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Jesus Christ what's with these self hating whites? htt

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Jesus Christ what's with these self hating whites?

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It's getting worse, you think these attacks will red pill them but nope.
he's probably a jew
he's one of us, he tweeted #notaxforblacks

you got trolled OP
You call it self hate.

I call it recognizing that centuries of my race dominating and terrorizing peaceful cultures has created the climate we're in today.
I was here last night. Lurk moar
Shhh. sage this thread.
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that name and you dont realise its a joke account?
I'm using this.
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the majority of white people are suicidal without knowing it.

i say this because they have no specific in-group preference for their own peoples intrests and will go out of their way to help other ethnic groups instead. White people feel empathy and pathalogical altruism towards other races and want to invite them into white countries and help them, then they will call you "racist" for opposing these views and will do what ever it takes to silence you and to ignore the problems we are facing with all the non-whites in our white countries.

This will destroy our first-world developed, low crime rate, white societies sometime in the future like it did with Haiti, parts of South Africa and parts of Europe and America, turning them into a third-world multi-racial non-white mess with high crime rates and a destructive degenerate non-European culture which is alien to us.

yet these are the same white people that love reading books, watching movies or playing videogames set in an all-white European society to escape the reality that they live in (which they also continue to create), and they fantasise about living in those European Disney styled societies even though they are opposed to having that type of soiciety in the real world.
"Obliterate our culture dominance"

What the fuck is the point in overthrowing nations and establishing your own fucking society only to willingly obliterate your own goddamn culture that your ancestors fought and died for. This cuck makes me fucking sick.
>There was no violence before white people
:^) Nice joke anon-kun
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Done. Thanks.
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>boo hoo I hate being white
Like who the fuck acts like this?
You can see the utter defeat in his eyes.
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Don't worry! You'll get there soon Europe. Everyone will hug and kiss and have mixed race brown babies.
And those babies will grow up to have more brown babies.
And everyone will hug and celebrate the rainbows and cookies and milks and butterscotch candies.
men =]
That's a fake account you faggots
and it's so obvious too
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Most of the kids that died in Manchester were of the same mind like sir Eric Lifeless there.

>pls be white
Always been like that. In all fairness, we kinda do the same.
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Life fucking imitates art. Jesus Christ.
this dumb faggot thinks african tribes never warred against each other? native americans never murdered their enemies in the cover of night? Muslims havent had a decades long war between Sunnis and Shia? this incredibly uneducated fuck should headbutt a bullet as hard as he can.
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It's nothing more than the old "Chicken Little", 5th Columnist subversion ploy.

Folks like this douche think being racist against their own race equates to being multicultural and inclusive. They think they're fighting for a higher cause; in reality they're someone's disposable asset.

In the 20th Century an invading country would propagandize a small group of discontents to undermine their own nation. When target nation is in chaos, the invaders attacked with little opposition and then killed the idiotic 5th Columnists and as many local leadership as possible.
Why doesn't he kill himself if he believes the trash he spews.

His existence contributes to 'cultural dominance'.
He should be a good example to all the other anti-whites and fucking hang himself.

What a disgrace, how shameful it is, that innocent people have to die to these shitskins, while cock smoking losers like that faggot walk freely, completely no squashed by a truck or ripped to pieces in a nail bomb.
Anyone want to explain why they think this way? Usually leftists love simple solutions to complex problems. They love applying one label to everything. Racism, misogyny, the rich.

If anyone denies that leftism is a cult after seeing all this them you are out of your mind.

These people are being indoctrinated by schools, the media, and universities to hate themselves and their countries.
>In all fairness, we kinda do the same.
Yeah, how dare we suspect the suicide bomber yelling allahu akbar might be a Muslim. And then we have the gall to use it to our advantage to try preventing it from happening again. We are such white supremacists.
Holy shit nigger read the fucking thread.
They're a special kind of (((white))).
>peaceful cultures
That's a fake account, a really obvious one too.
>Yeah, how dare we suspect the suicide bomber yelling allahu akbar might be a Muslim.
You misunderstood me anon. I didn't say we're wrong to suspect or wrong about our position or that we hope for unrealistic things.

We want the terrorists to be muzzies (and they are anyway) not for virtual signal gain but so others may finally wake up.
That dude looks Jewish as fuck. He explicitly called himself white while spitting vile feelings common in Jewish thought. Once being white no longer suits him he becomes a Jew again. They do this all the time.

Only a Jew could have a mind sick enough to say young white girls deserved to die simply for being white.

Fuck I hate Jews.
>Eric Wifeson
Slavery was the worst thing the white man ever did. It ruined him in the end. He felt too damn bad about it.
must be a jew
must MUST be a long running parody
I think it's a parody.
>Most of the kids that died in Manchester were of the same mind like sir Eric Lifeless there.
Yeah, fuck her the anti-white bitch.
Completely indoctrinated
The line between parody and reality is fairly blurred these days, there are many who actually think like that.
More like Eric Wifeson
OP faggot, mudskins can make fake white people profiles too, they use it to chance public opinion.

Here in the netherlands a mudskin party got busted for it.
they made false white dutch profiles, (with months of preparing to look real) and pushed there party views to get White dutch shills or dumbed mudskins from other races
What's that thing called when a kike pretends to be white to deflect the blame onto white people, but then switches back when confronted with any sort of responsibility? Yeah, that's what's happening here.
they are filthy jews
I wouldn't. It's pretty predictable that this is how people cling to their beliefs in dangerous situations or in panic. They refuse to comprehend that they can't stop these people by being nice to them.
To face reality they would have to turn on their beliefs completely and that scares them too much.
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So this is how terrorism works?
I finally understand.

It's like telling a smoker:
>"Hey dude, smoking is really bad for your health!"
Obviously he is not going to drop the cig and suddenly decide to go straight edge.
He is going to get pissed and smoke even more.

People don't change their point of view. They just look harder for more justifications on why they are right. Like conspiracy theorists.

The more they get bombed, the more they think they aren't being liberal enough.

It's game over. ISIS will win.
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this was in his tweets, he's a troll, a very good one. get fucced yew nignogs
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>What's that thing called
Exactly, I'd think pol would have a better Jewdar.

Only a kike could be capable of thinking something as vile as that (((Lifeson))) thought while claiming to be white. Shapeshifting little rat I wish Hitler actually killed those fucks.
Why don't these people just off themselves to make the world a better, less-white place?
Holy shit that's sly
Goes both ways. The more liberals tell us nationalism and ethnic pride are evil the harder we walk down that path.
this stupid bitch deleted the tweet, then said "I just individuals by their actions, not by groups". Scroll through her twitter and she's complaining about white men and political parties

these people are the ones who deserve enrichment
You are truly a pathetic, cucked piece of shit, you know that?

"Waaah, we wuz mean in the past. It was unfair to the stupid poor brownies, lets make ourselves weaker and willfully give away earned power to give someone else a turn."

Take your "sharing and caring" shit back to Kindergarten, fuckface
ITT we demonstrate that 95% of pol is fucking retarded.
To be expected. Song related.

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self hating whites are the most dangerous enemy to our race.

You guys know it.
>We kinda do the same
Except when we do it we're fighting to preserve the West against existenial threats. When the left does it they're making mountains out of the tiniest molehills.
It's a troll account you utter morons.
I always thought it was funny that liberals are too stupid to understand that even white people can be Muslim. Its a fucking religion, not a race.

Lead by example
Someone with a spine go and kill this fuck
Doesn't work. These people are too far gone. The only thing that will work is a push from the other side.

If they see that the extreme of their path is essentially what they antagonize, then they themselves will be steered away from it.
Lol she deleted herself

Fuck off poo.

Stop pretending to be white you filthy curry nigger.

You will never be "honorary white" , Go OFF yourself.
>Dies from the Truck of Peace
all of you fucks are getting baited so hard rn
Marxism caused 100 million+ deaths in the 20th century. There's no reason to think this destructive ideology wont cause irreversible damage to the world in the 21st century.
How does /pol/ find these people? And what makes anyone think this isn't just a troll account?
I get its tough with swedens internet restriction but why use a US Proxy?
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This one isn't a good example: he's /ourguy/ LARPing as a very retarded libtard.

Though if you look at tweets of genuine liberals, you might realize Poe's law is a thing.
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It's a troll
Bullshit retard, all races had slavery, check out the slave trade under the Ottoman Empire, 300 years of white women and castrated males being sold by jews to Arabs.
Modern European society abolished slavery, idiot
And pol is still demonstrating that it is retarded.
I got $20 on the next being oblivious to the troll as well.
any white male that hates himself that much should just immediately commit suicide and make the ultimate contribution to his cause
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his fucking likes arent ironic I'll bet.

Weird place to be in - to not be or like 'nazis' but to fucking hate the people that hate the 'nazis' even more.
Jesus what the fuck is your problem dude? He wasn't posting anything remotely antagonistic to anyone. Stop being an autistic NEET and maybe you'll see Indians are the least of our problems in America. This is why nobody takes right wingers seriously
>a leaf
thanks mate, easy money.
someone track down this guy and his family and sterilize them on the spot please.
yea it's the indoctrination which is government sanctioned, from the time they start elementary school until they graduate university, so for like 16+ years, 8+ hours per day, they're getting a heavy dose of blatant and subliminal indoctrination.
They get PC points for it, which they can trade for social status, job promotions, pats on the back, commendations, ect.). It's purely selfish like everything liberals do.
or in this guy's case he might be trying to impress a girl
Anyone here in California?
He was at some cafe an hour he posted a pic of it. Someone get down there and kick the living shit out of him
Or it's a blatant troll account
*blocks your path*
guaranteed this guy is a closet racist

one bad encounter on the street and he'll have a fit, say "i guess no one appreciates me" and start calling everyone niggers
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Oh shit, I wouldn't want to violate the NAP around that libertarian martial artist!
Dude stop taking shit like this on Indians. This will only backfire you cuz they don't have a reputation.
Next time apply poo jokes where they are necessary not in these kinda scenarios.
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>getting trolled this hard

Don't try
To wake me
In the morning
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>somali american
now thats new
notice how he is trying to convince himself that they were nationalist, knowing damn well those that died were liberal faggots just like him.
lol the left are losing it.
When did whites opressed muslim arabs? If anything we should be mad on them for conquering our lands and selling our people to slavery.

How many /pol/ trolls are there?
Lots, but they lack subtlety.
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half an eon in MS paint
Holy kek top shit.
kek mi amigo
Except they aren't getting arrested for hate speech. Basically it's okay to be racist to whites.
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i tweeted it at him and he liked it, wtf. the eternal cuck enjoys the abuse.
wew, thank god. for a moment there i thought i'd fed into his cuck fetish.
This level of delusion has reached epidemic proportions. Was there ever another time in history that people were this fucking deluded about an existential threat to their country/society/culture?

What the fuck is going on?
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this is a troll. too stereotypical
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Its mystifying. We are leaving into our countries those that want nothing more than to wipe us out, and they welcome it.

Leftism is a cult. I can think of no other explanation. They have been completely indoctrinated into a self destructive ideology.
for real
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Of course you will, you fucking leaf
>nationalism is bad
Someone doesn't know shit about it
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