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Portland Free Speech Rally 2PM PDT

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 334
Thread images: 80

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Antifa have been doing gravity training and they're ready to bash the fascists who want more freedom for everyone.

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>gravity training

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Crashing the anti-fa training

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Based Stickman live right now

lol smith machine
plus I bet it's not even got weights loaded on it
If that Sufjan Stevens guy ever, for whatever reason, tries to corner me in a dark alleyway and for whatever reason tried to fight me, I will fight him back. I will match my aggression with his. I will not even think twice using my fists if he raises his hand against my wife, my children or I. I don't back down from fights, no matter who the challenger is. I will use whatever measures I need to avoid physical conflict, but if it's my last resort it WILL be a messy ending for Sufjan Stevens.
Kick a red in
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Speaking of Portland, anyone remember 'Laughing at Liberals'?


Dude is facing like 50 years in prison...
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live: https://twitter.com/simi510/status/871427396036997120
Why is Antifa even there?
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wew this is the worst meme 'training' I've seen in my fucking life, this makes crossfit look good
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>green KKK flag
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Really surprised this hasn't received more attention here desu

His videos were posted here constantly:

He's literally going to be in prison the rest of his life for drawing a gun (not shooting it) as antifa/BLM/whatever mob closed in on him :
To oppose "fascism"
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>false song of globalism
shits heating up
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I've given up on these. It's a bunch of dumb boomer oathkeepers who call antifa fascists and a bunch of 18 year old reddit cuckistani faggots larping.

Inb4 we must protect /ourqueen/ at all costs! Deus Vult!
That looks like tim pool filming but I don't see any streams from him
Oh shit here's the pool stream, didn't see it


so has this started or is it about to start, stream dead
current live streams are here:

cheers mate, noice straight to action
who is this cholo faggot?
We should find out, he seems to think he's anonymous
I thought Pool retired after getting his hat stolen

But he IS your president you fucking lunatics. This is an indisputable fact.
I just got in, he be antifa or anti-antifa lol?
I think he got over it as more happenings kept happening and the media kept lying about it. He's pissed that the media lied about the portland stabbing
>hates corporations.
>wears rayban.
He's anti-fa and trying hard to get someone to hit him.
He's not /ourguy/
A tip, your demos are kinda gay, regardless of side. Funny though, really screechy.
>Use drums
Rayband wearing commies are becoming a disturbing trend
what kind of shit these commies take to be able to screech on top of their lungs for 3 hours straight (speaking about the last protest tim streamed)?
Why is homeland security there?
>>128467888 (heiled)
what I thought, he acted like a pussy, just big in his mouth, so what are we going to call him?

I'm a bit tired I can only thing off pussyman.
<his name> the pussy
Probably because of the stabbing and anti-fa threatening killings. Would be awesome if it's because the government considers anti-fa a terrorist organization again.

im excited
Lots of drugs
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Forgot pic
Does anyone actually support him anymore?
Meh. Right tards ran around saying the same shit about Obama for years. Both sides are capable of retardation - the left intentionally copies the right to mock them.
well they kinda are acting like terrorists, attacking civilians
swole left
I too remember the anti-Obama riots
federal park
lol roman legion shows up
ewwww WTF is that thing, is a human-bug hybrid? hahahaha
>fake laughing at a guy who could single handedly kick all their asses.
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Hail Caesar's Legion!
hey man, he's doing pretty ok for having full-blown aids
>Confused teaparty throwbacks

>Super well-organized police
It's not happening
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i recall that this creature used to be a woman, so no wonder
Lol if this is the response to the Evergreen college phone call trolling then it's going to be easy to say they called it in and are trying to take a victory off this.
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To late you already sold your souls to Dagon now I drink a good covfefe to that
Cops posturing, they don't want an ANTIFA chimpout
this guy is something
DHS and police are clearly identifying the antifa as the threat. This country is turning around feels good man
They're making him roll up his Kekistan flag.

Who is this guy anyway?
Has there been any violence yet? Or anything else of note?
You can't make this shit up lol hahahahaha


Dis gun be good, tons of riot police. Pls make use of your self!
That's why optics are so important at these rallies.

Never initiate violence, never cover your face, no nazi bullshit, offer the opposition the chance to speak, etc. All this is essential to winning the public debate. Antifa make it really easy too, because they're a mob of stupid violent children who can't articulate why they're upset other than to call everyone and everything a nazi.
Just a lot of cringe. Cops are not being cucked so Antifa is pacified.
Well that's good. Guess all the violence is going to be kept in California then
Cops are pushing the antifa line fucking awesome
They made some buy take down a KeK flag at .the freedom of speech rally


What fucking country are we in?
cops moving in
There's way too many cops for antifa to actually do anything
Some guys in body armor.. who the fuck's side are they on?

Cops stole their spooky skellington
tim pool stream nigger

enlarged the wrong words in that image, there

amateur propaganda
lol antifa chanting "All cops are bastards".

yeah that's going to help your cause morons.
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Holy shit, are all the pro-trump protesters out-of-towners?
They did the same thing at the Auburn protests after the two dudes got arrested for fighting
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Skeleton BTFO
who just deleted the post about Antifas plans to get violent today? are they in the fucking mod team now?
>All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
>All cops are bastards!

Why are they not over at the other side, like here. Pissing them off, you can't make this shit up... ffs... call someone an asshole, an expect to get "help". Antifa everyone
Picture had doxx in it. That's against the rules.
Obvious false flag
this is so fucking cringe
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"Smell like vinegar..."

Tim Poole getting hyped for some anti-antifa police action.
Holy shit that's a lot of cops
Good to see the ALCU there. Got to have someone to counter the National Lawyers Guild.

ALCU are usually pretty neutral and actually care about the law. NLG are literally trotskyites.
Thanks for the contribution for the cringe threads.
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>ALCU are usually pretty neutral
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This is gay and normie gay
>WE WILL NOT FORGET <insert names of random people I've never heard of>
These antifs should know their audience better.

Fuck off shill
The drums sound kinda cool desu
looks like the FSR is surrounded on all sides by counter protesters.
Fucking torn between going down there or taking a nap

Go nigga.
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>ALCU are usually pretty neutral
Go down there dude, with the amount of police there shit could really kick off into antifa getting fucked up.
>go there
>talk shit to antifa
>get knocked out
>take nap
Compared to the National Lawyers Guild they are. NLG will only testify on behalf of left-wing causes. Even if they witness Antifa committing a crime they will not testify against them.
If I was near there I'd go. I live near a bunch of patriots, so this shit would never ever even have a chance of taking place.
Gonna be honest, very very low energy from the free speechers. Kind of makes me worried desu. How cucked is Portland?
Not when your not a fag
You could go up to the antifa and talk shit and they can't do anythign about it with all those cops there
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Go you fucking NEET faggot
ACLU is not even close to neutral. They are commies too.
Go join your brothers. They could use the numbers
The rally isn't scheduled to start for another 3 hours.
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So..any big happening ?
pretty cucked. Its 90% libs there
Antifs getting their flags took.

Sad antif. Boo-boo.
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Very. Nobody with a brain would jump into a pit of feral dogs willingly
I could be there in 10 mins but im not a fucking idiot
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>you don't even own your own house
>you guys can keep that shit

my sides hahahaha
Go you fucking pussy.
Well, the antifa side is being held back by DHS agents instead of local cops. Besides that, nah.
yeah nah. that faggot refuses to go anyplace where the action is and fucking left early at the last rally when fights were happening
advertising is against the rules tim
thats cuz your a pussy. In the future people will look back on these times and some of us will be able to say we were there. You'll still be a faggot.
The aclu here in my state unironically warned people to not visit texas because of "muh hate and racism" or some shit. I don't know much about these faggots but this wasn't a good first impression.
Are you insane? You do realize the ACLU was founded by literal commies
Thats the antifa guy that got unmasked that works for the SPLC
Yeah pretty much sums it up.
Looks like a fucking beat down
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SPLC is even worse then the ACLU
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ACLU issued a travel warning for the entire state of Texas because we dared pass a bill that enforces our laws on immigration.
>Inb4 we must protect /ourqueen/

That's not a pic of Boxxy.
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Yfw a bomb goes off
A lot of them are out-of-towners too

yeah the lefties literally want revenge for their guys getting stabbed. I suspect the cops are going to be successful in keeping them from crossing the street though
Antifa and their symps outnumber us by at least 6-1. Fuck this I'm out.
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It's still an hour and a half until the event's meant to start. Stick around.
It's Portland. What do you expect?
The portland local news was reporting that the event was moved to seattle
Stay you coward.
>implying one strong alt-right race warrior isn't equal to 8 or 10 weak liberal faggots
>1 post
Not 100 hundred leftists or their communist antagonists could live or stand as equal to a single traditionalist.

They're not going to do jack shit.
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>rent control now

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>alt right race warrior
They're just larping faggots.
>8 or 10

Try 30 m8
My dick is 3 foot long
i could turn 360 degrees and take out a crowd of them
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>all lives matter

Somebody is trolling antifa, kek
Looks like the degenerates outnumber the free speech rally members 6:1

It's Portland, though, so I expected this.
Typical anarchist shit. I guess when you support yourself by bartering your bike-repair skills, you can only afford so many banners.
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Thought Baldy was giving up on these
stop linking this shill monetizing faggot

good streams are
though he's taking a break or something
oh look another one of these "rallies" consisting of two sides, one full of actual commie retards and general idiots and the other full of civic nationalists and republitards. Where both sides just autistically screech at each other. Maybe a handful get into a scrap. Let me know when either the shooting starts or they meet up Gangs of New York style and beat the fuck out of each other with clubs and gardening implements. Then it'll at least be interesting and sit like "based stickman" won't be the most exciting thing to come out of the whole event.
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>stop linking this shill monetizing faggot
KYS you are the shill

that stabber was a bernout

I just had to stop by the mall by dfw airport, we need a fucking pogrom, a ban isn't going to do shit.
this post is original. thank you for your illuminating and above the fray deconstruction
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No bully pls
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I'd rather watch the guy who the 3%s told to put away his kekistan flag than the "I'm an alt-right jurrnolist" self-promoting faggot, you russian piece of shit
>shill monetizing faggot
Are you a communist? What's wrong with making money?
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>you russian piece of shit
Hmm the autism is strong in this one.
Where should I watch?
This VFN fag has been talking about kekistan for the past 10 minutes
fuck off back to /r/T_D

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Jewdius Maximus is back I see
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>being this butthurt
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This faggot even said he wasn't doing these anymore
That queer was waving a foreign flag in Berkeley
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Oh I didn't know reddit meant people who aren;'t communists now, you definitely represent /pol/ comrade
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Antifa getting BTFO
Portland Stands Against Free Speech!
Antifa getting arrested. Turns out Black Bloc tactics don't work so well when you're all alone.
forget the politics, kekistan, antifa...

Just realize: to have a pro-free speech rally, we now need police with rifles and riot gear.



I wish the civil war would just start so we could get it over with.
Thank you. The lucky43113 stream is good. He's not trying to be an interviewer or debater anything, which is refreshing.
15 years ago we called that a TOTAL GYM, endorsed by chuck norris, its a nice way to warm up before your actual workout
Will Tim Pool cover any actual... speeches?

Cops have security locked down, we know what antifa says... I'm a libertarian- I want to actually hear some speeches about the importance of free speech.

Thats getting lost here.

Lovely unbiased media tells tim pool to fuck off when he corrects his fake news lol
Tim Poole trying to explain that the okay symbol doesn't actually mean "White Power."

He seems a little frustrated. Poor Tim. I like him, he's just stuck in a rapidly-shrinking middle.
Had one of these in Boulder yesterday. Rally was boring but afterwards was a hell of a time.
He'll be our guy soon enough. He outright says that all main stream media is lying now.
what happened after?
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>Tim Pool gets hat ripped off
>"I'll never cover free speech rallies again"
>Two weeks later
>Covers it

Top cuck.
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>Antifa dresses in commie symbols
typical leftist projecting.
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This stick LARPing is getting ridiculous. The Alt-Knights? This guy is not only as cringey as your dad when he first gets facebook, but he also doesn't seem to get that his meme 15 minutes of fame ran out ages ago, only he took his fame seriously and now thinks he's a serious leader against communism.

The cringe is off the fucking charts lads.
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Is this real life ?

I hear you man. I'm as much of an anti-violence antiwar guy as there is but Many of these people screaming nazi at everyone are Bolshevik scum...

And lest we forget, they murdered far, far more human beings than fascists did.

If they can suppress free speech- gulags and reeducation camps are down a short road

Funny how every group has the right to act in their own interests but straight white males who enshrined civil liberties that most of the rest of the world don't have anything close to.

Bolsheviks are dangerous totalitarian thugs and free speech is non-negotiable.

He's doing more than you.
I was the very last the supporter until your post activated my almonds. Hillary 2017!!!
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Antifa chanting with the word "LARP" pretty much confirms who the people are that use that word on /pol/
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>free speech is non-negotiable.
if they come for the first, we introduce them to the second
This attitude is part of the reason the rally people are so outnumbered. You're legitimately scared of looking bad in the eyes of commies. The problem is in your head. Support what you support and don't be afraid. The opinion of commies is irrelevant.
fuck off antifa
why don't you hang yourself already
Nazi LARPers are afraid to leave their house.
>Actually fighting commies in the streets
Come on man, sure the costumes are cringe inducing and nobody cares about what they say, but they're fighting commies.
I'm in Britain, what do you think we can actually do without being arrested and killed by muslims in prison?

You still have the freedom to attend pound shop comicon. We don't.
Start collecting plastic sporks maby.
>doing more than you
yeah, laughing down white nationalists, founding a cringey LARP group, possibly fucking a tranny. Asking for shekels on crowd-funding sites to fly his ass out to these events. No sir, if that's doing more, than count me out of doing anything.
I have been calling it for the last week. The right wing groups are riding high on the morale boost we gave them by doxxing Eric Clanton and completely fucking him, and the Oath Keepers and 3 Percenters coming on board bolsters their numbers with people who have gunz and legit experience operating. They're on a roll and looking for a decisive victory. But antifa are out for blood looking to avenge Ricky John Best and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai. They've supposedly been training, and while I don't put too much faith in that, I don't find it unlikely that they're willing to step their weapons game up and escalate violence.

Factor in the rumored plans of the Traditional Worker's Party and Confederate Hammerskins to make a showing, and I think we're probably gonna see some shit today.

At least that's what I've been telling myself, I want a fuck-mothering happening and the thought of the livestreams is what's gotten me through my shitty week.

I'll bet you've just got an excuse for everything, don't you, britboom? Look where your excuses got your country.

So, you admit that you don't do anything?
I like how the left is seperating from anti-fa now. In any other protest these fags would be right with antifa but now they want nothing to do with them
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this. they may be in costume but they are physically presenting an opposition to crazy leftist anti free speech bullshit

personally i like the pageantry adds a little creative flair to the proceedings, the fact the right have chosen mostly riot gear and roman armor vs the lefts black masks and hoodies only shows where the mindset is.

the right is dressed for war, the left is dressed to be an anonymous belligerent without risking their real world selves, cowards only win when no one pushes back

Thats gay.
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well retorted, I can really see your side of things now. Thanks. Let me know when the bullets start flying instead of this shitty ass "LOL I'm doing something." shit.
Everyone has their own beliefs. It doesn't make him any less one of us. Just because you're not a literal nazi doesn't mean you have to attack everyone on the right.
m8 ACLU were fairly neutral and pro civil liberties during the 70s through the mid 90s, but since then they have been coopted by progressives and advocates for a number of left-wing. For instance, while they supported the state and federal RFRAs during the 90s, they turned against them about a decade later because "it could allow discrimination against LGBTQIA people", and could allow them to avoid potential government regulation as in the Hobby Lobby case. Also, Congress proposed amending the federal criminal code a few years ago to introduce a stricter state of mind requirement to obtain a conviction, which is very favorable for defendants; the ACLU, normally very pro-defense bar, objected because it would make it difficult to obtain fraud and other white collar criminal convictions against bankers and the like. Furthermore, they are extremely lukewarm on defending 2nd Amendment rights, as much a civil liberty as any of the other amendments, many members won't bother to take cases concerning it, especially in the states where it is needed like CA and NY. They have been taken over by progressives, left-wingers, and big government Obama ideologues.
What I like is that "cringey" ultra-patriotic outfits are actually the most effective uniforms they could wear. They automatically make the far-left foam with rage, but when centrists see guys wrapped in American flags fighting against his in all black and masks, they subconsciously side with the right.
bump because I live here
This is what America is. Every American who larps about white nationalism doesn't know their own history. They want a white nation they need to leave the Americas and return to Europe.
I'm willing to bet there'll be more than a couple antifa faggots false flagging as retarded neo-nazis, bringing the dumbest and most provocative placards and chants. Fully expect there'll be a swastika or two and heil hitler salutes thrown up. Local media and MSM will give 99% of the airtime here to generate the sound bites and video clips, completely ignoring any serious discussion or actual concerns that might go on at this event. "Haha, just ignore the terrorist attacks that happened literally yesterday and all that, look at how dumb and racist these alt-right losers are"
To be fair though, it was fun and exciting during the election, but we're in the government now, it's time to start putting that aside and getting to work actually doing stuff, it's the best way to rub it in these libcucks faces
if its a bloody battle ill put my money on the right anyday. the majority of the right are natural gun owners, as in they own as a hobby not a political statement, so they have a comfort and reflex with their weapons that a newly initiated lefty recruit wont have

also factor in the left being mostly upper middle class brats with truly privileged lives vs the rights working class majority and you get the picture. the right have a inborn physical work ethic the left simply doesn't comprehend. the only way they win is if the right allows it.
The costumes make it all look fun.
The e-celeb worship is annoying, but the optics are all great for the right. You have guys with american flags and red white and blue clothing fighting an anonymous black blob.
One side looks like they're having fun, the other looks like an oppressor.
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>one of us
That faggot is nothing more than another attention who're. He lost all credibility the moment he tried to use/pol/ as a personal army and now he's trying to tell people what they should and shouldn't say.

Fuck him.

Why? So you can know when to run and hide? You've already admitted that you aren't willing to do anything unless you can look cool to others while you're doing it.

You definitely don't have enough of a backbone to stick around when the shooting starts.
guys is there a live stream maybe outside youtube that isnt fucking ads every 25 seconds?

cant watch this shit.
ACLU's problem is that everyone has all the civil rights they need now, so they have to make shit up to remain relevant and secure funding.
The only civil liberty that's under attack is the 2nd amendment and hey refuse to help with that.
You don't have an ad blocker?
What's an ad?
America was explicitly founded for "free White men"

Stay in your shithole and be quiet
>One side looks like they're having fun, the other looks like an oppressor.
exactly, and when jo blow and suzie homemaker cath the news that will be the view nevermind the audiotrack the msm plays over it.

young enthused men who dress like captain america vs screeching whiners who dress like fucking gangbangers. if it goes bloody the left is going to find things very difficult on the propoganda front

Get Ublock origin.
>AKA north north africa
>muslim attacks every day. EVERY FUCKING DAY
>home for whites

fix your roach problem first bongface
fuck you dude, and your fucking assuming about what I'd do. take a long walk off a short pier fucking poofter.
DHS police sealing off later after if the park. Counter-protest being pushed further back. Prep the paddy-wagon, it's time for some fascism!
Do they support firefox?

I dunno. try it.

dont work for youtube app on smart tv but yeah will just use a pc i guess
My personal attitude is that they are no longer a civil liberties organization, protecting against government intrusion, and have instead become a civil rights organization, opposed to government action when they don't like it and massively for it when it is about "human rights" or programs that protect people they seem as vulnerable from other members of society, rather than just the government.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, no matter how cringeworthy alt knights look, they look better than antifa. They may look like rejected D-list superheroes, but at least they look like superheroes. Antifa dress like homeless ninja. They're anonymous black clad mooks, they stole their look from henchmen we've been murdering in videogames since the 80s.

Our optics are just inherently better.
No you have to use Google Ultron.
Are there any actual speeches scheduled?

Struck a nerve.

Such a spineless wimp, you can't even imagine someone dying unless they do it themselves.

I'm not assuming what you'd do. I'm flat out telling you what you'll do. You're weak, and you don't have a single real conviction to anything other than yourself. You're transparent.
The left has been losing ground recently because they take themselves too seriously. It's why they can't make memes and why their comedy is faltering and they report on everything as if it's true, failing to notice irony ever.
Meanwhile the right is willing to make a fool of itself to have a good time.
These are the juggalos who were rejected and started their own shit.

I run an HDMI from tv to PC, then use a remote mouse app for smart phone for that purpose.

Love it, but of course you gotta hide wires etc.
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>stole their look from henchmen we've been murdering in videogames since the 80s
lol genuine kek, a flood of memories playing streets of rage two hit me all at once
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For context, the sign says "Rent Control Now" because somehow that is related.
I'm more cynical. I think it's neither. I think it is a a leech organization that pretends to give a shit to maintain funding and push an agenda. They don't do anything for civil rights anymore.
What are they even fighting for now? Illegal immigration and trannies and anti-pipeline shit? None of that is about civil liberties.
No you are fucking assuming. I was getting out a fucking tranny fucker, Shilled Goyman was not doing anything substantive, and you accused me of being some kind of yellow bellied coward. You'd best hope you ain't a yank when Civil War 2.0 kicks off. Fuck off.
Tim Poole is so cute. He's a liberal, but he keeps running into far-leftists and getting yelled at when he asks them whether they realize how crazy they are.
political demonstrations are extremely important
letting the left run unopposed in public spaces shows a lack of understanding of how politics work
He wont.
Stop feeding it
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>What's your last name?
>huge blond dude
>weak ass chants
Up your game, big man.
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By chanting?
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Duly noted
He is a lil cute ass muhfuckah, ain't he? It's like I wanna break his dick off my ass, ya get me bruv?
Is that some capcom or neogeo shit?
All seriousness, yeah. Chants work best when they're simple enough for everyone to hear and understand. You can't get complicated unless it's a familiar one everyone knows.
>is Streets of Rage capcom or neogeo?
...fucking kids today. Sega, damn it, pure Sega.
I only support free speech as long as it falls in line with National Socialist agenda.
This bald fuck is 100% right about these kekistan fags being right wing sjw's.
>Tim Poole defending Baked Alaska for being cagey about saying "White Pride" on camera.
He's /ourguy/, he just doesn't know it yet.
Did I just see a little kid walk by on the stream? Are people bringing children to this shit?
Good, let the kekistans fags fight Antifa.
They are only useful idiots anyways. This will give us time to catch what the elite and the politicians are trying to do during this time. That and memes.
yup, the redpill always wins in the end if you're open minded
The only free speech allowed should be for those that serve the US military.

Everyone else follow what Commander in Chief Donald Trump says.
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Portland here. Black lives matter, or something.
Gotta indoctinate'em early. Today's kids are tomorrow's footsoldiers.
Anything exciting happen yet?
Cops look like they're doing their job so there probably won't be an happening.
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Lmao alt right cucks are severely outnumbered. Based spartan is a whiny baby with white Supremecists tattoos.

Yikes what a bunch of losers
This old liberal dude looks a little tired. ACLU guy is stuck on a thin line.

these rallies are intentionally held in public parks because it is cheap and quick to secure permits for them

this ensures normies have to unwillingly participate
Yeah, but if you're bringing your kid to the park and happen across this you don't still go to the park.
Random brass band beginning to block road. Cops seem to be allowing it.
>>thinks DHS cops arent alt right
Any good streams? I can't stand this tim Poole faggot.
The Free Speech Rally proper hasn't even begun yet, this is still the pre-game. We'll see what develops after the speeches are given.
baked alaska is ok
Pooley just wants to be a centrist, but as things get more polarized he's increasingly finding himself alone in the middle. It's only a matter of time before he becomes a Cruz Missile.

You ARE yellow bellied as evidenced by how mad and hateful you are in contrast to how little action you actually take to rectify any of your many problems.

You're a small, cowardly man who will be among the first on the body piles with several bullets in your pathetic back.
I wish everyone streaming these events would stop trying to be journalists and political analysts.
I don't care about your, or anyone there's, amateur punditry.
>the left are the real fascists!
>We just want free speech
>civic nationalism
>brown Trump supporter
It's the same every time. Just show me the violence and spare me the newscasting
people need to stick together *after* the rally.

obviously no one has weapons nor should they at the rally.

As people leave though, undercover patriots need to meet at Muster Point ****B***

more later by text

- J. Thunder
>Guy starts singing "God Bless America"
>Lefties start booing
Metaphorically cancer.
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My anger grows ever so slightly
>Just show me the violence and spare me the newscasting
But there is no violence as the place is crawling with federal and state riot cops.

Also, the man-on-the-ground journalism helps us a lot. Makes Antifa look like unhinged commie idiots, and makes the free speech people look like regular Americans. The optics heavily favor us if things DON'T get violent.
Cops really locked down the antifa, they're not letting them out of their pen. One guy tried to rush the rally but got arrested. The rally officially starts in 10 minutes.
>nor should they at the rally.
Yes they should.
The vinegar smell is filthy antifa whores douching.

Probably just left a porn shoot to come out and protest DRUMPF
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>civic nationalists and boomer conservacucks take on anarchists
no yeah, this hasn't gotten old yet at all

Brittany's is OK

Reported to PPD & FBI
Who saw baked cucklaska have a nervous breakdown and start acting stupid?

Lol alt right are cucks
sure you do, just give your kid a .45 colt so he can defend himself from commies,commies are no reason to ruin a fun day at the park anon
It seems like all the video is of the trump people. Are there any streams in the other sections?
Even tho the media is correctly pointing out each white nationalist in your group.

Oh and also the MURDERS. Yikes
A bit is okay, but they end up getting to discussions about why illegal immigration is bad and both parties to the discussion are agreeing with each other the whole time.
I'd rather see them try to talk to antifa, but lately they all seem to just talk to other people on the right.
I second this. She's floating around not getting into hour long talks with people
Yeah, no, I swear I saw a kid in a batting helmet holding a picket sign. Another, right up front where Chapman will be speaking, playing with a beachball.

This doesn't look to me random people coincidentally being there at the time, it looks like the alt-lite are deliberately taking their kids to riots like the niggers of BLM.
probably one of the Bird Doggers
antifa grabnsmash cameras.
>I'd rather see them try to talk to antifa
Antifa won't talk to them. Antifa thinks that dialog is a defeat. They literally refuse to have discussions.
Which murders are those? The ones in London yesterday?
Uh guys why were there armed police just marching through?
More exciting than a group of people in MAGA hats that all agree with each other and parrot the same stuff at every rally.

Kys antifaggot.
Sorry, Portland, NYC, University of Maryland, Olathe Kansas, Kentucky University (not a murder but attempted)
Yeah, but I can't blame the guys with the cameras for not wanting their shit smashed.

Anarchists make no damn sense. They're just angry kids looking for a way to kill some time and feel important.
Yeah it's dumb. If the police had dealt with antifa initially, they wouldn't have to supervise these rallies like we're children.
another antifa got arrested supposedly.
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Legit didn't hear about those. Political violence?
Tim is walking all over, he just got back to the trump side though.

>correctly pointing out each white nationalist in your group.
Not even close.
>Oh and also the MURDERS.
The ones by the Jill Stein/Bernie Sanders supporter, who later went to Trump rallies to false flag and associate them with Nazies, as proven by his Facebook posts, who was also kicked out of those rallies for his Nazi bullshit?
Left wing folks: eloquent speakers and can defend their points with ease

RIGHT WING speakers: every single one in the feed is cringefest and can barely stray from the talking pointS
Yikes still pushing the "he was a bernie sanders supporter bc of a facebook post?

Yikes dude. Actions speak louder than words my man and even then his final public words placed him. Solidly on the right.
John Oliver really lost it
It's near time for the police to step off and let everyone fight.
It's like a schoolyard fight - if you just break it up the kids still have all this animosity built up and they'll end up being even more violent when they fight later.
People need to get it out of their system, better to do it during the day than riot at night and burn the city.
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>Left wing folks: eloquent speakers and can defend their points with ease

more like walk away and call you a nazi when you present a counter point they cant refute.
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>Right-Wing Country Music Squads
End this hate speech!
He posted that he was "running a psyop against the trump supporters"
and before the rights hardcore members organize in any effective fashion, until now we are only see guys with no experience stand up for a cause, huge amounts of combat vets in the rights ranks, if they start rolling we are gonna see a new country built from the ashes
>leddit spacing
>Yikes dude.

Yikes dude lurk moar.
>Country music

This kills the Antifa
Why is every leftist so fucking smug
Its all they have.

>combat vets in the rights ranks, if they start rolling we are gonna see a new country built from the ashes

thats the backstory of starship troopers
Yup. They're keeping the lid on the pressure cooker not realizing that it's been converted into a bomb.
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its the only way forward.
>the left are the real fascists!
This always annoys me because it misses a perfect opportunity to just call out communists for the shit stains that they are.
There's also a middle ground between complete stand down and martial law like we have today where nobody's allowed to even talk with the other side.

I disagree a fight is necessary but at least people can talk or yell at each other face to face.
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>limp wristed antifa faggots able to knock anything out
I don't think so nigger
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It was WWI vets in Freikorps who stopped the Jewish Bolshevik revolution in Germany, and they helped secure the Sudetenland for the German people
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