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So I heard you guys hate jews. I'm open minded. Tell

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So I heard you guys hate jews. I'm open minded. Tell me what the jews did
Kurt eichenwald?
they are behind most of the bad things of our society today. There is a reason why Hitler preferred to kill them then to deport them to a far away place.
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This one kinda sums up the important parts.
Search an /nsg/ thread for a bunch more redpills.
They are a highly intelligent, highly motivated, internally disciplined and loyal group that are adept at establishing pocket communities in any country that will allow them to live.

Within the span of one or two generations these individuals attain power and influence.

The problem is that unlike gentiles who obtain power and influence, the jews are far more adept at making networks of influence. They connect their influence across borders, effectively creating a secret global government. After all, wealth tends to control countries, so if an international group with a significant amount of wealth pools their resources that's effectively going to control the world.

The PROBLEM is that often what benefits these oligarchs doesn't benefit the countries they inhabit. This destruction of borders makes it easier for them to pool their resources and exercise global control, but it's no good for the native populations who would rather not have to endure living in the company of cultures incompatible with their own.

Of course, the wealthy are insulated from these harms in their gated communities.

Here's what always puzzled me. These jews, it's obvious they're self interested and doing what they need to do to better the interest of their people, why don't the wealthy gentiles do the same? What has always concerned me is that the jews only control as much as they control because they've convinced the wealthy and influential amongst the non-jews to embrace their ideology.

That is perhaps why pol hates them the most. Because they are cunning enough to convince the gentile that his own self interest is aligned with self interest of the jew
>Tell me what the jews did
They eschewed quaintness, and allowed Western civilization to actually function, despite itself.
They killed Jesus for one.
It's very simple OP, it has always been right in front of them as to why people don't like them... they just cannot see it.

Let me lay it out for you.

When you make the claim that you're "God's chosen people." it seems pretty obvious that there are going to be people that disagree with that sentiment.

Do the Jews ever agree to disagree, live and let live when confronted over this claim? No, they double down and insult/mock the opposition.

At this point the opposition either gives up and walks away grumbling and cursing under their breath, or they push back, and hard. When this happens the Jews curl into the fetal position and cry victimhood.
My issue is that they didn't let the western world make its own mistakes.

There's always a Jewish hand that can be blamed for any blunder made in high office. Now one could say "it is the nature of high offices to be prone to blunders" and I would agree. One could also say that "for every blunder you notice there are 10 successes you don't notice", there I would agree as well.

The problem is that the jew is the quintessential alien. When he takes office, when his name is attached to a policy that the general public hates, it is not he who will be reviled, but all jews.

The jews build their own coffins. They try to attain wealth and power to keep themselves safe, but it is better these days to sit in the middle and be silent as an alien peoples. Let the blunders and successes be made by the native leaders.
Jews are the worst creatures
Well, to be fair, they are God's chosen people to teach everyone to be monotheistic. Any jew who takes more than that from the chosenness has been fooled themselves.

They are literally self described as "lights unto nations". They are meant to be teachers.
Rugged individualism is contrary to Jew groupthink.
Internally disciplined, yes. They understand that everything is about community because the only way they were able to survive for as long as they have survived is through blind trust of their fellow jew.
lurk moar, faggot

Read the book culture of critique it answers your question.
Kevin MacDonald is my hero
literally everything wrong with this freaking world is because of the jew
Just read the preface of Culture of Critique. You'll hate them within 20 pages. Easily found as PDF online
Whenever you see something that doesn't add up or something that seems sinister or just suspicious in general, google who is behind it and it's always a Jew. Always. Even if it's not a Jew, you just keep following the rabbit hole and find that the non Jew is just an employee of a Jew, or is married to a Jew. When you realise Jews make up only .2% of the world population, half of which live in Israel, it appears to become more than mere coincidence.
Heard any news from the other provinces?
So you're envious, then.

Well, Fuck You. Respect your betters; don't shove then into ovens out of spite.
>Hitler preferred to kill them

Have you heard of the High Elves?
*Deckard Cain voice*
Shtay a huwhile and lishun
Comprehensive overview of why everyone hates Jews, from the death of Jesus up til now.
No proof hitler wanted to kill them exists, more proof he wanted to send them to Madagascar, etc.
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Some people think they are overrepresented in certain industries like the media and banking and that they're trying to push some sort of anti-white, Marxist agenda.

In reality though, we just want to live our lives like everyone else.
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Jews read the Talmud, which is pretty ducking evil to me.
>2 hours and 47 minutes

No. Make your point in 30 minutes, or less, or fuck off.
It's not envy, no. It's concern. In theory, we live in democracy. We have our obscenely wealthy, but as I've said, they aren't nearly half as capable as the jews are of creating monopolies and olligarchies.

What upsets the gentile, the member of pol... Is that we are losing our democracy. It's not envy that makes us put jews in the oven, it's fear. They make themselves the enemy when they subvert our values.

It's tragic because I never stop viewing them as human beings... They truly have no idea that what they're doing is wrong. Just dumb animals following a strategy that has never worked for them before in the past, hoping it will work for them this time.

Pol is here to make sure it doesnt.
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I like this guy
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Yes, yes nothing to see here fellow whit bro, we are just like you!
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I pity the jew like you. The one who is an individual, who isn't a communist, who doesn't have a political agenda.

It is a shame you belong to the quintessential alien. There will be no peace for jews like you. :(
The holocaust
No jews = no genocide
If it's any consolation, most of them don't. Especially the ones you hate in business. Only the super religious read the Talmud and they're pretty useless human beings.
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Fuck off, you're lies are no better than a goyim's. What we are doing will not only doom whites, but us as well. This is a mistake, and you know it, whether you will accept that before it is too late or not is another issue entirely.
I recently just discovered my gf of two years whom I just proposed to has a great grandmother who was jewish but then divorced the grandfather. It makes sense because a lot of the people in her family have the nose for sure. I'm half german half celt. I'm not sure what I should do.
Then watch the first thirty minutes. Nigger the Jews been working the goys for thousands of years and you want thirty minutes? Fucking newfags and teenagers these days have 0 attention span.
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In america they funded the NAACP and are responsible for cross town busing, unleashing black terror on white children and forcing entire cities full of white people to flee anywhere there were no blacks. For just one of a long list of things.....
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Found the one Jew who got left out of the elite club and now mindlessly defends them because of identity association and self interest.
literally my path

He put them in concentration camps were they were executed right.
Jews have higher IQ and end up in the top positions. It's the exact same reason more whites get high-end jobs even in black countries. There really is nothing to see here. Whites are jealous as fuck and blame jews the same way the niggers blame us for all their problems.
And complete failures at their one job.
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They push open borders and deadly multiculturalism in the countries they live in. They also use their influence in media, marketing and pornography (yes, I shit you not, Jews control the porn industry) to weaken cultural values and make everyone accept or embrace deviant cultural habits like homosexuality, transexuality and, on the Progressive radar, pedosexuality.

In contrast, Israelis are the most right wing, well defended, well fortified and culturally conservative people in the world. They have a strong military, backed by conscription. They have built a wall between them and the Palestinians. They racially profile anyone trying to get in, putting a heavy emphasis on Arabs. (And it works...) Finally, Israel, while having a vibrant LGBT community in Tel Aviv, is generally very socially conservative. They have strong and large families there.

All the traits Israelis have are being attempted to be implemented to different degrees by Donald Trump (particularly the wall, but military spending is always on the GOP list.) However, Jewish journalists are Trump's #1 detractors, using their positions in CNN, the NYT, WaPo and other outlets to tarnish his name and slander him for alleged misdoings. The reason for this is that Jews CANNOT STAND NATIONALISM in their HOST countries. They are doing whatever it takes to get white people to not organize politically to advocate their interests, because, to Jews, it reminds them of Adolf Hitler. (That's a very extreme comparison, but it's apt. You should be aware of how many are making that comparison.) Once Trumpism/white concerned nationalism abates, globalism, a.k.a. the softening of national and cultural borders to make a more unified, browner world, will go on, full throttle.

TL;DR: Jews tend to be duplicitous. They use their influence to change a culture in a way that they personally would not want to live in.
I started on pill 3 for as long as I can remember.
My grandpa or uncle (too young to remember) used to always say:
"After they finish legalizing gay marriage, they'll bring in the lady boys, then bestiality, then pedophilia."
That was almost 25 years ago. Also I have knight templar blood in my ancestry, this shit hits home naturally for me.
He put them in camps to work. Prove to us he ordered their killings, let alone knew about it. Pro tip: you can't, many have tried.
Excuse you! Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic. Checkmate :^]
Europe was doing just fine without the higher intelligence jews and that situation had to end.
I don't think Jews understand democracy, but perhaps they will when they're outnumbered in their own country, and muslims start taking over and imposing sharia law.

I don't agree with John Kerry on much, but he had that right. Israel can either be a Jewish state, or a democracy, but not both.
This. Even Einstein's "famous theory" of relativity was based majorly on the work of a white man who gets no credit for it.
You do realize that white people were BAD for africa right?
That's kind of my point. Had they been prepared to receive their Messiah, there would be no Christians, and no muslims. The Kingdom would have started 2000 years ago, and you and I would never have been born.
There is this idea in america that the film industry, for example, is jewish because it is just something the jews do better. But the European film industry with maybe zero jews was doing just fine. Yeah. That shit had to end. Hense jew bankers Goldman etc unleash real estate bond fraud hell across the world.
Lmao because we WERE bad for them. We should have left them to killing each other and eating off trees like savages with no technology, they would still be happy with themselves.
OP... Are you still there?... Are you alright?... Be careful with those RedPills
Jews will take over entire industries with a brutality and an unbelievable level of tenacity and deception, and the cover story is they are more intelligent and no one else can really do it. Europe was doing just fine without the goddamn jews until the jew bankers attempted their hit, and the george soros immigration scheme was launched.
Haha, you think the jews will EVER let Israel become like that? While jews abroad fall under the communist ideology, jews at home are fascist. It's their country and they're not letting anyone change that.

The most difficult thing for anyone to grasp is that pluralism does exist within the Jewish community.

For instance, Canadian jews are much more conservative than American jews. When all of Ontario votes red, Jewish districts vote blue.

Jews are fiercely loyal to the party that historically looks after them. It's unfortunate that usually this party is the communist party. Canada is one of the rare exceptions...
Exactly. South Africa understands. How are you enjoying post racist apartheid life? How culturally enriching is it?
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Gee, why does everyone hate jews? It can't be their fault, it's those fucking antisemites!
What happened to the ones who got sent to the camps and disappeared? For the record i don't think six million died but i still think it happened.
If they make a lot of money and leave it at that, fine

But they have to meddle in Western affairs, attack and mock the west and christianity at every turn, then fund, orchestrate, and support causes that undermine the west (communism, open borders, etc). To undermine christianity they push degeneracy, which is evident in their disproportionate influence in mass media, including pornography.

Simply put, its never enough for them to live safely in a land thats not theirs. Over thousands of years living as a diaspora, they never assimilated. And when theyre called out on this they play the victim card. The reason so many question the Holocaust is because its the Jews M.O. to be the ultimate victim
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the zionist jew pretenders have done pretty much everything horrible, the real followers of judaism on the other hand are fine, and they too hate the isarael zionist moloch worshippers
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There is
Might be news to you, but not every decision in Germany is made by one man.
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Holy shit my sides.
Well Jesus didn't exactly satisfy their criteria for a messiah.

He was their best teacher though. His acts you might say are a testament to the jews. Whole their leadership at that time was shit tier, he was still a product of them.

He was the light unto nations. If the jews never existed, never gave concept and credibility to a single God, could Jesus have existed?
Please prove me wrong if it's so funny.
Tell me, did black standard of living rise more in south Africa during or after apartheid?
Einstein was an idiot, a liar, and a thief. Everything credited to him was stolen. He couldn't pass a university entrance exam and only moved from 3rd class patent clerk to 2nd class patent clerk.

It's ponderous this fraud is not uncovered by now. But you don't have to take my word for it. Here's what Nikola Tesla had to say:

"From The New York Sun (July 10, 1935):
He found time while surveying his own past to express his sharp disagreement with the theories of Prof. Albert Einstein. He announced that the theory of relativity is "a mass of error and deceptive ideas and opposed to common sense," and that "not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved."

From The New York Times (July 11, 1935):
He described relativity as "a beggar, wrapped in purple, whom ignorant people took for a king."
Arabs can vote in Israel, and breed 3x to 4x faster than Israelis.

They can either be a Jewish state or a democracy, but not both.
Fine, Hitler did not make all the decisions. Now, what happened to the ones that got sent to the camps and disappeared?
The neturei karta are parasites though. All they do is study Talmud all day and leech off welfare :/
The ones who want to live their lives convert and assimilate. My grandfather became a devout presbyterian and met my grandmother at church. He completely disconnected himself from Judaism so he was never a Marxist or open borders loving kike. He was a loyal republican his whole life.

Want to live in gentile lands free from persecution? Then assimilate or else dont be surprised when the goyim come a knocking
What happened at the wansee conference then?
He absolutely did, and they blew it. Daniel prophesied the exact date that the Messiah would be cut off for his people. The exact day.

Had they not murdered their messiah, and rejected his kingdom, the kingdom would have been set up by their messiah.

Your argument, and theirs, is akin to killing your parents and begging the court for mercy as you are an orphan.
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everyone here ought to
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I always hear jews say they are more afraid of christians than islamists. Is it really healthy for these people to dominate the federal reserve, banking, the media, the judiciary, a host of vital industries, ruling over people they fear worse than suicide bombers?
Why not have them tell you themselves?
It's a tricky question. Is it better to live in a gilded cage or to be free and in the cold wild? Apartheid was a gilded cage. Blacks were contained and restrained and in exchange they were given some amenities.

The blacks desired to be free and wild.

It is never good for a foreign minority to bend the will of the majority to their whims.
You know for a fact if there is a risk to Jewish control they'll find a way to deport those Arabs, convert those Arabs, or remove their ability to vote.
The struggle between the people and the hatred among them is being nurtured by very specific interested parties.
It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning people against each other, that does not want them to have peace.
It is the people who are home both nowhere and everywhere, who do not have anywhere a soil on which they have grown up...
Arabs and Jews are both sons of Abraham

Europeans are filthy goyim so are seen as a greater threat
Everything Einstein did was based on the discovery by non-jew scientists in the 1880s that the speed of light was constant in a vacuum. After that it is just a logic experiment waiting for some hyper aggressive jew to steal.
>He put them in concentration camps were they were executed right.
See, that's where you're wrong kiddo.
First he asked kindly for them to gtfo the country. They refused, so he started gathering them in concentration camps, with the ultimate goal of deportation. There was a war going on, and it didn't even last that long, so he never got around to the actual deportations though.
An outbreak of typhus in a camp and some Jewish trickery later, people now think Hitler is some genocidal lunatic, when all he wanted to do was exile the Jews just like every damn other civilization in the history of the world has done.
Could you give me the passage in Daniel?

I vaguely recall that elijah was supposed to anoint the messiah of the jews. Because John the Baptiste obviously wasn't elijah and the dead had not risen, another of the things the jews prophesy at the time of their messiah... Well I just don't see how Jesus really fit their narrative.
Wow, did you a read a history book, truedeu faggot?
Palestinian grand mufti convinced him to gas
Read "Jewish Supremacy" from David Duke
Africans could have happily continued living as loin cloth savages. Their current state of misery is a product of white people trying to civilized people who don't want to be civilized.

They are modern day Frankenstein's monsters. They never asked to be given awareness.
Don't know, don't care. Typhus? Executed for other reasons? You're not specific enough, and I'm not a holocaust expert, just a party ideology fag cause I don't care about being a stormweenie, I just like what their ideas were and shit.
Go make a lolocaust thread and the lolocaust experts will come.
Read it all. Hitler wasn't there. Nothing specific was on record. Ambiguous claims about what was discussed extracted by POWs captured by allies.
It's not my job to prove that Hitler killed the 6 gorillons jews. -innocent until proven guilty- Actually it's your job to do it and that shouldn't be difficult: there should be proofs for such a big crime against humanity.
That's like saying it's not your job to prove god exists.
You're a retard.
Which ones?
Lmao why would I prove that hitler killed 6 gorillion you retard? I'm not the one asserting the claim.
Read the death of European jews by Raul Hilberg. He managed to get a number around 5.1 - 5.4 million in a fairly thorough historically sourced book.
modern day they are trying to fuck over assad
The relativity theories have been verified in numerous experiments by now. Also a lot of current technologies rely on them.
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Why don't you go perform unnecessary surgery on a baby and suck his dick, and the use your influence in your host country to normalize it so everyone get the same mutilation for your bizarre bronze age cult blood rituals on children you evil fucking cunt jew. Gas isn't good enough for your massive crimes against humanity... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuDcROPjx7A
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Vidya merchants ?
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That's correct, relativity is not fake, I've looked into it and it is EXTREMELY unlikely that it is wrong compared to Newtonian physics.
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Well I don't deny that he's repsonsible of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of jews but I'm very sceptic of the propaganda we are all receiving.
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>what happened to the ones that got sent to the camps and disappeared
Typhus. Their corpses were incinerated in an effort to keep the epidemic under control. Whether or not they executed people who got sick or not, can't say. They might have, and its pretty morally ambiguous. Execute the sick people to try and protect the healthy ones? Depending on the circumstances, that might even be the morally right thing to do.

>Jew testimonies about how the ebil nazis injected them with diseases
Nope, its fucking Typhus

Doesn't it ring any warning sounds in your head that out of the 110 concentration camps in Nazi Germany, only 1 is rumored to be a "death camp"? If there was an actual effort at exterminating the Jews, wouldn't there be quite a few more than 1?
Which to you is more likely: The Nazis had a plan to exterminate the Jews, but they only did this in 1 out of 110 concentration camps.
One camp had an outbreak of typhus. Slab on some anti-Nazi propaganda, and false testimonies, or testimonies by people who didn't really have a clue what was going on. As a sidenote, you might want to remember that some Jews have come out later in life admitting their testimony about the camp was fake.
i'm not trying to make an ad hominem here, but it's possible the (((writer))) has his own horse in the race. Jews have high in-group preferences
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<-- Jump in Mr Merchant
He had less to do with their deaths than the old guard politicians of the nazi party did. Hitler was a different breed than the majority of his party remember.
Feder had many revolutionary changes and Hitler loved that man, they were besties, but it was the old guard that rejected Feder's modern revolutionary technocratic socialist theories.
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Your fight against intolerance of your unnecessary and brutal surgery on helpless infants has the usual unintended consequences to rip your clits out jew women..... http://www.freep.com/story/news/2017/05/21/female-genital-mutilation-religious-freedom/319911001/
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Fun thread but I'm going back to work for a while.
>Read the death of European jews by Raul Hilberg. He managed to get a number around 5.1 - 5.4 million in a fairly thorough historically sourced book.

Oh, (((he))) managed to do that, did (((he)))?
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My question is, how does jewish culture produce such brilliant and/or educated people? What do they do to be one step ahead of us?
Hey jews this is on you. "Religious defense planned in landmark Detroit female genital mutilation case"
See the problem with your theory is that in white societies things are generally based on merit. In Jew "societies" they're based entirely on nepotism. They didn't even get these jobs they have by their own merit in the first place and instead guilt humans or force humans into changing the rules purely to benefit them. Next you'll tell me that bleach feeding niggers who are training to be doctors are their because of their intelligence and not because (((quotas))) are more important than how the world actually works.
Enjoy your family being barbecued in front of you. When that happens, you know exactly (((who))) is to blame.
A good speech from one of my prime minister.
Europe does just fine without the jews. Only in America do jews use this cover story that non-jews just can't do it.
Jews smell like shit.
USS Liberty
Damn m8 that's all inclusive! Saved
The fucking jews.
if they study talmud they are the problem jews, the onces following the word of God follow the Torah
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Personaly my theory is that during medival ages, catholic europeans set their most intelligent kids to become prist, who dont have kids. Thus eliminating the inteligets individuals from the gene pool.
In contrast, in jewish society ( then) good students were considerd good husbands, and were matched with wealthy females, which allowed them to have many kids, and thus passed the inteligent trait.
Exept thats not how intelligence works.
That one kinda hits home - and true.
I already was stage 2 when I first visited /pol/ / returned to 4chan after... over half a decade. That was short of a year ago. Now I will never be able unsee stage 4.
Read the book, friend. How can German documents be propaganda?
>They are a highly intelligent

Why are the majority of scientists and philosophers gentiles then?

Jews aren't intelligent, just vile, thieving scoundrels. They amassed wealth because they stooped lower than any Christian would tolerate himself to. All "benefited" from their usury, the Catholic Church and almost all western European kings, especially the Anglos and the Dutch. This is how the Jews made it, this and ruthless tribalism.

There is nothing admirable about Jews, nor about any heretic or sinner, and if you listened to Christ this shit wouldn't be happening today.
The jews criticized his book though...y'all will read stuff from proud neo Nazis under the claim that "it doesn't matter what his politics are, he has documents" but you won't read what a jew writes even if he has documents?
Read it for yourself.
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39 They answered him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham's children, you would be doing the works Abraham did, 40 but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. 41 You are doing the works your father did.” They said to him, “We were not born of sexual immorality. We have one Father—even God.” 42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. 43 Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. 46 Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? 47 Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”
They promote literacy. They've done it for dozens of generations before the Gutenberg press was even invented. Those who could not become literate left the faith because jews could not own slaves which made farming quite difficult.

They were basically bred to be merchants.
Can someone tell me why did US protect the jews when they were about to get eleminated by arab nations?
But like... The torah scholars all study Talmud... Only secular jews stop at just the torah :/
Because jews looked white.
Well, jews cured polio so they've got that going for em.
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then you see the problem.
The false jews of Israel have the star of rotschild, that again have a satanic/heathen origin as their symbol and they openly say they disregard the Torah, their holy book and Gods word.
why don't you include any real details in that image?

Many people won't dig deeper, just read that and think "jews gets treated unfairly"
Time for America, and all of Europe to join this historic tradition.
Not my pic. I got it from some weird muslim college website. Can't remember the name
They were send to palestine, and thats how modern isreal was formed.
You don't reason well, do you. E=mc^2 is not from Einstein.

It's from Poincare and Lorentz, and Einstein stole it. And then couldn't explain it, because he didn't understand it. Hence the stories of horses running on beams of light in the shower.

And no, nothing you have came from Einstein, who developed nothing, created nothing, and invented nothing.
Its only for askenazim

They took jobs in the middle ages that required intelligence like banking or trading. The successful jews were successful because of their intellect, and they had many smart children

Centuries of inbreeding between the numerous children of smart, wealthy jews resulted in the population having a high iq
They'll have to, and then they will cease being a democracy, and will remain a Jewish state.

The other option is unthinkable.
Seventy weeks are determined upon your people and your Holy City to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most Holy. Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until The Anointed One the Ruler comes there will be seven weeks and sixty two weeks. It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench but in times of trouble. After the sixty two weeks the Anointed One will be cut off and have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue till the end and desolations have been decreed. He will confirm a covenant with many for one week. In the middle of the week he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the Temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation until the end that is decreed is poured out on him (Daniel 9:24-27).

According to Nehemiah 2:1-9 the decree to rebuild Jerusalem was given in the first month of the 20th year of his reign by King Artaxerxes of Persia (March of 445 BC on our calendar, about 90 years later).

So 483 years of 360 days later, Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a colt to hails of Hosana!

Save us now!
Hitler outlined his passion to kill all the Jews in Mein Kampf.
Jesus' harshest words and highest condemnation were for the blinded self-righteous "religious" people of his day.
Kikes like taking credit for things they haven't done.
They also like advertising one another, in reviews, media and so on.

Self promoting parasites.
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Jewish intelligence is a meme. Their secret to success is nepotism, strong in-group preference for their own all the while dismantling others in-group preferences for their own. (i.e. see White identity, or christian identity)

It's less they are super genius, and more that they lack any empathy and are borderline sociopaths.
See Israel, where everyone tries to jew each other over and the end result is a pile of shit.
Oh If you think I'm self righteous you're very wrong. We're all sinners and I'm among the worst just by being here.
What heresy do you belong to?
Pill 5 is when you realise it doesn't matter who it is behind it, just how to stop it.
No, I was only referring to the cited scriptures.

I don't know if you are aware of this, but in the scriptures you cite, the pharisees are calling Jesus a bastard by saying "we know who our father is".
Pill 6, aka the Carlin Pill, is to just stop worrying about it and get comfy while watching the world burn.

Mormons are good at this too.
Oh yeah I failed at reading there.
Yes the pharisees clearly had a lot to lose by accepting Jesus as their lord.
Also remember the only time he got violent was with the "money changers" in the temple.
And that "it's easier for a camel to go through the hole of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven".
Remember this well when your politicians (and ours) claim to be Christian.

They preferred Jesus die for his beliefs, rather than they die for theirs.

There's a certain cowardice at the heart of Judaism.
>not naming it berg burgowitz
And in todays people in general I find.
They have shaped us in their image and in the Image of their father Satan.
We have a saying here that goes like this :
The teacher that you sit to learn with will teach you his education.
We have been with them for so long that we are starting to think like them.
Pill 7, aka the Hilary Clinton pill, is to join a child sacrifice sex cult and have your body scooped out and replaced with a twisted mass of snakes - having the side effect of making you look necrotic and spastic at public events.
Ever heard of Jewish nepotism, jewish loans, etc.?
Well put.
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They convinced a majority of western men to get circumcised (or convinced their parents) so now women don't get as much pleasure from sex Bc of the missing foreskin.
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