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>Yes goyim. Direct all your focus and all your emotions against

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>Yes goyim. Direct all your focus and all your emotions against the mooslims.
>The turrists have killed literally DOZENS of people in your countries of >million population
>These sub-60 IQ third worlders are surely the biggest threat that mighty western civilization is faced with.
>Look at these emotional pictures of their poor innocent victims, doesn't it make you angry?
>Doesn't it make you want to convince your governments to crusade in the holy land?
>Make sure to vote for le based conservative parties in your next elections :^) deus vult!
Yes, because Jews are the ones that keep mowing us down. You morons gobble up Anti-Semitism because you worship a failed dictator who killed millions all in the name of his delusional ideology. Nazism was built upon Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of the day,
chiefly The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the world's most influential fabricated text.

Islam is the problem, and always has been. Ever since its founding, it has sought to conquer, but Judaism is different. Even when Europe despised them, Jews never comitted terror attacks, nor did they kill in the name of their religion. The Jews only crime is being successful.
Even black people have enough sense to recognize the Jews for what they are.
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I agree completely
New Zealand is truly one of our greatest allies
Don't worry, we hate them both

1 - Israel wants to get rid of muslims on their nation

2 - UN keeps bashing Israel

3 - Suddenly diaspora jews and israel alike push for flooding the entire west with 'war refugees' who happen to be almost all males on military draft age

4 - West looks like Israel during those knife attacks, terror everywhere

5 - If the west is forced to pushed back against islam and muslims on it's borders, now it can't say nothing about Israel doing the same

6 - Israel is free to remove muslims from it's borders by forcing the west to face the same issue and losing the moral ground by being forced to do the same

How long until this happens?
As long as your efforts are towards driving out the mooslims first!
Remember, they're one of the most anti-semitic people in the world. So much primal hatred against us in their hearts, and they're not afraid to act on it! Even their children stab our brave soldiers in Israel! They obviously couldn't be used to your advantage. They're dangerous! Out out out, by any means necessary!
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Ah yes, because correlation = causation. Brilliant deduction.

Yes, the leading Maxists were Jewish, as were many of the intellectuals at the time. That doesn't mean their actions were predicated on their faith or ethnicity.

Honestly, every European country struggled with fighting communism internally. The Spaniards did, in fact they had a civil war over it, yet there were no Jews amongst the Republicans, as the Spaniards expelled their entire population centuries ago. It didn't stop the allure of communism in Spain, or elsewhere. It was a disease of the intellectuals for most of the 20th century.

If you had any arguments, rather than conspiratorial charts drawing lines between Jews and bad things, then I would happilly concede Jews might bear some responsibility, but I'm still to see a valid argument.
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>he still hasn't taken the first redpill
Holy shit someone on /pol/that is actually redpilled
Your "Happy Merchant" is no more an argument, than a picture of some obese American redneck is proof all of America is stupid.
>muh correlation and causation bullshit
Does it matter? If the globalists are mostly kikes, and the commies are mostly kikes, the best solution is to stump the kikes.
>inb4 #notall, muh individualism
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What responsibility is there to bear, great ally? The chart demonstrates how much we are willing to sacrifice for our peaceful and prosperous visions of the future!
What you said is the truth, the only thing we're responsible for is the great extent of our success.
And a terribly hard responsibility it is to bear.
>Implying radical Islam isn't a Jewish golem
Of course, we're just left to believe that it's a coincidence 2% of the American population controls half of finance, Hollywood, and news organizations. It's just a coincidence that kikes control all the major media outlets in Europe, despite being less than 1% of that population.
Most Marxists are Sociologists and University intellectuals, who are the ones promoting their intellectual poison on Western Society. Intersectionality (The basis of modern social justice) was not invented by a Jew, but by UCLA professor Kimberlé Crenshaw. Again, it has nothing to do with Jews. Ideology is not somehow confined to History's favourite scapegoat.

Israel is concerned about immigration, as other Western socities should be. Arab birthrates are much higher than Jewish ones, and the character of the country is ethnocentric. It cannot exist as a Jewish state, if Arabs become the majority.

Jews are "Red Pilled" on immigration, when our leaders aren't. Your entire chart again relies on out of context quotes (Some of which probably aren't even accurate, since your meme images are never fact checked) and copy pasting a happy merchant image.

Again, please give me an actual argument showing Judaism and Jews are somehow innately predisposed to loathing western society.
Jerusalem is rightful Christian clay. Give us the city where our Lord and Savior suffered and died.
It's not a coincidence that Jews are successful, just like it's not a coincidence that Asian-Americans are also your other most successful model minority. It's because they care about Education. I'm sure that there is some element of nepotism involved, but no more than WASP Americans favour their own as well.
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>Yes goyim. Direct all your focus and all your emotions against the mooslims.

How about I take my anger out on both Jews and Muslims?
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>innately predisposed to loathing western society
But we are westerners, what are you trying to say? And why would we loathe what we are most successful in?
Must suck that the entire western world is so fucking liberal they never do anything about it and just accept terrorist attacks as a monthly occurrence.
shut up you pussy, grow some balls and stop being scared of stupid fucking jews
If it were solely due to their education, you would only expect 15-20% representation in these fields, which is proportional to their graduation rates at Ivy League schools.

Theres a huge amount of nepotism involved in these critical fields. Anyone who questions it is immediately ostracized from these fields. Combine this with an overarching belief in diversity, globalism, and egalitarianism, and you've got a dangerous mess.
It's because they overcompensate for having half their dicks cut off. Give it a rest, shlomo.
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But try not to be anti-semitic like them!
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Expand it out even further to look at the 40% of known billionaires who are Jews. It's certainly not a farfetched idea to think that the billionaires, media moguls, and financiers who all share the same ideals would get together and collude to accomplish those aims.
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>nor did they kill
>what is the blood "libel"
Read a fucking book or two
Kill yourself like shill
From Goyim why doesn't Israel just take the west bank, shit couldn't be much more fucked up.
Israel try to make peace with Iran and Syria! ?
They didn't kill you took you into exile, same for American Hostiges they let em go.
>muh intersectionality, muh campuses today
Literally doesn't matter.
Who started communism? Who are the most important communist leaders and thinkers?
Who are the leftist and neocon advocates in the media?
Who are the globalist public figures today?
You don't get to pull out some irrelevant bullshit that muh radical centrists on Youtube circlejerk around just because the more important stuff doesn't suit your argument.
Not to mention professors in universities are disproportionately Jewish.
The people posting the antisemite stuff are muslims.
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>The people posting the antisemite stuff are muslims.

Usually, during a time when a devout muslim follows his holy book and commits jihad, muslims attempt to explain this to the west by blaming jews. It is a universal damage control method.
Jesus have broght some good to the world
Can't say the same about mudslimes
Slimes also reproduce and actively invade other nations like crazy
If i had the option to i would eradicate both however
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>t. kike
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Jews and Muslims are semites. Basically the same fucking thing. Get them all the fuck out of white countries and problems disappear.
I think a much, much bigger problem then "the Jews" or even the refugee crisis is the fact that Saudi Arabia is basically holding the global economy hostage via OPEC. The USA can't withdraw from the Middle East or the value of the USD will kersplode. Which means we're trapped there, with all of the continuing nonsense that entails, until something fundamentally changes about the way global finance is conducted.

In the meanwhile, no, Europe has no obligation to take in all these freaking refugees, and conservative Europeans have every right to be pissed off about the situation there
You will be successful at this by trying to fight as many enemies at once
Remember to day of the rope all the negroes too!
Kike Amerifag reporting in. Ya'll are fucking crazy. Most of us don't give a fuck about what any of you fucking goys think, we're just trying to get drunk, get laid and have some fun before you decide to smash the piggie bank again.

That's what we are by the way, have been since medieval times. Simple really, encourage an ethnic minority to engage in practices that build wealth and when the coffers dry up you can take all the shit they've accumulated and scapegoat them as causing the problem.

Shit, if I was a goy I'd probably treat us like a piggybank too. It's good statecraft.
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>tfw you wish you could carpet nuke the entire Middle East along with Israel
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LOL, Checked and Kek'd.
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This poll explains it all. While Muslims are fucking trash, Jews happen to be far worse. Jews have been kicked out 359 times throughout history for good reason. Jews are globalists, and communist, they push multiculturalism, mass immigration, race mixing, feminism, homosexuality, and atheism. Anyone who defends Jews in this thread is either a kike, a Reddit immigrant, or a shill.
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These links present a huge, verifiable amount of evidence to prove that Jews are actively working towards eradicating the European peoples. This is Jews and Jewish texts IN THEIR OWN WORDS.



A. Jewish Supremacist Mythos reflected in the Torah...

"The mashiach [Jewish messiah] will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)...The world after the messiah comes is often referred to in Jewish literature as Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH), the World to Come...In the Olam Ha-Ba, the whole world will recognize the Jewish G-d as the only true G-d, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion (Isaiah 2:3; 11:10; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9)."
From "Mashiach: The Messiah", Judaism 101




Orthodox Israeli Jews: Non Jews Are Beasts to Serve Us as Slaves

What Happens When Jews Can Freely Rule?

Judaism in its own words on 'who is human:'

Saying something is 'anti-Semitic' scarcely ever means that it is untrue. It usually goes to excessive Jewish power

Learn about the Kalergi and Oded Yinon plans, and spread the Word.
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LOL, you must be slightly impeded in brain function.
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I know, it's amazing.
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Oy Vey no way Goys!!! Muslims are your greatest threats, but not when they're in your countries.
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>tfw feminism, homosexuality, and atheism are the least "offensive" things you listed. Gas them. For real.
Top post.
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Thass ryte goi, don't stop the man attacking your wife and daughters, don't deport terrorists and their families, don't execute imams calling for genocide, no, islam is your greatest ally against Israel, hehehe
i think the better reason for this is that 50% of /pol/acks are muslims, who larp as white nationalists, but really hate israel because muh occupation of palestine
As a Kike, can confirm. Totally a huge fan of all of that, minus the globalism. Honestly I just want us to into space already so every race/ethnicity can have their own planet and just leave each other alone.
One problem at a time. Just because kikes are behind the Muslim migration doesn't mean Muslims aren't dangerous. If a guy forces you into a tiger cage you don't plot how to get the guy while the tiger rips you to shreds fucking idiot.

Whether there is a grand Jewish conspiracy or not, it does not change the fact that Jews have a hereditary proclivity for promoting and creating social ills wherever they are allowed to hold sway in media and government. Now fuck off brainlet
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Not even close. Better double down on those borders cause Mr. Schwa-- uh, I mean *Soros* is coming for you and all your Visegrad buddies.
>/pol/ shilling for Muslims

It doesn't work, you know.
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>Again, please give me an actual argument showing Judaism and Jews are somehow innately predisposed to loathing western society.
Jew=Zoo Keeper
The West=an Orphanage
Not western society. Goyim.
>Implying Muslims think
if it can be done, it should be done. the fallout would kill everyone in Eurasia and potentially the world but i would press the button.
We should kill the Jews AND the Muslims
>I am unable to hate two groups of people
Why do you think we are this one dimensional?
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Europe killed millions of jews and treated them most of the time like shit for 2000 years.

Now most jews have had enough and moved to Israel and the US, leaving only a handful behind.

Now Europe gets millions of mudslimes and niggers as a reward.
Their citizens get beheaded and blown up.
Their daughters are getting raped.
Their inner cities become shariah-no go zones.
Their culture degenerates into obscurity.

Meanwhile we reclaim our land from these subhuman murderers and exterminate them whenever we can luke the filthy cockroaches they are. Instead of thanking us however, the eurocucks boycott and condemn us.

I feel sad to say it but Europe had it coming. Your arrogance and desire to sustain a moral high ground will lead you to your doom.
>If the tiger is capable of being convinced to kill the guy who put you in the cage with it, so you can get out of the cage, you should still try to kill the tiger
This is the most logical course of action, goyim. Trust me.
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>oy vey
>muh 6 gorillion
fuck off kike. you and your kind are not welcome here
>If a guy forces you into a tiger cage you don't plot how to get the guy while the tiger rips you to shreds
This, this, a thousand times this. Whether or not kikes are the reason why this began is less important than dealing with the very real threat at hand.
Hate as much as you want as long as you do nothing about it!
But remember, if you decide to do something about, you evil hateful person, make sure persecute everyone at once! Having as many enemies as possible and throwing away potential resources will surely secure your victory!
>oy vey it's never my fault!
I'm not going to act as if you're responsible for every terrible thing but come on.
Forcing you out of our countries is not genocide. Quite frankly, the fact that so many did oust you seems to say quite a bit more about how you behave than how they do.


I am glad to see there are others who have as much reason as us
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>Europe killed millions of jews and treated them most of the time like shit for 2000 years.
Yes, I'm sure none of that is exaggerated at all. It's not like the Jews to lie.
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Could you please do this?
hello mohammed!
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>tfw your thread gets slided
>muh 6 million
lol tell grandpa lampshape I said hi. Remember Hershel; your nation is built upon a foundation of our goodwill. You exist only by staying in our good graces.

>I'm sure the tiger will be willing to forgo the instructions of his holy book that he has devoted his entire life to and ignore your nation of unbelievers/kafir and ignore the instructions to establish a worldwide caliphate

Death to all kikes

We will impale you on the star you love so much
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An unthinkable concept, I concur
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Death to all Jews.
you're up next shlomo
> I just want us to into space already so every race/ethnicity can have their own planet and just leave each other alone.
likewise. but if we're on the same ship guess who's getting floated?
>UN Reveals Israel’s Support for ISIS

>Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory

>Saving their sworn enemy: Heartstopping footage shows Israeli commandos rescuing wounded men from Syrian warzone - but WHY are they risking their lives for Islamic militants?

>ISIS: a Frankenstein monster created by the US and Israel

>Israeli commando filmed rescuing Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria

>Why Aren't ISIS and Al-Queda Attacking Israel?

>ISIS Proven to Be a Creation of the USA and Her Colonial Master, Israel

>The Fraud Of ISIS Exposed: Iraqi Forces Seize ISRAELI Supplied Weapons From Captured "ISIS" Positions

>The US/Israeli Created Fraud Called ISIS IS At It Again: ISIS/ISIL Documents "Found" In Pakistan State How ISIL (ISIS) Will End The World

>Analysis: ISIS poses no immediate threat to Israel
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You're a retard. Those mudshits weren't sitting in Berlin when Hitler offered them friendship. They stayed in their sandbox and had no plans to come to the west. This is a an invasion, not just the terrorism, this is warfare by birthrate. They already hate kikes, we have nothing to offer them to induce this change.

I see what you're saying, but our situations are completely different and those Muslims were not Wahabists.
>You morons gobble up Anti-Semitism because you worship a failed dictator who killed millions all in the name of his delusional ideology.
Holocaut has already been disproven repeatedly
>Nazism was built upon Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of the day,
Look up the German communist revolution of 1918 and its leaders
>chiefly The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the world's most influential fabricated text
Pretty sure you're a decade or two off.
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what is with this retarded shill operation that's trying to convince us going against mass immigration is somehow playing into the Jewish Plot.

many cary diseases. when the refugees first showed up doctors couldnt give them physicals despite this being part of normal immigration procedure. before you even get on a fucking plane to another country you need to go to a doctor FFS

there was aaids outbreak in the middle east not that long ago. it spread faster than hepC in america which is mind blowing considering the difference in vectors and alleged chasteness of the people in the middle east
>We have nothing to offer them to induce this change.
Of course you don't, silly goyim.
Hey btw can you tell your government to hurry up in overthrowing Assad? The Greater Israel project is behind schedule.
Threads like this is why I spammed over and over that you needed to pit niggers and Jews against each other over the fucking bill Maher incident.

Literally muh 4d chess all day long but all you stupid autistic retards wanted was to normalize using the word nigga. This is why the Jews run your lives. Your to fucking stupid to beat them at their own games. Niggers are Jews favorite pets. Who's behind every protest?
I swear this place is losing its touch to retards and shills.
why not remove both from existence? Muzzies are literal Kike dogs anyways and its just reasonable to kill the owner AND the rabid dog with rabies
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It's not just a coincidence that Jews win so many hands of poker.
fuck jews and fuck muslims, same bunch of snakes that came out of the vagina of abraham
>Former Israeli Defense Minister says ISIS 'apologized' to Israel for mistakenly attacking IDF soldiers in the occupied Golan Heights.
USURY = SMART ? Fucking ignorant stupid animal. no wonder u get KIKED and racemixed
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The solution is to pit EVERYONE against Jews. It's why anyone concerned about winning needs to remind people of that in the blatant divide and conquer threads JIDF loves so much. If they have no friends left, they can't turn any of them against us as a distraction.
"Assimilating" i.e. fucking my daughter haha

Complaining because Muslims are fucking their own women huh? You are the ultimate cuck.
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No anon you shouldn't simply go against mass immigration,
you should continue to flood the board with r the donald memes about the crusades and about how the muzzies are our #1 enemy

Even though the Jews were the first to practice usury in Europe, it doesn't detract from the fact that every bank in the western world practices it as well.

Usury has nothing to do with the fact that Jewish Americans (And Jews in Europe) routinely score higher than other groups in Educational rankings.
>this is warfare by birthrate
The UN back in 2000 was already openly talking about the Zionist plan to destroy Europe with weaponized immigration.
Fuck off you Jew cunt.
Hmm doesn't really look like an Argument Bazza.
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just ignore JIDF
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Voting will never change anything anywhere at this point. We need a full scale global civil war

>global civil war

m8, come on, I know English might not be your first language but get it together.
Israel attacked the USA on 9/11, The proof: https://youtu.be/kyLyGXQUIo0?t=3m23s Just google it!
Jews literally have no shame. They lie like we breath air.
My argument is 6 million more (although we all know the first 6 million was a lie)
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Oh my disdain for muslims is at an all time high, but for every slither my hatred grows for muslims, it grows twice as much for the (((chosen people))).
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But that doesn't make muslims completely innocent
Or innocent at all.
shhhhhh....be quiet plz

after we're done gassing the jews we'll bomb the mudslimes
If a bunch of skinheads kick a nigger to death does that invalidate all National Socialism?
ok,but what about holocaust you stupid nazi?
I can't stand your obvious psyop.

True, but you have to focus energy on the Muslims right after a terror attack even if the ultimate blame goes on jews and their white shitlib allies.

>When you're attacked by a rabid dog, you don't blame the dog, you blame its (((owner))) for letting it off its leash
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So they are capitalist-communists?
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...easy answer etc but there are too few jews to actually be controlling the immigration policy etc etc

Blame the anti-White Left, in Europe and North America, most of all.

It would not be happening without Quislings.
muslims are jewish pawns.
Kill yourself Hershel. Jews are the worst of the worst. Always have been, always will be.
I seriously fucking hate you muslim shits.
>huur /pol/ remember about da joos! muslims r pissfull XDXD
Eat shit and die subhuman vermin
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back to t_d, upside-down poland
Monaco is 100% right. Notice how they always de-emphasize islam's role and bring our problems back to the Jews.

Look at this
Somebody doesn't like Crusader rhetoric. Perhaps it's a little haram for our OP.
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But Islam's role is the most crucial factor
Both are terrible.
Too bad niggers are too retarded to see Islam for what it is. They hate whites because of slavery but Arabs enslaved the shit out of them and cut their dicks off.
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Yes Islam's role is, since it's muslims carrying out the attacks. The Jews, The Government, The Space Lizards and The Loch Ness Monster aren't the ones killing Western Civilians.
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I'm happy we agree
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What we need is to ship all of the Jews and all of the Muslims back and cut them off. Let them fight it out to their hearts content.
Ready for WW3 then?
If it must be so. If we have to fight a world war just to get rid of these fucking rodents then it is obviously worth it. We may never be able to fix this infestation if we wait.
And you'll win by fighting as many people as possible, right?

About a month before world war 3.

>forgets to mention the actual communist jew rebellion in Wiemar germany, where they tried to murder hundreds of ethnic germans for being german

No, just a "conspiracy" I'm sure. Neck yourself, kike.
As many as we have to. It's not like we want to fight, we just want these semitic rats to get the fuck out.
AKA globalists.
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>he thinks it's only half
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The Arabs and Africans function on the same principles as and Mexicans, they go where the gibs are.
But you definitely have to fight them before/while fighting the jews, right?
race war now, amirite?
really? and what's your excuse for that?
the jews are just better?
or is it shilling and cheating? thus making jews stronger, which - again, means jews are better
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Mexicans get deported without a fight. The fact that Arabs will really tells you what you need to know about them. Better to slaughter them all now rather than to wait until their population is too big.

Jews don't fight either, just tell them they're going for a trainride and as long as they are allowed to pack up all their goldbags they will hop right on. Jews know they are too weak to actually put up a fight.
Yes I'm sure that if we only target the Jews, the Muslims will stop hating the west. It's not like they hate every aspect of us and wish death upon those who don't follow their teachings. We can only have one enemy so we should import more BASED MUSLIMS and implement sharia law
Jews are cunning and intelligent people. Weak, though, and easily conquered. If it weren't for a goodwill possessed by most other men(Jews not included) then Jews would already have been eradicated hundreds of years ago.
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>Better to slaughter them all now
This is LARPing at its highest caliber. You think this is more easily achievable than trainriding them back to the Middle East and Africa to fight?
>If it weren't for a goodwill possessed by most other men
Do you actually believe the stuff you type?
>missed oppertunity to write 'goldbergs'

something in your argument doesnt seem right
particularly that people in power positions have "goodwill" to spare to put jews in the same positions as they are.
>easily conquered
come at me bro
>non-nazi example:pogroms
im not sure we have the same history scripts here, bro
They will still be a problem there. Take care of it now and they wont come back
Muslims won't go back by request. We both know this.
Are you retarded? If there weren't good-will in the hearts of Europeans they'd have outright slaughtered the African slaves brought to America. Europeans have tended to try and avoid conflict, but now its simply becoming unavoidable.
You people only have a country via charity. You had privileged positions in Germany, too, look what happened. Shipped on trains then gas the ones that didn't leave. I have no problem with Israel, you can rule over an empire of dirt all day. Nobody cares. I want you all to go there and for us to build a giant dome around you.
They wish death upon you because you're the sockpuppet of kikes
Their muh allah is irrelevant because they're sub-60 IQ third worlders. You're weak enough to view them as fundamentally threatening, it's no wonder the jews can manage to cuck you so hard.

>we should import more
Didn't say by request did I
the jews didn't politely ask them to flood into europe did they
They passed out pamphlets saying UK was giving free cars and houses to anyone willing to make the journey. UK actually did it(the madmen)

Jews can only operate by deceit, they are not much of a threat if you could unify your country into agreement that they need to be expelled. Muslims are a different story, though, they will blow themselves up if you try to deport them.
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I'd like to see both the jews and the moslems GTFO.

Now fuck off, Achmed.
im willing to take the jews off your hands
but keep those borders open, you want jewish money and weaponery
how about deciet and knowing people in the right places? there is nothing wrong with some diplomacy as long as you get what you want
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You can't take care of it now without going full 14/88.
You go full 14/88 while waging a race war on your home soil,
and you think you'll still be able to win the greater struggle.
That ain't how it do
That's not requesting, that's enticing.
>they go where the gibs are
fuck, dont show these misformed fucktard here
>Guys Islam isn't the enemy, UNITE!
You sound like a fucking Leftist

"Enemy of my enemy is my friend" is also the worst mindset in human history and caused literally all the troubles of the past 100 years
>Hmm Krauts are my enemy, and communists are there enemy
>Better lend lease the fuck out of them and support them on their path to success so we both beat the Krauts
>Fuck, that was a bad idea

>Communists are my enemy, and Islamists are their enemy
>Better lend fuck out of them and support them on their path to success so we both beat the communists
>Fuck, that was a bad idea

>Islamists are my enemy, and Israel are their enemy
>Better lend fuck out of them and support them on their path to success so we both beat the Islamists
>Europe burns
It's happening. OP is right. Doesn't mean we shouldn't deal with both groups tho. That's where OP is wrong.
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nobody here's saying they should stay, Cletus.
I'm only saying you should be something besides a useful idiot for once in your life

You don't have to be a pussy and pretend a thing is about to cause the collapse of western civilization to qualify it as an enemy.

>caused literally all the troubles of the past 100 years
>He thinks the USA is something other than a proxy for Israeli interests
yeah those things turned out to be bad ideas for you maybe, goyim.
kill yourself you rat faced kike
What was the original context of this quote?
yeah, because europe is going to be overrun with violent jews. get a grip sperg.
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All cuckservatives are cucks and beta faggots.
Oy vey! The goyim know!
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Sure thing, Mehmet. I'll get right on that.
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I'm glad
or a lot fo individual jews have an individual opinion on economics. the same way some white suppoort immigration adn others are opposed to it.
They're still horrible kikes. That's not an excuse or a legitimate line of reasoning

>oy vey
>do we practice blood libel on the goyim like this
>or should we try True Communism
>or should we just focus on bringing about the end times prophecy?
If you're coming at this from a 'muh cwistianity be opwessed' point of view, your argument is invalidated. If you're being 100% objective, without any agenda, you can be taken seriously. So which is it, punk?
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I don't see the good man making any arguments, anon, just sharing cold hard facts
Pond faggots GET GASSED !!
> bible believers dot org
> source of non-biased 'facts'
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t. Schlomo Golderbstein
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why not? the page is just listing excerpts from the bible (old testament, new is christian hence meme)
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>the time for present day explosions is once again rapidly approaching
>explosions, not expulsions
quality banter
I worry when I see shit like this that you think Christianity is powerful. Christianity is a joke. I dont like idiot leftist words like "oppressed", but the idea that Christianity is treated with any respect whatsoever in the West is alternate reality tier
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> posting this delusional women strengthens your agrument in any way. she would be controlled opposition among her own ranks were she a real kike boss. Find some better material than this reharshed alex jones tier trash
Cool post, Ahmed
Behind every New Swede is a Jew. Remove both.
classic muslim deflection thread

we are getting tired of it

the jews arent bombing our cities every week
We'll Hitler hated Jews bc of the Bolsheviks and if those guys are gone then I don't see pol's reasoning to get on the anti Semite bandwagon.

I think most of pol believes it's just edgy and their mostly immature younglings. Then again it could be that pole also believes that the Bolsheviks are still around (Soros) and are manipulating the world in certain directions.

Either way I don't know who's right or wrong or if anyone is either of those things.
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thanks shlomo

>le just remove them all XD
Very productive input, i can tell how truly and genuinely dedicated you are to this cause.

>t. newfag who doesn't realize /tru/pol celebrates the libshit cities getting bombed
you would be more comfortable on another website, I believe, can you guess which?
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>>t. newfag who doesn't realize /tru/pol celebrates the libshit cities getting bombed

only to the extent of it making the people more angry against muslims you stupid shitskin
fpbp, antisemitism should be punished with years in prison
I don't really think sand nugget terrorism is like this big Jewish conspiracy.
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>against muslims
>not the kikes that sent them here and brainwashed our countries into being beta faggots in the first place
Of course :^)
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your deflection tactics dont work on me Mehmet
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what is there to deflect from?
Your virtue signalling about dead liberals?
>omg just think it could have been your mom
>why don't the people care anymore? the west is dead
Your threads flood this board every time it happens, shlomo. Consider varying your tactics a bit.
holy shit and you think that I'm the newfag here?

Would you rather I helped you gargle arab balls until they agree to help us fight the Jews?
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We always deal with traitors first, Shlomo.
>Believing niggers have enough sense to recognize anything other than a watermelon.
KYS, there must be something sharp or pointy within reach
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They are low IQ. low enough to rival niggers.
If the jews can manage to use them as pawns but you can't, maybe you're not fit to be anything more than a kike slave.

All they care about is their muhh allah and their muhh israel illegal occupation
As long as you make it clear when you talk about the jews that you're not a christcuck or some faggoty liberal who's just there to prove how virtuous he is by defending the brown people, they're easy to convert into full national socialism.

because they wouldn't stop being jews

look into why coins have little ridges on them for a perfect example
It's not the 'idea' that it's treated with the ultimate respect that Christians feel they deserve, but it's treated fairly well. Christians are also very vocal when it comes to highlighting the smallest perceived slight, and often use either the bible or some fabricated unverifiable story to plead their case. Of course it's quite legitimate to stand up for themselves when they are being attacked, but their argument loses credibility when they focus upon themselves as the centre of everything. Highlighting attacks upon white/European culture, (which admittedly is heavily informed by Christianity), will have a much greater impact. It's a tricky one, as Christianity is the focus of much bismirchment (legitimately in some cases, but gratuitously in most) however the destruction of Christianity is not the focus of this campaign.
Go suck a mutilated baby penis Schlomo.
I don't want arabs to be national socialists, I want them out of Europe and back in their desert shitholes. Beyond that I don't care.
Death even, just for the slightest hint of it. >>128431543
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>I don't want as many allies as possible to fight against the jewry, which will have as many allies as possible
>After we actually win and have secured authoritarian NatSoc governments in our countries, I don't know whether we'd be able to send the arabs back to the deserts, or even outright mass-sterilize/euthanize them.
Fucking hell how much of a brainlet are you?
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into the oven hebe
Fuck off McCohen
Do you honestly think arabs will help retake Europe for Europeans when they themselves are set to be a majority in a few decades? You're a fucking mongoloid.
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What part of pic related implies taking anything back for Europeans?
>set to be a majority
You really are a pathetic cuck if you view them as equals
Hitler viewed them as subhumans but still won their support, by utilizing British colonialism in the middle east to manipulate arabs to his cause.
This is what not being a <70 IQ retard looks like, Cletus.
You've completely missed the point, goymerican
Are you deliberately misinterpreting what I'm saying or are you just that stupid? White Europe is goal #1, and arabs will not help us there.
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Your goal #1 is retarded then, because just "White" isn't good enough (if it were there wouldn't be anything to discuss here) and it's not achievable anyway without breaking the kikes' grip.
You're going to elect some super based conservative to "le physically remove" all the muzzies?
And THEN they'll deal with the jews, right?
Or are you gonna "le day of the rope" them yourselves?
You're a LARPing little bitch and I'm glad you're probably too autistic to cause any damage to this movement outside of our tibetan basketweaving forum.
We're both LARPing faggot, the only difference is I'm not delusional enough to fall for the BASED goatfucker meme
Fuck you you soft cunt you're probably a nigger a kike or a female

>the world's most influential fabricated text.

Except the Protocols aren't fabricated, you dirty sheep-fucker. FUCK YOU.
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Nope, it's just you LARPing. What I've been saying is shit anyone who's not a zero-confidence beta could be doing IRL.
They don't need to be based, they just need to kill the people we direct them towards instead of killing the people the kikes direct them towards.
How hard is this for you to wrap your deformed head around?
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Jew here. I sincerely hope the Muslim propaganda effort to blame Islamic terrorism on the J00ish boogeyman succeeds so I can keep watching the World burn.

You're just producing my favorite TV show, man.
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the truth is the real enemy is in our heads , and we will never defeat it by killing people in the world , no wonder Hitler's solution didnt solve shit,we wrestle not with flesh but against principalities
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You're all weak and retarded, arguing about your little pet conspiracies and muh Hitler died 70+ years ago while Muslims are winning, not through terrorism but through demographic replacement.

See you in Jinnah, kuffar faggot.

I used to really hate Muslims but then I came to realize the goy was the real piece of shit.
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