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>South Africa goes into civil war after the maize harvest

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>South Africa goes into civil war after the maize harvest is over in about a month
>All of sub sahara africa goes into chaos because SA literally feeds them all
>Chinese investments go under and thier economy collapses because inflation can no longer hide the fact
>by christmas 2017 millions of refugees from sub sahara arrive en masse on the north coast looking to get into europe
>refugee crisis 100x worse than before plunges EU into civil war
>Russians take afganistan and all russian speaking eastern european clay
>UK only EU state to come ot not totally fucked thanks to water seperation

And Trump sits on his fat ass while we Americans watch the world burn. This is why the globalists are so pissed. They wanted hillary in so we would go to war with russia after they invade afganistan and eastern europe.
>>Chinese investments go under and thier economy collapses because inflation can no longer hide the fact
You mean China finally admits it learnt well from us and their obvious colonisation becomes official?
Russia is our greatest ally. We don't want war with them.
>UK only EU state
Well this fits the timeline for WW3 starting on September 23rd quite well

It will happen when the weather cools..
>ou mean China finally admits it learnt well from us and their obvious colonisation becomes official?

Yes because the fucking Congo has always been a reliable investment. Up there with winning the lottery and finding true love.
I hope so
we need a race war now
while we still have the numbers

we need the asians to sit it out
it needs to be between whitey and the niggers/muzzies
and when its done all the niggers that live get to return to africa
along with the jews who invited them
>Russia will invade Afgahnistan
>And nothing happens to Australia
Why do you expect us to give a shit
the only way to invade afghanistan is to full CEASAR on them
kill every last one, salt the earth
No one to stop them, they had the same problem we had in vietnam. They will get that sea port.
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We are ready and willing to accept every single Refugee
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Pretty sure Switzerland and Norway will be allright
>Yes because the fucking Congo has always been a reliable investment
The Congo is insanely rich in natural resources.
You've clearly never beeen to either
They had a team in the rugby tournament, otherwise you'll have to include an asian country for diversity quota.
>>All of sub sahara africa goes into chaos because SA literally feeds them all

I thought America and the EU feeds them?
you dont give a shit
thats why i know i can count on you to be there with me brother
>war with Russia
Last time someone tried that for real, we humiliated their undefeatable army, raped their women, had their leader kill himself, after the war demanded a 'fair' trial for the remaining government so we could humiliate them further and once it all was done, split the country in two for nearly fifty years.
Don't make us live by the sword, American.
Hopefully. I say let then all in. We need terror in our streets in order for the race war to occur. People only learn from pain and suffering.
its better to fight the war on thier turf
but i fear you may be right
>Yes because the fucking Congo has always been a reliable investment.

What are you talking about?

Leopold made a killing.

military is the only thing russians could ever be proud of.

>thinks Russia could even make it through the EU let alone USA
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>8% whites vs 90% blacks
>>South Africa goes into civil war after the maize harvest is over in about a month
Blacks genociding whites isn't a civil war.
>Chinese investments go under and thier economy collapses because inflation can no longer hide the fact

The China bubble will burst any day now!
t. Everyone for the last 10+ years
Depends on how prepared they are.
Dubbs of truth, please be true

Shitskins need to go home. Look around, War is necessary.
>This is why the globalists are so pissed. They wanted hillary in so we would go to war with russia

This is the #1 reason a lot of people, including me, voted for Trump.

The candidate promising WW3 vs the candidate promising fixing the countries internal problems was a pretty easy choice. And then all the shilling that the guy wanting to fix the problems is the next hitler made the choice that much easier
Nope. They'll get Rhodesia'ed 100% just like they did in the 80's and 90's w/ the (((international communities'))) cry to end apartheid.
More dubbs of truth, please come true.

I swear to god nearly every major bad thing to happen to our politics or science post 50s and up to 90s was done by a cockhole.
Seriously though, that is what happens when you have someone with government tools push for their own gain, you had that happen a fair deal too so stop calling the kettle black, Jamal.
>EU army
Since when, exactly, are they relevant?
They had even a slightest bit of a chance thanks to U.K., and you can say goodbye to that.
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It is, but the country is so unstable you're better off backing Rwanda or Uganda if you want a return on investments in the Congo.

>Leopold made a killing.
Europeans have strong backs, but they're already starting to break, an increase like this wouldn't result in more acceptance and the death of Western Civilization, it would result in a large global conflict.
Oh my, those repeating symbols we use to represent numbers.
oh my, THOSE repeating symbols we use to represent numbers.
I hope you're right.
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Why September 23rd? That's literally my birthday. Could God have such a gift in store for me, to sit back and watch WW3 start on my 23rd birthday, September 23rd?

also, don't forget about the eclipse or the "summer moon"
It appears Kek is present within this thread

Please happen. This is going to be so fun!
Again, depends on whether or not they've gauged how precarious their situation is. State propaganda will only hold up so long, and survival kicks in. If the whites are as superior as pol constantly claims, then they should be fine.
It's just retarded meme shit that happens every year.
>South Africa goes into civil war after the maize harvest is over in about a month
>All of sub sahara africa goes into chaos because SA literally feeds them all

Americans should be range banned for being this idiotic.

best harvest in South Africa in 40 years
>If the whites are as superior as pol constantly claims
Fucking kill yourself

What did he mean by this ?
>>Leopold made a killing.

You're claiming he didn't?

Or let me guess: you didn't even know the Congo used to belong to the Belgian King because of your American education?
it won't be like you think, but it will happen.
I was laughing because I thought you were making a pun on how he utterly decimated the local population.
And remove my white genes from existence?
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Yes. It's not enough just to be White.
Sure buddy.
lol you wouldn't be shit if the Americans didn't give you gibs during WWII

You lost 5 men for every one you killed, your only tactics is spamming your worthless nigger countrymen

Also before you start talking about some east euro shit that no one cares about, I'm American not Georgian. Pay homage Ivan
The most important thing is to not be a fucking leaf.
Hmmm, really made me think.

Hang traitors the highest you fucking faggot anti-white nigger.
lol niggers can't fight for shit so the relative numbers mean little

Famine will do most of the work
>Russia invaded Afghanistan

lol take it, we need to get out of there but are too pussified by politics to get the job done. If Russia wants the sixteen year old fuckup then take it
>tfw your border is thousands of miles of open ocean in every direction
>it feels good

>t. Nigger in SA
This leaf isn't a self-conscious race traitor faggot like you.
They're not investing, they're colonising.
russia is going to displace all afganis or kill them. EU and US won't be able to do anything.
Race traitor? Leafs can't read well can they? I'm arguing FOR the Boers in the upcoming collapse of SA.
The white South Africans of today aren't the same as the pioneer men and the war fighters of yester-year. The last chance for white's in South Africa, the last meaningful one, was in the late 80's/early 90's. The best solution would have been to break it all up and give the whites the two states they wanted and maybe a third for the English speaking whites.
To elaborate as well. China and the Chinese aren't going into Africa with the same kind of moral superiority that we Europeans did, they're heartless bastards and that will work.

..oh...no.....not that....please....
Here's a video addressing the white middle class but from my research (shitposting) I think a lot of it applies to the modern state of South Africa as well.
If shit kicks off then the saffers will be joined by disaffected whites from around the globe - also if it kicks off during a time when the global economy is shit then there won't be much anyone will do or care to do to stop it from happening
>If shit kicks off then the saffers will be joined by disaffected whites from around the globe
AMERICAN white middle class
let russia have eastern europe who cares?
hell let them have europe too
Why would russia even want afganistan? They'd take georgia before afganistan
The whites of SA are not comparable to the effete whites of Euro and American - saffers know exactly what's up and have no illusions about what niggers are
leave him be, he's still skeptical about the existence of wheels.
Gibs helped but didn't turn the tide of the war, plus we /paid/ for them. With gold, at that. Stop pretending we got shit for free.
>American knowing which Georgia he is posting from
You're clearly a гpызyн pretending to be an American.
As much as I like you Ivan, you no longer have overwhelming numbers and industrial capacity. It's the other way around. You'd be the Germany. You'd put up a good fight in the beginning but would get overwhelmed by NATO economies. (this scenario doesn't consider nukes)
Just because youre a faggot doesn't mean that everyone is

Too bad they bet on Kabila. Apparently they learned nothing from the 90s
Why will SA have a civil war this particular harvest? Why not last harvest or next harvest or the harvest 5 years from now?
If anything we'd want Afghanistan as a satellite state. Same for many countries from ex-USSR.
We don't have money or reasons to conquer them proper, American-style vassals would be nice, though.
ocean access
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Chinese economy collapses, chinese investors have to sell off investment properties, houses become affordable again.

We can fit in pic related, but other than that we're full.
It depends on who will China be supporting, really. They may be convinced that if we go down, they go down after us.
>All the free modern arms given to our backwards feudal peasant society didn't make us an actual threat

Go back to drinking yourself to death
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i bless the rains down in aaaafricaaaa

That's what i thought. There's so many problems right now in afgainistan why would you guys wanna take them on? Also it would be smarter to just watch the fireworks go down in europe and spread your influence into whats left. And if someone strikes you like germany its like "Hey more clay for me".
The bad outweighs the good.
Russia with their economy was barely able to take and hold Crimea. They have neither the numbers, nor the industrial capacity to fight wars on multiple fronts. And even if they did, their leaders, who have their families and wealth in the West, would never let this happen.
>backwards feudal peasant society
>military-industrial complex bigger and better than German
>paid for with gold
You're either trolling or retarded.
They have about as much of an understanding all the middle and upper class whites that live in the South here in the US. They live in their gated communities, have one or two colored or asian neighbors, and blame themselves for all the ills. The only
>ebin redpilled
Whites in South African are a few hyper religious Afrikaaners
>russsians take Afghanistan
Do they just skip all the other stans?
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Unfortunately that's not entirely true. (((Media))) and (((Government Education Institutions))) are such powerful tools for brainwashing, that even when Whites are a 15% minority surrounded by Black savagery, they can still buy into a Rainbow Nation ideology. #NotAll.

True story.
Lol yes I have savings ready.
>support russia and take on several of the worlds leading economies at once that buy your shit
>or grab the easter part of russia thats full of ressources right next to several millions of your people

tough decision
I'd rather be able to come back home when it's all done and if I went off to South Africa to kill me some kaffers, I wouldn't be coming back home no matter what happened.

Have you ever been here? Some towns might survive, but not long enough to evolve into city-states. It's over, chap
>entire video is about jungle fever
God, I hate baby boomers
In a scenario where there's an all-out war the corrupt leaders would probably understand that they either start doing what they must, or die trying.
Full-on war guarantees arrest of their assets on the West.

But overall, you're right. We've only started upgrading our military since 2007, when it became clear that the West doesn't want Russia whole as a friend and an ally.
>fucked up face
You don't have the numbers to pull something like that off anymore. You would have trouble defending most of your land other than moscow. Also you're not considering war is much different now. Being nuclear and all. Despite what you say putin would just try and go for the nuclear win in any event of war with the united states. That would be your only way of winning.
Come to a country that is more than 10% white then. There's 185 million white here in the US, it's mostly 1st world, and it's not hot as fuck
>Chinese military
They'll be stuck in the mudpiles we call roads by third kilometer into the country. Moreover, nukes.
And hey, West and Russia fighting full-on is a pretty unlikely scenario, China joining in isn't that impossible, if compared.
I wouldn't rely on the Chinese if I was you. Unironically, I would rather trust the Anglo or US more than them. China would love a drawn out war between Russia and the West.
North African Arabs will die before letting black subsaharans flood across their borders

Still a good song. Reminds me of Rhodesia
And that is why we don't want war. We want peaceful coexistence with you respecting us as an equal, not as a vassal of yours like the frogs or the krauts or the brits.
Nuclear option anyways will trigger automatically, thanks to the Dead Hand.
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>>Russians take afganistan and all russian speaking eastern european clay
That is fucking stupid. Russia has no interest in attacking either place. They have even less interest in occupying them.
Are you having fun stuffing Ahmeds cock into your mouth, Hans?

Don't get ran over by any trucks tomorrow.
>he fell for the "russia invaded crimea" meme
>what is Cold War
I repeat, the Chinese don't fuck around.
It's a general song about the colonial lust to build a paradise on Earth in Africa. Something that was so close to happening time and time again if not for the inhabitants already there.
>Russia with their economy was barely able to take and hold Crimea.
Russia did not "take and hold Crimea". Crimea joined Russia with like 90% in favour.
>barely rake and hold Crimea
Army did the job perfectly, Ukrainians didn't expect shit and couldn't even resist.
Our economy, though...
Potato, I know reading comprehension isn't something plantlife is known for, so let me help you.
>for real
It's when people go pew-pew, and your little shithole gets taken over a couple times.
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>we humiliated their undefeatable army, raped their women, had their leader kill himself, after the war demanded a 'fair' trial for the remaining government so we could humiliate them further and once it all was done, split the country in two for nearly fifty years
this remind me of something
The thing about China and Japan in our eastern borders is a little deal Putin signed with China about "leasing" our land for "economical cooperation development" and almost the same deal with Japan regarding those persky islands.
I think it was done back in 2015.
Military took over it at first, though. He's right at that.
Precisely, Finnbro.
Same as with Baltics, we don't care about them, we just don't want our main rival's bases there.
Literally niggers.
It's sad but he's not wrong.
Please tell me that picture isn't real. It just can't.
The 'china wants to take over Russian land'meme needs to die, they have picrelated to deal with.
Also, I get a feeling the chinks are bloating their numbers for some reason.
Being a mongol's vassal for two hundred years does things to you, pizza man.
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Never underestimate the stupidity of the masses of melanin enriched kangz my nigga
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>so cringe xxddd

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>watching the orc hoards get bombed.
>Anglosphere repopulates Europe
It was pretty substantial. When the battle of Moscow was going down, 1/3 of Russian tanks were foreign made. Here are some more stats in brief:
1)1/3 of planes were imported
2)1/2 of planes that ussr made itself were made from imported aluminium and 1/3 flew on imported aviation fuel
3) 1/3 of tanks were made from imported steel
4) almost all radio equipment was imported
5) almost all rail carts and railroad were imported
6)almost all logistical vehicles were imported (trucks/cars)
7) 1/3 of all soviet bombs and bullets were made out of imported reactants
8) dont remember the exact ratio but a substantial amount of food was imported

Imagine fighting without all of that.

Whatever was lost in combat was not to be payed back. USSR only had to pay back for things they wanted to keep after the war. And they didn't even end up paying 10% of that amount. If I owe you 1 million and pay you back 500 in gold, you probably wouldn't be too happy.

I don't see why Russians try to deny the importance of lend lease. It in no way lessens the contribution and sacrafice of your men.
You are so far disconnected from reality, it isnt even funny.
Lemme guess, we should've firebombed their cities into rubble and dust and gore, and once done with that claim it's not a war crime?
Or politely and nicely capture their cities and treat them as high, esteemed Europeans after we lost millions and millions of people to their genocidal plans?
>lessens the contribution
That's the problem. Americans always try to make it out to be the one thing that saved us.
Our common soldier's determination saved us, people like Sirotin doing anything they could to fight the invader saved us.
The contribution which US did to us was of course of great use, but acting like it saved us and it was free when we paid in blood and even some money for it is disrespectful.
It's for a reason that the lend-lease right was implemented by the congress as a part of An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States. We were paying with blood for the equipment Americans gave us, so they wouldn't have to fight.
Yeah I meant economically. In military terms, the operation was brilliantly executed.
It's impossible mate. I had accommodation sorted, had a reservation on a rental car and almost booked my ticket when It asked what visa I would be using. I have family in Kentucky but they are not immediate family so my only way in would be to marry a citizen or invest a million dollars into a company. I'm about 990k short of that lol. I know America is a good place for white nationalists because of free speech and I know that some places are still almost entirely white.

If I could I would but Britain and America have no lottery systems and no loopholes. Considering our ally status its a joke how difficult it is to move between each other. I consider moving to Poland or Hungary but not speaking the language or knowing the culture I don't know if I want to. Can't stay here though, I think whites just need to let it fall and step back in when it's in chaos and clean up. The main city's of Britain are a disgrace right now. Being red pilled and living in one is awful, I have to get out. I don't want to move to the countryside earning a shit wage only to pay taxes to people who want to see its people genocided. I need to leave but I don't know how or where. If you know of anyone in America who could help I would greatly appreciate it.
Our main mistake was not taking over Ukraine whole. Back then and throughout most of 2014 we thought they were salvageable, further on when it became apparent that they're beyond saving we couldn't do much without further damage to our economy.
All those numbers.
>Russians take afganistan and all russian speaking eastern european clay

Why the fuck would we want Afganistan of all things?
ah yea you are right, im just so sleepy
The vatnik won't be able to handle the truth. He just wants to jerk off about how great Russsssyyyyaaaaaa was under the Jewish-Bolshevik occupation and how good his masters were at throwing white Russians into the meat grinder against the most righteous cause in recent centuries.
Yes, but would Sirotin be able to fight without 1/3 of his ammo and food? What would Kajedub do without his imported plane, without a radio and without 1/2 of the Soviet airforce to back him?

Yes the Soviets contributed the most to defeating nazi Germany. This is undeniable. But would just the Soviet contribution have been enough? How many more would have to die? 10,20,30 million more?
>And Trump sits on his fat ass while we Americans watch the world burn

Why did your logic break down there?
>the most righteous cause
They sure were righteous when they were starving Leningrad.
Also, wanna know the difference between you and I? We shook off our commies, even if the price was 90s.
You meanwhile are indoctrinated and ruled by them, there's probably not a single university of yours without students being typical SJW scum which is awfully sure whites should be exterminated.
>UK only EU state to come ot not totally fucked thanks to water seperation

>Corbyn wins general elections
>takes boatloads of refugees no matter what
I wish I did have a solution. I don't know much about my own country's immigration process except for the fact that in 2016, over 90% of immigrants were not from a European nation and that it's ridiculously biased against whites in general. You should at least get a tourist visa and travel some time. Check out the national parks, go to vegas and rent some machine guns, etc. If polygamous homo-marriage was legal you know I'd do it my dude. Good luck. I'd try online dating sites, American women love you limey fucks as long as you're not horribly disfigured.
Trump doesn't give a shit on SA whites, but /pol/ can make this news about them more relevant to inform more people
>people starve in a war
>definitely the same thing as tactical and operational level terror raping
Nice job Ivan
>We shook off our commies
Which is why a former KGB agent has been running your country for over a decade (with a break for one term) and why your second largest party is out right communist? Which is why the majority of Russians have retarded nostalgia for the Soviet Union?
Sirotin? Easily, given that his feat took merely two and a half hours and he took fifty-seven men with himself to the grave.
Honestly, if Germany didn't attack first or Stalin at least listened to his spies when they told him that the attack would happen on this specific day, losses wouldn't be as bad.
Then again, those same spies kept reporting different dates, all due to German moving the date...
But yes, your point is correct entirely. American help saved millions of our lives, that's undeniable.
The only thing wrong with the continent of Africa is the Africans...and China doesn't have any white guilt holding it back from correcting mistakes.
>Russians take afganistan and all russian speaking eastern european clay
no such thing.
that may be true and I am not in dispute of those things
as an amateur student of history though I think you should look at zhukov's contribution
if you liked patton, you'll love zhukov
and the russian contribution was massive in terms of casualties
the germans had ten times more troops in eastern front then the western
the russians had over a million pieces of artillery which they used mercilessly
Stalingrad: 1.8 million
Siege of Leningrad: 1.5 million
Moscow 1941-42: 700,000
Smolensk 1941: 500,000
Kiev 1941: 400,000
Vorenesh 1942: 370,000
Belarus 1941: 370,000
2nd Rzhev-Sychevka: 270,000
Caucasus 1942: 260,000
Kursk: 230,000
Lower Dnieper: 170,000
Kongsberg: 170,000
Rostov: 150,000
Budapest: 130,000
and others with less killed

Whereas on the Western Front
Battle of France 180,000
Normandy: 132,000
El Alamein: 70,000
Battle of the Bulge: 38,000

the numbers speak for themselves
nice fantazy mate
Don't forget that it wouldn't have played out like that without's America's massive help, stupid vatnik
Yeah Stalin really dropped the ball there.
Russians have nostalgia for the union simply due to 90s.
If you'd like I could go in detail.
>reee why do you think it's bad to surround and shell a city with millions of innocents inside?!
Because having two nuclear powers have a go at each other is so profitable when one of them is your neighbour. What is nuclear fallout?
Oh my, our lord truly is kind today.
>more Russians died, so this means that they won because of this
The only thing it tells us is that Russians, Ukranians, and other people in the USSR were really great at dying for their Jewish Bolshevik masters. The idea is to die less and kill more.
Nobody asked non-state's opinions, even Sealand is more important than you are.
>Bitch didn't get the joke
Primitives can't handle even lite bantz.
Yeah I don't deny that. Im merely saying that without all that equipment and supplies, those soldiers wouldn't be able to fight nearly as effectively and would take even more casualties.

You forgot your friend with the 4th largest army Ivan :)
>reee why do you think it's bad to surround and shell a city with millions of innocents inside?!
Literally the same shit both sides did from the start of the war.
In an alternate timeline, the UK is the only state left in the EU.
Good ive been wanting am excuse to join the army.
>righteous cause
>do shit that makes people fight you more eagerly
Truly germans are kings of autism
We gibsdemdat so that they use the 5% not spent on civil wars to buy groceries (trade) in SA.
Yeah, we leafs are faggots, we aren't cool like America, we ain't down with the jive, we don't don't have a SINGLE black mayors but you guys had tons of them, plus a black president! Plus vibrant black cities like Detroit...
>Russians take afganistan and all russian speaking eastern european clay
In here we speak polish, not russian. We will be fine.

Like in Libya? They just take niggers money and send 'em on Mediterranean with rubber boats.
>separating Russians and Ukrainians unironically
Hello shill
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Tfw I dreamt about Saudis today.
I met them at a kind of truck stop and we got in a fight. Then I saud "Salaam alaikum" and they left me alone...
What does this mean pol? Im 1/4th Egyptian btw.
Could it not also be a factor that there may be more things of monetary value/worth stealing in the right hand pic?

Also looking at a quick wikipedia search. Beattyville had a population of 1,307 in 2010, where as View Park-Windsor Hills had a population of 11,075 in 2010. I'm not sure how the maker of this image actually came up with his numbers using sources.

I'm afraid to say, though this image helps the general cause on /pol/. It has a strong air of "fake news" to it.
Was your dick hard when you woke up?
>speaks a different language that's less mutually intelligible that Swedish is to Norwegian
>muh Kievan rus
>muh one people
>muh muh

Learn computaaa pwogwahmming.

Ask someone to hire you. Bail out on your visa. start a new life or marry a local
>UK only EU state to come ot not totally fucked thanks to water seperation

UK has one of the worst shitskin infestations in the Europe and one of the most radicalized muslim populations.

>Same as with Baltics, we don't care about them, we just don't want our main rival's bases there.

Russian minorities in Baltics are big enough influence countries from inside, good leverage in foreign policy and good distraction in case Putin runs into domestic problems.
I-it's not like I want your contracts or anything.
Ukrainians are a subgroup of Russians, mostly they're Russians with Austrian, Turk and Polish influence. The very Jewish bolsheviks you hate so much shilled for their 'identity' ever since 20s.
Why don't you pick your side, you're either with the commies or against what they push.
>Here are some more stats in brief:

All bullshit that not even Wikipedia would dare to post.

>against the most righteous cause in recent centuries.

Not sure if Hans under proxy, or a burger on a quest for another reason to loathe himself.

>tactical and operational level terror raping

Stop projecting your wet dreams on us.
Gotta love it when changing your connection changes your ID.
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>Russia did not "take and hold Crimea". Crimea joined Russia with like 90% in favour.

They literally had troops already inside Crimea and they isolated Ukrainian military bases on the peninsula while Ukrainian leadership was too confused to act.

Electric Boogaloo in Eastern Ukraine is distraction to keep international community away from Crimean issue for as long as it takes for international community to accept Crimea as part of Russia and Russian population distracted from shit sanctions cause for them.
Pretty much this, you're awfully knowledgeable, Finnbro.
Thanks anyway. Yea I've been to vegas twice amazing place, recent videos show it's been blacked somewhat, it was almost exclusively white or Chinese when I was last there. Been all across Florida, Loved it. New York .. muh nice buildings but lost as people just like every Multi culti shithole. Was going to move to New England and redpill them out of their leftist ways. Yea maybe if I save some more I'll start taking Long holidays over there in hopes of meeting a decent gal. Never been to a shooting range so that'd be one of the first things I do if I come over again. Might go and see Kentucky next time.
Maybe you can give me some better stats. I am sure that you know more than the Soviet bureaus that kept track of what the country produced, imported and exported.
is that pic real?
Yes could you? I'm interested in 90s Russia, especially from a native
>asians to sit it out
So they can roll over the exhausted whites after?

No. Whitey takes team Japan, Mongolia, South Korea and Philippines

We need some allies if it's against the world.
The only thing I loathe about myself is the fact that my country has been under the influence of the international clique since it's fucking founding and that "my" Government went out of it's way to censor the only people in the US, at the time, who stood up to it all and were not only against the war but against the Fed, and finally were also honest about the Jews and their role in it all.

That extension goes to of course the most famous German man who though the same. If you call that self loathing, well that's just too bad.

>Stop projecting your wet dreams on us.

How about you learn your own history.
new Ukraine gov was so eager to punish crimean civilians with water/electricity cuts that i actually believe 90% number.
I was suggesting Vegas because of machine gun tourism. It's a fucking hell hole to live in
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All memery aside the Chinese economy was built on a foundation of sand which is crumbling. The Chinese plan to colonize Africa while simultaneously exporting their excess male population would fall apart if the homeland collapsed. Just a thought.
>Flustered humorless Dutchman responds with rage to an approval of his statement
Imsgine living your life in a communist state.
Life is simple, harsh at times, yet it has its charm. Policemen don't even carry weapons, streets are safe, and your worst worry as a kid is to get a bad mark, since then your parents will be brought in to the school, and that means leaving their work, and that means them getting disciplinary punishments... You get the idea.
So, you are a young man by the year 1990.
You've went to the country's best university and got a wonderful engineering degree, enough to get you a job at something like, a rocket construction bureau. Sure, it's not the same as flying a rocket as you dreamed since childhood, but it's already something! You will live a happy life, propelling yourself and your state to greatness!..
By year 1995, your homeland, your dear motherland which you worked for, which you served in military for, has fallen apart.
The dream of the future you've been nurtured and told of is a lie. There's no greatness in future. Only ruin.
Your good job is still there. Except, you don't get paid, the wages being hold back by months.
Streets are dangerous. Streets have drug addicts, alcoholics and thugs.
One after another your childhood friends perish.
Some die of hunger. Some hang themselvss. Some drink themselves to death.
You sell your car, one you use to drive yourself to work usually, to get your kids a good holiday meal. Since you know that they can't again, for third month in a row, eat only potatoes and such.
One day, the construction bureau you worked for is closed. Or if you worked for a private company, it is taken over by bandits and you're kicked out, forced to work or killed.
The few bits of money you do bring home lose value day by day. The exchange rate over a couple years drops from three rubles for a dollar to millions.

Nineties have seen Russia at its lowest since 1920s. People were willing to elect anyone and anything that would bring them stability.
In comes Putin...
SHIiiit that looks class. I would love to go there man. God bless America
Here's their website
We never miss out on an opportunity to shoot some guns. We'll be involved.
Also watch some of Ian's videos over on Forgotten weapons. Lots of history, etc.
He actually just got done with a series of videos on the British service rifle development, from the EM2 to the SA80. He ALSO has a series on the British Sten and Sterling lines of sub-guns
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>zerg rush
>a viable tactic
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>It was pretty substantial. When the battle of Moscow was going down, 1/3 of Russian tanks were foreign made. Here are some more stats in brief:
>1)1/3 of planes were imported
>2)1/2 of planes that ussr made itself were made from imported aluminium and 1/3 flew on imported aviation fuel

Lend lease didn't really kick in until 1942, it took a while for US military industry to kick in and to equip their own forces.. Most of British and American tanks were used on secondary fronts and mostly towards end of the war. Notable exception are British Valentine light tanks those were available in large numbers early on.

>5) almost all rail carts and railroad were imported

Almost all railroad stuff was delivered in 1944 and 1945, Soviets received US made railroad equipment even after war. For most of war they survived on their own rolling stock. Those were at verge of collapse for most of war. Literally first thing they wanted from Finland after cease fire was almost third of Finnish rail cars and locomotives.

>6)almost all logistical vehicles were imported (trucks/cars)

Same thing with trucks. Until summer 1943 Soviets sustained on pre-war trucks or horses.

>Pretty much this, you're awfully knowledgeable

Thanks. I followed the events pretty closely. It is quite funny how improvised Russian actions were in Crimea, supply situation for Black Sea fleet was less than ideal as they had supplied Russian troops in Syria and Syrians during entire Syrian shitstorm.

>is that pic real?

Yep. Steven Seagals business is mostly making cheap straight to DVD movies with eastern European funding. Basically tax evasion or money laundering opportunities to those who invest the money. Putin likes martial arts so they have some things in common.
Here's an extremely relevant package

Hindsight being what it is, had Belgium held onto Congo they'd be very wealthy and Congo would be much more stable.

The truth of European colonialism in Africa isn't that it should have never happened but that most colonies and protectorates were held for less than 40 years. Compare that to India with 300 years. Sure the latter still struggles to poo in the loo but they also have an active space program. Congo, on the other hand, still has cannibalism.
Okay, I'll be impressed when you take Truedough's cock out of your mouth.
We don't get a Federal Election till 2019 October ;_;
we became ancap
Good thing we didn't use Zerg Rush, though.

I'll doubt majority was that big, it was substantial. Probably around 75% to 85%. Just based on demographics.
>promised prosperity, just privatize
>become basically Wiemar Germany
>embarrassing chechen war a a bonus
>wait goys it's just transition period ok just wait...
>1998, government declares default, dollar goes form 5 to 25 rubles overnignt.
>oy vey it's what you deserve invisible hand of market what did you expect goy it will be like that always now
People who would vote NO would consider referendum illegal anyway. So maybe it was 99,99% YES and they had to down tier it a bit actually.
>Waiting for lolberterians screeching 'Real ancap has never been tried!!1'
700.000 were killed/captured at kiev
Nice one mate. I'll have a look at them
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I'll never understand why people believe it'll work.
>I'm interested in 90s Russia, especially from a native

Not native, but basically handful of connected people with some hard currency bought or cheated insane properties for themselves. Business men who made some millions in last years of SU and middle management bureaucrats that were too insignificant to be fired due not being commies anymore. Small group of people stole almost everything and there were massive pyramid schemes cheat regular folks out of their property.

Here is well wasted two hours of documentary about 90's in Russia.


Basically everyone giving interviews ones that didn't agree to Putin proposal of turning down fraud from 11 to maybe 7 or 8.
>People who would vote NO would consider referendum illegal anyway.

Probably true and some were probably prevented from voting with various tricks.
Most of the "Fact memes about non-whites" on this site dosen't take into account alot of factors and most statistics is basically used as propaganda tools.....do you really think people care about IQ's? then why is /pol/ hating so much on the Jews who far exceed whites?
But surely if the Jews weren't evil, then there would be far fewer violent events against them through history.
So basically you agree if there was to happen a "white genocide" like most on here claim....then that whites deserved it cause they were evil?

According to /pol/ whites are being attacked from australia to USA to Europe.....what does that tell you?
Nothing at all really, i'm not sure what you're talking about. I often tend to view most sources of information on here with a pinch of salt.

Personally however I am of the opinion that a culture/ethnic group should have a place safe from outside influences, like large scale immigration, like the Jews have Israel. It would be good for all groups on the planet to have their own Israel so-to-speak.
But Israel does have a large scale immigration from Sudan and Ethiopia....and already got alot of palestinians....I'm don't like israel, but it isn't the superpower most on this site claim.

You british got some nerve to say ethnic group should have their own place safe from outside influence.....tell that to your goverment and history.

>Happen be to born into a country with a past global empire.

>Hurr hurr, its your fault, you were around at the time.

Great logic.

DESU senpai, I'd do it again though.
Why would we need Afghanistan
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I mean in 60 years your probably not gonna be around either....so why not just suck it up and live in some kind of small village because britain is still 90% white...How old are you?
Been to london and can honestly say.....its more of a exciting city now then it looked like when it was all white.
its like a zoo, its fine to visit it sometime but you would not like to live there with the chimps in nearby cage
go to mogadishu then
Kinda racist bro----you are better then that...don't be that guy
fuck off cunt, and i am not you bro you faggot
U are my bro, if not whats the point in being with your ethnic group? seems to me you are confused.....i would guess you are aboyt 15 years old
>All of sub sahara africa goes into chaos because SA literally feeds them all
They can still feed them
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you are not not my ethnic group
and even then you are a fag and we beat them.
sadly i think you are true. Its best to leave eastern country by october
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Fuck the EU I hope the their people turn on those corrupt political & I would love to eat bacon & drink a case of beer watching Russia burn down all those degenerate fucks & their mudslime infestation, fuck Europe, burn it all & purge all the cucks & shit skins they hate America & Americans anyway.
But i am not gay....and fag means a cigarette in your area...trying real hard to be american....i guess you not about keeping an ethnic group, but more about having idiots around that look like you.
we're fighting with the russians this time

look at the shit putin's capable of, he went to PARIS and managed to film a video without a SINGLE BLACK PERSON


man's a magician
how new are you?

Africa is likely going to be taken over by China in some areas.
How white are you?
Then sit on your fucking SJWs. They were the ones that put Trump into office. You need to start choosing which agenda is most important to you, asshole.
>fuck you obama why are you using drones to kill muslims us shouldnt be world police
>fuck you trump why are you not going to ww3 with russia and intervene in the syrian civil war
pick one
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From last year
EU niggers gonna invade Russia through early snow.
>works every time
white enough to be mistaken either for German or Scandinavian or Russian(because accent I suppose)
Story time? Story time?
>when i worked at amazon I have this one short guy from India who always when he see me was:"Putin stronk"
stop messing with a weather burgers

It works 90% of the time 100% of the time lulz
>i'll die a Kiwi
>it feels good
Africa natural resources are excellent. Their wildlife not so much
You are scum. You filthy degenerate cunt.

"Who cares you'll be dead in 60 years" - that Is amongst the most nihilistic and pathetic mindsets possible.

Fuck the children amirite... let them deal with the hoardes of starving shitskins who now leech off the remaining white people. Why not have a national piss on war heros day. Better than boring old prosperous white nations.

Daddy why do they hate us so much ? Why are they here ... because uncle Pieter believed that white and safe was boring... he thinks a london with armed police and even military watching for trucks of peace and suicide bombers was where the fun was at... but didn't anyone argue or question him about that strange mindset ? Yes love, he told them to not be "that guy". Your uncle Pieter was as pathetic as he sounds my dear.
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I've never seen a more pointless argument in my life...
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you must be new here
because it is you trying to propagandize the statistics. They have a higher aggregate iq, which speaks nothing of their specific intelligence.
>all this bad shit
>says anon on an anonymous imageboard
I am ashamed that I am related to you. Die without taking anyone else with you.

>water separations

Oy m8 you think we don't have boats, planes and shit to get past a moat ?

In 2017 ?
He's right mate. I have always refrained from the old kys statement, I think people use it far to lightly and it's an evil thing to say but you honestly need to, Mother Nature demands it. If you have a window please leap out of it, pills- take them. Just do it lad, end yourself.
we're full though, so fuck off!
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Please explain. Afghanistan is landlocked.
You know what i find funny about white south africans?

>Go to black country
>Black people are willing to share
>White crazy south africans are blood thirsty though and greedy
>Start a war and kill alot of people and lose to the zulu's that don't have firearms
>Opress black people for decades and kill children
>Once apartheid is over - actually get forgiven by the people
>Lucky you didn't get kicked out or killed in masses as you deserved
>Complain about south africa rule

White South Africans are cancer.
You basically just told me nothing you said in the beginning matters....british gets most immigrants from nations IT COLONIZED! you lucky they didn't form a pact tp take over britain and just come for jobs.
south africa wasnt a country back then when the dutch came, they made the place popular
Why? because i have diffrent opinion? what kinda of shit is you teenagers on?

Let the brain develop kid and you will actually look back on this with shame.
That gotta be one of the dumbest statements i have heard......"popular"..
thats not how it works, you are applying the logic of how individuals interact with eachother to how civilizations interact with eachother
Lucky "You" = nigger detected.

Sure Jamal that's exactly how it went down. Your "woke" books are spot on.

Once apartheid is over - oh just like that It just ended did it, The contract expired or something ? Giving up power was the dumbest thing South Africans did, both black and whites now suffer because of it. Niggers can't run countries, niggers are useless
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Anon, Americans would never bother trying to invade Russia. That being said, let's not kid ourselves, Russia couldn't even get boots on the ground in America. Whoever attacks first is the loser of that war.
you remind me of one dark india guy who was like
>we are british
>fuck this dirty somalians
>kick negros from his UK

The British conquer their countries because their countries were weak and corrupted.
They have zero obligations to let anyone to their country.
They only allow it because they are weak and corrupted.
If they care about their country they should kick all of the migrants and keep borders close to emigration.
No, because you have no 1st hand experience and try to flaunt your 'moral superiority' at us.
Go fuck yourself faggot.
London is totally fucked. Its full of trash and garbage and I do not even speak of population.
Also your opinion is just that a opinion and you can shove it in your ass.
What matter is facts and not your feelings.
Elephants, Giraffes, and Lions are majestic man.
Watch this and learn ya black bastard. You need whites, whites never have and never will need you

>I think whites need to let it fall and step back in when it's chaos and clean up.

This. Part of the reason I'm voting Corbyn. I'd rather it happen sooner rather than later.

I'm also determined to move to the US. North Dakota or somewhere like that would suit my needs. I hate how fast and stressful life is here. Even the countryside near me isn't an escape.
Britain as we know it is finished, it was finished a long time ago.
Look at your arrogance.....really got a god complex don't you.

>Ignore that the west have literally been keeping Congo in that state for cheaper mineral resources
>Ignore that alot of african countries are showing the biggest growth in GDP in the world
>Ignore the tons of railways/infrastructure and massive developments going on in africa currently.
>Ignore that whites went to africa to pick up millions of black people.
>Ignore that africa is doing better without whites

But hey you got a little video of a chinese man talking shit.,,,White people are not needed like you think....the world will go on with or without them.....a black man did better leading whites in USA then the current white/orange man.
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>>Russians take afganistan
no thanks
bro, there wasn't niggers in the cape of africa until they were brought over in boats. they would have died without the dutch to keep them alive.
>ignore that africa would be better without black people
It seems from OP's post that the real problem is refugees not russians.
>Ignore that the world would be better without white people
You're joking right? Do you honestly believe that the world (unless you're literally referring to the state of the environment) would bet in a better position if there was no European continent to which humans migrated?

I would go through the reasons why you're wrong, but I will only do so if there is genuine demand. As it is I don't feel inclined devoting energy to arguing with what seems to be a troll.
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Obama increased debt by more than every president before him combined. And you claim I'm arrogant with a god complex, wew lad.

Enjoy being raped by the chinaman. Just like you enjoyed being slaves for the Whites,jews and arabs but set free by whites. It's ok you don't have to thank us. No black Spartacus is there nigger, every race uses you for the mules that you are. we thought you would fuck off back to glorious Africa, yet here you are pretending to be a white Dane on a Mongolian karaoke board. Keep dropping them truth bombs on your fellow white devils Jamal.
Did you just say white people are killing the planet and try and brush it off by saying people migrate to Europe?
So actually being in development and hhaving trade with the chinese is rape, but should thank wypipo for being slaves?

Also are you trying to imply that trump is a better leader the Obama?

Thank Haiti andThe black soldiers who ended slavery during the war in america WHO REALLY ended slavery.

You are talking about people pretending, Yet you act like you live in america.
No, not at all. It seems that I didn't express myself clearly.

My comments regarding migration to Europe were made because I was trying to think of a scenario in which white people wouldn't exist.

No Europe = human migration from out of Africa doesn't go further Westward than in current timeline = no development of European ethnic groups

>>inb4 the West is bad because of pollution:

As for the Earth, if any region is going to reverse trends caused by pollution (a necessary byproduct of industrialised societies, of which are necessary for not living in poverty) it will almost certainly be North America, or Europe.

Pollution is of course only one means of harming the environment - overpopulation, on the other-hand, is certainly not the fault of ~15% (total white population) of the human population.
I don't see a problem with what China is doing.
They are not relying on use of force, Africans voluntarily make deals with them.
look at the (((them))) trying to start godamn ww3 over
>muh russia
what does that p;icture have to do with russia being our ally
fuck you british with these people arent white or whatever and your cartoons
watch them try to control it casue its always a
>divide and conquer
or something else to guide the outcome to some before hand predicted ending likie jews being all thrown in palestine
>if blacks are so great theyll all get along
>UK not fucked
>People literally get arrested for impolite tweets in the UK
They are one of the leading exporters of SJW cancer in Europe. Why do you cucks prep the bull for them all the time?
>Russian minorities in Baltics are big enough influence countries from inside, good leverage in foreign policy and good distraction in case Putin runs into domestic problems.
If those people wanted to be Russian, they would move to Russia. And Russia really does not want the trouble conquest would cause.

Russia has nothing to gain from conquest. It has all the clay it needs, tons of natural resources, and none of the strengths of European countries can be taken by force as we rely upon the productivity of our population and well ordered societies to succeed.

Norway has a bit of oil, but it can't be taken. Afgans have minerals, but developing domestic resources is a more viable and Afganistan can't be conquered anyway.

They might add to Russia, should some place like Armenia again ask to join, but that is pretty much it. THey might also get rid of Chechnya.
so let me get this straight, russia
you decided to do everything the (((jew))) told you to do, then
at the last moment, you odecided to save yourself?
i dont get it.. or care
you guys stole all your land from the indians
>Russians take afganistan
The hell we need it for?
We aint even gonna annex former soviet shitholes that close to it.
oh lol!
As geneticist, i hate Lisenko, but he tell about epigenetics. He did know about this phenomenon, but his methods was disguisting
Europe was Indian ? Tell me more
well uk is right now
I really hope this happens, blood for the blood god
Implying the United states and britian didn't do 75% of the work and the Russians just cleaned up

The nazis would of curbstomped you if they hadn't been fighting on multiple fronts. They would of literally destroyed yall 1v1
We've got every shitskin imaginable.

Never has and never will be their land though.
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