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What is the current state of Russia's military? Would they

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What is the current state of Russia's military?

Would they be able to put up a fight against the US?
outdated tech and man force thats not as half of a warrior as one can find in the anglosphere.
americans should lead the effort, strike and end this evil russian menace.
As long as we don't invade them in the winter we should be good.
Would be something like Bob Sap vs Broc Lesnar
lol no
Why fight, Russia could be friend. They're not commies anymore.
US would win in every military scenario except in a nuclear one, in which both US and Russia blow each other up.
But you are the commie now.
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Mutually assured destruction. Doesn't matter if their shit is outdated, US and Russia alone have enough nukes to completely level the Earth.

They should be our allies against brown and yellow people.
You sure about that? Russia has about a million more people in the military than the US

No because US military men are conservative and a bunch know about jewish tricks, even more know about full scale agression being useless for their families, leading to my conclusion they'd be a divided mess.
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why is your countries flag wrong
Jokes on you, I am a turk.
I think he meant quality of the troops, not numbers.
Better to be a commie than have to go to five mandatory prayers while a new guy rapes your wife every day.
There's no country on earth that comes close to winning any non-nuclear war with the US. China is doing the smart thing, they are building regional weaponry rather than worldwide, meaning while they can't project power outside of their region, they are very well prepared to conquer/defend their AoI. Still would lose to the US but in 10 to 20 years may be able to win a regional war, due to US focus on weaponry that projects force all over the world rather than focusing on a specific region.
Noone told you to decide between being a commie or a muslim you defeatist cuck.
All soldiers are same soldiers so China must be winnest wardoods.

Don't breed, shithead.
Russian troops are prone to drunkenness and severe lack of discipline. Fuck, they were selling their weapons to the Chechens for alcohol, then getting killed by their own weapons in the Chechen hands.
I just want them to take Constantinople back for Christianity. I don't think Putin will but the next guy can.
Their nuclear bomber will be serving in their airforce for over 90 years hahahah, this is their current state. I think they only spend about 15-20 billion more then us on their defence budget and they pay their troops with apples. Their army is riddled with Cold War tech and honestly without their nukes they would be a joke.
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Forgot to add the picture
Wake up, fella, it was a long time ago
Istanbul is the name, right of the conquerer is universal and still applies.
I seem to remember hitler saying something similar
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>defending turks
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Pretty good honestly. They have been reforming their command structure since the South Ossetia conflict and are a much more effective fighting force. They have retired a lot of old officers, created a solid NCO corps, and invested in good technology.

They have more tanks that shoot farther. They have more submarines. They don't have much of an air force, but they have excellent anti-air and artillery so they can compensate pretty well. They also understand strategy better, have a more cohesive structure, and can very effectively integrate regular and irregular forces. The RAND corporation estimates that they would reach the German border in 60 hours if Russia invaded eastern Europe. So yeah they would put up a fight.
Then why are you a muslim shitskin?
Russky what do you say, would you be able to hold your own against the US
Yes and they haven't fought a real war since. Not sure why you think discipline improved since then, there's no reason or evidence to suggest it did. The Soviet troops were terrible in Afghanistan. Really Russia has never been good at anything but beating up on central Asian savages and letting the winter and lack of enemy preparation save it from much stronger opponents.
They're troops were very good, if they had supporting logistics the wehrmacht would have performed much better late in the war. As it was when the west crumbled and berlin was bombed out their supplies went to shit.

The United States could never successfully invade Russia, and vice versa.
Because God made me this way, and I wont deny it, like you defeatist cocksucker who sucks commie dick on daily basis. Fuck, you americans were so based.
So obviously quantity of troops and a willingness to sacrifice them goes a long way
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Fuck that bitch ass nigga.

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> The US troops were terrible in Afghanistan. Really USA has never been good at anything but beating up on central Asian savages and letting the winter and lack of enemy preparation save it from much stronger opponents.

I fixed it for u
The German troop quality was far superior. That's like saying the Persians must have been better fighters than the Spartans cause they won at Thermopylae.
Nigger answer my question and stop replying to that retard
No, that's my point. The German forces were defeated by exhaustion and lack of resources. American forces encountered the same tactics the Russians pulled on Germany in the pacific with nips charging blindly into death. The difference is American soldiers had bullets for their machine guns to mow down 5,000 banzai screaming idiots running at them.
Much stronger military
Better Tech
More force projection
Stronger Military than most
Decent tech
Very little navy

In s confrontation outside of Russia we would steamroll the Ruskies. However taking Russia is pretty much impossible. It would be the same situation as Vietnam and Afghanistan where we would be occupying a hostile populace, and russia is much much larger.

We could win and occupy china with losses on all sides, but occupying Russia would be a nightmare even if achievable.

>US vs Russia miltech

One military follows the philosophy of building the most perfect and most expensive shit in the world with a endless supply of money and huge corporate interests.

The other follows the philosophy of "how can we build the most efficient, long-lasting weapons with the money we do have"

America likes their 100 outdated f22's and money tumors like the F35.

Russia upgrades the shit it can the best it can and only resorts to completely new stuff if they can't upgrade anymore.

Anyone whos says the US would completely dominate Russia in any scenario is full of shit.

I really doubt a single f35 can take on a skilled rusky in Flanker E

And the T-50 is looking more like a f22 hunter everyday.
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Here's a red pill reality shock reply.

Russia would not be able to beat America in a full complete war.

But this doesn't matter because they don't have to.

With the current american liberal and weak society, which is easily manipulated by the media and the internet, they need only to inflict sufficient damage (which is not much) to make internal turmoil being a major problem in the USA.

Any major troop or mainland damage to the USA would probably make reddit, tumblr and other liberal media outlets go wild, and with them, the millennial group.

It would be a Vietnam 2.0, except faster. Don't forget that Russia has control over the average american's opinion, not the other way around, since they have a lot of gov control of their media.
>Germans had quality troops
>still lost

It seems that quality isnt the only thing that matters
We are still in Afghanistan and were never gonna leave. The only way they can fight us is with IED's.

It was a different era of tech, but even so you ruskies got fucked.
When will you fags learn from Uncle Adolph and the Japs mistakes?

You don't fucking invade Russia its an awful idea.
He is a turk, look at the fucking flag, but memes aside, no country can take other countries huge city in a militaristic action anymore if the population is patriotic, and turks are patriotic as fuck
The real question is when have Russia and the US actually directly fought each other?

Only thing I can find is US troops died fighting in the Russian civil war back in 1918.

We have to accept that the US and Russia are both too cowardly to fight each other.
No, you didn't. US beat Spain, the Brits, the Germans twice (remember when you drunks dropped out of WWII? Good times), beat Japan (remember when they kicked your ass to become the first non-European country to beat a European in like 300 years? Good times). Remember when you vodkies lost the Crimean? Good times. I mean really, when did Russia ever win a war against a middling country in which winter didn't save them from defeat?
Mobility and resources are the strength of modern forces. The US has that in abundance, in fact we notoriously thrive on war time economics. I think we would last longer than their numbers could afford. Stalingrad would look like childs play in comparison.
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The T90 can fire missiles from its barrel capable of destroying any tank the Americans can field at a 5km range without line of sight and without fear of reprisal due to their SCHTORA defence system.

Ontop of this, the Russians have six times the total amount of active American tanks stockpiled, ready to be re-enabled at a moment's notice, not to mention the huge APC disparity due to the extreme amounts of BMPs and BTRs the Soviet Union produced.

The USA can not win a conventional war with Russia.
Country is full of Chinese and lebs
>evil Russian menace
so the only country doing something about Isis is evil ?
People still think of Russia as the old USSR. Russia is a regional power with nukes. They can project power locally for short/medium duration but if went against a near peer they lack massively due to the rot of 30 plus years since cold war.

Small sub force (like 10% of cold war days)and small amount of army that is well outfitted.

Russia is no joke but they don't match up with the U.S conventionally.
Anyone who believes Russia is a big threat to the US is deluded.

The US Air Force is worth more than the entire Russian military.

Russia has a collapsing economy based entirely off gas. China would be a bigger threat to the US and Russia.
No, outfitting your troops so they don't die or become useless in the winter matters. That doesn't say anything to the Russians being good fighters.
>We are still in Afghanistan
But for what purpose? It's useless piece of shit. Even brits understand it.
Actually up until communism, Russia and the US were very close allies.
That we can agree on. The only thing our presence in Afghanistan does now is strengthen ISIS in the country.
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The CIA needs to continue feeding US heroin addiction and killing idiots by lacing it with fentanyl desu.
>The T90 can fire missiles from its barrel capable of destroying any tank the Americans can field at a 5km range without line of sight and without fear of reprisal due to their SCHTORA defence system.
>Ontop of this, the Russians have six times the total amount of active American tanks stockpiled, ready to be re-enabled at a moment's notice, not to mention the huge APC disparity due to the extreme amounts of BMPs and BTRs the Soviet Union produced.
>The USA can not win a conventional war with Russia.

because tank vs tank warfare doesn't happen anymore retard.

any modern tank battle will be decided by aircraft lol.

Germany would very likely have defeated Russia in a one front war.

You also have to consider the massive material support the reds were getting from western powers.
God didn't make you, some crusty mud cunt shit you out to be an agent of Satan.
I get that a lot of the world disagrees with the US, and I am fine with that, but 99% of the world legitimately hates your country and your people. For a good reason. You're disgusting in every way possible.
Noice. Actually, why don't we really just bomb that monkeys in Asia together?

Who do I believe?
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One, maybe two EMP airbursts and your mobility scooters are sitting cucks.
encourages hubris
no tolerance for hubris
This mongrel gets it.
>liberal media outlets go wild
You misspelled dark.
>were never gonna leave.
Sounds like a personal problem. Now think of how little it costs them and how much cost they inflict.
>mfw vidya cucks and jingoist fledditors try their hands at strategic analysis
>thinks wars are fought with receipts
Defense contractor shill spotted

America could literally go to war with both Russia and China and win with our navy and air force alone.

Seriously look up the numbers. America's projected force is triple of what Russian or Chinese forces are capable of.
would be happier if we bombed out Africa and resettled . Asians are crazy but at least they have civilization and work hard.
>Even brits understand it.

Actually at the time the Brits left it was a very important trading hub. Funny enough, we're suffering the same problems the Brits did then.

>"Give us money, weapons and leave us alone and we got your back."
>"Here ya go."
>*get shot*
>"The fuck?!"
>"That was our rival tribe, we need more money and weapons."
>"Well.. ok."
>*this repeats while Pasthun giggling erupts from the hills*
Why was the only russky to enter thread a retard? Does this resolve my question?
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Don't understand why Americans are so against a somewhatwhite Christian patriotic nation but suck (((their))) dick real had and bend over backwards for Sunni Muslims
There go those Anglos. Always poking the bear.
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They are slightly above North Korean tier. They don't have the ability to project power much further than their own border and have to threaten nuclear war every time there's a threat because it's really all they have left after the Soviet union collapsed.

For comparison, they have less than 10 military bases outside of Russia and their only port is in Syria. The United States in comparison has over 800 military bases across the globe.
Maybe but it will be nice smashing cucks together
The Americans haven't created a new air defence system since the Patriot, which has become very obsolete. Meanwhile the Russians have advanced hybrid radar/infrared flak AND missile systems such as the Tunguska. Swatting T72 monkey models in the desert is no problem for America's airforce, but good luck flying anywhere near the frontline with an air defence network stretching all the way to your airfield.
Americans like to believe in
>muh airforce
because it works when bombing mudslimes with no real anti aircraft weaponry. And even then they lose planes to MANPAD-armed goat farmers. Sad!
I am all for that. I want Russia, China and the US to say fuck it, and wipe out all the muzzies together.
I raise you 1x s400

America would win easy. Both Afghanistan and Iraq are unconventional wars and difficult to fight because there is nothing to fight. (Was there personally.)

But if we got into a conventional war we would literally curb stomp anyone and everyone.
Yea a decent leader.
Hitler fucked the Nazi's
In no particular order
>No retreat policy
>Lets strip the armor and send em to stalingrad
>Stops production of Stg 44
>Does tons of drugs
>Lets use rockets on civvies instead of radar stations.
>Kills all the best generals.
>Lets call Rommel off for ceremonies right before a critical battle
>Lets not have specialized jet fighters all things must be bombers
>Lets ally with the Japs and give the US kikes an excuse to attack us.
>Appoints men who hate each other to lead each military branch, no coordination till its too late
But what happens when they go taliban and fight like insurgents? We lose right?

Whereas if it was reversed, russkies would indescriminately slaughter any US insurgents
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thats why we have to bomb this dumbshits with napalm
You guys do realize there are Congo levels of minerals under Afghanistan right.
Do they still have that shitload of nukes? are they usable in a coordinated attack?
Yes and yes.

This. China is the next big player, and they've shown their willingness to fight the U.S. at least twice previously.
fuck it, muslims here must suffer
I talked shit to the Russian because we were debating, said we should withdraw from Afghanistan, that Russia before the Soviets was one of our closest friends, and that we could work together to wipe out the Saracens, how am I opposed to Russia and pro-Sunni based on all that?
They cant. They have an actual country. They have infrastructure. The moment they go underground Russia stops existing. Whatever you have left is just a rebel movement.

Plus believe it or not we ARE winning against insurgents in Afghanistan. It's just slow work.
>hasn't heard of THAAD or the new ICBM defense system.
Stalin was guilty of most of those things and worse. Unfortunately I think a starved mongoloid army with decent mass produced weapons and a few million more men would have a good chance of winning
If they don't use nukes or chemical warfare they would lose.
Plus like I said there is a trillion+ dollars in rare earths plus a ton of natural gas.

We are not going anywhere.
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Have you not heard the news about the U.S. military becoming the first to be able to shoot down an ICBM in space like 2 days ago?

As far as the Russian anti missile systems, the Syrian government has the S-300 and it hasn't stopped Israel or the United States from bombing them at will.

Because we're stupid.
You obviously do not know anything about U.S.A.F avionics and weapons systems. Who ever detects the bad guy first, wins. U.S.A.F vet speaking you nigger.
Plus if we did go to war with Russia we would have to turn on that old world mind set again like we had in ww2.

We would kill more civilians than have ever been killed in a war before.

I don't have a problem with Russia but to think they could fight the US Military is just delusional.
Russia could never take mainland America, the expenditure of blood and money would make Russia crumble, not to mention how would they get here without being destroyed by our navy.
For this anons who think that US "can bury us"
>new ICBM defense system

"look mommy I fired an outdaded missile at myself and then I swatted it out of the sky because I calculated its trajectory before firing it"

Okay, sweetie.
This. A war with Russia would be a Jacksonian war, not a war like Korea or any war we have fought since then. It would be total war.

>This post brought to you by the history channel.
You obviously do not understand how the US military forces integrate with each other.
>America's projected force is triple of what Russian or Chinese forces are capable of.
Does that account for all of your aircraft carriers (except mainland Japan) being out of commission?
>hold your own against the US

pfff...easy peasy lemon squeezy
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It'd be a bloody fucking war but for fuck's sake I'm pretty sure our Navy's Air Corps is bigger than their actual air force. And their navy is what, one Cold War Carrier and a handful of subs and battleships?

Depends, do we use space platforms or no?
And about the topic
We don't need to fight with US. We only want to take our post-soviet glay back and live in peace, thats all. What about role of USA in it -- just don't bother us, please.
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F-35 has already proven capable of evading the S-300 when Israel bombed Syria.

If Russia is so strong how come you let other countries bomb your allie?
If Russia is not an actual threat, who is?
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There isn't anything to bomb. You'll have maybe one village in a 10km grid.

What you need is a massive dispora of dedicated settlers to push out the lawless locals even further to the fringes. The land has proven it can be worked with great success. A number of Russians left behind from the war stayed and earn the highest wages in the country to this day.

The easiest way to defeat Afghanistan is settle it and work it, while providing adequate protection. Kabul itself is fairly western and very receptive of American influence so it's a proof of concept so to speak.

But we lack that kind of century long conviction. Ultimately we'll do what Rwanda did to the Congo- only hold what assets we can rapidly take and sell then move on.
That's how you start testing new weapons. You stated, incorrectly, that nothing new since the Patriot system which is just false. THAAD scares the shit out of China and Russia, by itself, if the new ICBM system is functional it completely changes the game.
I like your idea anon!!
F-35 costs more than your mom weght in kilos
If we had to go to war with a major power those carriers would be up within a year.

Daft would be used, and near martial law would be put into place. We would go back into production mode. Honestly it would be great for our economy.

All the numbers males would be forced to either fight or work.
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Nobody. The entire U.S. military aside, no foreign country could EVER put troops on the ground here. We have more guns than their military.

I'd like to move into at least minor isolationism. But it's very hard when half the country is dedicated to the destruction of that idea.

Especially when that half of the country is being subliminally programmed to respond to certain concepts, in a specific way, by their preferred sources of media.
I would certainly hope so.

>my mother weighs less than 94.6 million kg
People seem to forget what America is capable of when it is on a total war footing.
eeeee bratishka
It would be he'll but we would win 100%

Our Navy has a bigger air presence than our Air Force does and our army has a huge navy of its own.
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A land war versus either the united states or Russia would end in failure. Both countries have vast amounts of land that are perfect for resistance to foreign occupation. The only answer is total nuclear holocaust. In both countries the answer to a hot war with each other is strategic nuclear bombs.

LoL, the T50 is more maneuvrable than the f22, faster.

Also the T50's IRST will detect that 200 gorilion goose before you can say STEALTH.

>Buh muh T50 is not stealthy!

Not now since its a prototyping.

Lets see once it gets the new stealthy Saturn engines.

Also Flanker E with IRST gonna fry any F35 bird before the US jet even reaches engagement range lol
>>>128071485 (You)
>The Americans haven't created a new air defence system since the Patriot, which has become very obsolete. Meanwhile the Russians have advanced hybrid radar/infrared flak AND missile systems such as the Tunguska. Swatting T72 monkey models in the desert is no problem for America's airforce, but good luck flying anywhere near the frontline with an air defence network stretching all the way to your airfield.

america spends 10x more on military than all other countries combined

only stupid, shit tier crack pot nations show off or use their most powerful weapons.

if you think america leads the world with outdated tech and does not have secret bases full of secret weapons with more firepower than most countries, you are naive as fuck.

america uses decades old hardware not because thats all it has, but because it still works and defeats what they are currently fighting.

if america and russia actually engaged in full scale war, russia would just get to feel what a few hundred trillion dollars of american R&D can think up.

nevermind that we lead in the technology sector and have been proven to have physical and virtual backdoors into all relevant hardware and software and could probably just shut down russia before any real war could happen.
Nobody as of right now.

China might be in 10-20 years and Europe could be if theys make a united military and go into arms production and over recruiting.
Yeah, a million more drunken, stationary HIMARS target practice meatbags
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Just build a walmart, an amazon distribution center, and drop a couple million americans there.
Kek, wrong graph.
You obviously have no fucking clue about advanced jamming tactics and our advanced avionics/weapons systems platforms. U.S.A.F vet here...Not to mention tactics.
Hillary spent twice more on her campaign than the other presidential candidate. Did she become president?
Kek, I was wondering what that previous pic had to do with the discussion.
>(remember when you drunks dropped out of WWII? Good times)

Thanks for serving anon, I was there as well...
Watch out, everyone! We have a badass over here! Please do tell me how your shitty money-sink plane is going to jam bullets flying at it.
Sure those two subjects have so much in common.
Stalin only fucked the Red army near the beginning of the war when he purged all the officers loyal to Trotsky. That is why the Finns has such success despite losing in the end. After that he didn't really fuck with anything. Just sent troops to die.

When the Germans were Logistically fucked in 1943 at the Battle of Prokhorovka facing 2:1 numbers of tanks, they lost 40-80 while the russians lost 300-400.

If the Krauts didn't fuck themselves in the winter of their first 2 offenses they could have won, or at least held on long enough to sign a treaty.
Supposed to be WWI, sorry about that.
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T-90 carries two of these on a good day. The ENTIRE rest of its ammo cant even pierce the front of an Abrams POINT BLANK. It also does not have the 5km range that the ATGMS have.

>Muh active protection
Congrats you defeated Javelins, now you have to run the gauntlet of unguided AT, and guided munitions that are not fired directly at the front of your fucking tank, because that's the only place the jammers are located.

>Muh numbers
Please tell me how a swarm of tractors with above problems is even a contest?

>inb4 armata
How are those 7 prototypes working out? Any more of them catch on fire while driving on a asphalt road?
If she would have invested it in rail guns that shoot projectiles at mach 7 and laser weapons she would have.
The Russians actually offered Germany a peace treaty in 1942, shrinking Russia back to its original borders. Hitler declined.
They have SOME good troops, good gear, and strong tactics but they don't have the amount of equipment nor the number of consistently well trained troops...if the US were willing to suffer horrific losses, we could obliterate them; whereas, they could only win in short conflicts or with the use of EMP or biological weapons
>created a solid NCO corps,
I hadn't heard that before, probably the most worrying thing in that statement.
I forgot their superior sub forces; they could nuke the shit out of soft targets
Stop itching to use all those toys you have been stockpiling. America will be the catalyst for WWIII judging by the attitude of the American posters here. It would be repeat of WWII; Europe would be in ruins and no one would have "won". You couldn't get a victory against rice-farmers, Russia would put up a much better fight.
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Our army is in decent-ish shape, but we're totally outclassed by the US and their allies. One of the biggest gaps between us in manpower, economy (but our military seems to be quite effective at their spending) electronics and especially bad is navy. I'd say the only thing we're comparatively decent is rockets, especially strategic ones and 4th gen fighters (but we're numerically behind so much so it doesn't really matter).

Nukes are our only saving grace. if not for them, US flag would be already hoisted at Kremlin.

One of the biggest worries for now I'd say is Joint Strike Fighter program. Currently, there is kind of parity between us, if we consider our 4th gen air fleet and Anti-Aircraft systems, but the deployment of huge numbers of F-35 by various countries around our borders would just destroy it. It's very dangerous plane, capable of cracking our AA defense systems and destroying our key strategic forces/locations.

We're also currently at active transitioning from Soviet gear to Russian made one so we're especially vulnerable now.

All in one, we're hopelessly outclassed and our forces are only good at preventing active hostile actions against us.

It's cripple-chan revisionism, don't give his autism too much attention.

For your own sake, you'd better hope we never go to war with Russia.

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>Hillary spent twice more on her campaign than the other presidential candidate. Did she become president?

and all our candidates TOGETHER spent less than the cost of a single F35

think about that

we spend less on our whole presidential election process than we do on one meme propaganda plane.
There's your MAD for you. Kessler Syndrome will be great fun for us all.
>muh Imma paper cut you
Look, if Russia takes that dirty bomb and shoves it right up the Potomac what American outside of the federal contracting circle is going to shed a tear?
They could most likely fend us off because they're centered around a defensive war--they have a shit ton of anti-aircraft capability such as SAMs. They wouldn't be able to invade us.

I'm assuming no nukes would be used; if nukes were on the table anything goes. They have more total nukes than we do.
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>T-90 carries two of these on a good day. The ENTIRE rest of its ammo cant even pierce the front of an Abrams POINT BLANK. It also does not have the 5km range that the ATGMS have.

The T90's standard loadout includes six missiles. And its gun has 800mm of RHA penetration at maximum range, more than plenty to pop a shitty M1A2 at long range without TUSK. Ontop of that, fifth generation ADS (yes, Russians are up to FIFTH generation whilst the Americans are barely dabbling in their second, far inferior version) has been shown to reduce impact from ALL kinds of current kinetic penetrators by up to fifty percent, meaning your shitty cold-war relic tank wouldn't be able to put a scratch on a T90.

>Congrats you defeated Javelins, now you have to run the gauntlet of unguided AT, and guided munitions that are not fired directly at the front of your fucking tank, because that's the only place the jammers are located.

"If my infantry gets 100m behind your tank they can blow it up!" wow, good job champ. And Schtora is more than just the red eyes, it's a 360 degree all-encompassing system. Read up on it.

>Muh numbers
Americans buttblasted that with ten times the funding they can barely afford one sixth of Russia's sheer volume of tanks. Ayyyy lmao.

This is the point where you either kill yourself or claim >M-MUH SEKRIT SUPERWEAPONS
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That sure explains how we took a few months to roll up a bunch of Muhajeen that the Soviet Union couldn't defeat in seven years, doesn't it?

Oh, wait.
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Have a seat comrade. The US FAR FAR and away outclass Russia, but Bear has all bases covered.. Army, Navy, Air Force, Nuclear, Cyber, Space...

If USA went head to head on a clean clear battleground would be no contest, but no, wouldn't happen. US is very strong.

Biggest problem is that Bear has nuke of course, but also that Bear is plenty capable. The US far and away outclasses them, but no one would win from a war Russians, and that's enough comrade.

Electrostatic double layer plasma platforms when?
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>America likes their 100 outdated f22's
Tell me, russky, would it be all that bad if the US flag was hoisted over the Kremlin?
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You high, bro. It's awesome!

>shrinking Russia back to its original borders.
The funniest thing I've red all day on /pol/.
Right. Keep believing what you read. I actually worked on various sensor/weapons systems platforms while I served in the U.S.A.F. so I have some real world knowledge of what these systems can do.
Do you really believe that our military would allow publication of the real specs of these aircraft?
And how much training does the average Russkie pilot get these days...You are such a faggot.
>Britain is implying the US started WWII.
>Ontop of this, the Russians have six times the total amount of active American tanks stockpiled, ready to be re-enabled at a moment's notice, not to mention the huge APC disparity due to the extreme amounts of BMPs and BTRs the Soviet Union produced.

Or support the Russians because they are more like Americans than the cucked euro fags.

Some of their toys may be a bit rusty but they can compensate for that or even use it to their advantage if they play their cards right.

They also have the advantages of having their forces concentrated in Russia proper and a system of conscription. Meaning they can as Nathan Bedford Forrest put it "get there first with the most".

US forces on the other the other hand are spread all over the globe and conscription hasn't been practiced in decades. Meaning that anything longer than a lightning war will start to drain the US Military of men it can't replace. All of this at a time of severe political crisis too.
Read my post again, illiterate.
Is everyone in belgium this tarded? Twenty years ago it was a pretty decent country, what happened?
Some things aren't worth fighting for.
A fifty-year permanent war fighting the locals is one of those things.
>>>128073927 (You)
>>muh Imma paper cut you
>Look, if Russia takes that dirty bomb and shoves it right up the Potomac what American outside of the federal contracting circle is going to shed a tear?

if you think russia leads america in dirty bomb tech you are retarded.

it is pretty much a given that there are cia agents scattered across russia with advanced explosive, biological, and chemical weapons.
Well stated anon! Thanks.
I did. Whether you meant to or not you implied it.

Europe started WWII after throwing a fit that the US refused to be a hegemony and wanted to be isolationist.

If history is ANY indication of future events I'm more worried about YOU faggots starting shit than US.
Depends on what your elite has planned for us. Considering current atmosphere around us I'm afraid of such event. We're practically niggers in your eyes, but not the ones who protected by your political correctness, so we can be a perfect target to vent your frustrations.
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Friendly reminder that the U.S. Navy has more aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined.

They couldn't even reach the mainland United States with jets if they wanted to.
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be the next
>muh kruppsteel
when America loses WW3?
Yes. And we don't want a war or dominance over anyone or anything but our own future. Just like mostly everyone else except for kikes and bankers.

(I'm a russky LARPing as an american for the last twenty or so years.)
>air defence system since the Patriot

We have fighter planes. The best fighter planes in the world, no less - and more of them than anyone else. With the best pilots in the world, too.

>which has become very obsolete.

Guess you weren't paying attention to the GEM-2 upgrade - which we sold you kraut bastards, too.

>hybrid radar/infrared flak AND missile systems such as the Tunguska

Oh shit they have SPAAGS and MANPAD-tier missiles! Hold me!

>m-m-monkey models real war will be different I swear!

I can't wait till we test that theory.
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Does Alaska count as mainland United States?
>jet barely even exists yet
>it will totally kill yours though!!!
yeah let us know when a real pilot even sits in one
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Would it be bad, if it flag will be over White House and Capitol?
The CIA is going to make ISIS stronger and make you fight in Afghanistan again.
Why do US guys pick a fight with everyone and later make a FUCKING movie on how "hurt" they are from losing their friends to war painting them the victims.
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So what? We're rich.
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No. Alaska and Hawaii don't count.
I wasn't worried about the CIA agents. They can be easily killed in their sleep. I don't think China would refuse to provide that list if it came down to it.
Patriotic Americans have all the self-awareness of yeast.
Aircraft carriers are such a meme.

>blockade Russia with carrier battle groups
>launch ICBM (even just a normal one without a nuclear warhead)
>no more aircraft carrier
Have you ever been in one of our jets? What, you jerk off reading about Russian military systems? Goddamn why am I conversing with a tard? I'm just going to ignore you, faggot.
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Remember when America failed to kill those dirt farmers in Vietnam? Or those dirt farmers in Iraq? Or those dirt farmers in Aghanistan?
It'd be extremely unlikely that either Russia or the U.S. would engage into Nuclear war if they were to get into a fight.

I mean, both sides would lose many lives but the fact that the U.S. has more metal in tons in the ocean than China and Russia combined, we're pretty well off.
thats pretty much what we would want though. then we can capture all of russia
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Then you should start calling out the bullshit coming from the propaganda machines.

They're the ones who will be fanning the flames of war between countries.

No one else has a stake in it.

People are becoming programmed to phrases in this country. It's kind of fucked up. They become like triggers with an expected response.
Weren't you under the yoke of another country until 1951 or some shit, Nepal? You barely have the balls to stand up for yourself as it is.
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we have enough shit in Ukraine
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>Gets BTFO

Typical American. This is why Russia will win.
I think it's just pride at this point. We have less troops stationed there than we have in Japan or Germany so it's not like we're spending that much money on it right now.
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>russian with a realistic view of things

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>missile is kill
>65 jets headed towards where it was launched
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>the real jews are aussies
really makes you think...
>I won an internet argument.
>Therefore it's best to suck Russian dick.
Well, I mean, okay. Do what you want, I guess.
Last credible research on how much soldiers you require to occupy per square km basically means that the entirety of NATO doesn't have enough personel to effectively occupy Russia, so even if the US somehow BTFO'd the russians in their home turf, far FAR away from all the supply lines and shit, it'll just turn into a guerilla war that the US can't possibly win. Think Vietnam war, but a thousand times worse.

Conversely though, the fact that the US isn't exactly small either and happens to be surrounded by the ocean, the same holds true for the US.

A non-nuclear war between the two countries would therefore end in a stalemate by merit of too much land mass to cover, supply lines being incapable of covering all that distance indefinitely and lack of people to suppress the population.
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>USA couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Russia in a week

TOP KEK Russian BEAR SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Americans are ITCHING for a war with Russia. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of Russian soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY Russian bear shit they see. When USA is done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
We killed the shit out of them, we just failed to build them a country and convert them to democracy like Germany, worst Korea and Japan.

We're very good at strategic military victories, still lacking on the whole nation building side of it.
It's mostly copper and lithium right?
Vietnam we lost because our fifth column media reported the Tet Offensive as a defeat rather than the resounding victory it was. Iraq and Afghanistan are unquestionably victories with politicians fucking up the aftermath.

no brah. no way they could win in

(((((current year))))).
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welcome to /pol/ newfriend.
It's probably because we assume other countries aren't lost in some sort of pseudo-feudalistic regime.
Come on, let the guy read his RT news and fap about how good putin would give head
>ussians are up to FIFTH generation whilst the Americans are barely dabbling in their second, far inferior version)

It's almost like they expect to fight enemies that rely heavily on guided weapons that can be spoofed by soft-kill mechanisms... you know, like gun-launched missiles or something!

>shitty cold-war era relic

... uh, bro

bro I got bad news

>zerg rush argument
>in the information age


Not the OP but how would we fare against Russia, China, Iran and North Korea combined?
Do you honestly think they'd just launch one missile? They'd launch a shitload of them and even without a nuclear warhead, carriers would be pretty much defenseless. You can't intercept them all. Carriers are great when invading third world nations, though.
>not realizing they lace heroin with fentanyl to track where it ends up.
the CIA doesnt care if idiots die or not.
but the t-90 literally does not have a KE round that can reliably penetrate the front of an Abrams
The closest thing ANYONE has to an actual figure on their newest APFSDS is roughly 650mm of RHA at 2km.
The M1A2 SEP (not even the newest one) has roughly 1100mm effective armor on the front of the turret against APFSDS, and roughly 6-700 on the frontal hull.
How many tanks do you have, btw?
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Russia is being used as a scapegoat by our political left because they're mad at Putin for fighting degeneracy, and embracing nationalism. They absolutely looooved Russia when it was the Soviet Union.

Also, most of the people who actually listen to the msm are over 60, and still think that you're the #1 threat to American control of the globe.

The chinks meanwhile are laughing all the way to the bank.
>A shit ton of missiles for one aircraft carrier.
I mean, unless you're changing the hypothetical and we're not shooting back?
go away Chad
You have no idea what you are talking about. Literally just making shit up. You ought to be ashamed of yourself as much as your parents are disappointed in you.
>declare war on the usa by launching serveral icbms at its carrier
>your entire country is gone the next day
ok go ahead
Right but we're gunna have people like Chuck Schumer dictating orders to the troops, and a million Jon Stewarts and Colberts crying about our military everynight for years
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>The chinks meanwhile are laughing all the way to the bank.

Sadly this
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>people end up wanting straight fentanyl
>they start spiking fentanyl with heroin to track it
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The SJW hippies back home will be a bigger threat to the US army than any Russian man or machine.

On the other hand, the Russians will probably go into a slav rage and won't stop untill they are all dead.
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>implying that more money = quality
>american public school
Forgot to mention something
We have more M1A2 SEP or newer variants than you have any model of T90s.
*Both countries are gone in the following days

Check your messages!
Nice argument.
This anon is on the right track....kinda of similar to the leading edge of the wings on the f117 and B2....
Prolly lose because our allies are worthless
>Remember when America failed to kill those dirt farmers in Vietnam? Or those dirt farmers in Iraq? Or those dirt farmers in Aghanistan?

we did not fail at killing them, we killed millions of them, lol

we failed at convincing them to join our side via killing them, that part wasnt well thought out, but the killing, the killing we did pretty well.
Don't forget the neocons in the Republican establishment. Why do we keep expanding NATO closer to Russia? The establishment on both sides seem to want war with Russia at this point.
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>The T90's standard loadout includes six missiles. And its gun has 800mm of RHA penetration at maximum range, more than plenty to pop a shitty M1A2 at long range without TUSK.
Pic related. SB was used by the army for training until it was recently replaced and released to the public. Also, without tusk? So if we are just going to exclude all the upgrade kits why don't you get rid of your ADS and Jammers argument then?

>Schtora is more than just the red eyes, it's a 360 degree all-encompassing system.
The IR jammers on the front are its defense against laser guided munitions. Meaning that if it comes from any other direction you are still fucked. The top antenna is the detector. So no this fucking shilled meme of a COD trophy system does not save the T-90.

I mean... The air force isn't all that secret friendo.

If the Ruskies turned back white genocide in the west, many would volunteer to fight for that flag

Still doesn't stop nuclear sub issue. Saddle is not gona do shit when the missile is launched a few miles away
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When will Russians stop injecting bleach into their skin?
Really? Name the war Russia won against a major power where winter didn't save them?
>A shit ton of missiles for one aircraft carrier.

Destroying them all would significantly hinder our ability to project force. We'd have to stage a ground invasion from Europe or Alaska and you have to remember that Russia is a huge fucking nation. Aircraft carriers are a meme and are only useful when invading nations with a shit air force, navy, and a small or nonexistent amount of ballistic missiles. Within 50 years they'll probably go the way of the battleship.
>to put up a fight against the US?
yeah a little bit, give a try


According to the military (the guys fighting) we won. According to politicians (the guys with no clue what was going on) we lost.
Do they have the logistics to cross the Pacific to invade us?
Thank you for being realistic my dude.
I don't think we'll ever go to war with you tho
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>that image
I feel like the Russia is saying something profound, but I don't understand any of it.
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>America subjugating a nation of 144 million slavs, most of which own rifles

You're talking about a country who had a big chunk of our population screaming and whining over our ownership of a few shitty islands in the South Pacific... which we voluntarily freed anyways. Even if we could, we'd never bother hoisting anything over the Kremlin. Not nearly enough benefit to justify it, even from a cost-analysis point of view.
>implying they could destroy them all
Like, in what world could any country destroy all of our aircraft carriers with ICBMs without being turned into a parking lot?
...are you sober or something???
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Sure about that, chum?

>Aircraft carriers are a meme and going the way of the battleship.
>Aircraft carriers aren't a meme because we need them to project a military force.

I mean, make up your mind before you argue.

Only way they are even close to being equal with US is nuclear weapons.
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>Russia and China
Only legitimate threats.
Israel would jump at the opportunity to slit their throats.
>N. Korea
With what force projection? S. Korea would wipe the floor with Best Korea by themselves.

t. Adolf Bonaparte
No we weren't.
ICBMs=/= using nukes, you fucking faggot. They're just long range missiles and don't need to be armed with a nuclear payload. Your precious carriers would be sitting ducks.

>Like, in what world could any country destroy all of our aircraft carriers with ICBMs without being turned into a parking lot?

In a world where we'd be dumb enough to go to war with Russia. Top kek. Carriers would be nearly useless against Russia and that's a fact. They are a literal meme.
Why do I feel like I respect your opinion more than all on this subject, Finn?
>up within a year
I didn't mean that they were docked, I meant that your ASW is terrible, and they would be floating around in circles until you could tow them back, at best. You keep losing exercises, and in real combat they wouldn't let you search for them for weeks (after which you still can't find subs), they'd appear, kill any propulsion and rudders you had, and that'd be it.

You're already at half war footing or something ridiculous. It's more the case of americans forgetting that most countries don't prepare for a world war, and in the case of one it'd be like Germany in WWII, who had to practice with fake tanks and no soldiers because they weren't allowed any, until one day they had enough to overrun all of europe.

But but but muh carrier air power, yes yes. Carriers were good. In the 50's. Now everybody potentially involved have entire weapon systems that directly counters that threat, some of it even made specifically with american carriers in mind, as if the enormous submarine threat wasn't enough.

The incompetent use of just a handful of Exocet missiles in the Falklands war by the Argentinians shows the power of these systems, even though that was still only the early 80's. Since then, ships have developed a little bit, but missiles that fire Mach 10 trajectory-altering warheads have also been developed, specifically to hit carriers (good luck developing a firing solution after it changes course doing 12km/s).

But wait, muh anti-ballistic warhead test.. yeah, blowing all of your tiny arsenal of these experimental weapons on the first wave of anti-ship missiles? No. Even if you do, what's going to happen when they launch more of them? Chinese subs alone can take down your carriers, but a single hit from a missile will render them unusable anyway.

>us Americans are ITCHING for a war with Russia.

Only the "liberal" Democrats, anon.
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Those CIA shills sure are proud of their country. Or maybe it's just indoctrinated teenagers. Either way, it's funny to see how fifty years of fighting nothing but sandmonkeys and jungle snakes has turned a once military giant into a giant inefficient money sink.
>10000 spearman can kill 10 tanks because it works that way in Civilization 5!

No. Of course not. They have a fleet smaller than the UK's. Where as America has a fleet about 12x larger than the UK's.

The only way in which Russia outshines the US military is in tank numbers... Britain and France combined match their troop numbers, quadruple their GDP and match their population.
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im sure russia would win.
just as long as every american soldier kills themselves.
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Russia is going to lose basically any engagement that isn't a domestic ground war.
Literally just airdrop them a pallet of vodka and the fight is over.
something to think about
>implying I mentioned nukes
Look at what happened to Iraq. That took less than 24 hours. Furthermore, if we're going to war with Russia, we'd just strike first. You seem to think we'd wait for them to attack first. I find it hilarious that the only way you can win this argument is by trying to pretend the US will just sit there and do nothing.
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>Destroying them all
stop this fucking meme
90% of the fucking navy is built around keeping them alive
Every single surface combatant we have is built with a large part of its capabilities going into destroying threats to the carrier.
We made a fucking anti-torpedo torpedo just to kill torpedos coming towards the carrier.
We built the most advanced naval fire control/radar/missle systems in the entire world, just to protect the fucking carrier
the carrier is literally a hornet's nest ready to shit out a few dozen of the things loaded with missles to assrape whatever is shooting AShMs at the carrier
and then we have chaff
and CIWS behind all of those other barriers.
Also if they killed one they would most likely lose a large city to a nuke.
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Why? Unnecessary war? No thanks, we have a world to run.
Exactly, which would turn Russia into a shithole of Middle-east tier with perpetual 90's and various bandits and etc fighting against each other.

You basically would destroy every little thing we have going on for us and leave us dying in the ditch.
>Look at what happened to Iraq. That took less than 24 hours.

Do you even know how large and barren Russia is? A war there would be a potential disaster.

>Furthermore, if we're going to war with Russia, we'd just strike first. You seem to think we'd wait for them to attack first.

How much fuel do you think our jets and bombers have, faggot? We can strike first all that we want but unless we're using nukes it isn't going to amount to shit. You aren't going to completely wipe out Russia's military on the first bombing run.
>What is the current state of Russia's military?
Apparently the state of their military is currently "Photoshop" judging by the pixels and having seen quite a few shoops in my time. I mean fucking seriously the concrete slab and the base of the weapon are on completely different perspective planes.
Best point on here. Let's realize who our mutual enemies are and focus on that rather than ruin the world. No matter who won a war the world would be in a worse place.
gg good cartoon
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I wish they'd shot that piece of shit right in his face.

Bonus points if the flower had embedded in his skull.
Hypersonic missiles are the next logical step. The thing is Russia "claims" to have shit all the time but unlike the U.S. they don't let the world tune in to see them tested.

Hypersonic tech just isn't there yet, it's too risky
>Exactly, which would turn Russia into a shithole of Middle-east tier with perpetual 90's and various bandits and etc fighting against each other.

And then we'd get to spend hojillions of dollars and American lives "intervening" every decade or so to root out terrorist cells taking root amongst the chaos - if we don't get another violent shithole like North Korea to deal with for a hundred goddamn years.

Yeah, naw, fuck that. The Chechens are all yours.
Surface naval forces are susceptible to nuclear weapons. That's what he was saying.

And besides, despite all that in your war games your carriers still get sunk by Iranian fishing boats with bombs strapped to them.
I'm guessing your a fat slob who has never been in combat. Fucking man child. I hope your country breeds more inbred genetically inferior meat beasts like you, so you just quietly die off. Yours is a shit tier country. You're probably a street shitter as well...
No, friend. Dont listen to him. We would turn you into a hyper-capitalist satellite state, just look at the Asian Tiger nations. We will import your women at higher rates though

WW3 will probably end for America like WW1 ended for Russia.

Exacerbate the existing internal crisis to the point where it explodes into an all out Civil War and negates any gains on the battlefield.
>Mostly barren land.
>implying we'd just mindless meander through the worthless parts.

>muh specific considerations but I'll just ignore the big picture to win an internet argument
kek You need to read the Emergency Handbook. If it's full war it's nukes. 18 minutes in 1973. That's how fast the first US nuke lands. In 1973.

Our rail guns can put holes in their ships THIS BIG
>your carriers still get sunk by Iranian fishing boats with bombs strapped to them.


'bout that...

Back to facebook you go.
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>your carriers still get sunk by Iranian fishing boats with bombs strapped to them.
what the fuck did you even mean by this
the last time the iranians picked a naval fight with us they failed to kill a frigate and then lost most of their naval capability in return

Well. It only took them 15 years but at least they've got that kink worked out!

remember that scene in Braveheart when the irish were supposed to fight the scots but turned out to all know each other and like each other.

truth is true americans and true russians are blood brothers. it is the (((marx))) that cockblocked it.
You do know that your carriers will be manned by the USMC when they finally go into service, right?
You literally need us to man your own carriers.
the first Chechen war should be all you need to look at

What? That's not to protect carriers, you know. You don't send carriers in close. That's kind of the point of having planes on them... I thought you bongs invented the fucking things? How are you this ignorant?
There were some war games that the US conducted that demonstrated carrier task forces were extremely susceptible to suicide attack craft.

But our ((("conservatives"))) are pretty damn far to the left as well.
Don't know don't care. What does that have to do with anything?
>We're practically niggers in your eyes
I don't know a single person who has ever thought of Russians as niggers.
Russian military by 2035.
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>Boat is trying to ram aircraft carrier.
>Navy guy 1: "You see this guy?"
>Navy guy 2: "Yeah. Is he going to ram us?"
>Navy guy 1: "Better safe than sorry."

It susceptible to suicide attack craft only in peaceful conditions when no one is looking for them, the weapons aren't armed, and civilian ships can pass close.
Wasn't about logistics, it was about being absolutely crushed in Operation Bagetron.

Rule #1. Know your enemy. You faggots only know what Hollywood tells you.
My entire argument has been centered around a conventional war without nukes. If we're using nukes, it becomes a race to whoever can strike first. But such a war would still be fucking disastrous no matter who wins because you aren't going to be able to knock out Russia's ability to retaliate on the first run. Some submarines and/or nuclear silos will most likely still survive; millions of innocents will die on both sides.

Without nukes, Russia is a very large nation and capable of waging a defensive war for awhile. There would have to be a ground war and assuming we win that, there would be resistance to American occupation that will make Iraq look like Disneyland.
Yeah, how dare I give you facts.
That's what germans thought

It's not so much about strength of military.

The one thing that people seem to ignore when measuring military dicks, is that the generals who make strategic decisions are trying to minimize the number of casualties. The war would be very long and very drawn out, taking small chunks out of each other's militaries over many years.

It would boost both our country's economies by churning the war machines, and the loss of life would be catastrophic, with casualties in the military, civilian, and any country who happened to be in the way.
>But such a war would still be fucking disastrous no matter who wins...
You didn't read the Emergency Handbook.

And no, it's not. It's capable against Europe and countries in Asia. It's not against the US.
You're just giving an opinion and are deluding yourself into believing Russia will just be a walk in the part. Top kek. You're brainwashed like a motherfucker.
No one wants strategic analysis from fucking Belgium, a non-country with a non-military. Almost nothing you said is even remotely true.
there isn't a country on this planet that can invade America and I say this as someone who is passionate about military strategy with as little bias as possible form being an American

America could litteraly take on the entire world if they didn't have to launch any invasions.

we're effectively an island with the most powerful navy on the globe by jaw-dropping margins.
>walk in the park
>susceptible to nuclear
forgot to mention that we have a missile for that
the SM-3 is designed to hit ballistic missile warheads (and satellites)
The U.S military is infested with niggers,gays,and mentally incompetent faggots, glad I got out in 2009, the recession cause a shitload of people to go to the military for jobs.

I get the feeling out of the two of us I'm the only one that's done any research at all about a war between Russia and the US. Or has military experience.

The susceptibility to suicide attack craft were conclusions reached by the US navy, on the back of war games they themselves conducted. I don't know why you're sending me propaganda leaflets?

And no the exercise was not done from the position of the US being at peace.
mexicans invaded bro

they divided and conquered

they infiltrated our military

they pervaded our government

they hold all the strings to the puppet

all without a single bullet shot
Putin is the one person (((they))) fear the most. Russia can effectively nuke the world back into the stone age if properly provoked. Their conventional military forces are not the threat, it's the capability for mutually assured world-wide destruction.
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>The susceptibility to suicide attack craft were conclusions reached by the US navy, on the back of war games they themselves conducted.
Do you have literally any sources to this? Because I just gave you a study by a world-renowned military think tank.
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>war between humans states

How do people this retarded actually exist.

>shitty M1A2

what an absolute fucking joke

what planet are you even living on?
>>128079897 >>128079799

But he called it propaganda. If he believes hard enough you lost the argument. :^)
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Not the conclusion reached by the US naval board but clearly you know better.
Dude, the Chinese bought up all the mineral rights.

The mighty US army controls the diplomatic part of Kabul, sort of, and Bagram airbase.

At some point you will leave. Everyone does.
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USA exports more marxism than the USSR ever did

beyond that the USA isn't really the same USA that fought the USSR

besides exporting cultural marxism we are now a majority brown / black country , completely different than the America of the 50s . The main purpose of the USA is to serve as a vassal state to Israel and funnel money (tribute) to them and engage in constant warfare around their borders.

Russia and USA being friends is a nice dream from 50 years ago, I wish things could still be that way But Russia can't be friends with Israel's Foreign Legion any more than it could be friends with some degenerate breakaway sect of communist Zulus . It just doesn't make sense
You refer to the Millenium challenge?

The wargame where redfor "won" by ignoring the laws of physics, pretended they strapped massive Anti-ship missiles to speedboates and bicycles, and had magic un-interceptable, indestructible c3 and comms, and used more missiles than anyone bar russia and china have in their entire inventories?

*That* exercise?
Untapped mineral deposits like lithium. We are the JEW now
The planet where the Leopard 2 is better in every single way, and even that tank fails to measure up to a T90.
We couldn't even beat Vietnam, North Korea, and we're still in fucking Afghanistan from a conventional war standpoint. Those are literal third world nations and we still couldn't completely subdue them. You're delusional if you believe Russia will go down easy and the only way it would be an easy war is if we sneak attacked them with thousands of nukes. And you know that you aren't going to completely knock out every ICBM silo or nuclear sub so at least a few of our cities are going to be turned to ash.

Again, BARING NUKES, I don't believe they have the capability to actually invade the USA, but they could wage a defensive war and possibly win a war of attrition.
> letting the winter and lack of enemy preparation save it from much stronger opponents

you do realize we're talking about Russia here?
the country that's been using the "wait till winter" strategy since the days of Persia before Russia even existed
I do know better. I have military experience.
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Who cant put up a fight against US?

Which means you know nothing, retarded welfare queenz

cute little guy.

any russian hardware on a battlefield would be dust.
>Lives in a world where nuclear bombs weren't invented and completely rewrote the book on war strategy.

We are already in a war with Russia btw. Their proxy military (Syria) is fighting our proxy military (Isis).

Escalation to nukes is the problem.
Also, you continue to just keep your eyes shut to the facts of the situation. If you want to live in a world where you keep your head buried in the sand about the reality of war and only dabble in hypothetical situations knock yourself out.

The facts will still be there, though.
Those weren't easy wars and we spent a lot of time, money, and lives over there. For fuck's sake, we had to cuck ourselves to the Saudi petrodollar since our economy was starting to fail due to the cost of those wars. You are rather delusional if you think a war with Russia would be even easier.

everyone take note of how Xenophobia clouds geopolitical judgement

you sir, are cancer
>I know more about the military because I'm a civvy.
Your post was total shit and it got the response it deserved. The T-90 is a piece of shit cold war relic with a new coat of paint that was only purchased because Russia couldn't afford to manufacture the Black Eagle.
They weren't easy because our goal wasn't the destruction of our enemy. If it was it would have been a pure bloodbath.
Russia and America will never engage in conventional warfare. I mean, if they do that is a huge mistake. The nuclear scenario is the only scenario. Nuclear barrage is 90% assured to be the first strike either does on the either.
Yes, I most likely have a higher iq than a zog slave

>dead d.c. = americans shrug eh... good. (as long as the Trumps and Rand make it out safely, of course)

can confirm.
nobody wins a nuclear war so it's a completely moot point to even factor it in. The only way to even talking about an information-age war that isn't asymmetrical is to assume that some defensive system has been invented which nullifies nuclear weapons.
>Let's just start dropping fucking nukes on Russia XD XD

You're rather delusional if you think that is going to sit well with the rest of the world. If you want to wage a war with Russia, it's going to have to be a conventional one until they start dropping nukes--which is something I hope never happens.
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This. 800mm was mentioned a penetration for the primary cannon. An Abrams is rated at over 1400mm. Hell, there are cases in Thunder Run where they tied to destroy Abrams that were stuck or "mobility-kill" and EVEN THE ABRAMS CANNON couldn't kill another Abrams because of the armor when they tried to destroy it in place to prevent capture. They had to get a M88 out there to drag it out.

And then they repaired the fucking thing and put it right back into service anyway.
The Middle-Eastern campaign is actually a complete disaster.
>No, see, liberals are right about Russia, facts don't matter, and YOU'RE THE ONE BRAINWASHED.

You're pretty pathetic, honestly.
It's a 30 page document from the Lexington institute a national security think tank that does nothing more than talk about how amazing the navy is... Do you really think it's unbiased?

I'm having a hard time finding it by merit of it being 15 years old and fairly minor news at the time. However it's mentioned in a Black Pigeon Speaks video here and I'm sure source is in the description if you really care.

If it's full scale war the rest of the world's opinion no longer matters. That's the thing about war.

You mean the one in 1914 in WWI?
Keep showing that low IQ.

Sure showed me.

Well, I'll admit it's impossible to argue with you. This fantasy world you've created for yourself is pretty thick.
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>I can't argue with what he said so I'll post a logical fallacy to sound smart
That's a cool story, but you shouldn't believe most of the supposed values of armor/penetration you hear online, as almost all of it is guesswork around classified values.

>If it's full scale war the rest of the world's opinion no longer matters.

It does, but there will always be fall guys.
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Our militaries sre invincible!
Any tribe that has bslls can kill and repel any invaders.
Easy, who do the intel agencies spend all thier time watching: We the people.
>That's a cool story, but you shouldn't believe most of the supposed values of armor/penetration you hear online, as almost all of it is guesswork around classified values.
Except for it's printed in one of Tom Clacy's research books about the Abrams. In it he describes exactly how it got its armor rating.

I take it you've done ZERO research on the subject?
I for one think we should have better relations with the Russians.
>If it's full scale war the rest of the world's opinion no longer matters. That's the thing about war.
>start dropping nukes like some sort of brainwashed neo-con

>China's 500 nukes don't matter
>European states armed with nukes don't matter
>The Geneva Conventions don't matter

Good luck with that, cowboy.
Better not say that too loud, Russkie. Might stir up the hornets nest.
US citizens can lynch all politicians, corporate leaders, bankers and military who are traitors in a few weeks of armed struggle.
Found it!

It's called the Millennium Challenge 2002.
>He thinks in WWIII people will cordially agree not to use nukes and just stab and shoot each other.
Yeah, keep ignoring facts. That's cool. Even with your non-nuke hypothetical you're reaching about how Russia is an even match with the US.
>Haha you can't argue with my logical fallacies, can you?

Read & weep.
>I hate the US because of (((reasons))) so therefore I'm going to keep believing Russia will destroy them easily.
Every detractor ITT.
The only threat to the Zog is us citizens, isis is not even a bleep of a threat or russia.
The thing is, Russia has been disproportionately investing into nuclear weapons, whereas the US has funded for all areas of military armament because they planned on taking out a bunch of shit countries to begin with. America is the aggressor. Russia's mutually assured destructive power is their weapon and defense against an imperialistic nation like the US.

Comparing the two and saying Russia is shit is kind of tunnel-visioned.
I'm unsure as to what version of the Abrams you're referring to, but It sounds like the M1A1, which is still classified. Tom Clancy is in the business of writing entertaining books that are generally accurate, but he doesn't have access to that sort of thing.
>Millennium Challenge 2002.
>Van Riper was extremely critical of the scripted nature of the new exercise and resigned from the exercise in the middle of the war game. Van Riper later said that the Vice Admiral Marty Mayer altered the exercise's purpose to reinforce existing doctrine and notions of infallibility within the U.S. military rather than serving as a learning experience. Van Riper also stated that the war game was rigged so that it appeared to validate the modern, joint-service war-fighting concepts it was supposed to be testing.
Maybe you should read instead.
>America is the aggressor.

You might have heard about this Thing in the Ukraine...


Millennium challenge is literally fanfiction-tier.
Nothing I posted was a logical fallacy.

mohommed, shut the fuck up or i will shut you up permanently.
Police can be lynched in half a second if they are loyalists

I actually read the US Government report on Millennium Challenge - the whole fucking thing - and I soon discovered that Van Riper was a whiny cunt that outright lied about a LOT of things.

Furthermore, the lessons of the exercise were NOT ignored, because a lot of development since then has been focused on problems that emerged during Millennium Challenge - such as the entire Littoral Combat Ship program, for starters.
>He thinks in WWIII people will cordially agree not to use nukes and just stab and shoot each other.

>unironically wanting a WWIII scenario

They're not a match but they could have the capability of holding out defensively until we're so drained of resources/popular opinion shifts away that we're forced to withdrawal. Again--assuming no nukes. Any war with Russia wouldn't be easy unless you start dropping nukes but then other nuclear armed nations aren't going to be happy when the USA becomes a rouge, nuke-dropping nation. Committing atrocities on a scale that the world has never seen isn't good for PR.
Real world example of what happens against suicide plane attacks

Van Riper spat the dummy because he got told so stop being a moron after he claimed 2 dudes in a speedboat was an acceptable launch platform for a full-size AShM.

Among other egregious rejections of reality.
>and I soon discovered that Van Riper was a whiny cunt that outright lied about a LOT of things.
Exactly. I'm only putting out what wikipedia presented.
Jesus, you have no grasp on reality, do you?
i mean, go ahead, plug your tinfoil hate opinions since that's all anyone does here on /pol/ anyway.

not sure how what you've said is even relevant
Exactly what I'm saying.
Ah yes, we backed/caused a coup there in 2014.
We totally aren't aggressors though.
>You mean the one in 1914 in WWI?
No I mean the current one. We were supposed to be in Iran years ago, but we are impossibly behind.
tinfoil hat*
That's where ur wrong my Germfag. We are btfo of commies. Join us.
>We're supposed to be in Iran.
Got a source, buddy?
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>How dare someone else hypothesize about the potential fallout from a war with Russia! They must be a commie!
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