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Time to get him fired /pol/ So this liberal Trump/Barron hating

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>Calls Trump a rapist
>Makes fun of Seth Rich's death
>Shills for (((them)))
>Called Barron autistic
>Calls Trump supporters idiots
>anti funs
>Supports Antifa

Time to bring him down just like Kathy Griffin /pol/
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Remember this bill?
oh boy, this racist guy using his RACIST slurs, i can`t even imagine how people can believe his FAKE NEWS. i bet he hides FASCIST AGENDA in his work, what a RAYCIS!!!!
Maher is the biggest piece of anti-white crap there is. Literally wants to destroy this country
He is a divisive figure of the left that keeps counter signaling his own side, let them eat themselves.
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/ourjew/ /ourjew/
I've noticed a surprising lack of butt hurt from the left regarding this. I woke up this morning expect riots and and hoards of people demanding he be fired. Not see too much of that.

Of course, we know why (((that is)))

(((Bill Maher))) is one of (((them)))

(((They))) are trying to memory hole this shit and we can't allow that. We failed at trying to get Colbert fired but that was a long shot. This time we can definitely succeed, all that we need to do is rile up the left and boom. Goodbye (((BILL MAHER)))
he looks like someone wearing one of those ultra realistic latex masks, creepy
The fact that the left is completely quite about this shows how high up the (((totem pole))) he is
To look at who you overlords are look at who you can't criticize.

This sick fuck even accused Trump of having Sex with Ivanka

The left will never attack Maher because he is the leader of the left.

In germany he would have been the first one to be "dealt with"

He's very high up. That little kike has been one of their best goy brainwashers for years. Getting Bill Maher fired would be a huge win for us.
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The left is a crumbly pile of rubble. Let them kill each other on the steaming heap.
And here's a picture of a duck.
this guy makes me sick

also /rare/
fucking Aussies taking American jobs
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>tfw the left is tearing itself apart
feels cozy man
Sorry bro :(
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You can't say nigger on HBO anymore?

It's like they are just begging for the internet to out do them
Thx anon. Pretty sure it gets worse then accuses Trump of sex with his own daughter

During pizza gate some anons connected Maher to pedo parties

A clear effort to slide these threads today
True, though he is red pilled on muslims and liberals don't know how to react when he talks about it.

He's the definition of a kike. The only reason this hasn't blown up in his rodent face is his kike buddies are protecting him. I'm seeing more criticism from the msm of the senator he had on the show for simply laughing at what Maher said.
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He is pretty terrible but I like having one voice on the left that's willing to point out how terrible Islam is. Should he really be targeted?
This. The liberal MSM is completely covering for this jew stooge.

Absolute anti-white garbage. If you're not one of the chosen ones (((Maher))) will shit right on you. worst of the worst
The only reason he doesn't like muzzies is because he knows what they'd do to (((someone))) like him, not because they're destructive to our countries. See also: Sam Harris.
does anyone know what the context was?
Who cares about your shit hole of a country anyway faggot
CNN suck Maher dick all day. They even make him seem like some modern Voltaire, going to the effort of describing his interviews in writing when we can just watch for ourselves.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if niggers, the main tool the of the jew to undermine and demoralize white americans, ends up destroying the jew itself?
Please use archive

>http://edition cnn com/2017/02/09/us/maher-spars-with-trump-supporter-cnntv/index.html
Did he apologized for dressing up as Steve Irwin for Halloween? I don't think he'll apologize this time
Let's repost this anon

>Calls Trump a rapist
>Makes fun of Seth Rich's death
>Shills for (((them)))
>Called Barron autistic
>Calls Trump supporters idiots
>anti funs
>Supports Antifa
>Accuses Trump of molesting Ivanka

Absolute jew filth. Talks bad about Islam to get sympathy for (((them))) doesn't mention about jews funding ISIS

Attacks Christianity, whiteness and everything decent. Only cares about Israel. A real degenerate
and a pedophile
My bad, Sven.
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Rare indeed

His guest made a joke about putting him to work in the fields of Nebraska. Naturally any kind of labor is anathema to a jew, so he said no thank you, I'm a house nigger
why does he have the name "Maher" in his name its arabic orgin?.
The only reason I'd want him fired is that he is forcefed the last dose of the red pill on the regressive left that he partially acknowledges, mostly about Allah. Then he will be turbo redpilled.
kek holy shit
neah. He hates Trump on a personal level because he sued him that one time.
Maher is actually red pilled on islam and shitty liberals. He is actually a white supremacist
you guys shouldn't want him fired. he's going to be replaced by someone who's PC and even more left wing.

CNN spends hours everyday kissing the ass of Muslims and praises (((Bill Maher))) who constantly shits on Islam. Makes a lot of sense. The left totally has their ducks in order.
and with this jew goblin gone their ratings will bomb even more
Based leaf


This guy gets it. Blacks, Mexicans and Islam have been used by the Jews to destroy white identity.

(((Maher))) is a shill pretending they have nothing to do with these hoards invading.

>"The jew yells out in pain as he strikes you"
Bring him down? Why? He said nigger, lets make saying nigger normal instead.
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I gotta say I don't think we should try to get Bill fired over this, and to be clear, I hate his guts and would love to see him off air. I also supported trying to get Colbert fired. These people are scum and they don't play fair.


Folks, we can't give the word "nigger" so much power. I don't want to live in a world where so much as saying a single word can end your public career and life. When it comes to nigger this is 100% about defending free speech. The first amendment is at stake. We need to go after and oppose this man but it has to be on a different subject than this IMO.
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>you sure about that?

Hes a Jew
I don't mind Bill. For a liberal he's pretty based. Redpilled on Islam and SJWs and is usually respectful of conservatives when they're on his show. There's way more unbearable lefties out there, way more.
He's not only a shill but tied to pizzagate
>The Bill Maher Show Used To Be Produced By "Kid-Love Productions"
>Bill Maher made a movie in 1991 called PIZZA MAN. It is full of pedophile innuendos.

The word nigger already has power, whatever happens here will not diminish or increase it in the slightest.
Honestly what a fucking stupid pathethic loser, wannabe comedian. These kind of people are the scum of Earth.
The joke is actually funny, though, and I hate that man. I wouldn't consider what he said to be racist. He just uses a metaphor that relates directly to the enslavement of African-Americans, so it's in poor taste for mixed company, but it's HIS COMEDY show.

t. Bill Maher super-hater
he also makes fun of white guilt liberals and is anti race mixing. He's really mad recently, just let him die of old age, no need to bring him publicity.
WOW JDIF out in full force to protect their (((investment)))

So I guess let's call him a Kike then
The N-word kryptonite of USA, everything else is allow, just not this.
The PC machine is out to get him, he's fucked.

So freedom of speech is on a case by case basis?
So, I'm JDIF because I think the joke is funny and not actually racist.
This. Muslim isn't the redpill that's christcuck Jew slaverry. The redpill is knowing about the kikes
another anon reporting for duty sir,
let us fuck his shit up
keep your fridges back in your own damn country
If anything we should try to use this to redpill Maher on how petty, fickle and cannibalizing the church of leftism is. Show him they can't be pandered to and they'll turn on anyone like squealing pussies if they violate the sanctity of their SJW doctrine.
freedom of speech applies to everyone you nigger
I don't know who this is but I looked it up to know the context. I just want to point that if the same thing happened to some other character you like, you'd be defending him saying that the context matters, but since it happened to one you don't like you take advantage of it to try to get him fired. What you don't see is that to do this you push a culture of intimidating speech censorship that once established will also apply to you and everyone else. Either you don't think much, you really love social justice and PC, or you really hate freedom. Or all of them.
He has a pretty hard line stance against SJWs and their protection of Islam from criticism. He hasn't learned much from that, so I doubt he'll learn from this, even if there was some backlash, but it looks like there won't even be that. I can't stand the cunt, though, because he never argues logically and just spew rhetorical bullshit as his audience cheers him on and it incenses me. Fuck him.

>Reminder that Michael Jackson was forced to remove the lyrics "Jew me, Sue me Kike me"

Jews push for and are responsible for allowing immigrants into white countries.

The one word you can never use on tv or music is Kike.
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You underestimate out weaponized autism.
They are being exposed at a faster rate. It's crumbling around them
Wait, all he said was he's a "house nigger?" That's it?
How do you know Maher's stance on the Maldives?
>supports antifa

He does? Sauce plz
He is the wrong target.

This. Based German btfo out of the jew once again.

Here we go. Operation Kike Down begins
If we get people fired for being politically incorrect just because they say things we disagree with, then we are no better than SJWs.

No, fuck off faggot.

Someone who uses the n word deserves to keep their job.

The word needs to be normalized and shouldn't go punished.

It's a fucking WORD.

Niggers are such whiny, sensitive little babies.
Yeah that's the state of free speech in 2017. A white man is not allowed to say the word "nigger" in any context. Not even as a quote.
Fuck off, Randy

holy shit
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>/pol/ isn't supporting the right of everyone to say nigger
I feel like I'm in bizzaro /pol/. There's much more to be gained here from supporting free speech rather than joining the left in successfully shitting on it.

You're playing 2d beer pong simply because you don't share bill Mahers political views.
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You niggers are pathetic. Bill Maher is our guy, hes barely even Jewish. So what, Trump is fucking retarded and Barron is an autistic faggot. Bill Maher is here to stay.
Every person shilling to get Bill fired is a fucking redditor trying to blend in to 4chan. Fuck you niggers.
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I mean, it was bretty cheeky as he is a house nigger.

Using "nigger" isn't fucking racist.

The word "racist" is fucking meaningless to begin with.
Found the Jew.

We're all for freedom of speech but these Hypocrite Kikes like Kathy Griffin and Bill Maher are degrading our society and need to go
We're not doing it because they were being anti-PC. We're doing it because their leftism bastards that want to destroy our country, our race, and replace it with their own dystopia for eternity. They should be shot, being fired is the least they deserve.
What's the issue here anyway ? black people use it every 3rd word, the other 2 being, mufugga & beeich.
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>mfw the left is eating their own
>mfw the lefts own political correct craziness backfires on one of their lead figures
The only things Jews like more then attacking defenseless children like Barron is raping them.

This "house kike" needs to go. /pol/ will destroy him
I'm not for free speech for communists, Jews and niggers.
bizzaro /pol/ is the one defending a kike
the jews and liberals need to be held accountable to their own rules.
fight them with their weapons is a meme. Let them destroy themselves while you come up with new weapons.
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On the one hand I like his use of the word "nigger." On the other hand, he's a kike; and that trumps any other hands. To the wastebin he goes.
>post all day online about how you hate niggers
>ruin someone's career for saying nigger

Sometimes you guys are R E T A R D E D
The joke wasn't funny your just a degenerate who probably has some Ashkenazi dna in you. If I'm interviewing I senator I don't make jokes about black slavery and spout racial slurs? The only people that don't understand that are Jews like bill Maher who haven't a decent bone in their body. The fact that you defend someone who you don't like and someone who thinks non Jews are subhuman makes me positive that you're a shill.
>The word is bad
>The word is dangerous
>The world is evil
How to control a demographic 101
If ((((They)))) would have found a tape of Trump making the exact same joke, ((((Maher)))) would have spent weeks trying to bury him for it.

Let's destroy this KIKE.
>mfw they start pushing my agenda for free because I divided them
>*rubs hands*
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Any opportunity to destroy a Jew must be seized upon, regardless of mitigating circumstances.
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You tried... to fit in.
>post all day online about how you hate
>don't ruin a kikes career when the opportunity arises
the funny thing is even if nobody on /pol/ bothered to do anything on either side the niggers will do damage to him anyway



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I'm not defending the kike, I'm defending the use of the word "niggers.

I think everyone being able to freely say nigger is more important than one guy who I disagree with getting fired.
>Time to get him fired /pol/

fuck off SJW shill
Frig off Randy
Have you noticed how the left is cannibalizing itself? Eventaully they'll realize how stupid their self censorship is and comedians will come back over to our side after they realize they can't do their fucking jobs anymore.

because when it comes to Jews, blacks #knowtheirplace
The Jew Devil cant stand the black muslim
You're using the fact that they were being anti-PC to fire people you disagree with. That is the sense in which your actions are analagous to those of the SJWs.

>the[y're] leftis[t] bastards that want to destroy our country, our race, and replace it with their own dystopia for eternity.
Has Bill Maher ever actually said that he wants to destroy America and whites? I think you may be reading a little too much into what he's saying if you believe that.

The best way to fight back is with reasoned argumentation. The reason this form of battle is the best is that both sides believe they can win with it. Both sides believe that their position is the true one. Therefore both sides will consent to limiting their conflicts to this medium, and if they don't then it is evident to the audience that they are conceding by default.
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How are you even typing that? Underwater keyboards?
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>all the leftyfags here trying to save BIll

This argument is so fucking retarded. What world are you living on? Nobody gives a fuck if you or all of /pol/support everyone's right to say nigger? That is not the reality we currently occupy! If someone from the right had made this joke their head would be on a spike right now! That is our reality.... So you're basically defending Bill mahers and other degenerate Jews right to say nigger. Good job. Or should I say Good goy.
Friendo, we don't have to do shit. The liberal media will crucify this man for their own hate machine. Ours remains unfed on this one.
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He really only dates black women. He will not apologize. The only ones angry are the right and the left who equally hate him because of his stance on Islam.
Barron and Ivanka must have a huge smile on their face over this sick kike Maher

One rule for the goy one rule for (((him)))
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Fuck Mahar. He's going to be cannibalized by his own tribe. Good, live by the selective outrage, die by the selective outrage.
Fuck that duck is cute.
>So you're basically defending Bill mahers and other degenerate Jews right to say nigger
>reasoned argumentation
>in the middle of a cold civil war

Because reasoned argumentation went SO well for Romney didn't it? Nobody is interested in enlightenment anymore, especially not the left. This is a pure culture war, the only thing that matters is what ideology will have power and people behind it at the end of the day. Bill Maher is another invincible propaganda machine for the left.

There is no discourse, no discussion, no enlightenment. There is violence, riots, civil war, and echo chambers. There are almost 0 leftists exposing themselves to opposing viewpoints, and approximately 0 doing so with an open mind. You need to realize your methods result in nothing but ANOTHER loss for the right even though we do everything right in your eyes. We're nice, and argumentative, we respect our opponents and such, and we lose every single fucking time. Your methods are worthless and have no place in a war.
it has a poisonous beak that can kill a full grown man within an hour
>Australian wildlife
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>what world am I living in?
One where the right to free speech is being trampled on. I'd like to reverse that while there's still time but it seerms everyone else wants to play a tit-for-tat "lol your guys fired" game.

What's your endgame? Get everyone who disagrees with your political views fired? If so then you and SJWs have a lot in common.

If they're going to eat themselves, let us help by adding some spices.
This guy is basically the amazing banana man with a tv show. If he were fired it would bring more people to youtube and places like and get the real red pill.
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Here's how to lulz this. Fire up tweeter. Post.. did Bill maher just give the alt right permission to use the n word?. Let the msm latch on and the left will crucify bill. Hopefully leading bill to come over to our side.
why not "fuller"?
He said housenigger. Not the same thing.
Make the enemy live by their own rule book.

I disagree. We should be holding the left to their own standards.
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>Features a show where the guy says nigger
>Claim saying nigger is unacceptable
>Still make all that money from people watching him say nigger on your channel
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>Get everyone who disagrees with your political views fired
/pol/ doesn't care that he said nigger, just that he's not being held to the left's standard that they hold everyone else to. Rules for radicals rule 4. How are there so many people on pol now who don't get this?
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Thanks man!
Have a rare.
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Fuck them and their rule book. Why would you support an adversaries rules?
There aren't 11 million illegal australians living in the states

Also, Americans can go to Australia for work and the other way around, no one goes to Mexico or Colombia for work

Of course we all want free speech but that is never going to happen as long as the left is in charge. They are going to keep attacking and language policing people on the right because it keeps us in line and shows us who's boss. What is it you expect to happen by letting Maher get away with this? Do you think it will make a difference somewhere down the line if a person on the right makes a joke and says nigger? Do you think the lget will stand up and defend their right to free speech? Fuck no. Free speech is dead for us. We are being eaten alive by these progressive cucks and their Jew masters. We might as well use their own tactics against them because its all we've got. Maybe if they start getting taken out by their own creation they'll rethink what their facilitating. But your passive lolbertarian approach has been tried, and it gets us nowhere.
If Tucker or Hannity or Alex Jones accidentally dropped an N- bomb you'd be rushing to defend them.
>HBO is too respectable of a channel to allow a white man to say nigger on air
>people might be offended!

It would be far more effective to show him overwhelming support, explicitly under the guise of white supremacists which will confuse and irritate him, while galvanizing his more far left supporters against him.
Then you take the opposite end and claim that he's a racist bigot who was never on "our" side as a leftist and demand his show be canceled.

Bonus points if you go in and say it's just another example of the jews keeping down proud POCs.
>we support free speech but if you say something we don't like we're gonna get you fired
The absolute state of /pol/
The audience actually hesitated until he told them to laugh at it. They're lemmings
>support a culture that destroys livelihoods over people making the wrong kind of sounds with their mouths
>get fired for making the wrong kind of sound with your mouth

They aren't rules, they are weapons to be used. These leftists will not hesitate for a second to ruin anyone that said nigger on our side. They'll do it every chance they get until we completely run out of public figures.

But we won't do it because we want to shill for people who want you dead. Unreal.
>say something we don't like

/pol/ doesn't care that he said nigger you stupid leaf.

The niggers care.

We don't care why bill maher gets fired. We just want him fired.
Quentin Tarantino levels of cringe
Think horizontally, not vertically.
I don't agree with the people saying don't lower ourselves to the levels of the left.

We need to push a few of these so something changes.

If the left can dox, contact advertisers and push to get people fired, then it won't stop unless we take similar action also.
Jesus Christ this picture is retarded. If you think that if we leave Maher alone somehow calling blacks niggers is gonna be oki doki tomorrow you're just beyond all saving.
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This is war nigga.
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>that doggo
it was funny, he shouldn't have backed down though.
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There are 3 options all of them valid

a) contribute to ruining one person's career (shill for firing)
b) contribute to ruining the meta of MSM authority on waycism (shill for not firing)
c) do nothing
>Why would you support an adversaries rules?
I support them being forced to live by them because they'll never be able to live up to them. As long as their rules are a double standard that only apply to the right the longer they'll gleefully continue punishing you. The more they're punished by their own orthodoxy the quicker they'll drop the entire scam.
If you want to be a hypocrite go ahead.

I don't build the things I want on rotten foundations.

What is this? Fucking grade school?

So what's the plan. How do we get his ass fired?
You're just too slow to understand that things work by degrees and you're actively rowing against what you want
That was cringe as fuck. Nice digits tho
he's one of the DNCs top propagandists.
>t. redditor trying to blend into 4chan.
you need to throw in two more faggots one more nigger and three more retarded to make this post convincing
Threaten to boycott HBO if they don't fire him.
>When race is so real you can't even mention it.
I elect to
d) laugh at the whole situation
Liberals are not scared to eat their own.
Best wishes whilst on holiday!
You're options are unnecessarily complex. It's more simple than that.
>be pro free speech
>be anti free speech
>do nothing
The ones you're hitting aren't the ones who make the rules.
why are you snowflakes so triggered by him saying the n-word? get over it drumpfkins this is the new age of media
Well, he is right. He is a nigger.
How fucking new are you to politics? People make decisions by fear. Wanna make racism acceptable? Simple, make people fear blacks. Wanna make ""islamophobia"" acceptable? Simple, blow up a concert hall in the name of Allah. Bill Maher's careers matters zero, and I really mean fuck zero, to the Overton window on this issue. Nobody cares because 0.001% of the general population has a career as a Saturday night live comedian, thus this crackdown is completely inapplicable to them. Read some Scott Adams articles on the 2016 primaries and learn how people work.
Take him down. Let the mainstream die
I don't think we really need to do anything this time, the left will send him to the gallows regardless. I guess it wouldn't hurt to agitate a bit, but the outcome should be the same either way.

Because there's nothing wrong with saying the word nigger. See >>128302990
because they never got O'Reilly fired or Hannity almost kicked off the air or Brendan Eich fired for a donation he made 10 years before, right?
Absolutely the far left has been making the rules the past few years. This is just forcing them to live by them
stupid cunt kys. free speech isn't free from consequences you piece of shit nigger. hold the enemy to their own standard and destroy them. they want to play the moral high ground then use it against them.

fucking reddit retard fuck off
That was your word. Remember? You were accusing the collective of /pol/ as being a hypocrite. Or did you forget already?

>I don't build the things I want on rotten foundations.
>Lives in canada
The political discourse is already rotton, leaf. Haven't you noticed?
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Free speech has nothing to do with this you faggot. Maher saying nigga and staying on HBO won't give you a pass to say nigga/nigger. He's Bill Fucking Maher. You're just a reddit fuck boy.
People like Maher are responsible for open borders, gun control, and opposition to Trump.

Don't lose track. (((They))) are responsible for everything horrible in the world.

Knock him out

For every white liberal there comes a point at which they think they have accumulated enough goodwill to be able to throw around the word nigger. The problem is there are a horde of other white liberals who gush at the prospect of dragging the niggerlib down in a blaze of righteousness.
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I'm not going to compromise my principles. I support peoples right to say nigger. I don't recognize the left's rules and I refuse to play by them.

If you want to be a hypocrite go for it.
>I don't recognize your gun and I refuse to be shot by it
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It matters zero and you're pushing the left ideology like a good shabbos goy, nothing tops that:)

It doesn't matter what mouthpiece you fire.
Keep using their memes and it'll only get worse.
Fuck off, Randy.
i am 100% sure none of you cucks even know the context behind the joke
>He doesn't know what cuck means
"Moolinyan" is the acceptable HBO nomenclature
once again anti semetic hollywood is trying to silence the jews.
pure coincidence
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>pushing leftist ideology
Exactly. By playing by the left's rules they are legitimizing their tactics.

As long as getting people fired for saying nigger works they will keep doing it.
Letting them enforce their rules unilaterally makes it worse. The left doesn't give a shit about anyone's rights but theirs.
In all of politics the thing I enjoy watching most is when the leftist mob turns on one of their own.
white man says funny joke, more news at 11
We must cleanse the Jews from the entertainment industry.

They are just too racist to be there.
>he shouldn't have backed down though

I vividly remember Bill on his old ABC show talking to Whoopi Goldberg about communism in Eastern Europe. That fucking commie nigger was saying she spent time in East Germany before the wall came down and things really were not that bad because the people living there did not know how the rest of the world lived so they were happy.

Maher pointed out to her that was the same rationale the slave owners in the 19th century used to justify their subjugation of black people for hundreds of years and Goldberg went full on ape-shit, chimp-out on him complete with finger wagging and head rolling.

Maher backed
What are you talking about "legitimizing"?

There's nothing legitimate or illegitimate about screeching at a company to get your way.
What's the point of getting asspained at SJWs if you use the same tactics as them?
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/pol/ is a left wing board for older black women. We need to do something, sisters!

I'm sure this will be as successful as when you tried to get Colbert fired.

The difference between them and Griffin is they have jobs and make shit piles of money for their bosses.

Maher will have an all-black panel next show of his close friends and they'll all tell everybody to stop being faggot pussies.
I don't mind Maher.

I disagree with most of his views, but at least he's willing to hear the other side out. Unlike his peers, he doesn't seem to be afraid to get out of the leftist hug box every now and again.
This. They're kikes, and this is how kikes are.
What's the point of getting asspained at SJW's if you're not going to do anything?
If it's effective it's legitimate. Stop letting it be effective.
We should be backing him up, then the media would pick up on that and, destroy him further

Im a house nigger
I remember when he got super shoah'd over some guy saying Israel isn't worth sacrificing American lives. These kikes are all the same.
Yes, fuck this stinking, subversive kike. He needs to go.
>working for the city over the summer
>people at my job call people niggers all the time and nobody even cares
I really am starting to believe the whole "Nobody in the real world cares about SJWs." thing.
If you're convinced that your point of view is the correct one, then assassinating someone's character shouldn't be needed.
>By playing by the left's rules they are legitimizing their tactics.
No, getting people fired legitimized their tactics. As long as they can get other people fired while feeling high and mighty they'll keep doing. When they start fearing they may be next then they no longer like the idea

>white guy says nigger

The left is eating itself.
Let's not be hypocrites. We don't need to bring him down. Let's just set back and watch the Left do it for us.
>but at least he's willing to hear the other side out.
Fucking kek, what Maher are you talking about? He doesn't hear the other side out, unless it's similar to his views - if not, he and other people around the table will just start chimping out, shouting over the other and laughing at him/her.
And they call black people niggers too not white people.
I don't agree with everything Trump does, but the way he completely infuriates the world is amazing
he's on every tv channel, every news website, every anonymous messageboard and normalfag website
We can always just blame it on Reddit and call thme unhinged.
If it's effective when we want it to be, and ineffective when we don't want it to be.... how is that bad for us?

If anything, they will eventually see that the effect on their viewership isn't related to the amount of screeching and realize that it's pointless to listen to screeching retards.
,Fuck off randy
>We'd love to have you work in the fields with us.

Daily reminder that he set the bitch up. :) Top job, Senator Sasse.

38 seconds:

>‘I’m A House N*gga’: Did Bill Maher Cross a Line During Ben Sasse Interview?
>not using numerous WE WUZ sock puppet accounts
And the left canabalizes itself more.

When you make commandments like thou shalt not commit political correctness it will ultimately come back to hurt you

This is why freedom of speech should be freedom of speech
That would make sense if i were in a debate with bill maher. I'm not though.

Destroying cohesivness among my enemies is a strategic advantage for me whether my viewpoint is correct or not.
It's warfare 101.
i was surprised at how the liberal mind goes straight to slavery within seconds when all he heard was "working the fields"
>thy think there will be a blue wave in 18'

Top kek fucking idiots
you don't have principles you loser piece of shit. you're some leftist lying cuckold from reddit shilling. you're a born loser and retard faggot that's mentally retarded.
ATTN: Make sure to remind EVERYONE that he's a Jew and not White. Do not fuck this opportunity up.
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Maher will be president in 4 years, deal with it, he could shoot a nigger on 5 avenue and get away with it
So you're just virtue signaling then. You want free speech and you don't want deplatforming but it's okay if your RTS opponent doesn't get those same benefits.
you stupid fuck.

True, but you can't have freedom of speech in a multi-racial society.
Bill maher has a platform.
I don't.
I just want us to be on a level playing field.
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Star of David goes in every tweet about this fuck.
Bill Maher is at least a reasonable asshole, he defends people's right to free speech no matter what shit they say. Hoping this event pushes him over the edge/makes him red pilled.
>triggered autist
Bill plays pool with you brainlets.
>So you're just virtue signaling then. You want free speech and you don't want deplatforming but it's okay if your RTS opponent doesn't get those same benefits.
What the fuck are you talking about? You just described the left. The reason we're here is because they started this.
Honestly it's only BECAUSE the left is so keen on deplatforming people they don't like that we can believably larp as angry niggers calling for him to be fired.

Nobody can believably larp as a 4channer who's offended by the word nigger, or any other word.
Fuck this slimy pedo Jew
Dude, Maher was pretty based in the 90s, especially for network TV. Then 9/11 happened.
>asks the obvious fucking "why" questions
>says, correctly, that flying a plane into a hellfire death is not "cowardly"
>gets fired from ABC
>is literally the only person to lose his job for the biggest world changing disaster of all time
>comes back 2 years later on cable and gradually shifts from a standard 90s independent/uninvested comedian type, to complete and utter mainstream democrat shill
>maintains semblance of street cred by bashing islam and favoring free speech
>donates a million dollars cash to drone bombing center-left, MI complex nigger puppet president, goes to bat for him for 8 years
>in short, we'll let you back on TV goy, but you gotta play ball

Fuck this guy
Exactly, the offence is in that they think they are better than us, nothing is more satisfying than ripping someone down from their morality pedestal
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I think that what we should do is make the word nigger ok to say again, would not that be the better victory?

I really feel we are option for the smaller victory here
Oh they get it. They are using the Rules themselves.
That's Olaf.
Fuck this slimy pedo Jew

>The Bill Maher Show Used To Be Produced By "Kid-Love Productions"
>Bill Maher made a movie in 1991 called PIZZA MAN. It is full of pedophile innuendos.

I like this Idea better

this board is turning into SJW with this getting people fired and emailing advertisers crap
>one drop
>The left will never attack Maher

youre wrong because they already are. this is a big deal
Can we somehoe organize a black lives matter rally outside his studio?
Disgusting. To no surprise to anyone, defended kid fucking on his show around the same time period:


The man is absolute filth.
you're delusional if you think the consequence of Bill not being punished is it becomes acceptable for everyone to say nigger

Go ahead and explain to me how you two plan on making that stupid plan a reality.

Niggers are always going to chimp out over it because it reminds them of their shameful past.
Yes, that's the point. You slam SJWs for these tactics but you're so ready to use them yourself. Is it your goal to be just as retarded as the people you think are wrong?
It's not the "tactics", it's the ideology that is bad.
Understand the difference?
>the right are the real sjws
You poked the bear too many times faggot
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If a joke is actually good and uses a slur the funny outweighs the racial element but if the racial element is the entire premise it has to be relevant to some degree. The joke wasn't relevant or funny, it was low effort kikery

Absolutely. We can accomplish anything because we know how to blend in. Just make a fake twitter account with the name demtreus Jones @twerkdaddi1980 with some niggers picture and go to town.
Let's do something
I agree famalam, the nigger stuff isn't about respecting blacks it's about policing white language. Say nigger as much as u can tbqh.
>p-please don't use our tactics against us
Too late, sweetie. We are so much better at this.
doesnt bil maher hate muslims though???
SO WHATS THE FUCKING PLAN?????????????????????

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FRIENDLY REMINDER: Do not respond to shills or fall for shill tactics. Pic related.
Larp as twitter niggers and call him a racist piece of shit and you're canceling your HBO subscription
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I think killing is wrong but If someone tried to shoot me I'd have no choice but to defend myself. The left is already deplatforming. The only two choices are fight back or lie down and take it. We already know what you're advocating doesn't work because it's what the right has been doing for years and it only made the left stronger
What's the deal with the nigger word?

If that shit is so offensive why isn't banned for everyone, otherwise leave it allowed for everyone too.

Are Americans this retarded? Where the fuck is their common sense?
It's a shit test that niggers have successfully played on white america.
You expose Jewish racism while letting the inevitable chimp out happen.


Who are his sponsers?
give his show to a nigger.
He hates Muslims though...
He didn't even say that. He said "house nigga." With a ga as opposed to er. I wish he had said nigger, that would have been epic.

Liberals are too stupid to even know what they're losing their shit over.

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To be fair, he sometimes looks at his audience with absolute revulsion. It's fucking hilarious. But he made them the illogical hyenas they are.

Live by the sword, die by the sword, and all the rest of it.
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We should absolutely get him fired over this.

If we let, or even help, the left purge any remaining bastion of rationality from their ranks, then they'll be even more odious to the average American.

>How do you fight against pure hatred
Hate back /pol/, hate back.
#firebillmaher lets get it trending. get it on T/D

>Time to bring him down just like Kathy Griffin /pol/
Bring down one of our own???
This is why everyone hates us.
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Yes! It's horrible
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Hes a kike idiot
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I can't help it but I find it hilarious when people say "N-word". It's mind boggling that even in (and especially in) formal professional environments people dare not say or spell the word "nigger", even when quoting someone's sentence.

It really is the "Thou shalt not take the name" of our time, and liberal progressive universalism really is the religion of our time.
100x this
He was raised catholic.
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literally nothing is going to happen to him
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He never said nigger though, he said nigga.
make a better edit post it on world star hip hop anons fooled it with views???? profit
did he died?
Fuck this pedo

>The Bill Maher Show Used To Be Produced By "Kid-Love Productions"
>Bill Maher made a movie in 1991 called PIZZA MAN. It is full of pedophile innuendos.


>Tells everyone Trump sexually abused his daughter Ivanka


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if you have HBO threaten to cancel if they dont disavow Bill Maher remove him from their station. Grabem by the money!
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HE DIDN'T EVEN SAY NIGGER, he called himself "a house nigga". jesus its amazing how little blood in the water they need. a glorified blogger drops the most cringeworthy article on this shit.
its time. we must avenge our kang ancestors with some blm hashtags.
This kiddie fucker couldn't carry Barron's jockstrap

This. Just called my cable and told them I was cancelling until bill was fired

Bill Maher is a pedophile!
good plan
I hate Maher and the way his audience claps like a bunch of seals at everything he says. So if he loses his show, fuck him, but I also hope we aren't too far gone down the road to wrongthink.

it's fucking nothing
>pol wants to get him fired
>yet he was the one pushing against Islam and identity politics

You guys are going against your own beliefs just to get someone fired, retarded.
Did he really use the N word???
>the villain is trump
b-but he made fun of Trump before!
If Bill Mahr gets fired, he will simply make another talk show. This isn't enough to take the wind out of his sail; fuck, he could YouTube and be even more influential.
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le based black man
>white liberals are the worst people
we already knew that


>one voice on the left that's willing to point out how terrible Islam is

falling on deaf ears, as the saying goes
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