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Thoughts? Life sentence for assault while more horrendous

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Thoughts? Life sentence for assault while more horrendous crimes get unpunished?
Is he the guy who punched himself because of /b/?

Also wasn't she cheating and got caught? This seems to be a case of "I have a vagina"
>sexually assaulting a pornstar

lol got whats comin to him
though other crimes should be punished just as badly, too. we can have both.
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He should have killed her
Not really getting your argument here. Other people get away with crime so we should just stop enforcing the law?
>dating a porn star

where do you think you are?

Life in prison for beating a whore?

Please. If anything this is an opportunity for him to bulk up and put her down for good .
Life in prison isn't very long for a robot. He just needs to upload his mind to the cloud, and he's out of prison.
Yeah that's the answer for any jungle ape in California who beats up and rapes his girlfriend now. Same exact stakes and one of them leaves a witness. Going to start seeing Mexican sized stacks of dead sl00ts pretty soon.
He's going to have top tier boy pussy lucky
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>they made an account named "War Machines Dad" and told him he sucked at cpr
holy shit. Best laugh this week
Honestly yes it seems disproportionate as a punishment. After all the victim is still basically fine and normal. No more than 15 years, and considering she is a worthless professional whore and was damaged already I'd argue for 5 years.
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What else happened?

No fucking way it's just from beating her up

Fucking feminism FUCK THIS GHEY EARTH
Fucking Kek
Never mess with the hacker known as 4chan
What? Bulk up to put her down for good? He's a pro cage fighter, if he wanted to Bulk up OR put her down for good he could have done. Plus, he's in there until he's 65, and already been on roids and trained insanely, he wont be getting much bigger with 3 hours of prison lifting a week.
What's actually the story behind this?
Tbh that guy would have killed someone sooner or later
I think he tried to rape her but couldn't get it up. Then he said he was going to get a knife from the kitchen and kill her. I'm not really sure though

>Honestly yes it seems disproportionate as a punishment. After all the victim is still basically fine and normal. No more than 15 years

This. There are literal murderers that have gotten away with less.

This guy deserves large amounts of jail time and I definitely don't support what he did, but just because I don't support that doesn't mean that I need to support people being made "examples" of by a Judge and being given inordinately longer jail time compared to similar cases. That within itself is unethical.

I think he also strangled the man she was cheating on him with.
He deserved at least 10 years, but life is ridiculous.
Not defending a whore but he did enough damage to her that it cost her $100K in facial reconstruction, dental and other hospital bills. He went a little overboard on this bitch. That said, they are both pathetic human beings. Look it up on encyclopedia dramatica for some more info/laughs.
Yeah, I doubt he raged on himself, but I think he got trolled breddy hard
can any of my friends on here tell me what this gif is from? looks like an award show. just want to know what he is disgusted with. thanks.
he caught her cheating and beat the shit out of her. says kidnapping too.
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>The charges stem from an August 2014 attack in which prosecutors said War Machine broke into the Las Vegas home of Mack, an adult film actress, and attacked her and boyfriend, Corey Thomas, for two hours before Mack was able to escape to a neighbor's house and get help.
>Koppenhaver faced a life sentence without parole after being convicted in March on 29 of 34 charges. A jury of six men and women remained deadlocked on two attempted murder charges. In addition, Machine was acquitted of burglary with a deadly weapon, sexually motivated coercion and battery with intent to commit sexual assault.
The guy got slapped with 2 charges of attempted murder an probably shit like felony kidnapping and extortion (trying to get laid at knife point) sexual assault etc etc etc

Well deserved.
He's a psycho piece of shit tbqh, not only beat the shit out his ex but also almost killed the guy that was with her at that time. A life sentence does indeed sound a bit overkill, but I can't say I feel sorry for that guy,
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He should've gotten 25 years. If it was up to me I'd let him go. I don't feel bad for degenerate race mixing whore pornstars like Christy Mack.
this. Guy was a psychopath by any measure, I'm glad he's getting locked up for good
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Yeah what the fuck? Life in prison? Child Molesters, Murderers, and Blacks with rap sheets a mile long, do far less time, if any time at all.
Literal wtf.
>expensive medical treatment
>in america
wow. like omg. it cost so much to fix her though. . .
>killed the guy that was with her
wait, really? Then I think life sentence is fair
She got beat up pretty hard though, lost some teeth I think but life is probably to much.
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>caught her cheating
>she takes the biggest dicks on earth for a living every day
She bated him from I read and got fucked up deservingly
no, i think he let him go. look at the podcast someone posted in this thread.
All the charges he was guilty of
>kek, digital penetration
I said "almost", but you get the point.
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>mfw Mack is one year older than me.
just fucking kill me already
Christ she's ugly without makeup
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Okay so they're both fucking idiots.
Doesn't justify him in any way.

>sexually assaulting people who have had sex???

I think its about consent
Nah he's cool

>Dating a porn star
>She gets fucked by other men for a living
>Complain that she cheated on you
this guy is going to be doing so much fighting in prison
It looks real to me upvote.
Like I said, ain't defending the slut but that's a shit load of damage and a shit load of money (inb4 everyone on pol is rich, handsome and all that crap) so I can see why he got life. Honestly they both deserve life in prison for being shitty people.
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>that kike lesbian judge

They tried him cause of his half white side through his dad with a German last name. "muh white hispanic"

If he was fully a "PoC" with a non-white name, that kike gets him off 5 years
Release the doubt my friends and bask in the truth that was /b/ I remember this shit, it was/is fuckin hilarious.
>Yeah what the fuck? Life in prison? Child Molesters, Murderers, and Blacks with rap sheets a mile long, do far less time, if any time at all.
Remember this. Remember it when you vote, remember it when a politician advocates crime control. The criminal justice system is broken; incredibly arbitrary.
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For all the people complaining about how his sentence may be harsh. I would bet good money that the judge is just preventing this from happening a few years down the road. Dude was unstable and was going to be a return customer of the courts. This judge just spared some future family some grief. That being said.

>pornstar girlfriend

Its obvious she was super busy at work that day and had to take some of her work home with her.
Reminder that War Machine is a fucking nutcase who spends every single ay on the verge of flipping out.


Prison is probably the best place for him.
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>Thoughts? Life sentence for assault while more horrendous crimes get unpunished?

Its the kidnapping bit that got him up to a life sentence.
Honestly, even though he's a piece of shit, that's wayyy overboard. He deserve like 5-10, and paying the whore's medical bills, plus pain/suffering/damages.
degenerate but he should be getting life. Its total nonsense the med school bitch who stabbed her bf didnt even get kicked out of school
Was curious myself.

Apparently it's the 2013 Academy Awards.
Joaquin Phoenix was actually being modest and shaking his head when he was mentioned as a nominee for Best Actor.
didn't this guy attempt to off himself in prison already?
Did he even do anything to deserve this? Fucking nu-/b/
I swear this sit edits my posts
meh, I don't really care about what he did but I think a life sentence is fitting, I mean just look at him obviously some degenerate who's better off behind bars.

It's not exactly his first felony. When you keep committing crimes, the sentences get longer. Also if the evidence against you is stronger so you can't plea bargain. I once saw a guy get life in prison for breaking into cars because it was his 3rd strike, there was rock solid witness testimony, and the police caught him in the act.
hes a shitskin who cares
He could easily beat multiple guys at once and clearly has anger issues, he'll probably do quite well in there.
hey im in that thread
>Stealing from a shopkeeper
Lol what's the issue they give things away for money all the time?
Lol, those bruises on her back-thigh came from booming leg kicks.
Of course he deserves prison, but more importantly his whore wife deserves a bullet to the head
>mma fighter jailed for beating the shit out of his porn star gf for cheating on him
honestly, they were both just doing their jobs
Oh yeah I remember War Machine. The sentence is a bit harsh compared to what others receive.
>Life sentence for shoplifting
Awesome now when are they gonna nail that stoner kid who keeps stealing pliers at my store?
Good to see whites getting shit on
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They forgot to ask Warmachine.
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holy fuck that seemed like yesterday, good times, guy is a blockhead better have him behind bars, is a win win
>Thoughts? Life sentence for assault while more horrendous crimes get unpunished?
He should've beaten the cunt to death. He'd have served less time. Thats what he gets for fucking a porn slut.

Yea, but what did she do. Cheat on him I bet.
I know. I've wasted my life in this place.
Guy known for beating the shit out of people caught his girlfriend, who sleeps with other men for a living, sleeping with another man, guy then proceeds to beat the shit out of her.

Its poetic, really
This bitch tortured and brutally murdered a White man, and she didn't get Life. In fact she's out now giving speeches at Women's Rights and BLM events.
Honestly i watched the testimony, and read her pron bio. I don't fucking care. Hes an animal im glad hes off the street i wouldn't want to meet him but i couldnt care let about this sack of shit whore.
guys a retard hes better off in prison desu
Fucking savages
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>His newest Twitter post: At the moment he's looking for some guy called Moot.
how can you tell whats from getting beat and whats just shitty tattoos
Lel, I wonder if he found him
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>raping a porn star
So that's what happens when they aren't on drugs? Somewhere in back of head she found emotions and that's obviously enough to sentence a guy for life in prison.
joe diaz should've avoided this topic like the plague. he kidnapped and robbed someone at gunpoint and he's here whiteknighting. lee tries to call him out but diaz thinks because he did it for money, it's not a serious crime. I can't wait for this fat fuck's heart to explode.
Whore porn star sends her psyco b/f of 4 years a naked photo says shes thinking of him, while another man is waiting in her bedroom. Psyco BF shows up to suprise her and finds the whore fucking someone else. Beats the shit out of them both and gets life.

When i was younger my neighbors wife was cheating on her husband while he was out of town, her husband came home early and the boyfriend shot him dead in the mans on home. At trial the boyfriend said he thought it was a burglar, he wasn't charged with anything. The boyfriend now lives with the women in the home her husband bought for them.

Jews got to protect their degeneracy agenda
She was also sentenced to life. Without delving into the actual case material, I'd hazard a guess that the court offered to keep the possibility of parole in exchange for information about her accomplices at sentencing. No doubt this woman is an inhuman piece of garbage, but so is this guy. Society doesn't need the genes of chimps who can't contain their emotion and resort to violence when confronted.
>porn star ex girl friend
someone shed light on this meme

>In 2016 it was announced that Rosario Dawson was attached to a movie version of Hylton's life story entitled A Little Piece of Light. The film is in development, in search of a screenwriter and director.

>A Little Piece of Light

How much you want to bet shes portrayed as a victim. Even the jewpedia article gives no justification for the crimes. Its not like she was abused, they just kidnapped some guy and sodomized him with a rod for 20 days etc before murdering him.
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>hey any of you guys seen war machine?
Should have been charged with stealing a bus pass
>couldn't get it up
That's the worst bit of the story
Lol damn what state?

And what was the guy doing with a gun?
>A former porn star said she sent her mixed martial arts ex-boyfriend a topless photo of herself just before he stormed into her home and brutally attacked her and another man.

Christy Mack, who testified Thursday during ex-fighter War Machine’s attempted murder and sexual assault trial in Las Vegas, acknowledged sending the explicit pic in a text message to the one-time MMA star right before her current boyfriend arrived at her house in August 2014.

“I need that,” War Machine replied to the racy text.

“It’s all yours,” Mack, whose real name is Christine Mackinday, replied.

Never white knight a whore.
The great state of Georgia. Rumor in the neighborhood was it was a set up.

Unfucking believable. This Jewed society is so sick and degenerate, it's hard to comprehend sometimes.
So he beat some porn whores, both male and female? He should be praised desu.
This case is all about women doing whatever they want(with their body), to be totalitarian rule over men.
lol her fucking face, what is that even
He gets life in prison for attempted murder, but niggers get out in like 10 years for ACTUAL murder? And #woke nigs think that the justice system is unfair towards blacks?
So many people are confused about this....We do not have a justice system. We have legal system....its made by attorneys, for attorneys.....victims, cops, criminals can go get fucked...the attorneys are the only winners in it
>misprinted serbia acting like attempted murder, sexual assault and aggravated assault aren't horrendous

no surprise there.
That's why you install hidden cameras throughout your house.

God damn it, a bunch of faggot trolls got this maniac assassin ex-soldier on prison for life

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It's like she went to a Korean plastic surgery clinic and got the reverse of what those gooks get.
I laughed.

Alright, life sentence well deserved. Next!
>complaining that a porn star cheats on you

They're both subhumans, he should have killed her to make his prison time worth it.
Yo this nigga changed his name to WAR MACHINE

i'm literally dying senpai
Who cares if he fucked some whore that used to let him fuck her
animals should put in cages

He destroyed her face bad
He's not white, so it's what he deserves.
women get a maximum of 16 years in prison for killing their husbands. the only woman in history to get a life sentence for murder was a serial killer.
so she gets beaten up into a 50 years old ivanka trump?
It's fucking wrong, it's excessive and I would appeal it on those eighth amendment grounds.

This guy is an absolute piece of shit but life in prison? Seems excessive for assault.
Well they both got their faces reconstructed, so you're on the right track.

wow... i've done more damage to a grown ass man with two punches

thats why you never get married
maybe because its bullshit.
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holy shit
blue cheese and chicken wings cock sucka or go fuck yah motha
Came here to post this.
Unironically agree, he's going to jail for life, should've finished the job. Just a whore anyway. On the other hand lmao@this cuck for dating a professional slut.
they both got what they deserved
never date or put a ring on a whore let alone an actual whore, pumpit dumpit.
Whenever her face stops looking fucked up and she does more porn (she can never get a normal job now) I wamt there to be a guy watching them fucking and scream like the MMA announcer guys

Ya know, since she's been in an MMA fight now.
>There are people so bluepilled with virginity so in tact that they look up to porn stars
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War Machine needs to be in jail for being a violent nihilist that cant function in society. But Christy Mac had it coming to her 110%. She knew exactly what she was trying to set up. I feel bad for the other guy but I'm only sad she wasn't murdered or made a vegetable. What fucking scum invites their current boyfriend over to also invite their psychotic ex to walk into them screwing. As If being a pornstar wasnt enough of a narcissistic outlet for your insatiable need of attention you need to get an innocent man almost killed.

A testament to the female instinct lads.
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That was his fatal mistake. He fell in love with a semen demon.
Is it legal to carry a gun into another man's home? Or to shoot without identifying the target when a recognized resident of the home has not returned yet?

Like shit nigga, why should this person have been allowed to do what they did simply because they 'thought' it was a burglar?
>the Croat can't read

It's a life sentence for sexual assault and kidnapping. Those are serious crimes.
>tried to perform CPR on his dad
>had to watch his dad die
>raised his siblings alone because his mother was a degenerate drug addict
>majored in biology in college and had high marks
>just wanted a loving girlfriend but she cheated on him

Explain how he did literally anything wrong.
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>Ya know, since she's been in an MMA fight now.
and won lol
>>just wanted a loving girlfriend
>Dating a porn star

This is to send a message: If you dare punish a woman for her whorish ways your life will be over.

The answer is extreme and widespread MGTOW. If white men completely drop out of the workforce and stop wife'ing up whores and women in general the world will grind to a halt, then collapse.

Then we stack the corpses a mile high and institute white-sharia.
>Explain how he did literally anything wrong.

He only beat this bitch half to death and not fully.

This only fuels the notion that adulterers deserve the death penalty. That is beyond fucked up.

I feel bad for the other guy but I'm only sad she wasn't murdered or made a vegetable. What fucking scum invites their current boyfriend over to also invite their psychotic ex to walk into them screwing.

With you 100% on this. She should have been tried with attempted murder and accomplice and conspiracy and whatever the fuck else could be brought up for that shit.

But she won't, because she's a woman.

I wish she'd actually died.
Whore Tears = Best Tears
He's a repeat offender
>That's why you install hidden cameras throughout your house.
that doesn't help you not get shot
why send him topless pics? couldn't he just go online and watch his gf getting her butthole resized by a hoard of niggers?
This. She's more fucked up than he is, at least his actions are understandable considering the circumstances, she's a psychopath.
4 in total but 2 per cone, carry on.
>A testament to the female instinct lads.

Not even just the sex workers. They're all scary crazy.
It seems fitting that a frog should have posted this.
She wanted him to walk in and see her with the new guy, to fuck with him.
She was clearly psychologically abusing Mr. Machine.
im pretty sure (at least here in texas) you can shoot anyone that you plausibly think intends to cause death or severe harm to you. you can carry a gun on any private property which you are allowed to be on (i.e. invited on to).
came here to make sure this was posted


Shocker that a race of people known to have violent tempers and bad attitudes would commit a violent crime. I guess those racists were right again for about the 1,000,000th time.
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Can't believe Dog caught him.
>Mr. Machine

check'd and kek'd
I'm conflicted on this one, on the one hand he was justified in beating the shit out of CMACK but on the other hand he's a violent retard in general who probably shouldn't be on the streets.
meant for>>128665344
I would pay good money to hear Joe Rogan commentate the assault
They both have to leave.
Whores, jews, muzzies, spics....they all hate each other and it's funny when they hurt each other but they fight in our countries and we get caught in the crossfire. The neighbour who the whore ran to had his night ruined talking with police and gets to live in a trash neighbourhood listening to whores and retards fight, he's put in harms way what with the drugged out monkeys everywhere...
There is no good guy here, I'm glad he's in prison but he should've finished the job.
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>thank you chad
They both deserve life for having shitty tattoos.
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Calm down, Turbo-Satan.
Why do low IQ people always tilt their head backwards so you can see right into their nostrils? Is it a braindamage thing?
>punch a cheating pornstar
>life in prison

>ruin the livelihoods of millions of homeowners
>fat bonus and government bailout
back when /b/ was redeemable and not a safe haven for trap posters
t.beta cuck
Whew good thing you didn't say anything stupid

I dated a girl off and on for 3 years in a similar profession but who was aquantinces with a few big pornstars. You're right in Its not a "pornstar female mind" but what women are like without any societal aka strong male figure boundaries. Nothing redpilled me like when we got back together for the 2nd time and used her newly exs hat to wipe up my cum only to hand it back to him a few minutes later when she invited him to come pick up his shit. These are deeply damaged people who don't know how to put their life together. They have to enter this insane zone where all morality and norms need to be tucked away into the far corners of their psyche where their daddy issues live. Then they come out in all this weird multi step revenge subplots. The rollercoaster of their personality is addictive for the highs but I'm glad i wised up.
they both have some trashy fucking tattoos

tattoos have got to be a strong sign of mental problems
ahahaha yess good

he's a fuckboy degenerate with a pathetically fragile ego and he has nothing to offer to society.
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He really beat the fuck out of her
In New York you can't authorize a search without a warrant unless all legal occupants consent.

This same logic I think should apply to castle doctrine for guests on private property.
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It's not wasted, you heathens. Quit worshiping a frog.
you retards don't even know the details of the case.

he wasn't invited over, he showed up and started beating them both because he's an insecure psycho.

also, 'war machine' (lmao) has dabbled in porn himself. no guy who isn't a degenerate w mental problems and a low iq would date a pornstar.

>Date a man called WAR MACHINE

What did she expect? Some pacifist vegan?
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He beat that pussy up
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What did Kek mean by this? Is Chad going to be playing an important role in future events?
It means Chads (both in name and stature) are Kek's chosen people.
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You fool
>Life sentence for assault
Unless you can prove premeditated attempted murder that sounds like too much.

Honestly though, the guy's a fucker and the world will be better off with him behind bars for the rest of his life.
I'm fine with the verdict.
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What a terrible waste.
How do you sexually assault a porn star?
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How can you sexually assault a porn "star"? Asking for a friend.
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If you rape a porn star it's literally just theft.

This is not an accurate punishment for theft.


No, the moment you money money off your pussy you don't get to claim it as sacred.
Wait is this guy who gave himself a black eye because he crossed /b/ when they were raiding some radio show trying to get some creep to sniff taylor swift's hair on live tv?

kek those were the good days
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No, she was sentenced to 25-to-life and served 27.
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Now this is a proper assault evidence and not the bullshit Amber pulled
t. reddit
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t. a fucking leaf
Other than being a general piece of shit, no. The only part that's a bit far imo though is talking shit about his dad.

Otherwise he kinda had it coming just for being the nutjob douche-bag he is..
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This man has obvious mental issues and a major "sports" organisation is making money by sending him out to prize fight on TV.

I want a society back.
>look mom i replied to them all

implying anyone on reddit would dare say "he should've killed her" for fear of le downvotes, get the fuck out drone, you need to go back. I typed all of this then realised I was replying to a fucking leaf, god damn it.

Repeated offender. This guy has a history of this kind of crap and deserves no sympathy. Vamanos human excrement.
We don't have asylums anymore, anon. We got to do something with these people. Letting them beat the shit out of eachother for money is the best we got.
I learned about this because of Satan
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your welcome
It's exactly this. If this was his first criminal offense then sure, way too harsh of a sentence. But he has assaulted people repeatedly, at some point as a judge you have to see someone is going to continue assaulting others, and potentially kill someone, so for the sake of society at large they need to go away for a long while.

However given he has spent time in jail, I will at least say our prison system is abysmal because it's all punitive, and not rehabilitative in the fucking slightest. We can't have people becoming productive members of society after all, these garbage privatized prisons need fodder to keep the shekels flowing.
Depends on what subreddit you're on
They recently realized that the private prison thing was too obvious so they have been deflating the private prisons and just building more state funded ones. Probably same people, same money, different racket
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>look this up on ED
>see this pic of her
>notice the disturbingly gross vag and destroyed anus
>and the photo has been touched up even

You're an MMA fighter and this dumpster dodger is what you choose?
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Whogive a shit let's see the tit
is it?
the dude is too dangerous to live in a civilized society
stop being mgtow faggots you bitter virgins
life is harsh but so was what he did
you think he won't come after her again if he was set free?
he's a fucking mong
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I literally don't fucking care
>killed a faggot
Good, she's done a service to the world.
Fucker has it coming.
Fucking holy kek this must have been when I was on a hiatus or something.. I totally missed that
Kekd checkd wreckt
Never use something else going unpunished as a reason not to punish someone for breaking the law. Law should be immutable and noncontingent. He did not commit this crime because others were going unpunished, all crime should be punished and this would effectively be picking and choosing, which you seem to be against.

Give them all a .45 calibur aspirin
Jamie pull up that YouTube video of his second fight.
Isn't it her job to cheat on him if she's still employed?

that tattoo alone should have gotten him acquitted desu
for everyone wondering why the sentence was so high, that was his third strike
He was convicted on 29 of a possible 34 charges, including kidnapping, sexual assault, and battery. He narrowly escaped attempted murder charges. Being the genius that he is, he TURNED DOWN a plea deal that would have had him out in 16 years. Good riddance. Imagine these two littering the planet with little copies of themselves

He is a man. He has zero rights in the western system.

Bitch was lying probably anyway, but system doesnt care, because shes a femscumale.

Totally burning down the whole injust system, ( and revoking womens rights, which is the source for all of this injustice ) ...WHEN ?!?!
this doesnt prove anything and whoever wrote it is weirdly sympathetic to the torturers. anywya I need mugshots. Same names are common.

You are completely ignorant of the case's details and forming your opinion based solely on a headline. That makes you just as retarded as the leftist retards.
Uh huh.
the woman was described as being 500 pounds.
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MFW when pussy altering faggots claim being an alpha male subdues a woman's whorish tendencies..

> MFW this dude's bitch had a tattoo on her shoulder saying : War machine's property
> Texting this crazed alpha teir nigga nudes and invited him over while she was fucking another dude
> MFW brainlet fekkits don't understand a woman's mind
> MFW any man claims they can be alpha enough to conquer a degenerate whorish woman
> MFW you can never be enough for a whore
> MFW brainlet /lift numales think they can be
he desrves it

if i was with christy mack i would treat her and that fat ass with respect
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> mfw all tiers of such skrong men fall apart when they come on scene and see a foreign dick hanging out their womanz ass
> mfw life in prison because skrong alpha male
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Cucks by definition are beta males.
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Photographs of her in prison and mugshot are easily found with a search engine.
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time for he to be crowned and wearthe crown of thorns
Obviously he deserves a felony charge.
Life in prison is the harshest shit possible short of execution.
It should have been a 3 year sting with parole afterwards and mandatory counseling etc.
TLDR Murderers who rape and kill roasties get less time than this guy - someone was out to make an example
It was attempted murder
And he has shown no remorse
No she wasn't cheating they broke up months ago
But even if she were that would justify shit
They broke up months ago

cmon now.
They had broken up months ago
Why do people repeat this
if they are easily founf they should be on the info graphic. if not cant be asked to spread bullshit information that makes me look like a nutjob.
They broke up months ago before it happened
How do you cheat on someone you broke up with months earlier?
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this desu, what was the retard expecting?
They had broken up dumbass
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Why do people claim she was cheating on him when they had broken up months earlier?
How would that even justify this anyway, she's not property is she?
People are just repeating what they want to believe because it suits their overriding agenda it seems like
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>TFW your only marketable skill is getting deep dicked on camera and you date a mentally unstable violent shitskin
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>The day /b/ successfully beat up a mixed martial artist over the internet
>They had broken up months ago

she was still fucking him on the side,despite her having a new bf. he found out and snapped.

>literally this
>bitches are evil after a break up, really evil.......
>Dick infinite
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Too bad she didn't die.
>that disgusting vag
Who would want to rape that? Awful taste
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> War Machine... Beta male
Keep the hope alive alphas.
Keep trying to slay these queen roasties.
>jungle tom
Actually I think Christy Mack was one of the few pornstars who didn't actually fuck niggers on camera, although she still dated this spic though.
>porn star girlfriend
Well there's your problem
I agree. Dead whores tell no lies and they certainly don't cry in the fucking courtroom.
if he lets his gf fuck people for money he is the ultimate beta.
She is degenerate but I'm surprised she is not BLACKED yet...I blame her crazy bf
So what's the solution? 2D? Traps?
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fucking asshole deserves to be trotured daily for what he did. she was one of my top 5 favorite porn stars and had a great career ahead, she retired from this shitstain.

>tfw you will not see Christy Mack on Blacked.com in this lifetime
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>Roast Beef
Not even once
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>Encyclopedia Dramatica
>sexually assaulting an ex porn star

top sozzle
My god, has it really been that long since /b/ trolled this guy?
that place is more 4chan now than 4chan is nowadays. feel superior on reddit with anonymous posting though.
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>not taking the 2d pill

And you're retarded because women have done the same and gotten 5 year sentences for worse crimes.

He's absolutely correct about men receiving harsher sentences and you need to educate yourself before spouting nonsense.
Out of control retard put away before he can badly fuck up someone who's innocent.
>dating a porn star

>life for beating a cheating whore
kek @ amerilards tbq
His head looks like a giant chocolate covered almond
Just saw she's only 26 but looks 46.
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They literally will do the most degenerate shit you can imagine to their bodies or make you assume they are just to take a shit on you on the way out.

My biggest red-pill for me was watching a few long term relationship gfs go full scorched earth after the break-up.

In some cases, they'll play like they are super wounded to lure you into trying to help them get past the relationship... The minute they see you emotionally open up as such, they'll do the most depraved thing in full view and got completely cold turkey on you.

> Whoring it up and making sure you know about it ..

They truly have some twisted shit at the center of their hearts. Then, for the dumb men who act out on it, they'll swear they were innocent and cry up a storm like this cunt on the stand....

Texted this nigga nudes
He replies : I need that
She says : come over
While she's fucking another dude.... Knowing how crazy war machine is. This bitch wanted him to flip out.

> Women : the biggest shit testers and downfall of men.

They know dam well they're not as strong as men and know dam well what will happen to them if they push the limits of shit testing but they just can't resist flirting with fire. It's like they constantly need to be burned to feel alive
And she willingly embraced a pitbull.
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What do you think is the philosophy behind modern women working? The spend the majority of their time in service to another man. Fucking cucked to a degree you don't even understand.
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Solutions will come soon on the chariot of technology. Enough has been revealed and seen in this timeline.
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Anyone looking at his court pictures? He's much smaller. I guess he's not getting steroids in jail.

It's a narcissistic compulsion. They have to make everything be all about themselves, even if they have to burn down a house to do it. Women would rather die than not be the center of attention. It's why feminists chimp out so hard-they literally go insane from men not paying attention to them.
That's how you know it's activated
The true red-pill is that women live for this shit. They live to shit-test and ultimately conquer alpha males. Older men used to part this wisdom on young lads to keep them away from this shit :
Women Have Been The Downfall Of Men.
Since Time Began
You have no idea how wrong you are. My gf works in a brothel. There is a world of sexual experience open to people like us that you couldn't even imagine. I guarantee I've had days where I've fucked more girls than you will in your life.

Alphas fuck, a lot.
>Raping a porn star who is also your girlfriend

That's a double contradiction
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^monkey brain.
> eat
> sleep
> work
> fuck
check out this alpha male right here
> That's a double contradiction
It's what the modern world is built on which is why there is so much stagnation and conflict.
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leaf has a point
>baseless assumptions

Nice one.

If fucking a high number of women is what you consider alpha, then yes. Anything else to add or just a jealous little jab?
please tell me shes back in porn? Not because I wanna see her ugly roasty but because she claims she's anti social now.
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The most important wisdom to impart is that whores will be whores and there's nothing to do with them besides let men who can't find a wife fuck the whores for money.

Whores literally have no other purpose besides being a meat hole for lesser men.
She was posting her battered mug on twitter with a huge grin. She loved getting beaten and there's no way she's not as social as ever.
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> June 6th 2017
> Stars in gangbang on Blacked.com in which she is choked, spit on, slapped and fucked by a busload of bbc while a jacked actor bf cries and watches from behind bars in the corner of the room.

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