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My great grandpa fought on the russian side in world war 2 He

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My great grandpa fought on the russian side in world war 2

He was in the hospital so I decided to give him a visit. Showed him photos of niggers in Paris, interracial babies, gay parades, muslim rape statistics and roaming chechen gangs in Moscow. "This is what you fought for, right? This is what you fought for, you know!"

He started crying so I left
This morning I heard he died last night. Good riddance.
Only a Slav would think that anyone could fall for a story like this.

better dead than red

But seriously kys nobody believes this larpy story
SS men burned their way throughout the entirety of eastern Europe, why should he care what happened to cuckmany?
So your grandfather is well into his 90s?
He'd need to be if he fought in WW2
Russians kill themselves early with drink
How'd he avoid that?
And if your grandfather is in his 90s as he must be, then you must be in your mid to late 40s, OP
I don't think people fighting on the Russian side had much choice, so they most likely did not fight for anything other than survival.
This, he should be happy the west lost due to its own stupidity.
>stories what never happened
>"This is what you fought for, right? This is what you fought for, you know!"

>Homos were outlawed.
>interracial relationship were controlled by party.
>for rape you would get 20 years in prison.
>religions were suppressed

meh, i guess puberty hit this degenerate like are truck.
Bless you brother
Good riddance, he was a traitor to your ancestors.
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Holy shit, haha
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>SS men burned their way throughout the entirety of eastern Europe
Pfff, the SS weren't even a big enough unit to do that you stupid fucking kike
he fought for his homeland which was invaded by germany
You're right, the moderate nationalists in Wehrmacht did the rest.
>niggers in Paris, interracial babies, gay parades, muslim rape statistics and roaming chechen gangs in Moscow
This is the cold war results, you kikefart.
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>And if your grandfather is in his 90s as he must be, then you must be in your mid to late 40s, OP
What kinda weird logic is this?
>This is what you fought for, right? This is what you fought for, you know!

No, he fought against it. Nothing of the listed ever happened in the socialist countries but thrived in the capitalist ones.

You don't even imagine how degenerate Nazi germany was, from the rates of pre-marriage sex to Goebbels wife who wore expensive french shoes while her husband called women to cut their hair short to waste less water and wear short skirts to spen less resources.
My grandma told me that it was Russians that they were afraid of, not the Germans. Germans that were stationed here were actually nice to people, helped around, gave candy to children and were just good to the people here. However, they were scared shitless of Russians because those mongols would rape anything that was in their way that had a hole, and if it didn't have a hole they'd make it one.

Grass won't grow for a hundred years wherever Russians step. Remember that boy.
If hitler could've showed the world this future he wouldn't have needed to fire a single shot.
Its still what you fought for, by funding leftist and Marxist organizations in the West. You let that run out of your control and now you're funding the opposite side, to divide and fragment the West even more.
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Stupid cunt, you should honor your ancestors. If he were a filthy american, british or french pig it would at least make sense, but the Russians really just fought for their own race in that war. In fact, the countries which were under Soviet influence after WW2 remained white and largely uncucked, contrary to the AmeriKKKan libturd kike serfdoms in Western Europe.
At least he had a resource policy.
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>helped around, gave candy to children and were just good to the people here

pic related is candy delivering plane over Stalingrad
>>And if your grandfather is in his 90s as he must be, then you must be in your mid to late 40s, OP
>What kinda weird logic is this?
yes maybe for stupid people it is sound
I'm in my early 30's and my dead gradparents would be in their 100's and one surviving one in their late 90's
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"remained White"
That's pretty cruel.
I hope you die the same way.
That is if you can ever trap a woman to bear your children.
Was unefficient to be fair. At least people felt like helping their country. The problem is that even his wife did not believe this bullshit
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"largely uncucked"
He bothered to keep the appearances, dignity goes a long way.
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Can confirm the same here.
My grandfathers older brothers were in the Waffen-SS. They stood their ground in the Courlandian fortress until Germany surrendered, although the Russians attempted to break their lines multiple times and with many times the troop size

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If you had a great grandpa alive you're probably underage. Most people were drafted into commie army, not volunteered.
This image is 100% true. Abortions are the part and parcel of hungarian life. Not even right wing christians dare touch it with a ten foot pole, it'd be like they were against clean water or indoor plumbing
Abortion is a blessing desu. We need to reduce the world population ASAP.
>you should honor your ancestors

You'd get arrested m80 kek
you know shit skins almost never abort babies
Actually 90% of abortions in the United States are done to blacks.
I don't get why the white Conservatives there think its such an issue
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"largely uncucked"
he fought for his country's sovereignty. end of story
I'll drink to your grandpa's brothers
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No, he fought to spread Bolshevism as far as westward as possible and condemn the peoples of Eastern Europe to misery for a half century.
Your blood comes before your political ideology junior.
You're a sad individual. You will regret this and it will tear your heart out, because it's something you can never set right.

If you believed Germans would stop after colonizing the Russian lebensraum, you are sadly mistaken. Your grandpa fought for the survival of Hungary, he is a true hero.

>My grandma told me that it was Russians that they were afraid of

Because your grandPA was a collaborator piece of shit.
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The Lithuanian SS were a fucking based division. For such a small division you cunts fought hard.
Yugoslavia wasnt a Soviet satellite state, they were never a part of the Warsaw pact
Nobody foresaw this future but those in control.. Do you truly believe that any of the European nation's in the forties would tolerate what is socially acceptable modernly? Do you think any would've sacrificed their lives so freely for it?

It truly was the brothers war and so many died with their faith, race, or nation in mind unknowingly as schlomo pulled the strings. Remember that media back then had nothing available like the internet back then, everything you watched read or heard was given the "okay" before you digested it and while most were more intelligent than the modern 20 something, they weren't able to just access information at the touch of a button.

I like how American's have to class white people as non-hispanic white as if people whose ancestors lived in Spain are somehow "less white" those whose ancestors lived in Italy.

"B-but they speak with funny accents."
but prior to the invasion Soviet troop movements would have suggested that Russia may have been preparing to attempt a move against Germany primarily. General N.I. Biryukov, then commanding 186th Rifle Division claimed that 9 days before the German invasion, ‘all the divisions in the Ural Military District’ were instructed to ‘move to the western frontier’ in secret. Viktor Suvorov, a former member of the Soviet General Staff, also states within his work ‘the whole Ural Military District, including the commander, his staff, and all the subordinate formations, secretly began to move westwards’, and that this was also the case within other districts as Westward movements started ‘simultaneously taking place in all the internal military districts of the Soviet Union’ before the German invasion actually came into fruition
I know, this is just one quirk in the US policy that i find highly amusing

Wait till you find out what 'white' actually means according to the US census department.
Suvorov is a liar, his books are all made-up bullshit
Everybody in Eastern Europe felt the same.
Same happened in Norway according to my grandmother. The SS were perfectly nice and did not commit atrocities like they are lied about. They were stationed in much of the south of Norway and the worst thing they did was collect the people in the towns - so they couldn't secretly arm in the rural areas and start a resistance movement.
Based. The Red Army fought for production of movies like Circus 1936 and They Met in Moscow 1941. They fought for import of niggers and spics by the Soviets. Fuck them
"h-he lied, e-everything is a diry lie, Russia is never the Aggressor !!!"

This. Trotsky invented the term 'racist.'

Marxists are one of the primary reasons that the modern world is so fucked up and we have people from the Congo living in Europe, considered Europeans by nationality... Marxist trash ideology was basically that era's version of
>open borders xD no wars no borders
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Retarded commie propaganda bullshit. We didn't even manage to colonize the entirety of the Wartheland district, the only annexed piece of "Lebensraum" that actually existed outside of Allied atrocity stories. Colonizing Eastern Europe would have been a task for a millennium and would've most likely never been completed, a few local settlements aside.

But of course, we were eeeeeeviiiiiiiil and wanted to turn the entire world into Germany after gassing sixty six bazillion slavbabies!

I do agree that it is despicable to shame your own ancestors though.
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>roaming chechen gangs in Moscow
tryhard stormfaggot
What? You were a fucking non-factor, who cares about you lol.
"try harder" is what you should have wrote, bydlo. Because just typing 'chechen' gangs leaves out notable subhumans like armenians, georgians, gypsies, central asians, niggers, azeris and spics that plentyful in Moscow
So many Nazi sympathizers here.
Your grandma told you Germans were nice?
You're grandpa told you they were afraid of the Russians,not Germans?
Good for them.They didn't come across SS,Gestapo or any of the other criminal elements of the German Wehrmacht.
For excample,innocent Poles in pic related weren't that happy.Germans stormed into their small village,killed almost everything that moves and later on abducted some of the surviving children.
Stop riding German dick,please.
Thank you.
Same here
I don't think that Jews are Polish. Long live the Ustase! Killing gypsies and jews like there is no tomorrow
Tryhard is a noun you illiterate monkey.
Same here. The Russians are subhuman pieces of shit. Have always been, will always be.
>muh joos
They killed poles, not only jews, you retarded stormfaggot.
>tfw people believe this shit

People did not fight for the "russian side" from Hungary, they were forced into military service after WW2. I had an uncle who was as well, so he deserted and buried his gun (kek I even know where it is hidden).

He died abroad in Western Germany just before the fall of the USSR.

Don't be a faggot peeps, huns hate commies and ottomans with all their hearts.
Russia's antisemetism laws are garbage.
Jews belong in the oven.
>butchers 10 million civilians
>cries about muh Russians
Quintessential fascist.
Soviets are not Russian, and you are non-European asiaitic subhuman mixed with gypsies to begin with. Your country is named after some steppe untermenschen
Eat shit
What's wrong with religion kike?
butthurt mongol rape baby detected
I don't give a shit about Poles though anyway. Many of you are mixed with Ashkenazis and Lipka Tatars. No idea why people here don't question how egalitarian and 20% non-European you were during 16-18the century and how suddenly you became 96-99% Polish by 1760s. Can it be because of the interbreding?
american recommending his national dish
Literally BULGARians. Biggest amount of Turks in Europe and low energy on antiziganism
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>Russians really just fought for their own race in that war
are you saying the Red Army wasn't far majority Russian?
>as if people whose ancestors lived in Spain are somehow "less white" those whose ancestors lived in Italy
This is a very tiny minority of Hispanics here, most are mestizo/indio subhumans
Then say native american mix race
This, we should have carpet bombed Moscow not Berlin, or at least stayed neutral, fuck Roosevelt
Significant parts of it weren't. The same could be said about the Germans of course.
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What are you implying? They would've essentially become our serfs had we won the war. Contrary to the americunts, britshits and frenchcucks, Russkies were actually attacked first and had a national-philosophical reason to fight.
>the flag
his grandfather is probably russian actually
Unfortunately this
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The fuck. My grandfather and grandma from the other side of the family told me the same. They are from different villages, told a similar story.

- Helped build wells, renovate houses, gardens etc.
- Always clean shaven, in shape and kept generally clean
- Nice to people, helpful in every way, played with kids even

In contrast, russians:
- Stinking army of rugged and strange band of whites and mongoloids
- raped a lot of women, killed some and those family boys / men who resisted the takin of women
- my grandma's sister was taken, killed because she resisted
- she told me another 12 women were taken from the village
- my grandpa's words: "They were disgusting people, cruel to everyone, especially if you helped out germans" then hit spit in disgust

btw. I'm Hungarian

>tfw we could have been saved by righteous Germans, who are being genocided right now because of jewish ideology, and the subjugated russian people were played into helping them, raping and destroying on their path.
but I thought the SS was a huge army filled with men of all nationalities?
that's what nazis tell me when they want to prove that Hitler only hated Jews
It's funny how ethnic Russians were FORCE conscripted to fight in that useless war. Most didn't want and many deserted. The Red Army fought for the right to adopt niggers and gypsies. End of story. "Circus" 1936 confirms

The true act of heroism for ethnic Russians in the WWII was not to fight altogether or kill the reds
No it doesn't retard, if that were true I'd be following my liberal mother down a cliff. Liberals like her were the reason for my country's downfall in the 80's after they got rid of our only good leader. I'd gladly shoot any family member in the face if it means saving an entire nation. Now fuck off Eurofag
hungarians=russian rape babies
YOu arent qualified to talk only balkan ppl and baltics/ukraine.
I'm just telling it how it is. Now go do some krokodil you filth.
I heard exactly the same from both grandmas.
Right in the feels
This, Fascist liberayion > red slavery
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Fuck off back to Asia, subhuman Azis. Bulgarians and Serbians most be deported from Europe or exterminated for being gypsy loving cucks
My grandmother that lived in czechoslovakia told me the same, even if the germans were sometimes very brutal they were nicer than the russians and less dangerous to the people in the daily life

Fuck, can confirm too, the germans were nicer than the russians even if they could act very brutal sometimes
>things that never happened for 500
Nazicucks are really shameless.

You have to go back to Russia Vlad.
This. Though Vlasov was opportunistic faggot without principles that terrorised countless Russians and Whites(as the counterrevolution movement) during the Civil War with his jewish mates. Someone really nationalist like Smyslovsky should have lead the fight
> there was fighting on the literal front line

No shit, Evngeny. If you can't defend your cites then you should give up to save civilians. Oh wait, you don't even care about your own civilians.
>Germans saw Russians as working stock meme

Regardless anyway. WW2 was unwinnable for the Axis.
"t-they lied, e-everything is a diry lie, Finland is never the Aggressor !!!"

After niggers and jews are gone we need to kill Russians.
*non-white population

Whites on average have around 2 children. This is sustainable. Non-whites (specifically blacks and Indians) tend to have about 4 or 5. This is not sustainable.
>Russkies were actually attacked first
Are you crazy? They attacked Poland to start WW2 back when Germany was still pretty weak and hasn't consumed all of Western Europe so Poland would have had a chance with some allied help.
I don't care what they teach you in your country but Russia also started WW2.
some of them were nice... some of them don't.
but the fact remains that at least germans were humans, while ruskies are fucking animals
Britain started the WWII. French made it inevitable. Serbians started the WWI
>>Germans saw Russians as working stock meme
Hitler did, anyway, judging by what he said in the Table Talk.

>WW2 was unwinnable for the Axis.
Nope, it wasn't. We lost due to operative mistakes, treason and bad luck, not due to a predetermined strategic situation. To call it unwinnable is pure idiocy, and arrogant make-belief fake history.
No wonder you created fyromians.
>Table Talk
Real historians doubt the truthfulness of the book.
What are you even trying to say? You do understand what we're talking about, right? You know, June 22, 1941? Operation Barbarossa? Are you seriously trying to charge history and geopolitics with moralism, just like the liberal faggot cucks are doing?
It was Serbia actually. Only the "language" was made up in Moscow.
No, Poland had had a plan to defend itself to retreat to the East and keep fighting, get help with weapons from allies. Guess what unexpectedly happened to them from the East? You invaded them!
nice fantazy
"Real historians" also believe that we wanted to gas all jews and slavs; fuck those homos.
right,my bad... reminds me of this.
Дoбpoтo cъpбe виcи нa въpбe.
By real historians I meant people like David Irving. He dedicated 20 years of his life in Germany finding all the former Hitler cabinet members.
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Fuck you Commie. You murdered 50 million of your own people then spread your Jewish virus all the way to modern America, China, and South Africa.

You are a monster and deserve to die with dishonor. May Muslims dig up your dead grandfathers and rob their graves.
You're a cucked moron from a cucked Islamic state.
They teach you guilt, not history. We know the real how Russia enabled Hitler and destroyed states just like him.
Didn't Stalin subhuman offer armed help to Czechoslovakia? Seems like a stab in the back to me....
Well I read the book and I am entirely convinced it isn't fake. If it is fake, the author has got to be one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century.
Soviet Union = anti-Russia
Ethnic Russians and Germans suffered the most from it. The rest have a size of a statistical noise
>hurr muh emotional insult
Go back to school kiddo, underageb& are not allowed to post here.
I see no difference in current Russian mentality. You invade and destroy everything you can, except the lucky ones that were fortunate enough to get into NATO.
My grandfather is 94, and I'm 23.
Because we slavs love europe. Because many of us are now in europe and we have european friends and lovers. And we are sad and in rage about what happens here.
We all know that you're a brainwashed cuck, you don't need to advertise your mental illness created in you by your government.
>To call it unwinnable is pure idiocy, and arrogant make-belief fake history.

Failure of operation sealion and operation Barbarossa meant inevitable defeat for Germany. Even if the major mistakes had been avoided, others would have been inevitably made.

Due to economics, location, lack of good allies and resource availability, any mistake Germany made was much more severe than those made by the allies.
You kidding? NATO is more like JEWTO. It is the NATO who fucks europe over. It is the NATO who does nothing about rapefugees and terrorists.
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>macedonian slavs already exist
>hurr hurr I post as a German
>disregard that everything on Russia's border that isn't in NATO has been invaded
Nice try, Russkie.
My grandparents told me how when russians occupied baltics in 1939 they where stealing and raping, sending people to gulags and siberia but then germans came and they where realy nice to population, gave children candy and my grandfather eaven played some football with the germans, other grandfather joined Latvian ss to prevent secound ocupations from russians.
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Wow! You're super red pilled! Wanna teach me about the joooos?

Opinion discarded. History doesn't bend in a certain direction just because you proclaim it to be "inevitable." We weren't far from reaching the A-A line both in 1941 and 1942. Had we achieved that goal, the war would've been won. We could've most likely even bled the Soviets enough to get a favorable peace treaty as late as 1943 had we adopted Manstein's strategy proposal.
Don't confuse the victim with the perpetrator. It's a very interesting case when EU, USA, Ukrainian government and Russian government both are the enemy of the ethnic Russians. (((Russian government))) interests are not the interests of the ethnic Russians.

Very much alike to the Soviet Union, Russian Federation does not represent the interest of the ethnic Russians. Nor the said Federation is run by them.

"At the first free and honest elections they'll vote for the nationalists and hang us all" - Armenian Jew Margarita Simonyan, RT director

The Russian Federation is a legal state successor of the USSR and thusly illegitimate. Unless Russian Federation renounces every legal connection and historical connection to the USSR it's pretty much a non-country.
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Ironic isn't it?Germans used us as slaves for 700 years and now look at them, fucking pathetic.
All of their best men have died now they are teaching only guilt in schools
you must read history
Germany invaded 1 september
USSR invaded 17 september
polish army was already destroyed in 17 september
polish government was near romanian border already and escaped immediatly after soviet invasion
polish government not declared war to USSR and declare not to fight with them
East poland was and is not polish
I based the post on the fact that 86% support Putin, so it looks like it's just Russia...
Do you know what's the support among Millenial Russians?
>you must read history
And you my friend should read REAL history because your government is not telling you the truth I think.
>86% support Putin
Bullshit. People are Ustase tier racists here.

"At the first free and honest elections they'll vote for the nationalists and hang us all" - Armenian Jew Margarita Simonyan, RT director

"At the first free and honest elections they'll vote for the nationalists and hang us all" - Armenian Jew Margarita Simonyan, RT director
>used us as slaves
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Please stop. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
It's a nice quote, I hope it's real.
top kek
We where german slaves for 700 years ivan.
Never thought why our architecture looks like this?
>Prussia and Order
>greek map
>implying greece didn't have interest in said land.
you're an idiot ivan. Greece and Serbia had and still have interest in the region. also explain these maps from(also compare the one from 1918 to yours) 1870 and 1918. Fyromians are a lie and nothing but a war spoil for the entente.
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Best russians :)

I wana say thank you to all of you white russian aryan brothers you killed the german pride for ever now they all subhunams :) merry nigers and muslims multiculturation :)

You killed white europa for ever russian bros :) now its our Job to finnish what is left :) thank you russia and god bless putin stay strong and nuke evrey one thet dont like you

Hahahaha look at jewmania now !!!!!!!

Gitler kaput !!! :) ja ja ja :) hahahaha i hoph germania die soon !!
>Tfw GERMS genocided prussians, galindians and other baltic tribes
>Baltic faggots still suck their cock
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1918 map
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Cuck king. >>128258747
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>offer armed help to Czechoslovakia
i don't understand what you mean

but do you know that poland was not innocent?
(((Innocent Poles)))
Fuck the germans, and fuck the russians, bouth of them did evil to our people, bouth are subhumans.
I do know. But the USSR is guilty by a mere fact of its pathetic existence
>roaming chechen gangs in Moscow
It's not our idea. The hispanics want to reclassify themselves, so they can play victim for gibs. Back when there were separate bathrooms and water fountains, Mexicans used the white ones.
Its funny cuz the Russia's great Kike is a handsomer man then the Great WOP
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I don't believe you, and you're evidently a bit fucking stupid.
Up your shitter OP you massive dose of anal puss.
Book yourself into Hostel and get your timy dick cut off by a spoiled American tourist so you can't sire any stupid children. We don't want them running around bumping into each other and shitting on the floor.
fuck you commie. you ruined your own country, then you ruined ours with the rest of eastern and central europe.

So pearl harbor was just a festival or some shit?
you said commies created macedonian ethnos. Can we agreed that they were created before?

we must look at map of south dialects to see how different they are. But it's not bad i think that they not declared as serbians or bulgarians. Otherwise it would lead to tensions between you
Heard the same about what my croat great grandpa who had a farm in bosnia told my dad. The germans behaved professionally as wel as cetniks, but the communists looted and pillaged everything
>if you hate the USSR you are a commie
Brilliant logic turkocigan

He is a typical German cuck and probably a Russian rape baby, disregard his drivel.
Japan went through 3 cabinets trying to make peace with the Americans. Again and again they said that they were willing to remove troops from China in exchange for lifting the embargo. Japan was hoping that aligning herself with Germany would cause the US to back off a bit, but the US was alarmed by the Tripartite Pact and demanded that the Japanese pull back their troops "at once" - which is obviously impossible. Negotiations failed because Secretary of State Cordell Hull was a slow negotiator and appeared to be deliberately delaying everything, but the final nail in the coffin came from a Jew named Harry White when he issued an ultimatum (behind his colleagues' backs) to Japan that included a demand stating that they should withdraw from "all of China," which meant Manchuria as well - and therefore the economic downfall of the Empire of Japan. Harry White was found out later to be a Soviet spy. Roosevelt didn't care overmuch about Japan unless they were proposing concessions and spoke loudly about a "quarantine policy" regarding Japan.

Eventually the Japanese realized that there was no hope for diplomacy regarding the Americans because it was obvious from their viewpoint that the US wanted nothing but to harm them, between the oil embargo, public denouncements, and prolonged negotiations. Imperial Headquarters predicted that Japan would have very little chance if they attacked beyond late '41/early '42. And so Pearl Harbor happened.

Interestingly enough, there was talk in Imperial Headquarters about attacking the Soviet Union before the embargo. They planned to invade the USSR, supporting Operation Barbarossa, if Hitler took Moscow before '42 began. They couldn't do much beyond this because their main problem was securing desperately needed oil - whether through restored relations with the US or conquest.
based hungarian. tough but fair desu
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kek moast of the germans don't eaven know what prussia is, they don't know many about their own History, they are prehibited to eaven know about German Historical lands like for example Riga, moast of them don't eaven know that it was german city despite it being so just pre ww1.

The plebs don't know for sure, but the plebs don't change history so it doesn't matter.

Funny enough, at least in the US, this is true now!
Nah, Germany is dead for good. Baltcucks' future doesn't look any better though; as soon as the anglo-american global power declines (which is going to happen soon) they will get fucked in the ass by Russia.
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My grandfather was Lieutenant in the Soviet airforce. He told me that he wasn't there because of communism, but because he loved his motherland.
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>Russia enabled Hitler
You sound like the right-wing version of a SJW
>what is Pearl Harbor

You Germans are going through some serious mental growing pains right now and it's really showing in terms of short term stupidity. Your entire country is a massive guilt complex, and it's blinding you to VERY ESSENTIAL TRUTHS about how the world works. It's a hard psychological state to get out of.
>and then anon woke up
not true

my grandfather was in ww2 and I'm in my late 20s
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See >>128261360
Mr. "retard amerishart who doesn't know history."

Neither Germany nor Japan actually wanted to fight your negrified shithole of a country.
ITT: Dolgok amik sosem történtek meg.
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Implaying fucking in the ass woun't go the other way
Is your father a ethnic hungarian? How old is he.
samefagging proxy. I'll take 'things that didn't happen' for 2000, Alex
God damn that's sad, your a fucking dick, wow.
Thank you, you made me smile.
butthole inflammation detected
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Most of these """"innocent"""" poles have participated in pogroms against the germans in Poland, murdering thousands.
They were identified by the population after the german troops swooped in and got what they deserved.
if you look at the map they are counted as macedonian slavs. if you look at the so called modern macedonian language it is basically a bulgarian dialect with a bit of serbian trown into it.
IT IS BAD that they are not declared as serbians and bulgarians because they take greek and bulgarian history as their own and that is already causing tension in the region. As I said the said maps are made to justify war spoils after ww1. FFS we didn't care that much about Germany neither then neither now. We just wanted our clay back.
Your grandpa probably died of embarrassment from you.

OP, your a fucking piece of shit.
Ahh so Zyklon B is actually vitamin b?

when i was in algeria we were taught that german soldiers were civilized and honorable. rommel is regarded as a hero who spanked the vichy french and brits. travel to america and i learn that they were all evil nazi and needed to be stopped for world peace
He said his GREAT grandfather you fucking dumb pile of shit.

Btw my grandfather is 94 and my youngest cousin is 19, you fucking abortion.
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OP is not a faggot today.
>Good riddance
I think, you are retard with chronical iodine deficient.
You grandpa was hero, but his victory was stoled.
Stoled by USA, SJW found, EU, and you at last.
I hope, you get testes cancer.
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So much buttblasted eurocucks here. Be ready, nancy-boys, because when we again will march through your lands there will be nothing left, we will kill you, rape your women and enslave your children. You, filthy subhumans, will be thrown in the dustbin of the history. We will bury you.
Haha, sure.
Only because they were to feckless to realize their globalist ambition. Cuba was the exception and look at it. Do you really perceive funding rebels in Vietnam and Angola was part of some white solidarity movement?

You are too deluded to hang out in this corner of the internet, buddy.
>87.5% abortion rate

OK i agree, looks like they closer to your lang.

I mean i see tensions (shitposting) between serbians and bulgarians only on 4chan.
There is butthurt of greeks about the name (but seriously it's not a reason for a war).
Only real tension is with albanians. But it would be no matter who own macedonia, albanians against everyone.

What's reason of clays? Only oligarchs will get profit from new lands.
If macedonians don't want to be with you, they will bring only problems.
>when i was in algeria
Are you 90 years old?
officially they committed suicide
stop shitposting
Right, have you seen your census categories? You have "Irish Traveler" as a fucking race.
>6872000 deaths
this is bullshit
>we sucked germans later since germans could not win we adapted and started sucking off Russians

default turkshit/10

>Literal brown squat Incas
>FBI be like, "WHITE" for crime statistics
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>grandfather fought for Soviets
>German flag
Elaborate Pls
>religions were suppressed

You say that as if its a good thing?
rapebaby lol
he wouldn't know his grandfather then.
so ether he's an immigrant or one of his parents is
My grandfather was in www2 and is 94 and im 39. But how would that make his story false.
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Tnx to Germanistan nowday U.S.A has largest population of kikes.
Really makes ol' noggles goggles.
And to show us how much they didn't want to fight us, they fought us.
My mother is Russian. Not that uncommon in East Germany.
>inb4 mail order bride meme
Yeah, sure dumbass, I'm a proxy and you are a nigger
He is Mongolian.
The fact that Russians were bad doesn't make fascist Slovak regime and Nazis the candy delivering club ty primitív.
All these BRAINDEAD faggots from dwarf countries praising us

Das right we Dem good boys

>We trying to massacre and already having plenty of Russians while invading their land with the explicit extent of genociding them to make room for settlers are good because we gave candy to people somewhere that wasn't Russia
It's all about perspective I guess

Also gotta love poltard logic
>Germany hate thread
>Uhhh Germans destroyed Europe
>Uh grandma told me they gave candy
>Germans tried to save Europe

What is it faggots
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>t.mongol rapebaby
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