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Brit/pol/ - Weak and Desperate Edition

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Thread replies: 345
Thread images: 95

>Nigel Farage being investigated by the FBI. Putin has his very own British cockholster.

>The Only Way is Corbyn! Labour leader draws huge crowd in Essex for his rally as his party surges in polls

>Theresa May is so ashamed of her own manifesto she now only talks about Brexit. Someone tell her this isn't the EU referendum anymore.

>Five signs we're about to be BTFO by the EU

>Souless Tory scum claims schools will BENEFIT from budget cuts

>The Conservative campaign: a slow motion derailment

>Labour gains 17 point lead against the Tories in London
Here's the archive:

>https://theguardian com/politics/2017/jun/01/nigel-farage-is-person-of-interest-in-fbi-investigation-into-trump-and-russia
--> https://archive.is/NmIhU
>http://mirror co uk/news/politics/general-election-2017-live-updates-10538804
--> https://archive.is/JSuY6
>http://morningstaronline co uk/a-a034-Despicable-Tory-MP-claims-schools-will-benefit-from-cuts#.WTBOH7pFxPY
--> https://archive.is/WHabM
>http://newstatesman com/politics/june2017/2017/06/whats-gone-wrong-conservative-campaign
--> https://archive.is/XJPct
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"M-M-Mr Farro--Faro-M-r-"
"eh-Andrew I--uh-h-let-me-finish"
He wasn't reported by anyone.

Whats going on in the interview right now i cant watch having dinner
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Milkman is getting Neil'd
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Yet he campaigned against leaving it. So much for that strong leader.
Fucker will have a heart attack on the first day of the job
Reminder that anyone shilling for Labour is from Reddit.
Tim on the verge of a homophobic rant.
There was a couple of minutes where Tim kept dodging questions and talking over Neil.
Tim's getting waxed.
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The European Union has cancer
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this is like watching a Jeb! interview
This is a circus
Reminder that r/t_d types need to fuck off and never come back. You are just as cancerous, if not worse, than the mythical "Labour shills" that you whine about.
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First for T E T C H Y T I M
Farron getting raped by Andrew Neil.
Is Cancer*
How do we solve the roastie voting problem lads?
Digits confirm. Can't wait for them to all fuck off and cry on the 9th.
Tim shilling for the EU on a question on encryption.
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>he wants to notify terror suspects that they've been monitored
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Ending women's suffrage
ironically, Islam

Labour is winning the election meme war. We have Kek on our side now.
Actually made me laugh
Please tell me Corbyn isnt going to win.
If you've ever posted on reddit you should just kill yourself desu
Whats the best county and why is it kent
Corbyn isn't going to win
Corbyn isnt going to win
>no gay question yet

Lay it on him Andrew.
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Milkman has collapsed like a cheap tent in a hurricane after 5 minutes of Neils questioning
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>repurposing Trump and Brexit memes
You guys don't have meme magic. Your falsehoods will bite you in the arse.
Coalition of chaos incoming
Oh well, the problem will fix itself in a few decades.
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Why is the PA covering what this woman says?
KEK.... they are such delusional Goys
>going down slightly
It's still nowhere near the promised tens of thousands target, which is itself tens of thousands too high.
Indeed, and one tumour opted to remove itself.
Should I go to my constituency hustings tomorrow lads?
I wonder who's behind it
>contains Chatham and Gillingham
>best County

Can this cunt go one breath without mentioning his disgusting family or upbringing?
Say Jeremy Corbyn had been the Home Secretary for six years, during which time he slashed some 20,000 police jobs taking us back to 1970s levels of per capita policing.
Let's say he also slashed the UK Border Agency budget so that over a million people per month were coming and going through UK airports without being properly checked.
Let's say by virtue of an extremely self-serving EU referendum non-campaign he managed to get into 10 Downing Street, where he kept up his agenda of cutting the UK security services and border agency.
Then there's a home-grown terrorist attack by a known Islamist fanatic in a city where Corbyn had cut the police budget by £157 million.

Let's say Jeremy Corbyn "lost" files on an internal pedophile ring.
Let's say he wanted to take the homes from the elderly.
Let's say he cut 30% of your disabled benefit.
Let's say he signed an arms deal with the (ISIS-funding) Saudis worth billions.
Let's say he wanted to take away your child's free school meal.
Let's say he forced NHS staff to use food banks or starve (great choice).
Let's say he made so many cuts to the NHS that people are suffering waiting for ambulances and A&E doctors.
Let's say he went against doctors, nurses, teachers, fire fighters, the armed forces...
Let's say he took away funding for University for upcoming doctors and nurses.
Let's say after all these cuts there's still a deficit and he'd missed every target he'd set himself for reducing it.
Would you vote for Jeremy Corbyn under these circumstances?
Then why the bloody hell are you voting for May?
I voted brexit you plum. Look at the polls for Trump, Brexit and this election and tell me you don't see the parallels.
Umm no sweety those are good places
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WTF? i love communism now
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Because fuck pakis and normies.
Where did you get this?
Farron is such a slimy cunt he deserved all this.
>voting for the paki and nigger loving party of Labour
>even considering letting that chimp Diane Flabbot near a senior position
Fuck off, toothpaste.
>My wife and I, we like to kidnap gay people and torture them until they turn straight. I've been taking some notes from Mike Pence, electricity makes the process go much quicker.

What the fuck, Tim? We didn't need to know this.
I would rather have a woman that is capable of making unsavoury decisions for the greater good than a man promising FREE STUFF
Ask him about his wife Andrew
muh hard breggsit
>as if the Tories will ever fucking deliver

Brexit / Trump was underestimating the right wing vote you idiot, they are completely incomparable,
This election isn't having a meme war. British politics is too boring for one. British politics can literally be summed up by

>Do you want more gibs or less gibs/higher taxes or the same taxes/more immigration or the same immigration
>if you answered more/higher/more vote Labour
>if you answered the opposite vote Tory
>if you answered any other combination vote for whichever 3rd party your friends approve of
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Lad... I used to live there
Right wing vote, or anti-establishment vote?
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But anon I'm just like you I've been to a hospital and have parents
>Neil stopping short of telling Farron no one gives a shit about his emotional blackmailing anecdote

what are you watching? link?
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According to that "1 to 1.5g of protein per lb of lean body weight" thing I could be taking up to 200g of protein a day, that can't be right.

Why does the UK not have the courage to vote in UKIP?? they are clearly the right party for this political environment..
Anti-immigration, anti-welfare state vote, an opinion which would get you lynched in normieworld, the shy tory effect doesn't apply to labour, whoever's in charge.
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Predicting Conservative majority of 50, YouGov are oversampling the young
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>The Manchester bomber caught a whiff of second hand cannabis smoke and look what happened
North Yorkshire. Our green and pleasant land.
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Right wing by far, I'm going to love every laugh when leddits "meme m8gic" fails completely and the Tories have 380 seats.
dont forget hastings and thannet(2015 by election never forget)
>No one gives a fuck about your grandad's dementia

Jesus christ Andrew.
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Southern faggot
The big sweating brillo bull is sticking his cock into the milk bottle, hard
>Lib dems splitting the youth vote with dude weed lmao
They do have one useful purpose!
I aim for exactly 200g a day when I'm bulking, and around 180g when I'm cutting. What's the problem, faggot?
Lads I'm writing a letter of complaint to Ofcom, I don't think the BBC are allowed to broadcast rape scenes before the watershed.
Not about courage, most normies thinks they're racist scumbags and don't want to be seen as racist scumbags themselves.
Leader of lib dems get Neil'd on BBC 1.
The Tories have been underestimated by polls for every election since 1983
UKIP are a one-note party. UKIP has effectively merged with the Tories these days.
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Just started watching the Farron interview. His voice literally cracked in the first sentence.

This is going to be good.
Pretty shit 2bh

>tfw liked Cameron but despise May
>Tim Farron calling someone prejudiced

>Taking cannabis

>Tfw Tim Farron tells us his brother died from taking a cannabis overdose and they found with with a skunk syringe in his arm
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>muh maintenance grants

Get a fucking summer job like everyone else has to whose parents actually have jobs.
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>tfw liked Miliband but despise Corbyn
>but they're not are they
>why has your campaign gone so badly

Fucking same, so glad to finally meet someone in this forum who doesn't have a hate boner for Cameron
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Will cleggers have to acknowledge this shitshow of an interview tonight? Should be gud
>Liberal Democrats are doing very well
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>the liberal democrats are doing extremely well
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>a populist that's not popular
Why don't you support the Conservatives anon? Don't you know they're fucking BASED?
Well that was a fucking bloodbath.
Half an hour of that was nowhere near enough.
>Neil just cuts him off before he makes his point
>interview ends

Miliband was far more fun to mock
Am voting for them, hate them but at least them winning will piss of Israel and cause major happenings
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>william from kyoto, japan
>what time is it?
>about half 3
Yes, QT is filmed in an hour.
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Can somebody explain Trump's covfefe tweet?
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That was pointless, I learnt nothing.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NXMqdiZbes [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuUFWcApifU [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-W6funrlYA [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHPaGhS54tc [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR_3d29XE9k [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUTYbKWWEs [Embed]
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Corbyn/Trump national embarrassment championship soon in full effect.
>Let's see Don try to hold Jezzas hand as they're skipping to the press conference.
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Fucking hell that was the worst one yet
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The STATE of Farron fucking up the one chance to allow me to blaze.
>after every interview neil starts having a nice chat with whoever he was interviewing
>this time he just made one comment to farron who shrugged his shoulders

I don't think him and Farron get on too well.
I'd love to have heard that small talk during the credits.
>The Manchester Benefit gig is on Saturday. Already got my ticket, as have most of the mosque. Cracking line up… ..should bring the house down.
t.Muhammod Muhammid (not a suicide bomber, honestly)
Best I can tell it's some inside joke
Yes, and when Muslims are ass raping you, will you still be so amused?
Hey dad, I was listening to Farage's show after the Manchester attack and he was going to great lengths to make sure his callers didn't blame Islam. Has he always been weak on Islam, or is he just pretending to be to avoid backlash? I thought the party he used to run was anti-immigration?
spelling mistake blown out of proportion by retards
Who made this?
He's playing le 69d backgammon with the media!!!!!11
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Next Britpol thread has to be "Fuck Your Grandad, Tim" edition
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>BASED Red Flag Flying High
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So we can all surely agree Tim Farron won that interview?
That was fucking brutal.
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Islam isn't to blame
I saw the lineup. I bet you'll have a blast
Hi, Nick.
Probably just wants to keep his job unlike katie hopkins
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Amemecan politics
The mudshits have been coming under the Tories, and will continue to come if May wins.

Not kent, besides gillingham and chatham dont count I admit theyre shit
What a slippery lying bastard. Worst than a fucking eel!
Is Bournemouth nice?
Cause at least she support Israel and I need more good goy points.
Islam had nothing to do with it. He was a skunk addict.
Why was Tim so autistic? He spent an inordinate amount of time waffling on and on with these pointless stories and just wouldn't answer properly.
He meant to say "coverage" and then accidental hit the send button.
>you came across like a fucking prick Tim

Anyone here who thinks Labour is for the working man is fucking deluded.
I hope you students all enjoy your stealth taxes, rising inflation and fucked economy if Labour get back in. Even worse so if it's a coalition with the SNP who will bleed us dry then vote to leave the UK.
Enjoy white hating Diane Abbot opening the borders up to every Raul, gok and Mohammed while Comrade Corbachov dismantles trident (And don't think the USA will come to our aid as Corbachov would have likely destroyed the special relationship by then)
The mudshits are coming in regardless who wins the election..
and will come in even greater numbers if lab wins
I think Farron performed very well in the debate. He held his own and gave a passionate plea for the Lib Dems.

He also didn't take any shit from Neil which was a nice touch, he's the only leader so far to have shown they have a backbone.
He's like a guy trying to convince a girl why she should change her mind after she just rejected him
>Benefit gig
Wrong type of benefit ahmed
Nah he's always been Civic™, but the media has made him out to be a complete fascist because he said some brash things about immigration.
>Did you want some lube?
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That is your body on skimmed milk
Farage is moving into his retirement from active politics so has no benefit naming the Muhammed. He just wants to avoid any real controversy and collect his post-politician bux now.
Fuck off Clegg. You won't stop our brexit.
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Nige on LBC next talking about Russia, Trump and Assange
Hey Sargon
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>Farron gets fucking bullied
>has no time left to even unload his climax
>think 'surely even Twitter saw that for what it was?'
The absolute state of the shills in Brit/pol/ right now
Where did the based philipino guy go. He used to make the best threads with beautiful parts of Blighty
Nope live there, somali gangs run the place and anywhere they don't run its pikeys and slavs, steer clear
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Why the fuck does anyone believe Yougov?

>got Brexit wrong
>Got 2015 wrong by a wide margin
>Predicted Scotland would leave the EU
>Literally 4-8 pts higher for Labour than any other poll
This right here.

Politics in this country hasn't really challenged the assertion that "Mass migration is inevitable". It sure as fuck isn't if you turn people around who have no papers and deport criminals mercilessly.

Migration can and should happen in controlled numbers for necessary jobs. People who are done with that job should then leave. It's that simple.
Time wasting. He thought he's just try to run down the clock to avoid as many questions as possible while trying to throw out sound bytes and 'touching' 'relateable' personal stories.
They will be coming regardless unless we take out the source which is Israel and Corbyn is clearly the better one to do that.

Or do you want more good goy points?
How that man and his party are anywhere near 30% makes me seriously consider the sanity of the British electorate.
So you prefer a flow of mudslime as opposed to a trickle?
Shitposters, Kekistanies, Hear Me! Praise Kek. Normies will cry salty tears of pain when Kek brings the Coalition of Chaos.

Never forget that Corbyn is an undercover anti EU agent, who has literally forced the Normies to vote for Brexit in Parliament. They tried crying about it and corbyn set facebook on them. Praise Kek,

In the UK, theresa the Appeaser who lets lots of blow yourself up ebeneezers in is #Imwithher

She is a submarine remainer in disguise. Tony Benn invented brexit and Tony benn grew Covertoperative Corbyn in a secret lab in the early 1980s. He taught Covertoperative Corbyn how to speak fluent normie, and that is how he made Brexit happen.

He went areound saying his Remain and Reform speech, which can be summarized thusly:

"The EU is a steaming pile of shit. Stop letting Saudi Arabians in to blow shit up and fund the Tories."

Theresa the Appeaser who let in all the blow yourself up ebeneezers in even said corbyn was:

"the coalition of chaos."
Yes, that was my point.

In the long run, this makes no difference because they breed much faster than us. We could completely shut down our borders tomorrow and we would still eventually become a minority in our own country.
>Bad things happen when good folk do nothing (Burke) Ex Hsg prof/ academic & rtd C of E priest; worked in public policy & strategy & an artisan bakery/coffee hse

>retired priest
what a surprise
Well it's not a problem for me, all it means is I'd have to make another one or two protein shakes, and the cost will be a bit higher, but I just think that sounds a bit high.
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>It's a select all squares with vehicles captcha

>no vehicles in the image.

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 42% (-1)
LAB: 39% (+3)
LDEM: 7% (-2)
UKIP: 4% (-)

(via @YouGov / 30 - 31 May)
Fuck off you dumb paki loving nigger
dear god src pls
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Reminder Labour will literally cause a recession, ruin Brexit (and we won't have a chance to fix it) and some of you cockwombles still think the Tories are "just as bad"
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>implying the Tories care about muslim migration.

If big business wants da mooslims then the Tories will fuck you so hard you'll start having flash backs to your past life as a serf in 16th century England.
>if you don't support Sharia May you must be a Labour supporter
top kek lad
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Corbyns going to do it
Major happenings like hundreds of thousands of fucking coons swarming over the channel.
>Population of just 5.3m
>17th in Rio medal table
>Just below Brazil
Everyone keeps bitching about Dianne Abbott but there aren't any pics of her in a veil or even inside a mosque.
That bad eh? Thought it looked quite comfy.

if you need food banks you have made shit life choices

simple facts. i should not be funding your retardation, poor planning and shameless leeching
Who should i send my spirit energy too, bongs?
Desmond being a prick.





Just like May? U wot m8?
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>this mong on lbc
Fuck off back to r/the_donald
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Don't they only poll people already signed up? If so, there'll be an overestimation of young voters because they'll only poll the politically active
I'm happy to say I was completely wrong about Corbyn. I thought he'd be a disaster but he's kept on message, made his points with grace and humour, ignored the naysayers, and run a good campaign. His manifesto contained some really good policies and was far, far away from Foot's "longest suicide note in history".

I would still prefer a younger leader (ageist maybe, but politics is a tough business that must be hard for anyone who in just about any other walk of life would be facing retirement) and I think he needs to ditch a few of his team (cough, cough Diane), but the contrast between him and May couldn't be greater. I'm sure part of his appeal is how he appears next to the soulless robot that is May, but fair play to him - he had everyone against him and has come up trumps.
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It's drugs Peter.
It's always drugs isn't it?
>tfw when hippie mummy was too high to make you tendies resulting in a lifetime of self-denial of life's pleasures and immense self-flagellating sense of moral masochism.
Ironically it does show that the government needs to spend more on education.
Yourselves, britain is doomed.

>Not using Legacy

A more embarrassing performance than the milkman.
theresa may said "You can only deliver Brexit if you believe in Brexit" but she voted against Brexit. is she confused?
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Uh oh
Big sample sizes though
And anyone shlling for the Tories are paid for. Labour and Tories are shit. Vote UKIP.
Do you get paid by the word or by post or by (you)s accumulated?
YouGov had predicted that Scotland would leave the U.K. in its 2014 referendum (it didn’t); that Labour and the Conservatives were tied ahead of the 2015 general election (the Conservatives won easily); and that Brexit would be a close call (Leave won 52-48). (But Rivers, YouGov’s chief scientist, said the MRP model, whose data weren’t published, showed Leave winning easily.)

Muh British people need their say on a deal.
I won't ever accept a deal.
>I miss my EE Rent boy that Oaten and Vaz linked me with.

Also, I know Abbie in Eastenders isn't fit but she's really polished her minging self.
>has come up trumps
>will get decimated in the GE, and ousted as leader, possibly causing the party to split.

You're right though, the contrast between him and May couldn't be greater, she's a far more competent politician, while he's a fucking mess.
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Or maybe I just don't want to be unemployed?
Made by the meme.
Undone by the meme.

Kek will do as he wishes regardless of your wishes.
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I can understand not wanting Corbyn (even though I hope he wins because it'd be funny) but why vote for May instead of UKIP?

inb4 muh wasted vote
>UKIP get 2 seats from Reddit
>get nothing in real life
He gets fucked in the arse and pennies thrown at him

The truest socialist experience
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>Farron's pyrrhic victory
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I fucking hate you.

Not a bad troll.

>someone has a different opinion from me, must be a paid shill!

Cry more, Maykek. I'm preparing a collage of Tory shill posts to rub it in your noses once "mummy" gets btfo.
Some Somali gang hacked somebody's head off last year, that was swept under the rug, anywhere in the surrounding areas are nice, see Poole,wimbourne,christchurch
The US supports Corbyn and the inevitable mass capital flight into the US he will cause. Go Corbyn!
Why won't you drink full fat milk, you absolute bender?
wouldn't be wasted just useless, its between labour and tories thats it
Nige getting BTFO by new zealand lamb bro
>May: I'll fight to earn your trust
>Does no debates
>Goes onto the One Show and talks about her husband taking out the bins

What did she mean by this?
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>Trusting youGov

Corbyn is Kek. all hail the Coalition of Chaos. Kek and Pepe are with Corbyn.
I am 90% sure Mrs Farron was Mr Farron at one point
New method untested.
>people who can't read and understand a basic point so rely on memes
Voting tory unless you're already rich as fuck is delusional.
At least you dont have to take in any more niggers

Has anyone confirmed if there's any man at all in this picture, yet?
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Like how the US supported Bernie?
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This. So. Much.
>tfw based boss
The one on the right is clearly male, shitlord.
>people who are pathetically desperate for attention and recognization on anonymous image boards
I'm not a socialist but this assumes no means testing.
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>You shee me and Crow taught him what he know.
Ahh. The Labour mentality, everyone must be dragged down to my level and have no aspirations.
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ohhh, that nose can't be anglo-saxon!
>For the many, not the few meme
Kek no Corbyn is increasing taxes at a time when consumer spending is dropping, and yeah he's only taxing the rich but their money matters too lad.
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>Shilling this hard for an open-borders champagne communist
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Kek is with Fascism
Farron got raped didn't he.
Nah fuck you, the guy did good by running the campaign on brexit how he did.

Anyone with Blair levels of charm would have mopped up.
There was fuck all in the debate yesterday about the economy.

Did you just assume their gender shitlord?
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That layout of parliament is wrong way around.
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>implying a recession and house price crash aren't inevitably going to happen regardless of the government of the day
Imagine being a stoner
I'm voting UKIP. What's with the Tory trolls today?
oh god
is this what happenens when a t_d autist finds leftypol
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I'm convinced Weed is sentient, it's like these people are on brainslugs

>but brah, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
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It's Muhammod not Ahmed. Last time I looked we are outbreeding you. How is taking out 22 white potential breeders not to our benefit? When I get one of my wives to sign on at four different locations and claim benefits under four different names, I will remember you.
>admitting to a crime on twitter
what's stopping the police from just arresting these faggots?
Oh shit!! You're right!
>Abbot is actually a white woman who wears that face as a veil.
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Just finished watching. Did anyone catch the bit at the end where he tried to leave straight away in the credits? It's fair to say Tim Farron got NEIL'D
Actually you can avoid a recession with counter-cyclical economics
Also even if we were doomed to the cycle that doesn't mean speed it up with reckless taxation
A 1 bed flat near me now costs £250,000.
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Waiting Feels.jpg
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Fair enough lad, UKIP are okay. I'm personally voting Tory because Corbyn is a huge risk
>22 white potential breeders
>22 northern and future race mixing liberal retards
There's been loads of Tory and Labour cunts flocking here since the election was called.
I think they need to
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>tfw you'll never live in the alternate reality where Mosley became leader of the Labour party
A lot of them were fags or married parents though

Are they both trans?
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Neil is a bully
Understandable, I think the Tory manifesto is awful myself. But theyre winning anyway so it doesn't really matter.
>Anonymong who's probably also a Votetard who feels insecure around Triplords
>you now remember "Brainfade"
This is why women shouldn't vote.
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I get it
Andrew Neil making encryption sound like a bad thing. OH GOD!

Huge, if true
>BASED Sooty stayed silent as he never wanted to unleash his true power level.
>Red-pilled Sooty
>Blue-Pilled Sweep.
Your wife looks like a man, and you smile like someone being raped in prison
tbf a lot of us have genuinely switched to tory. All the ukip voters I know irl are doing the same. It just makes sense this time.
Manifesto is bad yeah, although desu that social care policy is my guilty pleasure. We need to stop spending so much money on fucking pensioners
Christ, Hitchens is a broken man..
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>Yes. Keep that up and one day I'll own your bum.
>a garage of bullying
Jesus christ.
Anyone watching the Sun debate? I turned it off because Facebook live is shit but UKIP and the Tories were doing really well. Boris Johnson absolutely BTFOing Emily Thornberry. Why did Michael Gove have to ruin everything by running for Tory leadership? Without that, we'd have big Boris as PM and there'd be banter
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Explain this tory faggots
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>A lot of them were fags
Nice. They would have found a way to breed.
>NUTT: 30/11/76
>Tina Barrett: 16/09/76

Well isn't that something.
>le deep state assassination meme
>oooh I hope the strong men keep me safe from the naughty socialists so I can keep rimming Moogs hairless anus

Fucking bootlicker retard
Don't understand how you could ever vote for them.
>muh more mass immigration
>muh more diversity
>muh more globalism
>muh more internet snooping
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The state of you not recognising the social and economic vandalism of the 80s by the Tory shysters and ignoring the mass infrastructure investment in the post WW2 Labour Government.
Yeah that's not a comprehensive list of all countries in the world dipshit, there are other countries with lower corporate tax rates
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t. spoilt brat
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>With no Vazeline.
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It's going to happen again, isn't it?
You forgot about BREXIT
I've been here longer than you, paki faggot

Don't worry lad.
It's gonna go crashy crash crash.
Ask you locla Estate Agents what the sales are like and look at their fake faces hiding how low their comission has been as fuck all is selling and the only way is down.
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Some of those comments are gold.
>A lot of them were fags or married parents though
Fags you say? Even better. Allah, (Peace be upon Him) was extra jubilant that day. It's not as if we're going to run out of white girls anytime soon. Enjoy your food.
You think weak lying May will deliver on Brexit? Hahahahahahaha.
Post-ww2 Labour let us get overtaken by the country we'd just bombed to shit
You're disrespecting our hero, lad
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andrew neil mad.gif
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What strategy would you adopt?
That is a stellar term.
Bollocks! Neil skewered him and exposed him as a lying cunt. He just jabbered over Neil's Brexit questions and would not give a straight answer.
You think I'm not gonna vote for the only party that is saying they will? My MP was pro-Brexit anyway, of course I'm gonna vote for him, and the ukip candidate is a paki.
>increasingly nervous yank who doesn't understand how british politics work

30% could be a majority

fake and gay

https://u tu.be/5oQZ5dHuVxg?t=16m36s
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>lib dem voter on Britpol
The absolute STATE
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Ainsley Laugh.gif
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glad an Anon got this.
It's left me felling like I have to
Encryption is the only way a woman finds his face attractive.
>Yet he campaigned against leaving it

In a personal capacity, Corbyn is well known for years to favour Leave but Labour's official policy voted in at conference was for Remain. As leader of the party he was simply accepting democratic collective responsibility. No one said he had to be enthusiastic about it though and that's why he was attacked by Remainers for NOT campaigning very hard.
>Take the homes of old people
>£23k left if you need care now
>£100k left if tories get their way

>Doesn't show up to debate, looking weak
>'loses' files on corrupt pedo MPs
>gets job by default
>one of the most unpopular politicians in the country
>makes u-turn on every policy

Yeah dude, really competent.
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That post WW2 government practically raised you, your senpai and the returning soldiers were given the welath and dignity they would never get under a Tory government.

>Why do you want to sell off your grandads assets to fuel a cocaine binge for the elites?
Labour policy meant CONTINUED RATIONING after the fucking war
Yeah that's the mark of prosperity
Ireland - 12.5%
Absolute autism>>128021105
Nothing apart from the fact that the people in charge of deciding what's important or dangerous enough to enforce have completely abandoned weed possession enforcement. Because they actually see the reality of substance abuse, crime, and poverty and it turns out that weed isn't that big of a deal compared to alcohol or being a MENA rapist.
Tories will NEVER EVER stop inflating the housing bubble. The economy is a lie and the vast majority of UMC boomers are there purely by dumb chance and decades of retard tier planning and housing policies.
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>Security services were warned about attacker - did fuck all

>Conspiracy Theorists blame Tories for attack

>Conspiracy theories refuse to be quelled

>Threat level raised to critical; with no parliamentary oversight

>"Tory cuts forced us to put troops on streets": Police Federation

>Terror attack "plays well for May"

>Tory election fraud - no charges

>May only taking questions from the media that have been pre-approved - tory press meekly complies

nothing wrong with a joint lads, what is wrong is daddy government telling me what i'm allowed and not allowed to smoke
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