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Hi /pol/. What is the red pill? I've been hearing it a lot

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Hi /pol/. What is the red pill? I've been hearing it a lot recently and have no clue what it is
It's SSJ10
It's when you realize that hitler wasn't a bad guy for killing (((((Innocents)))))

But instead, he's a bad guy because he didn't.
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It's when you accept (((who))) truly rules over you. There are countless others and they will never end but this is the one that matters above all else.
It's my dick in yer mum
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Oh come on everyone knows it's the bogdanovs
Red pill is when you realize you should pee sitting to always hit the drain.
Lurk more fgt, saged.
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(((They))) rule us, but Bogdanovs rule (((them)))
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Did someone say "Akira Toriyama's Lady Redpill"?
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Fantastic comic, very short.
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Fug, last one.
Why do Japs love rape so much?
red pill is supposed to refer to veracity but here it actually just means "believes unfounded conspiracy theories"
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Basically, everything you thought you knew is wrong, and was fabricated as a lie to deceive you. Once you realize that, and begin to apply unbiased reason and rationality to history and politics, you'll never be the same.

Check out a redpill thread, and remember to keep an open mind. Best of luck anon. Pic related can get you started down the slippery slope of unsavory evidence. If you're actually an oldfag, 8/8 bait.
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>red pill
>holocaust didnt happen
>but should have
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What I am posting are redpills
Man, that just makes me feel bad.
redpill is basically: Q: problem A: the jews
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I don't know if I will be welcome if I keep going...?
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Well like the negro, I am still here anyways.
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1.) God is real.
2.) God hates the Jews.
3.) Jesus is God's Son.
4.) Jews murdered Jesus.
6.) Jews are satanic.
7.) White race is dying.
8.) Race mixing is a sin.
9.) Tradition > Modernism.
10.) Feminism is cancerous mind virus.
11.) Women belong at home barefoot pregnant.
12.) Men belong in workplace at head of society.
13.) Nation should be run by its own people. (ie: Germany for Germans, etc.)
14.) Jews should be contained in their own nation.
15.) Pagans, devil worshipers, fags, pedophiles, drug addicts, thieves, niggers, and all other various forms of degeneracy need to be purged.
16.) Deus vult is necessary.
17.) Current Pope is antichrist.
18.) Jews infiltrated the Vatican.
19.) Need to retake it first. Install real Pope.
20.) Take back holy land and Anatolia.
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The holocaust is a lie and we've been living in a post-WW2 fantasy world created by Jewish/CIA and Soviet media/memes

That's a blurry mess and too much Sarah Silverman, no Holohoax, no Soviet Republic of Bavaria, and it says Jews did all this because of European Christians which is total bullshit.

They did it because they wanted to mix the white race and destroy hegemony in order to move within a dis-unified Europe with no culture or ethnic unity. That way they would be the only tribe. Jews got rich off Christianity
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Blue pilled as fuck.


>18.) Jews infiltrated the Vatican.
Jews have been converting to every Christian sect since the beginning. What really happen was the Vatican and Priests are known homosexual pedophiles and Jews called them out on it through the media. The compromise was to replace the Pope with a Marxist.
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There are more pills then this. I actually don't even believe the posts I am making to be comprehensive. Why are there not more pills in this thread to be consumed and evaluated? Am I forgetting to name someone?
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It's about understanding that our entire perception in the Western world has been created by Jews and their useful idiots (globalists and leftists) who control our media and most of our institutions from birth.

More broadly, it means embracing the harsh truth and bitter reality (about biological differences, race statistics, gender roles, Islam, history, Jewish influence, and everything that goes on behind the scenes) rather than living in a fantasyland where you dismiss all of it as "conspiracy theories" and "bigotry".
It's primal expression of total power over someone else, I can see the appeal.
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Pretty quick response there shlomo. Truth will triumph in the end.
Here is the ultimate red pill:
A compilation video of all of Trump's pro democratic stances.

The video includes:
- Trump in fox news standing up against deporations

- Trump supporting gun restrictions

- Trump saying republicans are crazy right wingers

- Trump praising universal health care

- Trump praising Hillary Clinton

- Trump praising Obama and calling him a strong guy

- Trump saying he is pro-choice

- Trump just saying outright that he is a democrat.

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It's actually a suppository.
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There is no one redpill.

Redpill refers to "the truth about any given subject", for exampe, money is not real. Its not backed by anything and can be printed at will. Its not "capital" its anti-capital or debt. Banks and governments cannot fail economically because they are kept afloat artificially by printing money. This devalues the currency and makes your life impossible to afford but too many people are brainwashed and can't grasp the concept.

others include:
>God is real and true spirituality has been hijacked by occultists (the freemasonic hierarchy) who keep the information and understanding secret to keep you enslaved as a tax slave.
> your government causes problems to keep them needed and relevant.
>police sole purpose is to protect state interests and not people.
>school and university arent educating you - they are indoctrinating you.
>9/11 was an inside job to create an ongoing "war on terror" and keep expanding contracts to the biggest industry on the planet - the arms industry.
>Chemtrails and flouride in the water are real and keep you dumb and are demasculating men to keep them docile.
>Holly wood and the music industry is a satanic cult.

I can go on........
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>That's a blurry mess
Not when you open it at full size. I just came back from editing it right now. Adding in a massive list of Communists and media executives. Gonna add Holocaust and 9/11 once I find some good ones. Need one on gun control, too, come to think of it.
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real red pill has nothng to do with jews or hitler
dont listen to these idiots
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what happenend to lurk moar faggot
you're a fucking retard if you don't think that the final redpilled is jews controlling this world
nope... it's absolutely the ultimate bluepill
well maybe not a bluepill since it doesn't make you happy but it keeps you complacent
>distract yourself with invisible bogeyman that you even if it was real you have no hope of ever defeating or even affecting
>removes all blame from self
>places all blame on bogeyman
>self-perpetuating rage and anger at the way things are
>constantly feel everything is unfair
>the system is rigged against you so why try to improve yourself or be successful
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so you don't have any rebuttals then?
Are you a jew?
but im sure if you dont like what im saying enough you'll assume i am anyways
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>>the system is rigged against you so why try to improve yourself or be successful

No it's the opposite. Being aware of what goes on and what they're doing is the biggest motivator to improve yourself, be successful to combat it, and give you purpose and direction.

Because you realize if no one does it and more people don't wake up, your race, culture and the world are doomed. There's nothing more motivating than knowing the full truth and the threat that comes from it instead of wandering in the world, thinking everything happens at random and the system is working as intended and you don't have to worry, while not caring about anything,
i mean if the jews are as powerful as you guys think then there's really no point because nothing anyone can do to stop them
they wont let anyone get powerful enough that poses a threat to them
and maybe some people get motived (i would say in spite of not because of) by being "redpilled"
but most don't
most here are very lazy socially inept and depressed inactive people
and i think it's exactly those kinds of people that are attracted to the idea of a zionist conspiracy
because it helps them to cope with their abysmal lives by placing the blame on some great mysterious evil force beyond their control
and if its beyond their control then they have no responsibility to do anything about fixing their lives
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>there's really no point because nothing anyone can do to stop them

All you need is more awareness which is easier than ever with the internet, if not to help solve the problem, than to at least protect themselves from it. Regardless of what you with that information, it's better than living a lie.

You're projecting a lot but natural curiosity and seeking the truth is what all people with healthy minds do, instead of a being mindless zombies regurgitating what the TV tells you. It's not like this is some new, fringe subject. It's been discussed for thousands of years, political correctness has just made it harder to discuss.

I don't even know why I bother responding since it's obvious you're only here to deny it.

Do you think Henry Ford, Martin Luther, Voltaire, Chuck Woolery, and basically the majority of the world before the 20th century are also "lazy socially inept people"?
zionist conpsiracies are the blue pill
ive been on /pol/ for more than 4 years now and ive read all the
>muh joos control everything
>hurrr holohoax
garbage there is
none of it is historically accurate and none of it is confirmed by non-biased parties
yeah no i have a successful life and a wife
that's why im not drawn to zionist conspiracies like most of the autists on this board
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Okay shill. Keep posting more pictures of cute girls, maybe I'll be convinced.
>when the stormkyke is confronted with opposing opinions he has no reprieve but to shout shill or jew and post some easily debunked infograph he got from other stormkykes
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Does your contractor prevent you from using the word kike?
no kike
im just used to spelling it that way because thats how most people spell it here
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>thats how most people spell it here
>the kike thinks anyone will believe this shit

Let me guess, /pol/ is satire too?
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the fact that you ACTUALLY believe im a jew is hilarious
holy shit you dumbfucks never cease to provide grade a humor for me to enjoy
>hurr anyone who doesn't believe jews rule the worrld... is a JEW!!!!
>and he mispelled kike
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Why don't you try to "easily debunk" any of what's posted instead of claiming it's just wrong because it is?

Your wife's son would be ashamed of your lack of argument and animuposting.
1min clip. Explains it all.

Jews did it.

>female police
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