too ?

i'm tempted to say that the powers that be cannot allow a property crash to happen if they can control it, i'd expect stamp duty reductions I think soon when teresa wins immediately tonight as osborne who introduced s24 and the stamp duty may have overcooled the market in london a little bit too hard (remember with brexit they will do all thats necessary to keep the uk afloat)
Unless there is financial crash, im never affords to live in the UK.

I cant even get a mobile phone contract, not much chance of a mortgage
Yep true, here is the property's price history too.

Wisconsin. Lake communities are usually good. Also good luck finding a town without a bar.
Also shit places like McDonald's, taco Bell, etc., are hard to find except along the highways.

Are you kidding me?!?!? 500k for a ghastly 2 bed in Nigger Pakiland

Id rather move to Canada
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potato-anon here, im not sure about mortgages but rent prices are just as bad here, only 22 and im paying 1400 per month, at least I get it to myself i guess...

pic related - me when i moved out

You know exactly why that house is so expensive you baiting nigger

>Having your shit kicked in by a professional army is a bad thing

The end result was still the same. Hadji in shitistan die 1000-1 and we still can't pacify the fuckers.

I'm starting to think there won't be a crash. Take a look at the major cities in most western countries these days. Vancouver, Toronto, London, Sydney, Melbourne, NY, LA, SF, Auckland. All massively overpriced retirement homes for rich foreigners, or playgrounds for the top 10% of earners. I mean yeah, the US housing market dropped 2008~, but now its back to the level it was at then. Toronto recently introduced a foreigner tax on property, which dropped prices initially, but now they're back at the same level again.
I earn HALF that a month, so for my months work im only 50% of my rent, for this, for this shit hole.

fuck this place now.

in the late 90's you could buy a 2 bed flat in a nice part of a City for £40k and wages were even higher.
People here citing a "bubble" in UK market, need to get a brain.

Demand far outweighs supply, new homes being built are sold in private conventions to investors (many of whom are chinese) first, having attended one its fucking insane that this is happening while first time buyers don't even get a chance to see/buy new properties in the first place.

Laws could be put in place to make sure new properties go to UK citizens/first time buyers as a first priority, but don't expect that to ever happen under a tory government. Its unlikely to happen under any government desu.

Don't delude yourself into believing theres a bubble. For younger generations their housing future relies on inheritance.
I agree
Its a fucking paki shithole
lmao thats a good 1

how about this one
Millennials are FUCKED
crumpets, tea, rain, jihad
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Well we've been pacified pretty well.
Holy shit. I thought the housing market in America was an inflated fucking mess. I at least have a dream of owning a home in 5-6 years when I make probably 20-30k more or finally get married.
What the fuck??

FUCKING BOOMERS REEEEEEE, they didnt have to lift a sodding finger for these capital gains, I swear to GoD that house could be bought for £200k in the 90's, I used to live in Bristol, Bath is a nice Alreal, but holy fucking Christ.


and whats worse is they will rent out these homes to people who get housing benefit and pay for the inflated price, the TAX PAYER PAYS!

We're getting shafted twice mother fuckers.
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No argument here but that is a separate matter/method altogether.
Seriously fuck this thread, its really depressing me

I dont want to live in the North of England, its too cold and I will get beaten up for sounding southern.



>tfw American
>tfw I can always keep moving around in the vastness of this country
>tfw British
>Island is a finite space

I am legitimately sorry my friend. I know eventually the brown hordes will take us all at this rate.
lmao at working in london if you aren't on £150,000+

>not living off investments
>not living in the midlands

ye mad innit

bath/bristol (clifton and prime bath especially) is going through a boom in the last two years, i guess its still one of the whitest areas in the UK and its very much a white flight thing from london seeking to find a corner in the southwest whilst also getting a couple of million in cash from the mad gainz

but ye me and my friends spend a good 30mins a day rightmoving and its seriously good how much it mentally fucks you up 10/10 good hobby
Drinking cider and falling asleep in bushes lad
>t. 54%



Thanks, wish I lived in US sometimes.>>129018594

Hah aye, I lived in Clifton for 15 yrs when i was lad, next to they BBC building. .
I had a British friend and this is exactly what we did every time we hung out
Clifton is fucking awful unless you're a student, fucking students,a traffic cone on your car every week gets fucking boring and so does half eaten kebabs
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