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>"no reason to be alarmed." Yeah, it's not

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>"no reason to be alarmed."

Yeah, it's not like people are DYING or anything in random, completely preventable attacks that can target ANYBODY?

So sick of spineless/subversive politicians
If people panic they stop shopping and the economy takes a bigger hit.

powered by Religion of Peaceā„¢
If you Brits don't get rid of that mother fucker you should all be ashamed.
The fuck do you expect politicians to tell the people? "Be alarmed"? Are you a burger expat?
Looks like you've had a little too much to think.
It isn't that it's spineless. He's probably calling for the caliphate. It's probably what he wants to happen.
our glorious caliph, Sadiq Kahn (PBUH), has already predicted that these attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city. This has nothing to do with islam
Odd that Tokyo the biggest city in the world doesn't have to deal with this
Really gets the noggin joggin
Tokyo doesn't have alot of white men so terrorism doesn't exist there.
He's one of them what do you expect him to say? You brought the Trojan horse.
Ah yes, I knew there would be a simple root cause
They get very few.
The sarin gas attack.
The mass stabbing.
It would be impossible to drop the numbers to zero but they have next to nothing. Tokyo should be the inspiration but instead the west damns it.
you must be fucking dumb, you cant just "get rid of" a politician.
>who is JFK
Dude, you are aware you live in an Orwellian state right?
All these "preventive measures" for (((security))) and all these regulations, which are plaguing your once great nation are literally a 1984 scenario.

Your politicians aren't spineless, they are nonexistent because they are all pawns, placed there, giving you the illusion of choice. Some may appear more likeable to you than others, but at the end of the day, they will follow their master's orders.
Their masters however, don't want people in their country, who can think for themselves, they want a mixed, dumbed down population, who has nothing to rally behind, so they can be controlled like the sheep they are.

I will honestly miss Great Britain, when in 50 years times it becomes an Islamic country.

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Sure you can
yeah because jfk was taken out by citizens..
also, are you telling me you'd go to prison for life for killing one shitskin? lol no, you wouldnt.
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east asians commit less crime than whites

Someone give me quick update? MSM reports 6 dead, surely there must more?
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i'm convinced this dude is so appeasing to islam he's either a ghost from the UK government towards hitler pre-WW2 or he's a master at taqqiya

either way FUCK this dude
That's where you're wrong, cunt
Yes. Be alarmed. Be suspicious. Help the police by reporting suspicious activity. Learn to defend yourself.
Anything is better than "bend over and let my fleshy knife show you diversity".
If he wasn't mayor he'd provably be back to a "" human rights""" lawyer defending people like them
How about telling us how hes going to solve the problem?
Kevin Rudd
Julia Gillard
Tony Abbott

Czech m8
this fucking mayor is a goddamn terrorist.
What the fuq is going on?
Yesterday night it was at least 5 attackers,now its down to 3 max 4, no mention of the gunfire, no mention of explosions, admitting only 6 dead - that bloodtrail on the bridge only 6 people - no word about the police running from matchete mans.wHat the fuq is going on.
100% this. Just this.
doNt yOU get It
tHey WiN if yoU kiLL THem
Taken out by the west you dumb fuck, completely different compared to the mayor of london.

maybe in the 1800s, we're in 2017.

Go on then mate go kill the mayor of your capitol city.

"No reason to be alarmed"

"Being butchered with knives and bleeding to death on the streets of London is part and parcel of being English"

"You wouldn't be alarmed if your tea was hot and your toast warm. You wouldn't be alarmed if the sky was blue and the water wet, would you?"

Why can't Brits just accept they are led by Cowards and Traitors and that their civilization is over?

If it's not clear to you at this point, it never will be.

Save your Shekels and make for Australia or the U.S.

We might have a million to one shot to survive.

Western Europe is already dead.


Macron and Merkel are banking on Trump driving away wealthy white Americans to go and live in progressive Europe.

Lets see if he's right. Lets see if Europe becomes more prosperous as a result of it's diversity initiative.
The went around stabbing people. They'd lung on folks, stab them, stomp on them, and they move on to people that weren't trying to hit them with chairs. About 40(?) got hit before the all knowing and all powerful government with their guns showed up to save the day from an issue they're directly responsible for.
They are censoring facts to protect muslims in the name of tolerance, as per usual.
Not to mention, one was done by a cult group many years ago, and the other by a lone perp with something against the mentally handicapped.
Japan's a utopia not because of its homogeneity, but it's culture. The west is too much freedom and muc dick to be free of crime and terrorism. Such a splintered place.

Considering their police are saying;


and, yes, Be Alarmed, you'd think they would tailor their message to not be at cross roads with their policies.
At this point I am beginning to think that the Brexit referendum will change UK as much as our summer referendum 2 years ago regarding punitive measures the government was going to enact by the bidding of the EU, that being fuck all.
>Western Europe is already dead.
Actually quite the opposite is happenig. More terror attacks = more redpilled people.
What about the dead then?Do they pay for the family to keep quiet or just threaten them with jail for not complying in the cover?
>Brexit referendum
Nothing will change. Only catholic poles will stop coming the pakis are welcome though.
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Someone had to say it. If anyone has ever wondered why Politicians seem so retarded when it comes to immigration, science, or monetary policy, it's because they don't need to know anything about it. They're puppets. All they need to know, is politics.
Europe and the USA need to stop playing friendly. Take the gloves off and clean the slate.
Not British.

>Most draconian thought and speech laws in the developed world
>Most draconian spying apparatus in the entire developed world
>Most draconian policing in the western world
>No freedom to own self defense tools or protect self defense
>On a state of high alert, with actual military deployed on streets

>Still can't stop multiple terrorist attacks by known terrorists moving freely about their capital city

Britain is literally some Soviet era shit hole right now.

It's certainly worse than the GDR at it's peak.

What a fucking disaster.
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you should hang them all on tower bridge with this brown terrorist loving fuck in the center
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Political will.
In nearly all cases, the police comes afterwards and state that the terrorist has been on a terror watchlist, that he has been in jail for other crimes prior to this, that they knew he was dangerous.
Yet in all those cases, nothing was done! The suspects weren't deported, they weren't taken into custody, they were allowed to roam the streets.
There's a few thousand of them in every major European country. I'd say either deport them, rid them of their citizenship if necessary. Or at least build prison camps and intern them there until they are 70 and no longer dangerous.
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>coming to the defence of your Paki overlord

I can't hate you more than I already do
Its not like you didnt made all this mess in the first place by arming them.
So what if there are a few more terrorist attacks?
It's a small price to pay for our beautiful new Britain.
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Nothing to see here. And if you see something, you're a racist!!!!
It was only 6 lonewolfs with AKs and knives and one truck. The 5 attackers had nothing to do with islam. It was actually the 4 atackers that were acting alone. The 3 guys killed were the only attackers. Only 2 were identified. The attacker killed was a british citizen.
It is actually the parcel, no terrorist killed.
>you cant just "get rid of" a politician.
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>random, completely preventable attacks that can target ANYBODY
> " completely preventable "

I'm certain (you) have buckets of sauce to back that up. Please do so.

m8, the world isn't 4chan.

Each attack brings a more cowed, more cowardly response from the general public.

The British public right now are calling to suspend elections. They are hopelessly gone. All of social media and the MSM is filled back to front with celebrations of Islam and proclamations to "stand against hate" (referring to people being angry or upset at being a terrorist punching bag).

They are in the act of mass social wide suicide. Enoch Powell was right.

They are mad, literally mad.
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>that picture
just wow. next time we'll see some israeli cop posing with mein kampf. how fucked this world has become
You can be suspicious without locking yourself in at home or lose your shit you idiot.
They haven't even had the tribute concert for the Manchester attack yet lol
Like 70% the people I see on twitter are just cucks #prayingforbullshit and none of them are redpilled. More attacks just means more deaths and more pretexts for the same brainless faggots who can't address the massive elephant in the room. Fuck em
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>or he's a master of taqqiya
>thinking 1865 has anything to do with 2017
I don't even know who the mayor of ottawa is. Dude's irrelevant.

You bongs have enough depressed losers that want to off themselves. Might as well get one of you to do something useful.

yeah but it will never result in rounding up all the muslims and other foreigners and sending them back though will it, there is enough of them already
>'no reason to be alarmed'

Racist much ?
Police and Secret Services can't literally do anything, or are put out of jobs and trialed for treason or human rights violation.
Go away John Oliver
got your tickets to ariana grande, m8?

Oceania was always at war with Eurasia
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The Manchester bomber was a known criminal and terrorist regularly receiving training in Libya and Syria who was reported to police multiple times.

There are, at a minimum, 400 known ISIS operatives, experienced and trained, deployed in the U.K. right now, all of whom are guilty of High Treason, and they are among the populace, freely, under minimal surveillance.

There are a further 2500 who are known to have been involved with ISIS also freely moving around.

Of course, it's best to put your resources to use arresting and monitoring WHITE EXTREMISTS who do things like protest about the mass rape of children.
Oh, sorry, forgot you anglos can't even own kitchenknives anymore

You deserve to die
I wonder what your WW2 troopers would say if you could make them appear at a press of a button. I'd like to show what's happening to britain and tell them "This is the world you died for, guys".
makes sense. when people get alarmed they tend to string people like this up from the rafters. personally I would just make sure this kind of person should never be allowed to rule more that his wife.
The government has the obligation to keep us safe. And that's much more important than the jobs and lives of some people that aren't even from our country.

If someone is on a terror watchlist, he has no right to stay in my country. He has to be imprisoned or deported.

Yes, I've become a racist. But that has nothing to do with me and everything to do with how sandniggers behave. Even the non-terrorist ones. Come here for a visit, and you will know exactly what I'm talking about.
Can somebody please just kill this thing finally
But the averqge joe sufters worse than domestic terrorism kek.
This is modern Britannia summarized in one photo
Can I get some sauces ?
what the hell is going on in the UK? just straight up ban muzzies. ur entire country is swarming with it and you need a exterminator. this shit makes me sick. my friend was in london for a summer trip and hes scared shitless since he was near by.
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>"You say u dnt wanna be killed by terrorists, but u eat kebab every saturday night lol"

>smiley face, smiley face, smiley face + crying, clapping hands

Pretty sure a gulliotine would still be a pretty effective means of removal
The lack of Indians also explains why their streets are some of the cleanest in the world

We can learn a thing or two from them
Don't believe social media. Most of them are (((virtue))) signalling cucks. I know some people who became very right-wing after Paris.

>Known terrorists walking freely in your cities

You can prevent the attacks by removing them from the streets.

You can prevent the attacks by completely removing Muslims from your country.

It's not rocket science, you low I.Q. daft cunt.
Its Taqiyya, Sadiq is grinning from ear to ear in private.

This is war Bongs, every Muslim wants you dead and your country to become theirs.

Sure helped those people stabbed tonight, didn't it?

Fukken lol.
>tfw my hatred of Pakis has made me stop giving them any kind of business

I've not had a kebab since 2015 or been into a Paki corner shop for probably over a year.
David Irving has a famous quote. Ignore the ifunny watermark.
You got me there. You can't keep playing each side and expect things to turn out well. But enough is enough. The only way to fix things at this point is to use "weapons of mass destruction".
how the fuck does anyones IQ make them able to spot/target terrorists in our streets?

if you think everyone knows who these people are then you're the daft cunt.

go sniff some petrol you abbo dickhead
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ignore filename i'm just laxy.

if every muslim were able to be straight like that, the religion would be doing fucking fantastic

but alas

Can you use fucking google? Can you be bothered following the news while deciding to be on /pol/?





The most dangerous ward of the worst city of the worst prefecture in Japan is safer than your best suburb. The people there will be Chinese or Korean or Brazillianćƒ¼Japanese or village people but you know what? Even our minorities (except worst criminal scum)care about society and want harmony. No one in the west wants that. Not even majority. You all want to inflict ego on society. You have forgotten virtue. You are at war.
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>you cant just "get rid of" a politician
What are you talking about? They have tanned to slightly dark skin. The "Southerner" look. That's it. All Southerners need to go.
You mean like how you got rid of Barack Hussein Obama?
But Trump had to sell them weapons again for 100 billion dollars did he.
If your society is working so well, why is your suicide rate skyrocketing so much?
dont do that faggot. we dont kill people. that would make us like them.
>if every muslim were able to be straight like that, the religion would be doing fucking fantastic
If they abandon their entire religion but it's not happening.
Can't target me because i don't get out of my room.
>David "The Holocaust didn't happen okay wait maybe it did don't ostracize me and ruin my career may but Hitler probably didn't know about it he dindu nuffin trying to get his life on track" Irving
>The "Southerner" look
>inb4 you compare italians and iberians to pakis
Fuck off

I said YOU were low I.Q., you low I.Q. retard.

>if you think everyone knows who these people are then you're the daft cunt.


There are a minimum of 3500 KNOWN terrorists walking freely in the U.K. right now.

400 of them (at a minimum) are KNOWN ISIS fighters.

The Manchester bombers father was a KNOWN Al Qaeda member.

I can guarantee every single one of these attackers will be "known to police", just as they were in all of the other incidents.

>go sniff some petrol you abbo dickhead

That's right. Get mad at the truth. If you yell at facts loud enough they will go away, right?

What is Trudeau doing in America?
>don't be alaramed, after this terrorist attack we caught another man slicing his bread with an assault knife that couldve killed hundreads if not thousands. The knife was confiscated an destroyed, and the man has been taken into custody.

Well they fought against National Socialism for their (((puppet masters))) so it literally is the world they fought and died for to bring into being.
you cant assassinate anyone you want. you can kill perpetrators thats fun. Its the law so its 100% christian.
There are barely any Pakis in Germany. And some Turks/Syrians/whatever look a lot like your typical Italian/Spaniard. You cannot be safe enough. Round them all up when you see them. Check their passports, if they are clean let them wear some kind of government issued sticker so people know they are clean.
We're suicidal, nipponbro. I'm so fucking depressed at the state of my life and the world that I can only smoke weed and cigarettes every day to make it better. In Venezuela there's kids getting shot in the chest with gas canisters and dying because they want a fucking future while rich kids party daddy's drug money away in a fancy Caracas night club, inside the citiy's military complex. In England, taxes are used to support genocide. It seems that we either kill ourselves with drugs and degeneracy or we have our governments do it for us.

I just want to live in a serene place where I can be surrounded by music all the time and there's virtue all around. I'm tired of this helplessness
Build a mosque near Tower Bridge if there'd have been a mosque this wouldn't have happened. Also ban half-naked drunk girls from the streets at least during Ramadan,
>imamofpeace handle

Mate, that's a /pol/ack for sure
It's easy to judge when you don't know what they did to him.

I also like to think kebab's is a way to fatten the population so they are no longer combat efficent.
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he's right, you know.
Deportation and maybe install a few showers in their camps.
You mean individual or collective suicide? Individual suicide seems less important than entire nation collectively committing suicide. What is Germany's suicide rate with that factored??? 1\1

Sad to see.
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Also change the flag so they won't be offended, and ban music because wahabis think it's bad
We are in agreement. I think there is just a language barrier between us.
so how does that make it possible for the average citizen to know who these people are?
this information about these people ISNT OUT THERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE YOU DUMB SHIT

You've been talking like the average person needs to take action against these "known terrorists" when the reality of it is that we dont fucking know who they are. The police might, BUT WE DONT
We have to do something about the Dick suck con guy.
The key word is accident. Muslims do it with the full knowledge that they want to kill Christians.
>Europe doesn't lock it's door or believe in self-defense
>bitches at guy across town when someone walks in and rapes and kills everyone and steals everything
This is so tiring.
Is that Liquid Snake as a child?

Wrong. Migrating to Muslim countries and randomly killing civilians would make you like them.
I believe its tiring,because lies are tiring.
Wait there's a new terror attack unironically?
>part of a trade union that penalizes you for not being brown enough
>bitches at the inevitable results
we are supposed to fallow the law of the land.
Did you look at the flag or is that too much for a burger to know where that flag belongs?
>If you yell at facts loud enough they will go away, right?
Actually, yes, they do go away.
No shit. If you've been to London you wouldn't act surprised. It's like 50% subhumans and braindead liberals.
>There are barely any Pakis in Germany. And some Turks/Syrians/whatever look a lot like your typical Italian/Spaniar
Lolwhut. Are you American?
>if they are clean let them wear some kind of government issued sticker so people know they are clean
And the german always comes out
The trick is to fight ideology NOT the people.

Not letting them in is a start, but what you need to do with people of the Religion of Peace is make to fight their culture, AGAIN NOT THE PEOPLE), make them understand why their hijabs is an attack on liberty, make them ACCEPT AND SUPPORT Blasphemy, for example, make them understand why the West is superior.

Anyone entering the country to stay should be asked the question "Do you like this country more than the country you left, and why?", Anything outside of a 'yes' should be a direct send back.

It's not UP to the average citizen, you dumb shit. It's up to the police and the government.

>You've been talking like the average person needs to take action against these "known terrorists"

No I haven't. The average person needs to hold the Police and Government responsible.

They are the ones facilitating these attacks.

And they need to hold the Muslim community as a whole responsible, and anyone who champions or advocates liberal politics. They are all equally responsible for these attacks.
That fucking towelhead needs to go.
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This man needs to be shot... an invader as a mayor of London... get some balls englishmen you stupid suicidal cunts
Seems as though you already know what must be done.

No they don't Hans. Just ask the Stasi. There are only so many files you can burn per minute.
No, he's an actual imam who actually denounces the scourge of toxic Islamism

there are videos of him if you youtube his name. kind of a wise guy
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So What do you think will be the near future of Europe?
>A amount of people will be redpilled enough to start burning mosques atacking mudslimes or even start a civil war?
Or the same
>People will just bend like sheep without running but with fear, letting the wolf kill one by one until we reach the point of chaos with no possible solution.
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>tfw when i was buying a kebab at same time as stabbings

sorry bros it's just so tasty but that's it i'm done with kebabs now never again, i'll go to the chinky next time i promise


...what? What am I meant to be looking at?
Of course, that's basic common sense. Now stop donating shekels to football.

A. They do what Serbia was doing, but without the U.S. intervening.

B. They collapse into multi-cult third world ruin.

B is the most likely.
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explain something to me

>be anglo
>sending your state of the art military to shitskin lands
>slaughtering shitskin men women and children
>shitskins finally strike back
>all they can muster up is a guy with a van and 3 guys with knives
>oh noe, we are so scared

wtf?? are you actually fucking retarded?
People would rather flee than stay and fight and without access to guns people are definitely going to be averse to fighting.
This picture makes me sad
I love ideology its what made America great. fuck you frog, I hope you have a nice clean white flag to usher in your new overlords.
>it's just so tasty
>spit, piss, semen
>mfw burger says you can't just a politician
jay eff kay dude.
All of the strong ones already died for their respective countries in ww2, now only weak beta males remain.

The writing is on the wall, thank God muslims don't know my country exists because we would be the same
Muslim takeover once their numbers reach 40-50%
Sharia enforced, mass murder etc
Rich liberals and jews run away to the states
War against Poland, USA and Russia allies with the muslim majority EU
We run out of fuel and intergalactic colonisation becomes impossible
Humanity regresses back to the middle ages and stays there
"Europe was always sunni"
But we got the minority view there. Show it to some wimmins, see if they get sad or outraged at the racism.
Trump is literally doing what he said he'd do and people want him impeached.

Really grinds my fears
>literally the trashiest meat you can ever buy
even MacDo is healthier.
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SAS Elite soldiers jumping out of helicopters shooting people in the head with dead and wounded people galore bleeding out in the streets is perfectly normal.
yeah, and Charlie Hebdo was because of french intervention obviously.
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>implying it's not 2nd generation immigrants filled with hate for the west
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Are you NZ? You guys are on the approved list.
Humanity has failed
how the fuck did you elected this idiot anyway? We throw banan at our only nigger minister, and get him to resign while crying, for christ sake!


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Believe me, I know the feeling.
Anglo-americans are completely out of touch with reality since the 70's.
i'd hate the west to if all i see is "my" people getting slaughtered day in day out
is it though? why wont they release the data? why did this start happening when the refuges shewed up. or are you going to say it was always this way?
da, comrade

as well as the paris shootings
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>Get used to it.
yeha. I'm so glad I'm not an anglo at this moment.
settle down faggot. If you dont like them stop buying things from them. thats free market.
Dickhead. Muslims truly believe their culture is superior

>uhh guys we just need to teach them to reject sharia law

They do not want to change, and will kill you if you try
A bit scared there Maghrebi?
Well "your" people all live in Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan. If you don't like it go back there.
Damn, I love your 50's cars.
how would i kill westerners in these states? it's a lot easier at the doorstep than thousands of kilometers away
I only wish i could live to see it happen
That's a very good point. It's always british born, yet this shit only kicked up a gear after merkel's fugee influx. Maybe it wasn't foot soldiers they smuggled in, maybe it was their masterminds.
Kaffir won't do shit.
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>The trick is to fight ideology NOT the people.
>the trick is to fight communism not commies
Here are some quotes from your ""ideology""
>>implying it's not first, 2nd, 3nd, and 4th generation immigrants filled with hate for the west
Not only are the beliefs of the kaffirs completely worthless, their laws (unless they directly align with the Sharia) are to be ignored except as part of taqiyya.
Ah so the final goal is to kill westerners? Time to have a (((shower))) Muhammad.
Well for one cut this bullshit line of a building bridges instead of walls. Believe it or not when you have a bunch of people who are wanting to go around and nice and run over and kill innocent people a wall can be a good thing. This guy needs to stand up and say I am a Muslim but the people doing the killing aren't like the rest of us. Grow a spine. Too many prominent Muslims are too afraid to stand up against the extremists. Either that or they are secretly admiring them. Who the hell knows. But at the end of the day the muslims who have any kind of influence, be they business people, politicians, celebrities, whatever, need to stand up and say enough is enough and he just so happens to be a mayor which gives him the perfect fucking platform to stand up and do just that. If anything, he has done the opposite. Play the reach out and hug them card. Pathetic. How much has he done to attack the problem from his vantage point? How about calling out all of the moderate Muslims and telling them it's time to take back their religion? Why don't we see any rallies in the streets from the moderate Muslims decrying the violence caused by the extremists? He could easily play a part in that.
Not the kebab shit, the thought of thousands and thousands of fucking morons liking and retweeting this shit, the terrible hipster/ faggot/ ebonic culture. These people vote for terrorism, and then wnact witch hunts when ordinary people ask sensible questions. I went to uni with these preachy cucks, they're our future lawyers and politicians.
they dindu nuffin they was going to church and sheeit. 100% incompatible with a first world.
Muslims are blaming the tories for:
A) creating terrorism in the uk
B) these attacks to help the election

Funny how muslims will deflect from their beloved labour.

Absolute cunts. Deport the lot of them. Has nothing to do with anything but their population %.
the final goal is to take revenge upon westerners for slaughtering my people, da ti bolgarska pička
Please, please be trolling as a normie.
Islam wants the degenerate West dead. Period. He's not going to stand up because he's winning. England lost it's capital city to Islam, soon will come time to cleanse it of the kaffir. This won't go on tolerated and there will be huge backlash against Islam which will effectively give Israel the greenlight to expand it's borders and cleanse undersireables.
sorry winston, but you imported them when you enslaved a quarter of the planet
>they're our future lawyers and politicians
True. But they're also weak af, inside and out. If If civil/religious war comes, both sides will be lynching them from lampposts.
Meantime, lawyers can be outwitted, politicians can be voted out or brought down via scandal.
Situation is not lost.
>Islam wants the West dead. Period.
>Tfw you never got to visit the UK before it became a Islam nation
be a lawyer then, thats america. personally I would find a nice niche business and enjoy a nice life as a "gentile". I actually think hard work and a nice house is a good thing.
>Islam wants the degenerate West dead

so shitskins want the same thing that /pol/ wants?
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/pol/ wants liberals and degenerates dead. Muslims want all non-muslims dead. See the difference?
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>fight ideology NOT the people
>make them understand
>make them ACCEPT
>make them understand

That is why you fail. Muslims are raping and pillaging europe, but you still think you can talk things out. You can't even convince people on your side on /pol/. You will never, ever reason with desert savages that want to behead you. You must kill them. It is either them or you.

"Have you ever fought an idea, Picard? It has no weapon to destroy, no body to kill.ā€

Gowron, Star Trek.
You will be removed in due course.
No. My original comment stands. The West is sick and degenerate

Happy Ramadan, BEADY.
Nigger it's evident that Sadiq Khan gets off on the terrorist attacks and enables them
You're aware that you are replying to maghrebi monkey right?
>Bed side manor of a London Help Desk Worker/Mayor

How long until people start carrying shields on the Tube?
Last night on BBC news they were talking to an eye witness for a while and hearing what he had to say. As soon as he said "and they there shouting 'this is for Allah'" the reporter glossed over it and the interview was stopped shortly after.
>The West is sick and degenerate
Correct. But it can't be that our only choices are either liberalism or islam.
Yeah, unlike muslims. Lmao.
yeah, and pol wants all non pol dead

it's the same thing pičketina
Of course they aren't. Only shills and deeatists say that.
People die. Get over it, you civilized pussy
Fool, the police work for them, if you report activity to police they put you on a racist list and watch you instead.
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Yeah me to. I wonder if pictures like this will be banned one day? They destroy the Marxist narrative, by showing safe clean areas, and White Majority. Or they might just photoshop White people out, in Stalinesque fashion.
It's clear either way, they want use erased.

They're working so hard to erase us.
Where do ideologies COME FROM dude if not the people.

where is his one on the piano man that shows up after the attacks?
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>Too many prominent Muslims are too afraid to stand up against the extremists. Either that or they are secretly admiring them.
I have bad news for you.
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Too bad for you. It's a sign of a mental disorder if you blame random people for the deaths of other random people. You should get treatment or die.

They are retarded.

You should never let Muslims and non-whites permanently settle inside your borders. Ever.
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Get off your high horse you cis-white-male priviliged scum. The REAL victims here are the MUSLIMS. Muslims are being discriminated against everywhere in the western world, and for what reason other than them blowing you up? They are just practicing their faith you bigoted piece of shit. PART AND PARCEL, get it through your thick skull you moron.

>Europe was always sunni


I can imagine some black guy marching around the village square in flares proclaiming;

Hang him instantly. Pluck out his eyes.
>Fool, the police work for them, if you report activity to police they put you on a racist list and watch you instead.
Even normies know this. Authorities want to eradicate white resistance, not terror groups/attacks.
Its #RAMAVAN2017

I'm convinced Australia and New Zealand are going on a list made by Jews and Chinks to be relocation zones for rich white people after they have raped Western Europe and The U.S. blind.
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>I can imagine some black guy marching around the village square in flares proclaiming;
>tfw 50s cars will always look like the cars of the future
If anyone here needs refuge for the night just hit me up with a pm
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People actually thought this fucker would prevent the attacks according to one poll in the paper the day before yesterday.
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London isn't English mate. It's a third world shithole (((transplanted))) into the heart of a once great nation. A homogeneous native English population would never have elected this piece of filth.
Also, close to antartica, which will eventually be habitable again and is actually the fucking size of America. Didn't teach me that one in school.
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They have a terrorist as their mayor. Ahahahahgagabahagagahahahahshahahahqha
Go to London and see why he was elected. It would be like going to Baghdad but with rain.

Here comes the Mayor!
the obvious answer is Christianity. dont play stupid.
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brits never reply to posts like these because its too harsh for them
There are 22 islamic jihad training groups in america AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!

We have nothing but white man... terrorism also does not exist here.
I agree fully. Return to Christian tradition is the answer.
Mate it's much worse that.
There are 23,000 jihadist suspects on a watch list in the UK
Only 3000 can be monitored as priority cases in over 500 simultaneous operations.

The other 20,000 have to be downgraded due to budget cuts.

The last few attacks Inc, last month's Westminster bridge attack, Manchester suicide bomb and Lee rigby beheading were by mskms on the downgraded 20,000 list.
Churchill was a black muslim, you white kaffirs!
Risk your worthless life to send a message, strike fear into the black hearts of mudslimes, and show your fellow citizen that now is the time of fighting back, of bravery. It took one man to start ww1, you could be the martyr who started the war that saved Europe.
hanz you are eternally cucked you cant talk about defending anything. your country ruined itself. now the powers that be are having a nice laugh at your misfortune.
That's all you got faggot?
Military won't intervene and help us. And if we stand up and defend ourselves we end up in prison. So yes, there's a lot to be scared about.
>posting your own tweets
>strike fear into the black hearts of mudslimes
They would not give a fuck if you killed a politician.

>show your fellow citizen that now is the time of fighting back
No, people would brand me a racist faggot and my attack would mean nothing.

>It took one man to start ww1
1914 has fuck all to do with 2017. Theres a completely different way of thinking now. If a person kills a politician it isnt going to spark any fucking movement or any of that horse shit.
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I will not encourage war and I will not support Gavrillo.

But the conditions prior to 1914 have been noted as to being similar as what we're currently facing.
Christianity is what protected you from Islam for centuries. Are you really so blind?

Return to being of Christian mind, body, and spirit. It will give you what you need to repel the Islamists.
your country is being islamized just as much as the rest of the west, you're just too fucking dumb to see it.
Not to suggest anything here, just a casual observation, but wasnt there a pro multicult politician gunned down in the streets a year or two ago?
Lol mate, it will be my helicopter that gives out free rides. Chaotic good.

Statistics actually show that they are the most extreme, I believe it was Pew Research who conducted the survey(s).
>safer than your best suburb
Absolutely untrue. The US is a vast land. There are PLENTY of ultra safe, communal and respective suburbs strewn across conservative areas.
lol no, not Islamized.

But our culture and way of life has been poisoned by black and mexican gangs and garbage trash degenerate music.
"no reason to be alarmed"

he said that because he knows you britbongs will have 10x more of these attacks in the coming months hopefully
Its true, only a fucking idiot would report to the police. The same police that arrested a 12 year old girl after being gang raped by 50 year olds
>Christianity is what protected you from Islam for centuries
wrong. People needed a reason to live, so they decided to live they wanted to cave in black cunts heads in a foreign land while being paid for it by the churches. so they did. They didnt do it because they felt some pride or obligation, they did it because 1. life was boring as fuck and 2. being poor was shit.
>Risk your worthless life to send a message, strike fear into the black hearts of mudslimes
Nah. We're not concerned with chess pieces. Only the player.
"All we are saying is give peace a chance..."

We did that John Lennon, but they decided to fly planes into the world trade center buildings... since then they've infiltrated into our countries and are slowly killing us off while more and more of them migrate into our countires and slowly fucking take over.

In which whites are already a minority over the next few generations. And even of those how many are degenerates?


Which sadly is only a sovereign nation while the US and to a lesser extend the UK posess any sort of military and economic muscle. The second that goes it'll become a massive chinese province. I think the only way this could be stopped is if we ensure Aus and NZ have a nuclear defence before we ourselves collapse
and what did that change exactly? nothing? haha thats right it changed nothing! thats my point!
I agree, if we don't take action the bodies will pile up, what is it now? 37 people dead in the last 3 fucking months? hundreds injured?
Jesus Christ we can't keep up like this.
Mudslimes think you're weak, they think they can do as they please and you wouldn't lift a finger. If they saw that a muslim politician has been rightfully murdered they would shit their pants at a far right uprising and think twice about raping your sisters. You already are branded as a racist faggot by leftists, but you will be considered a hero by everyone else. Even if it doesn't set off a race war, atleast that goatfucker mocking your country from your capital will be dead.
>They are censoring facts to protect muslims in the name of tolerance, as per usual.
Even on some dip shit forum I post on. Was banned for saying many are afraid of offending others sensibilities by stating it is "Islamic terrorism". Banned for "inflammatory language"
Damn you łukasz! Ruining a perfectly good theory with your racist facts!
Well it certainly changed the fact that the particular politician that was pushing the what some would construe as destruction of society is no longer able to, there's that

I mean, if that was to start happening en masse, you can bet things would change to appease the native populations quick smart

speaking purely hypothetically of course, I mean it's not like there is a foreign enemy element subverting our cultures from the inside now is it ;)
I agree, violence will do nothing, as soon as whites start acting violent its the end, government will crack down twice as hard, more Muslims will be radicalised as they read themselves to fight.
It just escalates the situation, we need to shame Islam and spread the word of how terrible it is.
amen this cant be stressed enough. they have weakened our main strength. we are a christian nation no matter what any faggot tries to tell you.
>nothing but white men?

So your a nation of only blokes? Thats why you fuck men, nothing else to bang... fair enough

Keep getting ass fucked by Islamists then.

hint: You need an ideology to combat theirs. Religion is immune to regular politics.
Sure thing. Show me how its done first.
no shit you dont white people to riot. the last time we rioted 80 million people died.
They did it in the name of God you fag, do you think the Crusaders were given their armour and food for free? No they had to spend all the money they owned buying armour and a sword, having enough food for the journey which they know 99% won't return from.
Yet they did it to protect their rightful lands.
> If they saw that a muslim politician has been rightfully murdered they would shit their pants
no they wouldn't. You are seriously retarded. They dont give a fuck what we do...thats why they jihad, because they dont give a fuck about what people think!

even if we blew them the fuck up everytime they tried to even blink they'd still jihad.

you americans have no idea how to play the game lmfao.
theyll probably blow up the london bridge to stop future attacks :D
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Hey retard. Pic related. You could start taking in nigger next century and be fucked sooner than the US. How are those bombing anyways?
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It's all gooood,do not be alarmed goyim
You do realize that what you're talking about is exactly what they want to happen?
Remove the dissidents from society so that they can carry on doing what they're doing (destroying the west)
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>maybe in the 1800s, we're in 2017.
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if only there was some way to stop these attacks ... that would be great ...

but there's not! oh well, a damn shame for those who lost their lives.
It's a lose lose situation.
whites riot, crackdown, loss of liberties.

ethnics riot/explode people, crackdown, loss of liberties.
Well on the long term yes, but I doubt most of the youngsters will understand that

Japanese suicide is more of a meme than reality, sure it's high, but it's nowhere near the top, and we never really hear anyone talk about the Belgium or Hungary suicide epidemics despite those two being just above Japan.
Great image. Saved.
We don't have a sandnigger mayor telling us to get used to his brothers raping and terrorizing as if they conquered us. You do. I'd gladly give my life if there was a chance that it meant saving my home from filthy savages.
Mate.... mate... you had Obama as a president for two terms

President > mayor of a city
Losing Christianity and going into some new age progressive bullshit is what led you to losing all sense and inviting Islam to your doorsteps in the first place.

If you guys never softened on Christianity, you would have repelled the idea of Islam from the beginning.

Christianity was your shield.
ofcourse you can, pick up your spoon and fight!
You're correct. The absolute worst thing to do is start targeting random muslims, mosques etc. These people are not the enemy. We are being destroyed by politicians and police chiefs.
These people have to be elected though, which suggests a political solution first.
Yes Islam would be a peaceful religion without the US existing. Seriously look at history. See the truth
We are going for the Mosques, yes!

Fucking backward Muslims fuckers, they'll thanks us one day
>If you guys never softened on Christianity
Christianity softened on us. It is now cuckanity and doing nothing but hasten the demise of those following its (((advice)))
>mosques and Muslims are not the enemy guys
>oh god no we cant target them
>it would be morally unjust

Moderate muslims cheer on radical muslims. Islam in a man is about as useful as rabies in a dog
You guys were not Christians.

You guys were liberal atheists greeting Islam onto your doorsteps like it was some kind of joke because Religion had no meaning to you anymore.
Yes I understand that globalist nwo agenda has been to flood the west with the islamic world until there is mutual destruction of zionism and islam at which point a new religion gets ushered in

I am just saying, violence is the only true force of change throughout human history

All law, society, rests on it
Not morally unjust -- I don't care about that. I care about winning. It's the wrong move.
In case you didn't know how democracy works it only takes having <50% of the population to be fucked politically. Look at the elections of obama and khan, the shoft has already begun. Either way mo we aren't more fucked yet, we share no land border so have a lot less incoming migration. You have around double our population of whites but far far more than 2x the amount of immigrants coming in.

We're all fucked eventually but you must be seriously deluded if you think the US will outlast us
you dont know anything you are like a little baby.
Some of them are the enemy though. I'm not part of the /pol/ "they're all terrorists kill all shitskins" crowd but there are definitely problems within some Muslim communities and mosques which have a very "us vs them" mentality, foster these ideologies and even allow extremist speakers.

There's definitely a problem amongst them but no, if you try to bring this up you're told "but it's not all of them" and accused of racism. I'm not fucking talking about all of them I'm talking about this group and the environments in which they're growing.
religion is followed by people who are literally fucking retarded.
>you americans have no idea how to play the game lmfao.

Don't they know killing your enemies means they win?
*tips fedora*
this is why you will see in your lifetime your entire world changed. muslims really do believe in what they are doing. do you?
i couldnt give a fuck to be perfectly honest.
It's not really a pissing match, we care about Europe. You are our fellow nation and until recently were a secondary safe haven for upright Americans. Losing you is like losing a big part of us.

The US has its own problems, and it sucks to see Europe following in the US's pattern, but it's different in the UK because the UK is much smaller and much more tightly packed than the US so the issues are compounded. There is still a lot of "natural segregation" in the US, mostly because the US has grown with having blacks and has adapted itself as such in how we plan our cities (poor black areas, middle class white areas, and etc.) The UK is a different beast, I feel as though the problems are right there on your doorsteps at times.

If you guys re-sparked your Christian faith and attitude within your communities it would give you something to fight Islam with. Look to God for help, spread the Christian faith again. God will give you strength to fight.
By 'enemy' I mean the person(s) to focus on. Muslim aim is to outnumber us, that's not a secret, they admit it openly.
What I'm saying is, the real enemy is the political class that has either ben bribed by saudis (a proxy for Israel remember), or are taking orders from the NWO (kalergis plan etc.)
Attacking muslims does nothing against this. It helps them.
they kill non muslims. that is your future if they become a caliphate. you will be a second class citizen if you come here after giving up your homeland.
You can't even own lockpicks.
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