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Lets all just ignore possibly the most important admission in

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Lets all just ignore possibly the most important admission in the history of court cases.



Whatever you do, don't look into #DNCFraudLawsuit

And DEFINITELY don't reply to any threads about it, especially this one. (No, not even to call me a libcuck or a Russian agent, sorry.)




"We could have voluntarily decided that, Look, we're gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way. That's not the way it was done. But they could have. And that would have also been their right." ~Bruce Spiva, Lawyer for the DNC, in open court

Can I get a quick rundown on what this is and what it means?
interesting. this should be spread far and wide
People who claim to oppose the DNC and what it actually stands for, who are simultaneously aware of, and yet silent on, #DNCFraudLawsuit... are liars.
Their silence proves they want the DNC to persist.
"We could have voluntarily decided that, Look, we're gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way. That's not the way it was done. But they could have. And that would have also been their right." ~Bruce Spiva, Lawyer for the DNC, in open court
The DNC officially asserted in court that they have zero obligation to run a legitimate election. Right or wrong, that changes everything.
There is literally no room to deny it.
With #SethRich you can (however baselessly) assert it's a meaningless conspiracy theory. But not so with #DNCFraudLawsuit. There can be no disputing statements made in court happened.
This one issues exposes the fact that the opposition between the DNC and RNC is staged.
This goes beyond topical partisan conflict and cynical belief systems about what's really going on. This is hard cold official proof. It's the difference between a personal conviction and an official announcement.
The DNC officially announced elections are a farce.
American society just admitted that democracy literally doesn't exist in the United States.
That has massive global implications well beyond even the staggering impact of the #SethRich events. (Which ultimately toy with global nuclear war, just for perspective.)
Silence on the #DNCFraudLawsuit issue and from where it's coming, especially from rightist and self labeled independent elements of society, is perhaps even more revealing and important than what is said about it, pro and con.
This issue is a near flawless litmus test for support for democracy itself.
Bump this is incredibly important too
Also for Obama repeatedly breaking our 4th amendment. Also for the awan brothers and their entire saga with clintons and dnc. There is soo much out there that can take down the dnc. Never stop talking about it.
Fraud lawsuit is the best of the set imo because there's no speculation required and it's not just a DNC member gaff or corruption it's the DNC itself speaking in court on the record.

Game changer imo.
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I'll try again tomorrow after this one inexplicably vanishes.

Seriously, why am I not even getting trolls and haters?
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TLDR the bannana is Hillarys team
All of the trolls here are paid m8 keep up the good fight. I'm watching
Democracy is shit anyway
but solid gestalt and thank you burg
Nice thread, Brandon.
Thank you :)

That might be the first time anyone has called me by name on 4chan :P

Obviously I'm making such great efforts to hide my identity >.> X)
It's not a right vs left issue. Blindly supporting either side means you don't fully see the big picture. As long as Israel keeps this Trump shit up, all the newfags will continue to get sucked down into left vs right drama and ignore bipartisan issues. It's better when they fight each other, goy.
Agreed, since presumably the RNC could make the same argument the DNC, but my question is why doesn't anyone care?

The right should use it as a tool vs the left, and even if the establishment types are quiet to protect the two party system what about all the people not even aware of that angle? And what about all the independents that want to crush both?

What about all the so called trolls that shit on everything regardless?

I swear the silence on this speaks volumes.

Should add more quotes from the case... Like the one where they say they don't have to have an impartial primary, even though it's their own rule, because impartial isn't self-defining
See >>128026643

Both parties are guilty, generally speaking. The right is in bed with Israel and the left is working for the bankers/deep state/elite, whatever terms people come up with. In reality, it's more of the same.
Do it, the link to the pdf is right here, dig out some good ones. Make better threads hehe.


I'm open to suggestions.
They're silent because, like you said, playing the sides and maintaining the illusion is critical. Both sides exist to do two important tasks - further an elitist goal, and adsorb and neutralize anybody who wants to oppose the other's elitist goal by pretending to fight them. The right needs to continue existing because it establishes the elite's financial and power infrastructure and absorbs people who oppose leftist social decay, and the left needs to exist to further its divisive social decay and absorb anybody who opposes the elite's infrastructure.
That's a conspiracy theory though, like technically.

"All trolls are paid."

Does that mean everyone here but you and me are working for the two teams? Are there no indies here? No pure anarchists that just wanna watch it all go down?

I mean surely there should be some debate on this around here, regardless, unless the whole thing is being managed.

But if that's the case why even allow my threads?
It's not a conspiracy anon. Look beyond this place to find your proofs. There have been so many oldfags banned for posting any independent thoughts or in some cases, even red pill threads, which used to be a staple here. The process of sharing information from oldfags to newfags has been decaying and it's not by chance. What's left has become a Trump (Israel) circlejerk. The people you're looking for are still around and some still lurk here.

In b4 ban, Kek posting, and shill.

That's a bold statement. I'll need to think about that more. To think that there are no indies or anarchists here, all trolls really are bots and such. I need to think about ways to prove or disprove it.
you have my attention
Dig into the transcript or Google it and make better threads than this one XD

I suck at this.
It is a bold statement and it's true. You think you're the only person to have made a thread here that went against the God Emperor Trump had it slid off or constantly called a libcuck, shill, or other tactics to discredit you without any argument at all?

See >>128032465

The only people that used to do that were the Stormfags but that's not the case anymore. And before any Stormfags come in here and start your bullshit, I don't give a fuck about you. I only hate when you shit up every thread and act no different than the very Jews you claim to hate.

I'm currently working but I downloaded the PDF of the case and I have a more than passing familiarity with federal law due to my job (I will not elaborate on that). I'll dig into this tonight/tomorrow and see what I can put together. Just skimming through it I found that one of their main arguments is that there is no such thing, legally speaking, as the Democratic Party. The absolute gall of this lawyer sickens me.
I think you'll agree if you dig into it that the #DNCFraudLawsuit is different.

Has any political party in American history admitted officially in court that they have no legal obligation to run a fair election?

Were I not watching it be ignored I would conclude that such a thing would have been the story of the century.

I mean imagine what you would have expected to happen if you were told in 2015 that was coming.

The relative silence is almost more shocking than the event itself.

I mean, we're not talking about some group or person that can be fired and problem solved.

This is the party ITSELF speaking in court.

There's no further evidence to get.

It's like the CIA saying in court they shot JFK or something and that shooting presidents is legal.

Indeed. They overtly argue that their entire charter is meaningless legally. It's mind numbing.
>Has any political party in American history admitted officially in court that they have no legal obligation to run a fair election?

Not that I'm aware of, but maybe another anon would give insight to it. I agree with your post btw, I'm just trying to help you understand why things like this don't get the attention they used to.

Do you think the right could possibly be guilty of the same thing? Is that why the actual shills on this board don't want to touch it? Imagine if people realized the amount of corruption in the US government and this caused them to look into it. What would they find? How would that keep the divide going in this country so we can keep pointing the finger at each other?
Thank you. I guess I just never saw blatantly relevant issues being ignored like this on pol before.

Discussed ineptly sure but not outright ignored.

I don't think the RNC is as guilty of this specific type of election fraud because if nothing else they have lesser need.

Their base seems easier to please and manage. This is not to say right wingers are somehow lesser, it's just a logistical fact stemming from the fact that we have a single shared past by many possible futures.

This makes reformers much harder to unify by definition.

I wrote about this before:
You don't even get to run for election unless you owe someone something.
Both sides work for the lobbyists.
>Do you think the right could possibly be guilty of the same thing? Is that why the actual shills on this board don't want to touch it? Imagine if people realized the amount of corruption in the US government and this caused them to look into it. What would they find? How would that keep the divide going in this country so we can keep pointing the finger at each other?

This kind of shit is what makes this whole political process feel so hollow. We all know and yet nobody wants to know. I always knew Trump's victory would be meaningless because there is no difference between the parties.
Well one big fucking difference right now is that one of them admitted in court they don't run fair elections.

I think this needs a catchier title.

Bernie Redemption Lawsuit.

Bernie Justice Lawsuit

Bernie Would Have Won Lawsuit.

Bernie Bros Robbery Trial
No Trump's victory was meaningful, it's all the stuff afterwards that obviously is irrelevant. Trump was a symbol, a useful tool, and a point of unity that we let ourselves get too stuck on. We should have known that the guy never espoused our ideals, that a president won't, and can't, do what we need done. We should have seen that the election itself was the event horizon of Trump's usefulness and poured our energy into other productive endeavor. We won when we elected Trump but the idea that he could have ever been /ourguy/ was ludicrous.

Clinton Primary Riggers Lawsuit.

DNC Riggers

>I don't think the RNC is as guilty of this specific type of election fraud because if nothing else they have lesser need.

That's possible. The main question I asked myself was, "Why?" I'm not under the assumption that our government is completely incompetent, maybe on some issues it appears that way but not generally speaking. What would they gain by not exposing this?
I think it's because kek is in hibernation or whatever right now
I guess the answer there is because they know that the DNC is working for their bosses.

Same reason coke doesn't destroy Pepsi. But that only answers for a tiny political elite. Their entire base should demand the death blow.

Along with progressives and indies.
Here is an enjoyable read about the lawsuits going on


The DNC lawyers have an incredibly difficult position of trying to go against a 1000 years of common law about fraud.

They try to position in the lawsuit transcript that the silly bylaw of being neutral is meaningless (admitting they will always play favorites) and that if the court makes them do something because of their internal rules, that it would be a breach of the first amendment.

Yup, its that long of a stretch for them to defend it.

Its worth the half hour or hour it takes to read.
To clarify, I linked the actual court transcripts.

The DNC are dead as an organization. This split was what threatened to happen with Perot and Paul.
>Their entire base should demand the death blow.

It's always baffled me why this doesn't happen like it has in the past here and in other parts of the world. I think the public has gotten so apathetic about politics over the last several decades and is kept busy with things that don't matter as much like entertainment and all of these groups on the other side to be mad at.

Whether the Kek shit was manufactured or not, it was interesting to see how quickly just one spark can light the fire of millions of people, including people who never gave a shit about politics before. The idea that it can happen again is what still gives me hope for the general public, regardless if that was its intent.
Well, if the trolls here are all paid shills than the kek thing is fake too I suspect.

I agree. I can't imagine the judge is gonna have any grounds for granting the DNC's motion to dismiss.

If he does I genuinely think it will domino into civil war. That just isn't a realistic option for them.

The final de facto canceling of elections will rouse us or nothing will. It's a huge unacceptable gamble for them. Far worse than rolling the dice on nuclear war even. Not least because it might well lead there.
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Anybody with half a brain has realized that the vote don't mean shit. A two party system is BS.
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Belief is different from proof in the form of an official announcement in court.

Even psycho bums understand this which is why they often seek obsessively to prove their assertions and hypotheses.

The difference between a conviction and a fact is the difference between a religion and a result.
Not to go OT, but as I'm reading this

>The Court would have to find that these individuals were induced to give money to Representative Sanders --
sorry -- Senator Sanders

Fucking L O L. What is with them and never addressing someone with their proper titles? I keep seeing this behavior with other politicians, too. It's just a level of respect that they don't seem to have.
Yeah that is rather odd, I guess it's just because habits die hard?

There are other funny bits in the transcript.

At one point the judge basically tells the crowd to shut up hehe.

THE COURT: And I apologize. This is not your
MR. BECK: Okay.
THE COURT: But for those of you who are here as
spectators -- and there's at least one individual and maybe
two -- you are distracting the Court with your show of
exuberance in support of counsel's arguments. You might as
well be doing somersaults or backflips in support of counsel's
argument. So, you are distracting me. So, if you want to help
the side that you're here to support, let me listen to the
lawyer, and please stop distracting me.
Counsel, go right ahead.
MR. BECK: Thank you, your Honor.
don't fall into absolutes so quickly.

>a legitimate election
Primary election, as they reference choosing a candidate. It's still two teams trying to make more money than the other. Unless you're tapping into muh New World Order, in which case-
They certainly seem to be asking for it.
>we're not even getting into the question of widespread reports of irregularities at polling locations in various states relating to the actual voting in the primary. There's widespread reports of voting machine irregularities, voter suppression, strange purging of the rolls.

And she still lost. It gets me everytime.
>The other part of their injury here appears to be that Mr. Sanders -- Senator Sanders would have done better had the party supposedly been more evenhanded than it was.

Lmao, they did it again.
Bro, you gotta capture your audience's attention first.
Start off with a strong Seth Rich reference, show a lil hate to the nigger race and then slowly transition into a strong topic like this.

Nice work on the gestalt, and also thanks for keeping us all informed. Valhalla will have a special place for patriots such as yourself.
kek, this faggot actually thinks of himself as an agent. paid shitposter does not an agent make.
What makes you think I think I'm an agent?

I don't even own a sport coat.
Adding the plaintiff's response to this:

>And, quite frankly, if what defendant -- or what the DNC has just said is true -- and I really hope it's not true, but if what he said is true, then I think it's a really sad day for democracy in this country. Because what essentially the DNC has now stated in a court of law is that it believes that there is no enforceable obligation to run the primary elections of this country's democracy in a fair and impartial manner.

>And if that's the case -- and I think counsel just said it himself -- then really, you know, the sky's the limit in terms of what the DNC and any party, for that matter, can do.
Took them this long to realize that? Jeez.

Captcha: Arabian aviano
Yeah, Beck is awesome. He's on twitter.


What the actual fuck
Bum bump bump
You're missing the point.

It's not about previous cynical belief.

It's about what the DNC admitted in court on the record through their attorney.

It's like the whole DNC as a person sworn in under oath answering a really direct question.

"Do you feel you are legally obligated to run a fair election?"


That is wholly different from us simply knowing they are full of shit and corrupt which of course we all knew already heh.
But this is old news?
I don't thinks it's unworthy to talk about. But look at it's reception. There is none.

Nobody fucking cares about this, they all knew. When they all knew it becomes like everything else that is disclosed or leaked. Ignored, because it's so easy to accept cause nothing really changes in the life of the average individual.
Go ahead, talk to someone you know about this right now. See how much they care. To what degree this is information that relates to them.

There is no hope until people see hardship.
>THE COURT: Okay. And what imminent future injury do the plaintiffs allege?

>MR. BECK: Well, I think that the imminent future injury -- and this has -- sort of, I think, become apparent perhaps in the course of today's hearing, but the imminent future injury is that elections occur on a cyclical basis. And so, unless the Court -- if we prove our claims, and unless the Court issues a remedy to prevent the --


>MR. BECK: -- the DNC from engaging in this type of conduct in future elections, then there's nothing that's going to be stopping them.

So the DNC lawyers are basically, up to this point, saying we dindu nuffin and the classic, "I don't know/remember anything." I'm doing other things atm so it's taking me a bit to get through it, but I'm gonna make it!
Ahhh, that's an interesting argument. That because everyone knew them admitting it is irrelevant.

But if that's the case, how do you explain why anyone cares about seth rich or any other gaff scandal or controversy with regard to corruption?
It's like the snowden leaks, wikileaks troughout the last decade and such.
Nothing comes from it. We who care see it, but others ignore it because what the fuck? What real difference does it make?
Asserting the Snowden leaks had no impact is insane.
It did, but in the minds of everyday people it didn't. The majority of people do not really read news. They read headlines, some people watch news. But that's us. There are so much more of them then of us.
People just have no fucking clue as a mass of what the snowden leaks actually is.

So what does it change that the DNC admitted it?
I'm not saying it don't, it does. But it really kind of don't. Cause enforcing it opens the enforcer up to a counter argument of the same. There is no side to take it on. What the fuck is gonna change?
DNC needs to be dissolved
>how do you explain why anyone cares about seth rich

Easy digestible memes that can be circulated. Make an infographic with your proof/source and something eye catching. Post it in redpill threads or anything relating to corruption. Use burners for social media spreading, etc.. the usual stuff.
this must be why the catalog is full of shite
checked, enjoy the slide
Yeah I see what you mean, in terms of day to day impact, directly attributable to X. Not much.

But why do people care enough to make memes of seth rich in the first place and not this?

I'll try to make more memes. Feel free to post good background pictures and or quotes. I'll text them like my picture in the OP. (not with a shitty website hehe)
>page 8

>But why do people care enough to make memes of seth rich in the first place and not this?

Those leaks played a huge role in exposing the corruption in the DNC and the cost for that was Seth Rich's life. Assange did an interview implying that he was killed over supplying them with the leaks, which further supported the corruption claims. Also, the tension around that time period was pretty high. Scandal after scandal, leaks, pizzagate, corruption, investigations opening again over Clinton's emails, etc... So it was pretty easy to latch on to for political gain considering the presidential election was around the corner. Plenty of people have been killed that were investigating DNC corruption and things related to it, but I think it was the politcal advantage that helped turn it into a big deal.
Because this is complicated.
Seth got shot in the back in a robbery without being robbed. Then you add on everything else, that's easy to understand, cause you've heard the words before. "wikileaks, russia, DNC, Hillary, emails"

"We could have voluntarily decided that, Look, we're gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way. That's not the way it was done. But they could have. And that would have also been their right." ~Bruce Spiva, Lawyer for the DNC, in open court

DNC says in court, there's not a law against rigging elections.

That's pretty simple.

Getting evidence for Seth is the usual connect the dots evidence chain game that will hopefully one day hold up IN court but here the evidence ORIGINATED in court. X)

I think they'd rather have us chasing tail on yet another JFK than camped outside the judge's house making sure he rules correctly.
We can do both of course but I think the silence proves that this scares them more then Seth.

They ignored Bernie too right up until they didn't have a choice.
MR. SPIVA: And the Court would have to basically tell
the party that it couldn't change that rule, even though it's a
discretionary rule that it didn't need to adopt to begin with.
The Court would have to find that these individuals
were induced to give money to Representative Sanders --
sorry -- Senator Sanders on the basis that there would be this
neutrality that there purportedly was not, and that they
wouldn't have -- they relied on that, and that they wouldn't
have given that money otherwise.
And same with DNC members. The Court would have to
define who is a member of the Democratic Party nationwide.
There is no national registration for either of the major
parties. And so, this Court would have to determine what it
means to be a Democrat and then determine whether the class
that the Court defined was injured in some way by the
I think through each of these questions, your Honor --
and there are more -- they are not justiciable, because they
are political questions that courts have repeatedly said
they -- that they are not the province of the civil courts.
It's not redressable, because if the Court were to seek to
answer those questions and impose burdens upon the party, it
would violate the First Amendment rights of the party for free
association. And so it's not redressable.
And, really, I think there's an impossible showing of
causation. I mean the Court would have to find that people who
fervently supported Bernie Sanders and who purportedly didn't
know that this favoritism was going on would have not given to
Mr. Sanders, to Senator Sanders, if they had known that there
was this purported favoritism.
>This one issues exposes the fact that the opposition between the DNC and RNC is staged.

How does that follow?
Adding the defendant's response

>MR. SPIVA: Thank you, your Honor.
First, I just want to say -- because in response to my hypothetical that the party could choose its nominees in a smoke-filled room, I want to just reiterate that the party ran the process fair and impartially, and does not do that and doesn't plan to do that. But these, again, are political choices that either party is free to make and are not enforceable in a court of law.
It's like knowing a fight is rigged by the obvious pulling of punches.

If the RNC really wanted to bury the DNC, they'd be on top of #DNCFraudLawsuit 10x harder than any scandal in the past.

The DNC admitted in court that they are legally allowed to rig elections.

They fact that they are utterly silent on this shows they don't actually want to win.

They want the illusion of competition forever. They are in bed with the DNC as much as the DNC is in bed with the people that own both parties.

It's a puppet show.

The RNC is always going on about voter fraud, but clearly they don't actually care about election integrity, which we knew, or about winning elections, which we didn't.
See >>128030369

The Leaf said it best.

so what you're saying is kick them both hard in the balls?
Agreed. That argument is absolutely solid with regard to the RNC itself and the actions of the right wing party proper and it's media allies.

I always understood that. My question was why people didn't care. I guess the thread being still alive shows some do care, for now anyway heh. But really I'd expect to see a lot more.
I still don't see how it follows.

Neo-cons and neo-libs are depressingly similar - but that doesn't mean that Clinton threw the election to Trump, and that the billion dollars she spent were all a hoax.
>The DNC is a private organisation and has no obligation to function democratically
>"Hacking" the DNC's emails was an act of war against the country's democratic values
No one is saying that.

The question is why aren't the RNC publicizing the fact that the DNC asserted it is legal for it to rig elections.

And the answer has been given.
XD nice.

That badly needs to be one of those choose one button memes.

I'd say the correct answer is because the RNC can legally do the exact same thing.

And they were seriously considering pulling rules fuckery to stump Trump at their convention. They didn't do it because of the backlash it would cause.
That may well be. Either way that only makes this issue even more important to everyone not working for the oligarchy.
Backward reasoning, just like they taught you in shill school. That's it, pretend the Streisans Effect doesn't exist. Good goy. Now choke on horse cum.
>think elections are a gift from god
Then you hold your own damned elections, cuck.
>But look at it's reception. There is none.
But look at its TRANSMISSION. There is none.
The case is based in part on Seth's leaks. A murder makes burgers hopping mad. A legal case makes burgers change the channel.
Checked and nailed it. The Parties help each other up after the public slams one down. We gotta make one fully 200% dieded before we work the other one.
The billions are spent mainly to price John Q. Public out of the race and off the agenda.
> A murder makes burgers hopping mad. A legal case makes burgers change the channel.

Heh. Burgers. I don't come her often so that's new to me X)
>The billions are spent mainly to price John Q. Public out of the race and off the agenda.

In the general election?

Agreed. I'm surprised my Bernie-loving friends on Facebook aren't talking about this.
>Agreed. I'm surprised my Bernie-loving friends on Facebook aren't talking about this.

Inform them! :)

>Get my hashtag trending or you're a libcuck!
Throughout the entire process. It drives up the price of media exposure bigly, so much that a candidate almost has to be approved by the treacherous business class to even be heard of.
I will. I'm gonna light up Leftbook.
[spoiler]Tho most of Leftbook are Hillary-lovers, go figure.[/spoiler]
Dude, try searching it. I hardly invented it, and it's not exactly obscure. Also there are like 4 or 5 versions.

> libcuck

Was waiting for that X)


Cool. We can only try :)
>[spoiler]Tho most of Leftbook are Hillary-lovers, go figure.[/spoiler]
yep. Loveit.
Stop putting hashtags in your posts, you massive giganigger. Do you need to be dressed by an adult too?
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What made you decide to make a thread here and shill it on twitter? And more importantly, why didn't you take the advice of anons and lurk moar before posting?


While you're here and before you write more articles about liberals, go ahead and take babby's first red pill before you leave. Pic related.
Why? Having trouble following along? #FetalAlcoholSyndrome
Because I still want an answer to the question of why no one cares.

I like how you don't understand the meaning of the word shill.

I'm sharing this thread on twitter because I want a discussion on it to happen.

It's cute that you think I should be ashamed of my twitter account or my political convictions.

You've spent too much time behind that self marginalizing mask of anonymity :)

P.S. Thanks for clicking my link :)
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I only got one scoop. Covfefe.
I'm trying it on Reddit also.

The lawyer isn't wrong, OP. The DNC is under no obligation to actually pick the candidate their members vote for.
We were schooled on that in the republican primary.

Pretty fucking sure society has been operating under the assumption it was illegal to rig elections.

I dare the courts to actually back that claim. Talk about grounds for civil war.



You saying the RNC installed Trump like the DNC installed Clinton?
Several electors said they were not going to vote for Trump even though he won the primaries in that district. Legal, but the blowback would have been suicide and then some. I don' think one acutally did.
>DNC rigged the primary
>admitted it in court

Unfortunately, their base is so fucking retarded I'm sceptical if it actually will matter in the end.
They won't know. They watch CNN

Granted for at least a sizable portion of said base.

But that doesn't explain the silence from the RNC base.


That sounds like a pretty legitimate outcome at least. DNC definitely didn't allow that.

Superdels from the start alone.
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The pressure is getting to Hillary Clinton and it's clear that this crazy bitch has lost her mind.
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Who could be next in line?
I'm very glad she lost. I wish the greens had gotten 5% at least. But at least I learned that 3rdP simply isn't viable.

Possibly for the same reasons slowing the spread of news of the fraud lawsuit.
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Centrist reporting in.
I'm with you, anon. I have for years been trying to show people that both major parties are corrupt.
People are weak and can only handle facts that expose corruption of the party they do not support. When you point out that they have been propping up evil incarnate, they get angry and accuse you of lying. I have been disowned by most of the democrats and damn near all of the republicans I know.
If you want this thread to take off, you'll need to fire up Photoshop again and make some sexy memes with quotes from the court transcript instead of suggesting people ignore your thread.
Pepper the PTG threads with them so the rtards shill it on r/le_donald
Give it time it will take off. It's not as exciting as Seth Rich or Pizza Gate, but provable.
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Find me said sexy quotes, suggest backgrounds, I'm simply not very creative hehe.

Dig through the pdf :)

I made these two the other day.
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Nah. All the DNC has to do is say that the guy who said this shit is a wild horse, set him up for a "routine doctor's appointment" where they'll inject an isotope that'll simulate the effects of terminal brain cancer, and then make him come out to tell the world that he's retarded and gonna die soon.
Do this
Bump for justice, keep up the great work anons
If she had won, that very well could have been the end of this country as we know it. The potential VP's son is antifa. Just got arrested.
The DNC could try to throw Spiva under the bus but it's too late. The judge has to rule one way or the other now.

And even if they about faced then they'd be opening themselves up to further litigation.

Basically it's lose/lose for them now as far as any option I can see.
Is it filled with Leftbook types?
End of the country full stop imo. Hard to overstate the damage a no fly zone in Syria (and thus war with Russia) would have done.
Nah. Total D&D Tolkien RP. Total escape from the shit.
They use that exact language. You would have created an icon named spoiler. Clicking on it would reveal the text inside. Must be basic html or something you were using.
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Trump was a useful idiot in preventing an actual conservatard or Killary from winning, no one sane should have believed his campaign promises.
Both parties are corrupt and (((they))) keep raising the bar for third party campaign funds and debate participation. It is a rigged game.
At least we have guns. I cannot image not having guns. I kill snakes from a distance, beavers before they take down my trees. Used to do deer for free meat. Cops show up, I respect them, we get along great. They don't know I am concealing. Best country in the whole fucking world. Freedom. Taste that. Just try and take that away. Won't end good for you.
I'm trying to help you, you stupid newfag. Getting more twitter newfags on here doesn't help your cause until this board cleanses itself of their Trump/Israel cocksucking obsession. Newfags get funneled into those threads and it causes more problems. Did you forget everything I said earlier or something? Never change plebbits.

This. And use them in redpill threads and any other corruption related threads.
>no one sane should have believed his campaign promises.
Read the news today?
I'm utterly confused why you brought it up.

Anon, you have to understand the coin needs both sides.

There's a reason it hasn't been done.
Totally off topic. The language was an exact match to something I do. We can drop it.
Indeed. Kinda shows the absurdity of #DrainTheSwamp when the elections themselves are totally hollow.


Those pompoms hurting your wrist? Did I insult his vewy favwit teams? Dawwww. /hair musses

Newsflash. This isn't about your infantile need for group pride. The sports section is that way.

This is about getting as meany people to stop talking about what they are talking about and look at #DNCFraudLawsuit for a minute.

I simply want people away of it. That's all.

Silence was bothering me.


I'm aware of the current strategic picture. What confused me was silence from the people.

>I'm aware of the current strategic picture. What confused me was silence from the people.

People know the reach of the establishment, but they don't know which arms have good people in them.
as many people*
aware of it*

Ok I'm too tired to type correctly, time for sleep X)

Thank you all for your help.


that shouldn't stop them from voicing displeasure at a party asserting its perfectly legal to rig an election and blatantly lie to raise funds.
Isreal cocksucking is psyops. They are trying to empty a cars oil with the dipstick in that effort though.
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I'm trying to figure out the shill/bot thing. Current theory is a classroom or a "war room". They hit certain threads all at the same time. I think they are just slightly organized idiots. I did notice a code word setting them off for exactly 10 minutes, but that is not happening anymore.
>The lawyer isn't wrong, OP. The DNC is under no obligation to actually pick the candidate their members vote for.

This is the gist of the real legal issue, I think.

In short, primaries are an entirely different beast than actual elections for office, and the federal laws that apply to the latter do not apply to the former.
Yes I did. I live in a coastal area, so it isn't good news for me.
Interesting factoid:
Did you know one out of three Trump supporters is as dumb as the other two?
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I read through it. I'll find some quotes and art and condense them to something memeable. I'll find tomorrow's thread. This is not the last you'll hear from me, Brandon.
>when the elections themselves are totally hollow.

I don't know if you're a shill deliberately trying to confuse things by obfuscating the issue, or just an idiot.


Thus, it is NOT the case that "the elections themselves are totally hollow."

Primaries are different than elections for office.

The Democrat Party has the ultimate legal right to decide who it's candidate for office is going to be.

Bernie could have run for office as something other than a Democrat, for example, if he so wished.

But ultimately, as a matter of law, only the Democrat Party can decide which CANDIDATE gets to wear the mantle of "Democratic" candidate.

Now, this may have political blowback repercussions for them - remains to be seen - and their MAY be a fraud claim (that remains to be seen, too).

But in no way do the issues in this trial reflect on anything but the DNC PRIMARIES.

No factual or legal issues raised by this case cast any shadow or taint on the actual election for the office of President (as distinguished from the decision, who will be the *Democratic* candidate for President).

Again, your post either reflects a total incomprehension of the issues, or the deliberate effort of a Shareblue shill to muddy the waters and upset people who voted for Trump, and make them think the election for President was in some way unfair or hollow -- which would be a 100% false inference.
You are so correct. The lawsuit makes it public. The public watches CNN. They still do not know.
We don't have to drop it, I'm genuinely curious and it'll serve to bump an important thread.

What was it? "Light up Leftbook"? Does that mean something special in Pathfinder lingo?

This is true. The party leadership is under no obligation what so over, they could cancel all primaries and decide the candidate themselves.

Of course, that would lead to voter revolt, so they try to be covert about it.

It doesn't always work, which is how Trump got the nomination and how Obama got the nomination in 2008.

Howard Dean was the DNC chair in 2008, so the Clintons made a concerted push to take over the DNC over the last 7 years. It was enough to screw over Bernie, but their abandonment of Howard Dean (first replaced with Tim Kaine, a man so loyal to Hillary she made him her VP candidate) and their abandonment of his 50 state strategy, first cost Democrats the majority, and then the Presidency, and is still screwing them now in the various handful of elections taking place in the post-Trump atmosphere, as they refuse to fund longshots and Berniecrats.
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Fuck you, I'm a centrist. Crybaby, muh feels libs are as bad as delusional conservatards that never have an argument and have to resort to ad hominems.
Kind of backs up the dumb thing.
Fucking aye! Amazing if true!
The Paris climate deal moved money from you to third world countries. Nothing more. Has nothing to do with global warming which happens to be bullshit. Enjoy your coast. It will be there for your kids. I promise.
> totally ignores the fact this is a FRAUD lawsuit.

They took money. Dnc charter. Claimed to be impartial. Stole said money.

As for legality of rigging: Dnc just blew its own cover. Doomed.
I don't blame Bernie voters for being pissed, and there may indeed be a real fraud claim here, if the DNC induced Bernie donors to send money based on false pretenses. A fraud claim may lie even if - as appears to be the case - the DNC had no legal obligation to choose their candidate based on the primary results. But what if Bernie was a silent party to the fraud, as would appear almost necessarily to be the case, if indeed a fraud claim lies? That would be a very bitter victory indeed for Berniecrats, I would think.
The focus on Carbon Dioxide ignores Methane being 15 times worse as a greenhouse gas, but you can't get money out of cowfarts, so let's blackmail industrial nations instead.
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Thank you anon. Sanity
Redpill me on vagina wasps
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Have a

May the Clintons, DNC, & satanits rot in a hell they can't handle
LOL. If a doctor says don't do it, you should probably be doing it. White Anglo Saxon Protestants is what she needs in her pussy.

worn out roasties getting desperate to land a beta provider

Wasps are known to nest and lay eggs in pussy of women who do not keep their legs closed when sleeping. The vaginal space functions as a kind of pre-fabricated nest. Have to watch out for those yeast infections (90% of yeast infections are caused by wasp infestations).
What if your Trump dollars went to Cruz because RNC said so. Perfectly legal right? Should it be? Did anyone even consider that as a possibility? Did they assume it was illegal to cheat?
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You are a hero
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You are
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