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go cuck Europe more fuhrer Hitler did nothing wrong the Germans were the biggest scapegoats of all time be proud of your people and heritage. Tell other make germany great again

Ask polish maoist anything
>go cuck Europe more fuhrer Hitler did nothing wrong the Germans were the biggest scapegoats of all time be proud of your people and heritage
I've honestly never seen such a badly constructed sentence in my life.
hahah fuck you normie fag I am typing laying down
keep quiet when it comes to europe you american mut race, supportive or not your country has done enough damage so shut it
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>Hitler did nothing wrong

Hitler did everything wrong.

Being nationalist is OK.
Loving your own country is OK.
Being racist is OK.
Starting a war that kills 60 million whites worldwide, destroys 1,000 year old cities and brings the creation is Israel and the hate for the white race is not OK.

If you worship hitler, you worship white genocide.

If you want to be a real natsoc and not worship a man that has the blood of 60 million white corpses on his hands, worship Mussolini.

Or better yet!! Dont be a fucking cuck and worship your own nation, not some faggots from foreign countries.
my country? fuck you thats why Corbyn is fucking gaining in the polls you fuckers are so ucked you should join Sweden and France in a cucked super state run by Merkel
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PLC was first multicultural country in the world
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Hitler was fucking jewish toy who destroyed concept of nationalism.
I don't worship Hitler but he and the German people are the biggest scape goats in histroy read my article and refute my conclusions

I saw this sentence first and I genuinely thought you were talking about Britain.
>Starting a war that kills 60 million whites worldwide, destroys 1,000 year old cities and brings the creation is Israel and the hate for the white race is not OK.
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Pic related would have been a better fuehrer.
It doesn't count, all minorities were white.
The exact same thread? lol
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you have no clue what you are talking and are an imbecile leave and never come back
This. Hitler was pretty much a cunt. I stand with the anglo's


hitler was a puppet recruited by the american jewry.
plan was executed perfectly.

>Israel created--- check.
>60 million white corpses---- check.
>European cities ruined---- check.
>Hate for white race implanted worldwide---- check.
>Jews got magical immunity to criticism for the next 100 years---- check.

Name one thing that Hitler did that DIDNT help the jews in the long run.

Pro-tip: you cant.
>oh yes mr Adolf shove your dick up my arse mmmm yes, being fucked by jew feels so good
I swear you fucking stormfaggots are thw worst. Literally zero idea about history, only MUH REICH, MUH ROME XD
Hitler was a hero that could saved the Polish people 30 years of suffering under Soviet communism you Polish cunts shouldn't have committed German genocide and maybe he wouldn't have fucked you up
I can't get enough of that photo. Literally a 10/10 female specimen.
Hitler wasn't nearly as bad as they make him out to be
>6666000 Horowtzillion etc
But he was still a dictatorial cunt
you are the imbecile that doesn't know history READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE AND REFUTE MY CONCLUSIONS YOU CANT
>Polish cunts shouldn't have committed German genocide
Literally history illiteral, go back to you forum and worship fucking jew
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Nice argument donkey brains unfortunety for you my research is impeccable and facts irrefutable

muh opinion is not an argument so eat a dick
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This image is grotesquely wrong. I get that a lot of you Poles have a anti-German hatred quota you need to fulfill daily, fine, but don't falsify or simplify our history.

Luther did not destroy Europe.
Wilhelm II did not destroy Europe.
Hitler did not destroy Europe.
Merkel is destroying Germany.

You don't understand the history of WW2. Hitler was pushed into wars he or his administration did not want. If you seriously think Hitler or the overwhelming majority of Germany liked and wanted the death of so many European neighbors, I can't help you.
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>Hitler did not destroy Europe.


Lets ask the 60 million dead whites about that!!
oh wait... we cant.... they're dead :(

>Merkel is destroying Germany.


man, germans on this forum are fucking hysterical.

>Hitler was pushed into wars he or his administration did not want.

hahahahaha oh fuck!!!
yeah, hitler was a pacifist, he was a good goy, dindu nuffin.

>You don't understand the history of WW2.

lol, yeah, but you do.
fuck, my sides are in orbit.
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Hitler did not destroy Europe. Astronomical damage? Enormous loss of life? Yes. Destruction of Europe? No. Especially not in the West. The millions of white Europeans were never intended to die by Germany or Hitler. You seem to think only Germany did the warfare and destruction. You leave out that there was another side that killed millions of Germans, declared war ON Germany before Germany declared war against them, and raided their civilian areas and cities long before Germany reciprocated. No one, not Hitler, nor anyone else, wanted the war. History is not simple.

Yes, Merkel and her insane ilk are and have been destroying Germany for years.

No, Hitler was not a pacifist.

Yes, I do have an in depth understanding of World War 2.

Typical nigger behavior
>destroys 3/4 of world
>gets assfucked
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I didn't say we didn't do nothing. I said you are oversimplifying the biggest conflict in world history.
stop responding to him he's a known shitposting kike pole
So you telling me that Hitler was so retarded that he fall for every eternal Anglo bait and been a total tool in destroying Europe and wreaking USSR to weaken it and overall serving Wall Street interests?
And he did not have any intention to actually do it?
Such a great Jewish tool indeed. Or a total moron.
>from uk
>says to know about europe
Kek; just kek
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What Angle bait? Serving Wall Street interests? Are you insane? The opposite happened. Germany just flat out fucked off from the world's economy and finance speculation. Which was part of the reasoning to finally declare war against them. Wreaking USSR to weaken Europe? What? These 2 authoritarian systems would have been at their throats no matter what, war between them was inevitable, both were preparing for military confrontation between them. Hitler just did it first. Hitler a Jewish tool? Yeah totally, by removing 90% of them from their host countries, deporting them, evacuating them further, forcefully putting them to work for their war effort, imprisoning them in camps to die from diseases as the war got worse, and killing them in huge numbers? Totally a Jewish tool.
If you actually have any idea about what happened in the east you will not spout this nonsense.
>cooperation between Jewish elites and Germans
>purging most of the weakest, poorest and useless Jews when the rich one evacuate
>most(if not all) Jewish elites leaved unmolested and rest, who cares about them?, you have no idea how much rich western Jews despise poor eastern ones
>giving Jews never ending moral high ground and reason to get Israel
Brits were so desperate about breaking USSR+German cooperation that they offer Stalin mountains of gold to break it, heck even plan to bomb Baku to stop Soviet oil flowing to Germany, and then suddenly Hitler attacked and they get it for free
Of course he served Wall Street interest.
War in Europe was great business for USA elites and main reason why it catapult USA to position of major power in early XX century.
War between rebuild Germany and USSR going rogue under Stalin(against globalist interests) was a blessing for them. Cooperation was a disaster.
The war ended with USSR wounded, Germany total pacified and UK and France with no face and soon losing their colonial Empires.
Wall street count the profits.
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t. butthurt Polack
you shouldn't have genocided ethnic Germans
thus forcing Hitler to invade you
instead of handing over Germany clay, you got double raped by Germany and Soviet Union
while you tried defending yourselves with horse cavalry
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You misunderstand few things Anglobro. I used to watch conspiracy vids on Youtube too. Cooperation between some wealthy Jewish business magnates and Jewish diplomats/international leaders does not equate Hitler or Germany being a Jewish tool. And by the way, it wasn't just rich Jews that emigrated, the Haavara agreement and Rublee-Wohlthat agreement allowed anyone to leave, to Palestine or elsewhere. I've never heard of the Baku thing, but that doesn't change the fact that the "cooperation" between Germany and Russia was a time saver, for both sides, because both sides were preparing for war against each other eventually. Hitler was initially reluctant to sign the non Aggression treaty with Stalin since they demanded territorial acquisitions in eastern Europe which Hitler and his staff correctly saw as a way to get closer to Europe and thereby Germany. I know Wall Street profited from the war. But you misunderstand that as intended profit. Wall Street and the bankers did business with everyone. There was no nefarious connection between them and Hitler, he despised this aspect of capitalism.
I am not your bro, kraut.
I am talking about what happened to Jews on east after war started. There were plenty of cooperation between Germans SS and NSDAP party officials and industry and Jewish elites. At the cost of masses of poorer Jews but nobody care about them. They were just pawns and they still are.
The Hitler - Stalin cooperation date long before Hitler get into power. The only reason why he get into power was a Stalin who backed him(by preventing communist in Germany to ally with socialists) and after that lower communist ranks get absorbed into NSDAP.
Soviet union was a experiment by Wall Street and USA elites that go rogue after Stalin size power. That was main reason why purges happen. His paranoia and distrust to the west was fully justified.
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Ok now you're just spouting pure nonsense. Nothing you just wrote was even remotely true lol. That's some fresh history falsification I haven't seen in a while.
>European nationalism
L0Lno fgt pls
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European nationalism includes you too, if you're white.
You are just ignorant.
You can check it.
Especially how Hitler get into power.
Things about cooperation between Germans and Jews on east are keep quiet and you will probably will not see nothing in English or German.
i thought the video was about aryan qts >:(
This entire post is lifted directly out of early war German propaganda.
The horse cavalry was fairly effective. They used the horses to move around and dismounted before battle. The dumb meme of polish lancers charging german tanks is just false.
>polish genocide of ethnic Germans
The only notable incident is the Bloody Sunday, which happened after the war had started. Plus, it was a retaliation to irregulars (civilians with guns) attacking the Polish army. And 250 people is hardly a genocide.
It's meh.
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