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Why spaniards are dumb >Be portuguese , speak portuguese

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Why spaniards are dumb

>Be portuguese , speak portuguese and understand spanish easily without studying

> Be spanish , speak spanish, cant understand portuguese without studying it

> Comes to Portugal we need to speak spanish, we go to spain we need to speak spanish

Explain me this phenom

What a bunch of loser faggots going to other countries expecting them to speak their language.

You are the little one, sorry m8.
When we go to spain we speak spanish because it makes sense, but when they come here they are mad that we are speaking portuguese because their brain is to small to understand portuguese even doe it makes no sense why they cant speak it
It´s not about size it´s about logic
Now now, spainbros are nuestros hermanos :3
still retarded doe when my little brother can understand spanish and spanish adults cant understand portuguese
Because the Portuguese were in the Iberian peninsula HUNDREDS of years before the Spaniards.

And Portugal STILL never submitted to their Empire and remained separate.


Why the fuck would I need to learn fucking portuguese, m8? I just want to go there, cool my balls in the atlantic and drink some fucking good caldo verde. I don't need to speak portugeuse for that, and I also don't need you to speak spanish, so I won't be mad at you for speaking retarded galician.

The thing is, that it makes more sense that you speak spanish beacuse a metric ton of annoying spaniards goes to your tiny country everyday. Not the other way around.
The point of this thread is that it makes no sense that you need to study portuguese when you are supposed to know how to speak decent without practicing I can speak with spanish people and I never study spanish in my life...
Mutual understanding generally works more from one side to the other, like Estonian-Finnish and Ukrainan-Russian
PS: do you understand this, dad? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGY5x-7GtP0
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>talk in monochordic sounds like a mute spaniard
>expect others to understand
wew lad, kys
>Speak English
>English is known across the world
>Everyone speaks English
>Go to Spain
>They speak english
>Pretend to speak only Spanish
>Go to Portugal
>They speak English
>Pretend to speak only Portuguese
Come on people, you're living in an Anglo world, get with the times

Brazilians don't speak Portuguese. You guys ruined it and turned it into some "ZHhhhh Zhhhh Zhhh syou syou syou zhhhh" Monkey talk.

You have to go back

Que é que fizeram ao nosso português :(
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>burger edukeishion
>It's the American saying this

I mean I think that knowing English is so fucking convenient that it's totally worth it but still...
He is kind of right , the most white areas in brazil they actually speak decent portuguese but shit like rio De janeiro fuck that that aint our portuguese that we preserved...
>Portugal is white!!

what? A photo of African and Cape Verdean mutts on a sportball team?

That's "Portuguese"???
You're both dumb.
They are from Florianópolis, which was heavily influenced by Azorean accent. Here are the same video with subtitles (from 0:45) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJRHkJ7ByIk
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>the most white areas in brazil

Ahhh, so a sportsball team represents a country?

I guess the United States is BLACK...amirite Anon?
No they are not portuguese, the black guys you see are sons of african countries that portugal colonized, since africa is a shithole they come here because they kinda speak our language , but they are not black people that steal thats why portuguese is the 3rd safest country they just want better life
You guys don't even know English lol

Maybe you are more exposed to spanish than we are to portuguese. Don't you think so?

I bet in the border towns (of our side) the can speak portuguese very fluently.
They speak queef in Canada, bunch of little pussy fag boys.
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Why do retards always post photos of SOCCER teams to argue the ethnicity of a country?

Literally, the most Retard form of debate.

Idc but these fucking Mexicans better learn English here. Inbred fucks aren't even Spanish anymore. There more like nigerian pirates than their white spanish ancestors
Fuck Mexicans

The inferiority complex of the portugese in pol really activates my almonds.
+1 I´m not racist and black people in portugal are different than the black people on america just look how safe our country is, but black people are more inclined to play sports thats why they are in the most sport teams
We all can understand Portuguese and Italian you dumbfuck tuga
Nothing worse than watching a bunch of Eurofags jumping around over there gay as fucking sport. Their such retards amirite
I think it's because Portuguese use more phonemes than Spanish, therefore we can understand Spanish as some sort of heavily defective Portuguese, a "downgrade" of sorts, while for a Spanish to understand Portuguese he'd have to instantly "upgrade" his understanding.
it's very interesting
niggers commies fought to kick us out but now they want to live with us. i wonder where we get to have our own country far away from them?
????????? Hhahahah thats the biggest bullshit I heard so why the fuck when u are all in bairro alto you say to speak spanish and get mad for speaking portuguese???? Makes 0 sense
Can all of you spics just do the species a favor and hang hard
Actually they speak English in Canada.

Americans speak an incomprehensible pidgin tongue they call "American". For instance, in this bastardization of English, they spell colour (a cultured word with roots in French) as "color" like a total barbarian.
Spaniards: "Hey what's this region here"

Portuguese: "It's Galicia, Iberia, Lusitania"

Spain: "Oh cool. Join our Empire"

Portuguese: "Who are you where did you come from? No. We got our own thing"

Spain: "We mad. You are Hispanic now and forever"

Average Burgerfat: "Yeah dey wuz kangs....dey Hispanic too"
You have to travel moar
We can, but is true that they are better understanding than us. I think is the diference between in phonetics that fuck us up.
Not really. In Portugal nobody gives a fuck about Spain, and in Spain nobody gives a fuck about Portugal.

Instead, it has to do with how centered in its language a country is. I've met several foreign languages professors and they told me that the Portuguese find it easier to learn and adapt to new languages. They also say Spaniards are some of the worst. For instance, when learning French, the courses for the Portuguese usually don't focus at all on reading comprehension, simply because we don't need it. They usually claim it has to do with dubbing everything on TV, with using local pronunciation when importing words from abroad, with being a relatively closed country culturally (prime examples are the US and Japan), with the limited range of sounds Spanish has, etc.

KYS slowly with a spoon in your ass

Why did the Portuguese radio station go out of business?

Answer: Because all people could hear was "zzhhh zhhhh zhhh zhhhhh zhhh"

*I'm half Portuguese.
The only romance language that I can't understand without study is French, even Romanian is understandable at 70-80%

Cool then. Better for you actually, becasue it will be more useful for you to understand spanish than for me to understand portugese.

Keep up the good work portubro.
I'm sorry, but this is true. You guys and the Brazilians are equally terrible at speaking English. Your grammar sucks, your pronunciation sucks, you're always hesitating, and then you give up and start speaking your native language. This is something you're becoming infamous for across Europe.
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I can understand written portuguese and i simply give a fuck when speaking with a portubros if he speaks in Spanish or portuguese all i care is what he or she tells me same as with Italian, i see absolutely no issues with an Italian speaking in Italian with me but I'll just answer back in spanish,same page with portuguese,i truly can't understand your point although I understand it with french since I understand french due to Catalán but refuse to speak it since it sounds retarded and they are anal about pronunciation,you can do to spanish assholes what I do to french assholes,i tell them I don't speak moroccan in french,so they understand it.
This. Danish people can understand swedish and norwegian better than other way around because we speak slower and more phonetic. It's just the way it is.
Race war between Spain and Portugal when?
>*I'm half Portuguese.
Kill yourself brown shit
nah the sun is to strong in iberia that we are to lazy to fight
I'm totally trolling. I gotta stop. Way to much coffee.

Carry on Euro bros
Even with a little bit of study you can get a grasp of French, the problem is the fucking phonetics. For me Romanian is a puzzle, I can understand maybe 30% tops.
The Portuguese and the Spaniards are the same race.
When they try to get Olivenza and Ceuta back, then

My ass is Whiter than Korean in a dungeon
It's like asking a war between US and Canada
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says el capitan 56% who supported the nigs in the first place

I find Spanish and Italian really beautiful. Portuguese sounds like a throat disease.
Now now portuguese people are not that brown and he's only half portuguese.
And what about your shit coloured hair and eyes? Are you going to ignore that?

And yes, I'm aware German isn't considered to sound beautiful either.
I don't know (((who))) is trying to divide us with that stupid things. Iberia united Iberia strong
Hehehe, there will never be a war between USA and Canada because Americans are too afraid of us from last time.
Can you explain me this pic?
Being this cucked by the anglos, you will never change

I'm more Gold. My ass and feet are pale as shit though.

Anyone mixed with Portuguese is like a fish. Color on top, shiny pale on the bottom.

Fish people!
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Because we don't give a shit about you. We care more about Italians than you, that's why.

My eyes are green and my hair is auburn.

You were saying Primo?
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>insulting my greatest ally
fun that u also dont understand italian so makes no sense LMAO
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This guy speaks about it, but in the case of italian and spanish, i guess the same could apply to portuguese.
Sometimes people claim that we should have some kind of V4 or Benelux with Portugal and Italy, mehh .... who cares
There is a huge advantage to learning new languages when it comes to broadening the range of information you have access to. Since this is a right-wing board, I'll have you know that France is the richest source of right-wing thought in the world, despite it also being one of the richest for marxism. I only realized this after I started to learn French. And there is a tremendous difference in the framework being used when you compare the Anglo-Saxon against the French tradition. Non surprisingly, Salazar and Franco followed the French tradition much more closely.
Azoreans are dumb as fuck, worse than niggers, they all should be exterminated.
I went to Rome and I spoke in Spanish to some guys and they replied to me in Italian (slowly) and I understood them.
You sound like a drunk Russian trying to do a racist impression of Spanish, I can even understand a Brazilian better than a Portuguese.

Well, I'm not Azorean.
Italian is actually easy to understand, portuguese even more so.
Never read the cereal boxes? Portuguese is basically spanish changing 1 letter per word.
Up until the 1980s, the second language everybody learned in school in Portugal was French, not English. My mother, for instance, knows enough French she can handle herself in France pretty well but she can't speak English at all.

Stay mad.
Your parents are, don't lie, all the portuguese emigrants in north american are Azorean scum
The americans supported the niggers against portugal and then south Africa, there where many rebel factions basically commies cuban and maoist commies and then pimp niggers where the white woman at "freedom fighters" nigger concept of freedom is nowadays africa where you're free from laws and reason.so the americans decided to fuck their nato allies to help some niggers to avoid all niggers turning commie,and thus portugal was cucked by nato and the NATO officers brought down the estado novo and th end of the colonial empire,reversing the flow of migration from poor portuguese to the colonies to try to work a better life to niggers going to their ex metropolis to try to leech a better life.
The end.
What would Portuguese sound like if the Romans never influenced the language?

And by the way, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese are all great languages.

Portuguese is a little "zhhh zhhh zhh" though
The main issue is phonetics, portuguese has a lot of weird accents that spanish doesn't have.
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because they sound retarded as fuck whenever they try to speak portuguese

anyway, this doesn't bother me in the least. same with most portuguese people. we are fine with other cultures.
holden roberto got cash and support from JFK, he killed thousands of whites
>but when they come here they are mad that we are speaking portuguese because their brain is to small to understand portuguese even doe it makes no sense why they cant speak it
A bad strawman is still a strawman.

>Now now, spainbros are nuestros hermanos :3
Muito obrigado

>And Portugal STILL never submitted to their Empire and remained separate.
You are fake news:
"The Iberian Union was the dynastic union of the Crown of Portugal and the Spanish Crown between 1580 and 1640, bringing the entire Iberian Peninsula, as well as Spanish and Portuguese overseas possessions, under the Spanish Habsburg kings Philip II, Philip III and Philip IV of Spain."

>We all can understand Portuguese and Italian you dumbfuck tuga
>The only romance language that I can't understand without study is French, even Romanian is understandable at 70-80%
When I'm with my Italian friends I speak Spanish and they speak Italian and we have nearly no problems.

>nah the sun is to strong in iberia that we are to lazy to figh
Niggers revolt against our country's wise leadership. The whole world joins their side, only one who helps Salazar is the apartheid South African and Rhodesian regimes.
They sound like a Brazilian trying to speak Portuguese lol
Sadly not a part of the Portuguese masterrace
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>Ameriturd education
And Basques were here since ancient times, thousands of years before them.
>Hurr durr I don't know what is the Castellani tribes XDDDD
Most Portuguese people speak Portunhol. They make an effort to speak Spanish and some really believe they speak that language correctly. That naivite is cute.There is a reason why so many Portuguese start learning Castilian a year before going to study or work in Spain.
>> Be spanish , speak spanish, cant understand portuguese without studying it

I can understand portuguese perfectly. Try it if you want, write in portuguese and a I will answer in spanish.

>Because the Portuguese were in the Iberian peninsula HUNDREDS of years before the Spaniards.

We are literally the same people. Countries are artificial constructions.
I'm learning French right now and would love to read some of what you're referring to. Do you know of any particular French writers or writings I should look for?
Because they aren't smart...bah dum tsssss
you could use google translate doe

Will give it a try , translate this " Amanhã temos que ir buscar o gajo senão estamos em apuros para a decisão final que será em breve"
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>Countries are artificial constructions.
Leftist Andalucian detected
>Be American
>Speak English
>Have to learn Spanish to accommodate Juanito the maraca-shaking mongoloid
left is Portubros "we still run this shiet" supporters of the colonial war.
Right is nigglets being suported by commies, freedom, alah, and hunger
I am galician.

"Mañana tenemos que ir a buscar (gajo senao?) estamos en apuros para la decisión final que será en breve"
Welcome hermanito,actually I'm proud to be able to do so since I once heard a complain from a portuguese about how portuguese know more about spain than we do about portugal and I'm kind of ashamed to have had to agree with him,so it makes me proud to have been agreegreeble to explain that.
About the language..what I said here>>128746798
And also I remember some guy from Porto telling me he used to receive the spanish tv signal in Portugal so he would often watch spanish tv while I never saw any portuguese tv shows so my guess is that might have helped
I've met a bunch of Brazilian girls on tinder and their friends. They are really shit at English, uniquely so. They always leave off the last syllable. Coffee = cough

Expand on that topic breh. Genuinely curious.
Someone prolly from the rest of spain would not understand , gajo = someone ( Male) , senao means or else
Senao probably is our sino (sino,estamos en apuros)
I would probably have understood "senao" if I listened it.
>>128743923 i'm spanish and I find easy to read portuguese
Because portugues accent sounds like having the mouth full of dicks, while spanish sounds cristal clear like the superior lingua franca it is.
Because we do it on our native language.
yes its pretty much similiar yet he didnt recognize thats the problem with spaniards when they come here...
I would have recognized it if we were speaking. I can undestand portuguese perfectly, but I can't write it and reading it can be also confusing.
Well reading is even easier for us then, Spanish writing is so easy to understand way easier than when you speak, I remember when i was 16 years old I would watch animes with spanish subs because it was very easy to understand since I didnt like brazilian subs
I wouldn't have a problem if I was talked to in portuguese as long as I could answer back in spanish,and if I went to portugal i would understand if I wasn't being understood all the time,I don't expect everyone to be able to figure out by context the few words they can't guess by similarities.
Just do as I told you I do to annoying french who expect me to have to answer back in french when I'm in spain ,if they expect you to reply back in spanish in Portugal, tell them politely you can't speak moroccan and that you can only understand bits of itit will surely piss them off (it always worked like a charm for the french)
Dude brazilians cant even speak portuguese...What are you expecting really... it´s not like USA where they actually speak english the portuguese they speak makes no sense and its extremely wrong and a totally disrespect of portuguese language
to be honest it only happened me once atleast , it was 2 girls they were drunk and started talking about barcelona and etc we replied in portuguese they got mad and said "blalballba no entiendo nada" and then me and my friend spoke spanish and they laugh and left...
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Search for contre-révolution, action française and sspx (traditional catholicism). The Portuguese Estado Novo was almost entirely based on the first two.

You also have this leaflet made by Antifa summarizing what exists atm in France. (thanks Antifa lol)
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I used to watch Brazilian subbed animus since there are many "rare"animus available for the hues thanks to the jap diaspora i guess but it always pissed me because I was trying to learn jap and ended up reading the huespeak since it was easier
Also, the three groups I referred are only part of the blue upper-right side of my pic. You have a shit ton of things left to check out.
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Because you speak a filthy subhuman mix of moor and Spanish. We are clearly superior and you know it so use our superior language. How can moorugalish cucks even compete with our might?

That's biased
Son lo mismo,su idioma es tan viejo como el nuestro,son solo una rama del mismo árbol, puedes verlo como un árbol feo al estar dividido en dos pero así forma una copa más frondosa y su sombra histórica cubre más terreno.
You know at least the difference between formal and informal speech?
Não sei de onde és mas isso não se comprova no Norte. Os galegos entendem perfeitamente português e alguns até tentam falar. Deixa de instigar.
in two words, portuguys
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>shilling for frenchie to spite the anglo
and what did that get you?
galego =/= castelhano
esse é o único motivo pelo qual eles entendem português
Clearly the easier language will survive the struggles of time, portuguese will die out eventually
But he's calling every Spanish a Castillian subhuman or Castillian lover. OP is faggot confirmed.

This ain't political - thread should go to /int/, /b/ or /bant/
I was banting lad.
Vuelve a tu reggaeton Juan, aquí no hay espacio para ti.
Nice try, but Brazil had a lot of waves of european immigrants that stood on the south, that's why the south is full of whites, and the north full of 'pardos', also why violent crimes are much more common on the north
I guess we can all at least agree that our languages are better spoken by us. And that latin americans speak monkey languages compared to us.
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don't even try to discuss with a leaf with seriousness
just ignore it
>every foreigner prefers to learn brazilian portuguese
>our speech is enforced upon you by international media, culture and common sense
>gets butthurt
spain and portugal are both scum cuntries and they should be destroyd. their inhabitants are nothing but disgusting retarded negro tier subhumans. they are dirty, they smell, their languages sound horrible and their culture is literally middle east tier. they are the cancer of europe . bye
Some Africans speak better Portuguese than Brazilians.

Why the Brazilian dialects - the pronunciation are such subhuman we don't know.
Os estrangeiros aprendem a vossa maneira de falar porque é bastante mais fácil, comparada à maneira de falar portuguesa. E não se trata de inveja, trata-se da verdade que vocês falam como retardados. Não é vergonha nenhuma admiti-lo. O português sempre foi uma língua sóbria e fria, mas convosco parecem chimpanzés a ter ataques de epilepsia.


Depende, se forem africanos que estudaram em Portugal sim conseguem articular muito melhor mas se forem imigrantes não. Não vivo nem perto de Lisboa mas o crioulo que ouço que eles falam aí é simplesmente língua da selva, muito semelhante ao brasileiro.
That's why I came to portugal.
We don't have decent internet in nigger land.
>português língua sombria e fria
>"brasileirox não sabem falar portuguêx, mãcacx!"
Posso ver porque o sotaque europeu realmente é apreciado no mundo todo.
Os sotaque britânico ao menos é visto como belo e sensual pelos amerigordos. Vocês aqui no Brasil só conseguem fazer os outros rirem.
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Spanish people live in a bubble
>and what did that get you?
Portugal a couple of months
worth it
thanks for the input hakeem
Look at your Muslim country first Ahmed.
You live in a country where you can go to jail for a twitt against your dear muzzies...and by the way, the worst country in Europe.
Los extranjeros aprenden vuestra manera de hablar porque es bastante más fácil, comparada con la manera de hablar portuguesa.
Y no se trata de envidia,es verdad (se trata de la verdad)que ustedes hablan como retrasados,no hay vergüenza alguna en admitirlo.el portugués fue siempre una lengua sobria y fria,más ¿concedo?parecéis chimpancés a punto de tener un ataque de epilepsia.
(It's easy to understand,all but a word I can understand and that word isn't even important for the context)
>come to 4chan speak English
Não sei porquê a tua austeridade para comigo. Custa tanto admitir? Eu disse sóbria. Sabes o que isso significa ou é vocabulário complexo demais? O mundo acha engraçada a vossa maneira de falar porque parecem crianças que nem os verbos sabem conjugar direito sem usar o gerúndio para tudo. Mas pronto fica com a vitória Edmilson.
Buajajjajajajaja, se os conoce tan poco que wno puede ni imsultarte, y perdona por corregirte pero el reggeton es de los sudacas no español
Segundo a sua lógica a língua inglesa também é uma língua de crianças que não sabem conjugar verbos.
O resto é só variação fonológica, mas pra você só o seu sotaque ridículo é válido, Manuel.
"Convosco" es el mismo que Contigo, solo que es usada en la forma plural para designar a un grupo de personas.
Vou ter convosco. = Voy a tener con vosotros.
Se estás a falar da língua inglesa falada na América sem dúvida, é tão amacacada como a vossa. Mas pronto ficamos por aqui. Se liga e parem de invadir Portugal com a vossa música de subhumanos.
>mas o crioulo que ouço que eles falam aí é simplesmente língua da selva, muito semelhante ao brasileiro.
I'm talking about Portuguese not about the Portuguese creoles.
Cape Verde and Guiné-Bissau - their creole is dominant over the Portuguese
Colonial troops expanded Brazil in the Oranges' War.
Não ligues ao gajo.
>Se liga e parem de invadir Portugal com a vossa música de subhumanos
quem faz essas músicas são os pretos que vocês trouxeram para cá no século XVII
We all can understand it, at least written, even if we are not galicians
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Allot of you retards literally avoid saying words that you deem too "complex" and replace it you with useless non-descriptive words like negócinho.

Worse then using words in the wrong context is avoiding saying them when they are right in front of your eyes. It's the supreme act of mental laziness.
Lol, London is 2/3 indian or black
That's a vocabulary problem. It may exist in all of the world's languages, among the uneducated.
Mas é sabedoria alheia que vocês brasileiros sois pretos com cabelo liso.
Só os que tem portugueses na senpaiília.
As regiões colonizadas por outras etnias europeias curiosamente não sofrem deste problema.
Para de ser ridiculo a razão que os estrangeiros preferem pt-br é porque é uma linguagem facil de falar porque nao respeita regras do portugues ou seja qualquer macaco consegue falar mas vossa lingua nao é portugues verdadeiro e nunca será, o mais engraçado nas zonas aonde a população é mais rica é as zonas aonde falam mais parecido ao nosso português
I read this whole thread, but what I can't figure out. So what the fuck is a 'Portugal'? Is it some kind of ship? A slang fr something?
>You guys and the Brazilians are equally terrible at speaking English.

Why are poortuguese so obsessed to please britains? Centuries of feeding them gold in exchange of nothing, maybe?
Nice try Mehmet
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Easy, Spaniards going to Portugal are going to be 100% tourists and thus dumb as fuck
Also nobody cares about your language. Spanish is the official language of the USA anyway, our colonies beat your colonies any day of the week

>Twf can't understand Portuguese
Lets´s be honest here brazilians have shitload of population that speak portuguese very bad, the south area speaks decent but damn I see sometimes facebook pictures of brazilians speaking portuguese on the internet that Im honestly getting cancer, still no hate to brazilians I really love you guys <3
Nordeste e Rio de Janegro ricos? Lol
Pois são nessas regiões aonde falam igual portugueses. Justo aonde a negada fica.
Falado como uma verdadeira língua latina.

This is why everyone should just learn English.
E aqui está um Guarani imigrante senhoras e senhores.
Spanish language will be more important
It isn't when you literally hand them the written down words and they still point to it a say eu quero esse "negócinho" FFS.
Esquece não vale pena falar com crianças que teem problemas em admitir que o portugues falado no brazil é completamente errado, é feio, não respeita regras gramaticais, mas enfim o que fazer , ser cabeça oca dá nisto. Abraço tuga
I didnt know algerians had internet cable.
what kind of beer is that
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imagine if there were jewish spaniards with beautiful mustaches and bigger dicks and they werent jews
Tu escreves-te "cabeça oca"? Levas-te isto de volta aos anos 90. Cumprimentos por isso.
LOL cala-te oh burrinho da merda, nem toda gente precisa de ser racista para se sentir bem :) Tamanho da minha pila faz-me feliz o suficiente.
Kek I still not understand what's your rage on "negócinhos"
it's like saying thing or shit
When I went to Porto I always told the portuguese to talk slowly so I could understand them, don't see where the problem is, I even did that in Barcelona to those that wanted to talk in Catalan to me.
Négocinhos makes no sense and this happens alot in brazil culture you pick portuguese words and twist them like you trying to speak like primates which it´s kind of stupid. Another example is when brazilians say " E ai cara tudo bem" Why are you saying cara, that´s a part of the human body why are you calling someone that?
E ressente-se fácil pelo parecer da coisa. Felicidades para ti que conseguis-te saltar a fronteira. Aproveita tudo o que há de bom neste pardieiro.
cara menas "dude" or "guy"
wtf you say "gajo" you shouldn't be complaining
in some regions they even say "cabra" or "mano"
É tudo uma estratégia dialética. Tu é que não entendes a raça superior brasileira. Os zucas são em tudo melhor que nós.

No problem talking to Spaniards, the ones i've met made some effot to use some portuguese words to be made understood and vice-versa.

If you want to talk of the real insuferable assholes, it's the french baby-boomer tourists. Scum generation of hippie filth that thinks that the whole world knows french like they do.

Please lets bury this thread it was made by a sperg that doesn't get out much.
Sim saltei a fronteira não sabia que havia fronteira no mar. Eu sou português 100% e tenho orgulho e se és portugues saberias que portugal é um pais muito liberal ou sejas estás praticamente a dizer quem não é racista não é português então vives noutro país , deixa de /b"/ e /pol/ que já te mamaram a cabeça, daqui a pouco pensas que tens olhos azuis e cabelo loiro
O cu começou a arder. Minha nossa.
>it's the french baby-boomer tourists

those are French Portuguese in vacation in your shithole imbecile
Are you dumb?

Cara is a portuguese word , gajo is a calão its a word that is not in the dictionary when created , it´s a casual language , you are saying cara which means face you literally twisted the meaning of the word that already existed.

Mano is something we say to our friend we are not twisting anything we are using this word to describe the close relationship to the person we calling it.
Gosto muito do Brasil e principalmente de Brasileiras.
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Are you trying to shitpost newfag?
No but not our fault if Portuguese living here don't learn your shit language
Viva ao fadista! Agora na verdade, sem gozo, não tenho qualquer ilusões no que toca a este pardieiro. Eu não me considero "português" apesar de ser "português" de gema. É completamente natural que o povo brasileiro tenha uma índole portuguesa. A maçã não cai longe da macieira. Portugal sempre foi uma terra de povos inferiores que nunca se souberam governar com princípios tradicionais de virtude e retidão.
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I have to say probably huespeak will become prevalent in the same manner vulgar latin became normal latin since retarda and mentally lazy are the majority of humankind it is sad that languages tend to loose their precision in describing and some of the finner subtle differences between synonyms but that's humanity,this reminds me of a baltasar gracian story where fortune is granting wishes a guy asks to be respected by the wise and the prudent,and the second asks to become first amongst the fools and the lazy and to him fortune smiled and told him he will conquer the world for the masses are but lazy fools and stupid.
God I love my democracy.
Gracias hermano have a pepe
We use "mano" in Brazil too

and YES that's the whole point, it's casual language, informal speech. It's fucking slang. What's the deal with this?
The deal is that brazilians speak like this everytime , on internet they speak also like that but with alot mistakes , for example im in a facebook group of anime that is brazilian and people there make so much grammar mistakes it´s just cancer atleast from my POV idk how can they communicate like that without getting triggered.
Alberto Barbosa living in granada and doing a degree in translation/Spanish here

At a surface level, Spanish and portuguese are very similar, such as the other romance languages. You can easily understand the general gist of what is being said. However, when it gets to the more complicated stages, specific verb conjugations, false friends, idioms, pronunciation, differences between accents, etc. It gets quite complex. Everybody in Portugal thinks they speak Spanish, but I seriously doubt you'd be able to come to a Spanish speaking country and engage in a proper conversation. You'd get by and survive, sure, but you'd definitely stand out.

Also, I'd like to point out to my spainbros that we had animu in Portugal that was dubbed in Spanish, like Doraemon, so we watched that.
yes Doraemon was the shit here

KYS you literal retarded newfag, learn to read.


We already have plenty wigger and ebonic speaking trash in low-class white areas here, same sort of deal like France's, England's and yours shitty neighbourhoods.

It's what happens when the state, pop culture and (((mass media))) took over education.
yes normies do write poorly
and it triggers a lot frequently
but we usually don't give a fuck


Eu não fiz nada mano. Os meus antepassados todos eram agricultores no meio de montanhas no norte de Portugal. Gente meia-lobo


I always sing it in my head when I forgot how2subjunctive
those are flat
os pretos que falo são os que eram reis
yeah bro' because we have germanic, slavic and turkish influence in our language. Also, even we have problems with our grammar, it's fucking hard.
Also i´m not trying to be rude maybe you can confirm this everytime someone from brazil come to portugal like 10 years old they always struggles reading our school books, usually they take like 4 years to adapt which is kind of weird I swear i´m not lying , when I was younger I didnt took it serious but now that I grow up I dont understand why did that happen and probably still don´t my only guess is that portuguese from portugal is just very complex compared to PT-BR or something, also same thing for african immigrants but for me it makes more sense they have a very different dialect
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Brazilian Portuguese should always be referred to as PT-BR. I have to keep changing my locale options in most websites in order to get more english content as opposed to "portuguese"(huehue) content. Fuck you
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>os pretos que vocês trouxeram para cá no século XVII
It wasn't us. It was the Jews
blah blah blah se comprueba en el norte. Los gallegos entienden perfectamente portugues y algunos lo intentan hablar. Deja de insistir.

I can understand most of portuguese and italian, without even studiying it
>Antepassados das montanhas do norte de Portugal

>blah blah blah se comprueba en el norte.
First sentence is wrong
Or is just because they don't speak good English? Nothing to do with the native language
It's all about intelligence. I can easily understand spanish and portuguese from portugal and I can get a grasp of french and italian. Stupid people will struggle even in their own language.
yeah couldnt quiet get it, its similar, but not the same

it is like a more complex gallecian right?
No se trata solamente de entender, por veces las semejanzas entre dos lenguas lo hace más difícil de aprender
Why are you so obsessed with migrating to Portugal? Go back to your cannibalistic habits, you fuck
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Portuguese bros' can you explain me why you have abandoned monarchy?
He said " I don´t know where you from but that does not check out in the north"
>>12876a new dialect will be form eventually in the border, a spanguese or something like that

just like catalonian
Jew tricks, what else
>Stupid people will struggle even in their own language.
Like most brazilians do...
This is an American board stop speaking your foreign speak you dirty Mexicans
Actually that's wrong, I studied linguistics in uni and a lot of teachers were Brazilian/had Brazilian family. You can't possibly suck at a language when you know most of its innerworkings
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No se de donde serás pero eso no es lo que se ve en el norte (creo que es algo asi)
I kind of agree with hue here but it's not about intelligence it's more about vocabulary,if you read a lot and thus have a very extensive vocabulary it will be easier to find common words that might have fall into disuse yet are common in portuguese also reading old literature and knowing other languages will help specially if they are from the same branch,knowing some latin won't kill either in any case just knowing yur own language thoroughly would suffice for understanding spanish,italian or portuguese without any problem.
Intelligence is all about race. We have lots of pleople of low IQ races in Brazil. Unsurprisingly, the areas in the country that speaks portuguese in a more proper manner are also the areas where these people aren't the majority.

I'm the translation anon. I do linguistics as well as part of my translation degree, it's good. I did an empirical research paper on memes and got an A lmao.


yo vivo con un tio gallego y el entiende casi todo que yo digo en Portugues
trem é capaz de ser melhor
vai mas é chupar pila aos ingleses ou coisa parecida
I would blame more your public education than race itself because I see black people from africa here speaking portuguese better than brazillians on internet...
Fucking wetback
cmonbruh dont give up im almost near the hook

Culture is more important than race desu
Can someone else redpill me on both of these gutter countries?

So far I know:
>Both are shit
>Both got shit economies
>Both got lazy people (lel lets sleep during the day because..)
>Both are only more relevant than Latvia because soccerball and they even suck at that (5pa1n nvr frgt)

What did I miss?
>if you read a lot
The thread is about being able to know a language without studying though. Obviously anyone can speak any language if they study it.

Public education is not to blame when you have people speaking perfectly fine coming from the same education system.

>I see black people from africa here speaking portuguese better than brazillians on internet...
and those are the outliers. How about the rest of the black people in africa, do they speak as well as descedants of japanese or the germans in the south of brazil? I don't think so.
>I see black people from africa here speaking portuguese better than brazillians on internet
That's because the only ones rich enough to afford a computer probably have a bank account larger than Portugal, full of diamond money, and studied here in the first place.
Culture is a byproduct of race. Culture doesn't just fall from the sky and the people adopt it. As the name implies you have to cultivate it.
Muslim country saying we are shit , enjoy sharia law , you wish muslimland was as safe as Portugak
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People sleep during the day in the hottest parts of Iberia because the heat is fucking unbearable. It's actually normal and healthy to take a nap. Besides, they work and stay up for longer during the night to make up for it.


It's not that simple, though. That'd imply that each person of each race is biologically programed to follow "x"culture, as if it was engineered. There'll be influences from their environment in how they act, particularly strong individuals which strong arm things into existence, unpredictable political and environmental effects, individual differences, effects of other cultures interacting, etc.
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Go shove a chmichanga up your tranny ass and suck on a taco you boarder hopping, low-income, living with your 10 siblings and fifteen cousins in a cardboard box in what used to be Jamal's neighborhood before you disgusting beans escaped your containment can.
>and those are the outliers. How about the rest of the black people in africa, do they speak as well as descedants of japanese or the germans in the south of brazil? I don't think so.

Well you speak better than Angolanos as for the others is hard to say since they speak a dialect called creolo which is way different than pt-br and pt-pt is like a completely different language. My point being everyone can speak the language if he gets educated if you are black and born in Portugal you will speak portuguese fine but if you are black and probably born in brazil you will most likely speak some weird shit
imagine your country is so shit not even third worlders want to go there

now open your eyes

Enjoy your weed and herpes turbofag
>good food
>good weather
>all payed for by the Germanic cucks

You work for me, Martijn. And for 30 days a year you can use all that money to enjoy what I have the whole year.
People are biologically programmed to react to certain aspects of nature in certain manners. Sure different people behave diffrently but in a homogeneous society their behaviour will fall within a spectrum, this spectrum is what will be considered common ground for what is acceptable behaviour thus creating a culture. So yes, people are biologically programmed to build certain cultures.
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It was the (((freemasons))). the (((AngloJew))) also contributed to the decline of monarchy population support with their Ultimatum.

It culminated with the coup - pic related.

There were many attempts to restore the monarchy but they all failed in vain.
One example:
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I prefer Portugal to Spain, mostly because of pretenses. Portugese do the 'ex-empire but now a lower-tier Euro power' thing well, unlike the Spanish who throw hissy fits and generally act like they haven't been irrelevant for centuries.

Although I had a Portugese GF once, so I guess I'm biased.
Ofc they dont come here we kicked them back to cuck countries like yours since you are all beta as fuck, ,muslims know what happened last time they invaded Iberia, they got kicked back to their shithole, so they just go cuddle ur wifes since you are all cucks
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Perhaps they are to an extent, but I haven't heard anything except conjecture as to how people build complex cultures based on their biology, as opposed to simply having survival instincts to give them a baseline ability to create a society from which more complex civilizations might emerge.
I agree with you. Everyone can speak any language. It seems you may have misunderstood what I said in my first post. People with low IQ struggle more to learn a language than people with higher IQ and it just so it happens that some races have overall lower IQ than others which explains why the average Brazilian struggles to speak their own language more than the average portuguese or japanase or any other race.
Volta para o armário Nando
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Stop sending me interracial propaganda.
Meant to quote >>128767944
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ye I got it
Foder caralho.


There have been disagreements sure, but after studying European Empires there are some things that are similar between England and Portugal, the drive to explore, the overall feeling of Grand Adventure, of the individual braving the unknown and conquering nature. Its a myth that the US still venerates.

Sometimes things wer not perfect, they never are, but the Spanish and French approached it with a very different temperament.
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You are acting like Portuguese is some foreign language to them. It's literally Spanish with a retarded slur.
Yes I'm sorry if I don't pay Mehmet to come fuck my sister
it´s actually not , but a guy speaking a language that itsnot even yours surely knows best :>
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What was reconquista and why are sand niggers afraid of us
Because we don't give a fuck about Bigotetugal, get over it already.
""""Spanish""""" is in fact Castillian
Don't confound dialects of Portuguese with creolos. Those guys in Angola and MZ speak more Portuguese with African dialects.
I've already told the creolos are common from former Portuguese archipelados and Guiné-Bissau.
Creolo is a portuguese dialect doe...
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I miss the old European rivalries.
>""""Spanish""""" is in fact Castillian

Stop inflating the Catalonian ego.
Nope, the Afro-Portuguese creoles are in fact - other languages.
Conclusion: The Portuguese and the Spaniards are niggers.
On a side note, alguém em Portugal sentiu o terramoto?
this guy knows what's going on

Don't take it too seriously, just banter. Seriously though, your monkey offspring have made a hack job out of your language. BR literally sound retarded.

houve um terramoto?


idk man I like PT-BR

Highly educated Brazilians speaking Portuguese actually sounds really nice.

You are colouring the language with your perception of Brazil.
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Coimbra here - nope.
Sim, no norte.
És de Coimbra? É verdade que houve perto de 100 violações na queima?
Stop being mean to the diaspora you nigger

I'm coloring the language with my experience with Brazilians. Let's just say, "they aren't sending their best."
No, it isn't. The syntax and the grammar are different. Just that.
Fair enough.

But Brazilian Portuguese sounds perfectly okay, its the exact same thing with UK english and US English. Just pronunciation.

you speak a bad Spanish guys, LMAO
Pobrezinho, é retardado.
I agree dad!!!!!
When did we allow you wetbacks to have internet? Back to mowing the lawn pepe.

ye well ur gay lol

hows the french toilet son?
Éder is an honorary aryan
>all the portuguese emigrants ... are Azorean scum
Fuck you, fat boy
It doesnt smell as bad as your women cholo
I took the bait
>People kicking a ball is somehow more gay than big burly men grabbing and piling on top of each other

The people who went to live in France were extremely poor people from rural communities seeking to make more money outside of fascist-era Portugal. they don't represent Portugal as a whole.
Most portuguese that went to France were human trash doe
>it's another Porkgeass dick sucking thread
Shameful. Almost as shameful as this '95 (((Eurovision))) classic featuring Tó Cruz, something we can all enjoy, goyim... Baunilha e Chocolate.
yeah mouro de merda
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What dialect did you have contact?
Keep in mind the this is a continental country just like the US, and every region has a different accent.

yeah, as I said, extremely poor, uneducated rural dwellers. Like any migrant, they're most likely from the bottom of the proverbial barrel and therefore create a negative misrepresentation of the rest of the country.


>tfw trying to communicate with someone from minas


wow ebin meme xdd
>É verdade que houve perto de 100 violações na queima?
Nope. I don't what and why are making up that.

I've seen feminist propaganda affixated in our walls about that case on Oporto, Oporto are scumbags.
commie sympathizers too, they needed a cucked country to make their hive
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Wow, wow... we're posting porn now?

They were from Sao Paulo & Rio allegedly. Although, I don't really believe one of the guys because he was straight up African and he had a funny accent.
Spaniards take pride in their language, they have laws regarding translation in movies and other stupid shit.
They sometimes translate english to spanish by reading it phonetically,In harry potter movies they say "Erm - E - on" (Hermione)
I do have to agree doe most portuguese women are horrible looking. But...
You still butthurt dirty cannibal?
No te gusta el sangre de conquistador?

!!!!!!! you are actully 100% right. The port jews are the ones responsible for screwing both of our countries.
A part of them made the jump to escape the conscription but there are others than even participated in war, went back and emmigrated afterwards.
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English is a great language for business.
Your prison systems are a business.
Your political system is a business.
Your upper education is a business.
You sell your own mothers for a buck.

Then wonder why you lack nationalism & invented SJWs.

Also, it's the Nordcuck countries with the biggest migrant problems.

And the Americans still haven't assimilated their minorities.


The Romance languages are better for sex, romance, dating, family, flirting, assimilation.

The Romans empire assimilated other European races so well, that two millennia after Christ we still consider each other cousins. The Spanish & Portuguese emulated the Romans (thanks Italian bros), using their methods to absorb minorities into one empire.


We speak non-English languages...
...because we don't want to fuck your SJW, white-guilt ridden, chicken-shit colored swine-skin obese women. Jesus fucking Christ.
I like you!
Nem me digas nada, eu sou de Viana do Castelo mas estudo no Porto. Esta cidade é puro lixo no que toca a pessoas.
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>You still butthurt dirty cannibal?
>No te gusta el sangre de conquistador?

Claro que me gusta Arabe do caralho.
"Yo soy gigante, lo mas grande deste barrio!" Him singing that stuck with me for some reason
The "African" dude probably was someone from the Northeast. Did he sound like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPIAGHMDGkc

The Rio dialect is the most hated in this country. The way they speak their R and their S is annoying as fuck.
>good animu dub in spanish
What was Oliver & Benji?
What was Chin Chan?
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>The port jews are the ones responsible for screwing both of our countries.
this is why non-anglo Europeans arent funny.

what level of irony are you even on, ironylett??
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>tfw they casually said "mierda" and similar swearwords because the spanish are cool with swearing and it blew my fucking mind that that was on TV

Why the fuck are you in my country? Speaking my American? Hypocrites need to be gassed.
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Learning English is the best. That's how we can get rid of African diaspora in Lisbon suburbs and Indian Goans.

We never taught properly to Goa general population, they learn English and go to UK with Portuguese passport taking schekels from UK.

tl:dr How to rid of 3rd worlders and low-class in our society
>Comes to Portugal we need to speak spanish, we go to spain we need to speak spanish
because you are their bitch

why do you think i can go anywhere in the world and be immediately accommodated?
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Portugal was already a coutry in 1179, while you guys were still "tribes" in divided kingoms and sheeeiiitt untill the 15th century

Spain BTFO by history

Actually, that's pretty accurate. I thought he was a Haitian merely pretending but yeah. This confirms it.

The way he said "teto" was fucking irritating. Had to hire the guy to fix a roof leak. He did a good job though.
Olha um patrioteiro... Já não via destes ao tempo
This, sadly. We've gotten language-cucked
>5 Spanish soldiers btfo by a lady with a bread shovel
>btfo in the Euro cup
>btfo in the Eurovision
what was mexico doing in 1179?
Nunca mais se calam com isso da taça e da eurovisão? Será que este país só celebra trivialidades?

Honestly, I think learning French, Portuguese and Spanish can prove useful. Not because you are trying to accommodate some lazy beaner but to speak the languages of the region. It does open a lot of opportunities when you are job hunting.
>imagine if there were jewish spaniards with beautiful mustaches and bigger dicks and they werent jews

To be fair, not all Portuguese girls are this ugly
Most spanish women are ugly too. There is been only a hand full of spanish women which I have found attractive and most of them are whores.
Not to say that portuguese women are any better.
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