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Will we able to collect this flag by the end of the year?

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Will we able to collect this flag by the end of the year?
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I hope so
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>double du.bs
it's really going to happen
>Collecting flags
You're a faggot
No such thing as "double du.bs", the GET is the last set of repeating numbers. Hope that helps retard
U better stop that or Sapmi will seceede just after that, yes, the 2 guys that live there
Im from catalunya and that fucking flag is a fucking abomination.

Senyera > anything. fucking cunts.

and ofc I dont want indepence if the ones leading it are those cuckps/potemos pieces of shit
yes,collect and recicle,in the trash where it belongs.
spain isn't giving up more of their land! they already lost all their colonies in the americas and everywhere else. britain even took a piece of them in iberia for good measure.
has catalonia ever even been a country??? spain now, before that aragon was there. and before that was muslims. where did these cat people come from
>knowing nothing about spain history the post
looks like a dirty puerto rican flag
They came in and destroyed the muslims in iberia. there was castile, portugal and aragon. castile put aragon in a personal union and absorbed them and declared the kingdom of spain. they colonized and were on top of the world until they realized that bringing this much foreign gold from another world leads to inflation and so they collapsed and colonies broke off. can't tell you much else besides that other than civil war. I'm not spanish I'm english so I dunno. educate me.
>inb4 malvinas
>britain even took a piece of them
Britain take that from the Frenchs in the secesion war with other things that has been returned to Spain during centuries, they didn't invade a shit
>has catalonia ever even been a country
No, they were a County and part of Aragon , during, few years they were part of France, but France don't tolerate diferences betwen regions so they come back with us, Nowadays +60% are Extremeños and Andalucians, just like Madrit
just posting my flagcollection. nothing superb, but i only started like 1-2 months ago

thanks for your flag anon, didnt have that one yet
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forgot pic
thanks for the information. figured it was aragon.
NP MATE. most people in falklands have a family and life if they live here. I'm the black sheep. hue, sheep
You're fucking gay
>Nowadays +60% are Extremeños and Andalucians
more like a growing muslim colony
>You're fucking gay
country full of gay marriage fags calling german gay
Maybe in 20-30 years, muslims breed like rats, not now
its thats all you know about spain, then dont do stupid posts like this >>128797582

catalunya is old as fuck, even more than "unificated spain" (like any other region/old realms of spain). like catalan language, just as old as castillian (spanish)

when were we french? and your claim about not being a country is only half true. country as the modern term? yes, we never were a country. country as a nation? yes, we were, just like all the other realms/parts from spain like castilla, aragon, navarra, etc.

>implying Madrid is not a multiracial shithole too
thats just how big cities works. rest of catalunya is as great as anywhere else in our lovely spain
look lad, when you see the Spanish flag, you see the 5 kingdoms that were Spain: Castilla, Leon, Navarra, Aragon and Granada, all the other things are bullshit made by commies to please retards
>its thats all you know about spain, then dont do stupid posts like this >>128797582 (You)
Doubt that is common knowledge with people who aren't spanish. besides, if cat breaks off they'll just join the EU and and be worse off kek
>if cat breaks off they'll just join the EU
even if it was true they would have pretty much the same debt that greece,they are actually bankrupt.

>inb4 dont worry Spain is going to assume the debt and pay the pensions and barça will play in the spanish league.
Bretty rare I would insult you but idk about you and plus leaf.
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When will I be able to get this one?
>when were we french?
Sorry Jordi, can't find a catalonian version
is that supposed to be islamified union jack? if so then you forgot your standard moon and pointy star. if not all I can figure is a christmas wrapped present flag. santa flag?
you are still not my type though. im sorry to destroy your hopes
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I want this so bad, plz elect some commie and free them
We got chille you can rename it texas.
am I your type?
What is it like in the falklands?
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I think is a proxy, I've seen that flag before
How do people get such nice proxies? I hate being a leaf and everyone insults me with a nice nork proxy il be stronk!
>sapmi secession
lmao, way more swedes live in sapmi than sami
i wish we finished exterminating the deerfuckers last century
quiet. especially when tourists aren't visiting for the penguins that shit everywhere. It's boring with nothing to watch on tv except discovery and shipping takes a literal month
look lad, learn some history aka who is Berenguer and how all started / why

we are as bankrupt as the rest of spain desu. jews and commies ruined catalunya, from literally the best since the 60' 70' 80' 90' early 2000, to the last 15 years of JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP MANAGEMENT.

also, all the empowered independence movement of the last years is just a smoke curtain to distract you from that. only cup and erc are trully independentist, and they were never majority here, and never will. just all the other fucking jewbastards jump on the train of this meme to confuse and provoke chaos to disguise all their criminal stuff. and the other side, that shit retarded PP face of spain is loving it, because its also acting like a distraction for them, to also try to hide his criminal stuff.

we were "half french" from almost the start cause carlomagno/marca hispanica helping to recover our land.
This flag only represents the independence movement, the official flag of an independent Catalonia would be the "senyera" (banner), without that stupid, ugly, masonic, communistic, caribbean-tier star.
rare flag if anyone needs it.
shit tier flag
El vostres reis eren Aragonesos, la vostra bandera es aragonesa, sempre vasalls, primer d'Aquitania, després d'Aragó i ara de Castella. No mereixeu un país.
Sounds nice anon I live way up north shipping takes a month and people come to see baby seals and cry when I club them.
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I will beat your ass to a pulp, Sven.
Lmao Catalonia is an another jewish puppet colony.
>people come to see baby seals and cry when I club them.
wow awesome. wish I could do the same to the penguins but they're kinda protected. because if there are no penguins, there is no tourism. and if there is no tour, there is no money lol
You're a fag
>muh catalonia was just a county
A catalan dynasty (house of Barcelona) governed the crown for most of its independent existence, and the territories conquered were mostly colonized by catalans.
>millenial historic flag with a based as fuck legend

get the fuck out, time to prepare your wife and daughter to be raped by ahmed

with that retarded logic, everybody can be a vassal from anybody else

>he doesnt know the real history about jews and catalunya, and why all the bad fame we had from it its in fact the because of the opposite

Rodrigo learn some history.
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No such thing.
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this guy again
Fals. Els reis d'Aragó eren per començar del Casal de Barcelona, va ser Berenguer IV qui es va casar amb Petronila i va unificar Aragó amb Catalunya, mai varem ser vasalls.
You are cool, second best Asian country after El Peru
only if you have great tits and a vagina
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There are no maps saying catalonia historically.
how's that related to the topic?

Portugal will support the rule of the Castelhana Rule and Spanish unity if they open the doors for Galiza be right home, here with us.
Catalonia is the thorn of Spain ambitions.

Portugal took advantage of Catalan revolt and weakened Iberian Union state to rebel against Spanish nobles and Phillip IV (who treated Portugal badly economically and lost territory) in 1st December. So Portugal has to thank Catalonia and ancestors of today's independentists.

They even lost Roussilon and part of the Cerdanya afterwards with their rebellion suppresed in 17th century.
Go away.
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Yea we literally told EU to fuck off. ever worn seal skin boots? they are the shit complete water proof custom fit and softness of a babies ass
Y-yeah no.
Fuck off moor kike
Yo espero. España necesita otra guerra civil para que se le quite lo maricon.
>proponents of Catalonian independence are socialist and pro EU parties
>almost all have jewish leaders and officials

Really makes my noggin joggin
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that's offensive goddamit!!!!
you're welcome
now it's the time to give us a hand
You moor kikes will be slain
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>castilian wannabe
I am Iberian, and all traitors to Iberia get death, all Iberia belongs solely to Iberia and Iberians, there is no reason and no possible way catalonia will be seperatist.
You getting independence plummets our economy to the ground - exports to Spanish market and banking system ( BBVA, Santander , catalan Caixabank, etc. controls our banks - hold part of their shares)
Why do you LARP alway the time?
> alway the time?
all the time
aren't catalans iberian?
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but we could buy your toalhas
Yes they are, and traitors get death, there will be no mercy for traitors and defeatists.
what's with the toalhas thing bro? I hear it in CS all the time.
A great war between Spain and Portugal until one is fully defeated by the other is the only chance of a Iberia. There will be no agreement neither a peaceful pact.

The Iberian Peninsula under one only nation Will be totally Portugal or totally Spain.

That's because their independence LARPERS are friends with our independence LARPERS and they spend too much time in echo chambers.
Not really, there is no such thing as poryugal and iberians would desert the guspy negroid moorish state of portugal for soanish state than the kikes are obliterated to smitherens.
I swear to God, the government should just put all those retarded secessionists in jail and let them rot there. We are being way too lenient with those idiots spouting alternative history. If they want their own country they should buy a fucking island and call it whatever they want.

Art.155 when?

No need to educate you, that was the best summary of the rise and fall of the Spanish Empire.
You better stock up French flags because Macron is working really hard to make the country disapear into Europe.
Explain why we are traitors. Spain isn't an idyllic Iberian union like you might think. The traditional Spanish nationalist vision of Spain is solely Castilian. They would wipe out the other Iberian cultures.

If you agree with them, just kys.
You are not an Iberian because you don't understand this issue. you are just a faggot.

Portugal finished the reconquista for it's territory earlier than spain so i don't know why you think we are moorish. We fought for the pope inumerous times and we have a Templar Order here unlike you, there, in america you have none.
We could get some alliance with mutual military / strategic /diplomatically purposes, upgrading the Treaty of Non-Agression and Friendship and expand international influence. We can't trust no one including South American countries like Argentina - Argentina nacionalised Spanish company(ies) - petrol Repsol
1)What's happening, French anon?
b) Is equivalent of flight of pied-noirs to Metropolitan France possible to Algerians/Tunisians back to their ancestral home possible in the long term?
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>being this wrong
>i wish we finished exterminating the deerfuckers last century

And yet you welcome the goat fuckers instead. Strange.
No such thing as Portugal.

No such thing as Catalonia.
Only Iberia exists and thats iberians.
I don't really know, it's a popular thing to buy if one goes to Portugal, or so it seems
They don't understand where their civilization came from...
with that I can agree with. but i can't fully trust a Spanish guy.
Yes there is, in fact there was 850 years ago.
That'd be a kickass pattern for pants

I knew this was a promising thread!
just wait till autumn or winter leafy
stop memeing and learn some history if you're so interested in spain
There is no such thing as "catalonian" nation only city of barcelona and its political management not its national purpose, it was seen as a regular dpanish nation city.
Yeah, I understand that. I wouldn't trust us neither. Just look at how badly we're handling those secessionists.
This should have never been a problem in the first place and should have been shut down as soon as one idiot started making up history up to fit his agenda. But neither Aragon nor the rest of Spain told them to shut up. I really hate how we let idiots talk. Americans have the SJW, we have the secessionists.

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Don't get baited by this American.
He should have pride of his country and the other countries that he has ancestral links, instead of rumbling himself - about in Spanish political threads, adding no contribution. Spending his time LARPing doesn't go anywhere. Shitty meme. He should try >>>/bant/
That's why is better a pact than some sovereign union or other supranational union with political decision making
Cheap and good towels
>that's offensive

IIRC they are proto-europeans, a genetics island.
>implying it won't be part of France
>Spain isn't an idyllic Iberian union

None is. That's how the real world works.
The constant fragmentation and re-arrangement of Spain/Portugal/France is what prevented the Spanish empire from developing their colonies. The cost of constant warfare forced them (and others) to see the colonies as nothing more than a purse which eventually choked the empires with inflation and imploded the otherwise promising lands in the new world and elsewhere.
And of course, once historical facts show up the secessionits disappear. They have a good nights sleep, forget about their worries and tomorrow continue barking about muh independence. Repeat ad nauseam

Art. 155 NOW!
Hello m8
>implying it won't BE france

Macron will get hard AF upon selling the country for two tapes of cuck porn to the proud new iberian nation.
Yes, Catalonia as a whole was never an independent nation, is that a requirement to become independent now?

The county of Barcelona was de facto independent from the franks, and they formed a dynastic union with Aragon. The house of Barcelona became rulers of the Crown of Aragon until the last king died without descendants.Catalonia had its courts and its own constitution -one of the first in medieval Europe- and formed a political entity within the crown.
>And of course, once historical facts show up the secessionits disappear

Damn! It was fun while it lasted.
You're correct. Great Britain had the advantage of never suffering war torn damage and plunder in their Metropolitan England because island syndrom or isolation from mainland Europe.

We had to pay military support to stop the shitty Franco-Spanish invasions and rebuild our capital after being by an earthquake in 1755 ( with Brazilian gold as part "of the purse")
>with Brazilian gold as part "of the purse"

The only ones that benefited from it all were the BENELUX, the same ones that benefit now from the EU insanity.
I fucking hope so, I want to live in a post collapse society like venezuela
A city, yes, all cities had such local administration.
i don't even bother, read it if you want

When is "Catalonia" first mentioned?
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forget it
I don't speak Mexican. What the hell is going on?
>What the hell is going on

Someone was LARPING about leaving Spain to have his own country and ended up getting a black pill. Nothing to see here, move along.
>va unificar Aragó amb Catalunya
per filar una mica més prim, no es van realment unificar, eren dos territoris separats amb lleis propies cadascun. El regne d'Aragó no era per sobre del principat de Catalunya ni al reves.
Principat de burgos
Nacion de illeda nacion de mallorca nacion de tarragona
The black pill is a dangerous drug.
Ni et molestis a contestar. Es passa pel forro totes les explicacions. Té una obsessió insana amb ser espanyol i un concepte iberista purament castellà. El paio apareix en tots els fils relacionats amb Espanya
It was a Principality. From the word "princeps", meaning "Caesar". So a principality is some sort of authoritarian republic. Catalonia was a country as much as any other. It was conquered in 1714 and it's institutions and laws destroyed to castillian ones.
Before saying nonsense, take a step back and really examine your knowledge of history of 1000 years of catalonia, you know nada amigo. shut up.
would Spain actually allow them to go way like that?
yo flipo con lo cazurra que es la gente, de verdad. Es un completo ignorante y un fanatico. Lo que me jode es que no pueden llegar a hacerse una idea de lo ignorante que es en esto almenos...
All cities had mayors.
>meaning "Caesar". So a principality is some sort of authoritarian republic

"Caesar" and "republic" are conceptually mutually exclusive.
It's just a LARP fantasy, like ANTIFA.
Un obseso de manual, al principio pensaba que estaba trolleando

En fin, me voy, buenas noches/bona nit
The cities in catalonia payed vassalage to the king directly or indirectly. That King was the king of Aragon. Now that it's where you get confused. He ruled in Catalonia not because he was king of aragon, but because he was Count of Barcelona too(who prior barceolna counts consolidated all other counties and created a unified entity, the principality of catalonia).
He ruled according to the laws of aragon in aragon, and ruled according to the laws of the constitutions of catalonia in Catalonia.
That s is a very very very basic explanation.






"Catalonia" no such thing.
Nope. Augustus was called Princeps, that was his title, it was equivalent of a consul and a tribune of the plebians and the sumus pontifex, some sort of "dictator" with no usual time limit and an aura of divinity. Princeps means "the one that is First", he was the first among the senators, it was still a republic.
It was not until the domination period in III century after christ that they were named Imperator.
you are very ignorant, please refrain from conversation.
Catalonia is more castillian than many castillian provinces.
>Un obseso de manual,

You guys are aware anyone can use google translate? Do you?
you are hopeless friend
Constitutions <> Sovereignty


There never existed a "catalonia" only a barcelona city.
again, you are vey ignorant.
"Constitutions" in a historical context, this case in pic, XV century, "Constitutions" doesnt mean the same as "constitution" today.
Seriously you dont even know how to argue much less have any idea about this topic. Modern constitutions appeared in the late XVIII -XIX century.
The law in Pic was the law approved by the Courts stablished in Barcelona and it was the law of all the land in catalonia. The King of aragon had to OBEY those laws, and rule according to them. Kings of aragon had to swear before the Courts to obey their laws or not be king at all.

That pic is from 1413, and you can find many older, much older shut up mongrel!
Where is the evidence for this?

Fucking Iberian LARPer
That's the flag of the basque country
Just google "constituciones catalanas" or wathever im tired of writing. they go back to XIII century.
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Those independence movement meme guys and leaders have to get money somewhere into their pockets. It happens with all politicians and lobbyists including my country.
>wiki is evidence
>trust communist historicsl narraters
That pic name should be "Crown of Aragon". The kingdom of aragon is part of the crown, not all of it. Its what today is Aragon roughly.
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and pic related
I'm going to sleep.
And you change your lifestyle, please. Messing in every Spain thread and posting your face

Sorry, you're right. filename sucks - it should be crown of aragon as you said.
Why does independists movement have catalonia flag with a star inside a blue triangle or red star? And catalonia flag has no star?
they copied the cuban flag when they got independence from spain.
why is based in the puerto rico flag?, we are not a soberan coutry, we surrender our women to the americans.
"Called catalan revolt"
Our bitches scape with the rich americans, hypergamy is wild in Puerto Rico
you must change your flag its just not based, not a good start

omg you're so rare. i'm gonna cry.
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What is this nigger doing in Spain?
>Spanish """history"""
I've found afterwards the wiki article.
>hoist containing a five-pointed white star, inspired by the flags of Cuba and Puerto Rico.

>In 2016, the Spanish government prohibited football fans from bringing esteladas to the Copa del Rey final match between Barcelona and Sevilla, held in Madrid. The government applied the article 2.1 of the Law on Sports, which prohibits the display of symbols that "incite, foment or help violent or terrorist behavior." A Madrid judge overruled the ban after Barcelona complained, citing freedom of expression.
jesus christ fellow American, it's SOVEREIGN.

your women like white people's music and sleep with anyone, they surrender themselves
Let me assess the situation and think deeply how is it possible for a nationalist state for the Iberian race to rise.. it cant come from politics.
yes sovereign. It just dont make sense why copy the flag?
So, it's pretty sure that there will be a referendum in September, right? If the separatists lose, are they going to proclaim independence no matter what Rajoy says?
do you want your catalan bitches to slept with the madrid guys?
with a blue triangle at the hoist containing a five-pointed white star, inspired by the flags of Cuba and Puerto Rico. Later designs combine the Senyera with a yellow triangle at the hoist containing a five-pointed red star. In both designs the lone star motif means Catalan independence.
>the lone star motif means Catalan independence.

Because you got independent from evil Castillian oppresors like Cuba >>128823478 ( proxy goy) and that the star means I think
How are you even online?
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This original flag already existed before your flag.
you Catalans have to accept that are just a bunch of beta males, and always will need the madrid alphas
I thought they voted against this a couple of years ago. Maybe Spain's continued economic problems are a factor.
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Castillians are subhumans.
Cataluny is good for his urban culture, art and city services, just a bunch of artist, that are good and was realy very good in the past. But they are plagued with liberals, feminist and perverts, that would make they to collapse in the future, without the predominant alphas, there is no country.
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