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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 115

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>Pres Trump Weekly Address #19 6/2/17
>Pres Trump signs some bills for protecting LEOs 6/2/17
>Pres Trump puts America First 6/2/17
>VP Pence on F&F 6/2/17
>VP Pence on Hannity 6/2/17
>The Paris Accord is a bad deal for America
>Pres Trump/VP Pence presser pulling out of Paris Accords 6/1/17

Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>128255053

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Nice digits
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Oh great, the Stormniggers will be here soon...
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This time we do it with capitalism.
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Why this thread still active, didn't he win ages ago?

I cant find shit on these people, why the fuck would they use such a garbage name so many others use

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Is she /our girl/?
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macron stands up to world. macron new free world leader.
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>>128259971 #

Economic isolation for the US would unironically make them wealthier.

God-tier geography, infrastructure and natural resources. 315 million players (producers/consumers) in the game. Not wasting money on foreign affairs, aid and wars.
Hello, Cambodia. Are you a proxy or actually there? I liked your country when I went there.

Also to answer your question, this is the defacto America/pol/.
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flood the white EU countries with shitskins yadda yadda yadda total jihad

we don't need hackers to tell us that
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*blocks your path*
Alright let's do this. We need the money more than Germany needs more refugees.
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Economic isolationism would be disasterous. America is the headquarters of a vast proportion of multinational businesses. We just need them to produce products in America that they distribute in America.

To do that we need to meet them halfway and make business cheaper to do in America.
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Uh-uh... uh... w-wooo...

Well the transition period would be hard with so much foreign connections suddenly severed, but yes, the US can sustain itself. However, you lot would eventually fuck up again and drag us out to save your asses and the whole cycle would start again...

Who is she?
Who is the smartest most productive nationality of all time, obviously excepting Americans? I'm torn between Hungarian and German.
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When will he have babies with Hope?
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>*blocks your path*

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So how exactly was the climate deal unfair to the US? I never looked too much into it?
Also please breakdown Trump genes please
i know one of us was traveling there
Economic development of America is hampered in favor of developing third world pollution infrastructure via American dollars with top polluters like China and India receiving no regulations for a time.
That depends there are many germans.
>Austrians, Old Prussians, Bavarians and more
Then read it, you lazy fuck. Jesus fuckign christ.
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It was me, I just have seen that flag here as both someone genuine and someone spamming.
We pay billions to niggers for no reason. We also lose Trillions in GDP and 100KS of jobs
Giving 150 billion dollars annually to China and India while we have to reduce our carbon emissions and they are allowed to increase them.

It's a giant communist redistribution scam specifically tooled to reduce our power.
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>fgt in ID
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>implying bannon isnt the only one who can melt her heart

Kek'd and checked. That was somewhat interesting.

British. More specific the English. You know in your heart it's true!

This general follows Trump's political career. So:

>/tg/ Trump General
>/ptg/ President Trump General
>and soon /pptg/ Please Pardon Trump General
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You mean Scots.

Nah, it wasn't China, it was mostly Africa and some for India.

Which is what makes it so wild that Europe was so insistent on it, but of course (((they))) would be.
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Ann is honestly gorgeous here, she looks better everyday
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Image that fat old slob putting his penor into her supple body
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>ladyboys don't realize leftists can't meme for shit and only have landwhales narwhal-clapping

what? don't like muslim cocks, or because they'll behead you for being fucking faggots
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>All Trump employees are or will be wed to former models.

Fuck me, what a job perk...
Tuk tuks are gay, and everyone wants gibs. Only here to find qt virgin bride
Ladyboy is probably chained in a meme sweatshop making them.
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What happened to your principles? i thought you were against selling weapons to the saudis.

Why aren't you raging against the fact Trump increased US sales to saudi arabia? he sells them even more than obama did. he actually tripled the weapon sales
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the state of fake news

Uhhmmm sweetie, no...

No one likes Scotland. Not even the Scottish.
I'll give you the Magna and the Rolls
Fucking kek

Good luck, where are you from my friend? Tuk tuks are run like gangs everywhere in SEA, really dangerous for farang. Everyone seems really shameless about begging. Penom Penh?
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just tells us Belgium-kun. Reading's so haaaard.
Nagging and Twitter-shitfits aside, I still like Ann. She's very charming.
holy fuck thiese threads is worse than reddit
this is aboslutely fucking cancer
you fags should be ashamed of urselfs these threads are fucking abhorrent they are the worst thing on this website
you are all probably autistic so i know i shouldnt be too harsh but holy fuck we have to draw the line somewhere
this is literally so fucking autistic
i bet you guys all have autistm or some other serious mental disorder
seriously everything posted in here is complete and utter shit you should all be ashamed
jesus christ and you think you are being smart and clever
wow what an utterly shit thread
i hope you guys all become paralyzed or some shit so you cant post any more
jesus fuck this is a bad thread
i want to go to thailand for a week and wish to stay a few nights in Bangkok and a few nights on a beach perhaps patong

i wanna also of course try out the prostitutes

will £1200 be enough for tickets, hotel, travel, food, expenses etc ?

I don't mind if weapons are sold but I wish they would hold a vote on instead of letting the executive branch make the decision whether or not to sell arms.
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Rand Paul: "Trump is betraying his base with this weapon deal"

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Nice language you're speaking there. Nice country too.
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I thought your kind have bad internet.
So is ISIS just owned by whoever is convenient for you people at the time?

Sorta like how Trump was a puppet for at least 2 other people I know of off the top of my head before you settled on him being a puppet for Russia?

I know there's no real proof for any of it so let's just make shit up.
She's a nagging wife in need of a good skull fucking, body slam on bed, flipover hatefuck before she cums and leave room. She would be elated
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Easy, we sell arms to sungoblin states and they sell them to ISIS for money, and in turn ISIS grows.

From that point, we get to use our own military arms, aswell as sell more arms to other countries, and ISIS decreases.

Its like getting a haircut. If the Asian/EU countries won't cut it, we'll cut it for them, and we love bowlcuts.
Not a resident here. Just visiting.
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Man, tucker has just about fucking had it, everything from telling rapefugees to fuck themselves and talking about white displacement in small town america.

Thats where all the good engineers came from.

Nothing but sheepfuckers there but get some american clay in them and they are making revolvers
dlete this
ok you also get farage, iron, and church
she isn't a "I disavor drumpf hes finished" concern shill, she's just very hysterical and very principled. We need women like her to hold Trumps feet to the fire. Compare this to Benny who just autisticly screeches about "le drumpf is finished I told you so xd he's basically a democrat"
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"it's the world's biggest funder of terrorism. Saudi Arabia funnels our petrodollars, our very own money, to fund the terrorists that seek to destroy our people.” - Donald. J Trump.

Donald Trump believes Saudi Arabia are the biggest sponsors of terrorism, yet he doesn't mind funneling more weapons to them
You a degenerate eating happy pizza and happy shakes?
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well guess #yeswecan and #imwithher are back in style now that Trump is impeached to this one incident no one can make any real inference on and sourced by a libtard trying to reform an authoritarian-esque country.

YOU WIN!!11!!
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Obama's weapon deal with the saudis was only 1/3 of the deal Trump is making with them

Shapiro or Johnson?
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Megyn Kelly just interviewed Putin...

First for COVFEFE
>£1200 be enough for tickets, hotel, travel, food, expenses etc ?
It depends on which airport you fly to, when you fly, where you eat, and what kind of prostitutes you are in to. Prostitutes can be gotten from around 10-100 USD and you can find really cheap hotels and eat at 7/11 if you want to spend money elsewhere. That should be more than enough if you were to go this month since a roundtrip is around 500 USD from heathrow.

I know, what is your nationality?
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No. Im cambodian, duh jews got to the asian americans and i'm here just free handlig my dick with 100k+job
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>you will never mix your national with her socialism
such a sadness
What a fucking whore, who dresses like that when meeting with any foreign leader? Every photo looks like a cheap porno is about to happen. Disgusting woman.
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Has Trump been, dare I say, stumped
W-why is she dressed like that?
better internet than you fags i bet you dont even have modem connections
you think you are funny when you post that meme, but seriously anime is for fucking autists, oh whoops i guess its not out of place in this thread then
fucking fagg
you think you are so fucking smart and clever
but you know what you didnt even say a thing you fucking retard you didnt counter any of the arguments i just made
and you know why its because u cant its because u are too dumb and fucking retarde
seriously u are all autistic retards
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>meme sweatshop
Haha she's such a lightweight I feel sorry for her. Months to formulate the perfect gotcha question and seconds to defuse it extemporaneously.
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Aaaagh yes you got me, what's next? Trump is going to send over 1 billion dollars in cash to the ME, and then lie to the people of his country that it never happened, only for the colluding media to cover it up?

Or, or, sleep in at 3 AM while a call for help is at Benghazi is required, and ignores it, and then goes and say he was under sniper fire but was greeted wholesomely.

6.02*10^23 dimensional baccarat.
Not surprised to see your flag shilling ag
ainst your enemies
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Half Scottish, half German.
Kek, that's pretty funny. I only knew about Paris, TX.
webm edit of pjw goblin trying to eat book hobbits and orc telling him "they are not for eating" WHEN?
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My parents got a new dog, two months after the last one died, /ptg/!!! Isn't he great?
Stop responding to Jews, stupid rebbitor.
Have they fucked it yet
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How was Pence on Hannity last night? Listening to him on the Savage show atm, best VP in a hot minute.
This is the russian dressing all over again, smartasses fact checking details while being oblivious to the real message
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Not to defend Megyn Kelly, but I highly doubt Putin was upset.
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Steve and Hope are the cutest
Dont let the money go to your head. Dont be another soulless faggot in a Lexus SUV. I hope you will find Christ and change your life for the better.

He seems very good at sticking to walls.
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jokes on him, I get shekles from his shekles, a jew for a jew.
there's a lot of norse in him because of settlers in scotland, he's mostly German, very little celt in him
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This scandal is gonna blow up lads. There's a lot of smoke here.
That must have been discussed in his Trump meeting.
So that's why he behaved a bit less like a traitorous cuck lately?
>dress hiking that far up

absolute haram

Also, now I understand what Trump told Lindsey at their lunch meeting shortly after the Inauguration AND why, subsequently, Lindsey has been quite copacetic. The suspicion I shared months ago with /ptg/ about Trump turning Graham to our side seems to be correct.
So there were 2.5 billion people in 1945.
Now after completely white global leadership there are are 7.5 billion.

But White people are the racists????
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i like him to be honest
I just love that she is so Chummy with Bannon and Miller. It means that her politics must closely align with them. Makes her so much more attractive knowing she is /ourgirl/

Why is this even news? We know Obongo was spying on Merkel for fuck's sakes. There's no way he wasn't fucking spying on every strand of Trump's hair.
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I could see them being a couple. Some women get off on being the dutiful assistant to older, powerful men.
>It means that her politics must closely align with them.
This. She's clearly a nationalist like us.
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So we're back in the Catch 22 situation here. Democrats try to uncover Trump by declassifying his shit and other people, and by not doing it makes the lose even more seats by this narrative slowly dying in the upcoming months

Extra Thincc
The population of Africans in the united states increased several fold under slavery.

I'm not sure you have a point.
Maybe, I did notice that he's been only a cuck maybe 50% of the time instead of the usual 100%
Fucking shit Bannon, get a fucking tailor

Tariq is a highly successful race troll. His Twitter account is fucking hilarious.
He's made a total 360 surprisingly, unlike his better half McCain
Brennan shit his pants yesterday when Gowdy asked if and why an ambassador would unmask anyone.

Terrible pokerface.

Wouldnt say our side but he sees fit to make this a reelection tool and for now its beneficial to stay with trump. Disloyal rat but a useful one.

> /wtg/ wishful thinking genral
>This is the russian dressing all over again, smartasses fact checking details while being oblivious to the real message
This is what helped carry his message as far as it did. Trump was the first person to weaponize autism
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Bannon is an absolute drunken mess of man but he's /ourguy/. Leave him alone.
oh shit im sorry i didnt realize you people got triggered that easily
haha i guess i hit a bit close to home with my comments on autism and mental disorders
im sure your mental retardation doesnt have THAT bad of an effect on ur life right?
i just want everyone to be happy here (except for u dumb fags that shit up this board with ur shitty threads)
fucking autists stop posting you dumb niggers
these threads are the fucking cancerest ive ever seen, i would suppot banning eachand every one of u fucking dumb faggot nigger cunts
Wouldn't be at all surprised if Trump shared dirt on old Songbird, too. There's a reason McCain has been so goddamn crazy in recent months. I suspect he's dirty and knows that Trump knows is dirty.
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Thank you for the reiteration.
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Really boils my broccoli
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If I knew half the shit he knew I'd keep drinking and never stop, at least he manages to be functional.
I still think Brennan is Perfectly Possessed and what you actually saw was the Demon inside him squirming

But only 1.8% of Americans had nigger slaves at its peak.

White Americans increased the global population 3x in under 70 years.

That is the point, you fucking cuck.
kek now the BLM niggers are turning on the Jews. This is gonna get good.
Im slowpoke lads.

Why did Graham bend the knee so hard?

In fact the Republicans in general have been bending their knees alot lately.
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>downloaded a good amount of noggin joggin macros to respond to faceberg fags about muh paris accord

really gets the neurons fired up
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Get Out was about cucky white liberals, remember.
>bill maher is a nazi now
Exactly. The shit Bannon knows and has to deal with everyday are enough to change even a good man's demeanor.
Try not to sound like a fucking 12 y/o if you are raging. I know you want to impress people with your big boy complaining, but it is not working.
Father Martin fan? I will go to my grave contending he was murdered.
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Somebody explain to me what Trump is even doing?
Why the reckless and unnecessary tweets and rhetoric? Why attack the IC? Why talk about the Russia investigation every single day? Why threaten Comey with tapes? Why bring up wiretaps? Why give the media all of this avoidable ammunition?
Lover's quarrel with McCain
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No problem, comrade.
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Haha because we aren't allowed to spy on our own citizens, no less our political opponents.
So that electrocution therapy thing Pence signed on, is that supposed to be a mandatory thing or is it voluntary?
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He'll recover. Liberal networks are a little less cucked knowing their audience won't go anywhere because they need someone to tell them what they want to hear politically, and that's only through satire
Big Malachi Martin fan. Some of the people who knew MM contend he was murdered. Did you watch the Netflix film about him?
I wonder how many of them have historical white people names, that shit is just too damn funny. I'm sure there are some Cholomayne put there
I wrote a rather long post months ago about my suspicions that Trump turned him at their lunch meeting shortly after the inauguration. It's my belief the President shared intelligence with Graham that made him see things in an entirely different light.

The best way to turn an enemy into an ally is to show them that they have a shared third party enemy.
>Did you watch the Netflix film about him?
No! Netflix did a doc about him? Goddamn, I had no idea.
hahahaha struck a nerve there? :---^)
thats just your autism acting up, sorry about that
i suppose you would like to go back to posting your autistic shitty "god emperor" memes
have fun with that, enjoy being a fat autistic dumb nigger
you know that i speak the truth
you are a useful idiot, you literal faggot
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>Haha because we aren't allowed to spy on our own citizens, no less our political opponents.

And they say comedy is dead...
Why do white people deal with non-white people?
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So what do we do now? Goldman Sachs hates Trump, it's going to be all out war with the globalists from here on out.

White guilt.
because other white people bring them to white people places and shove them in front of you and some of them have bombs
Sure. The global banksters are behind the (((global warming))) ruse insomuch as it's their next step in controlling the global economy and raping developed countries of their riches. It's what they do.
Yup it is called "Hostage to the Devil"

I havent seen it because Im slightly afraid to
>What is fire

What did he mean by this?
why do white people befriend all sorts of monstrous animals?
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>it's going to be all out war with the globalists from here on out

How fucking new are you?!?!
Good food
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Wasn't their a statement about the Bildeberg group coming out to try to stop Trump?

We're already hitting the final boss, and its only the end of the prologue of the Trump Administration

Perhaps Trump is defeated, but from the ashes he rises stronger than before
This must be a Boss jew.
how old are you
Worked with wolves and horses, been downhill sonce.
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Push racist legislation
I'm not new at all you stupid faggot. This kind of declaration from Goldman Sachs has never happened in American political history. We had no proof that Trump wasn't owned by them, in fact, he had Sachs members on his team.
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It's fun
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I still say king Nigger spied on SCOTUS to, during the oniggercare debate, Kennedy changed his opinion at the last minute and call it a tax !
Onigger had something on him, probably from spying !
>Malachi Martin
He was nothing but an aspiring iconoclast. I had required reading about this retard. Whats his greatest theological contribution?
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30s brother
We're going to be dealing with the Mountain Jews themselves at this rate.

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Trump has met with Graham many times, and Trump has actually went out of his way to include Graham on things. Like the Comey thing Graham was one of a very few ppl on the planet who was given a heads up before the firing.

Trump will never play nice with McCain, but it's no coincidence that Trump is going out of his way to place nice with McCain's best bud.
I will have a watch. I first heard Father Martin on Art Bell's radio show back in the 90s when I was in college. I had never heard of him before that but at the time he was pushing a "novel" he wrote called Windswept House. I put novel in quotation marks because he implied that it was less of a novel and more a slightly fictionalized account of the actual Satanic shit the Catholic Church was up to. Fascinating read. I highly recommend it if you haven't yet read it.

Remember, too, that Father Martin knew about all the salacious child abuse that was rampant in the church before it became a public scandal. This was a man who knew all the dirty shit going on in the Vatican.
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Anything that helps people realize there is a spiritual dimension to the universe, with dark entities who are trying to destroy our souls; with the only salvation coming through Christ, is good with me
Re election.
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Glad you got the joke genius.
>implying trump isnt a globalist and just as controlled as any other candidate (except ron paul)
How can Trump win when he doesn't share swedish values?


>Being owned by anybody

You should've just admitted you were new, it would've hidden your stupidity.

And no, that image doesn't mean anything at all, you didn't even write up that dossier.

Win what?
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This is the question of our time.
I've made a mental note of it and will check out that "novel"

I think I heard about Father Martin after doing research on possession by reading Father Gabriel Amorth. I've listened to some of those early Art Bell interviews and they are fascinating beyond belief.

FYI not a Catholic.

Deliverance Ministry is sorely lacking in most christian faith
Okay lad. You should just admit that it's a pivotal moment in American political history that Goldman Sachs has essentially declared war on the POTUS right before a bilderberg meeting.

Kek'd and checked.
this,Texas here... Hillary signs as far as the eye can see...
>Deliverance Ministry is sorely lacking in most christian faith
Are you familiar with Win Worley?
They're just pissed because their lobbying didn't work, these turbojews aren't used to that.

Considering Cohn is still on Trump's team, I expect them to get over it.
please don't ever admit to being afraid. Exception: Other men are trying to kill you
The fact that Arnie was the Governor of Commiefornia despite having (R) next to his name should tell you everything you need to know.
>Swedish values
Boi, I could write a book about those.
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i used to love Arnold ;_;
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The only Swedish things people value are meatballs and pussy.

There were all kinds of stories about Goldman Sachs hating Trump before the election.
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There's a sect of liberals who are full blown Russia conspiracy theorist delusional loons, there's a sect of liberals that fucking hate that establishment liberals are pushing the Russia conspiracy, there's a sect of liberals that will never forgive the Democrats for fucking over Bernie and then there's a sect of liberals who are trying to out-edge the Pepe trolls by going full blown edgelord beheading photo and nig bombs for shock value.

But yet we're supposed to believe this dysfunctional group is a political threat in 18 or 20.
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This shit is awesome, as they eat their own the Demonic party dies a slow painful death !
The rats are scrambling off the sinking ship and it's all on some formerly unknown 1/2 nigger they chose as their Messiah !
I'm afriad not but I will do research on his ministry.

Im familiar with Russ Dizdar
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I'm so sorry, anon.
Stiff upper lip engaged sir
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Oh shit
Crowd fund those helicopter rides!
Well, Win Worley is long passed away but he was one of the most prominent American pastors in the field of deliverance. He wrote several scholarly books on the subject.

>Im familiar with Russ Dizdar
Ah, yes, he of Shatter The Darkness.
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>Democrat talking about Trump's promises as if she ever supported him
hahahaha yeah, not gonna lie, former trump supporter here, this is hilarious watching him crash and burn but seriously we cant let him keep being the president
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Awesome I will check him out. Any particular place to start with Win Worley?
Will we win 2018?

Retain majorities likely.
Real question here, as a guy who seems to agree with Trump in almost all questions BUT climate change... why? Pretty much all scientific data that I've laid my eyes on throughout the years point towards it being a phenomenom that's being significantly accelerated by human influences, and this is the kind of shit that's as serious as the usage of atomic/nuclear weapons as far as capacity of irreversible global destruction goes if it comes to pass.

Is Trump just wrong on this (and yeah no human being is perfect, this might as well be his failure)? Is it that the global agreements are just way too lopsided against the US? Is there irrefutable proof that somehow means Trump is actually ahead of everyone else?
>this time we will allow jews to rule
It's the timing of Trump's decision to pull out that makes this so symbolic. It feels like the "shackles have been removed" moment from the GE in a sense. Feels good.
Trump attacked GS on Twitter a few times. So did Bernie and Ted Cruz even though they had links to GS. Doesn't mean anything to me until the CEO starts chimping out at Trump, which is what he's doing right now.
Dems are still imploding, so it would take some turbo scandal taking down the whole RNC to lose in the midterms.
Trump has backstabbed you so much
He is helping the 1% enslave you.
How can you be so dumb
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>Is it that the global agreements are just way too lopsided against the US
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Have fun being poor, Latvia.

Capitalism =/= Jews

Work harder and smarter for the good of your country.
haha How old are you friend
Presumably <18.

Oy vey!
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It's more likely than not, but not certain.

It's very unlikely that we'll actually lose much, but if Trump's healthcare or tax reforms are unpopular because of Republican congressional butchering, I could see a weak turnout scenario.


The CEO of any large corporation is just a puppet head, if that's your actual rationale for your reasoning, it's retarded.

My rationale is far simpler: Trump is far too volatile for anyone to actually try owning.
Yeah pulling out of the climate deal yesterday was totally for the 1%

dumb fuck
Old enough to watch scary movies
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You can judge a mans Greatness by how many enemy's He has
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Me too.
At least we still got Clint Eastwood.
This climate deal had incredibly little to do with climate change. India and china who produce almost as much as the entire rest of the world combined were given waivers on emissions for several decades. Also the the countries we would be giving the money to are corrupt shit holes that would almost certainly have the money end up in various government officials bank accounts.
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>the ceo of any large corporation is a puppet head
>doesn't understand who directs the puppet head to act
>work harder
>no jobs
good idea
The hell are you on about, moron? Have you been watching the market at all? Jobs are coming back before we even have the tax and business reform in place.
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~Awoo~ ?
It was, the 1% of scientists that believe climate change is a hoax.
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>Democracy dies in darkness

I swear WaPo is literally the worst newspaper in the world. They somehow defeated NYT in printing garbage.
You clearly have never experienced a malevolent entity. Lucky you
Alright gentlemen, how do I keep my girl from spying on me online? I'm 34 nuff said
install memetoo
Stop using social media?
Most know it's a hoax but they are on the take
I don't think we should just accept drumpf as president are you with me /ptg/ ?
the paris accord had nothing to do with climate change
Look at my flag
We were rich and prosperous, but the 2008 recession caused by you fat fucks destroyed everyones life
And in the USA 30% of people aren't looking for or in a job
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>Oy vey, he sent a tweet, it's full on war now!
It's just a filim

What could go wrong
only have twatter now.
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Does anyone have the Joe edit of this one?
blow it out your ass you russian subuhman. latvia was never rich and prosperous because you russian subhumans
You invite malevolence any time you interact with the occult

Although to be honest i havnt had sleep paralysis or a night terror in several months. So Im probably okay to watch.

Youve won Ausbro ill watch it
How do I not know your asl?
>30% of people aren't looking for or in a job
A large portion of the out of work population are retired or student, but the fact of the matter is there are far more jobs right now. Jobs are being created at the fastest rate since Bush.

Your country is awful because it is nowhere because you are a post-soviet shithole and you, like your countrymen, have no idea how economics work. You think having free and open markets is some sort of scheme when it could help your poor asses. I don't think you will wise up any time but stick to what you actually know.
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>conveniently ignore the timing
>bilderberg actively chimping out about Trump as we speak
Begs the question, why haven't the Berniefags started sucking Trump's dick?
>Look at my flag
>We were rich and prosperous, but the 2008 recession caused by you fat fucks destroyed everyones life
What does that have to do with anything? And insults really?
>And in the USA 30% of people aren't looking for or in a job
I'm going to need see more proof.
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You just know
>because it is nowhere because
*because it is the middle of nowhere and because
Has anyone met a liberal IRL who's willing to debate and doesn't run away?
Trump's main objection isn't with the fact but with the remedy. Throwing money at the third world and crippling America's economy will do fuck all to save the climate.
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No. Kushner and Bannon have seemingly become friends so that probably wont even happen.

Worry not
>ad hominems
>no evidence
Sorry, i couldn't hear you over your fat
They are warming up to him slowly. The fucking hilldawgs and corporate scum are chimpung out and just making an ass of themselves.
not that won't try and attack you with 30 reeeeing allies
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>he expected (((bilderberg))) to be any different

Berntards are enslaved to pointless intentions, not actual results.
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Thanks have some tits.
>Eyes wide open
>thinking every American is fat
I think when we're friends with Russia, we'll let Czar Putin use you as target practice.
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Yes... Have a "great" day
>implying negroes are capable of having a good day
>melt their heart.
With jet fuel
Not in the past 6 years. They support indefensible positions for one thing, so they can't ever answer questions or talk about what they support. They are reduced to avoiding the subject completely or name calling. They are fucked.
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Woohoo, ~AWOO~ !
it's a level 30 jews guys!!!
Jews are literally satanists. Practically everything they were told by God to do or not do, they constructed legal loopholes around to ignore. Their actual deity who they are the chosen of is of course, Lucifer and he doesn't care what any call him as long as they aren't worshipping I AM WHO I AM.
From not using the name of God He gave them, instead choosing to construct a cabalist cult around a mystical non utterable name, to head bobbing in trances while speaking the names of demons, Jews are forsaken.
its no coincidence Jared Kushner is where he is at this time. I'm very surprised Trump went against Ivanka and Kushner's urging to stick with the Paris Accord and listened to Bannon.
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