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Did the (((Jews))) makes Jesus a big non violent pussy in order

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Did the (((Jews))) makes Jesus a big non violent pussy in order to pacify the population? Islam preaches the opposite.
I don't know if any of that makes sense. But it seems like Jews have an idea of how the world works. They created Christianity to make people sheep. Then someone created Islam to combat the Jews, because Christians just turn the other cheek, like cucks.
Islam also preaches that Jesus could talk as a baby; and not only that, but would preach the word of Allah as a baby.

If you accept Muscle-Jesus you have to also accept Talking-Baby Jesus.
Christianity teaches to be friendly today, but at the day of judgement the sinners will be torn apart. And judgment day is coming my friend. And it is coming soon.
>jews created Christianity
uh huh, why did most of them convert to it then
Love and forgiveness is the only way to run a society. go live in Muslim lands if you think being a warlord gives you a better society.
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But it's always coming. It's a big waiting game while your fellow Christians are thrown to the Lions. You must forgive the Lions.
>implying raping and inbreeding is alpha
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Not exactly. That's how its misinterpreted.
The word tells us to not allow ourselves to be overcome by evil, but overcome it with good. I think that removing islam for the sake of saving millions of people from misery sounds pretty good to me
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yeah teaches you to be a slave basically.
>no sex till marriage
>no fighting
>no cheating

basically just makes it impossible for you to get ahead of non christians in life
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The Jews didn't create Christianity. Christ was of the Nazarene sect of the Essenes. The Jews created Catholicism to control Christianity.
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>LITERALLY first half of the bible is the torrah
>Not thinking the bible is a jewish scam

hehe! Good goy! Now make sure to get your sons little goyim cut off so his dick doesn't work right! It's the only way into heaven!
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He told merchants to gtfo of the temple. You gotta defend your values even if by force.
I could talk as a baby too.
That was a great read.
Jesus is the goodness to rid the soul of shame for having to do what needs be done.

God will forget and love you all the same if you so ask.
Lol check out the Battle of Lepanto where 60,000 Catholics, after praying the Rosary, destroy 80,000 Muslims when the Muslims had the most powerful Navy in the world
Where I can read bible with those kind of notes with them?
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This. Swallow the islampill, /pol/.
>Did the (((Jews))) makes Jesus a big non violent pussy in order to pacify the population?

Maybe we need a Christian Army to go remove Islam. How could we form a Christian Military and invade the Islamic Homeland. Remove the cancer for another 800 years. Shit it almost feels like that's what Bush tried, but he failed. I need to read more about the Crusades. Holy shit maybe Obama is a Muslim.
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Glad to help Catholic Generals will post screencaps like this frequently so if you want to find something like that it will a good place to go looking
Fuck off Finland or I'll send the Italians back for another go on your mother.
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Anons have recomended these, I know that the navarre is good but expensive but you can find the each volume for free on google books.

Or you can go to a Catholic General or any other cHristian thread and lots of knowledgeable anons go to those threads
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pic related
you beat me to it I see :)
He is a Muslim. Google Obama antichrist Facebook, the page has a huge list of arguments for it on their top post. It's beyond creepy
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>love helps others

st. Paul says that discipline is a part of God's love and kindness (as they translated it). And Sirach says sometimes death is better than living a life of sin. Hence capital punishements in the old testament.

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you have to die for allah but you don't have to die for jesus
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“My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord,
nor be weary when reproved by him.
For the Lord disciplines the one he loves,
and chastises every son whom he receives.”

7 It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. 9 Besides this, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness. 11 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
They are all equal parts of abrahamism. One couldn't exist without the other two. The ultimate trifecta in the spiritual slavery of man.
what do you think about TradCatKnight (Eric Gajewski) anon?
However, it's still a religion that emerged from the desert land of the Middle East and still has a single all powerful God.
Therefore, I do not trust it on principle.
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Your welcome
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There was this one time that me and another anon posted literally one second apart
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Oy vey Jews did nothing wrong!
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I've been recomended it once before and I've been meaning to take a look at it. And I will at some point
He seems like a great guy, you really should have a look. He also made a compilation of several end times prophecies of the blessed and the saints over the last centuries. The similarity of these are both frightening and reassuring.
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>Human sacrifice is wrong
>Jesus sacrificed himself to absolve us of our sins

pick only one
>Extending the power of priests to forgive abortion.
But what if the woman truly regrets having the abortion, and is filled with such guilt that they cannot function in day to day life? What if they eventually learn the full consequences of their actions and start to resent what they had done? What if they actually wanted to change and vowed never to abort again?
Sure, you'll have those who still abort every baby they make because they refused to wear protection, but will those people really go to a priest for forgiveness?
You'r a drooling idiot. How is sacrificing yourself for your belief, as in not denying them when you are persecuted simmilar to killing your fellow human for the favor of some pagan god?
Pagans are indeed mentaly ill.
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Cool I like the mideival prophecies those are cool.


To lay down one's life for a friend, no greater love hath than this.
Christianity is the best way to organize society. Most people are proles and need to be productive to build bigger weapons. Being violent today is nigger behavior, building up your society to be REALLY violent somewhere down the line is for the white man
It doesn't matter what Islam teaches, it matters what the truth is. Jesus is coming back and there will be a war of holy vs evil. Murdering your fellow humans is doing evil.
I have often pointed pagan larp'ers to the fact that Celtic druids used to cut open people alive and from the way their intestines fell out, and the screams of their death agony, the druids would foretell the future. Similarly Germanics would sacrifice the cowardly, effeminate and soddomites by throwing them into bogs.

>The Daily Beast

literal satanists
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Pretty much desu they all did it
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no. the Kabbalah states there are 2 messiahs, a son of Joseph, and a son of David.

the Son of Joseph would be a "suffering servant" he would lead the life Jesus did in the bible, prophecies that he would be rejected, and crucified by his people, I think the kabbalah even states that he would be rejected as messiah by his people due to his pacifism, and his suffering servant status. that the gentiles would accept him, and because he would declare himself to be the son of god and etc etc.

also the messiah would expose the secrets of the hebrew OT, and he would even "interpret the spaces between the letters"

the son of david was the bad ass military commander, and Joshua was his model. he is a conqueror who leads armies into battle, fights on the front lines, on the same caliber as Daniel who killed Goliath, a giant, descendent of the nephilum with a rock and a sling. fun fact, David picked up 5 rocks because Goliath had 4 brothers, David was ready for all 5 giants to rush him.
Yes, tuen that cheek goyim.
For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

-Saint Paul/Saul

Shills point out he's a Jew but he was a good Jew. They always ignore that verse and his frustrations

you'll love these, although from them we can derive that very dark clouds are on the horizon, and the Great Chastisement is coming.

(((son of Joseph)))

absolute heresy
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thanks Ill watvch it
Kind of like how the Christians would rip out a guys intestines, then chop off his arms and legs(draw and quarter) . Or burn a person alive for being a heretic.
Christian armies also slaughtered captured enemy soldiers all the time.
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this posts reeks of gnostic heresy

pic related is a secret of the Hebrew OT exposed, no need to become perfected, my treat.

It's the English translation of the meaning of the Hebrew names of the 10 archfathers from Adam to Noah.
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>not understanding the son of Joseph is a reference to the Joseph of Egypt, who was sold into slavery, made ruler of egypt, and suffered in life in order to provide food for a huge famine that would strike the land, and save his father Israel, and family from starvation

>cathloics can't read the bible
I hate catholics, I really do.
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Was about to post these, spot on anon

Catholicism is strongly influenced by paganism. Protestants follow the gospel.
What a cynical, bitter fuck
>Peace and love
Literally what m8?

The fact that modern Europeans become a cuck doesn't make Christianity a "peace" religion.

We already forgot that 90% of the Jews persecution in the history were made by Catholics?
This is not even true. Jesus very clearly lays out who the enemy is, the Synagogue of Satan.
I admit this, and I'm Jewish.IT is those Jews who refuse to hear the Messiah.
Jesus s very clearly referred to as a warrior, who will destroy His enemies.
If you believe otherwise, you have fallen for a Jewish Supremacist version of scripture.
saiah 42:13
The LORD will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry He will prevail against His enemies.
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>this posts reeks of gnostic heresy

>no. the Kabbalah states there are 2 messiahs, a son of Joseph, and a son of David.

I hate catholics, I really do. your leadership spends more time reading the quran than they do the bible.

also the messianic line starts with abraham, and Joseph is part of it, calling Jesus the son of Joseph, is no idfferent than calling him the son of david, (which he does) or the son of abraham, or the son of solomon, or the son of ANYONE in the messianic line of Abraham.
Being drawn and quartered was a punishment that the state applied to those who committed high treason.

Regarding witch burning, I'd like to refer you to the works of Montague Summers. And spreading heresy is a grave sin. But dire measures were only effected very late (high to late middle ages), when the situation was going out of hands and becoming a serious threat to the faith.
Violence for the sake of it is barbaric and pretty much how a subhuman spic or nigger might react.

If push comes to shove, sure, but spreading violence is a basic logical moral violation, religion or not.
Jews didn't just make Jesus into a pussy. Jews created EVERYTHING related to Jesus.

Jesus was just a jewish cult leader. He commanded a small group of jewish people. He got killed, and then a bunch of jews uses hid death as an opportunity to push their agenda. Jesus left no writing whatsoever behind. Even the bible claims that all Jesus left was some writing in sand. None of the quotes or writing in the bible belongs to Jesus. It was all made up by people in power, people who had means and will to distribute a book for mass consumption.

It's very unlikely that the bible has anything to do with the actual Jesus, he was just a pawn used to push an agenda. It's basically Judaism for non-jews.
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t. jack chick
I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Its funny you're arguing away violence in Christianity when violence in our religious was a good thing. It's what made us strong. You're arguing about how violence was righteous or holy or just or whatever but the point is our countries are being overrun we need violence weather thats paganism or puritan human sacrifices like the witch burnings.

Do you realize that the problem is not in the islam, just in their genes? muslims love violence, islam is just an excuse for them to kill and for the muslim women to do nothing.
You can remove islam but they will find more excuses to rape and kill. We should just launch a virus that sterilize them and reduce their testosterone.
In triumph of Christ, no pagan survives, to hell if you don't believe
Protestants did the things I said as well. Stop being cucks and arguing which religion was the least violent. We need to be MORE violent.
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Acts 3:22-23
22For Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers. You must listen to Him in everything He tells you. 23Everyone who does not heed His words will be completely cut off from among the people.’
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
14For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: 15Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: 16Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for His wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
Dumbest shit I ever fucking heard. Christianity identifies Judaism as its enemy, but it is just Judaism, for non-Jews? You are a special flavor of stupidity.
Literally this
I fucking hate /pol/ sometimes because a ton of them are former edgy atheist kids who always, without fail, talk shit on Christianity & take the Lawful Stupid interpretation on every last one of the New Testament's verses. None of you have any fucking clue what you're talking about & it burns my fucking brain. Pagan retards are the fucking worst.
I'm a traditionalist catholic, I think Vatican II was a mistake, and it was implemented by freemasons that had infiltrated the Church. This was all prophecised, sometimes even 5 centuries ago, that a "secret sect" would cause apostasy in the Church from the top down. Why do you think they refused to make known the third vision of Fatima in 1960?

You might be interested what someone like Father Malachi Martin had to say about this.

The Great Apostasy was prophecised several times, the times were living in now, and the coming very dark and painful times, where a good part of the world's population will perish.

Regarding your gnostic errors, if you're really a "knowledge seeker" then I would recommend you to read "Adversus haeresis" (against heresy) by St. Irenaeus, written in the 3rd century, and there you will find the origin of many gnostic errors, especially take note of people like Basilides and Simon Magus.

I hope you will still find and walk the right hand path.
Literally you are a seal of approval for Jewish propaganda about my savior.
Alright Dougie let me know when your autism has stopped flaring.
There's a world of difference between capital punishment in Christian days, and human sacrifice in pagan days my friend.

If you want to know what that difference is, just look at Africa today, where human sacrifice in pagan cults is still practiced commonly.
Jesus said "i came to bring a fiery sword , not peace"
with that said , you can kill as many people as you want , you will never solve the problem of this world...the only true enemy has always been in our heads , it's called the ego...satan...
>None of you have any fucking clue what you're talking about & it burns my fucking brain.

>Pagan retards are the fucking worst.
and a thousand times this
Oh, and I agree about the violence that is needed. We need to be soldiers for Christ.
John 8 31-47
31Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 33They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?
34Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. 35And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. 36If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. 37I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. 38I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
39They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham. 40But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. 41Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
42Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. 43Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. 44Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 45And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. 46Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? 47He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
>God activates hard mode
>"I choose, the Jews."
>spends 2000 years smacking their shit while they shit talk about him, worship other gods and are general terrible people
>They want God to send a king that would destroy all other races and people, slaughter their children, burn their cities to the ground and secure a one world government
>God sends his Avatar to teach love
>Jews lose their shit
>They wanted war, not a chair maker.
>They literally kill their god, making them the worst people on earth
>God rises 3x later
>Says, "I just defeated death and paid the final blood sacrifice. I kicked the devils ass and hey Simon, touch my oozing gash, just go on, touch it you wuss."
>Jesus peaces out
>80 years later Romans sack Jerusalem killing 1 million jews.
>200 years later Holy Roman Empire rises.

Jews made Christianity because they were literally worse than Hitler and God wasn't having that.
I don't know about druids but the germanics executed prisoners of war to Odin or whoever. Theres a missionary story about how the frisians used to throw prisoners overboard as a sacrifice to a God. A lot of times they would just kill the enemy prisoners after a battle and dedicate them to a God. This happened all the time in Christian European battles as well. One army would just kill prisoners of the defeated one.

Paganism to Christianity didn't change anything. We kept on being violent until only recently. Violence was a good thing and it's what gave us the drive to defend our countries.
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>and it was implemented by freemasons that had infiltrated the Church.

oh honey, you have it backwards, the catholic church is what invented Freemasonry in the first place. the catholic church even invented Islam, which is why you see the churches pro-islam rheotoric.

the RCC BANNED poeple from having the old or new testament for HUNDREDS of years, and executed anyone that was caught having a copy.

I really want you to take a step back, if this were the years between 400-1600 AD, and I had a bible, the catholic church "the true church of christ" would have executed me

what the fuck is wrong with you, and why don't you realize this

> "Adversus haeresis" (against heresy) by St. Irenaeus
this guy stated "the truth of the scriptures is only revealed in the church"

this man is obivously a liar, and a pharisee. matthew 16:6 warns against eating the leaven of the pharisees.

and this is quite easily refuted by acts 17:24

and here's a couple more verses

Matthew 11:25
At that time Jesus declared, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

Acts 7:48
However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says:

meaning all the people you think are "learned, and wise" are really just blind, and have nothing revealed to them

the man also stated the "heretics will use scriptures to back their claims"

as to what what am i suppose to use to share what I learned?

There are no errors, the "techniques" of the kabblah, mostly skipping the letters, and its Gematria can reveal the name of the Messiah Yahushua in the Old testament. and its quite frankly an amazing science.

here's some more bible verses for you that you should look up, and take to heart

Acts 17:11
1 John 4:1
Proverbs 18:13
2 Timothy 3:16
This proves that even in a forum like this there's always the chance to find someone with a brain
> a ton of them are former edgy atheist kids who always, without fail, talk shit on Christianity & take the Lawful Stupid interpretation on every last one of the New Testament's verses.
Okay in that case explain me how I'm supposed to interpret this and how this isn't communism:
For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. When he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.
Then he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went. Again he went out about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did likewise.
About the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’
They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’
He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’
So when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’
When they who were hired about the eleventh hour came, they each received a denarius.nBut when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more, but each of them likewise received a denarius. When they received it, they grumbled against the landowner, saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us, who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’
But he answered one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what is yours and go your way. I will give to this last one even as I give to you. Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’
So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen.”
>paying the penalty for the world's sins
pick one
Jesus, was the original self-hating Jew, never claimed to be God, never mentioned a trinity, and in truth, denied there being such a thing
as being Jewish at all.
Tell me this anti-Jesus fags: How did Jesus predict that a tiny conquered nation, Judea, hated by EVERYONE, would rise to rule the world, through currency manipulation? Mark of Beast/NWO...etc, etc, etc?
Why do you fags hate on someone who predicted all of the things you fags sit around believing you just figured out, 2,000 years ago?
How the fuck does that work?
Before St. Jerome was commissioned to write the Vulgate in 405 AD several bad translations were circulation, next to heretical (often gnostic/manichean) ones. Hence only the Vulgate was allowed to counter the altering of Scripture, whether due to amateurish work or evil intention. This wasn't a new problem but goes back all the way to Marcion.

And possession of a bible became only illegal for non-priests after a Church council in Toulouse in 1229, because so many heretical versions were circulating, where Scripture was altered or some pieces omitted. This was the heydey of the neo-manichean heresy, Europe was filled with all sorts of sects like the cathars and bogomils.

Also, you should read Irenaeus. You are quick to dismiss but you will learn *a lot* about the gnostic errors there, also he uses frequently the works of others like Justin Martyr in it. But hey, maybe you aren't such a "knowledge seeker" after all? Don't be willingly blind bro.
Not an argument
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>You might be interested what someone like Father Malachi Martin had to say about this.

Matthew 23:9
"Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.

>The Great Apostasy was prophecised several times,

Apostate in greek also adds up to 666 in gematria.

>Why do you think they refused to make known the third vision of Fatima in 1960?

>not understanding that's named after the Daughter of Mohammad. a goat fucking pedophile trained by the catholic church

>I hope you will still find and walk the right hand path.

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Christianity is just the product of slave revolt in morality. Oppressed people with no chance to get things most desired in society (power, money, strength) decided weakness, poverty and meekness were "good" and all the things that used to be good were now "evil". Eventually the strong, rich and noble bought into the meme, mainly because of their fear of the possible afterlife.

It's like if you can't get laid, you decide to yourself that you don't actually want to get laid because it's "bad". It's a way to feel in power.
The stupidity grows thicker...let's watch.
Why isn't it?
>Did the (((Jews))) makes Jesus a big non violent pussy in order to pacify the population? Islam preaches the opposite.
Christians (mostly Greek) made it like that, so it was less of a threat to the Roman empire and they could eventually overtake it from within.
Mohammed was the opposite, because he was a robber.
Obama is an atheist, but he was raised around mudslimes so he sympathizes with them.
He is one of these people who thinks he is "too smart" to believe
You're lying though. Jesus wasn't self-hating. He DID in fact claim to be God and accepted worship as such and he mentioned and interacted with bot of the other members of the God-head (God, the Father and the Holy Spirit which he referred to as the Comforter).
> You are quick to dismiss but you will learn *a lot* about the gnostic errors there

look, I've actually went and read the gnostic gospels according to 1 John 4:1, and Acts 17:11. the Idea that the old testament God is the devil is basically the biggest lie, and fallacy I'll ever hear in my life, it gives Yahweh a full name, Sabaoth Yahweh, and it gives the "Demiurge" the name Yaldaboath. the gnostic gospels make a big deal about the difference of these 2, and in no, way, shape, or form do their own gospels reflect that the old testament God is the devil, and every gnostic pushing this narrative is gravely mistaken.

>Before St. Jerome was commissioned to write the Vulgate in 405 AD several bad translations were circulation, next to heretical (often gnostic/manichean) ones. Hence only the Vulgate was allowed to counter the altering of Scripture, whether due to amateurish work or evil intention. This wasn't a new problem but goes back all the way to Marcion.

simply no. the council of Nicea was not divinely appointed, it was Rome's political system trying to put Christians under their Thumb. the Gospel of Mary Magdalen was discounted because it was a testimony of a woman, when anyone who has read John 20 knows she called him teacher, she was the first witness to the resurrection. infact Augustine in your hypocrisy quotes from the Gospel of Thomas. the Greek gospel of Mark, Luke, Matthew, John, and Thomas were well in circulation, and this narrative is a dirty lie in order to defend romes little track-record of killing christians that disagree with it.
>what is the textus receptus
>who is John Wycliffe, Jan Huss, Jerome of Prague, Erasmus of Rotterdam

you idiots are so quick to kill anyone who disagrees with the catholic church without stepping back to wonder WHY someone would do that in the first place.

this argument in itself is some of the most blindly ignorant reasoning I'll ever see in my life.
Fatima is a village in Portugal. There's a holy catholic Fatima you dolt, not all Ar*bs were muslims you know. It's a village where there was a confirmed apparition of the Holy Virgin, and a promised miracle witnessed by thousands of people (the sun moving rapid and erraticly through the sky). Happened in 1917. Read up before you react.
So when he died, about the Jews who killed him, He sad, "Father, forgive themm, for they know not what they do."
Your interpretation is that He was begging HIMSELF, to forgive HIMSELF?
I am open-minded, show me a scripture where the trinity, or Jesus saying He was God.
I'll be waiting.
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The Father, the Son (or Word), and the Holy Spirit are all God and all distinct persons, each with his own will and power. The Holy Spirit submits HIS will to Jesus who submits HIS will to the Father.
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>Also, you should read Irenaeus. You are quick to dismiss but you will learn *a lot* about the gnostic errors there, also he uses frequently the works of others like Justin Martyr in it. But hey, maybe you aren't such a "knowledge seeker" after all? Don't be willingly blind bro.

yeah, I am quick to dismiss it because its quite easy to see Irenaeus is satan.

Matthew 16:23
23But Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me. For you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”

If i wanted the things of Men, I would rather just watch some pop show on HBO.

its quite easy to see in no way shape or form did Irenaeus had nothing to do with the holy spirit, and was completely blind to the nature and majesty of the gospels, and God.

at the end of the day, the key factor in recognizing the whore of babylon is that she is "drunk on the blood of saints" and the catholic church, and its beastly creation "islam" are the 2 main organiziations that have ever made reading and owning a bible a capital punishment. one Pope killed more christians than every Caesar put together.

its amazling that you're so willingly blind to the atrocities of the inquisition, it wasn't something targeting witches, it was something to indiscriminately kill Christians, and anyone who stood in the churches way of complete and total control.
>the workers parable
ahahahaha you're a dumbass

this literally means we all receive gods gifts at one time or another & we all get them in equal measure (in different ways), & not to be covetous of others gifts

You're an idiot.
Its more of a disguise for Yahweh of the old testament
Get your Kabbalah BS outta here. Quit trying to turn God, into a bitch, like you fags have everything else. Everyone knows your holy spirit BS, is the Shekinah.
At least they should.
Matthew 27: 24-25
24When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “You shall bear the responsibility.” 25All the people (Jews) answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!”
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>Fatima is a village in Portugal. There's a holy catholic Fatima you dolt,

take a step back, and find out who gave the city its name. here's a pro-tip. it was the muslims that invaded it.

>Read up before you react.
the irony.

> It's a village where there was a confirmed apparition of the Holy Virgin, and a promised miracle witnessed by thousands of people (the sun moving rapid and erraticly through the sky). Happened in 1917.

even Satan has miracles anon. what, are you going to say Mary is the queen of Heaven when there's not a single piece of scripture to ever back that notion?

roman catholicism has always been the Paganism you're so found of accusing everyone else of doing, just with christian symbols.

you think you're so enlighted to think that the vatican II was a mistake, but you can't see how Rome adopting christianity was Satan marrying the church into the political system in 380 AD under Theodosius.

the Catholic Church invented Islam.
Gospel of Thomas was well known, but there are several verses in there that are clearly gnostic additions. I can quote some if you want, they're easy to recognize as they always allude to some purported "secret knowledge", actually the word gnoosis (knowledge of the heart) is literally used in there.

And wasn't the Gospel of Mary Magdalene part of the Nag Hammadi gnostic gospels? At least Thomas was dated back to the 1-2st century. Mary Magdalene was known as a forgery in the 3rd century.

For someone who claims he's not a gnostic, you seem to awfully like their "gospels" a lot.

And Peter was the Rock on which Jesus built His Church, the same one that appointed the Council of Nicea to combat the Arian heresy. I fail to see your problem with that, we're talking about a heresy that essentially denies the divinity of the Christ by denying He is the Word. Arianism goes completely against the Gospel of John.
The hatred and disrespect with which you write and denying truths laid out clearly in the Word shows what spirit you are operating under.
>a mother and child image
>'go the extra mile' is a biblical form of resistance where you break the rules to not do more in an effort to get your superior in trouble.
truly amazing.
Funny, was about to say same to you.
Feels to me like I am the only one sharing any scripture.
Anything else retarded to say?
Yay, spiritual fidget spinner thingie.
The scriptures you posted are completely out of context and don't even come close to supporting your point let alone proving it. It's like you're just picking versus from a random verse generator and throwing them in your post.

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Some cathocuck got owned there
IKR, he shares upside down pyramid, which is occult for a dick, like Freemason belt thingies, but he thinks he is a Christian.
btw, www, in Gematric Hebrew, is 666, it is also six tiny dicks of the very kind dude shared.
Revelations says 666 the symbol of a man (penis), and a hexagram, is the symbol of a man, a pentagram is the image of a womb/woman.
PS: It's the downward pointing triangle, that makes a hexagram a man, get it?
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So this is updated because some neopagan, Varg most likeley says Pausanias is not trustworthy and cites fucking wikipedia. Turns out one classicist disagreed from a literary standpoint but archeologists have never disagreed with him. Conveniently he left that part out in thewikipedia article. I never check wikipedia I go for the main source but I did hear to makea poitn to Varg
Fatima was the name of a Moor princess kidnapped by the Portuguese knight Hermigues who took her to a small village in the hills Serra de Aire in the catholic kingdom of Portugal. She fell in love with her kidnapper and converted to christianity.

Also yeah Satan has miracles but his powers are very limited. You don't know jack shit about what happened there, nor about the subsequent appearances, nor the fact that the first two visions came true to the very word, she even named Pius XII before he was pope.

But your fondness of a strange mix of heresies by now revealed that you have a real problem with authority, a rebel like Satan was. You should fear God and accept His Law anon.

>the Catholic Church invented Islam.

too moronic a statement to react to
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You shared no scripture at all, proving what you say, and sure thing, verses saying Jesus was talking to HIMSELF, and the fact there are no verses of Him saying He is God, is not proof.
You literally cannot spell 'versus' gfoh
Are you a Jew, trying to keep the lie alive?
Feels that way to me.
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>Mary Magdalene was known as a forgery in the 3rd century.

ok, and there's arguments that was in circulation in the 1st century.

>For someone who claims he's not a gnostic, you seem to awfully like their "gospels" a lot.

well, thats where you're wrong. I never denied the claim. I also know a lot about the bible.

i also incorporate the 4 vedas into my canon, and the Mahabharata and Bhavishya Purana. here's a fun fact. the Bhavishya Purana predict Mohamad, and his negative impact on the world, and Jesus Christ, and how he is the son of God in the 8th century BCE, some people state the Purana was written 5000 years ago.

here's another fun fact. Jesus and Krishna are basically the same people, with the same teachings. they tell you to repent for your sins, that your body is a temple to god, that that his spirit dwells within you, and that the kingdom of heaven is within yourself. that your faith can move mountains.

here's another fun fact, you're an idolater whether you realize it or not. you treat the bible, Christ, and Mary like they're idols, rather than follow the teachings of christ.

at the end of the day, the catholic church invented Islam, and there is nothing you can do to disprove it, and there is all the evidence in the world to prove it.

well, it actually is copying, the catholic church is the whore of babylon

>Also yeah Satan has miracles but his powers are very limited.

please tell us how limited

24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

>if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
we will never know what these disgusting kike did to Jesus
Ah so you're more interested in "winning" an argument on 4chan than actually finding out the truth. The articles I posted have clear scriptural proof of Jesus' claims to divinity, I'm not going to synthesize and rehash them here in a 2000 character box, along with the existence of the Holy Trinity. With that I'm bowing out.
Jesus WAS a kike. Get educated, pikey.
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>a pussy

Americans are so fucking retarded man i'm ashamed to share a board with you fucking animals.
If you are arguing for truth, then winning IS finding out the truth, you moron.
IDC what the rest of you believe, except God tasked us all with telling the truth about His message, that is what I am doing.
I know you feel the same. I respect that.
...But you are WRONG, and I do not respect that from ANYONE.
Read what I wrote if you're alluding to me. Vatican II is a result of freemasons infiltrating the Church. This was even prophecised in detail. So I completely agree that the modern Roman Church is satanic and teaches heresy, especially the current antipope Bertoglio.

Heretical as fuck. Really my man, read Irenaeus "against heresy". Your ecumenical, heretical nonsense is even worse than Vatican II "catholicism".

Remember Satan is the ape of God. He will mimic, just change some details. Hence why Arianism was so insidious a poison.
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>Fatima was the name of a Moor princess kidnapped by the Portuguese knight Hermigues who took her to a small village in the hills Serra de Aire in the catholic kingdom of Portugal. She fell in love with her kidnapper and converted to christianity.

wrong... named after mohhamads granddaughter

>. You don't know jack shit about what happened there, nor about the subsequent appearances, nor the fact that the first two visions came true to the very word, she even named Pius XII before he was pope.

its not particuarly impressive. quite frankly the Hindu propheices are more impressive.

>But your fondness of a strange mix of heresies by now revealed that you have a real problem with authority, a rebel like Satan was. You should fear God and accept His Law anon.

I do fear God, and His Law, its the laws of men I have a problem with, and the catholic church was built by men, and in itself has little to do with Christianity.

>too moronic a statement to react to
man, its almost like its the perfect explanation as to why you have so many popes that venerate the quran, or why the catholic church has always had a pro-islam agenda, it explains why they have the same luciferian symbolism, and why Catholicism and Islam have always operated side by side in most countries.

read alberto riveras testimony

Proverbs 18:13
Who cares, they're fairy tales.
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>completely agree that the modern Roman Church is satanic and teaches heresy

so the gates of hell did not prevale with the catholic church
>this literally means we all receive gods gifts at one time or another & we all get them in equal measure (in different ways)
This doesn't make it less communistic. The idiot is still you. Why should everyone recive it and in equal measures too?
That is talking about the End of Days. In which Satan's powers over the world would be increased, because of the apostasy of the Roman Church. This would trigger a period of Great Apostasy, and a time where madness would become the norm so that anyone that doesn't agree will be seen as mad.

This precisely coincides with the 1960s "revolution" and the degenerate filth we are living into today. And you haven't seen nothing yet.

Pic very related.

You protestants are so thick-headed, why do you refuse to look into those happenings first?
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Yes they have subverted it and are continuing to subvert it. I am agnostic but the more i learn about jesus the more I admire him. Some reasons are below. I am reading the bible in its entirety to find out more.

Not exactly. Jesus wanted to convert jews and that's part of why they had him killed. Look at his disciples, former jews. Look up the associated texts. Remember the Talmud. The "prophet" started off great and then did something "bad" so they killed him, had a necromancer resurrect him, and boil him in excrement. It's explained away that it's not supposed to be Jesus but if you read enough about him it sure as fuck seems like him.
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>Heretical as fuck. Really my man, read Irenaeus "against heresy". Your ecumenical, heretical nonsense is even worse than Vatican II "catholicism".

read 1 John 4:1
acts 17:11
Matthew 16 entirely. it warns against consuming the leaven of the pharisees,

23But Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me. For you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”

i have read it, its quite frankly Talmudic garbage.

>Remember Satan is the ape of God. He will mimic, just change some details. Hence why Arianism was so insidious a poison.

really? because thats what happened to roman catholicism. they took their pagan symbols, and just replaced it with christian ones, while disregarding everything in the bible.

>muh virgin mary
thats not the virgin mary you're praying to, its Jezebel.

> mohhamads granddaughter

daughter* whoops
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>Not exactly. Jesus wanted to convert jews and that's part of why they had him killed.

well, it was actually all part of the plan, Christ's crucifixion was planned before the beggining of time.

see pic, its realted.
>This was even prophecised in detail.

as god has a plan so does satan and he gladly told the catholics
I put winning in quotations because you didn't actually win. You didn't support your position at all and you've ignored all the evidence I posted to maintain your erroneous position. You've simply beat me over the head with hostility and I'm not interested in putting forth the effort to argue about this anymore.
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you anons are the best thanks
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Jesus was never a pussy. He violently drove out the money-changers (usurious bankers) from the temple. He is like a Jewish shaolin monk. Amicable, but intolerant in the face of evil. Never the aggressor, but always the defender.

I need to look into that more. Interesting, thank you. I wish I knew Greek and Latin to read older versions etc.
Again the fucking novus ordo popes, is that your proof that catholics invented islam?

Also my Fatima story is true, yours is what muslims like to claim.
Dude, you are a joke, you can share no verse, claiming what you believe...NOT ONE.
Everyone can see how dumb you look, and I don't even care, if all of /pol/ disagrees with me.
If you think I do, I can tell this is your first encounter with me.
It is not my fault, you believe something Jesus never said, and don't know SHEEEEIT.
I would think, if Jesus knew He was God, and part of a trinity, He would a made a point to make it clear.
Jesus told me, He is the SON of GOd, and I believe Him.
Catholics/Jews/Masons, add their BS to your religion, lie to you, and you think it is my fault?
Sorry dude.
>i have read it, its quite frankly Talmudic garbage.

that proofs that you haven't

also hindus are disgusting pagans, you can't just go mixing religions to your own taste
Jews created Islam to fight Christians. Christianity was aimed mostly at whites, Islam was aimed mostly at the 3rd World.

The stronger race is taught to be passive, the weaker race is taught to fight.
Kek, I don't understand the thought process of pagans. Don't forget "Christianity is divisive" whilst they say paganism is the best, and "fck christcucks."
>You protestants are so thick-headed, why do you refuse to look into those happenings first?

I took my happenings from the word of god , not from man guided by satan , offcourse satan would tell you that protestant is bad , that is where the prophecy is about ,its the only thing he does know because its his plan , any fool reading the bible can read that you should not wear funny clothes , satan knew it was comming and that is where the prophecy is based on satans plan

>5But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, 6And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, 7And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. 8But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. 9And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. 10Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.
Catholics and Orthodox only took the most harmless pagan festivities, undid them off all idolatry and give them new meanings, for example the veneration of a saint (which is not idolatry, unlike accepting hinduism)

After a while the old meanings were forgotten and this made it easier to spread the faith amongst the tribes of Europe.

At one hand you claim to be a puritan and in the other you accept gnostic false gospels and hindu pagan texts while accusing the Roman Church of paganism. You're clearly insane, and you mistake the Word of God for a buffet restaurant.
>Islam preaches the opposite.
No wonder islam is a false religion created by satan himself.
What Is Taqiyya?

That's obviously why Christians are right wing, patriotic, etc. Even this bored is a good example of Christianity being the opposite of your claim. Apparently Christianity is backfiring on the Jews by your logic.

I already posted that >>128749488
not only that, but they believe that paganism was LESS extreme than Islam...HA
They seem to believe that being a pagan or not, used to be a CHOICE...hahahahahahhaah..they're just too fucking much to handle.
take the ultimate red pill
Well unfortunately a lot of the normie Christians do fall for the jew subversion and even the nigger loving jew appointed Pope.
Well, we'll soon see who is right. Expect the Great Happening to be within our lifetime.

that was the Romans, who made jesus a big non-violent pussy to pacify the troublesome juda.
>Dude, you are a joke, you can share no verse, claiming what you believe...NOT ONE.

My original claim:
Jesus is God

>Jesus received worship and did not rebuke those who gave Him worship. He was very wrong to have done this if He were not God. In Acts 14:8-18 even the Apostle Paul refused to accept worship. In Revelation 22:9 even an angel refused to receive worship and said “worship God.” Yet Jesus received worship in Matthew 14:33; 28:17; Luke 24:52, and in many other places in Scripture. In Hebrews 1:6 God the Father, referring to the Son, said, “And let all the angels of God worship Him.”

>In John 8:58 Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” Here He was plainly claiming to be the great I AM Who appeared to Moses in the burning bush in Exodus 3:14. This is clearly shown by the fact that when He said this the Jews tried to stone Him to death for blasphemy.


Your position is thoroughly destroyed throughout the New Testament from Matthew to Revelations.

Not only that but it's a fundamental tenet of Christianity. If Jesus isn't God, then he has no authority to forgive your sins, nor die for you because he would've been made a liar at several points through the Gospels, which means you have no atonement for sin nor an audience with God the Father and are therefore lost with no hope (which isn't true). You are deceived.
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hindus are surprisingly monotheistic.

and I'm not mixing anything. they tell me to look within myself to find god, that the kingdom of heaven is within me, and that my body is a temple to heaven. there is no mixing and matching. these are the words of Christ spoken word for word in another culture.

>also hindus are disgusting pagans, you can't just go mixing religions to your own taste

well thats exactly what Rome did, and exactly what Rome is. disgusting pagans who worship Idols.


>Also my Fatima story is true, yours is what muslims like to claim.

Fatima was a city that was named by muslims when spain/protugal was completely under muslim control. your story is a fairy tale to take away from the fact spain/portugal was fucked up.

>Again the fucking novus ordo popes, is that your proof that catholics invented islam?

there's also the all-seeing eye symbolism, and the fact mohammad was married to a roman catholic nun, and received training from a catholic priest, while St. John of Damascus states that he recieved training from a "nestorian" priest.

there's a Mosque in Damacus that claims to have the Severed head of St John the Baptist, and the Catholic church next door claims to have the right arm of St John. maybe when they get together they can put him back together

Dude, sorry I triggered you, this will be my last response, we are hogging this board, but my last comment, is that if you do not see the mental gymnastics you have to do, to believe what you do, then I cannot help you.
It should be simple though, the New Testament reads like a newspaper, from the ancient world, compared to the OT.
It says this happened, then this, this person said this, Jesus id/said that. The whole point of a Messiah, was to state things CLEARLY, so there can be no misconceptions, which lead to things like the Talmud.
What you believe, is basically the Talmud of Christianity.
A bunch of BS, written/invented by Kabbalah worshiping cuckstains.
It's just true bro.
Don't sweat that, just let that, accept that.
>If Jesus isn't God, then he has no authority to forgive your sins,

He is the son of god literally is that not authority enough ?
>/pol/ represents the majority of christians

My logic stands. Christians like yourself just have the compulsion to associate everything they perceive as "good" with and from Christianity.

Let me ask you, Russia at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution was a very Catholic nation, how did their religion help them protect themselves in anyway? How could they rebel against the severe injustices they suffered when rebellion is a sin? When their greatest figure Jesus sacrificed himself willingly while the great and terrible enemy Satan is the one who rebels
fucking beautiful bro. Fuck degeneracy.
Ah so you deny the scriptures and call God a liar. You should've just said that from the beginning. I wouldn't have put so much effort into arguing with you. I thought you were just a mistaken Christian but you're basically a non-believer. And it's funny because you hate on Jews but you're doing exactly what God rebuked the Jews for throughout the entire Bible from OT to NT, which is unbelief.
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its too bad you posted it like a ninny.

get a lexicon, there are usually secret messages in the names of things, especially when there is a long succession of names also fuck latin, if you're so inclined to learn a language learn the hebrew or Koine greek.
Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate of the country. They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire.[4]

Similarly, Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
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hey the shape of germany looks like a hunched over gremlin. like from the movie.
John 1:1
>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:2
>He was in the beginning with God.

John 1:3
>All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

John 1:14
>And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

Being the begotten Son of God makes Him also God, giving Him the perfection required to be a worthy sacrifice (sinless, unblemished) and the authority to forgive sin, which He does.
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>Catholics and Orthodox only took the most harmless pagan festivities, undid them off all idolatry and give them new meanings, for example the veneration of a saint (which is not idolatry, unlike accepting hinduism)

this is a total bullshit argument. Veneration of a saint is still worship, and idolatry.

>After a while the old meanings were forgotten and this made it easier to spread the faith amongst the tribes of Europe.

>At one hand you claim to be a puritan and in the other you accept gnostic false gospels and hindu pagan texts while accusing the Roman Church of paganism. You're clearly insane, and you mistake the Word of God for a buffet restaurant.

the only thing that discredits the gnostic gospels are the naivity and thoughts of men, and leaven of the pharisees.

>hindu pagan texts
again, they are in heart monotheistic, they attribute the creation of all the universe and heavens to one, singular god, and all creation comes from this one singular god Brahman (not to be confused with brahma). a fallacious argument is not an argument. and again, the Hindu's PREDICTED Jesus Christ would come as the son of god, and preach his message.

proverbs 18:13
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

>buffet restaurant.
God is not so dull that he would speak to only one nation. again, you treat the catholic church, the virgin mary, and etc. like Idols, instead of paying attention to the teachings of the scriptures. if you had a damn clue what the bible said, you wouldn't think of hindus as pagan, nor disgusting. quite frankly Hindus are more christian than catholics are.

2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;
Stop cherrypicking quotes white sharia shill

Hitler was very clear Islam was garbage. The only thing he liked about was the warrior/conquer teachings because as he had commented on how modern Germans were too passive and were lacking their historical warrior ethos
m8 those same Hindus worship toilets nowadays, they are the epithome of paganism. In fact Vedic Indo-Aryan paganism were the predesessors of both hinduism and European tribal paganism.

Also my story regarding Fatima is true, even Arab sources do not deny it, but claim that Fatima was forced into Christianity and did not voluntarily convert. Also it was a village, not a city back then.

Regarding nestorianism, that was an eastern heresy which was fervently combatted, it was especially prevalent in Syria (Antioch) and it was combatted so much that the nestorians supported early muslims.
> the authority to forgive sin, which He does.
Mark 2:10
But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)

the phrase Son of Man is more accuratly translated to Son of Adam.

who am I? a son of man, a son of Adam.
who are you? a son of man, a son of adam

Christ gave us authority to forgive sin as well.
Christians must go and stay go
>Christ gave us authority to forgive sin as well.
No He didn't. We DO NOT have the authority to forgive sin. That is completely and utterly unbiblical.
>Hitler was very clear Islam was garbage.
Yeah, but he prefered it over christianity which makes christianity even worse than garbage.
lol you are apologizing hindus but claim the veneration of saints is idolatry. If you don't see anything wrong with that I can't help you.
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>m8 those same Hindus worship toilets nowadays, they are the epithome of paganism

thats funny, I could replace hindu with roman catholic and the sentence would still hold true. even then its still better than worshipping the dragon.

>Regarding nestorianism, that was an eastern heresy which was fervently combatted,

Luke 9:54-56
54 And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?

55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.

56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.

man, its like catholics can't read the bible or something.

>muh heresy
I can use the bible to prove that 1) reincarnation is real, and 2) jesus christ was married to mary magdalen

why dont you go ahead and get that stake ready for me, at the end of the day I fear no man, nor his laws.

look, I'm going to tell you something you really don't deserve to know. the bible is what gave me the gnostic gospels in the first place, it was literal divine intervention that gave me the gospel of mary magdalen.

I read revelation because i watched a lecture that said that it was the only book in the bible that gave a blessing on the first page, like "read me, I'm special" so I read it. I opened the bible again to JOhn 20, at the resurrection, where Mary calls Jesus teacher, I thought 2 things, it was interesting she was the FIRST he went to go see, and that she called him teacher. I opened the bible again to proverbs 8-9, where wisdom is equaled to a woman. I asked myself "what did he teach her" and found her gospel.

the holy spirit guided me to the gospel of mary magdalen. you can cry "MUH HERESY, MUH FORGERY" but the holy spirit literally carried my soul to her testimony, and there isn't a thing in the world that can convince me otherwise.
>the holy spirit guided me to the gospel of mary magdalen. you can cry "MUH HERESY, MUH FORGERY" but the holy spirit literally carried my soul to her testimony, and there isn't a thing in the world that can convince me otherwise.
A spirit may have guided you to it but it wasn't the Holy Spirit.
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thats funny, there's nothing I can do to help you either. you're literally shilling for the whore of babylon.
Quintessential omega loser mentality.
>but for now please hit my other ass cheek and fuck my wife while i kiss your feet
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well, it actually was. the words of Jesus Christ, and the bible gave me her gospel, the holy spirit guided my fingers to find those chapters, in that order.

Christ blessed me so much he revealed to me that he was married to mary magdalen by a decree of heaven.
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Counter quotes?
Jesus(a.s) was not god you new christian fags he was a prophet
>gospel of mary magdalen

The most complete text of the Gospel of Mary is contained in Berolinensis 8502, but even so, it is missing six manuscript pages at the beginning of the document and four manuscript pages in the middle.[14] As such, the narrative begins in the middle of a scene, leaving the setting and circumstances unclear.

This shit is quran tier its by the holy spirit but its not preserved ... why just why
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>Jesus a big non violent pussy
Even my k-on doujins know better
>This shit is quran tier its by the holy spirit but its not preserved ... why just why
I guess in eternity past when the infinitely wise and powerful God was planning how His word would be spread he made an oopsie and forgot to set the circumstances for the full text to be included with the rest of the Bible. Or maybe it's a mystery for only "people who deserve it" to unlock.
Again, the Faith for you is like a buffet restaurant. I'll add to that that :

Colossians 2:8
>See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.

1 Timothy 6:20-21
O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” (gnoosis) for by professing it some have swerved from the faith. Grace be with you.

1 John 4:2-3
>By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
Galatians 1:8
>But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

yup you really deserve it
Deserve what? I hope you realize I was being sarcastic
Nestorianism is literally denying that Christ was the Word turned flesh, as Nestorius stated Jesus was a human with a human nature chosen to carry the Word (God) and that these two natures are to be seen as separate. It says that Jesus Christ is not identical with the Son but personally united with the Son. Your quote of Luke has nothing to do with that. Again you are just embracing heresy out of hatred against the institution of the Church. Not even just the Roman Church, as the schism only happened 500 years after that.
>I can use the bible to prove that 1) reincarnation is real, and 2) jesus christ was married to mary magdalen

again, pure gnostic nonsense
>the holy spirit literally carried my soul to her testimony, and there isn't a thing in the world that can convince me otherwise.

Hah, you have been deluded by the Great Deceiver.
>It says that Jesus Christ is not identical with the Son but personally united with the Son

BTW see why Nestorians were so eager to support early muslims, who hold that Jesus was just a prophet? BTW the islamic account of Jesus not being crucified but someone else in his place (or sometimes a goat) is originally derived from once again some gnostic sect.

1 John 4:2-3
>By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.

This is how you recognize false teachers.
You meant the other guy, look at the IDs.
>Jews created Jesus meme
At one time, a man named Jesus existed and started preaching around. That's a fact
the question is, was he truly the son of God, could he really change water into wine, summon food, etc.
But yeah, one guy some day came out of the fucking blue and told everyone to love each other.
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Titus 1:13-15
13This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sternly, so that they will be sound in the faith, 14and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of men who have rejected the truth. 15To the pure, all things are pure; but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure. Indeed, both their minds and their consciences are defiled.

1 Timothy 1:3-5
3When I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there in Ephesus and stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth. 4Don’t let them waste their time in endless discussion of myths and spiritual pedigrees. These things only lead to meaningless speculations, which don’t help people live a life of faith in God.

Stupid anti-Christ people, believing they are Christian. I hope you Jew loving Christians, know Israel is currently waiting on THEIR Messiah, who is prophesied in Revelations to appear at the JEWISH temple.
Literally, by the defiinition of the word, they await the Antichrist.
The anti-Jewish people seem just as bad, and DEFINITELY serve the wrong side of the equation.
You are all stupid as fuck. Real shit.

Yet Protestants have more cultural practices in common with Jews.
Burn, roach, burn
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>have a stable marriage and don't be a whore
2nd one is completely wrong.
Christians can fight and should. I know atheists have no knowledge of actual Christian theology but I suggest reading Thomas Aquinas
You're a shitty Serb I bet you are just an Albanian living in Serbia you fucking traitorous scum.
The Lost Sheep who did not yet believe Him.
These were his commands at the time, but this completely changed later. Their goal was to get as many Jews as possible on their side, before changing tactics.
Your logic is silly, the Word is a STORY, you cannot take a snapshot of one page of a fucking
book, than say, "See, this is in the book, so it is true forever, even if the story changes later.
That is your logic, you foolish mortal.
The judaizer sects were some of the first heresies to be combatted by the early Christians, this was in the days of persecution, the first centuries. Irenaeus mentions the Ebionites, who rejected Christ's divinity and insisted on keeping the Mosaic law and rites.

Still although Jews who don't accept Christ are regarded as an accursed race (Talmudic Jews), they are still invited to do so.
I believe Jesus, is divine, just not God. Those states are not mutually exclusive.
Satan, is divine, as are angels.
Most of this nonsense, is to push the point that there is only one God, which is actually what is believed by Jewish Mysticism, not Christians.
Try as you will, try as you might, you cannot make the host of angels/demons/Christ/Trinity all into one being, like Christians have been , forced into, just as Jesus said.
Christianity is NOT a monotheistic religion.
IDGAF What anyone says.
The only true monotheistic religions, are Atenism, invented by Akhenaten, and Freemasonry.
They are tricking ALL of you to believe what they do.
No one can deny that if literally every single person in the world followed the Bible's message exactly to each word, we would all be living in a much better place.
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>Colossians 2:8
yes, this can be applied to Irenaeus against heresies, empty deceit, human tradition, and philosophy.

>according to elemental spirits
so his argument on there only being 4 gospels is based on "there being only 4 directions of the wind"

if thats not according to elemental spirits I don't know what is.

>1 Timothy 6:20-21

this is applied to science as it is described today. The earth is flat, stationary, covered by the firmament, and the center of the universe. graivty is a hoax. all heliocentric astronomy, information based on it his a hoax, evolution also falls into this line.

>1 John 4:2-3

didn't I just link you 1 John 4:1
4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world

lets see, do the gnostic gospels meet this requirement.

do they confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh?
do they confession that Christ is from God?
they even state that Yahweh created Jesus Christ in Heaven.

does the Bhavishya Purana confess that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that he came into the flesh?

that's also a yes.

man, its almost like the test is really simple.

>faith for you is like a buffet
yes, it is, my faith is endless, and abundant. and as such I can move mountains with it, and wither fig tree

only the pages that were needed were preserved. and the catholic church tried to crucify her name.

the very first thing the surviving text quotes from is 1 Corinthians 7:31, Mark 13:31, 2 Peter 3:10-13. where it talks about how the world shall pass away, and dissolve into its own proper root. quite frankly the first surviving verses of her gospel are validated by the new testament.

read your old testament, 1 Samuel 2:6
“The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to Sheol and raises up.

and you've drank the blood of saints, and fornicated with the whore of babylon
man, its almost like Jesus was a Jew or something. and its almost like the bible is a jewish book.

they actually rejected the idea Mary's mother of God title. and anyone with half a brain can see that Jesus Christ existed outside of space and time. their movement was based on the fact that the soul was different than the flesh, so no. they didn't deny the divinity of christ, on the contrary they argued that the divinity of christ was slandered by calling mary the mother of god. the bible states that "flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of heaven" in the first place, I wonder if this applies to the flesh and blood of jesus christ, which was killed, and the blood shed to remove the sin of the world.
its constantly in our faces in all forms of media 24/7/365. Christianity is hated here, those who practice it are seen as backwards, hypocritical, far right wing, toothless wackos. It's so transparently subversive but people here are also eating a thousand grams of carbs a day so it isn't as though their mind is exactly clear.
You can't be this retarded. I call bait
>christianity is a jew fairytale
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Glad you like it
The faiths of Abraham all cast mankind in the light that life is a debt owed to god that your entire existence is meant to repay that debt.

It preaches literal slavery because according to theology that is all you are, an owned object of god that must work eternally to pay off the debt that having the spark of the divine incurs.
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is this bait or are you just autistic
What is wrong with that, if it is true; and especially if eternal life is the reward?
Not to mention if it also identifies the correct way to live, and literally prophesies who our enemies are, how to keep them out of power, and our eventual victory regardless.
In addition, it is obviously the blueprint being followed by the elite; so atheist or not, not studying these prophecies, would be the HEIGHT of folly.
in fact, non-Christians, should be MORE interested in our prophecies than we are; as we have the power to make them reality, true or not.
>What is wrong with that, if it is true
It is objectively true.
> especially if eternal life is the reward
Because there is no mention of that until later in history, before then it was "this is your lot in life, accept it as a plaything of god."
>Not to mention if it also identifies the correct way to live
You believe in a god that wants human or animal sacrifice over non sentient things. You are the evil one if we look at human history as only the less "moral" gods expect that of their believers.
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
Actually read the bible please.
No brother, the Bible does not teach sacrifice, it teaches the opposite, and that Jesus was/is the ultimate final sacrifice, no more sacrifice needed.
Also, that is another thing, God says Jews were wrong about...sacrificing ANYTHING. People who do that, worship Moloch...this is all in the Book you claim to know so well, that you only know from a Jew perspective.
You seemed smart enuff to have a debate with, I was wrong though.
Carry on oh wise one. you are obviously too good for me to match.
I surrender.
Sorry for posting so much, but so many people know so little of this, I feel compelled, but the JEwish Temple, I referred to earlier, the temple of El-Elyon, is where the Moloch worshipers will continue their sacrifices when the Antichrist appears there.
>No brother, the Bible does not teach sacrifice
The sacrament is a way to gussy up human sacrifice to make it less unappealing.

> God says Jews were wrong about...sacrificing ANYTHING
That explains why god got so mad at Cain for sacrificing fruits, vegetables and butterflies over cattle like his brother.

Feel free to tell me I am wrong but I just dont believe that the god of the sand people that you believe in is a Just or morally upright god.

I dont want to believe in a god that thinks the punishment for simple idol worship is impalement for all to see.

Just because modern sand faiths are less violent doesnt mean the god that spawned them is.
Jesus was hardly nonviolent, or did you forget the time he ran into the temple and started flippin tables and coldcocking moneylenders?
Christians used to be masculine. It doesn't matter if we're Christian or not, we've been pacified since WW2, probably because of the rehabilitation of the image of the jews. There was a survey done of GIs being sent to Europe during WW2 and one of the quests asked was "Is there anything good about a jew?" 80% answered no.
The sacrament is NOT in the Bible, along with the other catholic/Freemason/Moloch shit they added.
Just because Christians are wrong, and dumb as fuck, does not make Christianity wrong.
This is what I mean, all you know, are the lies told by people who wanted to dilute the truth, and make everyone like them.
You don't wanna believe that a God, who created you, might require you to behave a certain way, to earn more rewards?
I am sure you'd e okay with everyone worshiping idols, and believing everything wrong, if you created a universe, and felt responsible for your creations...you'd just let them do whatever, with no punishments....?
All I can say, is thank God, you are not God.
You are a special person.

Jesus was not always a pacifist. He was very violent against (((money changers)))

Jesus preached that you should in general be nice to people, because living in a good world full of nice people would end a lot of suffering.
He didn't preach you should be a cowardly faggot though.
Multiple passages stating that
>defending yourself is not a crime
>killing someone who plans on hurting you, your family, your property, or in general someone hurting someone else is not a crime
>Do not trust the witches and kill them where they stand for they are evil inherently and can not be converted
>To stand true to your religion and to be true to justice and righteousness

Another few passages
>He says, "I know the things you do and the trouble you have. I know you are poor. But you are rich in some ways. I know some people do not respect God. They call themselves Jews. But they are not real Jews. They belong to Satan's people.
Calling out The Jew and their lies.
>Stop! If you do not, I will come soon and I will fight against them with the long knife that comes from my mouth."
>15 `He says, "I know what you do. I know that you are neither cold nor hot. And I wish that you were cold or hot.
>16 So I will spit you out of my mouth, because you are only warm and not hot or cold.
Warning us that we can not be passive before God, to deny him to try to pacify others is to forsake him. The only people who were allowed to be passive Jesus alone stated they would be so. His apostles denied knowing him. Jesus also stated this is the way things had to be and he forgave them, because they would see his miracles and travel to tell his story.
>The sacrament is NOT in the Bible, along with the other catholic/Freemason/Moloch shit they added.
What bible do you believe in then?
> Christianity wrong
It doesnt make it right either, it is based on older systems of thought that far outstrip monotheism from an age perspective while still retaining a similar moral code.
>might require you to behave a certain way
If you go back far enough it says we were created to work for god and to venerate him, we are chattel then, what fun is there in a lifetime of servitude to work off a debt we can never hope to repay?
>I am sure you'd e okay with everyone worshiping idols, and believing everything wrong, if you created a universe, and felt responsible for your creations...you'd just let them do whatever, with no punishments....?
Do you think that Christianity has a monopoly on morals? All of the moral code as handed down by the bible and Christianity is older than the concept of monotheism, if you look at the worlds religions all of the major faiths are nearly identical in terms of dogma and morals handed to their believers. Why not look at the underlying themes shared by all of them and live your life like that instead of adhering to one facade painted on the message?
The fact of the matter is, the Bible, is a right-wing handbook, a right-wing for dummies handbook, that told people how to avoid the very things you are complaining about now, thinking you are so clever for figuring out.
Regardless of what you believe, what I just said, are fucking facts my friend.
When Jesus did that, you had to pay to get into temple, and the price was the exact amount of the most common Roman silver piece; people had to exchange their money at a loss, to be allowed in. Think Petrodollar. This was the first currency manipulation. btw 15% of Roman elite at the time, were JEWISH.
Makes sense about the Romans, but that's more of a traditional thought process.
The actual words in the Bible, not what people just SAY is in there, like you do.
none of what you say, makes it wrong either, double negative classic debate fallacy.

if you go back far enough...Jews/mystics lied...most of the Old Testament, was a crock of shit...a fever dream by Jewish Supremacists.
Had it not been, Jesus would not have refuted most of it.
That was the whole point of needing a messiah/teacher/truth teller: WE HAD BEEN LIED TO...otherwise the OT would have been plenty, like Jews still believe, incorrectly.
You Christians, who like Jews, are doing them a grave disservice, allowing them to continue with their lies. They will be doomed for this. If you really GAF about them you would tell them the truth, like I am.
Actually, these Christians are fucked too...for allowing this BS, and not sharing the Christ-Message..
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Pushing the, Jews created Christianity to pacify the gentiles Meme.
I wonder who is behind this thread.
>The actual words in the Bible, not what people just SAY is in there, like you do.
Thank you for assuming I dont read, now you never mentioned which edition of the Bible and which rewrite you are drawing from.
>Had it not been, Jesus would not have refuted most of it.
A Christ like figure can be found in many of the worlds religions though, nothing about Christianity is unique to it. Same with a figure of the old and new testament god.

What is your entire point for pushing the idea of Christianity so hard when it is merely a repeat with a slightly different packaging of that which came before?

Actually, these Christians are fucked too...for allowing this BS, and not sharing the Christ-Message
Even you admit it here, that the message of Christianity is wrong but the inherent message of Christs message, which differs from the message of the bible is right.

Why are we arguing if we both agree that Christianity, and by extension, the abrahamic faiths are serving as a purpose to mask the true message of human spirituality to gradually take us further from the truth?
turn the other cheek goy
This will be my last response to you.
Your basic argument, is that we should not believe this story, because it seems the universe is telling us the same story, over and over and over?
This feels like MORE reason to believe, but that's just me.
You don't read. Not the fucking Bible anyways. I can tell that. Don't be triggered though, you seem to know more of it than most of the people claiming to be Christian.
You seem to have read PLENTY, just not the Bible; and that is what you are commenting on.
You are just a racist moron, a mirror image of the sandpeople you hate so much.
You are a joke. Have fun with that.
That's one verse, about not harming people who aren't really hurting you.
There are others where Jesus tells His followers that a sword is more important than clothing, that if you have to choose, take the sword.
Another idiot who thinks he has a fucking clue. You don't...stop trying.
>if someone hits you turn the other cheek
can you not read or something?
Can you?
Psalm 139

19 Oh that You would slay the wicked, O God;
Depart from me, therefore, men of bloodshed.

20For they speak against You wickedly,
And Your enemies take Your name in vain.

21Do I not hate those who hate You, O LORD?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?

22I hate them with the utmost hatred;
They have become my enemies.

23Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;

24And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.
>This feels like MORE reason to believe, but that's just me.
But you wont say why that particular story is so appealing over the other repeats of the same story, what makes your version so much better and more soul saving than some other version?
>You don't read. Not the fucking Bible anyways
You never told me which version of the Bible one should read, nor have you asked what version of the bible I have read. So how can you say anything of that for certain, I meanwhile have asked you repeatedly which you refer to and receive no response.
>You are just a racist moron
What have I said that is moronic, besides responding to your increasingly irate posts in a civil and level headed manner?
Luke 22:36
Then said He unto them, "But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
I cannot help it...purposeful stupidity and blindness triggers me.
You have not made one point worth responding to, I was just being kind, trying to reach a moron, like I was commanded. I failed, this triggered me, that's the truth and you know it.
It hurts me to see my brothers so blinded...I will never lie about this. Or anything ellse for that matter.
Good idea Anon, make a Christian State, or Christ State. I don't care, it's your idea, so name it and let's start making it happen. You've got a solid chunk of the world (~2.2 billion) supporting you!
I didnt ask you where my posts touched you, I asked which version of the Bible you are reading and what you are so bent out of shape about when it comes to the fact that Christianity is just repacking old ideas for a new audience?

I have read a version of the Catholic Bible that was printed in 1842, a newer King James edition and the writings of the people who participated at the Council of Basel.

Now what have I said could be construed as being moronic when you have been nothing but a rude cretin with a basic, at best, understanding of Christianity and seemingly no concept of history?
I already said you win. God is not for you. You are right, I had to try.
Sure thing, I am the dumbest person on this thread about Christ and history.
I read all versions, including the original Hebrew, trying to translate important verses for myself.
I read the apocrypha, all of it.
I prefer he KJV...dunno why it matters, they all say thhe same things I am telling all of you, that most of you had no idea of.
imo it is rude to debate with someone, consistently be proven an idiot, but then try different routes to victory, without accepting defeat.
You are a joke...that wasn't rude. Just a fact.
I always tell the truth...sorry if you don't like it.
Matter of fact, none of you I proved wrong, has said a single thing, just move to a new thing you are wrong about.
Butthurt fucking reerees with hurt feefees.
Otherwise, you and your buds, would be capable of being wrong.
Are you a left-winger?
You sure use all their tricks like one.
Yeah man, I don't know. I'm curious to find out the truth.
>I read all versions, including the original Hebrew, trying to translate important verses for myself.
>I read the apocrypha, all of it.
You understand ancient Greek, Hebrew, and Amharic and your sentence structure still looks like that? I doubt it.

Have you read the books of Enoch?

What have I been proved wrong about? I proved that we both have the same agreements about the religion and that you shouldnt be such a rude lout with someone who agrees with you while asking you to justify certain points.

You are just behaving like an ass for no reason.

>they all say thhe same things

Ish, some of the translations make deriving principle more difficult, though;

E.g.: Matthew 6:22 > healthy eye vs. single eye.
I'm agnostic as well. I don't know what is true and what isn't, but it's interesting to learn more. To see how a lot of things are tied together. I also somewhat believe there is a definite force pushing us towards some kind of chaos. Could be super natural, but could also just be a bunch of globalist dickheads.
You were proven wrong about sacrament, sacrifice etc...idgaf what you believe....your superior judgements are towards someone that HAS proved you wrong, while you wish to believe something else happened.
Yup, a liberal. You are a butthurt libtard.
Its a cover up because all jewish religion is part of a warrior cult. Cant die for israel if you dont create a state and call it israel.
You are definitely right about that, sir.
I'd say Christianity needs a reformation. Islamists take advantage of Western Europe's soft cock nature and so on. They're not even game to attack on American soil at the moment, not with Trump and Mattis in charge. They know most white men are cucked pussies. It's not that the terries are even scary or threatening...it's just that we are weak.
>You were proven wrong about sacrament, sacrifice
But I wasnt, you said it didnt exist in the bible when it does, it isnt my fault that the Catholic church takes the text literally and without context to the rest of the passage. With the Catholic church being the largest denomination I figured this was the subject until you went off on your tangent of how everyone needs to follow Christs actions not the bibles literal word. Which I agreed with you about.

You really are a rude individual who really cant seem to even follow what his own faith teaches.
The bible is a sterile and politically motivated composition of works approved by an elite counsel royal to Rome. Of course its a cucked religion :

Anyone who tried to uncuck it was exiled, jailed, tortured, or killed :
The Emperor carried out his earlier statement: everybody who refused to endorse the Creed would be exiled. Arius, Theonas, and Secundus refused to adhere to the creed, and were thus exiled to Illyria, in addition to being excommunicated. The works of Arius were ordered to be confiscated and consigned to the flames, while his supporters considered as "enemies of Christianity." [49] Nevertheless, the controversy continued in various parts of the empire.[50]

The jesus people refer to was decided by a creed developed by a counsel :
Sorry, you were proven wrong, everyone knows.
You are so stupid, you did not even comprehend the diff between Old Testament and New, and that Jesus refutes the Old, in many places.
Sorry brother, it was real fun, you win. I don't have time to argue with Liberal Progressives, who are never wrong...I ain't falling for that shit anymore.
I never said sacrifice was never in there, I said the Bible does not teach it you retard.
It doesn't. Holy crap bruh, learn to read....it helps, trust me.
sooo jesus be like
And I am not surprised at all, that you think whatever the majority says, is the truth. I can already see that.
Besides, you didn't know that catholic BS was not in there; that is fucking clear.
>be an apostle
>give up all your riches and dedicated your life to your teacher jesus who you swear could walk on water, resurrect the dead and control storms
>everyone thinks your crazy
>every apostle gets humiliated and suffers a excruciating death (heaving limbs pulled off, crucified, burned alive, fed to lions)
>every apostles last words were prayers to God
>die with only the clothes on your back and the faith in your heart

>2,000 yrs later, some edgy teen on the Internet says that the apostles did it for power and to push an agenda that they didn't really believe in
Thus why Rome shaped it and sculpted it via Constantine and : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea to be in service to the empire and why it was used by colonialism to conquer other foreign lands and people. Literally a mind virus of control.
> Not even understanding what you claim to believe in.. fucking kek.
omg, had to look this one up
semi related thread.

I think at the time Christianity made sense, and even moving forward Christian principles kept jewish degeneracy at bay. Though now it has been very much compromised.

>you did not even comprehend the diff between Old Testament and New, and that Jesus refutes the Old, in many places.
And where did you draw the conclusion that I dont understand the difference between the new testament from the old? The old testament actively teaches sacrifice or an analog in some fashion along with the Catholic church, which is the largest denomination of Christianity. You are being deliberately obtuse in that regard while claiming a victor that text along with a majority of the religions practitioners disprove.
>I said the Bible does not teach it you retard.
Which one, the Bible has been rewritten so many times it is hard to know what says what at this point and do you mean the bible as a whole or do you mean merely the new testament?
>you didn't know that catholic BS was not in there
But it is in there, if you take one section of one passage literally which is what Catholics do, which I acknowledged.
>that text if taken literally along with a majority of the religions practitioners disprove.
Is how that should have read, whoops.
Most anti christian arguments are idiotic.

Atheist teen: "Christianity made the west weak and feminine"

The feminization of men in the west began around 50-60 yrs ago. Christianity has been a main stay in europe for over a thousand yrs.

In fact the argument contradicts itself. It was not until 50-60 yrs ago that the west began ABANDONING christianity in favor of atheism. When the west was ultra masculine it was also ultra christian. This explains why Sweden and Germany are the most cucked and coincidentally the most atheist. To have no god, breeds both hedonism, apathy, and individualism.

The last bastions of western masculinity? The bible belt usa and poland (who recently declared christ they're king)

Conclusion? Christianity wasn't created by jews. ATHEISM WAS CREATED BY JEWS

I mean it's so self evident its funny. XD

Christianity- 70000.777
Fedoras- 0.666
All you have to do to realize how nonviolent the Bible truly is towards those who are our enemies, is realize all of the times the Bible refers to Babylon, or Synagogue of Satan, these are our enemies.
There are a few other words used, but there are multiple scriptures like this, calling for war with them, and to man the watchtowers or them, and set ambushes for them. God/Jesus do NOT promote meekness towards evil. This is a lie.
Eventually, it is prophesied we will need he help of God, in this war, but this does not mean it says we should just take it like a bitch.
These are all lies, that people just bbelieve. I dunno bro, seems to me like no one actually reads the Book anymore...just claim to.
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>But you wont say why that particular story is so appealing over the other repeats of the same story, what makes your version so much better and more soul saving than some other version?

You are in truth Anon.
Those who have eyes can see.

> You never told me which version of the Bible one should read, nor have you asked what version of the bible I have read. So how can you say anything of that for certain, I meanwhile have asked you repeatedly which you refer to and receive no response.
Bibles and books of it were specially approved by counsels of Rome under Constantine :

The framework of Jesus was scripted under creeds :

Anyone who has done any actual research into the history of Christianity and Religious history grasps this :
> why that particular story is so appealing over the other repeats of the same story, what makes your version so much better and more soul saving than some other version?
No, it isn't in there. That was something Jesus did with his disciples, ONCE, not something Jesus said to keep doing every Saturday (shabbat) the REAL Sabbath.
this is like saying since the murder of firstborns in Egypt is in the Bible, we should all get together and kill Egyptian first born sons.
IT IS NOT IN THERE, to perform sacrament.
Sorry, you're wrong. Catholics are WRONG.
All that shit was made up later.
You're right Feminism is highly athiest. Feminism is destroying this country.
Waste more money for some desert shithole? Just keep them from Europe and buy their shitty oil until its depleted. Why do decisions have to be so extreme, one side is delusionally cucked , the other longs for apocalyptic war scenarios.

>reduce their testosterone
man, that's some revenge of the nerds scenario. maybe check your DNA for jewish ancestry.
See, finally someone with some common sense here! Praise Christ!
Amen man. Finally, some common sense here.
I always find it hilarious that if you say something critical it is anti-christian. Religion began 1000s of years ago long before Judiasm and Jews and Christians and Christ. Per the narrative of the bible, there was Adam and Eve right? They were closest to God and knew him the most...

So, it is actually that those religions that are much older than current ones are closer to the true nature of God no? You want me to believe some clowns in a particular place in the world amidst billions were the only people who received the true message of God? Everyone else is wrong including the people who their their language is based on? You understand that Hebrew is not an original language right? It's built atop 1000s of years of languages just like their religion.

There isn't a sensible vein of truth underlying the concept that :
> Splash in came the true word of God out of fucking nowhere
> Everyone is wrong but us

There are no gaps in time. The truth of all history is that each civilization, language, and religion builds on the previous ones. Only a fucking moron would claim that there are gaps in time and that out of nowhere they got the full truth of the universe written down in a book from its creator.
If you want to trigger an atheist, tell them the majority of Israelis, are atheists. First they will get all haughty, and call you stupid, then when they google it, they just stfu.
...you see, it is TRUE. Isn't that a hell of a basket to willingly put yourself in?
Communism, is atheism perfected.
Can you? Roman legal shit. You can't hit someone with your right hand but you can slap with he left. Turn the other cheek so if he hits you again it turns into an assault crime and you can defend yourself, even if you're a slave

Begone jew
>they all say the same thing
>dem catholic commandments.

Somehow I don't believe your claims of being a great scholar.

Catholics are some bullshit, even Mormons are closer to god than them.
Leaving ISIL to spread isn't going to be good for anyone. And it's not going anywhere without intervention. Russia seems to have the right intentions. I honestly think Trump does too. Why he's not at this moment is the real question (unless he has a plan and it's currently in motion they just aren't talking about it). The whole middle East went to shit because they can't have Democratic leaders. Bush should have just glassed Afghanistan.
I said i was a scholar? hahahahahahah
I just study one book, that you apparently have never read, but felt the need to share your wisdom on.
One book=scholarly pursuits? I guess I can see how you would think so.
But no, I am pretty dumb about a lot of shit.
I stfu when they are discussed. You should try that sometime. For reals.
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No, Christianity was a state-sponsored religion started by Paul and Constantine/Council of Nice. Paul who wrote OVER half the books PICKED by the Nicean Council as the 'New Testament' never even met Jesus.

Jesus, if he even existed, was a Gnostic who taught about the Universal Consciousness of the Universe which emerged about 200,000 years after the big-bang. God is all-powerful, all-being and omniscient. He doesn't love you. Everything is Fate, and your free-will is an illusion.
I like the near universal symbology of the holy trinity in the worlds religions that make an impact on humanity myself.
The catholic bible teaches and alters some shit to be really radically different. Not just open to interpretation.
So it isn't the Bible?
That's what I hear. Not trying to be a dick, but that is what that sounds like to me.
The gospel is all about taking hold of your free will and actually exercising it.

Satan wants to take your choice away, if only to make you happy, he will make all the choices for you, but you will be happy... And unfulfilled because you could have been so much more if you used your own free will.

>phone posting so I don't have my fitness mountain goat.
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Monotheism is where it's at. Any religion that has more than one God is Shite, pure and simple.
I bet you do. Are you Jewish, or a Freemason? Or a deluded Nazi? I have you pegged as one of the above.
Not that it matters, these are all the same people, serving the same masters.
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There is only one God dumbass. Not a 'Good' God and a 'Bad' God. What are you like 8 years old?

There is No 'Satan'. Other than another name for the supreme being, the Universal, all-powerful, all-being and all-knowing creator. There is only ONE. That is what monotheism is.
Even monotheistic religions have a set of three at the beginning.

At first there is nothing.

Then there is God, nothing and the shared surface of God and nothing.
How many levels of woke you on, son?
America keeps too many stabilizing forces on a short leash or finishes them off to protect their allies. Saddam, Assad, Gaddafi got shit done, no crusades needed. Now every country has the incentive to build nuclear bombs just to keep US dick out, because people see that you're better off being a dangerous shithole than just a shithole.
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Don't be a dumbass. There's only one True Original Monotheism from the Universal Consciousness. All there is is God's consciousness. There never was 'Nothing'.
No, didn't know that, I believe it though. That is how little respect I was raised to have for Catholics, reading their crap was pretty much considered sinful in my church, so I never knew they even had their own Bible.
Thanks for the factoids.
Then who are the seraphim and angels and Jesus and shit? He's not god, but he tests our mettle, and was given power to tempt us so we can grow stronger.
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They are fantasy. There is only God and he is infinite and all powerful. (There is and can be only one infinite thing, and that is God)

Everything else is a subset of God.
Then we are all god in such a world, which is what Frankists believe.

And upon full realization then, logically, we can become onto god ourselves.
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That's the dumbest shit I ever heard. You're not a hair on a pimple on God's ass. You're a fucking robot to god, a sensory organ. A walking set of eyeballs and hands.

No, you can't become an infinite all-powerful omniscient creator. You're probably less than 300 pounds amirite?

God is as large as the Universe.

You = logic fail.
That isnt my logic, it is your own shared logic with Frankists.
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No, you're a dumbass.

How many times have I told you I'm monotheist, and you somehow can equate that with billions of Gods.

You = complete and total fail.
Why did he make such a powerful false religion? For the lulz?
>everything is differentiated little portions of god
This is what Frankists believe.
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