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Statement for the Record
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
James B. Comey
June 8, 2017

Comey Bowl is here. GET HYPE
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>no one replying to this
Good goys.

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literally nothing
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Is he a wizard?
Did he think no one would ever talk about the conversations he had? Is he a literal retard?

Faggot promised his loyalty to Trump and Trump has it on tape. Trump not being personally investigated. Trump wins, Comey writes like a faggot.
Can you read? Not personally investigated (yet). They're investigating his advisers (for now).
how u know about tapes?
Wait, I'm confused. On May 3rd he said "he never felt pressured", but now he's saying that he went and told the DOJ immediately after he talked to Trump and that he did feel pressured.

So, a guy who got fired is now resentful of the person who fired him?
Phew, this all makes so much sense. Looks like he is going to try and pin this on to Jeff Sessions, giving him the responsibility by claiming he spoke to the DOJ about Trump's conversation.

Now it makes sense why they are trying to pin Sessions versus Trump right now.
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holy shit, it's fucking over, he asked them to make a public statement clearing him and then tried to strongarm the deputy attorney general into doing it

textbook obstruction of justice
It is funny though that Comey wrote 3 different times in the statement that he told Trump he wasn't personally under investigation.

Basically every conversation Trump had with Comey
>Stop fucking with my people and quit dragging your ass on the investigation so I can get some shit done.
more like a nothingburger over-easy
t. increasingly nervous man
big juicy nothingburger. looks like you shareblue niggers are gonna die
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Purposely written so that it can be interpreted multiple ways.
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It's all about Comey's perceived opinion... Trump never makes any direct statements. Comey takes vague statements and perceives them to be shady.
Yet Comey makes sure to point out that he had never had the habit of memorializing meetings before Trump?!?
>makes one scratch the 'ol walnut
Why was this leaked the day before? And who put it up on the Committee's site?
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>textbook obstruction of justice
A person obstructs justice when they have a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with an open or pending judicial proceeding. Case # or fuck off Leaf
Trump came out and specifically said, unprompted "I wasn't involved with hookers in Russia and I always assumed I was being taped while over there". Lol, so now we know he was involved with hookers and didn't know he was being taped.

Pee Tape!
>factually incorrect
I thought schools in the US were bad
rofl its over for libtards

it confirms everything trump said
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If Comey is telling the total truth in that statement, then it certainly seems like Trump tried to persuade Comey to be buddy-buddy with him and help him out. No evidence of wrong-doing on either part on the table, but hints of possible wrong-doing on Trump's part, and a willingness to use whatever means are at his disposal to push back on the Russia investigation.

---My gut says Trump did have more help than the public (esp Trump supporters) had knowledge of. And maybe Russia or some paid operative hacked the DNC/Podesta to aid Trump (with or without his knowledge). But the thing is, Hillary's crimes were known, and there is evidence for it. Trump's I want to forgive simply because of the weight and nastyness of DNC/MSM crimes. It should be noted that Clinton had vast help from a number of countries, banks, figures, and the MSM. She fucking rigged debates and hacked the DNC nomination process. This whole thing is a fucking joke.
That he fired Comey for not dropping the probe on Flynn? Yes it does.
Can we all agree that if this were serious at all Comey would not be testifying on tv during the SC investigation?
How can you obstruct justice if you are not under investigation?
>Trump said he didn't do any of the alleged things


Is there a test you have to take to prove you are a retard before you can vote Democrat?
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I must have missed the part in the statement where Comey said Trump fired him for not dropping the Flynn investigation
That doesn't make a lick of sense.
It's not obstruction only when the obstructor is the target of the investigation.
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You must have missed the part where Trump never raised the alleged reasons leading to him firing Comey with the man himself.

>Shaking hands with the man
>Calling him over dinner

Suddenly: Yeah the guy was terrible and i wanted to fire him for a long time
It was in relation to that fake buzzcancer dossier that circulated you stupid fucking leaf
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So excited for the meltdown from libshits and the media when they realize how this is a bigger nothing burger then Maddow with the taxes.

>People in American are publicly friendly with people they fucking detest

How is this so hard to understand?
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Guess you guys also missed the part where he literally said Trump wasn't under investigation.
Actually, it was the opposite. It was "Get your lazy ass up and do an investigation so you can find nothing and announce I'm clear"

And then "what the fuck is taking so long you lazy fucking spic. I told you to investigate my shit months ago."
Yeah, this literally says nothing to the effect of preventing the investigation. Even if it eluded to, its not obstruction.

CNN sounds like they're about to suck-start a pistol.
But he wasn't under investigation so that's a perfectly reasonable request. Are you retarded?
Why is Comedy allowed to say this stuff? Isn't his conversations with the President classified?
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libtards eternally and forever BTFO

its over Shareblue, you lost (again, for the fifth time)
from where I see it it's hypocricy, which, by the way, seems to be a core characteristic of US culture
this is devastating to the democratic narrative.
Comey fucking them up again top kek
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A president can't interfere in ANY investigation. Not just when he's personally under investigation.

Especially from his National Security Adviser who was in his campaign.

Are you retarded?
Congressional leaders were also told but nobody will step up and say it to the media. They want to continue to do political harm to Trump. Fuck all these politicians on both sides I hope President Trump burns the whole fucking city of Washington to the ground.
>A president can't interfere in ANY investigation
What investigation would he be interfering with if it is declared he is not under investigation?

I feel like CNN makes people stupid. This is just basic logic.
I've also noticed leftists will switch to defending something else they feel more comfortable with when faced with a question regarding something completely different that they just suggested. Why is this? This leftist exhibit is a great example of that if you follow the dialogue.
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>Wiping email server clean when ordered to hand over emails to FBI
>not obstruction of justice
>hoping FBI chief can drop investigation
>obstruction of justice

Coming from the group of people who have been saying

>He'll get impeached this time!

every week since he took office?

Dropping the le 'increasing nervous man' meme in your circumstances is some irony that you can choke on.
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Welcome to politics junior.
Here's to James the Darksuited, House of Comey, Scion of the Hoover Line, Master of Whisperers, Queenslayer and now Kingslayer. The Iron Throne beckons, James. Do you dare seat yourself at it?

Seriously, some legal circles have been urging Trump to go full executive privilege on this. Comey submitted this paper testimony to make sure it was on the record before an 11th-hour change of plans or some GOP committee fuckery kept him away from the hearing. You should probably not fuck with a man who was in that kind of position long enough and with support enough to decide your fate and out-think your whole team.

Fucking masterstroke.
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Comey just got served. In the literal sense. He's being sued. Have fun explaining this, James.

Because it's easier for them. When arguments are easy, they think they're winning.
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Either way its the same message. Shit or get off the pot.

Also checked
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>Because it's easier for them. When arguments are easy, they think they're winning.
That a good answer. Yes, since they run their lives and thought processes on pure emotion trumping logic, appeasing their emotions in an argument is a priority over succinct dialogue.
It's going to be amazing to watch this play out. The left is done. Leftists will kill themselves around the clock. Glory.
OP leaks the script for the next episode of Twin Peaks, again literally nothing happens.

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So this is good news right? Seems to back trump and his portrayal of things.

CNN is labeling it a bombshell lol even though I think this statement hurts the antis big time.
But we're discussing how Trump wanted Comey to put out a statement how Trump is not being investigated. You then explained how that is obstructing an investigation. To which I asked "which?" Your answer is "Flynn's".

Which makes no sense, you see.

Are you a woman?
and the best part is that this is just Comey's statement....he's gonne face heavy grilling from the GOP tomorrow who will try and do everything to tear him apart.

This statement + all the "I don't recall/I can't answer that" tomorrow = complete Dem shitshow
Leftists are going to be getting trolled so hard tomorrow at their Comey parties.
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It's going to be glorious.
>am I under investigation
>no, you are not Mr. President
>am I under investigation
>no, you are not Mr. President
>am I under investigation
>no, you are not Mr. President
>cool, that a makes 3 separate times I've asked. Tell the public so I can get stuff done now.

i'm not the original poster so I didn't read the initial exchange. I just meant that if anything constitutes obstruction, it's nagging the head of the FBI to drop the investigation against Flynn while dangling his job over him. Quid pro quo.

That Trump asked Sessions–Comey's superior, who had not yet recused himself from the inquiry–to exit the room prior to the second conversation is sketchy, to say the least.
B ump
jesus christ, this isn't hard to understand.

ANY interference with ANY investigation from Trump is OBSTRUCTION. It's as simple as that, you see.


Show me where it says he was nagged to drop Flynns investigation.
Democratic party has already devolved to a shitshow. Party leadership is up in the air, if anything, this will help damage them more.
How can he obstruct when he is not being investigated?
Trump will have his finger hovering over the post button on his Twitter tomorrow if Comey spills one lie with perfect recollection from a recording of their meeting. Comey should be careful.
And checked
sauce of pic related? It's not coming up on google search
>your buddy comes to your door with hand and body covered in blood
>"hey man can you burn my shirt and let me borrow one of yours i just killed a cop and the police are after me"
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This kike was on the other thread shitposting this. Even a simpleton knows that Comey's statement aint gonna do shit.
I think you were going for a (you) with all that text, so here it is faggot

Comey and deep state are incinerated toast.
Because he holds a position of influence? C'mon man. If the nypd is investigating my buddy and I go to the lead detective and pay him off, I just influenced an investigation that I'm not the subject of
>Trump tells Comey to announce he isn't under investigation.

>He isn't under investigation.

So it's obstruction to request that the press publicly announce the truth?
What if you go to the police and say hey "I really think my friend is innocent y'all are wasting your time."
Bu mp
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