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Germany reached the demographic point of no return.

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Germany reached the demographic point of no return.
Hooton Plan.
That war was life or death for you.
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finish it
what are the percentages? it would also be interesting to know the distribution in cities and so on
>Hooton Plan.
That was supposed to breed "war strains" out of them not make it worse with jihadi arabs. Also why is it happening in every other white developed country?
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Can we make a meme out of this like the Jap did?
your next :-)
I hate merkel so fucking much.
Don't worry, you'll have a housing crisis and everyone will fuck off, just like here.
Last time i saw the census it was around 2/3 of children in the age group 0-5 are form non germans (including westernes though)
We've all reached the demographic point of no return, Hans.
we already reached point of no return when putin won electiins third time
nah there will be plenty "germans" kraut, the "nationality" will persist
I will miss Germans. I am a bit jelous that my brother got to travel around Germany for 3 months in 2010, back in the simpler times. I think you should all just go on welfare like Daddy Varg says and let your government implode
Thank God. Niggers and arabs are far better than Germans
shut up and clean my toilet
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This honestly makes me so depressed. If the current trend continues, I imagine the rest of Western Europe isn't too far from where Germany is. Is there any hope for Europe?

The US is absolutely no different.
>I imagine the rest of Western Europe isn't too far from where Germany is

The rest of Western Europe is worse, m8
>le Sadiq Khan faes
Did he die or does he still post his anti-Japan threads?
stfu you dirty muslim prick
This >>128266241

At least Poland is keeping their country white and Polish.

Germans have usually been damn good at war. Arabs aren't.

Wrong. We don't take in that many immigrants and no, they don't flood our cities. We might see one. Randomly. Somewhere.
Furthermore in 2014 whites were still around 77% of the population. We're doing fine.
Yes we're very different from you. Which is why you morons fuss about it so much.
Some kraut on here once said it's illegal for other krauts to compile racial statistics

Don't know if true, tons of kraut shills shilling shills on here
Kys Kraut hahaha
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Sweden and America too
Lol it really is. After our Terror attack for example, our headline was: “Truck rams into crowd of people“
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We might be slightly worse in terms of demographics, but the population is much more segregated than you think.
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fucking jews

white genocide is happening on a daily basis and we can't do shit about it
I guess we leave this shitty world to the gooks now
>>128266472 Your delusonal. From the Jewish immigration act of 1965 onwards Whites have gone from 90% of the population, to 63% now, and dropping. There are currently more non white baby's being born than white in the USA. Burgers need to stop living in denial, mocking Germany/Sweden who both have far higher white population percentages.
So that means dude's pictured article is bogus, yes? It says he's a professor in Frankfurt
We aren't living in denial nigger, we just elected Donald Trump who promised mass deportations and a fucking wall separating us from the Third World
probably... maybe the Slavs manage to survive aswell

Actually, the situation is different in several ways.

1. The transformation here is not so rapid.
2. We're being replaced with nonwhites that are not nearly as bad as arabs are.
3. Segregation tends to spread across existing cohesive sub-federal political structures. That is, we tend to have mongrelized/mixed states, and white states. Germany, while having similar segregation patterns, does not have as strong sub-federal political structures. Or in other words, if this all leads into a breakup of our countries, the US will benefit from existing governments being able to transition into implicitly white ethnostates, since they already pretty much are.
4. Strong military and military experience means that when shit inevitably hits the fan, America is going to have existing military structures capable of internally policing and putting down domestic violence. Germany will not - they will already be having trouble if the scale of the attacks in Europe get much bigger.
5. America is not driven by a pathological, nihilistic hatred of its own identity as a nation. But then again, that one really isn't your fault.

I'm so sorry for what we did to you, Germany. I hope one day you can forgive us.
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Thanks for chiming in. That guy was delusional. Probably lives in a cute white neighborhood where you can remain bluepilled.Those of us who live in (((vibrant))) neighborhoods already know that there is no turning back.

It's sick actually. I dont even care about the USA anymore, I was counting on Europe to take me in as a skilled non-obese immigrant, but yall had other plans...
>We might be slightly worse in terms of demographics, but the population is much more segregated than you think.
This is the case everywhere in the world. There are no "diverse" quarters anywhere, because "white flight" sets in, once the enrichment reaches 5 %.
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Ole Adolf is rollin in his grave
and no
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>most krauts on /pol/ are still in denial about how bad it is
What is a "next"?
I want one.
he is spinning so fast that he could act as renewable energy source :-D
lol poles will survive we will all remember the mistakes you maid

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>implying bongs aren't in denial aswell
Because the Jews also want to destroy the rest of the whites. Why stop at Germany. Are you pretending to be retarded?
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The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:



>non country posting Microsoft paint pictures to try prove a point
aren't you too busy trying to force Poland to take immigrants for shit posting?
Die quicker before we finish you off in the next war you deluded sub-humans.
>Germany reached the demographic point of no return.
It's not about what happens to you and who you blame for it. That is what Africans do.
It's about how you deal with it as German master race.
why not just kys then?
>being this hard in denial
just make sure you open your eyes before it's too late britbro
only real no return point is extinction
don't give up yet germanons
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because there might still be a small chance for a race war
How new to Pol/ are you?
Jews are trying to get rid of white men and lower the average IQ through breeding with stupid niggers. It's revenge for treating them like shit for being greedy Jews.
>only real no return point is extinction
Germans can come back from extinction.
good, the past few years have made me develop a hatred for germans.
>another picture with no actual info
want me to pretend to be annoyed?

Arabs and niggers are violent, but they suck at war. War takes a lot of brain to be good at.
Idk why everyone is acting like it's all over. At the end of the day we're still white and we can beat subhumans at war any day of the week. Even when vastly outnumbered
It isn't revenge for shit. Jews are just like that by nature. They're all evil and all of them must be exterminated
it's a map of the muslim population in England

no I don't want you to be annoyed, just informed by what's happening all across Europe (not just Germany)

this is some pretty weak shit posting, you got any better microsoft artwork?
The thing is that even if government collapses that won't stop roving bands of bandits from going through the countryside and killing rural people like Varg. I'm not sure why he thinks that won't happen.
mate your demographics are much worse then you think. The majority of kids being born for the last couple years have been non-white. Plus the younger you go in the population pyramid the higher the less white percentage is. Which means the non-white births are going to continue rising as a percentage, when the current generation being born grows up the majority of parents will be non-white. 20 years at most until the USA is majority non-white.
His proxy service ran out, he is still saving money to renew subscription.
That was Monaco
>tfw germany and sweden is your neighbours.
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I'm not shitposting mate
Varg has been prepping to be a paramilitary guerrilla fighter since the 90s, he's looking forward to that.
>this is what krauts believe

I also reach this point very quickly. Some advise on edging please.
If people don't rebel, it will eventually cure itself.

When the nog population gets too high and shit gets really bad, whites will either head further north or flee Europe entirely. Left to their own devices niggers will celebrate, shit on everything (if south Africa is any sign that may be literally) and cause the infrastructure to crumble within months of being alone.

Europe will turn into Africa 2.0 with nigs begging for gibs.

The most important thing that will save Europe is vitamin D my friend. It is essential and hard to come in a food source or in colder climates. Niggers need to take it in pill form or they suffer from exhaustion and their children are born bow legged.

They can getting pills easy now, but they can't in a freezing climate they turned into a third world shit hole. Stupid liberals will try to donate of course. But niggers will try to kill them for being white. Of we can't win, just give it time and it will sort itself out.

I feel your pain.
>Implying demographic future doesn´t hinge heavily on the economy

When the scale tips that the working germans can no longer support the muslims they will either fuck off or chimp out, setting them up getting crushed in a guilt free civil war.

If it even gets that far. Only because you depressed faggots think that all the crimes and terror attacks will do nothing to turn the cucked germans against immigration, a continious drop holes the stone.
>Gadaffi quote
You sure proved me wrong there buddy, totally not continuing to make an ass of yourself
Where is that image from kameraden? Seems familiar but 0 search results.
No I meant more crime related stuff and it is more like an unwritten rule. Those things still get collected, but you're not allowed to talk about it.
you just have to train. ruining you orgasms might help a bit.
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Doesn't matter, they are r-selected.
This will breed a new, fine generation of white people.
Open your eyes kikes, you are only making us stronger.
>implying any K males wont get gutted by the international states alliance of armies

If one nation stands up, all the other nations will beat them down.
eastern europe will survive because they arent degenerate
i sea what you done here
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>make an ass of yourself
You're the one making and ass of yourself there bong
I don't think it will be a matter of one nation standing up, but rather people all across Europe.
It's going to be the first trans-border "civil" war
I'm not sure what to blame this on, but I'm sure that the downfall of the West really started to kick into overdrive when we started becoming so based on feelings.

Like how Sweden is a "humanitarian super power" as if that fucking means anything.

It's the same thing with us and the EU, where we have to apparently be friends with them. Why? They're countries, not people. If alliance is no longer beneficial, stop the alliance.
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>continuing to make an ass of yourself
what did I do wrong? How am I making an ass of myself?

No idea mate, I got it from a Wehrmacht dumb thread once.
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Sad. Germans born in the early 20th century were the best men humanity has ever had to offer.

Now it's just a playground for foreigners.
That wont happen. All the others will beat down any uprising before it can spread.

And even if it does spread throughout Europe then you can bet America will come over and start killing the native Europeans because "they're Nazis".
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That's why this time, we all rise.
>implying you're not the country we're most worried about should there be a native uprising
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Good riddance, your nation has fucked up more than enough times to warrant this.

>eastern europe
>arent degenerate
Anon, I...
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Spaniard here.

Stop fucking portaying yourself as blonde, blue eyed.

I am literally the only blue eyed and blonde person in the department of the company I work for, and the rest are germans. I mean 100% real germans, not tanned germans.
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Hispanics are actually now identifying as "white" (yes I know /pol/'s opinion on this). This will actually fuck up any census collection info that is fine in the future as USA may end up more "white." The Kennedys can burn for the immigration act of 1965.
No, most german /pol/acks are red pilled and fucking terrified what's to come because everyone just looks at us speak and you can see the emptiness in those left-voting idiots' eyes.
the jews are domesticating the white race
Do you think you could fight them?
with what? Pölser and Röd Gröd med Flöde?

Hoist your Dannebrög one last time, idiot. you're finnished when we are in a fraction of the time it took for us.
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>when we started becoming so based on feelings
Call it what it is, womens suffrage.
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here's an excellent essay on women's voting and working rights. should be required reading
What a fucking nightmare
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South German?
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There is hope yet in purifying war and fire. Be ready for the day when you must rise.

At least you don't fucking live here.
Sorry bucko but unless you're willing to kill them women are going to do whatever the fuck they want. You can't stop them.
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I think that most people are quite aware that not all germans are blonde with blue eyes, especially considering that most high ranking nazis had black or brown hair
>you cant stop them
you dont understand. women will not fight a war for their rights - and if they did it would be unbelievably short. men only need to stand up. that's it
Who knew living in a crappy economy is going to be a good thing in the future.

I don't have the latest iphone but at least I don't have to dodge shrapnel during my morning coffee.
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"homicide bombers"

Interesting that they phrased it this way back then.

I wonder if things would be different if we made sure to call them what they actually are: homicidal maniacs. The "suicide bomber" implies a bit of nobility of sacrifice and lets the cucked get away with cognitive dissonance about it better. If it were "homicidal maniacs" I think that might carry a little more weight with women, beta males etc.


Most Krauts here are behind 88 layers of cynicism and blackpill.

Immigrants can vote as soon as they land right? You have no way to reverse it outside of civil war?

Not sure what you're implying with that.
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Russia is irrelevant. What hurts me more is European suicide with rapefugees. Before, Russians could run away from Motherland and find better life in Europe, but now there is nowhere to escape.
This faggot says this, then gets bayonet raped by the Muslims he loves so much. Pottery.
I don't see the problem.

No, only German citizens can vote.

We recently started to give every nigger that lived here for a couple of years citizenship though.
I think EU-foreigners can vote on a local level though if they lived here for a time.

Leftists are trying to change that though, also they want to abolish the ius sanguinis completely and do it like the US: if a nigger gets shat out on German soil he is """German""".
They already enacted that in a lot of German states in the state elections 16 year olds can vote.
The kids who get indoctrinated in their schools and easily fall for lefty utopian fantasies and get baited with le free high speed internet.

We need more rapes, more crime and more bombings.
Either we wake up or we disappear and if we do not wake up we deserve it.
Still mostly White , they can still recover.
They are caucasoid like you :)
And that's a good thing!
Is that sarcasm? i can't tell cause i'm on the spectrum.
Who cares, modern german culture is annoying americanized trash anyways.
t. slav
Nuclear war , i guess.
u mad
Why'd I be mad. It's true, there's literally nothing interesting produced by german culture nowadays, everything is a small sized american rip off.
yeah i know
Oh yeah sure , nowadays.
While I agree Germany is fucked, there's a shit ton of immigrants in cities in the US. At least in my city there is.
Welp , that's that.
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Come on my lvl

t. lives in Gelsenkirchen
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Oh my lord
If the soul is leaving my body I will fight for my home.
I will overcome the greatest horror until our land is liberated
I will never rest in the effort to lead our people into freedom

My fate I put into your hands.
Is that so.
The German ones that start /pol/ threads praising EU and Merkel LARPing as free world leader are shills probably paid.
Why I respect German people? They never give up and they start with themselves instead of giving advices to others.
They lost 2 World wars but they didn't give up in destroying Europe. And now, when they are finally destroying Europe, Germans first of all destroying themselves.
Russia is literally done. Also our own dindus keep arriving and got like 4-6 babies per family. When we are dying and not reproduce.
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Its kind of funny how hard post-war Germany did its best to get rid of the stamp "Fascism", only to become so tolerant of intolerance to let it in again via Islam.

Even more beautiful is the fact that anyone commenting on this fact is now called the fascist.

>deleting people's NormieBook accounts and fining them €1500 for sharing a stupid joke
Totally not DDR practices my friends

>inb4 you can't see this post in Germany anymore

Enjoy your censorship, and enjoy it when the German electoral majority votes for even more censorship next election.
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> muh glorious heritage
I haven't heard about any riots on the streets, so I doubt you're doing anything apart from shitposting on /pol/.
>assassinated 1963
>kennedys can burn for immigration act of 1965

are you retarded?
Germans need to start a civil war against the government. But that's less likely. All the brave and strong German men died in WW1 & WW2, which it led to the result we see today - the oppresive anti-white policy of Merkel started the begining of the destruction of the pure German people. If the Germans, mostly the young generation, don't resist and stop Merkel's immigration policy, I'm afraid Germany will no longer be the same. And the process has already started.
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Most of us in the US still have pure German ancestry. People of German ancestry still dominate the US melting pot. So, let it be known. Even though the German race will be extinct in Germany soon, it shall continue to prevail here in the good ol' US. :)

I feel sorry for Germany. The jews are trying to pull the same shit here in the US and race mix by letting all the latinos flood our country.

Well, that's why we voted for Trump. We're not dumb. We see what's going on in Europe. Not gonna happen here.

Sad to see Germany go down hill though. Been there a couple of times 10 years ago and I liked it. Too bad you have been brainwashed by da joo again.
Slavs are born with hate for shitskins so not happening
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no panic
We will strike soon
Step by step

First the ground must be impregnated with aversion to the Communists

It's going very well, and then we can start.
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Is there anything more embarrassing than a Eurocuck saying le 60% meme? As if how white your country is is some kind of competition?

Consider the following

>Only been around as an official country for a little more than 200 years
>Had slaves/free blacks living on the continent for close to 500 years
>Was never more than 90% white at any time
>That 90% white population was never homogeneous in a country founded on immigration
>Has a 2,000 mile long border with Mexico that is unenforceable and has allowed beaners to flood over legally and illegally for decades


>Has had organized nation states for over 2,500 years
>Never had slaves/blacks, beaners, or anything
>Was 100% homogenous just 50 years ago
>Never had immigration before
>No land borders to worry about from Non-Europeans. They can only get there by boat/plane
>Despite all these barriers, they willingly and enthusiastically imported tens of millions of muds for no reason other than muh diversity
>Cities like London and Paris are literally 60% non-European mud shitholes
>Literally no other historically homegenous countries have the same problems as Eurocuck

Eurocuck countries are 75% white vs 60% white America. OH YEAH. YOU WIN





2 Middle eastern nations struck a truce to fight their common enemy together and further their interests.
It's okay, little burger. We make the best out of it.

Same here. It breaks my heart to think of all the wars fought and blood spilled to keep this from happening over the centuries. Hopefully there are still some good cultural pockets that can hold out like Bavaria and Czechia.
B-but I thought I was...
Wow you can see exactly where 8 Mile Rd is.
nice propaganda you repeat there.

most germans have a dark shade of blonde and blue eyes.
>Hopefully there are still some good cultural pockets that can hold out like Bavaria and Czechia.
Bavaria is way more enriched than Saxony. Guess where the US forces reside and which state was under the control of the red army instead.
We reached that point long ago, insh'allah.
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pls help...
about time
gas the krauts
Next? Dude you're already gone
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Balkanization of Greater Europe when?
Hahahahaha! You elected a neoliberal suit who sold out, cuck.

also RARE
if the german niggers are going down, they're taking you with them
there's no way that autistic kraut morons create another collosal shitstorm without you being involved
you both share that same special bond: they chimp out, you follow in and in the end you both end up loosing

goodbye whorevats, world is gonna be a better place without german parasites and you
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Would Germany be a Utopian white ethnostate if it never succumbed to the plague that is nationalism?
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Feminism has destroyed Planets before.

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>Mfw you (((Whites))) literally went through nearly 1000 years of endless war and conflict ,constantly depopulating each other's countries over the simplest of bullshit, and when you faggots finally get that heavily desired mix of a good economy and peace, you manage to ruin it all in less than a hundred years.

Also your only method of escapism is constantly shitposting this shitty opinion of yours about how non-(((Whites))) are inferior to (((Whites))) in a Vietnamese cartoon forum
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Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts was a major sponsor. Are you retarded?
we need a big habbening in krautland to pour some fuel in the fire
We are warriors not slaves
Therefore does not work with prosperity
1000 years of selection and war have only survived the toughest
And since we have not had a war for more than 70 years, we begin to degenerate (this is our nature, war conquest and discoveries)
>raped countries discussing whose asshole is gaping wider

Feels good to be such a racist nation I don't fucking feel welcome in my adjacent city and stick to my own.
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Halfbreeds like him are not even considered Biodeutsch, neither by the left, the halfbreeds or the right.
That is the only good thing left about Germany. We all still care about race segregation, everyone for a different reason and ideology.
So has pretty much the world.
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now its probaly like 70% in most.
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Hi Francis.
Colonialism produced utopia, utopia does not last.

Read about the experiment with mice, where they made a lab with mice in utopian conditions, food, females, even artificial pleasure (consumer goods for humans). They bred like hell for a few weeks, got fat, then started just dying of overeating, not breeding and shit. The scientists then let in some regular mice, and the utopia mice let them take the females and kill them.

True sustainable civilization requires an adversity policy that makes sure there is no social utopia and there is always a need for progress and struggle.
Hopefully you will die out.
For over 1000 years you are fucking up europe. Time for you to GO.

We will just use your "ultimate" solution on shitskins after you are gone.
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>Criticizing Europe over War
Crab mentality. Typical german cuck.
no they wont, those people are there for conquest and quite open about being so.
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germany was dammed when the lost ww1 it all started to roll down the shit hill from there.

its quite funny to think that after the german reich was formed the havent won a single war after that.

>Muh natural selections
>Muh kill or be killed

See,this is why I view you people as the most hypocritical people on earth. You view yourself as civilized yet you stick to ideas that were a norm during the stone age.

Also I am very sure that almost all of those who died in said wars,were the strongest , that's why they were drafted into them in the first place.

We shouldn't really compare ourselves to a bunch of animals because that is what Commie-Liberals do when they are debated about homosexuality with their usual "muh animals du it"
We as humans are able and encouraged to not transgress or over-do basically anything.
well, if you look at the alliances we had to fight against it wasn't that surprising
Past doesn't matter, can't change that.
You have to look at the future.
the reason the british declared war on you kraut is because you violated belguims nap in ww1 sure you could make the argument that there was also trade compitition and genaral hatred between the 2 country's the straw that broke the camels back was the invasion of belguim but you could have won ww1.
thats is treu you cant change the past sadly.
>Point of no return
>No return

Yes, because you're just going to let it status quo until you're all gone right? That doesn't sound like human nature.
>most hypocritical people on earth

Do you know what the difference between us is?
We kill human, we have a legal order that allows everyone to live even in times of war we treat our captive human.

We do not have to oppress anyone, in contrast you do that with your women and fellow human beings.

I just need to look at how you treat your animals and I know more than enough about you
Your white birth rate is going up, same with ours
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the damige has been done the "refrugees"flooded into germany and to exstension europe when most of it was in demografic winter.
paris sealed its own fate when it elected macron and sweden is long past return.
here in belguim there is still hope but seeing as more and more neighberhoods are turning into islamic ghettos its fading.
The idea of permanence, that stability and political climates are unyielding.
Just watched the news about muslims coming in droves to my state too (a jewish-founded progressive gay nigger-lover state, if anything), so I understand you germanbro, though I won't accept quietly if they move to my town.

May the Virgin Mary bless us, for tonight we'll dine in heaven.
Germany is a nation of immigrants. Get over it.
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An animal remains an animal no matter what dress it wears
Its not so bad, you get used to it..
Migrants from europe, no problem
But this dirt from the desert must go
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Aren't they about to go full White Genocide on you guys?
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You know what will come
>Do not play with your soul
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And you elected a guy who fucks a crypt keeper. You can't throw the c-word around Jacques.
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>Most of the damage has been done
Non-country, you can literally give them a suitcase or a grave. Even as a relatively small minority the human trash that infests you is causing enough destruction that it won't be long until their population becomes unbearable.

Stop pretending you lost the moment you lost on the political battlefield.
>Waaah I lost the vote, I don't know how to win the culture war, guess I'm going to lie down and die
Because normal people will act like that when everything is shit right? If the law of the land was the death of the white man, would you cry about "being done" too?
Thank God we have Trump. The libtards on TV are trying hard to turn America into cuck central. It will never happened.
You can thank God that he has given you trump
>Arabs and niggers are violent, but they suck at war. War takes a lot of brain to be good at.

yeah. they're only any good at tribal shit that doesnt require much planning or communication; probably why their militant groups/tribes are always small and don't really conquer much at all outside of their village areas
I do. honestly hope Germany gets out of this mess. Germans are good people but they keep getting fucked in the ass for some reason. World war or mass immigration. Germans can't seem to win. :(
What do you mean, the rest of Western Europe is ahead of them. France is almost 25% Muslim, Belgium is close.

Nie wieder Deutschland.
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This! The whole 63-56% thing is a fucking meme. Make the majority feel like the minority bullshit. I'm going to make a mega thread about it someday. But 74-77% is the real number.
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