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I sometimes wonder if /pol/ pollutes my brain. Watched Wonder

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I sometimes wonder if /pol/ pollutes my brain. Watched Wonder Woman the other day. 4 things struck me.

1) In a battle scene in a Belgian town, Wonder Woman pounces 40 feet into the air, then demolishes a church spire to kill a German sniper inside. Heroically, Gal Gadot, a jewish woman, is standing on top of a decapitated Christian building, being cheered by the village folk.

2) German High Command are all locked in a bunker and gassed by a toxic weapon whilst banging on the door. Muh Holohoax.

3) Wonder Woman teams up with a Scot, a Native American, and a Moroccan in 1918 London/Belgium. Muh diversity. Also the women of Themyscira look fine... cept for the nignogs. Seriously, one of them was Harambe incarnate.

4) Chris Pine explains to Wonder Woman that marriage is when people stand in front of a judge and swear death do us part. A judge... not a priest or vicar.

Then I wonder if I'm just imagining shit
You're not imagining shit.

Thing is, it was always there.

You just care more about the pattern recognition now.
Welcome to the red pill
You'll never enjoy another movie again
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Just the latest in the kike agenda to brainwash normies.
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DC is trash and they should be ashamed of fucking up wonder woman so badly.

>no stars on her costume
>no eagles on her costume
>not patriotic at all
>instead of fighting Nazis for America she's roped along by some Brit in an entirely different place from the original comic
>producers and actors shill that wonder woman had homosexual relationships with her friends when she was younger to milk those extra diversity dollars

>paying money to watch that shit
Interesting take. Only thing I got from the movie is that women are unreasonable and inept.
Pretty much this. Almost all media is now immediately suspicious and probably a psyweapon. Even this thread could be some kind of honeytrap or 5D meme chess or misdirection.

>Welcome to the red pill

Nah, once you fully digest the red pill and are able to laugh again, it gets much better.
The new superman movie trailer has a quick flash of an angry (white only) antisuperman crowd with signs that says things along the lines of "super is an ILLEGAL ALIEN"
always laugh when they say they are all lesbians when all of them get made from clay canon wise.
I don't understand the significance of the quote. Aside from there being tons of Jews in Hollywood.

Well, he unironically is.

Krypton isn't sending their best, folks.
1) this is just standard action movie stuff. If anything, it's saying "you can't hide behind religion and do horrible things" i.e. a criticism on islamic terrorism
2) You're absolutely right, this had to be a deliberate reference to the holocaust. I don't know why you would think /pol/ is the reason you thought this, anyone would think this. It's the logical conclusion
3) the native american is weird, but nothing else is. Since morocco is a non-country now, people don't realize the importance it had a century ago. Morocco was extremely symbolic of the issues that spawned WWI
4) This was most likely done for international audiences. Priest, Vicar, Pastor, Deacan, Imam, dozens of different religious figures, but "Judge" is pretty universal.
>le holocaust didn't happen because image macros on an anime website told me

gas yourself goy
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You're not. Also, Wonder Women is about FemDom and has always been about FemDom. All comic book geeks know this. It is more about "you've been a bad boy" than "all my single ladies".
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Certain things you can't just laugh at though. I agree digesting the red pill is important for ones own sake of mind. Humor is necessary for reintegration to being a human and not a complete nihilist.
>a criticism on islamic terrorism
>by destroying a christian curch
I thought only WW was made from clay? The rest of the Amazons go out to sea and fuck then kill sailors to get pregnant.
Not imagining shit

>Certain things you can't just laugh at though.

Why? Because you say you can't?

Anger just serves to cloud judgement. Half of the left's tactics these days are based on generating and harnessing your anger.

Why let them?

Sometimes you just have to laugh at the absurdity, or you will literally drive yourself mad.
>4) This was most likely done for international audiences. Priest, Vicar, Pastor, Deacan, Imam, dozens of different religious figures, but "Judge" is pretty universal.
Could have just changed the subtitles per language, heeb.
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retconned in nu52 and semi-in this. In the comic, Zeus banged Hippolyta and lied about the clay thing to stop Hera killing another of Zeus's out-of-wedlock brats. In the movie, the twist is she's the daughter of Zeus
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Don't worry. Snyder worked in some random Jesus imagery to earn some Christcuck shekels.
wow, that's really shitty
How to know you aren't poisoned

1. Did you ever see anything like this involving mosque?

2. Did you ever see them fighting communists?

3. Expected. Even my wife who is completely apolitical has noticed it and made unfavorable comments to it. It IS being pushed very hard, no matter the situation.

4. Of course he does.

You are not imagining anything.

I think I'm approaching this phase. I find looking for these brainwashing signs far more entertaining then the actual movie or whatever media itself. How odd it probably seems when I watch Katy Perry music videos.
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Just like Yogi Bear
>Getting married in front of a judge

Is this an American thing? I got married by vicar. A female vicar but still a vicar

That's cool anon.

I just get worried that a lot of anons are internalizing too much, and not allowing themselves a step back to laugh.

The human mind really does need laughter.
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Wait. No. Yogi went to the UN to declare a homeland for his people and a future for bear children.

Where were you when Yogi became a separatist racist?
>criticism on islamic terrorism

Utterly nonexistent in the West, to the point where King Nigger is not able to say those words out loud.
Not to mention that after every islamic attack all I hear from media and politicians is waffle about the dangers of right wing extremism and christianity.
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>I sometimes wonder if /pol/ pollutes my brain.
DURRRRR you think????
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Ignorance of geography is no excuse!
Her power level is over 6,000,000!
You might have autism, regardless there are moments it triggered my redpill

>show soldiers in london, always a pajeet or black in the shot
>native saying how whites stole his land
>could have lead to a moral for wonderwoman NOPE just had to put that in
>short brown dude who wanted tp be an actor BUT WAS BORN DA WRONG COLOR
>again leads to nothing but to be reminded of MUH RASCISM
ENGLISH speaking audiences don't HAVE subtitles.
honestly what were you expecting from a big budget hollywood superhero movie? traditional values and race realism?
I'd like to go back now please
It's much worse now, and much more hamfisted. As I said my wife, a czech woman outside of any international stage or politics started noticing it, without me ever talking about it with her.
This, /pol/ has open your eyes. Your vision is now clearer than ever, brother.
>show soldiers in london, always a pajeet or black in the shot
london has had a sizable black population for centuries, since it was pivotal to the slave trade.
It's like Houston, TX. Massive asian population, but 95% of texas land has maybe 1% asian.
3a) NA to WW para-phrase: I don't have a side, my people have no land, his people (pan to a peaceful sleeping CP) took our land.
>104 KB JPG Anonymous (ID: OkIC0y/Z) 06/03/17(Sat)15:23:24 No.128312767
) took it from us
4) I caught that too. That was fucked up.
I mean, Chris Pine does reference a judge... There was a battle in a small belgian town? She does team up with a a crew of men (can't forget the white American guy).

I don't really get the point though. Are you saying that all this was bad?

Her being a jewish woman on top of a christian building is pretty tin foil hat mate, but the rest of it is pretty paranoid as well if you're thinking that there is some agenda.

The only thing that's not believable is the judge vs priest thing for marriage given that the setting is 1912. Unless Steve Trevor is like -specifically- secular or something. I imagine priests were the default 100 years ago.
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You're just imagining it all. Stop being so bitter and prejudiced. Be a good goy and enjoy (((our))) movie.
the aliens are a stand in for the jews in his cult classic "They Live"
No, it's 100% not. Usually done to quickly legalize common law marriages. Typical among hicks and nigs. 1st time - holy man in church, 2nd - holy man in small receptive service. 2nd time after 20yrs+ or 3rd time + elope, judge dressed as Elvis in Vegas.
So hades got retconned too huh?
I saw it on the big screen as a tadpole. It makes more sense every time I watch it. RRP has one of the most memorable lines in B movie history.
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You're starting to see the fnords.
>1) In a battle scene in a Belgian town, Wonder Woman pounces 40 feet into the air, then demolishes a church spire to kill a German sniper inside. Heroically, Gal Gadot, a jewish woman, is standing on top of a decapitated Christian building, being cheered by the village folk.

I don't get where the tension is supposed to come from. How is her fighting German soldiers exciting? There can be no tension, she cannot lose. It's like the opening of Age of Ultron. The Hulk, Iron Man and Thor are fighting men in ski masks with assault rifles who don't stand a chance at all. It was boring as fuck.
I haven't watched anything from hollywood in years. I can barely watch Tucker anymore.

No cousin, its a soulless hollywood thing, i was married by a priest, others my age, (30) have been married by pastors or in ceremonies with a vaguely christian officiant.
wow its anti-christfag? i hate jews but I might have to see this film now
This, I can only enjoy older films. EVerything on Netflix is dog shit.

Marriage is largely a governmental institution at this point.

All you need to do is look at divorce rates.
wait, what

the movie takes place in WWI

god damnit, I am not watching that shit

germans are portrayed as evil once again I guess?

The scales have been lifted from your eyes. Although, rampant and insidious SJWery isn't as bad as you think.....it's worse. Welcome to the real reality /b/ro.
>1) In a battle scene in a Belgian town, Wonder Woman pounces 40 feet into the air, then demolishes a church spire to kill a German sniper inside. Heroically, Gal Gadot, a jewish woman, is standing on top of a decapitated Christian building, being cheered by the village folk.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. I enjoyed the movie a lot, but that scene was in a way offensive.
I watched Apocalypse Now for the first time a few days ago.

Magical fucking movie. Shame so few films are made like it nowadays and if they are, they're panned/ignored (or anime).

Civil marriage has been around for centuries, but I don't think think it was as common as being married by a priest or a pastor in early 20th century America.
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Welcome to the real world. Did you actually believe you were free?
yup, this movie was badass

i should probably rewatch it, thanks for the suggestion
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There's a director's cut (?) that adds 46 minutes of scenes. I'm gonna watch that next time. It's a long fucking movie, though.
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>A female vicar but still a vicar
Hollywood is the center of kikes, pedophiles, and faggots in the modern world and has made a religion of SJW ideology and degeneracy to which thousands of whores must swear fealty to get work in the entertainment business. Nothing is accidental. Every second of degeneracy in the filth they spew across the world is part of a larger design to destroy you. Do not pay for it. Steal it via the Internet. Create your own entertainment. Do not give your money to the Hollywood Jew.
My people were destroyed by the white man.
I'm talking more so about the JQ
He is, and rightly worried about because he destroys cities by his presence. What they're saying by pointing him out as an alien is that there must be proper procedures to determine the threat his presence causes.

But of course libs are retarded.
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My people were destroyed by this white woman.
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>Capeshit movies
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>tfw no Gal Gadot jewfu to sit on your face

Why do I live?
How about I bitch slap those faggy ass redpills outta you?
the only good ones are animated
I genuinely find her hideous.
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True dat.
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Or any TV program or theatre sometimes being red pilled sucks
Finish the god damn comic for fucks sake
So this bitch time travelled back to the past???
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anyone know the name of that movie/tv show where there's an american cavalryman utterly debunking a native american's claim that his land is ancestrally important, because he notes it was stolen from a tribe who stole it from a tribe who stole it from a tribe...
Is it Penn & Teller's Bullshit?

They did an episode about reparations, but I don't remember much from the series at all.
How do they explain the Germans as the evil satanist bad guys in WWI?
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Revelation 12:1
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

>a great wonder
>a women

>wonder women
>believing in coincidences
That's nice kid, now stop feeding the hollywood pedophilia beast
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You see things for what they really are.
Oy vey, there's still a few days to drive up box office. Keep posting!
Fuck off
Because they're developing chemical weapons to gas people goy.
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
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well, dont you know

here some insight from ([email protected]) from Tampa, FL, written at IMDB:

"You will find yourself in the trenches in France and Belgium with the Allied forces who, against all odds, are determined to defeat the enemy in order to stop genocide and widespread devastation."

>the german Kaiser was literally Hitler you know
I love carpenter even more now.
His films, though sometimes falling flat, were always based.
Not politically correct at all.
Thanks for posting up This quote
oh, shit I just realized I still didnt see "They Live"

on my watchlist for 10 years or so

being gay does that
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>stop genocide and widespread devastation
>in 1918
Used to love the walking dead, now all I see is racemixing and homosexuality everywhere. It hurts man.
>Used to love walking dead
>Used to
There's your problem.

that's the one. Thanks Anon
It's (((their))) way of using meme power. They have more money, so bigger stage to meme on then us. That's why I usually like the bad guys more. Most of them are straight out of /pol/.
Older Movies are fine

Anything post-2007 is factory made soulless 2-hour long toy advertisements created by corp leaders and think-tanks
>4) Chris Pine

Where were you when the church and the state split? I don't know about 150 years ago.
idk i liked birdman
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>Against all odds
>The world's largest empires in the world vs. Germany and their Tanjinikan sausage factory.
>Allies were good goys who dindu nuffin
It's always been there. It was just better written before now.
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Is she /ourgal/, /pol/?

>movie is set in 1918
>claims most marriages fail in the movie

Nah, you can still enjoy movies.

You're just able to spot the bullshiit, and it's far more entertaining that way.
Nah, Lebanon = Hezbollah = /ourguys/

I'm sure there's plenty of countries in the world who'd be willing to grant him honorary citizenship.
I'm not a Jew. Are you?
Wrong, neither are our guys. The enemy of your enemy can still be your enemy.
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>When gaza is ashes, then you have my permission to fap
>voluntarily paying money to see (((Wonder Woman)))

Your brain was already polluted, bud.
Guess she got a lot of work done after she left. Because she looks like a greasy frog-faced cunt.
No. You are not imagining shit. Welcome to the real world.
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I watched this earlier today.

>feminist utopia, no wars, peaceful
>leader of said feminist utopia hates men, even going as far as implying that men are the sole reason war exists
>goatfuckers somehow in ww1 london
>even wonder woman says to chris pine that their society views men as only good for procreation
It's funny because the protesters look like numalecucks which hated the movie. Zack Snyder was quite a madman.

Nothing worse, than a homosexual goy in denial.
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Remember that one time the JewJew Abrams nu-star-trek tweaked the famous opening line from "where no man has gone before" to "where no ONE has gone before"?

Remember that one time they took "and the American way" out of Superman's famous phrase "truth, justice, and the American way"?
Was he Apache Cheif?

It's intentional. You should have expected that I can't believe you gave the feminists and the jews your money.
>Then I wonder if I'm just imagining shit
You're not. I just got a tour of a mardi gras museum and had it explained to me how a jew invented most of the most degenerate and disrespectful traditions. I had to bite my tongue not to ree.
I'm writing this after walking out of Wonder Woman as my friends watch it. I already watched it yesterday with one of my friends that was dying to see it. If this is an example of "great film" as everyone claims, then WW3 couldn't come sooner. God help us.
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>World War 1
This shit is set in WW1?
Superman can single-handedly destroy the planet and kill everyone on it. If someone had a million hydrogen bombs ready to launch at their finger tips, would you be okay with that? What if they're a nice guy who seems decent enough and saved some old lady's cat once? Would you be okay with it? Superman is a threat to the existence of humanity, killing him would be doing the world a favor, regardless of whether he has good or bad intentions. Lex Luthor did nothing wrong.
Classic jewish marxist cinema my friend.
>>no eagles on her costume
>You will never be this blind
Yes. Against the EVIL GERMANS. Good thing a STRONG, JEWISH WOMAN could save humanity.
>even wonder woman says to chris pine that their society views men as only good for procreation
You know, that's what the Greeks believed that the Amazonians would believe (if they were real). Try reading Herodotus: I think the Amazons are in book 4.
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>WWI movie
>Germans are the bad guys
Were the German the true villains of WWI? Why does no one mentions Austria-Hungary or the Balkans playing a role in starting the war?
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Hideo Kojima knows. you cant write stuff like the Metal Gear series and the (((Sons of Liberty))) without being somewhat aware.
In ancient greece traveling theater troupes would deliver mandatory morality plays for the peasants to view in order to convey views favored by the state

today is not different it's just more sophisticated, like the total gay propaganda that was the lego batman movie. literally, the entire movie's construct was an excuse to make people comfortable with gay-ness because that's part of the NWO
do the writers and directer deliberately do these things because they know it will piss off some /pol/ tard's or do they just make the movie as they imagined?
The amazonians were real, but they were the Mayans/Aztecs. And the Mayans/Aztecs were Jewish.

KUKULC´AN,a Mayan “GOD” of legend and myth. ( aka, Quetzal-coatl )
“Kukulcán: parted the sea and then led the people forty years in the wilderness.”
qqj (khuquq) lawgiver (2706-10)
la (el) highest (5927)
nhk (khan) priest (3547)
Comparison / Transliteration:
Hebrew: nhk la qqj
Phonetic: Khuquq -el -Khan

Aztec language having similar origins to hebrewic

Aztecs carried small boxes into battle, like the the Hebrewic boxes referred to in Exodus.

Daily sacrifice of fat in fire, venison into 12 pieces

A distinguished hebrewic, laying hand on the mouth and mouth into dust

The legend of Quetzalcoatl following that of Moses.Mana from heaven, the parting of the seas, etc.
U can still enjoy films
Just have to keep an eye out for them
Jackie chan stuff is GOAT on all the political spectrum
Germany was never "bad" in WWI. Whatever they did (gas weapons etc.) the allies did as well. Their push into France was the smart move, because France would have pushed into Germany otherwise, don't be fooled. They did support Lenin starting a communist revolution in Russia, so that's not forgiveable. I understand why they did it though. WWII and the Jewish revenge for the Holocaust would have never happened. No Israel to be sucking the cock of either because WWII would be avoided.
No wonder I love Carpenter's music. Awesome.
>feminist utopia, no wars, peaceful
>leader of said feminist utopia hates men, even going as far as implying that men are the sole reason war exists
overreact desu
Yes, the Germans wanted to rule the world
damm shes hot
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Yeah, and she's explicitly told by Wonder Woman that she's wrong. The Amazonians are technologically-inept tards that never advanced past Greek-era technology because of their "muh ebil men" belief system.

Seriously, does context, story, and dialogue go completely over you BASED magapede stormweenies' heads? They need to start putting fucking trigger warnings on these movies.
czechs are naturally redpilled

France was the first nation to use gas in war, right?
Old westers are good. But Yeah....lots of films these days are jus pure subversion clips, cant stand them.
she ugly
>Whatever they did (gas weapons etc.) the allies did as well.
Like killing all those Belgians?
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in real life, they never would have even approached Greek levels of technology.

She should be shot for wearing beret like that....good fukin lord it triggers me like /k/ guys got trigered by finger on a triger. I got my first uniform when I was 6 and since than I was taught how to wear that fukin hat like a proper sort of human.
Jesus nuke them already.
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wtf I love Wonderwoman now?

>http://salon com/2017/06/02/superhero-films-are-bad-for-democracy
they are getting smarter, they tricked you
>an morally
Do they really not even have basic editors.
>I sometimes wonder if /pol/ pollutes my brain.
No, that's what the Jews do. All that /pol/ does is rip and tear away the obfuscation of the Jew. /pol/ just identifies and names it for you, with a bit (okay, a lot) of racist humor. Whether you believe the proof or not is still upto you.

>Then I wonder if I'm just imagining shit
It was always there. Go watch older films, maybe a decade to three decades ago, and it's there. Themes of hating Christians/the West/whites/males (especially straight white males) and promoting degeneracy (drugs, feminism, homosexuality, pedophilia, etc.).

They do it slow though, and sometimes brazen. For instance, take the film Body Snatchers/Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The first iteration of the film seems innocent enough, where it's more about a silent takeover by aliens, with the aliens almost succeeding and the leading man/good guy named Bennell getting BTFO but luckily has stopped them. It already plants the "resistance is futile" trope/idea in the minds of people, where only luck can save them in some cases. The second iteration (supposedly) had a more anti-communist message, but the true message is like the first one: resistance is futile. The second one ended with the heroine being the last one standing, but has failed. In this iteration, the aliens succeeded and Driscoll (who was turned into a pod person in the first film) was the last human; Bennell (the lead in the first one) turned into a pod person. There are already plans back then to remake films and change things to make women more prominent, like the recent Female Ghostbusters. Baby steps to pushing feminism in films, perhaps? And also, some kind of reverse psychology where we shouldn't resist the pod people (aka communists)?

In the original novel, where the two films were based on, the aliens gave up because the protagonists resisted. The films had the aliens either close to succeeding or succeeding (respectively).
Funfact: if you were being fired upon from a churchtower in ww1, you'd fire back
Except Zack Snyder movies. Those are based as fuck
>Then I wonder if I'm just imagining shit

You're not. Gal is amazing isn't she ?
>Then I wonder if I'm just imagining shit
Haha good one. No, we're all fucked. This is the world we live in.
>wearing beret like that

Yeah cause our army is so dysfunctional and useless compared to the polish army who LARP that beret thing like Randy Savage.

It's a fucking beret, nobody gives a shit how you wear it. You can make the correlation between how you wear a fucking beret and what kind of soldier you are, we don't.
polish tough guy. he knew how to wear that beret PROPAH, what a tough guy.

>Her being a jewish woman on top of a christian building is pretty tin foil hat

100% wrong m8

>Gal Gadot served in IDF and was Miss Israel
>she's openly Zionist, as is her husband
>Wonder Woman written by Jewish guy
>Chris Pine, WW's love interest, is Jewish
>WWI Germans subtly depicted as Nazis
>WW's costume stripped of US imagery, may as well be Israeli inspired
>German soldiers being defeated by Israeli actress, changing connotation of WW; Zionist fantasy
>little girls around world dress as Gadot, affirming Jewish ubiquity and supremacy
>Jews are matriarchal, so superpowered female plays into smashing the Christendom patriarchy, now mainstreamed by feminist useful idiots

Consider WW if you're Jewish, how you'd interpret it, the dog whistles. This is how /pol/aks see it. The internet allows us to put the pieces together.

Countless Israeli movies and shows are being remade by Hollywood rn. "Homeland" was one of the first: its Zionism remains intact, if watered down. Hollywood is opening production offices in Israel. This bridges more Israelis working in the biz, and fewer American whites.

All of this occurring in the back ground, as Europe and American whites are pressured into fighting the Evil Muslim World, thus becoming warriors for Israel. The Hollywoodification of a Zionist World Order is being telegraphed to kids, as White Culture is fully demeaned and portrayed as "outdated" and "racist."

There's no denying this is occurring. It's a patient process, but relentless. The Star Wars Empire is the White World falling with each blockbuster sequel, making Disney stronger, and Disney's CEO Bob (((Iger))) has US president aspirations, as does Ivanka and Jared Kushner and Zuckerberg. Consumer energy transference and affirmation of their Talmudic nonsense, and it's dead serious.
1 and 3. Wasn't sure about 1, so thanks for.
Nope, it's a corporate profits thing
>female vicar
>a kike smashes a symbol of a kike religion

If you were really redpilled this wouldn't bother you. The rest is fair. Movies are shit now.
Priests are the default even today, dumbfuck
Wonder woman was created by william moulton marston
arabs invaded judea land first so i don't have a problem with the jews taking their land back

I was referencing the movie's writer, not the character's original creator. Also, Zack (((Snyder))) and his wife oversaw the hiring of Gadot for the new Justice League universe.
Funny you should say that. I think she looks infinitely more attractive here >>128338153 than she does now.

Maybe because her man-like build isn't visible in that photo.
>their land
Nah, they took it from others before, it's not theirs.
And Palestinians are natives not Arabs.
>natives not Arabs

>literally inventing a fake race of balestinians
lol kys spanish (((migrant)))
John Wick is cool
john wick is blue pilled as fuck. he kills a bunch of dudes because they killed his dog... just buy another fucking dog. problem solved
Why are super heroes always beating up Germans in the past? Surly, if Wonder Woman or Captain America were real, they would travel to the middle east and fucking end ISIS and fight against terrorism.

Will we ever see a movie like that?
Sorry to tell you my Jewish friend but you cannot take the land of the natives and not get the same bullshit moral blame that you Jews spew on everyone else. For me you all Jews should be deported there and then be taken care by the natives and surrounding neighbors.
I'd shoot an Israeli before a Palestinian, at least they have loyalty.
Same plot summary can be said for Night of the Living Dead, which is about communism also, and ends with (spoiler alert) the black protagonist getting killed by the white man.
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No. They'd just end up fighting against the SAA
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I enjoyed Alien Covenant very much. Except for one flamboyant robot kiss, it gave me plenty of mental 'gasms. A good finisher for the Alien universe. But they have set the ending for a sequel. Nice!

The decoy final boss bad guy was Ludendorff, one of the hero's behind Tannenberg, of course it's fucking jewish propaganda.
It's only ok when the anglos want that
lets see who wrote the story for the movie

Zack Snyder
Allen Heinberg (jewish)
Jason Fuchs (jewish)

yup, no surprise here
You'll notice this stuff in movies going way back

A lot of plots and scenarios are thinly veiled Jewish neurosis playing out on screen.

Actually George Romero has said the Night of the Living Dead was an allegory about consumerism.
You guys realize jews make up like 2% of the world population, right? It's not like they're going to take over the world, at least not in our lifetime, so why be so paranoid about them? Enjoy your life.
If you want the opposite effect you should watch the Angry Birds movie that came out last year
>implying native americans didnt kill each other in droves.
>Paying money to watch capeshit
Open trailer, see soldiers running at cavalry instead of forming some sort of lane and actually firing their gun, close trailer.
Control the spice, control the world. Jewish bankers control everything - mere politicians are easily threatened, blackmailed or bought for peanuts.
this and only this
netflix exists for a reason
Meh, I'd still watch it despite knowing the hidden agenda. I'm already too redpilled and reversing it is almost impossible.

I'm only gonna watch it for the action. Nothing else.

discord / raMkMbb

OP here. Despite my niggles, I'll still give it a 7/10, which is good considering it's WB/DC. My friend said it best, "Captain America with Tits" but I think unlike Cpt America, Wonder Woman still has a decent 3rd act, and does well to show the horrors of war.
>alien arrives at Earth
>a bunch of his fellow illegals follow him
>they immediately lay waste to several large metropolitan areas

What did they mean by this?

Woody Allen was pretty blatant about it.

>A parody of the television game show What's My Line? called What's My Perversion?, filmed in B&W kinescope-style and hosted by Jack Barry. The four panelists who attempt to guess the contestant's perversion are Regis Philbin, Robert Q. Lewis, Pamela Mason, and Toni Holt. After they fail to guess that the contestant's perversion is "Likes to expose himself on subways," a second segment of the show is presented, in which a selected viewer (in this case a rabbi) gets to act out his bondage and humiliation fantasy while his wife eats pork.

They are the majority of the Hollywood producers and directors. Most of the United States watches what they make so their influence is enormous in terms of shaping perception. Though they are 2% of the US population they make up over 20% of all movie roles. The Jew reflects himself constantly in all his work, just as any artist would.
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