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Thread replies: 302
Thread images: 111

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Seth Rich was killed by the DNC
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Bump <3
False flag to take away attention from Seth Rich
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Killed by Hillary and her Cronies
Can we have a real conversation about the George Webb InfoWars fight?
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Everything is straight up distraction as of late.

George is BS and J-Goodman is the biggest POS. That is all.
I made an extensive search of wikileaks DNC email dump. Not only was I unable to find references to Seth Rich, he also seems to have never sent or received and email @ dnc.org. I used the standard email format for DNC employees "[email protected]". Was the archive scrubbed of SR prior to release? It certainly seems so. How could an employee in a position such as he was leave absolutely no email record?
seems to me there's just a big old nothing burger there and *yawn* I'm pretty tired
we should all go to sleep
don't you have "terrorists" and shit to go cry about
Nah, just had a couple cups of joe. I'll be awake for hours.
CIA can brick my computer but I'm not stopping. Justice for Seth
in all seriousness though
John fucking Po comes up in this shit again and nobody bats a fucking eye
is the MSM always going to be this way?
>>128460760 What did Infowars do to him? I saw the interview it wasnt great George struggles to articulate the point
Hope it's not a mac this time.
And don't think for a second they aren't already in your computer if you are who I think.
quick rundown?
My phone is all that's left. But I'm probably not who you think
Look on twitter. They're fighting about how this thing "falls down" I guess? They think they are super close to solving the whole thing. And now they're fighting each other about the details of the conspiracy and making each other look bad.
Two Words: Andrew McCabe
Checked. What is his part in all this?
Motherfucker I'm lazy. Give me 2000 letters plz
Heres the Infowars interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np6hemIdCyQ
Then George starts saying its him v Steve Pieczenic in a battle of elite spycraft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PdnZE_pD7I
I dont understand what Infowars did wrong
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Bump for Seth.
This is the first Seth Rich thread I've seen in awhile. Please don't tell me the libtards are winning. We can bring these losers down.
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Bump. Also, fuck the muzzies
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>new release of Seth Rich info
>new terrorist attack immediately
this shit is like clockwork
I'm still digging into D.C. General. It connects to so much shit
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Kill shareblue
He was killed by the London terrorist?
I woz ere 2k17
He was killed by Hillary clinton
Justice for Seth Rich is Justice for America BUMP
There was no fight. IW and Cernovich wanted to stick to Awan brothers, GW was trying to steer it towards Seth Rich.
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Even a lowlife mugger is probably capable of weighing the risk/reward factor of fleeing the scene after murdering someone with a loud firearm thereby decreasing their odds of being seen by witnesses or taking the time to loot a dead body for a small amount of money
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does anyone have any new info or are we all just bumping this for the sake of it?
Don't let this die, obviously London is important but shariablue is clearly using this opportunity to slide HARD
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Does not explain the complete lack of video evidence. Both the bodycams and the video from the store are gone. See from 17.00 in the video.
It's not normal.
TRUE MENSCH. F. Shalom, brother. I'll pour one out for you.
Something is off, things seem much too quiet+threads being 404'd.

I am hoping it is all for a good reason, and that justice may be in the works by the good guys.
its true
I'm afraid the last round of janitor applications has invited Shareblue into the administrative structure of /pol/. If that's the case we're about to get Reddit'd and subtly censored.
I'm so sick of seeing the guy on /pol/ that I actually hope he suffered
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>thinking anyone is even gonna see jail time even if there's proof of his murder. Lmao
Does the dnc literally have hitmen on the payroll?

These are very disturbing thoughts
Data analyst here and I get sleepy
I hope so do you

Part of me feels like George was onto something (been watching since day 50) but then live streaming an overwhelming flood of leads, questions and enthusiasm from their large audience (in combination with Trish and Jason and some red wine) broke his focus on his researched fact pattern, creating an unintentional psyop on himself where ego/instant exposure and interaction feed into paranoia of being mislead by disinfo agents and fake rabbit holes (who are more probably just well intentioned larping Sherlocks gumming up the works with their inability to further the research yet feel the need to contribute to the flood of info because they have a brain too and are ready to help).

Friday's paranoia crawled into a near psychosis by Saturday. EVERYONE that has given them a platform to spread news of their investigation were now the enemy.

Did the livestream just drive them all crazy?
Evil is real. Evil exists.

Do you have proof of this?
Bump for Seth
same pattern during the campaign - Trump would tease a big revelation about Hillary and her emails. Then we'd get a happening in Europe somewhere and he'd postpone the reveal.
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bump. why has there been a decline in seth rich activity on pol?
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Amen. Fuck all slide threads. This patriot needs to be avenged!
... nigga have you been on /pol/ before this week?
George Webb is saying that they are going to still try and impeach Trump using Kim Dotcom? What is this about?
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Coordinated terror attacks have that effect.
it was derailed by many "leakers" with funny names. Hyping the shit out of the topic and leading people astray. Independently many new topics were started where sr was associated with many unrelated stuff.
That the damn janitor applications was supposed to flood the /pol/ team with Shareblue?
see janitor applicants
this is what srg is for
look at ddos map fag
George Webb is real news, Infowars is vanilla conspiracies and water filters.
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Damn this is being slid hard. Unbelievable.
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Then can you break down this impeachment thing he is talking about?
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CIA/MOSSAD false flags are grabbing the attention. Kathy Griffin is part of the scheme. That is why she is so relentless to remain in the limelight in a no-win situation. There's probably a big black-budget payoff in the future for her.

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Wow. Do you eat your own shit every day?
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Where did you get this? How is this not fake? Geniunely curious. Thanks.
>this is what srg is for
hint appreciated
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Cutest commissar reporting for duty.
It was on Twitter
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bump for justice
George Webb finally put it all together on screen.

For those interested in the WHY re: SR watch the Webb video in this thread.

Also implied that certain agencies have a habit of entrapment -- leading to the violation of so many statutes and the prospect of life imprisonment that people are forced to suicide.
What is in here?
bumping ALL Seth Rich threads

Shills can die
This morning was super weird. What was he trying to say? I feel like I missed a ton
Stop saying me roach
WND isn't quitting
>Still falling for the kosher conspiracy meme man
Bump moar
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Go away.
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DNC dindu nuffin
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You *really* should kill yourself, you socialist scum.
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Any fresh OC lately?
I'm fascinated by the George Webb shit. Is he saying that Kim Dotcom is on the other side now?
1.HRC ALLEDGEDLY stole 2012 DNC data.
2.SETH RICH MAY have uncovered this.
3.GEORGE WEBB COULD have discovered exactly who were the tech staff and political networks behind that.
4.A SOURCE PURPORTED to have concrete evidence to prove POINT 2. A third party acquired said information and POSSIBLY distributed it to
5. By opening said data, GEORGE AND OTHERS POTENTIALLY broke many laws -- creating leverage over them.
6. GEORGE HINTED AT SOME STUFF regarding national security modus operandi that you can watch for yourself.

Final thing from me: alphabets. I know fuck all other than what was online, my visits to Washington were work related, and I'm a decent guy, so leave me alone if you are planning any phishing expeditions.
Is that why George and Jason split up this morning?

Is it finally time for /pol/ to support OAN? It's the best news source, not retarded like Fox but not biased like every other news source
There's literally no new info on that kike's death.
That's not true. George Webb seems freaked out. He seems to think that Kim Dotcom has switched sides again...
I didn't watch it yet, did they really break up? Jason was way over the top controling. So I could see why
All this Seth Rich talk has made me sleepy.
His death will not be in vain.
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Go to sleep and never wake up.
Go watch today's video on Youtube... George seems to think Kim Dotcom will help impeach Trump.
What?! God damnit. Ok. Ill go check it out
how the fuck is that gonna work?
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George is a fucking loon.
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Also, they don't want you to see this

bump bump bump bump
He lays it all out in the video. He is talking about why he had to dump the data.
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That's been the case since forever, dude. Nothing to be alarmed about. We're #1 after all.
muthafucking bump. John Podesta, Skippy, or whatever your GD name is, if there is a hell, you've got a oneway first-class ticket to it.
Fuck the false flag BS. This is war bitches. You can cashmeouside DNC faggits
I'm retarded, what is this and why is it important/relevant?
>1 post by this ID
faggit, drink some covfefe ya narcoleptic doofus
have a bump
BTW, GW is controlled oposition. don't fall for his BS narratives. he's distracting us from the real shit
Why are you responding?
Is he? He has been super weird lately.
the last time it was like this was pizzagate ddos
those are all attacks on US, notice there are relatively none on the UK.
This isn't part 2 you faggots. It's identical to their old upload. It's titled "part 2" to keep you hyped up as if there's any new info.

It suggests a large scale ddos attack against a target server. Thus suppressing website content or other content delivery. However these attack maps look like that on most days - with exceptions.
cause it bumps the thread for those that have the site organized by "last response". plus pointing out the shills for normal faggits
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Hey, could you explain what this image is showing? I want to understand.
Tons of DDOS against the US
I'm dumb, got it

Naw, they lost this fight, it's pretty much agreed by everyone now he was murdered by the DNC, just like everybody knows OJ killed that chick
Thank you, anon.
If the dnc had him offed, why would they not shoot him in the head? He died an hour later in the hospital. Not very professional.
>muh seth rich conspiwacy!!!!
fuck off no one is falling for this shit reddit-tier meme. even >>>/x/ debunked this garbage.
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the video was really good. nothing too new but it summarized everything and raised a few extra questions
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Link to the thread?
Hi Dave.
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LOL. Keep trying.

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>This isn't part 2 you faggots. It's identical to their old upload.
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Third tweet is disinfo.
i thought all three were fake. do e have confirmation on the first two?
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>doesn't believe what he reads
>asks for more things to read
go find them yourself you lazy fuckwad.
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You can look them up on Twitter last I checked. Might have been scrubbed by now, judging from recent DNC activity.
top kek
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everything before Feb 13, 2012 is gone.
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You'll have to take it on authority then.
you're a dumbass.
i fucking hope its real

fuck off td fag, no one wants you here except other td fags
...and the wayback machine shows nothing from february 2011.
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Seems like a shill thing to say-at this point I'm reserving judgement. As long as there's noise I'd like for whoever is looking to keep looking. George isn't controlled opposition
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Friendly reminder that Tanya poster got banned for posting Sonia Palmieri's contact info.
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Plz gib justice
Look at you pathetic losers constantly bumping this thread. You knew this would happen. You knew everyone would lose interest. You never considered that hey, maybe the police are actually telling the truth. Maybe everything isn't a conspiracy. He was conscious and talking to police for crying out loud, yet you still think him being killed by the DNC is the most likely possibility. I feel sorry for you people.
They aren't all less dead just because this one may be alive.
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Did you watch the report?
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>web TV
>real story
>fuck off td fag
2000 chars >> streaming video.
Stop spamming your controlled oppo here.
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I didn't understand any of that, sorry.
Maybe it was supposed to be an example/ warning, then they thought better of it.
Isn't the exact time of death kinda sketchy?
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>All political dirty work is carried out by Jason Bourne super-assassins
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Really, the Saturnian ritualism speaks for itself.
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>me facedown in the puddle
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breaking new evidence:
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got em
ONE """"AMERICA"""" """"""NEWS""""""

a literal commie propaganda channel. kill yourselves you worthless larping faggots.
Who the fuck cares why Seth died. I'm tired of hearing about the cuck. There has been 0 new evidence for the last year. Drop it already you annoying faggots.
le shill
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Pls no bully

you do know they are spouting bullshit from actual r*ssian shill sites and oligarch run companies? they are pathetic cock suckers.
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>that logic
Checks out.
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duc in altum
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>not hot shit
Keeping my eye on you.
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What am I even looking at?
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Incoherent misinfo.
Theres no photos of seth rich post 2012 possibly earlier. As well as a lot of the photos that are attatched to the seth rich name are edited.
>no death certificate
>no videos of this man
>odd similarities to an eerie degree between rich and derek tarr of the dc police
>birth certificate?
Prove seth rich even existed and shit gets weird
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Fuck off back Le_Donald
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I figured as much. Just checking.
Oh, this is the "undercover Derek Tarr theory." Let me know if you find anything in the positive.
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Have a late bump.
Bump this is important

Goodman is his handler. Common technique, I've had it done to me.
Last summers /cfg/ entire doc compiled.

ghostbin c o m paste x92ev
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>Still falling for the kosher conspiracy meme man

Is he kosher?

He mentioned in the last few days that he had been getting intelligence guidance from an unknown source, a kind of guardian angel, which he eventually figured out was mossad.

I don't recall that he ever mentioned his membership in the tribe until well into the series - circa Day 80, Day 90? - and it was a bit of a shocker when he dropped it.

It's also become clear in the past week that he's willing to strategically prevaricate.

In retrospect, some of his mentions of Israel strike me as, maybe, a bit of apple-polishing?

So, the thought comes to mind.

Not that it particularly matters to me, but it might to you.
Obvious shill is obvious.
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Bump for Justice

His Name Was...
Yeah, been looking into it as an alternative parallel possibility while watching the main investigation. Its definitely interesting but i could see it being a hard perspective to swallow with how idea of seth rich is already imbedded in many.
can someone confirm for me that part 1 and 2 of the oann rich release were almost identical? with all the obfuscation and mislabeled links and downed videos, i am having a hard time determining.
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I'm generally neither a digger nor an interpreter of data.
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They were almost Identical. Part two was mostly a recap. They touched more on the missing surveillance footage from the body cams and cctv across the street. They also went into more detail on the SEIU link. All info anyone following these threads already knows.
Webb is definitely mossad or a product of as well as controlled opposition. Look at when he first popped up and was propped up out of nowhere back when his videos first started becoming known. People ride his dick so hard for no reason, makes no sense to me. If he was legit he would have referenced some of these investigation threads either on purpose or accident which im unaware if he has but i havent seen anyone eceleb blush over being mentioned by him yet so its a red flag.
I dare any Democrat working in politics to dress in patriotic gear like Seth Rich.
good god
He covered some details that I, as a casual observer, missed. The store being under new ownership comes to mind.
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>propped up out of no where
>not like he made multiple videos every single day non stop for almost a year.

You know where to go.

George is not mossad based on the simple and observable fact that he and his friends are completely amateur. He knows more than the average person, and that makes him seem bigger than life, but the guy has practically given up half a dozen of his anonymous sources by fucking around, getting drunk, talking too much, etc.
lol possible - it's how "state secrets" get declared
No most definitely. It is a very understandable and easy to follow the timeline of events. Great red pill.

Getting there.
Three words "stuff for Mike"
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I agree. The post you replied to -- well, that's just not the way it happened. I started watching around day 70, and his videos were maxing out at about 2500 views for a long time. he was *way* under the radar. but the cream rises. even so, he's never gotten 16k views ever before that i've noticed, which is what he got on his first video today.
I meant when his videos first started back with pizzagate not this investigation. Good points though about him giving up sources etc. very amateur.
Another interesting thing to think about is how come there hasnt been any actual full blown shill operations trying to discredit him etc like we normally see.
Me questioning his credibility isnt the same as 5 slide threads and script spamming the same copy pasta like we see shills do
Slowly but surely
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>oy vey shut it down
Justice for Seth Rich.
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His Name Was Seth Rich

>Source: see all the Frank/Anon5 threads
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George is dropping BOMBS again:

Day 224.1: "Lot of different foreign intelligence sources saying the impeachment is going forward": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-p58hB9lN0

Day 224.4: He breaks down the VERY shady history of DNC favorite Crowdstrike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVtKTNzEzTI
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>back of the head
Update your Meme Database, thanks.
Pretty much, look how apeshit theyre going over that yet here we have someone who is talked about way more, reveals sources, makes videos, all of that. Yet we have seen nothing of the sort not even a controlled attempt at a character assassination, its just odd is all.
Meh. Only for being a rabid Bernie supporter. When it comes to keeping commies out of power, the ends justify the means.
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Anon5 might just be the enemy setting an example. The idea of an anonymous celebrity is repugnant to (((them)))
Time for a new meme.
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Maybe the based ass redacted his emails to try and protect him? Idk also check out the ghostbin I posted containing the compilation of the Clinton Foundation Generals last year.
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Could be, thats why its important to look at things like this from a variety of perspectives and possibilities and then assign probability to each one. Just so many take webb as gospel and push his narrative so much something about it seems off to me, but maybe thats just me.
Thing to remember as well, you can reverse engineer a psyop and the op in play can reveal what it was designed to disguise or details of it.
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I think George Webb was the one who really broke open the dirty side of the Clinton Foundation - human trafficking, oil deals, etc - that FBI Anon was pointing to as the kind of almost incomprehensible-in-scope criminal conspiracy that CF was at the center of. This is still not really public knowledge, mind you. But George lays it out in his circa Day 70 through Day 90 videos, if memory serves. The very persuasive case George makes against the Clinton Foundation tends to confirm, in my mind, that FBI Anon was legit.
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>Yet we have seen nothing of the sort not even a controlled attempt at a character assassination
>Called him mossad literally 3 replies ago.

The mossad meme start officially on Friday, and he's been getting shilled all weekend. Hence why ALL of his videos today were about the shillers, Crowdstrike.
fuck seth rich, hes old new now. hillary is still alive, put her in prison already! greedy corporate jew taking dropshipping oil from saudi arabia
Bump. Keep the pressure up lads. The bad guys are going down.
On June 1, 2017 a raid took place on the 7200 Block of Jonathon Street in Dearborn, Michigan which is owned by a “shell company,” turns out it’s actually owned by HUMA ABEDIN"S brother and sister.


At the time we were almost sure that the first few FBIanon posts were legit. It was also a crowd effort m8. I came across that file on inf last night and was proud to see some of my direct work in it. It just sucks that these generals dont have the same organization the cfg's did
the way you know there is something to the Rich story is the shrill, fervent, desperate efforts to laugh it off..

without considering the evidence at all.

kinda like Building 7 not needing any investigation because a plane took it down...

'but it wasnt..'

'shut up tinfoilfag!'


Which is why we cant have nice things.
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I think our trigger man was officer robinson.
The first responder to the scene
the one connected to podesta, seiu, and clinton

early reports said that the first officer 'heard the shots'
the story was later changed to 'shotspotter/CIC'

This would explain why SR was talking to the officers
he was wondering why they shot him

just a thought

now lets see if the shills start screaming???
the house was 7242 Jonahton Street. It's not owned by Abedin's brother and sister.

I'm all for using that dead leftist traitor to damage the traitors that are alive, but can we pretend this piece of shit was anything but a traitor to Humanity, a virtue signaler all too happy to open the borders and doom his nation ?
I recall but did not document it. Abedin's residence or a relative or something like that was raided in the last week.
debunked bullshit
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We are not pretending here. I missed a fact in your post.
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Her house
and many others google abedin raid
Archived that satire/fake news site for you.

>http://whatdoesitmean com/index2309.htm
>not being cautious about a jew with various intelligence agency contacts he apparently randomly compromises
>still has contacts feeding him anything other than disinfo after compromising others
>a few tinfoil tier skeptics is a crowdstrike char assassination operation
Another good read from that site
Archived that satire/fake news site for you.

>http://whatdoesitmean com/index2305.htm
It has when the story drags traction to it, the key it's to have something interesting.
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lmoa. The archive bot. Archive this
Achivacado for ants.
WHOA! Huge thread on Comey just got 404'd!
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Good one anon. Saw a user in another thread this morning begging the mods to do something about that bot. He could summon it at will. Frustrated guy. Who gives a shit.
It is apparently a common thing recently. They call it avocado hand. I remove the seed that way, but you just tap it. No danger involved.
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seth details.jpg
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Oh yeah, replied in only 6 seconds
Did anyone archive it?
Is that a new thing? Entire long threads deleted due to one post. I just noticed it in the last few days. Why not delete the offending post?
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Dunno if anyone archived it.

I've read it off/on all evening, didn't see anything but a lot of fun rollin' for trips on OP's different takes on Comey's involvement.
Hmm seems there was a follow up to that today. It targeted car dealerships in an organized crime ring. Awan brothers maybe?

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What an insult. No reward. A fucking bike rack.
And then use this to say "weapons of war should not be on our streets." Anon could get pissed at any moment now.
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I am OP of that thread and I have it.
Why did they 404 it?
what is with the capitalization usage on this marker?
That's a good OP. Any idea why they gave it 404?
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its how adults talk fuckwit.
i got a 15 minute ban for "global 3 get" post
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Will do.
That is odd.
So they 404d it because you guys were spamming for trips or was there actually relevant information being posted?
Blah, never mind. I'm really lost I guess. Disregard. Apologies. Thought I had new info but it isn't. Not even related to the car thieves. Very sorry!
>not relevant information
comey had sr killed.
Media and Gov won't do shit. We all know the truth but it doesn't matter. If you want justice you'll have to take it into your own hands.
Prob because it got everybody fired up on Seth Rich.
Happenings are over....
Everyone back to work. HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH
I've never been banned (yet), how do they let you know?
That was a janitor and it was not approved by 1st level. wtf is global 3 get. Can you say without another time out?
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i tried to post, and i got the red box under it... it said I had 3 minutes left on my ban for "Global 3 - get/dub post." I waited three minutes and could post again.
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You'll know.
When you try to post, you get a message. I was banned for 15 minutes and then for 3 days because my post was not on topic for the forum. True, it was off topic. Guess they have to be that tough due to volume. I could have argued it was on topic, but I was just banned. Learnt me lesson.
Yeah I just gently whack the avo seed with the long part of the knife, not try to stab it as hard as I can with the pointy part. But to each his own.
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Actually they're different, though it is confusing how they were released. Look at differences in what they cover as the video goes on.

For example the "Crowdstrike" connection is new.

I was confused and thought the same thing as you.
I've been thinking...
>first video release foretold in post
>part 1 drops
>internet mayhem
>second video release foretold in post warning of more mayhem
>part 2 drops and is same as part 1, with a little added
>total confusion on internet about parts
possible part 2 was never released, and oann released part 1 with some added to quell speculation?
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he had heat.jpg
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Thanks for info, anon.

Earlier, someone said Voat has SR posts, never been on Voat, went in to check it out and saw pic related.

I have not heard this before, has anyone else?
is correct. But we have a real sheriff in town now. Watch for falling rocks.
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Unsourced and unlikely, though we know little of SR's mental state at the time.
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wasn't jollah from nyc? was that lead real?
"His co-conspirators are all from New Jersey except for high-level fences Adama Fofana, 53, of the Bronx, and Alpha Jalloh, 26, of Manhattan, officials said. Both are facing 20 years in prison on racketeering charges, officials said."

pic related
Just came to me that it might be beneficial if someone summarized or edited the differences out.

I could do that, but suck at editing.
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