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Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 92

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This is racism at its finest!!!!
Fucking dirty Ozzie dingos wanna shoot to kill because they know most terrorism is brown, so they want to openly kill brown people. Way to fucking go Australia I thought u was much better than that. Fucking bunch of prisoners have gone wild with guns killing innocent Muslims and children. Fucking racists scumbags
I like being able to feel good for other countries once in awhile.
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He's right though, there has to be a special military unit created with the legal ability to kill Lebbo's.
Can it just one time not be a fucking leaf. How do we ban canadians? Also, how is this even a debatable topic? Kill them all.
Don't feel to good, he was PM for a short while before his own party ousted him while still in office.
The leafs are the worst posters here...worse than Swedes, Mexicans and the Turkroaches.
Our current PM had some strong language re terrorists over the weekend. Something along the lines of "we will kill them".

We just finished a royal inquest into how police responded to the terror attack in a city cafe. Our tactics of contain and negotiate are changing
The only answer is to remove the problem from your own country...I don't see anyone in office advocating that. they'll just use it an excuse to take more of your rights.

Not a convict descendant but I personally thought this was a pretty badass move.. kinda like in Beerfest when the guy takes a bite of the glass stein
You fucking dingos need to embrace the Canadian way of living. Be peaceful to your neighbors and let Muslims in to your stupid hot massive country. Not like you don't have the fucking room!!! Intolerant assholes, how would Steve Irwin feel knowing he died for a stingray and you won't even open the door for a poor shrivelled Muslim child. DISGRACE
Don't worry. Soon Trump is going to annex those snow monkeys and enact Day of The Rakeā„¢
Shut up, Bubbles.
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Go away Ahmed
t. Hongkouverian
There's really only one politician kicking up that stink https://twitter.com/PaulineHansonOz/status/871172843165306881
Why? Just close the borders and you're good to go.
No. Keep them open. Australia is big enough. They need to do their part to save syrians
Just had a quick check, apparently we are still full atm
Your country is huge, fuck off back to England when your jail sentence is over if you don't like it dingo.
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aww yeah Cunt Tonez for PM again with Pauline as Shadow PM

its the only way.

>this thread
Just glass us now, I'll willingly take the radiation
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Pol get on this
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sounds like a plan.
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Go to bed Chang
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I don't know a fucking thing about Abbott. Quick rundown? Seems like /ourguy/
>TFW threw niggers off a cliff
>TFW we would do the same to Muslims

I have a fucking semi over this. I'm glad others agree with this. Shame the rest of the world can't learn a thing or 2
Go shove timbits up ur asshole timmy
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You know who is always at the scene first? The civilians being attacked.
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Overall, not the worst PM we've ever had. His biggest pitfall was that he is socially retarded and has a habit of saying insensitive shit. One time her ate a raw onion whole on TV.
I can't believe I used to wear those green pajamas
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>he is socially retarded and has a habit of saying insensitive shit. One time her ate a raw onion whole on TV.
so /ourguy/?

Fuck off cunt, or I'll slice your throat open with a skate blade
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It's almost time!
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>ha ha watch out nazis
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Yes i guess

This should give you a good idea about Abbott's social skills. To be fair, the media are cunts to him as well.

This makes me angry every time. The bitch that thought this up should face a firing squad for treason.
He said the same thing after the chocolate protest in Sydney. The guy really hates boat people.
Didn't realize how revealing those pants are until now. Even the girl behind the tall guy has a huge set of knackers

The onion thing, if anyone cares.

Never 5get, lad
literally nothing wrong with his behavior here
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the army should have gone in, they have dedicated units that train for this shit 24/7

why the fuck were the incompetent police left to take care of it?
Was Zyzz a fucking filthy Saracen or something? I used to work in the sun, no shelter, mid-summer 43 degree days and I never got that tan.
Abbot wrote the political playbook on acting as opposition government. He was very effective in that regard.
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Based Tone
I could get down with living in Australia if it weren't for the fucked up firearms laws that don't do dick to protect anyone.
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kurd apparently
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We also have these fuckers who see your foot as an invitation to fight
good, the police proved how inept they are in dealing with terrorism with the lindt cafe fiasco and everything leading up to it.
The Aussies got some balls.

Based motherfuckers, I salute them.
You don't understand...Tony is isolated and has no power
We took the right to use a gun away from an Olympian. His sport? Shooting.
there's your problem

So little that he's being memed on a Mongolian shoe repair board
/pol/ MYTH #348:
>Australia is le BASED
False! Australia is a gutless, godless country with no discernible culture to speak of! All Australians posting on /pol/ are tryhards with something to prove.
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pretty cool!!
Clearly b8 at this point. But Europe is more than welcome to drop their entire Muslim horde into the centre of our country and let the problem sort itself out.
This is why Australia continues to be our greatest ally. God bles the Lucky Country.
Pretty based, desu.
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Say, friend. How about giving ol' Kangacunt some hard earned shekels and invading Indonesia for us?
He's trying to resist the urge to eat that cunts face. Listen to Laurie Oaks the fat fuck he's practically cumming in his pants at the thought of Abbott getting in shit
Pauline Hanson, an ordinary woman, came out against anti-white policies of government.
Tony Abbott, who later became short-term Prime Minister, was educated in Jesuit school, just like his fat mate and Treasurer Joe Hockey who is now acting as Oz ambassador in the US
Pauline Hanson, was truly awake and gaining massive support from rank and file Aussies. She was concerned (this was 20+ years ago) about uncontrolled Asian immigration and the fact they were buying up miles of Aussie land and property. Pauline was also vocal about the tens of thousands of untrained, non English speaking muslims being ferried into Australia. The Saudis had by their own admittance been funding dozens of large mosques in Australia since the 1960s so obviously the big muslim intake was planned in advance.
Tony Abbott was the arse-licking side-kick of then Prime Minister Howard. Howard went along with the mossad-staged, hoax Port Arthur massacre which resulted in Howard taking away Aussies' guns (guns which later turned up in the hands of criminals).
Tony Abbott wanted to be rich. Other politicians were rolling in dough. Abbott wanted in. To earn his stripes, he operated as a political hit-man to gain izrale's approval. He was promised a top job in the future..
Abbott framed Pauline Hanson. She was imprisoned. When elections were over, she was released. She had 4 kids, sank into obscurity prob 4 their safety.
Abbott was rewarded by becoming prime minister. Kicked out very quickly.
Public voted Pauline into the senate. She is still anti immigration.
Abbott is trying to crawl his way back into the limelight and money. He recently crab-walked on stage in gown and mortar to accept an honorary degree bestowed by his izrali owners.
Abbott pretends to be macho. He shows up at bushfires. Real fire fighters say he dons the gear, rubs a bit of soot on his face and leaves soon as the media have their photos. He likes being around men in uniform
Come to New Zealand. We're basically Australia lite but you can actually own guns here.

Unless you're not white, in which case fuck off we're full
Fatherless boys and general manlets adore Tony Abbott. He's their father figure. He replaces the hand-held hero toys they had as children. He epitomizes (to them) a real male. They are his suporters along with old ladies who knit and who believe Tony Abbott could save Australia from everything 'bad'
Tony Abbott in reality is a half wit. Go watch the YouTube vid where Abbott is posed a question for which there is no decent answer. Abbott stands there trying to do a Clint Eastwood impersonation for almost 30 seconds. During those 30 seconds, Abbott nods his head repeatedly, as if his brain is unable to comprehend the noise coming from his implanted ear-piece which usually tells him what to say.
Abbott was handled by a large intimidating female who was, in effect, his brain. Peta Credlin. When asked to comment, Abbott remained silent for several seconds before speaking in halting slow-motion after receiving instructions from Credlin
Abbott failed to live up to his publicity and the public saw through him fast. To save their arses, the conservative party to which he belonged, dumped him
Abbotts supporters (fatherless boys and old women) believe Abbott will rise again, Christlike, to save Australia
Abbott's most famous comment was to an independent politician with the power to decide Abbott's fate. Abbott told that politician that he, Abbott, was prepared to do 'anything' for the top-job (i.e. that of Prime Minister) except bend over and bare his arse. After a second, Abbott repeatedly added, 'And I might even do that'.
Abbott is deluded ratbag whose mother told him he'd become PM. Abbott tries to pretend he's on a mission from God
Abbott withheld family payments from people who declined to have their children vaccinated. Real tough guy. Except Abbott also admitted his own daughters had not been vaccinated
Your gun laws are a solid 3rd in the Anglosphere. Depending on how the next couple years go, you might make it to 2nd.
Ausfags, how is it over there? I want to move over there one day to engage in daily banter and get a job there when I'm done college I know to expect dangerous animals. How is the culture?
I agree but Pauline Hanson is fucking retarded too.
>Talking shit about old knitters
Hey, fuck you. Some of the nicest people I know are old knitters.
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This thing can rot your dick off (not joking) if you don't shake out your undies.
Two things will happen:
Either kiwis will lose their guns soon
or the Oz govt. will have to allow Aussies to own guns again due to the rampaging lunacy of the Africans imported here by MP Danby in response to izrali Danon's request Danby do so on the pretext that izrale couldn't risk its 'homogeneity'. Apparently jew-Aussie MP Danby and Izrali Danon believed Australia's homogeneity was stuffed or didn't matter, courtesy of all the Asians and muslims dumped in Oz

Another factor that might dissuade Aussies from moving to NZ is the fact that place is haunted and spirit filled. It's a creep show. Most likely because of the rampant cannibalism practiced there as recently as the 1920s, according to reports from whites there at the time
And those earthquakes, natural, AND those caused by the US seismic blaster stationed just off the NZ coast at the time of a very unnatural quake quite recently
Yeah, the US employs a seismic blaster, capable of causing earthquakes. Its on video on YouTube. Just search US seismic blaster earthquakes NZ. Sitting right there off the NZ coast. No wonder Japan's having to play ball with the US globalism

>or the Oz govt. will have to allow Aussies to own guns again due to the rampaging lunacy of the Africans imported here
Topkek. Or.. our gov will go the way of every other Western country and instead of doing anything about the problem, cover it up and make it illegal to offend the assailants.
Even though did deal with this spider, in Vermont here I found a wolf spider in my underwear and nearly had a hard attack when I was 16. The only time my parents understood why I was naked.
She's not retarded at all. Nor are the millions of Aussies who's concerns she voices. The concerns are real. Pauline's the only politician prepared to put voice to them
As result, she's under concerted attack by US/izrale mind-disrupting technology
Paulne has more guts per square inch than the world's politicians combined
She's not a professional speaker and like last time, the agencies have stuffed her fledgling party with moles and traitors. But she's still the only one telling it as it is
Did not* sorry my autism is acting up.
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Strewth. She's my top preference. Bottom three are Lib Lab Greens. We need to fuck them off.
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One of these guys? I get them in my house all the time (not so much now as it's winter), they're harmless. I catch them and let them go. They keep bush roaches away from my property.
Goddamit Leaf!!
This guy seems like a go-getter. GIVE HIM A PROMOTION!
Sorry anon, but Pauline has always been a mentally incapacitated pawn who's had words put in her mouth by her handlers David Oldfield and David Ettridge who understood that braindead Aussies identify with her for some reason. Not that the limousine liberal classes are any better, mind you. Pauline Hanson has no strategical tact or real charisma whatsoever. Her only use is acting as a barometer for how pissed off Australians are with the rest of government. But she herself is not going to bring any positive change.
They've been trying to cover it up for years
Ex Victorian police head, Christine Nixon, forced her police depts. to fiddle the figures involving black crime. She had the front to tell the public that the black imports didn't commit even a fraction of the crimes committed by whites. Her lies and the media thus undermined the few politicians who were genuinely concerned about the dangers posed Aussies by the black thugs
Then out came the truth, and the truth was that the African migrants committed five to nine times more crimes than the white population
Nixon resigned
Black migrants continued their rampages which -- despite an almost blanket ban on media reports -- are now at alarming levels to the point senior police have publicly said so

White Australians were stripped of their guns in preparation for the migrant criminals soon to be dumped on the population. If Aussies had retained their guns, we would not have a black or muslim crime problem

Our government is comprised of traitors who would be hanging from the gallows right now --- IF they had not abolished the death sentence in a staged event dating back to the 70s, in which they claimed a long-time known crook had been hanged by mistake. It was a set up and they used it to abolish capital punishment
Because, as you know, the punishment for politician traitors was hanging
If they hadn't abolished capital punishment, Gillard, Fraser, Hawke, Keating, Howard and literally dozens of criminal politicians would by now be soaking in lime in graves dug alongside their prison cells
Instead, they're being handed millions in unearned pensions, free travel, security around the clock, etc. All for allowing izrale/globalists to fuck up our once proud nation

The biggest thing to put the wind up Aussie politicians has been 3D printing of guns. They jumped on that so fast it put lightning to shame
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top shelf cunt m8. get em aussies.
And you are just another of those overused govt trolls who leap in to denigrate Pauline Hanson any time her name comes up online or even in the dying print media's comment sections

Get a real job and try to save your soul while you still can. I'm surprised that by now, you worn out trolls don't put your government serial number alongside your bullshit comments to prove you're still on the job, all these years later. And you won't be paid your shekels unless you can prove you actually did denigrate Hanson, can you. So come on, what's your fucking agency ID and number, so I won't need to respond to you again


not all leafs

>>128542908 ā†’
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>Tony Abbott says the military must be the first optio-
Yea which is weird because back just before 2000's these fuckers were as rare as some one winning the lottery in vermont. Which is next to nonething. However due to natural climate change these fuckers have been getting more common right next too deer, ticks and even bobcats and brown bears spotted in parts of Vermont where brown bears should be. It's fucking wild.
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>The biggest thing to put the wind up Aussie politicians has been 3D printing of guns. They jumped on that so fast it put lightning to shame

I love it. I'm so glad it happened. Not just because it means anyone can get guns, but because the politicians know, they know without the shadow of a shadow of a doubt, that they can't stop it happening. Imagine how paranoid they're going to start getting when it starts catching on and becomes impossible to suppress, and the media has no choice but to report on it.

Imagine how shit scared those cunts are going to be when DMLS printers drop enough in price that they're a viable household appliance, and people are able to 3d print in Metal. Yeah it might be a few decades, but it will happen.
wtf i love pauline hanson now

Sorry anon but my shitposting isn't another chapter in your heroic fight against the powers that be. I don't ever shit talk Pauline Hanson online, it doesn't interest me and I have no political incentive for it. I'm just speaking the truth, m8.
Black* god damn it.. maybe I should shut down the computer. Fuck sake can't spell for shit tonight.
I've been trying to tell /pol/ this for ages. Jews, Muslims, Niggers - all symptoms of the tumor that is our governments. They need to be fucking removed and started anew. They import killers, thieves, rapists and the diseases that come with them, who in turn kill and rape the population, who then get rowdy, so the government creates laws to suppress the population and influences the media into manipulating the population, all the while the brown horde continues to kill, rape and steal, which the government then uses as an excuse to curtail further freedoms and tie the noose around the populations neck while elevating the problem from fear of criticism through hate speech laws and more media manipulation.

It's fucked and this story has repeated all across the West.
Right on the money about Tony Abbott. An important read for Americans LARPing as Aussies trying to meme him & paid Liberal party shills.
Tony Crab-Walk Abbott's greatest claim to fame has been:

nodding his head silently like a half wit for up to 30 seconds when asked why he said 'Shit happens' when informed by a military big wig that Aussie troops had died. When asked if he regretted that idiot remark, Abbott had no answer. His brain doesn't work. And his handler, Peta Credlin, was at the toilet at the time and unable to save him. So Abbott stood there like a retard and for almost 30 seconds, he nodded his head silently. Mental case

His other great leap to fame was when he was visiting an onion factory in an attempt to win hearts and minds. Onions were flying past on a conveyor belt. Crab-Walk Abbott forgot where he was and who he was supposed to be. He forgot the media was watching. In dipped his claw like hand and he grabbed an onion. His brain was slower than his hand and didn't know what to do with the stupidly grabbed onion. So Abbott bit into it skin and all, and tried to continue speaking to disbelieving onlookers and dignitaries

The media, because Abbott is their Boy, tried to spin it as a positive. No. It was not
oi cunts we watching q&a tonight?
No fucken idea . What a fucken waste of time and resources. In montenegro the cops are the military . We need that shit here in Aus
>Australian army
Good one, next you are going to tell me they have a cricket team
Do we have a discord for that sort of shit or is it just the threads?
I love that people find this racist or offensive. No, "love it" includes everyone.

>b-but they should be allowed to move here despite hating it and this gives them permission to carjack
I can't m8. Every time that shits on some greenie on the crowd that applauds them makes me want to throw my tv through the fucking window.
>His brain doesn't work. And his handler, Peta Credlin, was at the toilet at the time and unable to save him. So Abbott stood there like a retard and for almost 30 seconds, he nodded his head silently. Mental case
Ever stop to consider that some people don't say everything they think? Kinda looks to me like he's calling him a number of expletives in his mind during that time.
Poo in loo .

Pajeet go back to raping your women in buses cunt.
just have a kid already
Tonight has Leyjonhelm on apparently. The triggering is going to be fantastic.
Yeah. Shills aplenty when it comes to Aussie politicians and Abbott in particular
I believe Abbott did sell his literal arse to someone on high, because they keep paying shills to promote him even though he was finished conclusively more than a year ago

As to the US shills sitting in flats in Bayswater Victoria and particularly in Collins Street Melbourne which of course is the zynist Aussie govt. down there in kike central, those shills must be in their forties and fifties by now
They were bludgeoning Pauline Hanson and all other alternative govts. more than 20 years ago and they're still at it
Imagine joining one of Australia's laughable spy agencies straight out of university and imagining you were on your way to becoming something out of a spy novel, only to be still sitting there, five stones heavier, in your 50s and the laughing stock of the world's spy apparatus

Surely those shills must have had a gutful of the job by now. I mean, privately, they agree with most of what we say online and elsewhere. Those ageing spies have mortgages and families. They see what's happening. They don't want this shit show to continue any more than we do. Yet they're stuck to a desk, logging all of kike Brandis' data collection, and they're trying to survive on a junior spy's wages. It must be so humiliating for them. All their dreams crushed. And we, ordinary Aussies, are doing more for Australia than all the fake spies put together

So come on over shills. Join us. Spill the beans and let's clean the place up
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I know....
thx m8 didn't know that one
what a blast
Why did your format your posts so awkwardly?
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Instead of based Tones, here's our wonderful leader
Buttman. Jpg
He was outed
His good guy image was busted
He was thinking, ' Murdoch and Credlin should have protected me from the fall out of my empty head and big mouth. Where's the cavalry? Who's going to get me out of this mess. The fucking cameras are on me. What can I say? oh I know ... I'll pretend to be silent strong man like my homo fixation on Clint Eastwood. I'll do the silent number. It will make me look as if I don't say everything I think and am calling the reporter a number of expletives in my mind '

And everyone saw straight though him
which is why the video of him looking like a half wit has so many thousands of youtube views
The media would have backed Abbott, they will back liberal or labor candidates so long as they 'perform'. (Abbott couldn't, his eyes were bigger than his acting talent).
Everyone up that high is a sociopath, a born liar, but Abbott overestimated himself. He's too slow and couldn't 'play his part' when pressed.
Great summation
Millions of us agree with you

QLD will decide the fate of the nation.
At least they ditched the lousy 'Based Tone' meme. 18 fucking months and it never caught on. The liberals must have spent tens of thousands shilling that cold fart of a meme.
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>At least they ditched the lousy 'Based Tone' meme. >>128547528
Based in mediocrity at best
Did a Trump. Promised a lot, no follow through
Abbott was owned to his toe-nails by his kike owners and he was happy to be in the club
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Butt mad chink that couldn't get it so had to settle for Canada
Fucking cunt labor politicians importing niggers, my town use to be nice, I'd never lock my house up when i went out in the 90's, we'd have street party's where all the neighbors would come together for a BBQ and you could walk the street's at anytime of night alone.
Now houses are being robbed left, right and center, the community feels is completely gone because of packs of roaming niggers inviting them selves to everything, stealing from and attacking their neighbors and if you go out at night your lucky if your not attacked.
This happened in one campus. I spoke to a cadet who went there. Said the PMS was off the rails and tried to force everyone to attend. Said only like a handful of cadets did actually attend and the Master Sargent of the program defended them.

Ended up being a semi-scandal, but boy the PC / left crowd loved it.
The thing is lots of autistic type annons fuck about on /pol/ just for fun. We know ASIO watches us and profiles us but don't care.
I know exactly what 4chan, annon culture and /pol/ are. I what I'm doing here. So do others.
There's not a single reason for an African to be in Australia. There's not one benefit to Australia at all. Not even as slave labor. We got plenty already.

1.5 million or more unemployed in this country, and they keep bringing in more people.
Yeah but hes not even PM
PM's don't have power like your President.
>Said the PMS was off the rails

I'll bet it was
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Don't you have a ocean to be shitting in Paljeet?
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Please unfuck us Tony
I will die of shame if there is another Sydney siege
ASIO can go fuck themselves for not accepting my job application. I could be getting paid to shitpost on /pol/ all day but nooooooo
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>power like your President.
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pls keep angelina white safe lads she is your national treasure
Shitposting on this /pol/ would be useless. It's only just recovering from the reddit epidemic and any call to action gets shutdown by mods and OPs get banned.
like all the military are aussies and cops i dont think they would even think about shooting aussies, other than maybe the robe-wearing muslims or commie larpers.

i think they definitely wouldn't shoot patriots, etc.

probably why (((they))) would need to bring in the UN to shoot us.
she fucks niggers, she's not Australian any more.

She lives in Los Angeles
Its not just the Africans, employment for lots of these low IQ, low time preference types is non-existant. There are 500,000 abos and growing now (up from 100k in the 50's).
WTF are we going to do with millions of them?
Entire towns in the middle of nowhere are black holes of money. Its the same with low IQ whites breeding. Welfare & immigration are killing the responsible middle class.
But my superiors don't need to know that.

>"Uhhh yeah there's some possible developments but nothing concrete at this time, but I'll continue to monitor and report any findings"
>*cracks tinnie*
He's like dumbo with those big ears.
its a white tail spider
and they can make your finger or dick rot off if not treated

wolf spider is different
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never fear lads

we got this
oi slut. why dont you slang goey for cash
>probably why (((they))) would need to bring in the UN to shoot us.
Coincidentally, that's why the EU is pushing for a united army. French soldiers to shoot Germans etc. Our defence force recruiting is pozzed as and police are recruiting muzzies specifically to work in muzzie areas by the way m8. Saw a full on ninja muzzie cop with her male counterpart in Parramatta.
just one thread mate.

I for sure will be spamming "NEW FUCKING THREAD WHENNNNNN" though
I'm okay with this

no point having a fuckin expensive military if we never use it
Mate our culture bleeds into reddit, not the other way around.
>police are recruiting muzzies
I fucking hate this world.
Don't you have SAS in your police force? pretty sure our entire counter terror unit is SAS or police trained by SAS
QLD conservatism is nullified by the enormously powerfull federal goverment and federalist political parties.
Not All Canadians
So can the Airforce.
>childhood asthma
Yup. Doesn't matter who QLD votes in, the party will continue to be cancerous traitors that should hang.
Russian and he went to tanning salons to purposely get that colour.
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> tfw smelly non-European immigrants are taking over this country.
>Macho Macho Mannnnnnnnnnn
we have two missions currently:
first priority:
>contact lehonhjelm. make sure he brings up melbourne APEx hom invasions and argues for non-cucked self defence laws

>meme sam dastayari connection with mufti stabber
I want to be, a macho mannn...
someone try contact him before tonight's show!!
Hes going to get a 6:1 dogpiling by leftists anyway.
He's smart enough to win at those odds. What is the topic of qanda tonight?
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Fuck yourself.
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make it so
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Whose based then?, Labor? Yeah, i love me open-borders n shiet.
We need monthly terrorist attacks like Europe. That might shock some boomers awake.
It signified the death of Australia
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Use archive. Thank you.

>http://independent co uk/news/world/the-real-crocodile-dundee-dies-in-police-shootout-1110770.html
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Pauline right now, with a mix of minor parties.

Greens, Liberals, Labour go in last 3 spots.

Greens first because I cant think of a worse punishment than having to negotiate policy with those filthy fucking commies.

I will never let my vote go to a Liberal ever again.
No it won't the government and media will not allow it. If they can't convince you to bury your head in the sand they'll fucking force it under. Look at England.
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Labor is just as bad only they have the soft Marxist undertones in education and funding policy too.
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This. Greens ahead of Lab/Lib because they're a 100% shot to prevent literally any policy passing.
I'm putting the greens as 1st pref.
>t. Accelerationist
this. Boomers and Lefties will NEVER wake up. They just double down on their insanity. I'm afraid that this problem won't be fixed (if ever) for an entire generation.
>shoot to kill
I hate this redundant phrase
based archivenordbro
is that vpn or are you actually nordbro?
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just read that Bernardi merged with Family First

not happy Jan
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I'll be voting for ON but its unrealistic the party will ever get into a spot of power, best outcome is they get enough seats that the Libs need to join w/ them or lose power completely but I doubt it... I can already see Labor winning next election.
dunno but we need to get this topic on the air!

please try contact him on twitter!

we already have APEx in melbourne!
use that to leverage better laws for self defence! - added bonus of immigration awareness
I wonder if they fat bastard posts here.
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>tfw we're never getting them back

It's off to become a burger or a sheep shagger if it gets any worse.
you can shoot to warn or to wound.
The boomer filth is just 'pull a California' with Melbourne. The chinks and pajeets will give them good money to abandon it.
>Dude didn't you get the memo? Whites are evacing cuckbourne.
All of you faggots talk so much shit about Australia but I guarantee if a far right nationalist that isn't retarded like Pauline Hanson ran for PM there is no question we would 100% elect them. It wouldn't even be a competition we would elect them so easily.

Tony won because we thought he was that, but really he's legitimately retarded.
neocon but not so blatant about it
media fucking hates him and likes to point out stupid shit he does to humiliate him
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Shit anon, I think you're right!
mix of kurd and russian. makes an interesting strain of human that has facial advantages of both.
First it was suburbs; Dandynong, Box Hill, Footscray...
Then entire train lines; Coburg, Springvale
In 2009 the CBD fell; from Spencer street station to Burke St...chinks everywhere.
Whites in WA & QLD lit the signal fires...
'lost, lost, the city is lost...'
Hey, Baysie is gods own country you giant faggot. Near the Doreset pub!
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No shit, Sherlock.
He was still a better option than Bill Shorten and the merry band of dumb cunts known as the Labour party.
As another annon pointed out (globalist neocon), but designed to apeal to fatherless boys & manlets who worship the state/authority.
A few years back in Perth some naked guy climbed up on top of a billboard with a fake gun and froze up the CBD for a few hours. I actually passed an army sniper setting up his shot in one of the parking facilities.

If a drunk bogan is all it takes to deploy the army I don't really understand why Abbot is opening his mouth :/
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I hate that picture :(
Don't even have to look at the flag anymore.
globalist neocon but he uses nationalist rhetoric to gain support
Fuck off, cunt.
You forgot the last frame - Aussie posts pic from his black cock collection - Asks "How can white man compete"
Oi cunt taxi driver.. take me to the pub..
and poo in the loo
it wil lstill win us better defence laws
wake up normies to the demographic issue is only a bonus to this strategy
In fact I believe Tony Abbott was an attempt by globalists to 'teach fatherless boys to see the government as their father'.
Utter purely evil.
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I dont think ya get it we are FULL
that's fucking retarded
>tfw you never have to deal with your country's military doing embarrassing shit like this because your country doesnt have a miitary
Only if Hershel Goldenstein allows it :^)
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The nanny state already caters to females with its gazzilion regulations and goverment departments staffed by middle aged women.
Why shouldn't little boys and manlets have a 'daddy goverment' to look up to and emulate?
I miss tones
I know what all those companies are except diggers
Because they don't, although you're correct that libs are a Jewish trap for "conservatives"
Fucking loved the old $100 bill. They had real value too. I bought my NES with just one.
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>having a native shitskin on your $50

I know that feel, at least our flipside has a bird instead of a woman though
lucky cunt. I feel like was born too late to experience all the good we had left before (((they))) sucked us dry
In 1988 $50 (about half a days wages) bought
>taxi fare
>chicken parma
>drinks for the evening
>6 pack take away
>games of pool
>bit of a punt.
Today $50 (still about half a days wages) buys you:
this is why I only eat oats and don't go out
They bottle methylated spirits and turpentine and shit.
australians only earn $100 a day?

$36,500 a year is fuck all m8

Rural QLD is based as fuck

No niggers, no muslims, only the occassional chink or poo in loo but they run the servo or pharmacy.
s-shut up cunt it's tough being a bricklayer alright
You could EASILY get jobs back then just by talking to random patrons at the pub and not being a fuckwit.
Hell in 1991 I walked into a factory in Richmond of the street, got hired with no resume, just a handshake and started THAT DAY.

I bet you couldent do that today if you walked into 100,000 bussineses.
brick layers still exist?

didnt they automate that shit about 60 years ago?

What the fuck? Brickies pull $40-$50 an hour.
Those are some real diggers right there
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probably a NEET
lol hangi are so fucking stupid, at least other non whites developed some good food, maoris are literally just

>dig hole in ground
>put food in
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dude every time I tune in they mute my sound for qna stream.

Not only am I not allowed to work in this nation I am not allowed to have an opinion on politics and vote ? ?????

I was born here cunts and I don't want Tony turning back the boats I want him to shoot the cunts in the boats with missiles.
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Dianne Abbot is actually one of the most handsome people around anon. He ain't Harambe for nothing.
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Not my fault I am a prodigious scientist and geopolitician.

Destroy the boats or face a lynch mob.
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ya limey yellow bastards.
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oh boohoo I went to Iraq and saw how bad it was.

No shit you bald fuck we want them to die.

>Rural QLD is based as fuck
Where? I want out of Brisbane. Out in the middle of nowhere Longreach or coastal towns like Mackay?
Diversatttyy Izzz our streeength huntyyyy!!!!
Monash is good but we need Mawson back
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Like for real does everyone forget why we where shooting and bombing them in the first place or something ?
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Cause this is some bull fucking shit mother fucking cunts.
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Bless you. You guys' shitposting at least had effort and wit behind it, Canadians are absolute garbage
true dat
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I agree with the Kiwi , let's send them to New Zealand!
I lived in Makay for a year, made me love Aussies and their Aussie ways.
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It is ok USA we all know why it happened... the clintons and obama and bushes






Don't get Akrancided now with this information.
Why did you go back? Family to fight for?
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north of sunny coast, west of ipswich
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Why are the aussies so much better than all the other anglos?
>dressed in suit and tie
>wear this sunglasses

Kek, he's only missing the straya hat

You faggots had a shitposter-in-chief and you let the cucks in his party hijack his presidency
Because we're secretly celtic
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Have some crazy shit normies.

Interdimensional Hostile creature potentially a demon.


Ayy Lmaos including a pepe like Frog Ayylmao you even see him fling his tongue out.

A Hostile Alien

Ignore the people saying it is make up me and the burgers both know it is acting that way because it is captured.

We gunna reinstall him and him and Pauline Hanson shoot at the boats.
No TV reception. Most of Australia only gets 3 channels, or only got 3 channels up until recently. That means most people had to learn how to get the news in other ways rather than being force fed garbage by government run news stations.
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get back on the meds m8
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and do what with my life be like some pissant liek yourself im busy fighting fucking demons and hostile et cunt bow to me.
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Oh we will.
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It should be racist.
Should be "White or fuck off".
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just because the people doing the job right now are lazy and don't want to sort through all potential new comers to our humble land doesn't mean there are not people that would be a better fit for the job.
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>We know ASIO watches us and profiles us but don't care.
Refer back to FBIanon and how the FBI likes us. I'm sure ASIO is the same.
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get anyone with an ideaological bias out of such an office.

And keep it more like how the German Reich did with Lebensraum
ASIO are a bunch of cucks, I'd rather they didn't.
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Im just so pissed off I read the internet like the fucking lawnmower man and these faggots really need to be banned from the internet.
Nothing racist about banning a religion, you can be black, white or yellow and be "Muslim".
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You don't ban a religion you make an example of it citizen.

get a job?
Pretty much. I really miss based Tones.
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All Religions shall face the coming Trials including the pseudo-religions and especially the Atheists.

and do what coat my spaceship in money ?

>tfw fucking hate VIC
>but everywhere else is shit for different reasons
even rural vic is lefty as fuck now unless you're some kind of tradie, and tradies are even looked down on by the left middle class now
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As always
Waitamoment, so australian ops had no "shoot to kill" powers before?
What if that was the actual reason they lost the emu war?
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we all know how this went with the emus
spot the... leaf

australia has woken up. Great. We are at war
>tradies are even looked down on by the left middle class now
Why wouldn't they be looked down on?
Anything less than a Bachelors in Advanced Basket Weaving and you've got fucking downs according to these people.
Fuck em.
QandA questions are already set m8. They get taken for the fortnight in advance then get the audience to read em
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The boreal cuck strikes again!
why cant i filter you
Obviously because we're full cunt
Isn't this also what happens when eagles fuck?
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