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I hate this stupid Faggot Kahn, I can't believe some of

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I hate this stupid Faggot Kahn, I can't believe some of you be its actually defend this sandnigger.

Cancel Donald Trump state visit, says Sadiq Khan, after London attack tweets

>Appearing on Channel 4 News on Monday evening, Khan said Trump was wrong about “many things” and that his state visit should not go ahead.

>“I don’t think we should roll out the red carpet to the president of the USA in the circumstances where his policies go against everything we stand for,” he said.


Fuck that shitskin mayor you britcucks have
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So sad there is actually britcucks who will defend this shitskin.

Praying pic related happens and Kahn gets BTFO like the dirty low IQ shitskin he is.

Since brits are a minority in London, the mudshits as a majority can easily keep him in his seat. They control London now...
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Where is the pushback? Why won't brits rise up against this faggot? He obviously cares more about Muslims then Brits

Pic related its Kahns mentality
>no terrorism

I hate him too. He's a cunt and I'm an actual Londoner. Trump is very welcome here. The Queen makes the invitation, not some two-bit sandnigger kebab herder.

Our apologies, Amerifriend.

Is there even Terrorism in Tokyo?
Missed the word "islamic" out there, dummy
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You know, I wanted to find a bunch of terrorist attacks to prove OP wrong. But that's literally the only terrorist attack of any type from there in like the past 30 years.... and that was 15 years ago.

Holy shit I love Japan.
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This is what the Brits wanted.

A muslim mayor.
They got one.

This is what the brits wanted.
They sure got niggers now.

There is an old polish saying:
>Chcącemu nie dzieje się krzywda
>The willing dont get hurt

What else did you expect?
Wasn't India part of Britain for like 100 years?
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Aum Shinrikyo was in '95
Stop being racist.
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Over the coming decades white americans will look at China and other Asian nations and think, why not us?

And the answer will be, because there are not too few white people.

Fun times.
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So sad you be its have so many lefties traitors in your country.

Add in the Muslims and refugees and you have a ugly future ahead.
The mayor wants to destroy the UK's relationship with its closest ally because he got his feeling hurt. With Brexit coming, the UK will need the anglosphere more than ever. Time for Brits to take out the trash.
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>where his policies go against everything we stand for,

they stand for terrorism?
What countries has Japan invaded or manipulated since WW2?
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Anglos need to realize there will be war in their own country. The only way that this will be fully realized is if there are retaliatory acts.
Yet Japan is full of neets and has a dying population. Is rather have the terrorism
so you admit its a geopolitical issue and not a mentally ill, random act of violence?
Rot in hell.
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Still have less terrorist attacks then UK and France
Stick your tangerine reality TV show president up your arse. We're full!
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There was a couple of threads last night that proved Sadiq Khan was the legal representation for 3 of the 9/11 conspirators and got them off the hook, video and everything, this is only one of them that I could find in the archive
Hey fat Americans don't they teach reading comprehension in your pledge-of-allegiance-ever-morning-kek classrooms? He said *protecting*against terrorism is part and parcel of a city. You don't think Tokyo has protection against terrorists?

Never seen people as thin-skinned as the Trumple-thinskins. Imagine spending your whole day defending some billionaire that doesn't give a shit about your shitty life and being irrationally angry about anyone who criticises him. If Captain Orange came over to your house right now and raped your mother you'd call her a cuck for struggling.
They are not mutually exclusive, intelligence agents target unstable and disenfranchised youths then groom them to commit the attacks.

Governments and Intelligence agencies are the only ones who benefit from terrorism.
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This Faggot right here is why Britain is dying

Too many cucks like this in the UK
>everything we stand for
I didn't realize he spoke for the British people
where did u hear that saying lmao never heard of it
hes one of the few people i actually hate. even without his policies, there's something about him. idk if it's because he's a manlet, a muslim, or just his face, but he really pisses me off
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>Britain is dying
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How does it feel to be a 3rd world country Britcuck? Better get use to those terrorist attacks, they are now a normal occurance.
Japan practically has no terrorism, yes, but pretending terrorism never happened because it was domestic is a tremendous cop out. It's pure intellectual dishonesty to say that right below Khan's quote which talks about terrorism in general.

You'd be better off arguing that a low amount of Muslims and no tolerance for Islam = No Islamic terrorism
I'm really glad I dont live in London, might just move to Northern Ireland soon though, fuck this place
there were many threads identifying those ISIS militans who immigrated to europe as "refugees". I regret not downloading those to show my friends, and now I can't find them anywhere online. Could you post more if you have any?
She was really stunningly beautiful.
Terrorist sympathizing fuck
Australia should just annex you useless cunts
Like those sweet sweet school shootings
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>terrorist attacks are now normal
>refugees are corrupting and slowly destroying UK culture
>UK on the verge of a police state
>hate speech crimes
>no weapons allowed to defend yourself

Keep living in that delusional fantasy your country is getting better.
Londoners = non white low IQ 3rd world majority, British yes, but never English
I hate him too, with a fury. He is shitting on our old ally, made up of people who are mostly European, while pandering to each and every Muslim. Curse London, stupid, weak minded plebs that they are.
>how to prove you've never been outside kentucky
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hey atleast we can defend ourselves :^)
Ignore that faggot, the only thing putting me off from living in America is how much more rampant SJWs are there more than anything, would be great having a gun knowing I can shoot niggers who try and rob my house
England also has a dying population. The fact that shitskins are replacing us makes the population of the territory rise but not the English population.
Yeah those kids at school or movie goers did a bang-up job defending themselves.
wow, there are more gun crimes in Belgium then I thought. Probably all islam thou
Please fuck off to the yanks. Maybe you can set up a gofundme when you go bankrupt whilst dying of diabetes
I agree.
I'm not a fatfuck so I wont get diabetes, and I dont eat excessively, at least they dont have constant muzzie terrorism
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Such a shame so many lefties make up a majority of the UK. I mean just look at some of the comments on this thread. So many Faggot lefties bitch about Trump and defend that shitskin Kahn. This is part of the reason do the fall, too many leftist cucks
They're not even British. British people are the original natives of this land, here before the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Gaelic Scots, Norse, Normans. 20th century immigrants from Pakistan and other non European crapholes will never be British.
This need exposure, spread it far and wide

Sadiq Khan was legal counsel to one of the 9/11 terrorists

They're pretty much forcing Malawi to allow minor colonization in exchange for gibs. Not officially but it seems likely that that's the real deal they have running.
Literally just pointless semantics. Yes it has no ISLAMIC terrorism but it still has had terrorism.
Japan is unironically based let's be honest.
japan has a low amount of terrorism and a low amount of islamic terrorism. you're an idiot and you're trying to show how clever you are. london has a lax attitude to terrorism and islam and that is why they have had a lot of attacks.
ISIS discrimination against Japan
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Our SJWs are really bad but luckily Trump is shutting that shit down. SJWs are rampatant because of Obama and 8 years of dememocrstic control.

Luckily they are slowly being destroyed. Look at evergreen college, they are losing money by bending the knee to SJWs and may even lose their government checks as well.
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>my country is better off than any european country

>mexican education
>go against everything we stand for

I hate it when these fuckers claim to speak for all of us.

I'm a Londoner (an actual one, not an invader) and he sure doesn't speak for me.
yep that fucking sandnigger allows muslim terrorists but wants to ban donald trump.
What kind of crazy, fucked up world do we live in
Why havent you left London yet and moved to another part of Britain? It's clear whites arent wanted there
Because I have a good job and can't be arsed to look for another one.
On my facebook feed, our msm posted that "Khan has no time to respond to Trumps tweets".

I got so mad, this asshole should see how to keep the people safe from being blown up, but he acts like a smug bastard and feels better than Trump.

And liberals applaud.
Again, it's London. No British people have lived there since 2005. Cockney is extinct, having long been replaced with the gibbering patois known as "Street".
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>Germany trying to insult America.

Just stop Achmed. Mama Merkel will throw you in jail for hate speech!

>1 post by this ID

>be britcuck
>have innocent people blown up and stabbed by muzzies
>come to 4chins and defend themselves

hope you have a good new years rape this year, last year was especially rampant I hear.
I didn't vote for this piece of shit and nor did anyone I know, I legit don't know how the fuck he got in. Terrorist sympathiser, shouldn't be mayor, but we have so many foreigners they vote him, we have sharia courts, in the uk, country's a dump I'm considering leaving soon
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Yet he has been talking non-stop shit about Trump since he was elected. That Faggot is just making excuses since he is now in the public eye and looks like a dumbass. How can you say Trump stands against all of the UKs values? We are literally just trying to keep refugees and illegals out...

I dunno how anyone in the UK can seriously defend this shitski n
Want to see how far it goes?
See this
>I legit don't know how the fuck he got in.
Because the Tories thought nominating a Jewish banker named (((Goldsmith))) was a good idea.
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What's the general view of this guy in the UK from people you know or speak to? It's nothing but mixed opinions on pol and I never get a good idea of how liked this faggot is. He feels like a Muslim male version of Hillary Clinton.
Whole uk political system needs dismantled, and replaced. Honestly most liberals are morons, I refuse to vote libertarian now, only conservative from now on until social justice is destroyed. Take my internet history Theresa, take my privacy. Just stop catering to Muslims and cater to the British for once. That's all I fucking want, everyone comes before Brits in this country, it's so unfathomable, yet people admire this shit? Civil war is coming, it's evident, if our government don't do anything about it the people will, it's only a matter of time now literally
Incapable of his position, should resign. Liberals keep him in, he continues to fuck London. He's pathetic and has no spine. That's my opinion
there is no muslim majority, london is 60% white
Do the normies also think that, or are they mostly ultra liberal leftists?
How cancerous are left wingers?
10% isn't that far away, right?
The thing is Donald doesn't have to do anything to them. There's a terrrnattack in London weekly. Sometimes two. If we just wait it out London will just seen not exist.
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That's what sane people see but what do the normies in Britain see? I mean how can you defend a shitskin who tells the city to "get use to terrorist attacks" and says that Trump stands for everything UK is against when he is simply being nationalistic and not letting every poor brown person in that asks for free stuff. How can ANYONE in your country support him?

He constantly downplays terrorist attacks and then victim blames in order to try and sympathize towards Mudslimes
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>he hates the symptom
>not the disease
No, my american friend, the problem isn't a mudslime, the problem is the british people. They cannot be considered humans no matter how humanoid they seem to look. Brits need to die more often because these vermin are a plague to the world.
I hope, I seriously hope, that more and more terrorists attacks happen on britain. They are useless for anything serious but providing the world of a bad example.
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