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If all of the ice in the Arctic Circle melts, sea levels are

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If all of the ice in the Arctic Circle melts, sea levels are expected to rise 6 meters. If all the ice in the world melts, then the rise will be 60 meters.


Here's what happens at 60m sea level rise:
>Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Richmond, Miami, New Orleans, Houston, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Montreal, Melbourne, Sydney, London, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, and Brussels are all underwater
>most of New Jersey, most of Louisiana, most of Florida, half of Mississippi, most of Belgium, most of Netherlands, most of Denmark underwater, but rest of land more or less intact
>Australia and Calfornia get new interior lakes
>also big chunks of China, India, and Brazil sink
So in other words, liberals are scared of global warming because they'll all die.
>of all the ice melts

Good thing nobody is predicting that

Even the most dire predictions have only a few inches of rise over the next century

Furthermore the (((Paris accord))) does literally nothing to slow this down

In short: calm down chicken little
So nothing of value is lost.
Tfw Austria becomes the most fertile land in the world of global warming happens

Lmao, being it cunt
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>tfw live in nc
>tfw right wear the water stops
>tfw I'll have beach front property
fuck i'm dead
i'm on the beach if we only melt half though, let's do that
>live in northern MD
>niggers on the other side of I-95 sink into the ocean
>literal beachfront property to watch the drowning niggers from
My town would probably become the next Ocean City or Rehobeth (but without the gays).
>Suddenly all of my Land in Wyoming is now arable and worth billions
Climate change isn't all bad!
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>tfw live in Ohio and get to shitpost on /pol/ while all the liberals in New York, Florida and California die
60+m sea level rise... Thats almost 200ft , a lot more would be under water than what is posted on that map.

This sounds awesome. How do we warm the planet up faster?
>mostly florida and LA/MS under water
oh good, so only irrelevant states are affected.
Wow. Ever heard of a levee wall??
>meters meters meters
You're an American on an American website you turbo cuck. Use inches.
>also big chunks of China, India, and Brazil sink
And I care because?
After seeing this map, ima go start a bon fire right now and have my dog fart outside to speed this shit up.
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Looks like a big fat notmyfuckingproblem sandwich

Bro, most land is quite a bit above sea level.

Denver isn't called the Mile-High City for no reason.

Ironically, the continent most unaffected by rising sea levels is Africa. If shit ever really hit the fan, that's where you would probably want to resettle (the Rockies are also pretty good, but farming might be rough).

You might care because a hundred million shitskins will die in the Third World, but only white liberals, Jews, and more shitskins will die in the First World.
>>Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Richmond, Miami, New Orleans, Houston, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Montreal, Melbourne, Sydney, London, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, and Brussels are all underwater
>>also big chunks of China, India, and Brazil sink

>implying this is a bad thing
Welp pack it up boys, they've figured out our secret endgame to get rid of the blue vote
see map want to speed up the process
The real truth is that climate change is a quasi-religious directly linked to the Left's white guilt complex. Only by flogging ourselves (harming our economy) and buying indulgences (wealth transfers to browns and Jews) can we privileged whites atone for our ineffable privilege.

Progressivism is a Satanic inversion of Christian morality and climate change is part of its praxis.
Sounds fucking awesome.
Fuck all of those places.
This sounds awesome but I know we'd have to deal with Californian refugees moving inland.
No. Force them to go to mexico.
Very well put.
Im ok with this
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>all of that fresh water, lost
>the largest refugee crisis ever
that alone should be enough to scare yall
*shrug* it's going to happen regardless if we stop throwing more CO2 into the air or not. it's just faster that way.
drought will hurt Africa more. desert expansion, reduced rainfall etc.
wow it's fucking nothing
>Stockholm underwater
wtf I love global cooling, eeer, global warming, uhm sorry I meant climate change, now
>auckland sinks

fucking awesome desu, I'm going to do my part set a few couches on fire.
FAKE NEWS! 90% of glaciers are underwater and water EXPANDS 10% when frozen. It all will even out.
And the world
will be a better place
And the world
will be a better place
for you and for me~
I mean, I don't see the problem. Nothing of value is lost, just a bunch of liberty cuckvilles.
Fucking finally, someone who is not a complete retard on pol. Thank you anon.
>Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Richmond, Miami, New Orleans, Houston, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Montreal, Melbourne, Sydney, London, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, and Brussels are all underwater

And this is bad why exactly?
All these cities are filled with cancerous fucks.
Obama just bought a house in DC. That says all you need to know about climate change and these "predictions"
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At 9m of sea level rise (150% as much of a rise as predicted if the entire Arctic Ocean became ice-free), it's almost an exact map of the areas that voted blue in Florida in 2016.
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we are entering an ice age you shareblue shitcunt
I don't get it, do people think they're gonna wake up one day and "OH SHIT YOUR CITY IS GETTING FLOODED WATCH OUT!!!" or what?
>Tfw Austria becomes the most fertile land in the world of global warming happens
Godspeed, "Austria."

Interestingly, a 2m rise is enough to sink the Netherlands.
just move within the next 20 years and you are fine
>if all the ice in the arctic circle melts
Learn to science
If you have ice cubes in a glass of water and they melt, does the volume of water increase? It does not as the ice cubes displace water.

In conclusion, arctic circle ice melting will do nothing to raise sea levels
>if all the ice in the world melts

That's not going to happen unless the temperature at the poles goes up about 60C.
The fucking amazon is there, it it dies , we all do

I live 1500 feet above sea level.

I'll be fine. Fuck the coastal libtards, they can drown and eat a dick.
how does water expand when frozen?
You'll be living side by side and some rich thirldworlders able to flee, youll be part of the minority then
So many scientists on /pol/

See: >>128101538

We're basically dealing with liberal religious views when discussing climate change. It's a matter not just of faith, not just of identity, but deeply-rooted spiritual need for "goodness". In practice, liberals feel that climate change mitigation is a way to absolve themselves of their white sins of privilege and power - it's basically a leftist version of paying indulgences.

Remember how upset everyone got when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the cathedral door? Trump basically did just that by refusing to sign the Paris Accord.
Its a special characteristic of the water due to hydrogen bonds. Try leaving a beer can i the fridge. Sont believe that idiot tho, theres plenty of ice to fuck the planet
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wtf I love global warming now
All that ice is above land. If it sinks and goes back under, the sea levels rise.
>implying conservatives in the highlands are going to make the mistake of letting refugees flood their homeland and take control of things
At least liberals can probably swim. RIP for the blacks though.

hahaha heeelariously ridicolous
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>Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Richmond, Miami, New Orleans, Houston, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Montreal, Melbourne, Sydney, London, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, and Brussels are all underwater
You forget that these sea levels will rise over a long period of time and give these cities plenty of time to build sea barriers and such? There are already cites (New Orleans), nay, entire COUNTRIES (Netherlands) located under the sea level. And guess what you rural dwelling retards will be paying for it :) while hurricanes and tornadoes destroy your trailers of course.
what are you gonna do? deny fellow americans entry to your town? actually if they got more money they might actually end up displacing you.

Oceans take me. Wash my life away from this earth and grant my soul respite in your briny embrace. I will burn coal in my backyard every day for the rest of my life to hasten your rise.
Less than 1% of the buildings in Sydney are more than 100 years old. 90% built since WWII.
The city is only 230 years old. But somehow if the sea rises 60m over 400 years we'll all be sitting in our houses fucking drowning instead of just building new buildings.
It won't be the first time liberals don't give a shit unless their own lives are threatened.
They are so disloged from reality, they think nothing affects them. Even root for taking away their own health care
fuck delaware
On the other hand, if we stop at 40m, I have beachfront property.
>implying libs just stabd there and drown
How stupid can a cuck like you get?
I've literally been hearing this argument since elementary school.

No one fucking cares about your goddamn ice
Not likely , sea entrances often are in the form of a storm or a violent natral phenomenon devastating everything around before settling
>Arizona gets access to the sea and a larger barrier in between us and California that can only grow



Arizona best state califags BTFO
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>MFW I live in Houston

Yes thank you Trump please end my suffering
That stupid they are, can you believe it?
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>Sac and the bay area get flooded at 2 meters
Please god let this happen. Fuck Stockton too.
>even if the entire world melts, i'm still perfectly fine

won't you come
and wash away the rain
>find my place on the map
>my house at +60 m becomes beach front property, waves would lap right at the porch

its a win-win if you ask me. Liberals and niggers get flooded and washed away, my property value skyrockets.
> montreal

Im okay with this
There's arctic ice under the sea

see you down in Arizona bay
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oh no, not Baltimore

>liberals and blacks get flooded
>florida gets new gator habitats
>dudeweeds north of germany get flooded
>new beach a few km north of where i live

what's not to love?
>people not realizing that hordes of niggers will all want to be whiteys new neighbor

they're going to have decades to move and fill your neighborhood with boring ass housing projects
Yea, I live in New Orleans. We are more worried about taking down statues and giving gibs to even come close to saving this nigger infested hell hole.
ice melts in your glass but your glass doesn't overflow, you dumbfucks.

On the other hand, if we stop at 40m, I have beachfront land.
Nice. I'll be beachfront

but does it rain in your cup? moron
im not sure the ice wall melts op
rain comes from evaporated water, you idiot piece of shit.
It's just like ice age, the movie.
Yes if you cover the glass and leave an air gap, water droplets will form on the top and fall back down at some point.
New England best England.

There's ice currently on land, not in the sea, that is assumed to start melting, you twit.
>libs and niggers
>fellow Americans
Shoot on sight, sink their boats.
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So this is what Trump meant by Make America Great Again
>Now my city has a beach.
>also big chunks of China, India, and Brazil sink
Flooding China is Trump's master plan to deal with them.
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>Boat People 2.0 will happen in our lifetime
>Australia will get fully colonized by asians in our lifetime
>in our lifetime
i dont think we are going to live 100 years.

Not with that attitude you won't
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floods & starvation in all niggercountries , soon - what`s wrong about killing Untermenschen ?
>Pennsylvania still intact
>No more Philly

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>glaciers melt
>pic related happens
>be me

>from nJ


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ITT: Retards who think they'd be unaffacted because they live in Iowa or something. Those cities going down would put America in shambles. All the coastal cities moving inland with nowhere to live and no jobs anymore. World trade obliterated by the destruction of ports and all the infrastructure surrounding them.

If you hate the port cities so much, you should want them to stay right where they are. Not want them to relocate to your podunk city.
>be a shitskin african
>run to europe for gibsmedat
>settled in netherlands by the EU council on gibs
>squeeze out 6~ children
>drown when sea levels rise, cause you never learned how to swim

fuckin white people
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>1969, Lubos Moti, Czech physicist: “It is now pretty clearly agreed that CO2 content [in the atmosphere] will rise 25% by 2000. This could increase the average temperature near the earth’s surface by 7 degrees Fahrenheit. This in turn could raise the level of the sea by 10 feet. Goodbye New York. Goodbye Washington, for that matter.”

>Michael Oppenheimer, 1990, The Environmental Defense Fund: “By 1995, the greenhouse effect will be desolating the heartlands of North America and Eurasia with horrific drought, causing crop failures and food riots…”(By 1996) The Platte River of Nebraska will be dry, while a continent-wide black blizzard of prairie topsoil will stop traffic on interstates, strip paint from houses and shut down computers…The Mexican police will round up illegal American migrants surging into Mexico.”

>June 30, 1989, AP: U.N. OFFICIAL PREDICTS DISASTER–entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening political chaos,” said Brown, director of the U.N. Environment Program. He added that governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect.
>The icecaps will melt in 5 years
t. My teachers every year in school 20 years ago.
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>I now have beachside property.
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I'm gonna pollute extra hard from now on.
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Post yfw Netherlands become the new Atlantis.

>California gets new bigass lake
>Bay of Arkansas
>Florida ceases to exist
>Coastal libfags everywhere BTFO

Looks pretty good to me desu
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if all the cities in the world with more than 1 million people were destroyed, the world would go into a dark age and economic depression never seen before in history
After we've recovered, it would all have been worth it. Modern dense cities are fucking cancers, they should all be destroyed.
thread theme

>If all of it melts
Not gonna happen.
>60 meter rise
Over estimate, fails to consider natural evaporation-condensation cycle which will distribute the water evenly throughout the world. Maybe Africa will see some rain.
If we as a species are unable to deal with the sealevels rising very slowly over the generations we don't deserve to survive.
You think we are just going to keep all the 100 story buildings near the coastline for the next 400 years when their foundations might get a bit wet?
Better give China 100 billion before it's too late!
>comparing Donald Trump to Martin Luther
I like you. Move here, please. We got forests and swamp and shiet.
sounds pretty good desu. Shame it's a hoax.
Why don't we all just move to an island like hawaii and float up with the rising ocean?
and nothing of value was lost
Now why in the hell would all of the ice melt?
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