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Goddess smeared with Transparency International after the shaming

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Thread replies: 262
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It came out that Natalia Poklonskaya agreed to show her office apartment and now waits for the same from the employees of Transparency International Russia.

It was that earlier Poklonskaya proposed to conduct an anti-corruption audit of the Russian branch of Transparency International.(furiously overpaid by state dep) After that, as RT reminds, Ilya Shumanov, Deputy Director General of Transparency International Russia, noted that "I wanted to rest a little, but I'll have now to investigate Poklonskaya."

The former prosecutor turned out to be transparent, but she is awaiting the same possible transparency from the organization it self. The MP stressed that she was not afraid of checks from the so-called fighters against corruption, since they themselves are not always ready to show the own property and prove that it was received in a lawful way.

Maybe it's the translation, but this is pretty confusing.
So she wants to audit an anti-corruption entity, and that has prompted said anti-corruption entity to want to audit her instead?
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she was constantly accused and shamed to be corrupt no matter what she offered to silenced all the accusations. the shit went up in a blow, when transparency international started to shame her without any proofs in medias. now she just went offensive.
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mummy has always been humble
the gifts she has accepted have been simple
All NGOs are shalom sandnigger subversion
Kill your local activist
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i want to put my tongue inside of mummys asshole
not this shit again blyad
She's going to be Russia's president someday and I don't think my dick is going to be able to handle it
Westerners prove with threads like these that they truly are useful idiots.
Poklonskaya is fucking cancer.

perhaps, but you would still put your dick in it if you had the chance ivan.
Good westie. Keep fapping to the Saviours Of The White Race.
She's trying hard as fuck to distract her thirsty pro-monarchic followers from the fact that she actually prosecuted pro-Russian activists in Crimea before she flipped.

She's a Kvisling and a PR disaster in general, she needs to stay in Sevastopol and run away from Xenomorph and shut up. Givin free advice for the FSB lookouts here.
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>and run away from Xenomorph
A... are they real?
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O sweet mummy of mine ! She is pure and inncwent.
>she actually prosecuted pro-Russian activists in Crimea before she flipped.
Yeah, because ukie gubbermint told her to. That's probably why she flipped in the first place
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She may have made some mistakes in the past. Do you think there is a realistic chance the normal russian folk will ever elect her as a president if she ran ?
Desperate Kremlin thread

Sage and report
She's not your mummy. If she was, she would have taught you shitting in the street is wrong.
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mummu deserves all the nice gifts in the world
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mummy saved this simple man from a life on the designated streets, i am eternally in her debt

>Do you think there is a realistic chance the normal russian folk will ever elect her as a president if she ran ?

She has braindamage and constantly does retarded shit that's of no value to anyone but her monarchistic LARP club. Many suspect she was pulled to Moscow to do exactly that, but that old ruse isn't working anymore.


Nice excuses, useful idiot. If she made some mistakes, why not admit them and move on instead of doing retarded PR stunts.
Why? Tell us ignorant fools of your home lands. But start with Natalia.
>that handshake
Holy fuck she does that better than 99% of people born post 1985
Mummy is cute and based.
She jailed a guy who tried to bribe her, couple of years ago.
89' here. I shake hands good.
fuck you man she's the only good thing to come out of russia since dostoevsky and other than that in forever you should be happy to have her
But isn't she Ethnic Russian herself, who was born in Ukraine?

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean, in what manned is that relates to the fact that she is a huge liability for our statemanship, and one of the biggest mistakes of Volodin, who rightfully was demoted for bringing her into parliament?

I can see all mummyposters are just fucking retard.
So this NGO is basically a US ZOG organ right,
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>I can see all mummyposters are just fucking retard.
She is the only non-corrupt member in the parliament lel.
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Cannot unsee
Are you a fucking liberal by any chance? Or just self-hating retard?
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what are spastic retard.
I would love to give Mummy a gift.

Hello MIDF. Word on the street goes Putin in 2018 will be gunning for last term with lots of twists, i for sure hope that one of them will be getting rid of retards in parliament.

Retards like Poklonskaya prevent the executive from running the country properly and doing shit Putin has planned, like the May Decrees, you retards.

>hurr someone said someone bad about and obvious retard, better go and expose myslef as a shill without an actual opinion
>liberals durrrrrrrrrrrr
it is quisling btw, assuming you mean she is a traitor
>prevents the executive from running the country properly and doing shit Putin has planned, like the May Decrees
How exaclty?
>mummy internet defense force
i like it. she's the only decent russian export.

But not providing proper, well rounded legislation. Here's a pro-tip: the biggest problem in modern Russia isn't even corruption (which is a global at this point), it's lack of cohesive and systemized legislative procession. If Putin plans to be remembered as a great leader, that's what needs to be dealt with first and foremost.
yes that was impressive, no fucking around like a poofter
>the biggest problem in Russia is lack of cohesive and systemized legislative procession.
>the biggest problem
>the biggest
Sounds very romantic kiddo but you need to be 18+ to post
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How long would it take to learn Russian?
How hard is it to find somewhere to live and employment in Russia as a British immigrant?

I am seriously considering moving to Russia due to what is happening in the UK and the rest of Europe.
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Love Russia
>it's lack of cohesive and systemized legislative procession.

Russian guy answer my queries pls. >>128748273
You will be poorer but happier.
Poland, Czech or Hungary is better. They're 99% white. Russia is between 80-85% white. They conquered muslim territories, so they have a large muslim population as well.

I like how you don't actually understand (don't have enough education) that it is, but call everyone "le kiddo". Ebin my friend, simply ebin. Topical legislation begets everything: corruption, retarded judiciary, disloyal national elites, slumping economy and no diversification of industry, etc etc.

Topical legislation is produced by staffing the parlieament with retards like ex-celebrities, ad execs, has been athletes and retards like Poklonskaya.

Keep playing musical chairs on a sinking ship, though, it will work out just fine.
I don't care about money actually, happiness is a priority in life. I just want to know if I'd be accepted in Russian society, if I'm a white British christian, obviously I'd want to integrate into the Russian culture as much as possible and not try to force my culture upon them.

>I'd be accepted in Russian society

You won't, fuck off, get your own woman in Britlanistan you beta cuck, we have enough problems more important than babysitting retarded emigres.
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>accepted in Russian society
hue hue hue hue
You could survive in one of big cities just speaking English. Russian is not easy though.
Finding apt is quite easy, around 500EUR one bedroom, check cian.ru
Depends on your profession. If you dont have any you probably could work as a language teacher, ppl are still obsessed with British accent.
We're not smiling that much, but when we do that means something.

True words. This area is the last bastion of true Europe imo
Poland was another option I had in mind, however It does not have a large capable military to protect it self from future conflicts involving Islam. Russia don't fuck about when it comes to terrorism and so called refugees.


My country is doomed, 90% of its population are totally brainwashed, I'm ex military and I'd gladly offer my support to any country I choose to live in...

>fuck off, get your own woman in Britlanistan you beta cuck,

None of them are worth saving, 90% of them are fat, liberal and stupid.

>we have enough problems more important than babysitting retarded emigres.

I won't require babysitting, I can look after my self, I live alone.

>None of them are worth saving, 90% of them are fat, liberal and stupid.

So, that gives you the right to come here and literally steal our woman by way of being Anglo with money and anglo citizenship? FUCK OFF KEK, FIGHT FOR YOUR OWN COUNTRY AND STAY OUT OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS.
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>I can see all mummyposters are just fucking retard.
you are not wrong but fuck she is in good shape
I'm non white like a greek
How do i emigrate to Russia?
Are russkes racists?
>Topical legislation begets everything
Nobody's telling you legislation is irrelevant. But its def not the_biggest_problem.
Might be just not for us at this point, maybe later. Yeltsin unintentionally did a good thing when he killed Russian perlamentarism.
>not enough education
wrong target boi
Hey do Russians care that I'm a bit non white?
I'm not going to fucking steal your women Russian bro, I'm dirt poor and depressed living in this hell hole.


What the fuck dolboeb, she is not traitor
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>a bit
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>going after mummy
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heh, this guy will end up like Oswald, trapped, crying and eventually spat out by the depressive bear

Repealing party admission lists would be a huge fucking step in actually fixing the country. That all it takes. Because if its not some retard like Poklonskaya, its literal Jewish shysters like Zheleznyak that pay lip service to patriotism but don't do anything actually useful and are straight up traitorous.

The parliamentary is the key to all of this. I don't know why the fuck everyone running around chasing some fucking pipedreams like Navalny when can JUST FIX THE THING THAT'S ALREADY THERE.

Gas fake liberals, gas fake patriots, gas low info voters, gas the elderly, fix Russia.
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>that handshake
>that body

I think this is love /pol/.

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humm, my parents said I'd not be able to handle being in the military, I proved them wrong, in fact when ever someone says I can't do something I always prove them wrong.

I will prove you cunts wrong, I'll start learning Russian.

>had no problem requesting maximum sentence for pro-Russian activists in Crimea who were fighting against 2004 Maidan activists

ok cuck
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>I shake hands good
I can tell implicitly by this statement that you, in fact, do not shake hands *well

>ywn get that firm-handshake handy from mummy

2.5 acres...

I'm sure some pollacks could come together and make use of space like that and not fuck it up.
correct me if I'm wrong but that is like 10km squared, I'm sure we could build cheap affordable housing on that land and rent it out. With the money/profit made we improve its infrastructure, then finally build upgraded housing for standard prices.


Can't even imagine what's it like being naive as you. Is this a Westerner/Anglo trait or are you special?
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plz gib hug mumy
nope, look at our towns and cities?

We're white, we're creative, visionary's etc.

What I propose is imo what the Russian government wants to see happen to otherwise disused unprofitable land. Yeah sure the land will still belong to Russian government and can be seized at anytime, but you don't live forever bro... Creating something worth while in this live is the best thing one can do in this life.
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>since dostoevsky
My man.

Nah, i think you're a shill after all. NOBODY can be that stupid. Goodbye """"mate"""".
Literally Gorby tier daydreaming. You people are the most damaging. There are particular rules IRL. not all of them are written.
>says the guy probably using a proxy, probably a paid shill for Hillary and co.

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>run away from Xenomorph
Is there something I need to know?

>Let's keep the thing that makes everything worse with each passing day as it is, somehow that wil makes things better in the long run

ok comrade now i can see you're a true patriot
Too often I see a german flag and a putin shilling posts. Why dont you move to Russia then, if Putin is so great?

>muh proxy
>muh Hillary

Theeeeeeere it is. Пиздyй cвoeмy "пoвapy" oчкo oтлизывaть, дoлбoёб.
Dostoevsky? That's it? Fucking pleb tier Russia knowledge.
The is a traitor to her country (Ukraine), and should be put in jail.
of course she'd be corrupt
she was involved in crimea after all
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>and run away from Xenomorph and shut up

literally what did he mean by this?
> oчкo oтлизывaть
Ecли пишyт вaм пpo жoпы, пpo хyи, гoвнo и poт, я cкaжy вaм, бeз coмнeнья, пишeт pyccкий пaтpиoт.
>a real country

Pick one.

Cocётe and/or лижитe.
> russians
> humans
That is not my words you supposedly educated retard. What did you study? Social sciences in HSE?
Everything to come out of Russia is pure misery and destructive to life. Dostoevsky is all I can recommend to anybody who wants that to be condensed into one sad song. Why wish any more further harm to your fellow man? Let it rest with the best.
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>Пиздyй cвoeмy "пoвapy" oчкo oтлизывaть, дoлбoёб.

literally WTF does that mean?
> muh evil HSE
>>> /r/russia

>Preventing the parliamentary from being staffed with unelected retards and self-serving lobbyists is Gorby-tier daydreaming because of nebulous (((unwritten rules)))

You words, retardo. Keep wiggling that ass and moving the goalposts.
Cocaть мoю зaдницy

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>watching slavs argue over a slav princess and realising there's actual political drama around her rather than just being a q.t internet meme.
You don't need to know russian to fuck russian 8s and 9s.
Dostoevsky is the most westernized and cliched russian writer, his stories are pure misery porn for the western reader who likes to babble about a mysticism and a "russian soul". Tolstoy was much more talented. Also no Stravinsky, Rachmaninov, Shostakovitch, Tchaikovsky etc.? Russians produced extremely good music.
So 2 HSE fuckers in one thread. Not bad.
>Tolstoy was much more talented.
Just not true, War and Peace is shit.

So, still no arguments?
> the onlly russian decent uni
> russians hate it
You just have to remember that russians want to live in shit and be treated like one, and everything they post will start making sense.
Tolstoy is trash.Go fuck yourself.
desu I expected better from Russians, it seems their blokes are immature drunkards so perhaps you are right...
War and Peace maybe, but not Anna Karenina and Ivan Ilyich, they're godlike.
Fuck yourself and your family.

>babble about a mysticism and a "russian soul"

Way to miss the mark, Mr. Know-It-All. The mysticism/russian soul stereotype is distilled from Berdyayev and D. L. Andreev.
Listen just because your grandfather raped the remains of what was once a great nation that fought for liberation from the Zionists doesn't mean you need to spread your miserable dribble here, Ivanovonovich, you fucking faggot, okay? Tolstoy can be safely disregarded if we're to remember any one thing from the miserable shithole thats only use has ever been to throw in waves at the Turkish army you god damn worthless drunkard Russian bastard.
I am right, I knew several russian girls, and saw how, with adoration, they speak with westerners, russain women with russians and with westerners are literally different people.
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I'll follow her to hell and back, I would!!!
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She's hot as fuck and seems legit.... do you guys think she is secretly degenerate?
>degenerate Russian military women

Are you crazy?

I expect she could kick your ass for just suggesting that.
Who said I'm a russian, you nu world mongrel. I just like good literature and music, no need for your hollow ideological tripe that nobody asked for.
Calm down. Breathe. Now read carefully >>128750835

Ive thought about that. HSE is very good methodologically so to speak and also (((funded well))). But I would not call it good education though. Its more like a club. Hence graduates could find good job in finances.
The main issue with it is the lack of understading of context on every level. Thats why the knowledge you're getting is so damaging and convincing at the same time. Its hard to explain and its even harder for you to understand bc its your alma mater.
I'd say you are Arab or turk since they outnumber Germans in the age group that would post here.
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>retards like Poklonskaya

>Queen literally cleaned the Crimea off terrorist, ukrainian sabateurs, forced criminals to run for their life and opposed the fucking propaganda when reforming the whole justice system of Crimea into russian compatible one.

the thing is that she literally sht the fuck everyone who opened their mouth against crimeas by simple doing her job at best it can ever be done. in USA for such work she would get life long membership in Yale clubs and free entrance to the white house.
Oh really, then I'm a turk talking to a paki right now in a thread full of cholo gangbangers from California.
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How can white men even compete?
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cocaть нa мaмy
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mum has cat
is for russian citizen only
It is a coal burner.

Kill it with fire before it lays eggs.
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I lived in Germany from 1999 till 2003, what the fuck happened to you?

Young Germans I remembered were too much apologetic about WW2, I remembered being in a German hospital for an operation for a hernia whilst being a British serviceman. The guy I shared a room with in the ward was an actual nurse who worked at the hospital, his hernia was due to a bad cough like mine. He was very apologetic about WW2, this pissed me off slightly, he had no reason to be that way, after all it was not his generation that caused the war...

But now when I look back, I see the problem we have in the modern day world, it is this softening of our societies that causes today's problems. We should not apologize for bombing Muslim countries, we should bomb them until they are living in caves and mud huts, until they realise THAT WE ARE BETTER THAN THEM, WE ARE HIGHER IN THE FUCKING FOOD CHAIN.


We should no longer fight among each other, they are trying to divide us, we must resist, white brothers and sisters unite and make a stand.
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Post your rare mummys!
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A Кoт, my favourite animal :D

>But its def not the_biggest_problem.

What IS the biggest problem?

>Might be just not for us at this point, maybe later.

What comes before?
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if u are former soldier meybe u culd help in donbass if u want in russian
What the hell is she wearing?!
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I don't think I want to involve my self in western - Russian affairs if you catch my drift, people have been killed for less...
I'd defend the country I live in, I won't agree to what could be perceived as colonialism/imperialism
if you catch my drift...
The mentality of the west is everywhere the same, everyone feels guilty about something in the past and tiptoes around issues, so they don't ruin their careers. The main argument against german pride is the fact that it'll regress into Nazism 2.0 and your post kinda implies that. Call me crazy, but I think it's possible to be traditional and nationalist without glorifying Hitler.
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ok wel russia not best plase to get awey from muslim unles u go far east

i think muslim is ok as long as they not to meny, in russia very anti gei its good not like poland
its fight against degenerat west and things
>but I think it's possible to be traditional and nationalist without glorifying Hitler.

indeed it is, I'm a troll though and whilst my SIEG HEIL won't trigger anyone on this board, I still like to say it every now and again to show how much I fucking care about freedom of expression.

It is totally possible to be nationalist, patriotic and in a sensible way.

What pisses me off the most is the media continues to seeks ways to down play recent terror attacks, like a recent attack in Australia, the islamic guy killed one guy in some building then held a women hostage claiming he was doing it in support of ISIS and a ISIS news outlet claimed responsibility for the attack. Yet the media and police were like, there is no link.

That shit is what is going to get us all killed...
shutup MI5
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She is no Goddess. She has the twisted mouth of a schizoid.
I'm a loose cannon, you want nothing to do with me, I just want a decent life for the remaining 30 - 40 years of it...
I don't give a fuck about your little fucking princess...
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scary man
>She has the twisted mouth of a schizoid.
bells palsy


Me I've suffered from the same condition, her eyes are a dead give away too.

You do know that Medvedev is Putin's literally most trusted right hand man, right?
Aren't the Romanovs all dead though?

just because you dont like what she is thinking.

i will not be surprised that she did all this royal speeches shit as part of some political operation to show herself as crazy so anti-russian fucks will let her alone. meanwhile she was the driving power behind 3 different justice reform laws in parliament.
I'm hardly scary, I keep mostly to myself, I'm very grey man, but that is purely for my own purposes.
Fuck off bong, we're full.
Seriously fuck off, we don't need beta cuck refugees fleeing from their countries' problems.
You know I once thought about joining MI5 or SAS (if going back in) when I left the military, but something online stopped me.

I never want to work for evil.

if you catch my drift...

No. You are wrong. I'm schizoid.
>just because you dont like what she is thinking.

I say what i say since day one. I didnt even read about the article because she is a puppet for Putin therefore she will be corrupt.
What does she do exactly? This whole time I thought she was just some low level literally who government employee that accidentally exploded in popularity from one of her appearances but she's apparently very well known in politics?

My father had that. Spoke like he had a stroke for a bit. We really thought he had suffered one. :(
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im going to mary lovley slav ledy kak i mama
you are strange man

i leve this countru to one day
After Chernobyl xenomorphs became more common
no, you are wrong.
She's a corrupt, crippled, retarded-sounding cunt. Fuck her and I hope she gets gulag.
>you are strange man
>i leve this countru to one day

Then leave it with me ))
Is mummy dating someone?
i'm considering going into her.
>im going to mary lovley slav ledy kak i mama
;( you are a man...

damn blast.
>im going to mary lovley slav ledy kak i mama
can't really blame you for this, british women are trash
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Isnt she a single mother?

literal trash tier
She's also a cripple who sounds retarded when she speaks and can't move half her face.
Any reason why 4chan likes her so much.
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Russian QT.jpg
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How dare them do this to Based Deputy kawaii, i will not stand for this, seize them!
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no but shes mine stey awey
i mihgt go to donbass idk yet
delet it

See picture in above post. You are very wrong. Good look with your pallsy though. Try to massage your face every day.

>Any reason why 4chan likes her so much.

Yes, most people on here are virgins who fantasise about rescuing damaged goods.
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>Gosduma delegate
True, people are desperately clinging to the status quo because the payoff to be a virtue signalling cunt aiming at easy targets is higher than fighting an obvious enemy upfront. Also, they're intimidated by news and academia who overinform them with contradictionary messages so they have a hard time to calculate risks on their own.
total trash, never, never every fall for their bullshit mate. They have been programmed to fuck over a decent man, and love Muslim cock, I fucking hate them all, all of them even my own mother.... :(

I sw what my mother done to my dad, also what she done to all the other boy friends she had, she is a user, now she has a nice little house all for her self and when I was made homeless she told me to fuck off, then she brought up the fact once I was on army leave at her place with one of my army mates drunk when I said to my mate with her present that she caused me to join the fucking army, because she fucking did, she gave me such a fucking hard time when I left school, she would not leave me alone. So I joined the army, which she said I was too pathetic to join, I proved her wrong, the dumb bitch was crying when I left for ATC Pirbright on the train....

Why do parents complain their kids are so rebellious when they treat them like shit all their lives, I fucking hate women as a result of this.

I prefer younger girls (legal)
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am i virgin if my mum let me do it with her?
>I sw what my mother done
Yes, mummy has always accepted my gift of cummy
>Those tzar pics behind

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Bullshit. Post proof of your criminal accusations you filth.
to add onto this, the ammount of men I met whilst in the army that had been fucked over by women promising a for filling marriage was staggering. One guy had almost half his fucking money taken away from him whilst he served in Kosovo, he was so depressed, there he was fighting for the EU literally and having his hard earned danger money taken away from him. Because some bitch in the UK decided it was time for him to go, I FUCKING HAAAAAATE THEM, I'D PUSH THEM ALL INTO A FUCKING DITCH AND PUT A BULLET INTO THEIR SKULLS.

Well maybe not push into ditch but I'd make sure they would face jail for such actions, marriage is marriage and if a cunt breaks from it they should get nothing!
It's in her Wiki that she was raped and beaten and has Hemiparalysis.

A shocking number of people don't get the Xenomorph reference.

It's an Alien: Isolation joke. Sevastopol is a city but also in the video game it was a space station. With a Xenomorph on it.
ugh, she is ok, why do you fags get her so much thought?

There are normal decent women that are of much higher tier than her...
You're right asking questions.
Idk, short-term it might be setting good economic strategy and its execution at the same time fostering respect for laws.
In a long-term deciding whats our history and direction bc right now uncertanity causes social instability.

>what comes before
Solid social and economic ground. Or we'll end up living not a life but electoral cycles.

Best thing to come out of the Alien franchise since the original A L I E N movie. Well, maybe barring the "Labyrinth" comics from Dark Horse.
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i never finish taht game its so scary

what? theres nothing about that in the wiki
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mum ses not tru

did u kno mum goes on same tv netwerk as richerd spenser?
Who ever hurt her, I'd like to shake their hand as I finish the job with a canister of Zyclon B in her apartment.
play: Five Nights at Freddy's Sister Location

I promise you it is more scary... I have not even got past the first inencounter because I suspect I'd have a heart attack if I continue, its not a fun game at all, its sick twist and should be banned.
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gay stupid game im not 10 yers old
Then why do you type like a 10 year old and say "Mummy!" in these threads?

He's trying to imitate the original mummyposter
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hey tahts me
Naive teenager dreams, there's lots of you here posting "How easy is it to move *" even though you don't even have a job and never leave your etate.
it is a stupid game and it is gay, my bisex friend bought me it and insisted on playing it... I fucking hated it, the restrictions of movement, forcing you into a jump scare pissed me off.
Don't hate on the youth, what is wrong with the English word mummy?
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ok it not same netwerk but richerd spenser go on think tank owned by same man

also his wif
his wif so ugly
>friends with a bender

Neck yourself.
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checkeddd mummu poster
he was my friend since 14 years old, had no idea they were bi, they are a good person, i don't think i'd listen to cunts like you when deciding my friend circles.

You take everything on /pol/ as literally doctrine, you must be a stupid kid or something, WE WRITE THE DOCTRINE CUNT, WELCOME TO HELL, IF YOU DON'T AGREE IWITH OUR DOCTRINE KYS, YOU ARE NO VALUE HERE.
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mummy teaches us all to judge people by their character.
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do u lovs mummy
I'm an adult you arsefucking bender scum. You come onto a right-wing board and spread leftist lies and values? Fuck off.
You do realize that she has a profile on Russian facebook, VK , right?
are you friends with a poofter?
if yes, kys
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does she accept friend requests?
From new VK accounts? Sure.

yes and his character is fine, much better than most people i have ever known, he actually left his gayness behind him and now seeks women mistresses from places like Canada and US, hes into being dominated by large women. It sexually excites him...

I bet half of you cunts are pedos and yet you fucking slag him off lol get to fuck idiots.

god is coming

and you won't hide.
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>do u lovs mummy
Yes anglo brother.
God is coming? For us?

How ironic. You, champion of degenerates and filth, think that the Lord will come for us and not them.

"A man that lies with another man as he would a woman must be put to death, and his blood is on his hands."

You will join him in the darkness, rest assured. You are no child of His.
>god is coming

God has forsaken me long ago, pal.
the doors to the church are always open my friend
for your hate yes.
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what city does she live/work in? is it near a border i would have a chance to get to with her in the trunk of my car before getting caught by the secret police? does she have bodyguards?
My hate.

Hah. You will see the truth. Those who foster aberrations are not beloved by the Lord, and will receive not His blessing. The Devil will claim you and he, and you will suffer for eternity.
No he has not idiot...

Look within yourself, beyond mind and time, there you will find him.

And mummy luvs meeeee!
good call, soft handshakes are disgusting desu
does natalia speak english? if not, would she understand a simple sentence like "bend over and spread your ass" or "stop crying?"
I have no need to kill myself, for I am not eternally damned. You cannot say the same, false liar. Do you think he can protect you?
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hnnng i want her to entrap and arrest me and for d me to watch her take her bull in all her holes in celebration while i languish in my cell
>woah, gulag arms
i battled with these demons when i was in my early twenty's, they lost, i won and now i face scalar weapons. Call me crazy but ever since i defected (almost) away from what I singed for they have I feel targeted people like me. I do not listen to their claims that they know god, because no evil entity knows god, god is within and no where else.
We'll see what's within you after your entrails are torn from your body and cast into the flame.
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please gib respect to mummy.
He will protect me like he has done all these years, many people suffer badly realise why they suffer so badly.

I think you should just fuck off.
I won't fuck off. Why are you here, leftist? Pol is not a homosexual board. You and yours are not welcome here or in the world.
that won't make a difference, tear me to shreds I will live forever because to the key to immortality is to live again. The only way to live again is to accept Jesus as your lord and your saviour, I am a soldier of god and gods army is on earth, make you fucking move so we can start killing you....
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mummy needs to becum president tsarina
This truly is the retarded side to pol

She is nice lookin though
You are a soldier of nothing but deceit. You spit upon the Lord and his word, proclaim false idols and doctrine. You are a parasite and a charlatan and when we strike you down, you will have nowhere to run.

You are weak in mind, body and spirit. You cannot fight me, you cannot fight anyone.
I am here to teach the truth and you obvious do not like this, you think i am weak, you are a typical fucking shill.

Jesus is was real, what ever race Jesus was matters not, what matters is his teaching, his teaching points people like you out and trust me hateful one you will lose everything including your life if you do not accept Jesus.

Deus vult
ok muslim shitlord come get me...
Muslim? Now you throw false accusations onto me? How very amusing. You know your words are a lie and reveal your true face.

We will see what awaits you in the afterlife. I won't be pleasant, that I assure you.

And as for your friend? Well, his lot will be even worse.
if i was down london during that attack...

I'd rally up men, just normal men, i'd incite them into violence, as a group we would move through the street till we find the terrorists and then we would fucking kill them with our bare hands.
you're a fucking sympathiser, fuck you.

I don not reveal my true colours due to persecution
and the bible warns us we will be persecuted...

it is happening now, so fuck you people with your fucking shit....
yeah and nothing....
mommy hates you all and wants you to die.
she would not hate me after the first night alone with her :D
>I won't be pleasant
you never was pleasant towards our people akmed...

That is the problem here, you can lie all you want but any English man with a brain sees your weak liberal shit and trust us we will fucking kill you if you fucks do not sort it out.

I could not give a shit if MI5 is watching me, the further we go the more our views are normalised, keep killing our kids and see what happens.

We are England, we are very very tolerant which is the reason we have allowed this for so long and still allow it, but mark my words the ice is very very fucking thin. When this ice breaks we will just start killing anyone that is not white British.

It is in our blood, this is why we have existed for so long, this is why we have survived for so long.

do not fuck with us.
>I am seriously considering moving to Russia due to what is happening in the UK and the rest of Europe.

Don't do it.
Your country need you.
infact if you ever attack a city in the most northern part you will be fucking sorry, there won't be a mosque to goto in the north. Cry all you want cry all you want, god is more powerful than any government, they can try gods hand all they want, they will never succeed.
but i'm gonna die if i try...
these red pills have taught me so much that i can translate in real time the mainstream media and guess what everyone things i'm fucking dangerous crazy and should be locked up...

There is a point were one has to consider evacuation, from here we can work together as whites, Russia only has 140 million people ffs...

it has the largest land mass, ffs start fucking each other and make babies now?
>people failing for vagina and not bothering to look up more

Every fucking time.
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