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Holy fuck /pol/. Pls
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Fucking rekt
Putin delivers again. Great man and a strong leader.
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we've got your fingerprints
>the part where he explains ip addresses.
I bet she hate fucked Putin after the interviews.

>Megyn Kelly

This narcissistic cunt really wont let Trump go. Her feefees were hurt so badly that she lost her job at Fox and moved over to NBC and now barks at Putin.

Looking at this from a completely practical point of view. Why would Putin benefit from a Trump presidency over a Hillary presidency. I mean sure, Trumps pro-Russia rhetoric is nice and all but Trumps nationalistic 'Strong America' stance isn't exactly good for Russia. I really think they would have preferred Hillary over Trump. Only because Hillary would have continued to do what Obama was doing in the middle east. Allowing the Russians to in bed themselves even more in the region. About the only net benefit Russia might get out of a Trump presidency is a weaker China. That is if Trump really works with Putin instead of Xi Ping. Seeing as Xi Ping has been warming up quite fast to Trump, that might not be the case.

As for the hacking, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it didn't come from Russia. It be way too easy to pin it on the Russians. It could just as easily have come from Iran, Israel or even our own government.
>. Allowing the Russians to in bed themselves even more in the region.

*embed* fucking nigger phone spellchecker.
>tfw you missed it
this is good bump for you friendo
One of the single most brutal takedowns by a foreign leader to US press

>Your lives must be very boring

That line is so fucking killer and true. That's all this is for them now. They dont know and dont WANT to go back to simply reporting on everyday things. It's a byproduct of them all having such mundane, predictable lives and lifestyles

Also wanted to add.

The country that would have benefit the most from a Trump presidency and the one that was hurt the most during Obama wasn't Russia. It was Israel. They have some of the best hackers in the world and have been known to spy on the U.S.
Observation 1: Megyn is an embarrassment to America, really reinforces stupid American meme
Observation 2: The same thing will happen in the "Russian Investigation" which is why the Democrats put their top retard Maxine Waters on the case. When she gets BTFO people will just mark it up to her 85 IQ and move on.
Every time i see Putin talk at things like this he is usually spot on with the points he makes and had a good sense of humor as well.
Observation 3: I can see why Putin ran circles around Obama/Hillary
D-did Putin just say that anti-semites who blame all their shortcomings on the Jews because they're fucking losers?
We're coming for you Russian bastards.
We know what you did and we'll grind your already pathetic country into dust. Again.
kekable phrase
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>it reminds me of anti-semitism
>like "oh the jews are to blame!"
>hacking expert megyn kelly
kek, i sense memetic potential
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I don't think you people understand just how good of a lay Megyn Kelly is.

When you can vacuum the cum out of wrinkled jew cocks like she can, you don't need to know what you're talking about.

I think both the sign and the gun are unnecessary.
or even delving properly into the subject in general to then report on it
Not if feminism has anything to say about it.
Yes. If you don't recognize that a large portion of anti-semites are simply jealous of the success of a minority, you're foolish. That doesn't mean that jews aren't a problem, though.
What a pussy
What happened to her?
Not long ago she was pretty attractive before she shaved her head
why is no one talking about that sweet ass
Isn't there an uncut hour long version of the interview floating around? I thought I saw links for it last night here, but my googlefu is coming up short
>So hard it breaks your neck and kills your ego
H-He doesn't really believe that does he?
Surely he was just rusing the people that claim they don't like anti-semitism.
What propels her, at this point, /pol/? Is it only because of the shekels? Ideology? Make believe?
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>What happened to her?

lmao... Even with pounds of makeup on you can see her sweat seeping through, she must suck a mean dick to still be relevant enough to interview Putin

Since when is Megyn Kelly a hacking expert? She doesn't know shit about computers.
he is way too good.

once again delivering.

best leader this world has imo.
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putin cracks me up
he needs his own reality tv show
that's the meme you dip
She has a personal grudge with Trump.
Putin beat the fuck out of Megyn Kelly.
>American medias lives must be so boring for them to create such elaborate lives
of course he believes it you fucking dumbfuck. straight up anti-semitism is just temper tantrums. you solve nothing when you cry "jew"

fucking take down individuals with evidence.
yeah but the posture and expression should be the same (but with hands down)
Rekt. That part about the Jews though....is he giving us a signal or is he one of (((them)))?
now that i think about it

instead of no girls allowed

it should be NO 3DPD ALLOWED
She probably masturbates to him at night.
She has chest drawer full of his pictures, with scratch marks all over them.
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>Putin using the anti-semitism card agains the (((media)))
I wonder...
watching the audience laugh reminds me of the audience after kelly tried to stump trump with the rosie odonnell debate question
Always room for Putin's dick in /pol/'s mouth.
We can only hope not.

putin is the smuggest politician alive
Man Megyn Kelly IS A DUMB BIMBO...thats really the only thought i have while watching her in this video!!
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Bump, I want more journalists to get BTFO as hard as Kelley did.

Fuck the MSM.
WTF Putin proves himself to be a good goy yet again.
I like the part where he calls out the Syrian gas attack false flag and the JFK assassination.
Better then Merkel's throbber
>Hey sergei you got any memes for trade?
>I got a nice one of your russian waifu
>Da tovarish, i haev superb meme of your politician tv guy
> Guy lies to some Fox News anchor.

> What strong leadership. Fuck the military personnel who risk their lives to bring us this information. Putin is the only guy looking out for America.

And you guys think liberals are the mindless puppets.
haha yeah usa #1 we're the good guys
like any cheating man he goes on the offensive when cornered

why did any of this even happen? did he allow megyn kelly in to challenge him on stage in front of the world? why her? why accept more or less difficult questions on stage like that? this whole thing smells man
>"Nothing to see here" - Vladimir Putin
Russia's no better or worse than the US, both are run by Oligarch's, both spy on every nation that they practically can and both interfere in foreign politics when they can
>inb4 "but, the enemy of my enemy is my friend"
that's not a valid argument for anything, especially when dealing with deep rooted geopolitical issues.
>inb4 "But American politicians lie about everything and spin stories to their advantage"
And Russia doesn't?
>"But it's all propaganda, you're just a bluepilled cuck that believes everything you read"
Correct, it's ALL propaganda coming from both sides hoping that you'll empathize with one group of rich people so you hate the other group of rich people. The truest red pill statement I've ever heard is that it's all just a rich mans trick, we stay poor they stay rich and nothing has or will change for a very long time.
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Yeah like If you decide to hack the fucking DNC your just going to use your actual IP address to do it, you're not going to use a Russian proxy to hide yourself to keep you from being found, that's not something hackers do, that's just crazy!
>I haven't seen the evidence but I know how this went down
this 2bh
>a consumed politician who has been a fucking savage and a murderer his entire life against a broomstick that happened to suck the right cocks to end there

i wonder who could possibly win any argument
She's trapped in a feminist nightmare she can't wake up from. She believed that equality bullshit and when she ran into two of the most powerful white men in the world they humiliated her on the world stage. As a woman that is destroying her, I doubt she'll last long after this. She was barely recovering from Trump wrecking her.
She got tea bagged twice now. Embarrassing.
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>kill egos
You're either completely unhinged or a troll on Kremlin's payroll

As you say, the report does not include the views of 17 agencies. It contains the views of the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA.
However, none of the agencies disagree. Is it a stretch? Sure. But a lie? That's just bullshit.
Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/06/01/fact-check-did-17-intel-agencies-all-agree-russia-hacked-the-dnc-podesta/

>Blablabla Putin is a good guy
Putin lied about Russian involvement in Ukraine for months.

Putin prosecuted and imprisoned political opponents

Putin supports the Syrian regime despite their use of chemical weapons against civilians

So basically what you're saying is that the american people should trust Vladimir Putin, dictator of a state that opposes US influence, over their own intelligence agencies because Putin knows how to put up and act when he's being interviewed.

Get shot you piece of shit

That's a black pill, son; and if you're smart you'll neck yourself now before you ruin the lives of your friends and family with your defeatist pessimism.
As a computer scientist, I can confirm that Megan Kelly has no idea what she is talking about.
>American "journalists" suddenly realize how bad their standards are
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Were you trying to type ' consummate ' or is there an eldritch space beast invasion going on you'd like to confirm for us?
I wish megyn kelly just got raped and killed by a gang of wild niggers already.
Kelly went in there with left-wing talking points and Putin BTFO her easily.
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Megyn Kelly interviewed Putin with the worst demeanor.

Putin requires aggressive questions said in a calm tone. Not just "did you do this?"

>Putin...did you murder Alexander Litvinenko? >Come on Putin, buddy, be honest now. Did >you do it? My nigga just be straight wit' me, >P-dawg!

If you're confident enough in your convictions, ask Putin WHY he did something as opposed to IF he did it.
I'm really seething over this Putin interview. This de facto mob don gets to run around acting like he's some innocent angel cuz of dummies.
>This de facto mob don gets to run around acting like he's some innocent angel cuz of dummies.
Please speak English on /pol/ or go back to plebbit.
i meant it in the sense of "seasoned, expert" etc.
Up until now i was convinced the proper word was consumed, but yeah you're right, it's consummate
i learned a new thing.

i have no idea what you mean by eldritch invasion. Is it roleplaying?
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Do you not recognize an example of rare High Americanish when it's spoken - typed whatever? This thread needs to be archived for future generation's posterity!
>being this much of a faggot trying to bring levity
From a geopolitical stance it would be really stupid of Putin to want "the better candidate" to compete with on a global stage. There can be several reasons for Putin to favour Trump over Hillar.

1. Trump said in his campaign that he wanted the US to reconsider their deal with NATO. This would be good news for Russia.

2. Trump wants more nationalistic policies, both for the US and for Europe. A more "divided" Europe would benefit Russia, as they can get more countries in their sphere of influence

3. Putin might consider Trump to be a bad diplomat and Russia might therefore get alliances with other countries.

4. Trump has argued for a more isolationistic policies, which can benefit Russian influences in other regions.

5. Trump has criticized the federal reserve, which together with the petrodollar, upholds the economy and makes other countries depended on the strength of the dollar.

6. A personal hate against Clinton, since she called Putin "Hitler". Which is a horrible diplomatic move, since Russia lost millions in WWII, which they associate with Hitler.

Anyway, what Im trying to say is that it wouldnt make much sense for Trump to want Trump, unless it would benefit Russia.
>Her feefees were hurt so badly that she lost her job at Fox
she left fox because ailes was grabbing on her pussy like the perfect christian stereotype
The truly funny part in this debate is Megan probably thinks she (and her script writers) got the better of Putin. Just that idiotic smug grin on her face lol
That was some good shit.
> Trump to want Trump, unless it would benefit Russia.

Oviously meant that
"Putin to want Trump"*
putin sees hillary as someone that could cause problems for him since she was the reason for protests in russia and this pissed putin off pretty intensely
she def did rustle his jimmies
he lost his cool so you know there's something more to this
Good point. Hillary plans to actually influence "rebels" and "protestors".
it's not roleplaying strangely familiar Italian an0n.
I wonder if he is one of the ones who never called her back the day after. Or he turned her down outright.
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>megan Kelly
>hacking expert
That's a weird way to spell out "has-been media reporter"
Putin is based as fuck, but does anybody seriously believe that russia is not engaging in cyberwarfare with US?
Everybody always gets mad about our foreign policy in hindsight, but everyone starts drooling for war whenever we get bored, while denouncing pacifists as unpatriotic communists.

I don't get it, do you want peace, do you want war, peace through genocide?

What makes us the good guys is our liberal side, its when we listened to corporate interests that we've gone the wrong way: Our anti communist fights in the Americas and Asia, our oil escapades in Iran and Iraq.

And in a final ironic twist, all these people who called me a communist supporting a guy who started his professional career being a communist spy
The abyss stares back my friend, I'm aware of it and it is aware of me
Talk about knocking the wind out a windbag.

Watched most of it, he and the entire room basically laughed at her while saying anyone can fake a proxy
everyone is engaging everyone
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>"Jews are to be blamed for everything, you see"
>"You are stupid and can't do anything, but Jews are to blame"

why do people who want to sound smart always include a semi-colon in their post?
Right... Which is why these interviews are meaningless.

We know putin is lying through his teeth.
*tee hee pardon me ano-*
>you're not going to use a Russian proxy to hide yourself to keep you from being found
Well, not if you're actually Russian, anyway.
You'd use a different proxy to throw off suspicion.
But more to the point, it's not like we don't know that the CIA/NSA had the tools to make it look like a Russian hack, so it's hard to buy that BS narrative anyway.
Incorrectly, too.
I can't find Rhodesia on the pic.
well the report only says 'high confidence' so it doesn't say what every dumb jew and commie claims it says
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fug i usually love putin but he had to play the good goy card to appease his jewish oil oligarch slave-masters, ironic because slave comes from the word slav
>he doesn't know that bitches love PVC
Hello virgin.
Putting politics completely aside, I'd like to go out drinking with Putin. He seems like he'd be a lot of fun.
he literally made fun of you israel cocksuckers and knew she couldn't do shit when he played "you're almost like an anti-semite" card
>because slave comes from the word slav
ohhh murican education.
nigga he's full blown shabbos goy
whoa is this a genuine suicidal useful idiot
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>serious journalist face
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>mfw this retarded bimbo asks Putin about Trump's "piss tapes"
i thought putin kicked most of those jews out

like this nasty kike for example who had been raping the russkies before getting owned by putin:
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>mfw Megyn Kelly interviews me one on one.
Incorrect... The country that benefited the most from Trump was America.

Saw it, fairly unremarkable.
Putin is a boss, Megyn Kelly is a bimbo, snow is cold. I saw an article earlier saying that water is wet
thats just jews jewing each other. over half of the top 200 richest ppl in russia are ashkenazi jews my goy. he has anti semitism laws, and im pretty sure he has jewish ancestry or something. look at who owns all the big oil companies that putin is so close with.
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Fuckin' right you are.
I actually lol'd... Good job
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Holy shit. Putin is based.
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>when Putin says "Comadat Trump"
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Fuckin' A
>hacking expert
what did she hack?

Those world leaders are legit LOL'ing at Megyn
>what did she hack?
She is the hack
did the article say water is wet or claim wet roads make rain?

thanks for this anon
jolly good fun

How the fuck did anyone think this was a good idea? To actually take the lie to the people they are accusing in the lie and expect them to just back it up? WHAT THE FUCK FUCK FUCK?! STUPID BITCH.
Niggardly is racist because it has the root word of nigger and means cheap
m8 the kid down your local street probably has those skills too
they thought he'd say something suspicious because they are used to being taken seriously
this is the type of open mocking that trump should be doing to these traitors
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But that is true, even Hitler didn't put all the blame on jews. And knowing how much of a good goy every mainstream US media person is, it's a fairly good tactic to use to shut them up.
there is a picture of basically every us politician of influence in the same position at the wailing wall

you cunts really do just deal in deception kek
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top kek
Nigga, I was spoofing my ip address back on IRC servers back when I was in middle school, this isn't some super difficult thing to do.

Told her right to her stupid jew face. What an alpha.

I <3 putin now
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youre the only one actually shilling here aussiecunt. go read about the jewish oil oligarchs in bed with putin that basically run russia then get back to me, cunt
I missed this, which video was it?
yeah yeah 4D chess blah blah i gotchya. he really didnt need to use a shabbo goy card to roast that dumb blonde bitch kelly now did he? she does that on her own with her rabbid autism lmao
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also pic related
I'm not reading any part of that comment when you space like a faggot
Wouldnt want to activate your almonds
I don't think you understand how these thinks work and you're trying to apply western mentality here.
I can also drop unrelated shit to push a "Hitler was one of the (((them)))"

Fact is that to keep local and global relations healthy, you'll have to go on to compromises. That doesn't mean I agree with everything that Putin has to say or do, but you're trying too hard to grasp at straws. And if jews are your primary concern, then I'd be more worried about your own president and his lovey dovey attitude towards Israel, where as Russia and Israel are at an indirect war with one another.
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are you really going to start pointing fingers about cryptozionism? What was the term, "beautiful jewish baby"?

'fucking based.'
Don't we all?
Kelly BTFO

what the FUCK is that thing
I doubt he'd grace her with the honor desu

>RUSSIAN MILITARY INTELLIGENCE executed a cyberattack on at least one U.S. voting software supplier and sent spear-phishing emails to more than 100 local election officials just days before last November’s presidential election, according to a highly classified intelligence report obtained by The Intercept.

Tick tock Trump....
>according to a highly classified intelligence report obtained by The Intercept.

im feeling sleepy
It is true that Putin is less of a shabbo goy that (((Trump))), but quite honestly the conflict is only jews jewing for power and money. I think Putin is just a bit more greedy than trump(in it for personal $$$) whereas trump agreeably is a total slave for zionist interests abroad. I still feel this is a jews controlling both sides of the coin meme or at least im suspect of it since he's former (((KGB))) and both his parents jews.

>It reminds me of anti-semitism
>You are stupid and can't do anything but the Jews are to blame for everything

wtf pol BTFO
His exchange from 5:50 was great I wish Trump spoke like this more making it clear what the media thinks he does isn't at all what he does.
Yeah. They lost me at this one.
>the shills on /pol/ are actually russians
makes you think
God the part where he gets fed up and lectures her how the American media lost their God damn minds. I really really hope he is telling the truth because that part was fantastic.
Brutal. What a shame for such a hot piece of ass to be so completely braindead.

But hey, at least she got her own news program, right. So powerful, muh stronk womyn.
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I actually feel bad for that blonde bimbo. Everyone was laughing at her
Russian Gov't used to pay Slavik to look shit up for them, Russia doesn't work like the US, all heavy lifting is done by paying those who are skilled to do things, I don't see any proxying Russia while staging an attack, or using Russian servers as weapons. It is beyond retarded
I'll admit, I've never really listened to Putin speak. No wonder he's one of the most powerful men in the world. Dude takes no prisoners.
i wonder why tf this broad was our diplomat to putin lmfao like it was a funny meme but she does not deserve to be there
So watching that interview how honest do you think he is? I want to believe he is telling the truth but the man is ex KGB and every conservative Russian I met says they want him assassinated so I take what he says with a grain of salt.
damn she got roasted
our liberal side is corporate interests
>that's complete nonsense. Do you even understand what you're asking?

Am I the only one that thinks Flynn was really fired because of PIZZAGATE?
>every conservative Russian I met says they want him assassinated

He just told America that they meddle in every country's affairs and elections on the planet and basically looked directly into the camera and asked how it felt.

Based af. I was watching it with my liberal gf and she was fucking silent for once. I think he scared her once he got to telling Megyn to watch her fucking mouth.
Conservative Russians who fled the soviet union I should say. I work with a lot of Russians some are Jewish all said they want him gone.
That article seems interesting, though I'll need to look into that more.

>I think Putin is just a bit more greedy than trump(in it for personal $$$)
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Putin and his close circle of friends have their own vested interests in all of these matters, just like pretty much every other political figure, for which, by the way, if you keep up with Russian media at all, then he's been crticized fairly a lot lately by Russians and other ex-soviet nations.
As for the question about jews and their scheming, you should understand that there's many different types of jews, just like anyone else. For instance, same goes for Stalin. He was against anti-semitism, at least in his public speeches, he condemned zionism as well, but he also prosecuted a lot of the "Cheka" and tried to purge a lot of jews from position of power.
Basically, what I'm trying to get at here is that both local and geo poltics isn't an easy game. If you want to keep in place and in power, for one reason or another, you'll need to know how to play at the crowd. And Putin definitely knows how to play at them, whether you agree with him or not.
Putins getting fat. How old is he now?
>every conservative Russian
>Conservative Russians who fled the soviet union I should say.
Most of the time it's just liberals. Liberals in your country want their own twisted form of communism, liberals in post soviet countries despise both communism and Putin.
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> some are Jewish
Putin should've thrown her on the table and raped her right there
>OH i meant soviet expatriats
>OH and some (all) of them are jews

Well, there's your problem right there, fucking moron.
>The country that would have benefit the most from a Trump presidency and the one that was hurt the most during Obama wasn't Russia. It was Israel.

wtf I love Obama now.
> Russians who fled the soviet union I should say. I work with a lot of Russians some are Jewish
I do hope your work does not involve any responsible task retard.
>some are Jewish
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I can agree to the jews jewing each other explanation lol. beyond that the intricacies of the situation causes one's head spin lol, so ig /thread
I have one coworker who is super Jewish, pro Israel, grew up in Soviet Russia came here and despite being pro Israel is as far left as Bernie is and hates Putin with a passion. Why is that?
>far left
Get out more, burger. Or, just get out.
Anyway pro Israel = anti Russia, because Russia doesn't take any of Israel's shit.
we settled this as jews jewing each other already probably because the syria israel conflict and the oil pipeline interests and syria not having a central bank etc. proxy war with israel mang

Watched the interview. Went nothing like OP said.

She legit mentioned murdered journalists to his face and he got hot.

Putin did not have a good interview. Lost his temper, started babbling, even brought up the JFK assassination and that the US government did it.

OP is a ridiculous Russian shill cuck faggot.

also, The Intercept revealed a leak document that Russia actually might have "hacked the election" physically.


And The Intercept and Glenn Greenwald were huge Hillary haters who didn't believe the Russian collusion story in the beginning.

TrumpCuck Russian Fucks BTFO.
>Why is that?
Are you retarded or merely pretending
Tell your programmer over at shartblue to fix their fucking rebbit spacing in your CRM software.
I'm not playing stupid I am looking for more reasoning then hurr kikes something historical or whatever.
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It can depend on multiple reasons, from just buying into whatever the mainstream US media is pushing onto him, to personal grudges of freeing up hands for the neo-nazis after the fall of USSR and taking over after Yeltsin. Or just trying to suck up to Israel in global conflicts, but that would most likely be to the what I mentioned formerly.
>the JFK assassination and that the US government did it.
I know you're just fishing for (You)s, but if you don't think this is exactly what happened , you're an absolute retard. I'd be willing to bet you think Al-Qaeda was the mastermind behind 9/11 as well.
>I have one coworker
Given your double digits club membership - just stay away from him m8.
lol this obliteration is hilarious... fuck this stupid bimbo kike
>we both know this is bullshit
My thoughts senpai. Holy lord
Does anyone have it without putin's speech dubbed over? I can speak russian and its fucking annoying
Lies. Gtfo shill. Watch it for yourself
Try this
I dont like Putin and think he is a manipulator who does not really care about his country but he is a charismatic son of a bitch. Also her questions about the hacking was weak. One could see from a mile that he prepared for this one and would BTFO her nonsense. The question about the corruption and killings of journalists were more interesting though and his answers were pretty weak on that topic.

Btw, the documentary about Putin from Oliver Stone that one anon posted here is gonna come out soon. Is Stone a Putin nuthugger? Only way I can Imagine that Putin agreed to so it...
Why was Megyn Kelly of all people hosting this forum, held in Russia?
>watch interview
>cuts after each question

She got boned so hard they had to destroy a good interview and made themselves look juvenile
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Reminder that she is going to be interviewing Alex Jones in about a week
Check your privileges, you fucking environmentalist. Did you ever consider that maybe traffic conditions and road maintenance play a larger role in the viscosity of road surfaces than "rain" ever will?

> which is why the Democrats put their top retard Maxine Waters on the case. When she gets BTFO people will just mark it up to her 85 IQ and move on.

Oh god this is so on point. Maxine Waters may be one of the dumbest people ever to hold a political position. I swear Nero's horse probably had more intelligence. What gets me is that black SJWs FUCKING LOVE HER and it just astounds me. All she has to say is "muh independent black woman" and the SJWs shower her with praise those she proves herself to be so stupid with almost every comment. Her supporters show idiocracy is what the SJWs want.
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Holy shit, can't wait for that.
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With this kind of public humiliation I can't hope but think Megyn Kelly is into some hardcore domination shit in the bedroom. Her husband has his work cut out for him (but lets be real he is probably a cuck and doesn't satisfy her sexually at this point)
oh yes.
She's pretty much an expensive hooker for powerful men that does interviews on the side
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The fucking faces Putin makes are gold.

its a woke
eh she need the lara logan pill allahu fuckbar
You are a massive faggot. Go kill yourself.
MSNBC also falsey translated putins interview too so im not surprised that hes donr with americas fake news bullshit. Isnt CNN currently faking gatherings of muslims to support the people who died in the bombings?
Yeah, they were caught red-handed doing exactly that after this last attack.
>Putin supports the Syrian regime despite their use of chemical weapons against civilians
False flags
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Why didn't /our guy/ Pu-pu name the Jew?
I like him.
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>fucking take down individuals with evidence.
like hillary clinton was taken down
like obama was taken down
If russians hacked anything, it was self destructive code and there is absolutely no way anyone could possibly prove it happened. That's how real hacking works.

If they magically have evidence it's fabricated
>but does anybody seriously believe that russia is not engaging in cyberwarfare with US?
yes but where is the evidence
did russia use some sort of stuxnet virus to rig the voting machines
did they release fake news to tilt american views
did they hack the dnc and feed info to wikileaks
all the claims and I see no evidence, just speculation from unspecified experts that only talk to media reporters
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So fucking embarrassed on behalf of my country.
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Her first husband divorced her because she wanted him to be a cuck. Now she's married to some writer or something similar - a beta that doesn't even leave the house.

She's is an abomination.
>random 4chinners can do this
they were caught and then continued to report the event like it wasn't manufactured
you can literally use freely hosted ssl proxies and post on 4chan as russian
it's two seconds to plug them in to your browser
some guy in the dnc could be on his phone on the toilet doing it it's so simple minded to accomplish
I am so sick of this election hacking bullshit. Even if they could have hacked some votes somehow they couldn't hack the fucking ELECTORATE who VOTE FOR THE FUCKING PRESIDENT
>Megyn Kelly
Literally who?
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Yeah I stopped watching the second video, the second I noticed they were editing it.

I'm not letting them save Megyn from her own incompetence. Full interview or bust.

a nigger
kek i'm my country we always have to do this bullshit to play games like vindictus
>Putin supports the Syrian regime despite their use of chemical weapons against civilians

into the trash you go
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It's annoying but don't stop them.

Never interrupt your enemies when they're making a mistake.

The more they double down on this insanity, the worse they look to the general public.

Note that there are many instances in history when a tribe/group preferred death over facing reality squarely (medieval villages dancing themselves to death during a famine). Let us hope the Democratic party follows suit.
They just let out some nmew vids that don't even have comments.. I got first comment on vid with Al Gore:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX8EqNQVO88 "Holy shit Al Gore, did Global Warming melt your face?"

and John Kerry

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUDPHsnFsso "You raaaang? Go home Lurch, you're drunk"
The Soviet Union was founded by Jews. I don't really know why people on pol think Russia isn't full Zionist.
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No, it's in the lie category.

If you're fighting with a girl, and she goes to ten friends for their opinion, and they just nod their heads in agreement, it's bullshit for her to say, "I and ten of my friends have all decided you're an asshole."
Megyn Kelly knows how to haxxor?

She is definitely my FoxNewsWiafu
god fucking dammit. she is an incredible embarrassment to this nation.
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Uhm yah they could have, Putin is Neo, DUH
shits stacked 3 high
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I keep coming back at this thread just to see that delicious ass.
Is that one of those siri speakers on her head? Hiding in plain sight
kelly really made herself look like a complete dipshit during this interview
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>everyone used to jizz over megyn kelly
>americans used to not be russian shills

I can't wait for the reddit to leave
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She's grasping at straws to save her already dead career. I almost feel sorry for her....almost.
She discredited herself by being a silly bitch. The Reddit bogeyman has nothing to do with that or the lack of faith in a bunch of sore losers whinging about Russians.

The thing to watch is the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum:

From the Russian Insider (read captions)


Clearly Megyn Smelly, the democrat party, the American media, and the entertainment industry all are an embarrassment to the USA.
Putin mopped the floor with Schmegyn as the audience laughed.
Settle down, it's a chick with a dik
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Fuckin' better be.
That was a pretty sweet line. Its true too.
Set your DVRs boys
Summary of interview
>Putins driving in his car
>Megan sits in the passenger seat
>Megan wants to know how to drive a car
> Putin laughs "maybe someday, but today you are high-class whore"
end of interview

i hear the putin vs oliver stone is more of the same
reddit faggot.

Putin is not innocent. His answer to that question proves hes not innocent, he knows it, we know it, everyone knows it.
The problem is that we are definitely not innocent either. The DNC (although its not a gov agency just a corperation) KILLED seth rich and probably many others over leaking. They ended peoples lives over whistle blowing corruption. Killed John Ashe for testifying to their crimes. How in the fuck can liberals ever ever ever call moral outrage on Putin when their constituents are doing the exact same thing. Its not right, but we shouldn't pretend we are innocent in the matter.
What is wrong with liberals? Honestly, they fucking destory everything they touch. Their opinions are braindead and hypocritical. It makes me fucking want to vomit. The only good thats coming out of it is that people are starting to get redpilled about how shitty they are.
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No. Relativism is what you're looking for.
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>John Kerry is 20 years younger than he was 10 years ago
Woah, left this thread six hours ago, didn't expect to see it still alive.
Body language waifu sounds cute
good video watched the whole thing.
"But Trump knows who you are and so you are about him, doesn't that prove a link between you and his campaign?"

>t. CNN
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"Your honor, for all we know his piss could have been digital. They can do crazy things with special fx these days"

You people are so easily fooled. Putin sounded like a goddamn fool talking about "it could all have been faked!"
Bump for Based Putin
Everyone seems to be forgetting about that stupid bitch Jill Stein who ran as a Green Party candidate challenging the key states for Hillary - losing them ALL in fact gaining votes for Trump.

These lawsuits for recounts clearly demonstrated that there was no fraud, no hacking.
Nice quads.

I disagree.
Her recount suggested that the election was rigged in Hillary's favor, just not hard enough.
>presumes to wax philosophical about geopolitics
>stills views the world through the "good guy bad guy" lens
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One again the burgers providing top entertainment with such bimbo journalists. Thanks senpai
I wonder if Putin would come to Trump's aid if a coup turned into drawn out conflict?
And I wonder If he would do it without playing both sides.
captcha: EU flag
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Putin dropping truth bombs all over Megyn Kelly's face. You can tell part of her likes it.
You got to have a certain amount of respect for a guy that shoots it so straight (Putin).
We could only hope.
ok snowflake
Putin is not a good guy but that was funny how he owned Megan. But she was doomed before the interview started, this guy is a politician and also former kgb from what I've read.

But I find Putin entertaining anyway because how he's portrayed by comedians here. When he's seen in public doing weird shit, it's instant comedy for late night shows.

Honestly my opinion is they probably did try to influence our election but I bet we've done it to others and others have done it to others and so on and so on... Let's just see proof if they influenced voting in any shape or form through hacking, personally I don't think it's possible when everyone uses paper ballots except for a couple states? Not sure the number on that but I read something awhile ago that said it's a low number of states involved.

Trump colluded with them then he should be let go, if not then we'll he's here to stay. I was pretty bummed at how he has run shit to this point, and he had my support pretty fully there but now I respect him cause he's our leader but I don't like a lot of what he's done so far. I really wish the guy would use his own beliefs more and not his staff and his Republican colleagues in office. Sad!
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>Putin lied about Russian involvement in Ukraine for months.
Why the fuck do you even care about Ukraine?

>Putin prosecuted and imprisoned political opponents
Your own government has an official "hate registry" and you imprisons people for "hate speech"

>Putin supports the Syrian regime despite their use of chemical weapons against civilians
You mean the chemical attacks that were never proven as coming from Assad? And this coming from the country in Europe that exports the most terrorists fighters and works to "re-integrate" ISIS terrorists?

Swedish minister says returning ISIS fighters should be integrated

Sweden to give returning ISIS fighters housing grants and free driving licences to encourage them to reintegrate into society

Fucking rich. Fuck you Sweden, fuck you and your bullshit moralizing. You do NOT have any moral high ground, just because you took some refugees and suddenly your a paragon of light in the world?! Fuck you buddy, go prep your wifes bull
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I love Putin so much.
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I don't trust Putin but he's funny and at least he supports Assad. He most definitely is a kike though.
fucking kek nice png

>Nero's Horse

I think you meant Caligula and don't you dare fucking diss Incitatus, that horse was almost a consul and he crossed the Bay of Baiae. The only thing Maxine Waters has ever crossed is her eyes after hearing a three syllable word.
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I don't have a gif to show how much I laughed
Do all Swedes look like that?
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