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>Michael Moore does something >thinks he won't g

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Thread replies: 213
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>Michael Moore does something
>thinks he won't get fucked with
Alright goys, I think we all know what must be done

You know the Trump hysteria is out of control when Wikileaks exposes the shadow government in it's entirety but Michael Moorefries decide to make a site just for Trump. How stupid and blind can some people
Shill your site somewhere else you fat cunt.You stopped being relevant 10 years ago
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>Alright goys, I think we all know what must be done

Let's see how many secret dossiers about the "2 scoops incident" he receives before he shuts it down.
Just sent an email

''Mr Moore, i have some real bad news, you have diabetes and it seems that your political opinions are as ridiculous as your health.

Tenderly, Your doctor Dr,Goldsmithsteinblatt''
We need to make up more absurd pissgate fanfic.. the left still believes the first one was real
how about Trump's shadow government you huge moron?
American Hero
Lol we need to inundate the site with intel like "Trump just took a shit" and "Ivankas tits look great today"
You mean he has a shadow govt to fight the pedophile network shadow govt?
Spam with PDF copies of mein kampf or other subversive literature.
Trumps basically the last shot at getting enough normies to wake up and end the lies. I'm not sure to the extent of which he is compromised, but it doesn't seem very likely given the low energy shilling against him.
kill yourself you uninformed liberal cuckold bitch
I used to work in sigint, I'm seriously thinking about trying to feed this fat fuck some bullshit and see if it ends up getting out there. However, I am looking to work for Uncle Sam again here shortly so I'm not trying to fuck over my future career just to embarrass Michael Moore.

I'm really glad that liberals have gone full retard now and then Michael Moore is just another "old White man" who can do no good. His style of "activism" is fucking cancerous. His big frumpy body and greasy hair are a sincere reflection of his lack of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

He can go eat shit and die for all I care. Yea sorry you were relevant during the Bush years, if you would have died around 2008-2009, you would be remembered as a hero by liberals. Now you're just running out the clock, getting a little sadder and fatter with each passing day.
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no mercy
>Honeypots start popping up the microsecond someone gets caught leaking
>Its bad if Russia does it
>Its good if we do it, tuck frumph
i'll have fun with this
>t. woke 14 year old
youtube is not real life son
Yes yuuge trolling potential. Let's not fuck this up. Be smart.
>t. someone that believes Trump is illuminati
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If so, the best shadow government win
>INB4: This fat fucks website is completely compromised and turned into a honeypot.
Didnt CTR try this already to no avail?
Either them or Buzzfeed. Some of the things submitted were hilarious.
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Wasn't that literally Hillary's team that did that?
t. shadow government shill

you will hang
Quite useless, since the media does the same already.
Also this will only operate as a 'sources say' or 'leaks point to' story generator for the media.
Systematically make a backup of wikileaks
Someone explain to me!!

Why liberals and globalist scum like to use I on every word

iGoogle and tons of other.
is he on american soil soliciting treason?

i sure hope so

I sure did like canadian bacon though, amusing film
Good plan brother. We need guys like you on the inside. Don't compromise yourself. You're too important
>Not just sending him a thank you letter for his vid that helped get Trump elected.
Probably because Trump's corruption network is so big it requires an entire organisation just dedicated to it.
Just how butthurt can people get about one guy? It's like a masspsychosis. This social media hive mind is just ridiculous.
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If this is totally anonymous there's no way to determine legitimacy. This is actually a really good opportunity to make Moore and the media look really really stupid.

What someone needs to do is to Photoshop a really official looking document that looks like what we see in declassified stuff, with words blacked out and such that tells a story just ridiculous enough to be true and for Moore to believe it. Submit it and let him run to the media with it, and then let them deal with the repercussions of releasing the fake document.

Moore is dying for anything, so he'll probably fall for something convincing looking. Someone needs to get on this
It'll have to be clever but not too over the top. I would like to believe most of these guys wised up after that golden shower story, but who knows.
So are we spamming him with golden showers and other Trump fanfiction?


>mfw Michael "Cheeseburger" Moore gets arrested for espionage
I'm sending gore embedded in official looking pdfs
Anyone got the Bubble Bass burger recipe?
I wanna email it 400 times with different pdf covers
>I think we all know what must be done
Not your personal army
Calling for raids will get you banned for life
archive.is is a jewish tracking site. They have your IP now dumbass.
Just slap Trump's name on the front and pretend him writing it is some massive conspiracy.

If Moore's website is ever made, I will make it my personal mission to spam it with useless information, a la Saul Alinsky. Anybody with a real leak would and should take it to Assange anyway, else they're just playing the partisan game.
No really kys fag
>open website
>crickets chirping for 3 1/2 years
>next elections roll around
>Trump re-elected
>a dry and seedless tumbleweed rolls through his website
>Moore has been dead for five years from choking on a Baconator, a whole Baconator
Does seriously nobody remember what happened to that DNC tip line during the election?

Where is this website anyway?
Know what? I'll bite.

Red-pill me on Trump, I'll be back to check the thread in one hour. I look forward to your thorough, well-researched, and peer-reviewed replies.
>They have your IP now dumbass.
This applies for every website, dude.
I like this approach... lots of good ideas here actually. Let's template some leaky/official looking "dossiers" for anons to use.

Time to use some of that good old photoshop and autistic SCP-writing skill.
*cracks knuckles*
Why? Does he think Wikileaks are pro-Trump? They've leaked shit on Trump plenty of times.

>being so mad that Wikileaks hurt your favourite candidate by posting true facts that you create your own version of Wikileaks specifically to hurt the guy you don't like

He wasn't always this retarded, what happened?
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We need to fabricate more piss-gate dossiers on Russian intelligence level.
You could post some good, juicy looking doc templates on Mega though...
Why do I think this will end in Pissgate MK-II?
Oh, yes - because people on here will spam such shit to that faggots site, soon enough. It's inenvitable.
Just call him out on his hypocrisy.
>Where was this fat fuck when true patriots blew the whistle on real criminals that never got prosecuted.
Yeah we should give some good trump leaks to Micheal!
Even at home my IP constantly changes
THIS. Fuck. Ing. This.
Didnt France just recently get fucked over by multiple shadow governments and at the same time fuck its own people with theirs?

Also what you say makes no sense, its like saying its ok to kill somebody because other people kill people. You fucker, none of this is ok!
>Under Obama, thousands of innocent Muslims died with his bombings.
>Get given a fucking medal of peace.
>Under Trump one person dies.
As someotheranon pointed out, the golden shower story was widely believed, as difficult as that is to believe in and of itself... hard to know what's actually over the top after that.
>fat liberal landwhale grabs attention by creating own site

Fuck, I feel like making a donation to Wikileaks today.

>Not cutting your baconator in half and eating it in two bites

One bite plebs can go
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>not pepeanalleaks

step up your game


lol france, you're still here? and speaking english no less? what a treat. i figured if i saw anymore french posting it would be cries for help written in farsi
why would anybody leak to this fat cunt? He doesnt know how to use the computer.
The best bait is something that the victim really wants to believe... The left really wants to believe that DJT has an incestuous relationship with his daughter, plus their well known obsession with anything sexual... an irresistible poison pill could be crafted along these lines.
lol it would be hilarious to hack into his computer site and steal all the submissions. (((we))) 4changers could call it project: take a leak

come on guys! we are legion!
Just spam it with Michael Moore Slash fan fiction.
That's rather genius.
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What can be 'leaked' on this Trumpileaks site?

flood it boys....FLOOD IT!
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Yeah. I 'member.
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I'm sure Michael Moore's shadow has a fovernment of it's own.
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you call that shilling? step up your game m8, at this rate you'll never earn dem sweet shariablue shekels
If you look at MM's website, Trumpileaks is not actually a stand alone site, he is inviting submissions through a number of encrypted message services. So, encrypted data sitting on (presumably) hardened servers... bit of a challenge... GRU approach would be to pay off his housekeeper to jack a keylogger onto his box, then browse his accounts at leisure. Just sayin... :-) Hope you read this fatty... how much do you REALLY trust Juan and Esmeralda?
This can win the election for Corbyn if twatter and face book get spammed
We need to get this press far and wide
it would be great to plant a false trail that would actually lead to degenerate leftists
Hey guys, NSA whistleblower here.

Trump is actually a reptilian from the planet Grillzorp. Please let Micheal Moore know.
All of this boils down to faggots doing what they are payed to do. The money he's being payed would be enough to sustain you for half your life.
>green hair
I fucking HATE when that happens. My whole face gets messy and the rest of the burger is just soggy bread
little does the world know that baguetteposters are only allowed on the internet if they swear to promote Macaroni & Cheese's agenda in the internet anglosphere
>Michael Moorefries decide to make a site just for Trump.

The Russia Collusion (diversion) narrative pushed by the DNC and Corporate Media only reinforces it's only acceptable to be anti-government and a whistle-blower when the opposing party is in power.

All Wikileaks did is expose collusion between the DNC and Corporate Media while both worked to suppresss the Sanders vote.
>it's only acceptable to be anti-government and a whistle-blower when the opposing party is in power.

After all, a disorganized mass of consumers have no leaders to look to. Disorganized masses of consumer can't boycott or reason, since one thought is lost among hundreds of millions.

Then they sell you stuff, you go the the theater, and they get shekel.
>Moore sets up website for /pol/ to send their corroborated fanfi-... I mean TOP SECRET intelligence reports in anonymously
>He sends this to the feds
>He sends this to the alphabet soup agencies
>He sends this to MSM
>MSM eat it up... again.
>FBI and alphabet soups beg MSM not to release it because its all false
>MSM: Lol fuck you we're gonna do it anyway, because we're always right!!!!
>MSM look like total fools, final nail in the coffin of their reliability
>MSM: FUCK DRUMPF! #RESIST (some other Harry Potter reference) ad nauseum
>Moore becomes bankrupt, shutdown, reputation ruined and tarnished for the remainder of his life
i'm throwing a party the day moore croaks

Literally just tell them what they already want to believe and they will eat it up. Their conspiracy theories are already autisticly retarded so we don't even need to embellish them except for keks.
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Time to weaponize! Can't wait to see where this one goes.
This has to be illegal.
More fanfics incoming!
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indeed, let us all support Michael Moore, the great patriot and crusader for truth justice and the American Way!

He was right on Bush and is right on Trump. Our country has been attacked and invaded by Putin and his stooges, no patriot can stand by in this time of crisis. Trumpism is Putinism.
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Too obvious.

>I want to suck Macron's toes
>the post
Dayum, Michael Moore looks like that !? (a fat lesbian)
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No mercy. By the time michael moore realises he's on a rocky road between two scoops of vanilla it'll be late.

This is going to be so much fun.
Fuck off, Moore. I hope you fatass dies due to being raped by a pack of nigger dicks.
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>His big frumpy body and greasy hair are a sincere reflection of his lack of self-discipline and personal responsibility.
lel, is this b8
I don't think he realizes how much this is going to backfire as a dumping ground
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This is it. This is fucking brilliant. If well executed they will fall for it.

how can we fuck with this?

we need good fake stories with subtle edits
Spam them with fake ass leaks, we need that one special piss anon for this
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the golden shower was in the original MI6 dossier, stop spreading this hurr it was /pol/ fantasy
Then there was Source D, “a close associate of Trump who had organized and managed his recent trips to Moscow,” and Source F, “a female staffer” at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton hotel, who was co-opted into the network by an Orbis “ethnic Russian operative” working hand in hand with the loquacious Trump insider, Source E.

These two sources told quite a lurid story, the now infamous “golden showers” allegation, which, according to the dossier, was corroborated by others in his alphabet list of assets. It was an evening’s entertainment, Steele, the old Russian hand, must have suspected, that had to have been produced by the ever helpful F.S.B.

>http://vanityfair com/news/2017/03/how-the-explosive-russian-dossier-was-compiled-christopher-steele
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We need russian bros to work up some fake internal documents in their language talking about Donald and Ivanka had a period of incest around the time of those photos of her sitting on his lap as a teenager and they got ahold of evidence and will use it to blackmail Trump.
>piss anon
you are just marks for trolls, fucking useless
If you're going to make a claim like that, better back it up, faggot.
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F.S.B. needs to workup a Trump-Ivanka-incest angle for the lulz then.
One bag of Doritos away from a stroke

Fat bastard
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>two scoops
why would anyone trust his website more than wikileaks which will cover leaks of all kinds regardless of political affiliation? god damned.
can we send him some fake leaks like the piss dossier? if he publishes those then it will discredit him and his site for eternity.
Didnt Shairablue tried it already during elections?
Executed in Russian would be great... MM having to translate to English = heart pounding reveal + sense of authenticity and discovery. Some anon can do fluent, bureaucratic Russian?
>Got a hold of the evidence and used it to actually coerce him into running in the FIRST place...

in other words he is a complete prisoner of Bad Vlad and the whole campaign and Clinton take down was completely against his will, produced and directed exclusively by Moscow Center. :-))))

Anderson Cooper will swallow it like... well you know.
What if you spun a different tale of Seth Rich, leave the real evidence but make it seem Trump was involved. Then you'd have hysterical libs demanding something be done and get the heavy lifting of this investigation finally started and in the public eye.
Think CNN will day it's illegal go read?
>I was only 23 years old
>I loved Trump so much, I had all the MAGA hats and campaign gear
>I pray to Trump every night before bed, thanking him for the future he will give me
>"Trump is love" I say; “Trump is life”
>My dad hears me and calls me a nazi
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Trump
>I called him a libshit
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I’m crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it’s really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It’s Trump
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear “Time to drain the swamp.”
>He grabs me with his powerful NOT small hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I’m ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Trump
>He penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Trump
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Trump
>He roars in a mighty MAGA as he fills my butt with his love
>My dad walks in
>Trump looks him straight in the eyes and says “It was just locker room talk.”
>Trump leaves through my window
>Trump is love. Trump is life.
>biased fat man launches """""""non-bias""""""" website
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I like that idea but we need to concentrate on the high quality Russian Donald-Ivanka-incest story first before he's desensitized and suspicious of our bullshit. We gotta get them to swallow the poison pill, imagine if it works, Michael Moore will be completely discredited before his anti-Trump movie hitpiece comes out, and he will probably die from the shame and stress.

We must be the jew.
where is the physical server located?
>corruption network
How about leaking pending fake executive orders. Nothing too extreme, but enough to get media attention.
what exactly did Winner leak again? what did it say?
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So what he thinks? that Lemmiwinks can really destroy Wikileaks? Theory is somewhat plausible, if we take that Sparrow Prince, Frog King and Catatfish join him. Unfortunately for him seems that Skankhunt42 is in full swing with his crew here.

Yes. Been waiting for something like this for a while. Let's do it. :)
Interesting angle. Perhaps a story about an incestuous relationship with his,at the time, underage daughter and subsequent sharing of his daughter with a pedo ring through the Epstein connection. Make them start investigating pedogate that way.
Id like to see some real leaks on Trump admin not some made up russian shit. Bring it on.

Lets see who really is the scum.

Put a twist in it. Make it that he had a sexual underage affair with Chelsea Clinton. Ok. that may not be as believable but would be damn funny.
>Not your personal army

you're doing it wrong newfag retard
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1995 time frame for these events? Would need to establish convincing temporal backdrop.
We must drop the dankest bombs on this faggot and his website
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Do it.
Late 90's would be a good time frame. Early 2000's is when SHTF for Epstein and anything later than 1999 would make Ivanka 18+.

You could make it take place in 1993 and have them going to see Jurassic Park.
Some references http://time.com/ivanka-trump-pictures-photographs/
No shekels today
>http://time com/ivanka-trump-pictures-photographs
Sent in pic of extremely muscular naked black guy
feels good to be contributing to democracy

So aren't they gonna assange him now?
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this looks like a job for australia and thousands of terabytes of black cock pics

For added juiciness that fits in with current events the leak could be made to look like documents from an aide of Acosta, the lawyer who let Epstein get off light and who is now named for a Labor Dept position soon to undergo a confirmation hearing.
Whoa calm down there Pierre. You're fixing to blow
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good to see you buddy
>he hires leftist IT dopes to setup his system
>accidentally burns leakers left and right
>gets shut down after first outed leaker gets nabbed
A bunch of friendless children on this board.
Am I the only one creating so many emails addresses and spamming him with fake crap?
Fuck my life, is so boring.
>assange him

I´d guess they are letting a useful idiot be a useful idiot.
I know at least 10 other people are doing this
>Its bad if Russia does it

Yes because it's a foreign government and besides it's obvious that Wikileaks is already the Russian channel, might as well have an American one too.
No no no no no no! This would hurt Trump more than it would hurt MMoore. This is something that could actually bring legal charges against Trump.
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It sure would be lulzy if someone leaked some Comprimising Papers to him and then informed the FBI.
>All of these third party resources
>Email instant messenger etc
>Really concerned with security there
>Flip side, the real state can read everything this idiot gets to laugh at him
I hope you fucking bought that!
>incel NEET commenting "mediocre"
>silently wishing one day to rise to the ranks of mediocrity
Ante up
I've got some time

>probably a degenerate, but I quite enjoy me the thought and an occasional click of some hot lesbian action -- but that fucking obese dyke Michael Moore is everything I hate about feminism & real life lesbianism
>>Moore sets up website for /pol/ to send their corroborated fanfi-... I mean TOP SECRET intelligence reports in anonymously

Some engaged anon could craft something really great. I'm sure that if we can craft something crazy enough and put it out there the media will bite right into it and prove to everyone how retarded they are.
>Micheal Moore wastes money launching larping website

Hey, it's his money.
Sauce on Ivanka's world class tits viewing today, please.
Can someone answer me a question?

In I think December, Moore stated that he'd pay any elector that switches their vote off Trump.

How was this not investigated? Surely bribing Electors is a felony?
>is this b8

Clearly yours is, Liam.
Go suck off Corbyn you disgusting waste of opportunity and geography. If it weren't for the rest of the world I'd probably actually enjoy watching cucks like you commit slow-but-certain suicide.
4th reichcream
Just flood the fat fuck with info on Hillary and SethRich and Pizzagate etc.

Make the pukebag drown in his own vomit.
Ugh. Go read data networking for (insert your name here) idiots.
"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
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if this doesnt get flooded with "trump peed on me" pastas ill fucking lose my mind
You know what it means?
More piss stories coming soon.
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You voted for a man who is married to pic related, ky
Electoral law in the US is fucked up. Monetarily inducing a vote is against the law, but it's not exactly a crime. Moreover, since no elector changed his vote, the law was never broken.

A similar rationale was used by Eric Holder to explain why he "couldn't" prosecute those niggers in Philadelphia who were trying to intimidate white voters during the 2008 Presidential. Since it couldn't be proved any white had changed his vote or refused to vote as a consequence of the intimidation, no crime had actually occurred.
trumpileaks.com redirects to some cucks instagram page...

So I see all the Michael Moore articles but whats the url to the actual site???
top kek

trumpileaks.net WHOIS info says it was registered today lol. Smart guy, he read the news articles about Michael Moore's retarded shit and then bought the domain!

trumpileaks.org says it's under construction, but the whois info says it was registered same day as trumpileaks.com, both unrelated to michael moore's thing.

Did fatty michael moore not think about whether or not his URL was taken first?
This this this, if you're not full of shit.





And here's the archive

>https://michaelmoore com/TrumpiLeaks
Shit, gmail wants me to enter my phone number to verify my new addresses now.
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Haha mfw he'll have to sift through all the shit /pol/ sends post your best Donald fan fiction /pol/
I like your style.
fucking underrated post

An open door into Michael Moore overactive imagination?

Where do I hit send?
What happens when he gets classified information? Better hope his fat ass can run to the nearest Ecuadorian embassy.
does this moron have a new movie coming out or something? he always is trying to sell something when he comes around.

Nice try Michael, but no /pol/ isn't going good to send you traffic or spam only for you to stay relevant
You can drop a letter or package in the mail to our team. To maintain anonymity, it is recommended that you use a mailbox rather than going into a post office.
Please send to:
P.O. Box 4800
New York, NY 10185
You can drop a letter or package in the mail to our team. To maintain anonymity, it is recommended that you use a mailbox rather than going into a post office.
Please send to:
P.O. Box 4800
New York, NY 10185
You can drop a letter or package in the mail to our team. To maintain anonymity, it is recommended that you use a mailbox rather than going into a post office.
Please send to:
P.O. Box 4800
New York, NY 10185
You can drop a letter or package in the mail to our team. To maintain anonymity, it is recommended that you use a mailbox rather than going into a post office.
Please send to:
P.O. Box 4800
New York, NY 10185

What do we send?
Yeah, you're a fucking sick weird pervert. Obviously a fag if you'd let yourself even get close to taking conceptual satire to the enth degree of your twisted homoeroticism with, of all things your "dad walking in." Not bait, no bullshit: you are a disturbed little fucking psycho.

Normally I wouldn't say this so emphatically, because I empathize for the families left behind, but in your case you should kill yourself -- ironically it's the best thing for you. And, sadly, I'm sure you're family would agree it's best for all of you.

>tfw creepy newfag shoots his virtual load all over /pol/ with his unintended homosexual sub role with Trump as the dominant.
>typical feminist rape fantasy starring unassuming closeted anon
>you should have to pay all of us for participating in your "session" today
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send him encrypted memes and red pills
You should all just send him possible locations of his lost benis.
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The government having a 2nd government
I think printed out pictures of dicks would be much better than digital.

Also, should we start some sort of fake op and use the same address? Maybe say we are collecting hand drawn pictures of dicks, etc, and to please mail them to that address?

Mail him diet shakes from Amazon?

T_D retards will spend thousands of dollars on this if we get a coordinated effort going (they mailed the NYT an entire ton [2000lbs] of salt, was probably the only cool thing they have done in a long time)
Think about the covfefe incident x10, and the people get to see the media for the liars they are. If we can get them to spread some appalling yet bullshit story and then at some point someone discovers it's false, we'll have manipulated the manipulators.
lol, this
It hasn't affected Fox news for 20 years, why do you think it will affect other mainstream media?
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>send him encrypted memes and red pills

Send him proof that holocaust is fake
I have been doing this to msnbc
Yes, who will deliver something that will make MICHAEL MOORE look like a dumbass
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Ivankas tits always look great 2bh
4sure - why, thems da bestest tits dirty money can buy from them jew 'surgeons'.
>What do we send?
half a dozen cheeseburgers.
Lol stfu worry about your country first Pierre Jean-Du-Lac Des Bois
Can we flood it with obviously fake funny crap?
Cool so we can submit fake leaks. Trump double dipped a nacho chip.
Theres still a good number of people out there that think the piss story is true.
Or 2,000 pages of documents ending in "everyone get on the floor and do the dinosaur"
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>Spam with PDF copies of mein kampf or other subversive literature.

Then convince that a real leak is hidden in one of the many copies sent
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