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Why do poor people always complain they can only afford to e

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Why do poor people always complain they can only afford to eat crap?

Niggers gonna nig
Soda is literally cheaper than clean water
Because most poor people are usually stupid.
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what does ounce and pound mean
It's almost always kids from upper middle class families larping as poor.

They can't meal plan, they can't cook and they can't live without a $10 cup of coffee and they think only things marked organic are healthy.
Pound is like a slight love tap in weight
An ounce is how much drug you do if you wanna stay sobre
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There is free water everywhere
>one pound of bananas
>47 cents
dont you have some public water pumps when you can get free high mineral water?
maybe if you live in flint michigan
>I don't know anything about time cost
>I can't into food deserts
high in the mineral FLOURIDE
They don't only our (((handlers))) raise a stink in colleges

It's already been proven if you give them more choice they will still make bad choices. When you bring this up (((they))) call you racist
That picture is bullshit.
t. person that can't cook
Spending $3 a day for 30 days would be $90 a month
Water is free, you faggot. Turn on your faucet.
Found the nigger that only drinks bottle water
They are 59 cents a pound at my store, pretty sure i could find some for 47 if i shopped around.
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water bill retard
>Great Value
That shit is cardboard tier
Top kek. Yeah--that 15 dollars a month is really breaking the bank. Kill yourself.
Oh come on. I drink a lot of soda, a lot. I know exactly how much it costs per 2 liter. A really good price is $1 per bottle or $0.75 per bottle for the store brand crap. Normally it's 1.5 to 1.75 per bottle. Drinking water is under a dollar per gallon normal price, $0.75 per gallon on sale.
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The new symbol of white supremacy
>Being this retarded

The state of neets everybody.
a retard system. ignore it.
It's called living in an apartment with all utilities paid except electric. Faggot.
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>what is a water bill
Good thing I live off a well.Enjoy your feces and fluoride.
Most rentals include water
pay your fucking denbts and stop wasting money getting novelty gold things on your flag, grease
agreed. it's better to stuff your face with greasy junk food and wonder why you're so fat and hungry later on.
Units that we don't have to multiply by 9.81 to get relevant info
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>food deserts

Learn to fucking read, faggot. Also well water tastes like scum.
Burgershit gibberish
>>I can't into food deserts
The only reason they don't sell vegetables in the ghetto is people don't buy them
no u
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It actually taste good, but hey you literally drink shit.


Kek I remember hearing about that. What a bunch of retards.
>Why do poor people always complain they can only afford to eat crap?

Because there are no grocery chains in the ghetto, only gas station over priced stores hat carry no fresh fruit, only processed junk foods.
University of Buffalo? Say it ain't so!!
Ok that's just dumb. Monthly you are using hundreds or thousands of gallons of water for all sorts of things. A single flush of the toilet uses more water than most individuals drink in a day. Then you have showers, hand washing, dishwashing, food prep, clothes washing and more. You going to do all that with soda?
Doesn't make it free, dipshit faggot. It still costs something. You shouldn't be retarded enough to assume that everybody's utilities are paid for, neet welfare cuntbags.

They built all these fresh easys in LA in disadvantaged neighborhoods to provide sources to help the "food deserts" have more choice.

They're all closing up. Turns out if given a choice hood rats still prefer hot cheetos and takis over affordable fresh produce.
>Doesn't make it free, dipshit faggot. It still costs something
it means you incur no additional cost for using it
Why dont you start one?
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wtf, i should start eating healthy food already.

In some stores you can buy 3 liters worth of soda for a dollar.

Dollar Tree is great for that, just hardly any of it is branded which I could give a damn about.
yeah well unless it comes in a box or bag telling me how to heat it up then i can't cook it.
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UB was my thought. They were installing those things the year I graduated.
Tap water is $0.004 a gallon

Poor people are usually lazy. They can't be bothered to cook for themselves. Gibsmedat and all that jazz.
>$4 for a medium sized bag of chips

Uh huh.
Just drink tap water... Oh, you're American nevermind kek
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>Arguing with literal retards

Next up
It's cheaper to eat at McDonald's then it is to cook food at home
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Two fucking tenths of a cent per gallon. Upstate NY water is literally cheaper than dirt.


>have fresh produce stand in ghetto
>jamals are constantly grabbing produce and running

Really activated my almonds.
If there was money to be made selling vegetables in that part of town, the stores would be there. In Mexican parts of town stores exist to sell that stuff, even the most gang infested parts of town have trucks that sell produce and fresh food, they roll in around sunrise and roll out before the cholos wake up. And Latinos by far have the lowest household income, it's not even debatable.
>Soda is literally cheaper than clean water
Uh no sweetie, spring water is 15p per 2 litre bottle & coke is £2 per 2 litre bottle, so that makes coke more than 1300% more expensive honey bunny.
Brit bong using burger proxy detected sound the alarm!
The SAS are coming for you.
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Jesus, your chips are expensive?

79p for 5kg frozen over here at Aldi. Even French Fries cost £2 for the same amount.

Albeit your meat is practically free, of course, whereas ours is priced seemingly by a vegan trying to deter consumption.
The problem I have is with finding quality cheap meats. All the cheap meat I've eaten has giving me vicious diarrhea
P-please stop sweetie posting. I agree with you and all but its annoying.
>bottom pic
>all of those carbs
Yeah no
it costs me 37 cents to fill a gallon of purified drinking water at walmart
It's french fries faggot go have your bike tire taken by the police.
He meant crisps, if he's meant Fries he would've said so.
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This pissed me off so much.

When the Fresh n easy opened up near by house I would pass by almost everyday from work and grab a couple things to make a nice meal.

I enjoyed getting my hands on a bit higher quality deli meats and cheeses. (I miss the cheese so much). This is why we can't have nice things. I fucking hate having been born a spic.
Get an Air Fryer m8.

Slap almost anything in for 10 mins at 200degC.
>Upstate NY
>water bill

We some of the best water on the planet and you're getting yours through some municipality? Get a well, unless you're one of those city faggots.
Stop eating meat
W-what? alright I thought.
Crisps = chips
chips = fries
Am I wrong?
I always buy the stuff that is 50% off because it is about to expire
Its fine if you either cook it right away or freeze it
>The problem I have is with finding quality cheap meats. All the cheap meat I've eaten has giving me vicious diarrhea
Just eat horse, cheap & plentiful, there's a lot of good eatin in a hoss, and you can raise your own from foal if you have a little space, a window box or such like.
nigger you ever go grocery shopping in canada? oh thats right mom brings you a sandwich while you shitpost and play world of wizards.
ment for
Why are you agreeing with that statement?
Coke isn't make from spring water, it's made from filtered tap water.
I've only drank out of one well that had bad water, high iron content. My entire area is all wells.

By contrast, city water tastes vaguely like artificial sweetener and bleach. Anyone who says city > well is an idiot.
aint nothin like pumping that good ol spiggot and get er flowin from the well real nice like after a hard day on the farm
>that bottom pic

Why do americans like to eat prepackaged fruits and vegetables? Are you truly this subhuman and lazy?
They sure do love flamin hot cheetos. I do too, but holy, it's like crack for black people. Well, those and real crack.
Slow Cookers, m8. Or whatever the American name for them are... crockpots, I think?

Slow cook that cheap as shit chicken over eight hours it removes all the antibiotics causing the trots. Even works for pork, but you have got to keep that moist. Marinade it over night, then slow cook it.

Gutrot chicken "goujons" (ie shit we swept off the floor) sells at around £2.50 for a massive sack of around 4kg. You can coat 'em in honey and soy sauce, slow cook 'em until their edible.

Do you think poor starving people care about carbs? They need calories
hpw hard is it to grow your own food really, they are on welfare and do nothing all day anyways.

We don't grow vegetables paco. It's hundreds of thousands of miles of cornfields. Turn it into fuel, turn it into cornmeal to fatten the livestock, turn it into corn syrup for a million different uses.

If we want vegetables and fruits and shit we'll just buy it from you or some poor South American shithole.
We truly are in no position to talk to the Americans about diet fellow spic.
thats a lie, a gallon of water is 99 cents while a 2 liter of soda is 99 cents. I was once the poorest of poor fags living in the bayou of louisiana and all we could afford was rice, vegetables, and whatever catfish my stepdad could catch out the river. We were living on less than what people get in EBT a month and not collecting welfare like you degenerate niggers. We persevered and ate healthy and i excelled in school and sports despite not having. Fuck poorfag amerifats, they lack discipline
That plus a few pounds of chicken leg quarters u get big af

I haven't owned my house for very long, it's on my to-do list.

Meanwhile I know a guy north of here who's well water is so clean that the town thought he sent bottled water for a test sample. They actually sent someone out to get a sample straight from the tap because they didn't believe him.
its so they might not sweetie post again.

Spring water in the country is god-tier; you could almost call it delicious. My well water has too much iron in it, though -- needs to be filtered and even then still tastes like blood.
1lb ~= 450g
1oz ~= 28g
aint nothin like slow cookin roast beef and gettin the gravy flowin real wet like after a hard day on the farm
What is this nigger trying to cook with all that random bullshit?
>Food deserts

Remind me again how this isn't a meme? I used to live in the ghetto (North Philadelphia) and there is a produce store in every neighborhood. Not to mention that you can buy canned veggies, canned chicken, tuna, salmon, rice, condiments, etc. from the fucking dollar store
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>We truly are in no position to talk to the Americans about diet fellow spic.
You can say whatever you want about obesity rates, but at least we eat fresh unprocessed produce most of the time.

I personally shame people who buy shit at oxxos like pepsico products or anything similar, I eat well and I'm not fat.

Even if that's true why not buy the raw vegetables instead of buying them in plastic bags, pre shredded/cut? I doubt those shitty vegetables have the same quantity of nutrients as raw vegetables
18L bottle of fresh water = $2
24cans / 8L of soda = $4

Water cheaper than soda, if you're not a retard
The top pic is literally nothing but carbs...
Healthy food tastes bad when you've been conditioned on junk food. I grew up in junk food and the taste of vegetables used to make me gag. What's weird is once I completely cut junk food shit like vegetables tasted better over time.

But I think that's a big part of it. After a life of poor eating healthy food tastes shit so people avoid it. We see eating as an enjoyment here instead of a necessity. It's also why we are a fat nation aside from awful portion control.
>I can't into food deserts
>all these sheeple suggesting to drink from the tap

It's like you guys want a sex change.
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then buy the 10lb bag of potatoes and fry them
>not owning Alex Jones water filters

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>Why do poor people always complain they can only afford to eat crap?
If poor people could think there would be no poor people
>not living on a well
So do I. But we are the odd ones, and you know it.
Because preserved pre-processed food is cheaper to transport and has a longer shelf life, meaning they can put it on the shelf at Walmart cheaper too. Why buy fresh food that is expensive because it had to be transported fast from another country or was produced by some small farm that has to turn a bigger profit when I can just get a bag of frozen precut ones that are way cheaper and last longer?
They should do everything to keep niggers and beaners fat though, they are less of a problem then and die faster.
Feed them cattle food, cheap beer and smokes and if you are white and dumb enough to be obese you deserve no pity.
You clearly don't understand how much is spent on them to keep them alive with all of their health problems.
Those are all either important sides or bases for meals, which is usually what fries are used as anyway.

A better OP image would just compare potatoes and premade fries, since you can make some damn good fries with potatoes and some household oils/spices that everyone should have. Going off the image, it'd be about half the cost anyway

>$4 for a bag of crisps

is that real? I thought food in the USA was cheap. Here you can grab the same for like €2 at the supermarket which is like $3

I pay 1,85 €/m3 of water. That is like nothing/Liter.

I enjoy not living in a corporate state like USA.
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bananas 0.47/lb, something seems fishy here
They are abusing welfare and access to healthcare either way, you want them dumbed down and docile.
Everyone knows no one dares to cut the gibs so at least put them in ghettos and make sure they dont stir shit up.
tax included maybe ? i dunno

Same price here in Germany.
You get them ~1€/Kg.
Organic for 2€/Kg
Grape drink is a fruit.
They fluctuate from $0.33 to $0.53 at the Walmart where I live.
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Flat out lie

It's because poor people make poor choice
its 2 for $5 here in michigan, can't speak for wherever they live
Soda here is 8 pesos and bottled water is 12 pesos. They are trying to normalize us with unhealthy beverages/foods to hasten our death. Tis' a part of the depopulation program.
As is pizza, my man
>living in not-America where our tap water is perfectly fine because we have real environmental laws
lol what a fucking liar you are
... the burger said chips. The burger meant chips. Potato chips. A product which the bongs call crisps. The burger said nothing from bong vernacular whatsoever. What are you on about leaf?
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Ore Ida is a stupidly expensive brand of cut up potatoes. You can get shit like fries for dirt cheap here, especially if you buy in bulk.
Those tots though... worth every penny
Do you see chips (US) in the OP image? I only see chips (UK)
No floride in your water and you still all act like little girls, that's nothing to brag about leaf.

seriously. certain parts of deep urbanity lack legitimate grocery stores. spend some time in the deep south or parts like north side st louis and southie chicago.
I can't really disagree.
Fake news.
Looked up #1. worst Chicago ghetto, Got West Englewood. checked google maps. Plenty of grocery stores. Easy 30 minute walking radius.
>muh po folk can't walk with a grocery bag for 30 minutes
boo fucking hoo.
Or rural areas where you have have to travel 30 minutes one way to get to a shitty local grocery store that only serves a few thousand people so it has shit for stock.
I haven't been to too many residential parts of cities. But I lived in Philly for a while, and there fresh fruit and veggies were easy to find. I didn't venture much into the ghetto, but even if they don't have any fresh food, is it that hard to walk a couple blocks into the nice part of town?
Also in all the ghetto areas in my city there's Asian grocery stores. Which have great healthy food dirt cheap, and people will drive to the ghettos just to get exotic produce that isn't available at the main grocery chains.
Ahhh what do I even need HollyJew anymore when the jokes just write themselves? I love the meme timeline. I feel like Pyro since I came to /Pol/ :
I can get a 40 pack of 20oz Zephyrhills water for $5
>French education
Also this. If you are a sucker who can't resist the bottled water Jew bottled water is still way cheaper than soda if you buy it in bulk. Every time I go grocery shopping there's whole pallets of bottled water at the front of the store for dirt cheap.
some of them just eat the food in the store then leave
Tap water is less than one penny per gallon
Well, I live in Florida and the tap to my condo is shit quality, so I have no real choice here for water. That's why I got with Zephyrhills, that shits the best, and it's made right here in Florida
It can be anon. Not every day but a burger here or there isn't so bad. Think of food spoilage before or after you cook it. I always cook for 4 and I get tired of eating the same damn thing for too many days and it loses all flavor if I freeze it after I cook it. The real redpill is grow your own food cut the Monsanto Jew all the way out. Get back in touch with our roots.
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They're poor in the first place because they are dumb.
Get a water filter you retard.
I've put a lot of thought into it though and the thing that really burns people's budgets is contingent spending. There's an entire market of Jewery centered around extracting extra money from people who are worried about whether or not they have enough time. This is what I call contingent spending.

Products that save you time at the cost of money. People need to learn to use down time more effectively to avoid future contingent spending. Like a 1 dollar package of ready in 5 minute pasta side dish. It really just contains like 20 cents worth of pasta and sauce mix. Had you already owned both in bulk, and prepped some extra and frozen it when you had the time you would save 80 cents (not accounting for potential spoilage of course).
my shitty country...

bananas 2-3$
frozen mix vege ni name 3-5
bag of potoes (i live off them) 4-5
pasta 1-3$

forgrt meat

forget fresh vege
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black people hate vegetables, this is a known fact

these libs really thought they were suddenly going to start eating kale salads?
That's bullshit. Ghettos have tons of discount supermarket chains that come to cash in on their EBT. One of my first jobs as a kid was working at a grocery store in the shitty part of town. I would legitimately get infuriated by fat nigress cunts blowing $200 of SNAP benefits on fucking soda, chips, and day old fried chicken from the deli that can be purchased with EBT since it's no longer "hot" food. They even put stickers that say "Buy me with EBT!" next to the price/weight sticker.
There is plenty of cheap, healthy food there, but niggers just eat like shit.
Literally 1 filter jug, and 1 replacement filter for it, will cost as much as 2 or 3 cases of bottled water. and filter several hundred bottles worth of water before needing a new filter.

Or now you can even get on the go water bottles with a built in filter.
Wtf how is food so cheap in the usa?
gotta love that classic banana potato pasta recipe
Also you could buy like 3 burgers that have actual meat for $5
we don't have a feminist government and half of the country is perfect for agriculture
Ain't nothing like coming in kicking off your boots cracking your knuckles and shit posting after a hard day on the farm.
Poor people are fat and poor because they are lazy
Also for people who insist on meat... supermarket meat is the cheapest meat, not always.
Sometimes you can get way better stuff for even cheaper from a little mom and pop butcher shop. Or check farmers markets. A couple of years ago one of the farmers was selling whole rabbit (cleaned and ready to cook) for 5 bucks each. Because I guess they had a rabbit problem so they went out to their field with a .22 and went to town.
I guess diversity is our greatest strength

The frozen vegetables and pasta go together with butter and spices you mong.

grew up poor, something I had to fix my brothers and sister often.

Banana was school lunch, and that many potatoes can make all sorts of different potato dishes.
39 cents a pound at the store I frequent
im convinced that sense of taste/smell is linked somehow to IQ for this reason
Produce prices vary heavy regionally. The most expensive part of produce is shipping and handling expenses.
This is extremely underrated.
To add example to this, off season, imported corn is like 2 bucks for a flat of 5 ears at the supermarket here... but then when the local corn his the shelves the lowest I've seen it was 11 cents per ear.
>$1 for 4 avocados

Where is this mofo shopping? Seriously I need to go there.
This is rare in the USA. Most people there think that everything from nature is poisonous unless the government blesses it with holy poisons. The Jewish desert mentality makes them fear nature.
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kek underrated
Probably in a southern state.
You're mostly paying for diesel fuel and for people to stuff it into shipping cases when you buy produce.
>ounce of LSD
It's fucking bullshit that libtards and hipsters spew when they gentrify an area and can't find shit like avocado and pomegranate within 30 yards of their overpriced apartments. It's not like a fucking grocery store can't get vegetables because "lol poor black people." They piss and moan until the city hands out grants for shit like farmers markets and organic grocers. Then that shit flops a year later because niggers just want cheap snacks and soda.
Oh and for me to take it off of a warehouse rack with a forklift. Thanks.
Fat fucks eternally btfo
I'm no economist but I would guess low energy costs. Much of the cost of food production is the farm equipment and shipping the food around. Fuck Paris Climate Accord would have starved people to death.
It takes time to prepare a balanced meal.
Literal lies.
>Do you see chips (US) in the OP image? I only see chips (UK)
Nobody even said 'chips' in the first place, this is a wild goose chase.
How much time does it take to peel a banana?
>Cooking your own food is much much cheaper, healthier and more nutritious and even better tasting than fastfood.
Yep, how do you think the fast food producers make money. Out of peoples lazyness. It costs nearly nothing for them to make compared to what you pay for it.

I've seen a video on yt i forget what it's called some anon will probably find it. something about a nigger working at a fastfood restaurant and she's complaining that she doesn't have enough money to buy proper food for her kids. They follow her around and she stacks up on soda and chips, no vegetables and fruit because they get old she says.. Well you're supposed to eat them! She's simultaneously low energy and unmotivated and depressed.. largely due to her diet, and fat as fuck aswell.

That's how that happens, not that she can't afford to get a healthy and nutritious diet for her kids, but she can't into making proper food.
Aldi will save us all.
>Get back in touch with our roots.
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If they're not allowed to buy certain foods with EBT they'll just steal them.
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>comparing name-brand in scenario A to generic in scenario B

quick way to undermine your own legitimacy desu. dishonesty should be scorned
That was a greentext quote, nobody actually originally said chips at all, it's a red herring.
I saw a documentary from the 80's90's about when fast food chains like burger king and mcdonalds became popular. People stopped making proper food as much as they did, it also explained the problem with it because in 1-2 generations if you don't teach your kids how to make proper food they'll stop doing it and have to go learn it on their own from cooking books and these things and discipline themselves to do it.

You can literally cut your food budget in half or more and have 2-3 times as much food that is also much better tasting and far more healthy and good in every way if you buy the raw goods yourself and cook the meals from scratch instead of relying on processed foods and fast food.

tl;dr one of the main issues with this is that due to fastfood parents especially single parents don't even teach their kids how to make proper meals from scratch, because they barely know how to do it themselves. It's really sad actually.
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You can buy anything with EBT
And due to this this has caused or atleast aided/helped to cause the fatty epidemic in the US. Ofcourse the corn sirup and other things in candy bars add to that even more but the real problem is.. a) people don't make food from scratch b) they eat the junky processed food and candy bars and crap instead that's actually more expensive than the more healthy ACTUAL from the ground up prepared meals with the purchase of the raw goods which is very cheap in comparison also.

I can get a 10lb bag of potatoes for 99 cents when they are on sale which is often. I have two bags right now but they go bad so fast even though I put them in a dark dry place in a burlap sack. They will grow roots anyways which I take off and still eat the potato. I nuke them in the microwave, mash them and add butter.

I even have a french fry press and make my own fries but they never taste very good or stay crispy like the frozen ones at the store. What you're also buying is convenience. I hate the similar infographs like this where they compare fast food cooked meals to buying random veggies and raw chicken.
>Why do poor people always complain they can only afford to eat crap?

Because they don't actually want to prepare meals beyond microwaving shit.
No you can't. You can't buy prepared (hot) food.
A banana is a snack, not a meal. Unless you're a monkey.

It takes 30 minutes to an hour to prepare a multi-course meal.

If the federal poverty line is $22,541 or ~$11.27/hr, the time cost for someone in poverty preparing a meal is $5.63 - $11.27, plus the cost of ingredients.

That could buy one or two fast food meals for that price range, and if they're working multiple jobs, they're willing to sacrifice their long-term health to free up more time.

And of course fast food is engineered to be habit forming, so there's pull and push behavioral economics going on.
>Because they don't actually want to prepare meals beyond microwaving shit.
And also it gets worse by the fact that bad nutrition has a correlation with energy level and motivation and even mental health (you get more fatigued, easier depressed etc. if you eat shitty food all the time). So they're digging themselves further into a hole by spending the little money they have on utter junk out of "convenience".
>they're willing to sacrifice their long-term health to free up more time.
What is using the same amount of time to prepare a larger multi course meal and tubberware the shit for next day. They're not really actually saving NEITHER time OR money by not cooking from scratch quite the contrary, it's a total illusion that this is the case.
they don't know how to appropriately shop for groceries
What does Burger King sell?
Bottom line is due to fastfood which is junk food and processed food etc. A LOT of people don't KNOW how to cook a proper meal anymore so that it turns out good, and their parents don't teach them so they just give up to their own detriment, both timewise and money wise and health wise.
Tbh I prefer fresh fries and steak cut chips (UK).

The way to get your fries crispier is to par boil them before you fry them.
If you want to go mass production, you can par boil, then freeze them in batches, then double fry at a low and high temperature.
>What does Burger King sell?
In the UK there's a huge tax on hot food so fast food places like Burger Kang sell most of their takeaway meals cold, we just heat them in the microwave ourselves.
they're poor because they are stupid
>2 liter is 1.50
>I gallon of water is .99

I drink water almost exclusivley and I can say that's bullshit anon.
>black people hate vegetables
Do you really need a source for that, they never could into agriculture and shit like that, ofcourse they don't have that many traditions with regards to making very wholesome meals and these things. So when fastfood arrived this completely decimated their ability to make proper food.. and they didn't ofcourse then teach whatever little they knew to their kids either.
"environmental racism"
what even???
Who /Ralph's/ here
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Here in Brazil you buy a lot of Bananas under $10

Look at all bananas We have in Brazil.
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All this autism because I was talking about the bag of potato chips in the video. Especially when there is nothing that cost $4 in OP's picture.
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>>128290477 >>128291007 >>128291336 >>128303305

Here in Brazil You can be Healthy as fuck with a low price.

Here in Brazil you buy a lot of Bananas under $10

Look at all bananas We have in Brazil.
>preachers in church talk about how cheap it is to eat healthy
WTF is amerian yurop now?
Will you start cutting and become sex freaks?
This is so untypical, god bless.
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The more I hear about your country the funnier it gets
> they never could into agriculture and shit like that

Maybe in Africa, but it was a do or die thing for them in America.

Urban degenerates aside, agriculture and gardening is pretty big with them, especially the older generations from the midwest and south. Cooking is particularly important among the southern variety.
>Here in Brazil you buy a lot of Bananas under $10
I don't believe there are $10 is all of Brazil
The greatest system that led to the greatest nations dominating the world, while the rest of the world insists that they are better.
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>>128290477 >>128291007 >>128291336

>>128303489 >>128303305

I'm a rich & healthy Brazilian.

Bananas are my favorite fruit.

It's rich in Vitamins and good for your Health.
crap is addictive

>2 Liter of Soda: .99-1.99
>Gallon of purified water .89


Le compare water to 2-liter hivemind
what the hell is going on?!?
>The greatest system
Fast food's quick, easy, and addictive without being that much more expensive, especially if you're not just buying bargain bin frozen/canned shit.

With most people probably eating at least 14-21 meals a week, that's a lot of time spent dealing with that shit and relatively not that much of a loss to just eat fast food in place of one meal.

Seems easy to understand.
The idea that you could just buy normal veggies, meat, and potatoes and then cook a healthy meal with those by looking at the actual nutrition facts about them is so alien to most people it's crazy. They can't proces it as healthy food if it doesn't say on the box it's sugar free organic low fat light special fit edition featuring donte (TM) from the lose your fucking fupa series.
It's food stamps. Of course nigs gonna complain if they can't get dat grape drank and those fucking corn chips. Gibs me dat. Wants more of dat.
surely you have a farmers market or similar in your town no?
What happens when imperial designed bombs meet metric designed buildings?
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The picture you posted makes me proud as an Englishman, we don't mix the two waters here, there are only two water types, hot or cold, there's no such thing as 'warm' water in nature.
I buy high quality Italian flour for 2 eur/kg and 12 big eggs for 1.5 eur and make the pasta/pizza dough myself, gotta stop eating like a pleb.
Southern yurop produce is CHEAP with Poland and Russia and Turkey revving up the agriculture and in a few years time Ukraine will rejoin them too
I dont get the fast food meme. I used to eat fast food a lot; probably once every 4-5 meals. Now I almost never eat it (once a month) and I not only eat healthier but I spend far less money on food.

I guess maybe if you have like 8 kids it can be cheaper to feed them all each a one dollar mcdouble as opposed to having to buy the ingredients for a meal that feeds 8, but for a single person, its healthier and financially better to eat well.
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Holy kek, we should use this as twitter campaign in order to trick leftists into drinking sewage water to show their support for suppressed africans who have no clean water.
so less choice makes you happy?
no wonder you still pay the queen...
The problem with people is that they don't know how to cook. I can think of fifty meals using the ingredients used in the video.

Fat Lazy NigNogs who can't boil water without buring down their slum.

I grew up dirt poor - ever have pig lard and marmalade sandwich; yeah, fuck rural poor life. We had a goddamn coal stove for heat. So I worked hard and made a fuck ton of money and will only exclusively shop local, organic or whole foods now.

Fuck poor people, fix your shit.
>Fast food's quick, easy, and addictive without being that much more expensive, especially if you're not just buying bargain bin frozen/canned shit.
except that isn't true, it's far cheaper to make the food from the raw goods and you'll have much much more of it and much more healthy food aswell. And if you're worried about the time aspect, cook larger meals, takes about the same amount of time and tupperware the shit for next day. And doing that will be far healthier than any of the shit you can buy prepackaged.

You're defending nigger tier lack of motivation to shop and prep meals. But the fast food and processed food people are happy to have you.
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>laughs in canadian
A water filter for your tap costs way less than it's lifetime use worth of soda.
this this this

Its bad enough what it does to a person but what it does to their culture and kids. I lived in an italian community but despite "muh italian cooking, muh italian heritage" they all ate out and barely any italians there sans the few that ran restaurants could actually cook. At best the height of their "italian cuisine' was just taking Nonna's tomato sauce and putting it over cheapo $1 pasta
>time cost
It takes less time to cook those veggies and potatoes than it does to bake the fries.

>food deserts
Literally the result of niggers stealing so much that grocers can't stay in business. How's that anyone's fault besides the niggers themselves?
Thinking ahead.
Might be a bit pricey to begin with, but it'll save you tons in the long run.
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kek our prime minister once said that when he lived poor under gommunism eating bread and pig lard was a bliss and made him so happy.
Pic related is him and based Orban before they checked out the border wall we built
>so less choice makes you happy?
If the 'choice' you refer to means 101 different water types with 101 different names then yes less choice makes me profoundly happy, water comes in two varieties only, hot and cold, anything in-between is an abomination !
It's got electrolytes.
I pay 30 cents for a gallon of the best water you can get
protip, anything you buy packaged usually contains preservatives which are toxic as fuck to your system but are utilized mostly for transport reasons and because you don't buy it right away. Nothing beats fresh food from fresh products.

What it has become today is that upper middle class go to restaurants and pay exhorbant amounts for chefs who prepare it from fresh goods. instead of making it themselves perhaps not at michelin quality but good enough that there's virtually no difference in the nutrition for 1/16th of the price.

tl;dr learn to cook your own fucking food the traditional way.

Also by doing so you will save massive amounts of money and get better health from it. And even saving quite a bit of time in the process if you cook larger meals and eat the remains the day after.
>bake the fries.
Fry the fries you mean, the clue is in the name.
There is warm water, even though your joke is funny.
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Don't trick the leftists like that, imagine the cost to our public healthcare system after they all get sick.
If you can operate a microwave, you can cook all those things except for the spag, which you only need to know how to boil water.

Even those fries at the top, you need to know how to bake them in an oven. None of this requires much intelligence or skill to cook, if you can even call it cooking.
cooking is a family thing too, it bonds people. Come on man, thats as traditional as you can get, cooking your own food is the penultimate redpill.
The final redpill is growing your own food.
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>"italian cuisine' was just taking Nonna's tomato sauce and putting it over cheapo $1 pasta
It's really tragic what fast food and processed foods have done to peoples healths and personal economies for that matter. Because if you can't make it yourself you pay through the nose for proper meals at restaurants or buy junk fastfood or prepackaged/processed foods with preservatives that is not very good for your system but a necesssary evil due to transport and delayed purchase etc.
"water comes in two varieties only, hot and cold"
>literally Tea Mentality
and you wonder why people laugh
>doesn't know the difference between free and paid for

(((Food deserts)))

Food deseers are areas one mIle from a real grocery store in urban areas and 10 miles in rural areas.

Areas with dense public transportation and ability to get to the grocery store have and tighter window than a place where you are screwed without a car.

They are a myth. They exist as an excuse for why browns are so fucking fat, even though they live in cities with boundless potential for work and shopping.
LSD has diminishing returns, past a certain high dose it just induces unconsciousness (either catatonia or actual sleep). with no possibility of side-effect overdose.
If you ever look at the bags, that is actually the printed MSRP on those chips. Most markets will sell them for slightly less, but that is still the baseline price for those.
>cooking is a family thing too, it bonds people. Come on man, thats as traditional as you can get, cooking your own food is the penultimate redpill.
well put
>The final redpill is growing your own food.
definately you not only can guarantee it's quality but you also save immense amounts of money doing so, ofcourse it's not everyone who has that opportunity but if you have that opportunity you should definately do it..
Being self sufficient as much as possible not only saves money but instills you with the discipline to lead an extremely productive life. Even attempting it even if you fail will help personal growth tremendously!
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I bought all this for $300.
You have to parboil the potatoes first and then control the temp at which they fry at tightly. Making fries at home is more bother than it's worth. It's actually less skill to bake or boil the potatoes.
They're dumb and lazy. That bogus claim justifies more gimmes and gives them an excuse for being disgusting slobs.

Look like BRs to me.

My local Aldi has similar prices, and there are other discount grocers around the country that are also in that vicinity. A new chain even cheaper than Aldi is proliferating across the Eastern US right now.
I would even say that if you have the choice between having a little garden just with treets and grass for the looks you should use it to grow food instead of having people over to sit in it in the summer, and cultivate the soil and remineralize it with wood ash and all that shit.
That was about the time that feminism metastasized too and women got lazy and stopped cooking in the kitchen.

lol that's 50bucks tops. i don't know about all those muffins though but still.
That would appear to mostly be industrial waste, the only real food to be seen are the nannas.
>bong doesnt fall for jewish tricks
Is that how you won WW2?
I agree that fast food didnt help, but this honestly sounds like another side effect of womens liberation to be honest.
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the only places I've seen these is in Afghanistan and at remote native reserves in northern Canada, enjoy your chemical preservatives
Don't care, it's yours not mine :^)
>one mile

Thats a 20 minute walk max. Get some sturdy reusable bags, and turn grocery shopping into an exercise opportunity. And if youre in a rural area that doesnt have a store within 10 miles and no transportation, you really should be growing your own food at the very least as a contingency plan in case of an emergency.
>muh gommunims had no food meme
Everybody got a garden in Socialism, even today most people have some type of garden here. I got grapes, cherries, tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, peppers, apples, zucchini every year. As matter of fact i am eating cherries right now. Store vegetables and fruit are not even near the quality of homegrown fruit and vegetables and heavily sprayed.
theyre poor because they are retarded.
they eat shitty non-food because they are retarded
get diseased
die early

i dont see what the issue is.
i used to worry a lot about how blatantly toxic a lot of the food in the US is.
it's not even worth explaining to trash americans, they deserve to be culled.
You're that fat fuck from NeoGAF who said he was going to spend $300 on candy, aren't you?
>comparing a name brand item to store brand items.

This guy seems like a cool pastor.

I would attend his sermons and i'm not even religious.
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Or buy produce, eat half, and plant the rest. Easy mode, buy a buck fifty bag of seeds of something you would eat. Plant it in dirt. profit.
yea he had a garden too, he said they were super poor so they grew their own piggos, chickens and potatos. No holodomor allowed.
Also, Bulgaria has always been strong agriculturally.
On the other shit you said I agree, check >>128306442 and >>128305749
>well water tastes like scum
Tastes a whole lot better than chlorine and fluoride.
Indeed, we filled our pockets with soil & grew parsnips in them !
You like those wet roasties?
but isnt there a tax on pocket grown veggies in UK?
That's because everybody was poor before war and after war, since they were dependent on monarchy pigs providing grains and meat and it just happens USA/UK blocked it for Germany and they used fields in WW1 as cover and burned it all down. Don't you know how USA got rich? They sold aid after war was over. They had crisis in USA before that, they weren't rich, they got rich exploiting other countries and still do today. This is why Socialism had reforms in land and farming, everybody got own land, in case stores were empty. It's also that people didn't even eat meat every day, more like end of weekend, poverty or no poverty. Before industry(supermarkets) you didn't slaughter a pig every day.
You're not alone sempai
Otisspunkmeyer were GOD TIER in Afghanistan. A tiny slice of heaven in that hellhole.
underrated comment
>nations that dont use lbs
>nations that haven't been to the moon.

Pick two achmed
I applaud their efforts at racial purity!
Niggers have PhD's in stupid!
Afghanistan must have been bad, if Otis Spunkmeyer muffins were the high point of your day. Those muffins suck.
nah we had our own land and it got taken away by commies because we liberated ourselves from the turks in 1878 so jews didnt have time to grab our clay.
As a matter of fact given how much of our population was rural commies grabbed A LOT of land and forced migration to the big cities, kickstarting a failed urbanisation. Sad!
Cooking is a white peoples activity. When black cooks, they toss flour on some chicken and put into heated oil. When spics cook, they toss tomato and pepper into a soft piece of bread. When white and Asian people cook, they use brilliancy and creativity to push our taste buds to the limit.

Also, smart people like to cook.
How are these people reacting with surprise about the cost of the items? They don't know what a bag of chips or carrots cost? Do they not shop?
Just learned about that one myself anon. Fucking NPR or I dunno where: black people and Mexicans live closer to coal plants and have more asthma so turning the coal back on is white supremacy oh and not giving more gibs to 3rd world shitholes is racist too. I want WW3 and civil war now.
>agriculture and gardening is pretty big with them
>niggers ever farming
confirmed for never having ventured out side the safety of his middle class bubble. anyone that has spent time in poor black areas know they only eat premade garbage
When bad stuff happens to the environment, usually poor people get the worst of it. Poor people are more likely to be nonwhite. It's pretty dumb to call it racism when really it just means that people with money don't live around toxic shit. On the local level, think about who lives near the sewage treatment plant, garbage dump, superfund site, etc.
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>but isnt there a tax on pocket grown veggies in UK?
For shirt pockets yes, but we utilised the trouser pocket tax loophole for the greater good of Queen & country.
You can always stay a peasant and pay 99% tax to your lords. Don't meme me how feudalism had rich farmers. We didn't even had cars then and no airplanes, so your bananas didn't exist. You ate grains, all you did. Farmers didn't grow much fruit before Socialism, unless it was for alcohol.
That stuff at the bottom? Is crap too. Less crappy, somewhat more nutritious, but still crappy in absolute terms.
Most college campuses have them.
Basically he's preaching with the subject from
2nd Thessalonians 3:10
10For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
Basically that sermon and the second one after that he's preaching against the gibs and the people who abuse the system of food stamps.
I 'THINK' its the idea that climate change disproportionately affects minorities and non-whites because it destroys their environments and takes advantage of their nations and resources.

In reality, the opposite is true. Rich white people will be able to cope with a rejection of fossil fuels and reliance on expensive alternatives, and its poor people and minorities who rely on cheap energy who will be hurt by sweeping environmental policy.

What the fuck can you make with plain potatoes, pasta, and frozen veg?
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wrong actually, the southern regions of Bulgaria had an extreme diversity of fruits, dozens of grapes, apples and peach sorts. Almost all of it got permanently destroyed by forced standartization of food production past 45.


do americans really have to pay for their water? That's pathetic
Yes goym drink it straight out of the tap absorb all that fluoride.
a gallong of bottled water here is $0.80
these are all over in colleges and offices you dumb fuck
Canadians pay for water, too. Ask mommy.
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there is a fix for that Coolieo. Pelican.
most of them don't really have yards, they tend to live in apartments

I don't pay anything for mine, nice try
Even rural niggers don't have gardens for the most part.
You must rent, I'm guessing. You're paying for it, it's in your rent.
If you can't cook you're literally retarded. It's just a matter of reading and following simple instructions.
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>Tap water is less than $.01/gallon
>Filter that can treat hundreds of gallons available around $20-$30
>Also well water tastes like scum

Why? The wells on the family ranch pump water that tastes fine.

On the other hand, I have tasted well water that had a lot of dissolved iron and it was pretty nasty. If you're buying jugs of drinking water then investing in a filtration system ought to pay itself off fairly quickly.
nah, ghettos have C-Town, Key Foods, Price Rites, etc...
>ITT: mostly people who do practically the exact same shit they're criticising
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These retards are the reason the environmental movement is falling apart. Fucking race traitors aren't content to just pollute the gene pool, now they're dragging healthy forests and clean air/water down with their failed ideology. Lynch Bill Nye. Lynch Al Gore. Lynch that ginger cuck in the photo.
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