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Based Overwatch?

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So, I recently bought Overwatch and quickly realized that Blizzard seems to share our views quite a lot:

>Mercy is an Aryan woman, blonde and with blue eyes. She is easily the most attractive character of all and protrayed as a literal angel.

>Reinhardt is another germanic character, portrayed as being brave, powerful and honourable. Just like Mercy, he also has a focus on helping the team instead of a selfish playstyle - further reinforcing the ideology of NatSoc.

>Winston on the other hand is arguably the only black character (depending on whether or not you count Lucio), portrayed as a monkey. Winston is by far the worst tank and almost always a bad pick (from what I have read so far).

>Pharah used to be the only muslim character (perhaps there are only a few left in the future, hopefully) and - who knew? - she is using explosives.

>Reaper and Sombra are both Mexican - and both evil. Who would have thought?

Anyone else who noticed this? Was this intentional?
winstons useless unless against very low leath enemys and he does his "ooga booga where all the white woman at" special
pharah is overpowered, literally a flying rocket launcher
reaper and sombra are both kinda shitty

all the best players are white excluding pharah and asians such as mei or ginji
Both Hanzo and Genji seem to be very concerned about honour and tradition, as far as their characters are shown. I respect that.

Reaper is just...I mean, did a 13-year-old design him?

I can't say much about Sombra, she's kinda missing a personality.
>winstons useless unless against very low leath enemys
and I wanted to play it only because I could play cool gorilla

saved me some money, thanks
dont fap to jew watch girls,
Give me one reason why Mercy does not portray a perfect Aryan woman?
too late amigo
Helden sterben nicht.
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The archetypes are too deep for them to ignore. At a conscious level theres no way they believe anything but lefty pc bullshit, but in their actions they recreate the truth unwittingly
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So on a subconcious level, we all know that Aryans were right?
Despite their pandering, such as making tracer a lesbian, the archetypes are mostly relevant to their national and ethnic background.

>Symmetra is Indian tech support/google employee
>dva is cute kpop pro Starcraft gamer
>Torb is a Swiss Army knife
>Lucio is a music nigger with jungle beats
>mc cree is an all American badass
>junkat players are the in game equivalent of Australian shitposting
>despite being a dyke looking bitch, Zarya is a Russian nationalist that hates omnics
>Aryan woman
>entire kit is straight up annihilated by shitskin muzzie woman Ana
Tracer never seems to realize that she is actually fighting a battle, much like the UK itself
Childish game for a do nothing faggot
Omnics = Muslims

Can't be trusted. Kill them all!
>Blizzard seems to share our views quite a lot
>quite literally the kikiest game company in existence

Hearthstone called, they want their shekels back.

>itt: faggots who think race actually exists and is not merely a social construct, lacking basis in biology

Watch this video, it will redpill you once and for all on the concept of race and why it is dumb. I know the presentation might appear too "faggy" for you, but the points are really solid.

How would I know, I never played Hearthstone
Playing vidya games....thinking they are redpilled,choses a vidya with faggotry and sjw shit in it.
You do know that you have to be at least 18 to post here?
Oh sorry, I thought there was an argument in your post, but it was just an ad hominem

Try again
Winston is actually the best tank, look up pick-rates by pros
Zenyatta is more Buddhist than Muslim
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what the fuck are you smoking OP?

this game is progressive kike shill out the asshole, a smattering of brown characters with snowflakey traits. pic related is an official comic. bluepilled future where "the most high tech and free city" is somehow in fucking africa.

s76 is just gran torino man and winston is a thinking ape trope, not a black guy.
>What's a dive comp.
>What's KOTH
Lol. Gold and Silver scrubs thinking Winston sucks. Mercy is the most attractive hero though.
Winston can be good if you've got a team with high DPS, distract your enemy's while your team shoot them.

Phara the Muslim cunt needs to removed, everyone is playing at ground level then that cunt flys above everyone shooting down on you, can't stand it.
Zenyatta is really chill.
Plus, his order of monks live in the middle of nowhere, minding their own business.
This game sucks, too many tanks with shields.

Hope Valve makes Team Fortress 3 soon.
>mercy is the hottest

Nigga please
This is pathetic. Go do somethinf else with your time instead of wasting hours playing a video.
>ITT: Scrubs
Winston is a very mobile tank, and can chase down squishies pretty efficiently. You can't block his attack, and it hits multiple enemies in range. If you can't dance between the inside/outside of his shield for tougher enemies, or hold left mouse button to kill >200 HP characters, then just play babby's first tank or something instead. There's a reason they use him in competitive games (not sure about current season), he has his place.

Pharah is pretty powerful, but if she's flying she's also very vulnerable. She can't crit either, so she can never burst you with unexpected damage, you always see it coming well in advance due to her slow rockets. I can probably count on my two hands, the number of times her ultimate has actually completed rather than the usual "Justice will be- aaaah- [Dead]".

Sombra is worse than Tracer in general, but she's good for random games. Reaper is excellent, sneak up on a squishy, or Reaper/Roadhog/Winston (D.Va might be a bit more difficult due to the location of her "head", and more armor), anyone that gets too close, and a few shots will take them from 100 to 0. If you can't aim, that's not the character's fault.

>Reaper is just...I mean, did a 13-year-old design him?
That's the biggest point you could make on a chan though, he's a playable avatar of the *teleports behind you* nothing personnel kid-meme. He's very edgy, but I think it's on purpose.

It's not a lock-in-one-character-game, you pick what's best for the game or current composition. Or just whatever you like. Winston seems weak sometimes because people try to solo with him, but he's not meant to be used like that. His attack is only equivalent to Reinhardt's swing, and you wouldn't try to solo with him, would you? He's a super-intelligent gorilla, all the tech they use is more or less made by him.

Symmetra is an autist too, so there's that :^)
If you want to fuck a smurf, go ahead
Where my aussie shit posters at?
>Winston is by far the worst tank and almost always a bad pick

Winston is one of the best heroes in the game.
Fuck off cunt
fuck off you absolute VCAL retard
If only you had quoted the whole line
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