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> Trump Misused MIT Research in Reasons for Ditching Clim

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> Trump Misused MIT Research in Reasons for Ditching Climate Deal
> MIT scientist says his study showed the Paris climate agreement was a good first step, but more emissions cuts —not fewer — are needed.

The MIT Technology Review says that Trump is a fucking liar, what does /pol/ have to say about that?
get a life you pathetic try hard
In other words, the Paris accord isn't good enough and is rather pointless.
I can't believe people still fall for this.
What will be the total drop in global temperature over time due to the influence of the Paris Accord?

How much money will be spent to achieve that drop in global temperature?

How much money, over time, will be spent to result in a drop of 1 degree celsius?
Oh nice so it doesn't even matter we left Paris then, well that's a relief
>MIT (((climate researcher))) makes study showing how fighting climate change will cost a lot more
>Trump cites it as a reason for quitting PA

He understood it perfectly well
This is retard logic used by Nicaragua and Syria. Wtf is the world I'm living in?
It matters that you were insensitive to the environment'e feefees. If you truly loved the environment you would have stayed in the agreement to show that you care. I mean, Europe's doing it. We can't you be sweet like them? Asia is the environment's bull though. It's different.
He wanted to renegotiate. Most likely to force china to cut their emissions instead f just getting gibs from the US and Europe. That would be more emissions cuts, as the MIT research suggested.
Nice try though.
Lowering emissions is great, if the left wants a deal that is fair for everyone then they would be open to reopening the deal but no they wont do that and they wont remove the onesided bullshit America would have to put up or the migrants and open borders in the fucking agreement.
>This step doesn't do enough
>Better to do nothing

Your logic right now. Fuck it. I'm buying as much land as I can in Michigan along with water rights and going to set my family up for a fiefdom in the next 150 or so years.
Except it doesn't actually do anything to fix climate change. Read it for yourself, all it does is steal money from the people of rich nations and give it to the worthless parasites in shit countries so they can breed even more parasites (also with globalist elites probably skimming a large portion of it into their own pockets to further fund their programs to ruin humanity's future), and encourage good countries to take "refugees" (i.e. invaders) from shit countries.
fuck off commie scum
Hey so, does anybody know the real numbers for primary forcing due to CO2 concentration? Like i understand there is supposed to be a feedback effect with water vapor where more heat is trapped and radiated between CO2 and water vapor, but what is the base number just due to CO2?

Also do they take into account the decrease in heat due to reflection of solar irradiance from cloud formation? Incomplete combustion produces condensation phase aerosol and you'd expect there to be an estimate of this cooling effect taken into account.
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>The MIT Technology Review says that Trump is a fucking liar, what does /pol/ have to say about that?

He's been lying for decades and MIT just figured this out?
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>well /pol/???

Try harder.

The Paris deal did nothing but further cripple the US economy and further enrich the Chinese economy. If you commies really cared about "muh environment" you would keep jobs and manufacturing in the US where there are regulations and worker protection. But no, you hate freedom and success. The entire purpose of leftist whining about the literal existence of weather patterns is entirely about weakening the United States and other successful western nations. Trump knows this and you faggots know it too.
US citizen livelihood is more important
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Fuck MIT they just put out a book about how communism is awesome for children.
We're good man. I hope your family line does well, or that climate change is as big a hoax as most people on the right seem to claim. I'm down for a big heaping helping of "I told you so" if it means less human suffering due to supply scarcity. Gl m8!

Also idk where the commie thing came from. Being from a great lakes state, I feel that its within everyone's interest to maintain our environmental health. I also think that current economics generally doesn't factor in the cost that environmental deterioration can have on areas in terms of reduction in health, tourism, and agriculture. I'm very much a capitalist, but I'm not dumb enough to think that businesses also have a conscience.
"Climate policy" has always been about crippling capitalist nations. Nothing more.
A revision of data interpretation from 3 years ago doesnt necessarily make the Emperor a liar. Where was MIT's emphatic revision of that report before yesterday?
This.It's also a blind to shuffle money to liberal niggerland causes.
>Also idk where the commie thing came from.

Commies pander to naive bleeding heart faggots in order to trick them into crippling their own nations economy over pretty bullshit and propaganda that triggers their fee fees.

You can not protect the environment by asking the government to regulate your economy. Libshits are literally begging their governments to take away their jobs and freedom and give their wealth away to China.
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Op is an anonymous fag
The west is being forced to enrich it's enemies and pay for nigger breeding grounds that will one day be used as cannon fodder to destroy them. Virtually all western political policy post ww2 has been to further the goal of the complete destruction of western democracy and capitalism, and the final genocide of European races.

Do you apply this to all environmental regulation or just those dealing with entities outside of the U.S. via treaty like the climate accords? How do you feel about something like the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative?
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Was he referring to this study possibly don't remember what he said exactly


>All climate policies by the US, China, the EU and the rest of the world, implemented from the early 2000s to 2030 and sustained through the century will likely reduce global temperature rise about 0.17°C in 2100
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>watching /pol/ attempt to discredit MIT
>This step doesn't do anything except hurt America's economy
Damn right it's better do nothing
Reminder it's all caused by the Sun
So MIT can't be wrong? Also it's one scientist being mealy mouthed.
>Trump Misused MIT Research in Reasons for Ditching Climate Deal
No, he didn't "misuse" it. It said the treaty wouldn't do jack shit for the environment, so that's what he repeated.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm asking how effective this will be versus how much it costs. It's a decent enough question to ask, I would assume. Also, I'm hesitant to say that any climate change policy would be effective, unless China joins in on it. If big industries are hampered by this, they'll simply have more incentive to set up shop in China, or in any country that refuses to limit their emissions, which means emissions won't actually change.

If you want me to be on board with climate change policy, it needs to affect production capitals of the world that companies will just set up shop in once producing becomes unprofitable in the countries that have signed the policy.

Unless everyone signs in on it, basically no one signs in on it.
one of the most prominent "climate skeptics" is an atmospheric physicist from MIT.
>Also, I'm hesitant to say that any climate change policy would be effective, unless China joins in on it.
At least in the case of this paris thing, it doesn't even matter that China did join into it. China doesn't have to do jack shit until 2030. They could increase their emissions as much as they want. They could have 10X the rest of the world combined and it wouldn't make a difference. Once 2030 hits, there is literally nothing to stop them from keeping at that pace. It's just a list of things they'd like their members to do.
>MIT publishes anything
>You: So MIT can't be wrong? Also it's one scientist being mealy mouthed.

Yeah you fucking retard. Where's your evidence that they are wrong other than the fact climate change is real hurts your feelings?
Hence why I said 'any climate change policy'. I don't like Trump, but there's literally no reason to sign this Accord. It's pointless and is just there to provide the illusion of """"progress"""" to the utopia that'll never exist.

I suppose I can get behind that stance. That being said, I feel like it fails to factor in political reality. If I were China I would argue at any meeting that called for large cuts for all nations, that the U.S. produces far more CO2 per capita than China (or even India) does, and that it is unfair to expect China, as a developing country, to make carbon cuts in the same amount of time as the U.S, a much more industrially developed country.

Furthermore, as far as I'm aware, China is already working towards reductions in pollutants and pushes towards Green energy.

I agree that a global, simultaneous shift would be wonderful, but I don't feel like pulling out of the accords is done in that light. Rather I feel like its done in order to benefit deregulation of the fossil fuel industries.

I agree that the Accords were largely symbolic, and perhaps I'm misinformed about their full extent, but I feel like a symbolic step is still better than nothing at all. I also feel like backing out removes the U.S. from any future leadership role on the topic.
you obviously know nothing about the paris accord. the amount of money we were pouring into it each year, for what like a .3 degree change over 80 years? fuck that, it's retard logic to even defend the deal.
How much?
I paid good money for temporary access to proprietary research.

Now only if I could remember my thesis.
US under Obama pledged 100 billion to the UN Green Climate fund alone
Wouldn't even matter. China would never hold up their end of such a deal and nothing, short of military force, would make them.
Something like .3 degrees F by 2100. Trillions of dollarydoos for nothing.
It's always funny. /pol/ also said that the NASA is not a reliable source just yesterday...


>China makes a bunch of solar panels for themselves
>Too much smog to even use effectively
Honest politicians are shitty politicians?
The only reliable sources are scientists that show vaccination causes autism and the racial studies that show niggers have low iq. Anything else is leftist propaganda
I think that's global donations, not just U.S.

Except, China isn't exactly a developing country, it's more or less a modern country. A shitload of Toronto and East Coast property is owned by rich Chinese. A lot of our manufactured goods come from China, and while it doesn't exactly have the safety and comfort of a developed country, it sure as hell has some economic power, and should be subject to economic regulations like any other developed country. And, China pollutes anywhere between 33-50% more than the US.

And, at the same time, while China has invested a lot into green energy, it has to. It's more pragmatic than anything, and just a way to utilize open space in the country side and the many rivers the country has.

I'm not really asking for a global shift, I'm asking for a shift between manufacturing powers like China, Mexico, Taiwan, etc. etc.

The Accords are a symbolic step forward that does nothing but cost money until 2030. Countries can do whatever they wish until the 2030's, and nothing's stopping them from backing out until then.

I'm honestly fine with not having leadership roles on that subject, if getting one means wasting a lot of money and sending more industry to parts unknown.
Liberals' idea of "fixing problems" is putting retarded half measures in place and assuming the problem will fix itself eventually. In the case of climate change, their half measure approach is carbon credits, emissions standards, etc.

If they genuinely wanted to make a difference, they'd fund a massive overhaul of uranium fission plants in the US. For the same amount of taxpayer money that goes towards fossil fuel subsidies we could break ground on half a dozen new, 4th-gen plants every year. We could double the US nuclear capacity within 20 years.
Climate change isn't real so liberals can fuck off
The U.S. looked pretty similar prior to the clean and and clean water acts. This isn't to say that China will make the same rapid progress, but I can certainly wish them luck in their goal. I can only hope that the increasingly poor air quality will serve as a wake up call much like the Great Stink of 1856 did for Britain and sanitation.
You'd think it couldn't be possible but Trump manages to make himself look even more ridicolous than Bush Jr.
>Furthermore, as far as I'm aware, China is already working towards reductions in pollutants and pushes towards Green energy.

China does have a ton of "green energy" and they plan on increasing that over the next few years a great amount. But the thing is they are also planning on building like 1 new coal plant a week during that time. So their total "green energy"(non hydro) share of energy production will increase from like 6% to 8%. they've just got so many people the numbers that come out looking insane like they are just super green and into wind/solar.
I'm sorry do you have any presuppositions as to why Trump pulled out of the deal?
Why can't any of you people get it through your heads? The climate isn't the issue with respect to this accord. The accord will do shit for the climate and further cripple the U.S. economy while enriching nations that have no intentions of taking measures to preserve the environment/climate.
the sky is falling
we need mo money fo dem pograms
carbon tax n chit.
isis be comin now
Let's just hope that China's pollution doesn't migrate elsewhere.

That would require a whole different kind of wall.
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Well NASA does adjust their own historical data to fit their models so no, I don't really trust NASA at this point.
In fact I do: he is stupid. He unironically believes that there is a global conspiracy between China and almost every climate scientific around the world to destroy the American economy. Literally Infowars-tier ideology.

I am not surprised though that you faggots believes in this bullshit, since most of you are uneducated rednecks with FASDs. It's just amazing that even when I provide scientific evidence you come back with some bullshit blog post talking about some jewish conspiracy
>explaining ecological processes
>with economic models
According to this article, China is canceling the construction of coal power plants on a massive scale


this article states that coal consumption has fallen since 2014


If China really wants to reduce smog, it seems silly to build more coal plants. Not that China is any green haven, but they seem to be attempting to move away from major polluters.
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The whole paper is based on a guess of where he got the figure from, so the entire article, as well as your argument is based on pure assumption and not upon fact.

Also, it came out the NOAA document that was used to pen this Accord used falsified data in oceanic bouts to line up with what container ships were measuring. So the deal itself is built on a faulty foundation of politicized information.

This just skims the surface of this whole stinky mess of a street in India. Keep pushing though, RWDS cannot come fast enough
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>Conduct study
>Study yields certain results
>Person you don't like accurately states those results
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The Paris Accord is a useless deal that costs trillions in real losses to US GDP, but achieves almost no actual temperature decreases even in the models used by Climate Alarmists:
>Full study graph is from:
massive rapes will lower our global temperature
Reality is China continues to build more coal power plants, on a scale that dwarfs other Western economies:
>China is expected to add nearly 200 gigawatts of thermal power capacity between 2015 and 2017—most of it coal-powered and more than the entire electrical capacity of Canada.
>According to this article, China is canceling the construction of coal power plants on a massive scale

Interesting. Obviously my data was out of date. But is China just switching to Natural Gas though, which has gotten really cheap recently?

There is no way China will grow at the rate they need with just solar/wind, that is just a given. As much as I would like us to be totally off fossil fuels it just doesn't make sense economically at this point.
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>We need to cut 25-28% of all carbon emissions from the United States within the next thirty years while also having a growing economy. You also need to give 100 Billion in aid to third world nations who produce .0001% of the output that you do and also produce very little industry.

>That's great, Mr. Paris Agreement. How do you suppose we do that first part without a meteor decimating the East Coast, and the second part without raising the fuck out of our taxes?


That third step is why he pulled out. I don't like Trump very much, but pulling out of this was absolutely the best move.

The only better move would be to re-write the US' commitment and re-submit it with sane terms.
If it was something like 10-15% over the next thirty years, that could be done. In fact Obama already mandated that back in 2009. 28% is akin to Miami and San Francisco sinking into the ocean overnight. China didn't even commit that much, and they have the most room for improvement.

All around a stupid deal for the US and anyone who disagrees is uneducated and/or braindamaged.
> unironically citing an article from Bjorn Lomborg
Either you are a shill or a total moron.

Check https://news.mit.edu/2016/how-much-difference-will-paris-agreement-make-0422
>Waah waah everyone who proves me wrong is wrongthink
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No one cares, kill yourself.

That article sites a May 2016 WSJ article for that information. A New York Times article from January of 2017 states that over 100 coal fired plants have been canceled due to concerns over smog.

>The announcement, made by China’s National Energy Administration, cancels 103 projects that were planned or under construction, eliminating 120 gigawatts of future coal-fired capacity.

Again. I'm not saying China is an angel, but there's certainly something going on.
Was it or was it not accepted in a peer reviewed academic journal?

I thought you climate faggots were obsessed with "expert" validation? Or is it just when it's someone you agree with?
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India and China have to dismantle all of their Coal Power Plants immediately

> not gonna fucking happen, and the paris accord didnt even address them really
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They form an INVERSE relationship, and the albiedo produced by having more clouds reflects more heat than the clouds trap.
The US spent 70 years building capital in Europe, It is sad to see the hegemony fall, but such is the situation! You will be missed US-bros, I truely mean that! T'was a good run though
Yeah, why would they enter such an agreement? They're not cucks.
Data is inconclusive.

Need more inconclusive data.

Why this convolution is starting to look like obfuscation.

Doesn't matter, do your homework.

From what I'm looking at it's an issue of overcapacity. They simply make too much energy at the moment.

The Paris Agreement forced the US to bend over and destroy its economy in order to cut emissions while also paying China and India billions to keep polluting. Oh and for doing all this, temperatures are affected absolutely fuck-all. How is that a good first step?
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> I hope your family line does well, or that climate change is as big a hoax
Good news!
LMAO is this your """study"""?
Where's the actual study? Writing a press release isn't a study.
Even in their press release, Paris results in temperature rises well over 3 degrees by 2100, and only 0.6-1 less rises than a business as usual response. Lomberg has a real study showing 0.17 degree difference on a more alarmist model. Empty press releases =/= study.

>So you're telling me you're trying to incite global panic over fractions of a degree. So when it would be 70 degrees out it's instead 70.5 degrees?


>Maybe use your brains and come up with a fair deal

>*deafening REEEE's*
Get fucked shill.
Yes, China are decomissioning old coal plants, but are building new coal plants too. You're tricking yourself by only looking at one side of the equation.
no matter how many times you say this idoits and shills will ignore you and talk about how trump ties his shoe laces with bunny ears instead of loop and pull.

its a tactic commonly used around here to actually have a a discussion./ My advice is to just move on to greener pastures
Hey bro they did a press release annoucing their results. Because it can sort of be spun to somewhat agree with Leftist narratives they don't have to actually publish the content of their study or submit it to peer review, don't be silly.
this desu. thread.
gotta start an transparent ngo without an fsa so that way you can ttyl when you lol and all the dtf chicks gtfo.

Know what I'm saying?
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>Copy paste your same message with different VPN's
what do you mean with this OP?
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That makes sense. They have been overbuilding everything. Just like how they have all those pre-built cities which are now ghost towns.It seems to me like China has just experienced a construction boom, where they just built everything they possibly could without much care for how important it was. The leadership doesn't really have to answer to anyone so it's not too unrealistic. Maybe that's coming to an end now. They've diversified a good deal, but without this huge construction sector working constantly I wonder what those guys will do.

Oh wait.....they are now just working all over Africa/Eurasia...Interesting move chinks.
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I want Reddit out
How can anyone argue against Bill Mitchell?

>How can the Paris Climate Agreement be so vital to saving the world that the countries involved are refusing to renegotiate any part of it? Wouldn't they be willing to do whatever it takes to get the strongest country in the world to back it?

In reality, Trump just exposed every single globalist on his team with one action.
Honestly a scientist can habe the knowledge and wherewithall to conduct a study and crunch the numbers....but he doesn't have the sole right to interpret the results or extrapolate conclusions from said study
what the fuck did I just wrote?
I hate auto correct as much as I hate wh*tes.
Seriously, fuck Donald and fuck wh*te people.
>Paris agreement within the first fucking paragraph talks about "gender equity"
>not trashing it the second you read it
The rest of the bullshit about giving poor countries leeway about their emissions and then listing China as a poor country ans rich countries giving money for the infrastructure for all that tech and then not getting a done later is just the rotten cherry on the shitty cake
operate solely on donations and publicate every investment you make with them.

i mean unless you're an evil fuckwit than by all means funnel that green into a central bank.

oh fux, i'm on the target now!
This might be the worst false-equivalence of all time, but let me fix it.

>As we careened towards the cliff at 70 miles per hour, I was told to throw all of my money out of the window. Then I lightly tapped my brakes to slow down to 69 miles per hour, but a Chinese man in the care behind me rammed into me and sent me off the cliff."
Vaccines don't cause autism, gmo's are safe, man made global warming is real, scientific illiterates need to kill themselves
Tbh, I think China is going to collapse soon. I feel like they're a cleverly crafted house of financial wizardry that's going to come undone. Ya know, Like communists do

Would you trust a Doctor who got there degree in wumbology?
They're cancelling many new projects too
Actually you would be lightening your car making it slow down, and the chinese man is in your car, along with everyone else, and he's actually in the back designing wings that will make the car fly while you stuff your fat fucking face with a lard burger.
The paris agreement will help us limit temp tise to 2°C, and china is now the lead producr of solar energy, and they will leave the US in the dust economically, stop reading fake news you stupid fuck
Elon Musk personally asked me to install solar panel shingles on my roof.

I told him he can suck my dong if it makes him feel any better.
Holy shit this is what liberals believe. God damn.
Ezra Pound
>Pretending that the first 2 weren't staged

Shills are getting smarter, I will give them that.
About 30,700,000 results (0.46 seconds)

This google shit is getting too easy.
China is run by engineers.
The fuck's 'wumbology'?
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Their economy is very far from communism at this point. Which is literally the only reason they've been so successful over the past few decades. Yet they still cling to their one party "communist" leadership. I agree with you that I think the system will collapse at some point though. They have enough of their population that have grown fat off the fruits of capitalism that they won't stand for the inevitable blow back once the "communist party" throws back at them some draconian laws that seem retarded even to their slanted eyes.
The art of Wumbo is physics with faith.

Take a wumbo out of here, put a wumbo over there in its place.

Wumbo + Wumbo = Wumbo.

It's simply Wumbo™!
Nicaragua didn't join because they already met the requirements and were asking for more extreme measures to be taken.
Syria didn't join because they are busy killing each other at the moment. We didn't join because trump is a cuck and doesn't care about the environment in much the same way that a cuckold doesn't care about a black bull plowing his wife. That and the fact he doesn't want to send money to shit countries which I actually agree with but at least he could have said that we will make our own effort to reduce green house gases without joining your shitty french deal.

China is cementing its global dominance of renewable energyand supporting technologies, aggressively investing in them both at home and around the globe, leaving countries including the US, UK and Australia at risk of missing the growing market.

A report by the Institute forEnergyEconomics and Financial Analysis (Ieefa) found China’s dominance in renewables is rapidly spreading overseas, with the country accelerating its foreign investment in renewable energy and supporting technologies.

Analysing Chinese foreign investments over US$1bn, Ieefa found 13 in 2016, worth a combined $32bn. That represented a 60% jump over similar investments in 2015.

Better catch up!
china is run by IP thieves
Except the Chinese are smarter than that, this is their chance to take the world stage as an alternative super power to America. With the heavy investing they are doing in Africa and south east Asia the Chinese are a going to be a force to be reckoned with if we step out. They know this and thats why they're investing heavily into 'green' energy. I don't want to live in a world were Russia and China have more influence than what they a relegated to right now.

Tbh, if he followed it with a comprehensive environmental plan that tackled the issue head on and then followed up on itl it'd probably be enough for me to vote for him 4 years later. It'd be a guilty conscience vote, but it'd be enough.

Too bad his recent budget measures makes me doubt that he has any real care for America's environment, let alone the global one.
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>Syria didn't join because they are busy killing each other at the moment. We didn't join because trump is a cuck and doesn't care about the environment in much the same way that a cuckold doesn't care about a black bull plowing his wife.

No Trump never stopped being an environmentalist.Everyone was an environmentalist back in the day. The environmentalist movement just turned into green weenie psychos

I couldn't be more happy with my vote at this point. One of my main reasons for voting for trump was that he said he would reduce all this pseudoscience climate bullshit from our shackles. I'm honestly surprised scientists in other fields haven't stood up in greater numbers to denounce this anti science global warming bull shit. It's fucking embarassing desu
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By swapping solar photovoltaics for coal, the US could prevent 51,999 premature deaths a year, potentially making as much as $2.5 million for each life saved.
I only drink the most expensive bottled water imported from China.
>Was it or was it not accepted in a peer reviewed academic journal?

The Global Policy journal is obviously not a climate science journal, but a social / POLITICAL SCIENCE (aka pure bullshit pseudo-science). Their methodology is COMPLETELY OUT OF SCOPE. Also, Global Policy is a low impact factor inside its own category.

>I thought you climate faggots were obsessed with "expert" validation? Or is it just when it's someone you agree with?
Lomborg is a known climate-skeptic shithead with no credentials in the field, because again he studied political science. He is not an climate expert.

You faggots are so fucking stupid, it's amazing.
>150 or so years.
Wrong. Try 2-3 thousand.
The cuck is immensely incompetent. Fossil fuels are the past much the same way we are stepping out of coal based power plants. We would be riding the nuclear power wave if it wasn't for the coal and oil industries pushing the narrative against it so they can stay in business. All the guy had to do was say "no this paris shit is a shitty deal but we will be pursuing to decrease our pollution more aggressively on our own". I would vote for him if he does something about the 2nd amendment. still waiting on that nation wide conceal carry permit.
>By swapping solar photovoltaics for coal, the US could prevent 51,999 premature deaths a year, potentially making as much as $2.5 million for each life saved.

top fucking kek. You don't actually believe that do you?
Trump doesn't believe in global warming or pollution.
Why would he act on such fears?
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Someone's probably already said it in the thread, but I'm not gonna read the whole thing. This is exactly the problem with the "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" crowd. Trump accurately quotes the science from the research, but has a different opinion about the application of that data, a political question. The media takes that difference of political opinions, and uses it to say that Trump is wrong about the science. Science suffers for it.
what pseudoscience are you talking about?
Climate change is real the weather has been getting more whacked out every year. The pollution we make gives out greenhouses. Whether we have anything to do with it isn't up to debate, how much we influence it can be debated.
My only concern is why wouldn't you want to move to cleaner sources of energy that keep the environment intact and clean. Do you want this country to look like India? You ever seen pictures of American in the 70's and 80's looking like a wasteland with trash everywhere? Is that the shit you want?
All Trump had to say was 'no' and look how environmentally conscious your getting.

You're like the next Elon Musk!
Because many of the people living in this country are telling him to take action on those things, which is what his job is about, listening to the American people and taking actions accordingly.
His voters cleary do not believe or care about global warming.
>Climate change is real the weather has been getting more whacked out every year.

The US just had the fewest amount of tornadoes ever recorded last year. We are also currently experiencing our longest streak in recorded history of never being directly hit by a major hurricane. What is this Whacky weather you are talking about?
lol. votes are going to stop climate change.

> well then they'll make laws about polluting.

as if gas wasn't expensive enough already.
But I do want cleaner sources of energy. The US has been reducing CO2 emissions since 2007. We don't need a giant global boondoggle costing us millions of dollars to get to green technology.
Well, not that man-made bullshit anyways.
So if it stopped .0001 degree Celcius of warming for 10 trillion dollars I'm assuming you're okay with that because it does something. Correct?
You can subsidy thing to make them cheaper.
Republican hypocrisy.
Smaller government guys but don't forget to subsidy coal!
He does not believe climate is changing.
good luck with that!

I'm going to keep shitposting.
He said no but he isn't taking any action for our own sake. Serious question you don't want to live in a cleaner America? We can't be reliant on coal and oil forever.

He has been losing supporters left and right. The man is highly incompetent. I used to see many cars with trump stickers around town, now not so much. I asked one guy what happened to his sticker that he had on his srt8 all he said was looks like were fucked. Many such cases!

So you agree the climate is changing? Some parts experience record breaking snow, others experience record breaking heat, or have gone into long droughts, other parts like you said are experiencing less tornadoes than what has been the norm. Glad we agree.

No only actions will, but cucks rarely ever take action.

Thats exactly what I am saying fuck the Paris deal, I dont want money going to ching chongs and poo in the loos when we can invest it here for cleaner sources of energy and to get off less and less coal and oil. But fracking is back up and coal mines are opening up because of this incompetent elderly cuck.
He gained a lot of support by leaving Paris accord.
People like "America was being duped we saved you" rhetoric.
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thank god cause if you ever had to evacuate its the closest you get to feeling like a refugee without being one. but americans take care of each other in them times and its a blessing. but like you said it has been great

I love how cucks are now using Elon Musk as a buzzword when he will be the greatest industrialist of our lifetime and a true capitalist that is the epitome of the American Dream.
I mean, you could always pray that the world will clean itself.

What I'm implying is reducing human impact on climate change isn't a top down approach, you can't just expect a single leader setting an example is going to cascade into the minds of everyone. I mean you can, but is that going to stop you from driving your car?
But fracking is one of the biggest reasons we've reduced CO2 emissions. The rate of return on making 90% of our energy infrastructure (coal, oil, natural gas) cleaner is much greater than investing in technology that isn't ready yet like solar and wind.

>more extreme weather happens
>less extreme weather happens
This. If the Paris Accord was truly a necessary pact to protect the Earth, the EU would be completely fine with renegotiation.
Elon Musk is a fart scented cologne.

Do yourself a favor and be better than him.
>So you agree the climate is changing? Some parts experience record breaking snow, others experience record breaking heat, or have gone into long droughts, other parts like you said are experiencing less tornadoes than what has been the norm. Glad we agree.

Even climate skeptic scientists would agree to this. That is how you get the whole 97% garbage. Prominent climate skeptics are included in that. humans have had some contribution to said warming, as this warming more than 50% of the current trend. I don't think these people have any clue
correction: investing in PRODUCING solar and wind right now when it's still inefficient. We should still invest in R&D to get it to where it needs to be.
Correct. That is the equivalent of slowing down global warming by less than 4 months.

The United States would be responsible for 0.0057 C of that reduction. In return, we get a crippled economy and the rise of new, government subsidized "renewable" energy oligarchy.
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mfw one of the innovators of our time believes we are in a simulation therefore none of this is really "real" so we should have white and European jihad to save the world from multiculturalism. maybe the MRA can sponsor them like feminism sponsors ISIS
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How do you not get paid money for spouting this kind of nonsense
Implications are being made here establishing cuckled frottage with the globalist benis, insofar as to became rather disgruntled and jimmy rustled that Trump isn't maximum red pilling humanity with the great powers of kek and the rise of the kekistani against a globalist emmisions tax scam to put elitists on Mars.
>Epitome of the American Dream
>Divorced from the same woman twice

You may be on to something.
Fracking releases a shitload of methane, which is 10 times worse than co2

I have a beautiful white baby coming and I want to leave her a good world to grow in, that's all the payment I need.
Nice job 'refuting' it by calling it 'nonsense' and me a 'shill', you must've been captain of the debate team
I live in America his support and respect has been falling.

Doing something is better than doing nothing, like I said I agree the Paris shit was a shitty deal, but that doesn't mean we cant do something on our own these things take time its better to start early than to never start or start when its too late.

I never claimed global warming but why would the poles be melting if it hasn't been getting warmer in those regions? Fracking destroys pollutes the land around it which is much harder to clean up than air pollution. We can do both, make fossil fuels cleaner now and invest in future technologies to replace that.
See my correction below on investment. And there's more polar ice now than there was in 1979 when NASA started tracking it by satellite.
Great! What do we do and when do we start?

>In other words, the Paris accord isn't good enough and is rather pointless

good thing the great negotiator fixed it... oh wait...
>Trump says he's open to renegotiation
>Macron et al say they won't sit at the table

I agree on the R&D and its basically what I been saying about Trump actually taking some action to put us on track with the rest of the world without joining a shitty french deal. We have the smartest people in the world we can build great shit. All Elon Musk memes aside what other car manufacture can compete with the tesla in terms of range? We build great shit here, we can build great ways to obtain energy in cleaner ways.

You can start now. Stop buying giant fucking trucks you don't need. Stop shopping for shit you don't need. Buy things that are made to last. Buy from companies that take action in reducing their consumption of resources. Get educated in something that involves science and technology and apply that shit. Recycle to the extreme too. And for the love of god don't be a trash littering nigger and stand up to people who do that shit.
Looks like the start of a wonderful deal.

Now tell this to everyone you know, and tell them to tell everyone they know.
Right, be we're ALREADY DOING ALL OF THAT. We don't need the federal government to coerce us to do it. I don't think we should get back on track with the rest of the world when we're ahead of them.
Where does the money go?


Seeing as the federal government funds all his research I think Mr. Professor should shut the fuck up
>We should still invest in R&D to get it to where it needs to be.

The Paris accord has nothing to do with that.
I know. I'm 100% in favor of getting out of it (although I would have preferred him to send it to the senate to get shot down like a treaty is supposed to)
Or else what? JFK?

Bring it on buddy!
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hah mad
Are the EU leaders little bitches for not coming to the table now?
Yea you do the same.

Per capita we pollute way more than anyone else, we can do better. We also don't need the government to tell us to do it but we definitely need the regulations so that kikes don't try to make a profit at the cost of everyone elses health by keeping open coal power plants and any oversight on corporations that would love to fuck the environment and the communities of people near them over with pollution.
I can definitely respect that, I too would have like that to be done.

Per capita isn't a good metric, since most emissions are driven by economic output (i.e. how efficiently are we producing things at the price of emissions). By GDP we're doing better than any other industrial nation, and unlike most we're actually moving in the right direction.
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On how many levels of cognitive bias are you chump?

sometimes negotiations dont work out

we're better off not signing that shit treaty anyway
Actually Canada pollutes more than you per capita, but I believe uganda or some african country pollutes the most.
But they're a rarity, generally the western world pollutes the most per capita





>just trust us this will help
>give me hundreds of billions of dollars and cripple your own economy
>I dont have any hard data or goals for you but just trust me

All I am saying is there is no reason to not try to do better. And would have liked to see trump say something that along the lines of setting the tone in his administration that this will be taken seriously and that they will do what they can to push further in that direction.
As you've seen from the reaction, the whole country is ready and raring to do better. And I think it would have been great for Trump to go full Trump and say that, not only are we backing out of the Paris agreement, but we're committing. to cutting emissions by THIRTY-FIVE PERCENT through the power of the free market. It would have been vintage, bombastic Trump. And he does have to come a scientifically-informed position on the issue at some point. But pulling out was the right decision and we'll get to a good spot without (or in spite of) Uncle Stupid, just like we always have.
>le uneducated twitter man who doesn't know that efficient storage is the major problem holding back wind and solar trying to BTFO a republican for likes
Pay no attention to me guys.

I'm just a delivery boy.
It is MIT so it was probably wrong anyway.
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