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U.S. Congressman Calls For “Holy War”

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"Kill them all" says Rep. Clay Higgins about radical Islamist in a social media post that is gaining much attention. The Republican congressman from Louisiana posted Sunday on Facebook that “all of Christendom” is at war with “Islamic horror” and all “radicalized Islamic suspects” should be hunted and killed.


>United States Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., posted following a terror attack in London over the weekend that left at least six people dead. Higgins, is reportedly known as the “Cajun John Wayne”. He was elected in a December runoff between two Republicans with 56 percent of the vote and represents southwestern Louisiana on the Gulf of Mexico. Every parish in his district voted for President Donald Trump. However, the vote for President Trump is not the story here. The call to a holy war is what deserves careful attention coming from this member of congress.

>The congressman’s post appeared along with a photo of British officer standing over one of the London attackers. The terrorists drove a van into pedestrians on the London Bridge and then ran into an area full of bars and restaurants, stabbing people. Seven people died and police shot and killed all three attackers within eight minutes of the first emergency call. British police on Monday named two of the suspects as Khuram Butt, a British citizen with whom authorities were familiar, Rachid Redouane, and Youssef Zaghba.

>His website says Higgins is a Christian “known for his refreshing focus on the power of the individual to be redeemed.” He recently introduced bills in the House as part of a reauthorization of the Department of Homeland Security and said “we are duty bound to protect our homeland.”

>President Trump, who during the campaign called for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslim immigration into the U.S., has renewed his calls for a travel ban following the London attack.
Sounds good to me.
>Speaking the mind of his constituency
It is his job to say this, not doing this violates his oath to God to uphold the constitution and his voters.
He's right you know
Rep. Higgins seems to be one of those Americans still willing to fight for what is left of the USA. Give the man some power.
>I didn't want the GOP to win ever again anyways

Fucking retarded hick
This man is your friend
He is fighting for freedom
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>retard thinks he knows the local politics
Stick to your Facebook trolling, kid.
nice to see a real patriot in congress
t. rural retard
I'm sure he'll be pressured to resign, unfortunately.
Wait, he wants to kill terrorists?!! That's unacceptable, problematic, and triggering. I need to go to my safe space now. Death to all cis-gendered, patronormative, white bio-males.
I like this Higgins guy.
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t. city-slickin' fop
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Guys, let's not call each other names. Let's have a reasonable argument here. Very least, let's agree to disagree...
Lol, I fucking hate Evangelical christians.
This just garaunteed his reelection.
>Kill them all!!!!

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Just curious, do you also hate Radical Extremists Islamists?
Too bad he doesn't have the religious authority to call for crusade.
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>"Kill them all"

Would deus vult with
Even more so.
>"Kill them all"
Sir, yes sir!
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Kek please make it so

fug, rerollan
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He thinks left cuck politics are still relevant, go prep the bull numale we are discussing world reshaping here

I support this man
next up: gas the jews, ship the nigs, spics, and commies to the gulags.
Clay Higgins was the Sheriff that made a youtube video stating he was coming after gangbanging dindu's. He was forced to resign and now is a state rep. Dude is literally /our guy/.

He made that yutube video about coming after illegal beans too with the border patrol.
Another half assed, reactionary, right-wing "just do X to all of them!!!!" Idea.
>Just build a wall to keep them all out!
>Just ban them all from coming in!
>Just bomb all of them!

No only are these things hard to do, but generally have unintended consequence of they're not executed fully. These aren't real solutions.
You have my gun Commander Higgins! Time to make Constantanople great again.
Lol, I fucking hate middle class numale autistic faggots. XD
Oh boy sounds like we need a final solution....
his "christians vs muslims" rhetoric is what radicalizes moderates
he's literally recruiting soldiers for ISIS
i hate both evangelicals and muslims so this is fine with me if they spend the next 100 years hacking each other to pieces
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>muh reactionary
You stick out like a sore thumb. I'm sure the left openly letting in hundreds if not thousands of undocumented, unchecked immigrants into our country just for the sake of being nice doesn't have unintended consequences.

Have a (you) and fuck off cunt.
Could you be anymore obvious shill
Also taking out whole groups that oppose you works out great
>being a cuck catholic
We The Kingdom now.
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We tried that. Look how it turned out.
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He's right
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Based christ man.
I'm ready
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>Muh frog
>Muh tumblr
Who had ever advocated for unfettered immigration into the United States? That is actually fake news.
Even Hillary's open boarders comment doesn't condone unchecked immigration.
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>Deus Vult

Is it finally happening? Are we finally waking up?

It is time to Deus Vult
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Aren't you supposed to be praying more than anyone on planet earth right now because of Jacob "All The Whites Impaled On Pikes" Zuma?

Fucking migrate out of that shithole, before they start chloroforming you and pulling out your kidney's as muh reparations for apartheid or something equally batshit insane, jeez.
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I wondered what happened to this guy after he resigned.
This man needs to run for president
He probably wants you to send your boys to take it over and then hand it over to greater Israel.
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>next up: gas the jews, ship the nigs, spics, and commies to the gulags.
True Christians don't endorse any of those things.

Also you do realize you're making the same type of argument as social conservatives did when they argued against gay marriage. Now we're dealing with gender-fluid types and arguing for all these sexual abominations.

We have a right to defend ourselves, especially when our enemy declares war on us.
He's right though. Islam is at war with the world.

Whenever an attack happens Muslims use their technique of taqiya (purposefully lying about religious beliefs.) They tell you that Islam is a religion of peace.

Meanwhile they all know that the tradition of abrogation in Islam negates ALL of the earlier peaceful teachings, and that the true instruction of Islam is to wake war against the world

Those who don't raise the sword privately or openly support those who do.

You even had a Muslim London mayor tell people to expect and accept Muslim terrorism. This is classic enemy within tactics. His words only inspired and emboldened those committing acts of terror in his city.

Islam is at war with the world. This is the caliphate war. The war to enslave the world to Islam. It will never end unless it is properly dealt with
I do not regret voting for him. Thanks Higgins.
nailed it.... We need to Red Pill the masses on the dangers of this Civilization.

(((literally))) faggot
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let the hand of god punish those who would harm his children
Hammer. Nail. Head.
sure is /r/the_donald in here
No, what radicalizes moderates is their Imams preaching to them the West is immoral
did you fight against muslims in afghanistan?
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>religion of peace till tested

why havent christians been provoked by atheists and satanists who pick at us whilst neglecting jewish faith, islam and buddists

why is only islam and muslims cant handle criticism?
Well its about time.
evangelicals like westboro baptist church do this and they aren't blowing anyone up
try again
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>no archive link
>atrocious formatting and spacing
>thread full of trumpcucks, kike apologists, jidf, reddit migrants
And drumpf was pressured to step down. You start winning when you ignore the pressure from cucks
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Time to drive the Saracens from Europe and the Americas

Deus Vult
>everyone critical of islam is a trumpdrone

You have to go back
Fuck off muhammed
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This man is right and we need to support him. All Muslims need to die, we can do this!!! I'm not even Christian, I'm atheist. We atheist will team up with you my Christian bothers, get ready for Crusades 2.0
Clay "going ham on Is-lam" Higgins
Clay "the Beast of the Middle East" Higgins
Clay "I'm a big fan of a burnt Qu'ran" Higgins
Clay "I'd like to order 1 million pig blood bullets, please" Higgins
Clay "Captain Ahab of hunting Ay-rabs" Higgins
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Muhammad the whole world is coming to hate you
I don't understand why the Pope hasn't declared a crusade against the Jihadis. They are at war with Christendom after all.
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>If you kill radical muslims who are running around blowing up kids, then moderate muslims will be sympathetic to them and become radicalized! By killing radical muslims, you're only making more of them!
So what you're saying is that there is no such thing as a "moderate muslim"? If a moderate muslim sits at home, sees the news of kids being blown up by radical muslims, then sees a few days later the London Bridge attack and decides "Well that's not right at all now is it? Killing those poor radical muslims, all they wanted to do was blow some kids up and kill people! I think I should go help them."
These people are fucking psychopaths and they're all radicalized.

It was already willed. A post the other day said holy war when, first response was NOW with quads. he will not will it again.
The Whole world already HATED Islam.
Europe just forgot why and is starting to remember.
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Gonna be fun seeing white rednecks getting blown to bits again all in the name of muh country and muh God kek.
Keep sucking jew cock goy.
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>it's gonna be fun seeing more white people die because i'm to much of a pussy to actually do something
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A few more politicians like this, and we might just win this fucking war.
Clay "The Wrecka of Mecca" Higgins
Clay "Istanbul? Never heard of it" Higgins
Clay "I enjoy fresh lemonade when I win a crusade" Higgins
Clay "turning caliphates into states" Higgins
Clay "Shia or Sunni, they're both looney" Higgins
>Hurr Durr i dont know what a local election is
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>if they're critical of Islam and mass murder of innocents they must be pro-Zionism!
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Whose this, a character from Archtroll Gabriels Fanfiction Novel the [[[EDITED BIBLE]]]?

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>not wanting to risk one's life for pointless, fake, made up (((wars))) that benefit no one
You're a fucking retard.
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>his "christians vs muslims" rhetoric is what radicalizes moderates
Are you an Islam expert that you have confidence in your statement? Have you ever read the Qu'ran? You do realize Islam in and of itself is "extremist" unlike other religions.
They are killing and raping our people while you do nothing.Congrats on being no one.
Just look at that face. That's the face of a man who's seen some shit.

Even his name is awesome. Clay Higgins. How can you have a name like that and not have gigantic balls?
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Good for him, someone has to say what every sane person is thinking.
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>Whenever an attack happens Muslims use their technique of taqiya (purposefully lying about religious beliefs.) They tell you that Islam is a religion of peace.
Do you think these imams who refuse to honor the terrorists in public or still doing so in secret? Who knows if they really disavow these terrorist attacks deep in their hearts.
>Allow one-sided attacks on unarmed civilians in European and in America to continue! Don't you know that any sort of retaliation benefits no one but the KIKES?!
It's not a happening levels yet. although we do have elected officials calling for a crusade so we're getting there

I'd bet Higgins couldn't find the Middle East on an unlabeled map. Protip: I'd win.
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They are fake attacks you fucking retards. All Mossad operations designed to instigate fear and chaos. You gullible fucking retards eat it right up despite them blatantly telling us the news if (((fake)))
Do I really have to spell this out for you? Terrorism doesn't exist. It is a made up CIA/Mossad operation designed to pit Christian Western nations against Islam. When we go to war with Iran and Russia and WW3 kicks off you faggots will be remembering this post.
Dutdut would approve of this.

me too
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About damn time.
Knowing geography is probably the most useless skill you can possibly have.
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>They are fake attacks you fucking retards.
Go to sleep Mohammad
>Implying only the pope can order a crusade
He is correct
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Needless to say being called out won't bother you, I know, don't worry. But you're still a fucking coward and should kill yourself for the good of society.

Your purpose in life is duty. Your duty is to serve God, serve your family, and to serve your country. Who the fuck do you think you are, that your life is so valuable that you need not fight?

All men are created equal but not all men are born cowards.
.... fucking what, how would you get anywhere or do anything. Geography is needed for anything the requires you to go some place.

Sounds like he's /ourguy/.
>implying you're even from here
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If you don't agree with this guy you're in 1 of 2 parties.

1) you're a filthy sandnigger


2) lack a pair of balls

Which one of those 2 are you faggot?
Don't forget leftists, you're getting the rope first!
>being this much of a retarded naziboo
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In the absence of orders, find the enemy and kill him.
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look at stanley mcchrystal's (4 star general in charge of afghanistan war) documents on fighting counter-insurgency. we were making more radicals than we were killing
i served. not falling for that again
yeah, i read the oxford translation with the blue and white cover. it's gay as fuck
go right ahead and have fun trying to kill an ideology. christians and jews advocate violence as well but have just pussified themselves with strip malls and cable TV, etc, and no longer have the nuts to burn witches and heretics, etc

let me know when you actually sign the enlistment contract so i can laugh and take the stuff you leave behind
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These are the Real Americans I've been waiting for.
I see this sentiment repeated a lot around here, and I'm curious; are you people under the impression that you are going to live forever?
Good. The more hair-trigger Muslims who get pushed over the edge the better. People who would kill innocents over words should be removed.
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What are "key demographics"
>recruiting soldiers for ISIS
If they join ISIS because someone said that radical islam is evil, then they were already our enemy they were just lazy about it.

Give no quarter, fuck Islam.
In a Holy War, the US would lose.
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US may lose, but Jesus wins
Knowing directions to where you're going is important.
Knowing the names of obscure small towns in Sweden to impress your friends isn't.
Learn the difference.
From Wikipedia:
>Higgins was married 3 times
What a paragon of christianity.
Yep. I think we just found our nation's first "Secretary of Religion". After he dies or retires, we should immediately get rid of the office knowing the Islam is forever demolished, and there is no longer a need for it.
>implying jesus exists
what a cuck
>Higgins was married 3 times
haha, stereotypical christian that can't even keep a solemn oath with his chosen god
>Dude what if we create another power vacuum in there

1. Glass them with nukes
2. Conquer them 100%

Anything else: power vacuums -> terrorist shit
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Blah blah modern women, *insert excuse here*

I don't really care about his personal failings though, to be honest. The vast majority of people have fucked love-lifes.

I've been blessed with a qt3.14 German Catholic girl with a fat booty. Thank you Lord God.
>haha, stereotypical christian that can't even keep a solemn oath with his chosen god
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. [Romans 3:23-24]
>"Kill them all"

A tried and proven solution. Countries have been cleansed of Islam before. I see no reason why it can't be done again.

this is why christians are cucked
>do whatever the fuck you want, just repent and we coo
very gay, anon...consequence-free morality
>unintended consequence of they're not executed fully.
That is the real problem, we need commitment.
You're so smart and above it all
well, you forget that part of the reason this can't happen is that the other religions like christians and kikes won't get on board because this opens the door for everyone else to do this to them down the road if a fundamentalist revival pops up and extreme sects start mass bombing because of roe v. wade or some shit
90% of christians are absolutely against any shit targetting religions
It's almost like actions have their own consequences and we don't need to heap religious bullshit on top of an already difficult world
The christians who don't want their cities swamped with minority gangs and sodomites aren't real christians? God's law doesn't bend to you, you bend to God's law.
You forget that Christianity no longer exists.

99% of "Christians" don't follow the faith in any way at all.

But it would be fine either way. Because once the cleaning starts it will quickly devolve into a racial thing more than a religious thing.
So is somebody going to link to the post in question or is this fake news?
Nuff said

Why not
Genocide the non white
Based, both the englander and the mountain man.
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>You must suck the dick of people wanting to murder you or else you won't win elections
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>guys please can you stop trying to save the country the leftists will disapprove of us
>Muslims never once in history attacked the West, unprovoked
Wew lad
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I like you
The Christian blood spilled in the middle east calls out to God for justice. We will be His arm, and deliver them unto His wrath. Raise your bibles and swords, stir up the Holy Spirit within you, and cast down the demons among us. Sanctus Christus, Hallelujah!
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>Who had ever advocated for unfettered immigration into the United States
Every liberal and shitskin
Ok so let's remove the Jews too would you join up then
The point was you can't hold a holier-than-thou attitude because you're just as much of a sinner as Rep. Higgins. Try removing the log out of your own eye before you criticize others.
Sounds like he's /ourguy/
How exactly
>The christians who don't want their cities swamped with minority
If you are racist, then you aren't a Christian. The Bible teaches we come from one blood. In fact, God has made from one blood every nation of men to live on the entire face of the earth, having appointed fixed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek the Lord so perhaps they might reach for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. ‘For in Him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are His offspring.’ [Acts 17:26-28]

>gangs and sodomites
Obviously those things are sins and we must enact legislation and actively protest against these kinds of abominations. We are on the same page on this fellow Christ-anon.
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If Christians kill Muslims, and Muslims kill Christians, what will be left are Jews and atheists. We can then kill the remaining Jews and only real humans will be left.
How the FUCK can americans elect a bigot fucking racist like this?

This is why the US is an international laughingstock
a hero emerges
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Kys you POG faggot what are you even bitching about killing heathens or not killing enough
>coming from a literal who country
>radicalizes moderates
can true moderates even be radicalized? huh?
It shows how subverted our societies are when fighting back against the people murdering our children, raping our women and trying to take over our countries is somehow out of the overton window.
We are at war with islam. In war, you kill the enemy.
That's the same cop that was making those callout videos of crimanals
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Pretty based. Probably the best thing out of the federal government since the declaration of independence. God bless this great nation.
he's got my vote

peace through superior firepower
Higgins 2020. By then there'll be a hell of a lot more ammo. Bannon advisory pref'd
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Actually he's right for a few reasons:

1) Muslim terrorists and militant groups use civilians as human shields. But those civilians dont try to kill them in their sleep or fight back. That means they are Supporting Terrorism and are Terrorists themselves.

> about 85% of muslims support terrorism or are willing to just ignore it, making them copable as well

> if we kill everyone associated, including civilians, they will start rejecting their oppressors and making life hard for them, even if it kills them - since we'll kill them if they dont.

2) As the death toll begins to reach the hundreds of millions, many will give up and reject this barbaric faith. Regardless of what they convert to, or if they just lose their faith in god period, they wont want to be caught practicing that shit anymore just because of the RWDS.

> we have the technology to do this.

3) "Omg we give up, why are you still killing us?" - Because now you have to turn against the other muslims too. Otherwise we still think yknow, that you're secretly helping and harbouring them.

Enough of Pic Related is starting to make people "willing to look the other way" while these mudshits are slaughtered by the millions.
If /pol/ helped pull that off it would dwarf the Trump effort.
>Enough of Pic Related is starting to make people "willing to look the other way" while these mudshits are slaughtered by the millions.
Good for them. Those that are found guilty of advocating for this madness will still be second to hang on the day of the rope, fucking idiots.
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Argument is invalid because they're operating with 1970s technology and only really getting handouts.

We are operating with 2010s technology plus "50 years more advanced than the civilian sector has".

Once we stop tiptoeing around civilian casualties - Steel Rain, Napalm, Willie Pete, and Microwave Radiation weapons will make short work of them. Not to mention first strike EMPs to destroy all their vehicles and electric grids.

> they cant fight back against this, they rely on political correctness, which is starting to go away

> we don't need many boots on the ground either, just elimination squads that go through and wipe out whatever is left on the thermal scans

...And we wont let them into our countries (theyll get rounded up) to be able to do their Ackbar routine out in public at random. So they wont be doing terror attacks for long.
Confirmed for /ourrep/
>muh holy war

lel this guy probably goes to men's restrooms in airports for blowjobs
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I think you're confused, since this genocide will gain popularity. At least in the united states. So the people who support this would be Facilitating the day of the rope as well.

Also I believe for the proper amount of backing and support we will need an Alliance with Russia, who has serious problems with muslims as well.
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pic related
and this shit continues as well, which pisses more people off

they didnt learn their lesson when we fucked up iraq and afghanistan, that means it goes terminal


Lol if "rhetoric" turns you into a terrorist then ive got news for you. You were already radicalized, you just hadn't commited a voilent act yet.
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I have work to do.png
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Isis doesnt mean shit, they're nothing, nobody.

If we decide to hit them they'll just burn and fry along with their human shields.

> look up Mattis quotes
> Mattis is the secDef now

And this too.
Fact is most muslims are just like :\ "I guess its a good thing"

Bush made it clear, you're either with us or against us.

And seriously I dont think a holy war is going to be fought with rifles and IEDs. Its more likely to be fought with nukes, chemical, and fragmentation.

While the rest of the world, pissed off over all the raping, just kinda yknow looks the other way.

We have to be hard on them, we have to make sure they absolve themselves completely of this shit and turn on their fellow muslims. Like rats jumping off a burning ship.
What's it like living in the pussy north faggot?
It's really a chicken-and-egg problem, once enough Muslims are in the U.S. to infiltrate and cause great harm, then public opinion will turn against them. Even then, who knows, maybe the left will face no other choice but to join the Muslims instead of fighting with us

However, as long as we keep our country safe, then those on the radical left will keep harping on how we're too harsh on our enemies and we need to be free and open

You really can't win
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bombs of peace.jpg
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its called Nationalism (regime change)
God Emperor
... and making them get on the cattle car

which also solves the leftist problem too by the way
Holy shit, I think this guy legit believes he's the tool of gods reckoning.

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this kills the islamist.jpg
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There was a man this openly based in congress of all places?
He used to be a sheriff lieutenant it seems

He needs to run for president.
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Modern Life.png
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PC America. Protesting for the sake of protesting.
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oh hey, there is that false logic again

Western Society has been driven by Christianity while simultaneously criticizing it and rethinking it along the way.

Somehow, despite Christians repeatedly having their faith questioned and criticized (as all beliefs should), they still do not form Christian Terrorist groups and commit acts of terror on non-believers.

If all it takes is proposing a ban on further Muslim immigration and taking a stern look at what the religion of peace does for terrorism to radicalize muslim citizens already living here then it sounds like they were not moderate to begin with.


Deus Vult or not it doesnt matter if this is being done on christian grounds.

(im not christian and I support this)

The Islamists have made it very clear, they intend to take over the world, and its none of their business to do so (inherently anti-freedom).

So until They Are Gone, thats an enemy of humanity that cant be left unchecked.

Islam isnt really a religion, its just a militant ideology, its designed to kill and infiltrate. The religious side of it is just a congame to demand obedience.
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> if they'd turn radical, they were already radical

True. And who's to say they weren't sleeper cells to begin with.

I mean its like which side of the knife do you decide to fall on... on one hand you can go crazy offended by it... on the other you can just say "fuck this shit" and get so moderate you're not even all that religious.

I mean its like why are people forgetting that Option B is clearly the more sane response?
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We game to maim with the bravery of being out of range.
Deus vult
Sounds Crusader LARPing to me.
I knew I heard of this guy, he is America's best cop!

Search him on the jewtube folks
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crusader 2.jpg
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if only more of congress felt that way
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where you at in LA?
state congress not US congress

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