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Thread replies: 406
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Putin Morpheus'd her ass.
"Presidents come and go and even the parties in power change, but the main political direction does not change. That's why in the grand scheme of things we don't care who's the head of the united states. we know more or less what is going to happen. And so in this regard, even if we wanted to, it wouldn't make sense for us to interfere."

Yo that was legit af
He may suck at internal polutics, but dam ,i love his smug face
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>We don't care who is in charge of the United State; we know, more or less, what is going to happen
Boy, he knows it.
Putin is fucking amazing.
Deep state/Republicucks/Dems blown the fuck out.
>Believing a word this KGB agent has to say

Here is your first mistake, OP.
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"can you name those agency's?"
"huh? um.. FBI, CIA, um.. EPA...um"
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Is the whole interview 11 minutes, or is there a longer version?
ya think?
Obviously it's always longer and OP said 3 hours.
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>17 intelligence agencies are highly confident of this
Here is a the full length interview, I think:

OMG megyn kelly has conection with russians investigate her
>your lives must be boring
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holy fuck i NEED the full interview
>Putin is pretending he can't understand or speak English.
Haters will say it's fake
Digits confirm she has direct connections to Putin.
>kike artist
you gotta be kidding me ? did they say 17 back then too? max lel
I think his level is not that good
He knows the US is going to shit, he soesnr need to do anything
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but wait there's more
I'm getting flashbacks from House of Cards. The Putin clone in that show was top notch.
says the shill posting in this thread

let me guess your next line

oh man this thread makes me so sleepy i need to go to bed
Damn shes going to have to cut her hair short again
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actually no, I know this pigeon he has the rank of colonel.
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It's good when he needs it to be good and terrible when it is advantageous to be terrible.
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>that fucking comment section

this. I totally respect how much of a fuck he doesn't give in his interviews. Every other political figure always kow tows to journalists like they're being cross-examined in a court of law. Like, who the fuck are they?
Holy shit Megyn Kelly BTFO that was brutal
Its fake anon.
Wait, is that seriously where the 17 agencies meme started?
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No one knows what you're talking about here because we're not commie faggots like you.

Drink bleach
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You don't know about this? Gather around recruits, let me tell you about the meme war of 2016...
>he doesn't know some autist from here trolled the whole american intelligence apparatus, the american deep state and the whole american mass media
Newfag detected.
Lmao where the fuck are you getting this?
Wtf i love Putin and Trump.
>tfw you will never be president chatting with another president about waifus and shonen

Lmao putins a fucking manlet faggot, Meagan definitely rekt him.
god i hate kelly
thank god
wouldn't want glorious Putin to be a shonen-tard
This is true. What was she doing meeting with Russians. Not only that, she met with Putin directly. This needs to be investigated.
>the former KGB agent
>the KGB agent
>the former KGB agent
I'm not sure, but I think they might be trying to say Putin was a former KGB agent
He's into slice of life loli stuff.
Are you implying only commies watch house of cards?
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I find your double trips daunting but hold your post to be fact
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Imagine someone as powerful as Putin is pointing and shouting at you.
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>It was the USA! They were behind 7 proxies!
He's not pretending. He is trying to learn English but he is not very good at it, and if you watch any diplomatic stuff he's always got a translator and an earpiece he listens to.
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this famallama
>height of election battles
>memes everywhere
>absolute madman sends a "racist trump" tape to david brock
>ctr (shareblue's predecessor for you new friends) spams "racist trump evidence" meme
>it was just a prank bro
>davie humiliated
>cia humiliated
>left propaganda media wrecked
>/pol/ loses their minds
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
holocauster tier.
Russia is left as the only country standing up for sanity in the world. American international reputation right now is built on pure lies.

There will be pro-western shills ITT trying to push the traitor Navalny, using the lie about Putin going against ethnic russians. Don't fall for it.
Putin literally raised JFK conspiracy theory lol (3:45)
>but the main political direction does not change

He is talking about ZOG isn't he?
top kek he basically spent the ten minutes calling her stupid
Damn I was two posts away from an epic get.
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a thinking man's anime genre
Now what I really want to know is, when they talk about hacking the election, what exactly was hacked?
What server?
What computer?
In what manner?
To what degree?

Or did the just fucking hack the whole series of tubes with MSDOS like in a bad 90s film?
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that brings me back, thanks anon
Can we go back to burning people who make art like this?
Kelly and basically everyone knows this Russia thing is bs. But they keep talking about it because it works. It works as distraction. Look, even we are talking about and wasting our time.
Here is the get you couldn't GET.
Yeah, guys. He wouldn't a reason to lie, so let's just believe him!

You're worse than a cuck, you're fucking traitors.
Impressive man. Anons who live in Russia, do you like him?
Which one of you autists did this?
Putin is getting old, his information is outdated.

Megyn Kellies daughter is 4 years old, not 3
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>nothing is beyond our reach: the photo

Ruskies posted memes.
That's it.
They're talking about hacking the DNC to show us how vile Hillary and Co are
They also claim that there's thousands of Russians creating memes for Americans to sway them to vote for trump
First shill ITT?
Most russian flags on /pol/ are shills.
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that face when you...
That's putin quote from the interview burger
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any recommendations anon-kun?

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My sides are still gone when they thought these were real
Megyn has become a monster.
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8:00 Putin confirms Megyn Kelly is Russian collaborator!!!!!
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>tfw people in power actually fell for this
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Jesus she sounds really retarded after Putin answers her questions,the guy is sharp as fuck
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Including for example Coast Guard, Marine Corps and DEA. I wonder what intelligence they have about Russian hacking.

Oh yeah and btw, this bs story was also backed by all agencies.
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>get exclusive interview with leader of Russian Federation
>ask him about Trump's tax returns
Hey do you have the one about his Onesie and his harem of Russian hookers. Pretty sure hentai was also involved
>it's a "everyone forgets the wikileaks that revealed US intelligence cyber weapons can put any country's 'fingerprint' on a cyber attack, and that these tools are no longer in our control" episode
Christ, are americlaps still on about this Russian conspiracy shit? This is even worse than leaf news.

>muh ratings
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now that's a spicy meatball
unfortunately, no. if anyone has more of these please post them, that was a good day.
>American intellectuals

why doesn't he learn english
Stop it she left fox news which isn't conservative anymore anyway. We'll fix ourselves; we're sorry :/
damn man
he speaks english perfectly well. don't be retarded.

how tf did you do that? what program?
Here is the full kremlin transcript of the interview, for the curious
If you don't want 100 pound russian haxors, here is an archive
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> Good job your lives must be boring.


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>US intelligence has concluded that Mr. Putin himself ordered the disruption of the election
And how exactly did the US intelligence conclude that, Megyn? Who in the US intelligence and by what means and where's the proof?

Also, is she really insinuating that if Trump released his tax returns it would prove Russia paid Trump or something? Jesus Christ, Trumpo's tax returns is a complete non-issue in the whole Russian interference narrative.

Putin is pretty mad in this interview. No wonder.
There's no "news" progroms in the US worth championing (except C-SPAN, God Bless C-SPAN)
prove it
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>Megyn still at it
This crazy bitch has made it her raison d'etre to undermine Trump. He fucked her ego sideways during that first debate.
This is like a double entendre palindrome in image format it's fucking great

>President Trump does something good
>Liberals cry and whine anyways

>Liberal crying and whining because of Trump
>Drought ended by tears
Pretty sick burn when Megyn asked about american's opinion of russia, from full transcript:

>I want to say that Russia is developing along a democratic path, this is without question so. No one should have any doubts about that. The fact that, amidst political rivalry and some other domestic developments, we see things happen here that are typical of other countries, I do not see anything unusual in it.
>We have rallies, opposition rallies. And people here have the right to express their point of view. However, if people, while expressing their views, break the current legislation, the effective law in place, then of course, the law enforcement agencies try to restore order.
>I am calling your attention to something that I discussed recently when on a trip to France and in my discussions with other European colleagues. Our police force, fortunately, so far, do not use batons, tear gas or any other extreme measures of instilling order, something that we often see in other countries, including in the United States.
>Speaking of opposition, let us recall the movement Occupy Wall Street. Where is it now? The law enforcement agencies and special services in the US have taken it apart, into little pieces, and have dissolved it. I'm not asking you about how things stand in terms of democracy in the United States. Especially so that the electoral legislation is far from being perfect in the US. Why do you believe you are entitled to put such questions to us and, mind you, do it all the time, to moralize and to teach us how we should live?
>We are ready to listen to our partners, ready to listen to appraisals and assessments when it is done in a friendly manner, in order to establish contacts and create a common atmosphere and dedicate ourselves to shared values. But we absolutely will not accept when such things are used as a tool of political struggle. I want everybody to know that. This is our message.
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Putin dropping redpills on JFK
toppest of keks, love this bastard
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Whoops, I suddenly feel better about USA now compared to shitty countries like yours
canada you are the worst
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shit kouhai idk what you like
eromanga sensei from this season and dragon maido from last
Good Lord, that was literally the hardest ive ever laughed in my life. the original post is archived somewhere but shit that was great. Pretty sure it said he had a fake Xmas, woke up in his onesie with his hookers and ran to the tree yelling "HENTAIII" and opened his gifts kek
he knows english, just not fluent
he speaks fluent german though
God dam i remember this it still makes me kek like a mad man
Full interview anywhere? The link that was posted is MSNBC shit after minutes.
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>why would you waste a putin interview on fucking megyn kelly?????
in the video they chop this speech up and make it barely understandable, as if he was threatening the USA by putting the most emphasis on the last line without including the second to last.

the average idiot that watches TV is just going to think putin is even more "evil" thanks to this hackjob
she liked trump dick so now shes going for putin dick
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Because he knew she wouldn't be a problem.
I see Megan loves spitroasting
They also left out most of the substance of that comment. If Megyn Kelly and her network were on the up and up, why would they feel the need to misrepresent Putin?

This is as close as Putin can come to naming the jew without literally naming the jew.
Even the pigeons are kgb agents in russia
Lets elect putin in a white coalition league
Yes. I have major respect for the man.
He speaks english fluently but he rarely chooses to do so. I think I've seen him do it twice.
use this link instead of OP's same content, but not supporting NBC Jews
wow, nice
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>believe it or not
>Vlad isn't at home
>please leave a message at the beep
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>If Megyn Kelly and her network were on the up and up
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man i wish that was real
post the 3 hours or fuck off, nigger.
Neocohens and Neoliberals both have very similar foreign policies. The three letter agencies and military members mostly don't change, and they're part of the ones that provide intelligence that both parties make decisions off of.

Without a drastic change in the parties along with the entrenched bureaucrats, it really doesn't matter much who is in charge of the U.S.
Holy shit! I think I #shillforhill now!
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He definatelly gave as good as he got.
Us is pot calling kettle black we meddle in other countries elections.
Investigation into Trump to make sure nothing gets done in DC!!!!
Because he sounds whiney and unimpressive.
He knows that when he speaks russian he sounds like business.
When Putin comes off as more trustworthy than the MSM, we have a problem.
MSM has a slimy feel to it.
hes raping herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
kelly charge rape charges
b-but I thought seth rich haxed in
this might be it
I really don't know
your not going to find the unedited 3 hours of interview. youll find the 3 hour program, but the 3 hour program only has about 11 minutes (in OPs video) of vladimir footage
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he has huge russian accent, it would look nothing but funny
Havent watched itvyet but pre-emptively hate megyn kelly. Shes getting old. Her pussy stinks now. Her tits are floppy. She has that one gray pube. Time to put the cow out to pasture
MSM doesn't lie; no, that would be dishonorable and immoral. Instead they spin everything constantly. That is the slimy thing you feel: like someone stabbing you in the front and saying "hey, I am doing this openly! why are you complaining".
Russia must have her Tsar

Nice try faggot
>Russian pigeons are hacking muh internet.
t. CNN
putin singing in english
I know it's impolite in Russia but damn it I don't care. I'm grinning like a monkey rn.
DNI Alexander signed off on behalf of the 17. Only two were anything substantive.
As the Viet Cong general once said, "That may be true, but it is also irrelevant."
a printer, burger.
She wants his dick so bad. Threesome with Trump when?
holy shit the hacker known as 4chan has himself been hacked by the russians
When was this made?
frig you
Yeah i think it is. Man he fucking raped her in that first part wew
I fucking hate Megan Kelly. Bumb fucking bitch is lucky Putin didnt remove her.
this is why elections don't matter for shit
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"connections" to Putin
putin a cute

>If Mr Flynn and I had this kind of interaction, while you and I, we have spent an entire day together, and Mr Flynn was fired from his job, you then should be arrested and put in jail.
Wtf, like a year ago he was still a young man in his prime and suddenly he looks like an old man. Has he forget to take a bath in the lazarus pit or sometthing?
This smells like Awful Disclosures, a hoax book out of Leafland.
Why did they get this bimbo to interview Putin? Could they not send a qualified man instead of this propagandist with a huge chip on her shoulder against the US President?
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Only one name is relevant: Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike is a Private Network Security Firm based in DC and the only party to examine the DNC's servers following their claims of an infiltration. Crowdstrike published false reports of Russian Hacking in Ukraine on January 6th of 2016. They claimed 80% of Ukrainian Howitzer artillery had been destroyed due to an infection of their targeting software by Russian Malware. Ukraine later released a statement that they had actually lost no Howitzers.

17 Intelligence agencies have not examined the DNC servers and should have no confidence in a firm that deliberately falsified evidence to push WW3 less than a year and a half ago.
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Oh boy.gif
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Putin is ma waifu
I heard some of this, it really was nothing new or revealing.

The show seems like another 60 Minutes. Ratings will plummet next week.
>Megan Kelly
Megyn Kelly whatever her dumb fucking name is. She is a disgrace and definitely a jew.
Let me know if you ever find the original. My blue balls are THIS BIG.
shes already been fucked and thrown aside by both
M-machine code ?
>"your lives must be boring"
absolutely btfo
Pootin for president 2020
That was great
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Has this been posted yet?
Thanks lad.
you think she got wet a little, power to women is like boobs to men?
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>Speaking of opposition, let us recall the movement Occupy Wall Street. Where is it now? The law enforcement agencies and special services in the US have taken it apart, into little pieces, and have dissolved it.

Even though I didn't agree with Occupy, the FBI infiltrating and destroying that movement from the inside was insidious. I half wonder if they planted the Cultural Marxists in there to make people not agree with it. And now that beast is loose and out of control.

Putin is a pretty smart goy.
Correct Serbia .. very correct
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>getting an epic GET in a saging thread
>only two anons acknowledge it

Who cares about this insufferable cunt though?
Early stage Rachel Maddow Syndrome
what a lad
I had a crush on Goldie Hawn when I was a kid. She still looked pretty damn good for her age in that clip.
When can I watch the full interview?
>Putin outright saying that the US Intelligence Agencies killed JFK

It's not even really a secret anymore, huh
so where's the full 3 hours?
I want to visit Russia and shake his hand. Do you think that I, an average American have any chance of this? If I showed up in Moscow and asked to meet him what do you think would happen?
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>you will never be as alpha as Putin
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is he...dare I fucking say it?
Is that Megan Kelly commentating on the video? What the fuck is wrong with her voice, is she taking testosterone? I think she may be a tranny.
>lmao le epic putin manlet upoat
fuck off you shill faggot
source for your claims?
That was brutal.
It's tough to throw stuff at a government calling them corrupt, when they can say right back, your government killed JFK.
Crap. And everyone knows it's most likely the truth too.
The NBC version is heavily edited to make Megyn Kelly look good. The whole version shows Putin destroyed her even more so.
eh thats not very convincing

fuck this midget, he had billions from selling Russian oil and other resources and didnt do shit making Russia great, he only made himself and his friends fucking rich while common people remain poor
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this is such a good redpill, why's nobody creating image with that quote
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>shake hand to tzar
>average American
Americans are so creative. They must be bored or something.

None of our people could have any reason to lie. They couldn't possibly be traitors.
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>brought up how the CIA killed JFK
>brought up how the US constantly takes down government world wide

Putin went in hard
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I guess she was Putin her place.
All we have are the claims of a Ukrainian merchant working for a Cold War booster think-tank desperate for relevance. If a certain someone can and does come forward to prove that Seth Rich leaked the documents, then that whole storyline goes up in smoke.
my sides of my mouth are gonna be sore in the morning
I know I did. I would let Putin man-smash me anytime if he talked dirty like that.
This upsets me. That quote is the most profound thing anyone has ever said to this cunt.
Good idea, but that is a stupid picture of Putin with his tongue out
The NBC version is heavily edited to make Megyn Kelly look good. The whole version shows Putin destroyed her even more so.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12s_n6F2ZEQ [Embed]
MSM also has a bravado to itself, like it speaks in a condescending manner to create an authority bias.
This is different.
Americans are so creative. They must be bored or something.

He knows it but prefers not to sully his tongue with the language of zionists on sacred clay of motherland.

For real.
wheres the uncut version agent doubt 7
Well, anyone with any understanding of realist political theory should as well
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>June 12

>Oliver Stone interview Putin
>muh Putin

Russian shills are the most unimaginative, most cucked posters on earth.
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god your insufferable. go back to TD
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Why exactly would our government kill JFK? Genuinely curious, he seemed like one of the few presidents everyone liked
He hints at the US being ran by a group or person that supersedes the president. Which is why Russia wouldn't need to interfere in the first place because the direction the United States takes in diplomacy towards the world is going to happen no matter who is President.
they found this code in the voting machines
if (blyat > 0)
Is it considered cheating if she now faps thinking about Putin instead of Trump now?

Do Americans really base their whole accussations on a fucking Russian IP adress ?!

LoL holy fucking shit.

Either they are that fucking dumb, or simply their bullshiting.

You have carders from all over the world using netbots from all over the world.

You can spoof your own ip with a SOCK 5 proxy service run by some hackers for 5 dollars.

Holly shit, fucking amateurs lol
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jokes aside, her face is pretty masculine
>everyone liked
you think those in power liked him? lmao
he mentioned the jews holy shit
t. kike shill
john podesta the child molesta clicked on a phishing link
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That fucking head tilt he does where she accused him of running a country full of corruption cracked me up.
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If you filter out logical fallacies, you'll notice he didn't say anything new. Though he showed that the Trump-Russia investigators are grasping at straws.

And the question about corruption and journalists.
Notice how he didn't deny absolutely anything? He just said not to fuck with his shit. Classic Pootin'.
wow. they cut at all the fire putin was hurling. glorious. give her a fucking red pill.
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>The Report itself pertaining Ukrainian Howitzers

>Comey Praises Crowdstrike Following Botched Report


>Summary From Lee Stranahan


>Summary From The Ron Paul Institute

On the democrats blaming their election loss on Russian interference: "This reminds me of anti-Semitism: Jews are to blame for everything, you see? You are stupid and cant do anything, but the Jews are to blame"

Putin is a good goy.
The truth hurts doesn't it ivan?
Putin is the master liar and disinfo agent. He makes retards believe his bullshit and plays the tards like puppets.
>According to Putin's biographer Masha Gessen, "Putin and his colleagues were reduced mainly to collecting press clippings, thus contributing to the mountains of useless information produced by the KGB."

Putin was literally the first 4chan archive that would go through shitposts made by journalists
It has always been bullshit. The problem is being able to use the internet does not require even a faint understanding of how it works.
Here you go anon.

Because he started caring about what was happening. He gave an entire speech about people who are behind the scenes manipulating things and he even flat out called it a conspiracy. And he wrote an executive order that would start having the government print it's own money again.
JFK was going to expose the whole thing. He had his fun playing in the White House and he wanted to spend some time making a difference in the world. And he was about to really make a difference.
Well, if you look at it from the other possibility, if Russia doesn't and has never liked where the main US political direction is going and knows it's not gonna change, it's all the more reason to interfere, if only to introduce a random disruptive element that would drive things in an unforeseen direction, even against its own interests. Because doing nothing guarantees the same outcome, but doing something gives you a chance for something different.
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How the fuck do you know my name, John?!?!?!
Ive always wanted Russia to have a major war with Putin in power, then he could finally reveal his power level, and drop all the redpills
I think it's actually based on the tools and methodology.
Both of which are also easily copied / bought.
>literal full proof exists to prove that it was the Russian state

I can't believe people take this KGB rat seriously
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Hmm, I wonder...
Reminder that George Bush was working for the CIA in Dallas that day.
i member the fucking thread for this lel erotica startles the cia


I'm ashamed of sharing a peninsula with you.
4:55 Putin eternally BTFO of /pol/
I'd love to see that proof, literally nobody has said there is anybody. If there were proof Russia hacked Clintons emails why did she destroy the evidence. Did they hack her common sense, too?

You can gain user access to a unsecured computer in fucking rural USA thru the windows remote service and be practically a certified US web bro.

That costs 14 DOLLARS in bitcoin in some places.

And for all intents and purposes you are untraceable because you are using a regular blokes hacked system.
>this bullshit story was backed by all agencies
I wish I could find the republican congressmans memo after the dnc hack where he states his servers and the ends was attempted to be broken into by the nsa
No. The accusation is based on the programs used and the standard methods which are Russian signatures. Each nation has signature programs and attack methods. You can pinpoint where an attack came from if you know who has what tools and who likes to use which tactics.
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Jesus christ. Fucking based Putin.
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Playin the devil's advocate:
Why would Putin rat out on his tool?
have you not been following the news?

Jesus Christ man.
do I even need to post the chicken?
There are literally 0 legitimate ethnically Russians who live in Russia who post on /pol/. They're all western proxyfags.

Prove me wrong.
Even if he spoke good English, he's a president, what he says in interviews has consequences.
He must be 100% sure that he isn't even slightly misunderstood.
His tool is burned. Putin knows Trump is doomed. So he's going back to plan A. Remember that Putin never planned on Trump winning. Trump was plan B. Plan A was just spreading lies and distrust memes about America politics to sow the seeds of civil war so Russia can rise back to power. Now that Putin knows Trump is done, he's returning to the original plan which means slitting the throat of his puppet Trump so Russia can pretend they never were friends with him. Russians have no loyalty.
The main thing they edited out was in response to Megyns question about murdering journalists and jailing dissidents. Putin turned the question back on her and brought up Occupy Wall Street. What did your police do, what did your special services do to quell that protest?
They also edited out the final question that humanized Putin talking about his older brother who died before he ever met him.
>I know it's impolite in Russia but damn it I don't care. I'm grinning like a monkey rn.
Grinning is only impolite if you're doing it without a reason. Laughing at the top kek stuff like this is okay.
His full answer FWIW:
>I want to say that Russia is developing along a democratic path, this is without question so. No one should have any doubts about that. The fact that, amidst political rivalry and some other domestic developments, we see things happen here that are typical of other countries, I do not see anything unusual in it.
>We have rallies, opposition rallies. And people here have the right to express their point of view. However, if people, while expressing their views, break the current legislation, the effective law in place, then of course, the law enforcement agencies try to restore order.
>I am calling your attention to something that I discussed recently when on a trip to France and in my discussions with other European colleagues. Our police force, fortunately, so far, do not use batons, tear gas or any other extreme measures of instilling order, something that we often see in other countries, including in the United States.
>Speaking of opposition, let us recall the movement Occupy Wall Street. Where is it now? The law enforcement agencies and special services in the US have taken it apart, into little pieces, and have dissolved it. I'm not asking you about how things stand in terms of democracy in the United States. Especially so that the electoral legislation is far from being perfect in the US. Why do you believe you are entitled to put such questions to us and, mind you, do it all the time, to moralize and to teach us how we should live?
>We are ready to listen to our partners, ready to listen to appraisals and assessments when it is done in a friendly manner, in order to establish contacts and create a common atmosphere and dedicate ourselves to shared values. But we absolutely will not accept when such things are used as a tool of political struggle. I want everybody to know that. This is our message.
Putin is a savage.
Truth hurts.
this. we need to push this narrative
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Putin telling the rest of the world what they don't want to admit.
then i would have to call you a Russian spy
Would you like proof that the firm that first proffered the Russians the DNC's Boogeymen are know liars and Redbaiters?


0 Federal Agencies xamined the DNC's servers. 17 have high confidence in known liars.

Is that the best you can do? Holy shit dude step up your image shooping game, that's pathetic.
You mean a string of cyrilic in some webdoc

LoL come on.
dumbass burger
Of course, appeals to hypocrisy. "And they are shooting Negroes" I've heard this so many times.
i agree with you, i even found legitimate proof that putin interfered with the election, but it's not for drumpfers to look at:


use it quickly, will prob be deleted by trumpers
>And people here have the right to express their point of view.
Then why does he jail and assassinate people with other points of view? Putin is the most evil dictator on the planet and the most corrupt by far.
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nice digits
>view threads by your posts
Are you paid or just a cuck?
The first adjective is redundant. You can just say burger.
That's not really playing devil's advocate, that's just straight up asking "what if he's lying lol".
fucking burgers have no attention span, what's with the bullshit cuts all the time to say stupid propaganda shit, why can't the full unedited video exist? fucking burgers
This is horseshit. We were a pseudo socialist country, in which Hillary was about to reaffirm, but surprise, surprise. The U.S. is now moving back to Nationalism once again away from the left and in the opposite direction of what Russia had hoped would come to fruition.
I do love how Putin is trying to strong arm the reporter. "we know what will happen". hahahahha fuck off you short bald cunt. You are no longer the USSR. You are a mere regional power. The super power times are over my friend.
he was going to destroy the cia and was already printing money that would circumvent the fed
Holy shit. Thats why trump is betraying his own words. Really sad if true
>t. Mohammad.
You can't even keep your own shithole country in line let alone another country. There's a reason we left you shit cunts. If we didn't we'd be half shitskin like you.
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you got me! fuck you.

>4 posts in this thread (with my current ip session).

>russian shill in romanian disguise yo!
he is so sexy
>using Occupy Wall Street as an example of the US government suppressing democracy

It was literally a bunch of unwashed hipsters blocking parks and streets for a few months.

They weren't even dismantled, they fell apart of their own accord because they had no leadership and no goals... They just wanted to bitch about rich people being rich.

Should have mentioned the Civil Rights Movement... Where the FBI conducted illegal surveillance against them, sent their leaders death threats, imprisoned most of them, and actually assassinated a few of them. That is an actual assault on democracy by our government...

And I thought Putin was smart.
russia is right
how often do we hear george bush ex director of the CIA
or george bush jr son of the director of the CIA

our politicians are just as if not more corrupt than theirs
>Putin is the most evil dictator on the planet and the most corrupt by far.
No he isn't. He's not as good at being a dictator as the West thinks, there are better ones among US allies. And he's not evil or power greedy, he's just trying to save his ass from imprisonment, and to do so he has to protect every oligarch he's in bed with.
lot of shills in this thread
Yea, this is why Putin's cabinet was jumping for joy when Trump won over Hillary.

that executive order only gave more power to the federal reserve by phasing out silver entirely

JFK was killed because he was putting a lot of pressure on Israel to stop their nuclear program
Have you been believing the news? Jesus Christ, man.
>he doesn't know how OCW was infiltrated by SJW's pushed by the FBI to make it implode
I love how Megyn has this shit eating grin for trying to hold all her possible logical fallacies but she can only smile and watch how the second most powerful man in the planet is laughing at her in front of thousands of people who also laugh accordingly.
>gets to interview Putin
>only bitches about muh hacking
But what IF he's lying lol
There are other agents at work besides Putin in Russia. He's the glue guy that holds together different centers of power. He's not some lone tyrant to whom everyone bows. Calling him the most evil dictator and the most corrupt by far is quite simply inaccurate.
who is michael hastings
who is seth rich
bradley manning, edward snowden, andrew breitbart
cool story Amerifat.
When this came out I literally didn't believe it. First meme magic that made my brain leak
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> Putin never planned on Trump winning

> his puppet Trump
I mean probably.

That wasnt a joke. She sounds like shes tuning in to a guy.
That's because Trump today is nothing like campaign Trump. They don't do that anymore, you know. Assad himself said he was not optimistic about the election of Trump, as he knew what was inevitably going to happen
>Then why does he jail
So you can't jail criminal because he has different point of view? How tolerant of you!
Liberals cant keep their delusions in check. They need better writers.
>puting uses the word "theory" about jfk
>megyn kelly's voice over says "cold-war conspiracy theory"

fucking hell m8
Hi fbi cointelpro bitch. Kys
Why the fuck do we let women interview heads of state? (((The West))) and (((Women's liberation))) were mistakes that will end in our downfall. Press F to pay respects
Megyn kelley is so cringey
Financial disclosures would show more evidence of that. Tax returns most certainly wouldn't. Megyn Kelly is an idiot.

t. an accountant.
so true, thanks for this enlightenment of my redundancy

however, i'm not sure if burgers realize this
President of any country should speak for his people. In Russia we speak russian.
Good he did that. Fuck poorfags like you
whoever the leader is, the masters is still the "masters" ,
oh veyy
> one of the most overrated slags in the news
people find this cunt attractive?
They all say that. I can say a lot of things to.
Medvedev said "We must make corruption not only illegal, but indecent", and he recently got rekt by Navalny. Ever since "Oн вaм нe Димoн" came out, Medvedev hasn't denied anything, he just kept dancing around these questions. And his buddy Usmanov tried to disprove what Navalny said by spewing bullshit, and failed miserably.
Kek the amount of Putin bots and FSB shills ITT is unberable,Putin was highly emotional he did not keep hi cool.Now the thing is Russia may or may have not meddeled in the US election
but now nothing can be proven and they got away with it,so well played russians.
"Didn't keep his cool"
is he expected to just sit their and listen to a disrespectful skank and not utterly destroy her every argument?
Lmfao fucking shill acting like you are being shilled... classic. Anyway according to Wikileaks prophet of truth, dnc leaks weren't Russian. End of discussion shill fuck
The ((translator)) made him sound unhinged. It was just nbc theatrics
Just take a little advice from Putin.
8:28, or just copy the url.
My god this dumb bitch doesn't know anything. Indoctrinated zombie.
He represents the Russian people, if some cunt in public calls him and his country a shithole full of corrupt murderers then he has every right to be angry at her.
>being happy that a senile warmongering cunt who has openly threatened you and could probably go nuclear didn't win

Also, shadenfraude exists. I bet every leader who wasn't on Hillary's Saudi payroll was happy that the smug cunt didn't win.
Meghan couldn't take it anymore, she was turning red. Putin put this cunt on full alert!
I want Navalny babies to leave.
Yes that's right we're all FSB. I get payed in rare pepes so European agencies can't trace the payment

Cultivates an image of pro Russian/not pandering to the west at home and makes arrogant Westerners underestimate him by making him seem simple and uncultured/uneducated. In reality he is a tactical and political genius.
>tfw nobody expects that it's the swedish government that is organizing all these sjw classes in your american universities

>subversion through cuckdomination
Not your state-run honeypot forum, you have no power here.
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fucking modi trying to keep a straight face.
Why dont they learn Russian?
Now this is how you shitpost fake bullshit. While Putin's assassinations are 100% confirmed, what you're posting is pure conspiracy bullshit.
Sounds serious, I hope she gets well
post proof then you faggot. oh wait you can't. Seth Rich's murder has more proof than your bs.
>Putin's assassinations are 100% confirmed
That's interesting, I'd like to see that proof too.

Full retard. Never go full retard. Maybe you should google polonium and swallow a huge red pill on Putin. I thought this was common knowledge by now. Didn't know retards still existed.
Typical amerifat. Just focusing on what your government spoon feeds you. You probably don't even know that North Korea exist do you, you fucking disgusting excuse for human life.
Go back to sosach, kids
>he doesn't know that this wasn't actually in the dossier and it's just some anon fuckig with your small French brain
Newfag retard detected
>Didn't know retards still existed.
You are a living proof they still do
>What is burden of proof.
>Calling other people retarded.
please end yourself burger. you're a disgrace to the human race. you're literally worse than Jews because you do their dirty work for them.
>it's common knowlegde
Nice proof burgerfriend, why don't you bring up 17 intelligence agencies next?
Are Russian shills using Aus proxies now? What happened to the leaf proxies?
>swallow Kool Aid
>doesn't know about Putin's polonium assassinations
Full retard. Absolute full retard. Do you even have news in Russia?


>these fucking shills
Not even trying hide the shilling.
/pol/ has IDs, you dumb shill
>Putin's polonium assassinations
Why are you using plural if it was only one assassination?

Why are you calling it "Putin's" as if Putin is the only person who can do anything it Russia?

Litvinenko was an ex-spy defector and a dirty guy who had relations with oligarchs, intelligence services, etc, etc. These people kill each other all the time.
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that doesn't work like you think it does.

show proof
Maybe Putin speaks perfect English but pretends to be a novice by listening to everything carefully - maybe his mastery of English is his greatest weapon. It's not plausible to be fluent in German but also be a beginning English speaker.
Oh proxy shill. How new are you? First week on the shill job? Ask your supervisor how IDs work.
There were two attempts on his life, two assassination attempts. And that's far from the only assassination Putin has ordered. He assassinated the opposition leader in Kremlin square.
>Everyone who calls out my bullshit is a shill: the burger edition.
See >>128563329
Can't we use this as a means to make NBC look bad?
FSB hires agents all over the world. It's called operation frogs in a barrel. /pol/ is just the staging area, the main op is run out of Ebaumsworld
>And that's far from the only assassination Putin has ordered.


guess not.

retarded shariablue, get muslimed
>quoting your own post
Oh new shill. No seriously that's not how it works. You need to get more experience before they let you shill on /pol/. You're being too obvious.
>no proof
Oh shill kid. You asked the wrong question. Proof is abundant.


Never ask for proof. All the proof is anti-Russian and makes your boss look bad.
>He assassinated the opposition leader in Kremlin square
And you know this how? You are aware that there are other people in Russia except Putin, who can also do things?
>Putin didn't assassinate the guy who was vocally anti-Putin
t.hanks putin
really corrected the record
Nice fake news my senpai
>Proof is abundant.

then why isn't trump in jail? :^)

i heard hillary investigation is going again, there will probably be leads to shariablue, so i suggest you gtfo of dodge while you can
There it is. I was waiting for that meme.
>Real news is fake.

>>Real news is fake.

You need to read the thread. That's not even what we're talking about. Did you read the links? Of course not. Because then you would know this isn't about Trump.
>not fake news
THey have been caught openly lying, are you going to talk about 17 security agencies now?
Nice proof, almost Washington Post-tier, but you need to work on your virtue signaling and righteous indignation.
Yes, 18 security agencies when? Make sure you blue pill the goyim on the 19 security agencies. 20 security agencies have proof Putin is a murderer worse than Kimmie Boy.
I can smell your shareblue butthurt across the internets. This is gonna be a rough couple of days for you guys
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Imagine Megyn's face during this moment, shame (((NBC))) had to cut it to save face
Oh shill. Strike three you're out. WaPo is the paper that exposed Nixon. Isn't that in your shill daily briefings? You're failing again. Don't you shills have better info and fake talking points?
Straight out of the shill handbook. You shills need a new script. This is too obvious now.
the only real news you'll ever need is from the gateway pundit:


they even have a news article right now showing they found more criminal evidence against hillary and sharia blue weekly recaps
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ifunny, newfags get our REEEEEEEEEEE

It's always the same with Russian shills.
>Don't listen to the papers that expose Russia.
That's so Russian.

That's why Russia always fails. Too obvious. Too predictable. No imagination.
>x did good thing 50 years ago. therefore x is good goy now.

logic of a libtard everybody.
>Straight out of the shill handbook. You shills need a new script. This is too obvious now.
Your source it's literally the nytimes dumb shill, at least try to remember your own posts
>WaPo is the paper that exposed Nixon
40+ years ago
Yeah, maybe try to bring some paper that didn't embarrass itself in the past elections with straight up lying, disinformation, or getting their articles straight out of the Clinton campaign
Did you read that in HuffPo? Cmon retard this MSM russiagate shit makes Alex Jones look like Walter Kronkite. Or did you hear that personally from the cherry picked Obama holdovers from all 17 (5) intelligence agencies?
visit it: http://archive.is/UIPHH
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Of course I have nothing but deepest respect for the free and reliable American press.
It's a tactic. He takes his translation ear piece off and speaks Russian to make sure he's not interrupted and to put the interviewer on guard, having to have his words translated to her ears. The man ain't stupid
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