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Why did the Israelites go silly and make the golden calf when

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Why did the Israelites go silly and make the golden calf when they'd kept their belief in the one god for all the time they were in Egypt?
Because the bible was made up by a bunch of barely-literate farmers who lived 500 years after Rameses was Pharaoh
The golden calf is JHWE. The issue is not that they worshipped another God it's that they tried to get God into their image. That's why God has a strict image prohibition and why the painting in st peter's is arguably the biggest blasphemy in the history of the christian religion.
>Why did the Israelites go silly and make the golden calf when they'd kept their belief in the one god for all the time they were in Egypt?
Because society always goes degenerate in times of abundance.
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Intrigued; can you unpack a little?
Third Commandment


God doesn't like idolatry

exodus never happened. fucking pyramids arent even mentioned you idiots.


In the 7th century BC a gaggle of émigré priests hiding in the mountains of Judea concocted 'Judaism' and a mythical history of racial origins. The Israelites did not come from Egypt – a palpable myth – but emerged from the local population. Check out how a marginal band of Semites re-invented themselves.


more dense/scholarly:


Want to have faith or know Truth?
Probably cause they were race mixing with pagan tribes
Yeah, I got that part; want to here your perspective on the painting.
YHWH used to belong to a pantheon of gods, he was a warrior mountain god. Over time through typical passing down of stories and religion, he became the only god, but remnants of the older, polytheistic style of YHWH remain present in the OT, pronounced more in some areas than others.. Like OP's story is much easier understood with the history of YHWH the mountain god in mind.
because they were used to having an idol
Israelites are not perfect. In fact, The Old Testament constantly depicts them as having faith in the father, then slipping, then falling into Jerusalem, bad times happen until they remember their father again, rebuild themselves back up, slip into degeneracy again, become destroyed, remember the father again, etc. etc. This is (a) basic structure of the OT.
What painting
Didn't mean to say "Falling into Jerusalem"
The calf made God angry because it attempted to bring God down to humans. Painting God as a human in St. Peter's is infinitely worse.
Idk about that. Worshipping the golden calf was considered degeneracy for a long time.
does YHWH mean jehovah?
Friendly reminder that God himself brought himself down to us in the Jesus Christ.
Kind of.

YHWH is the original Hebrew. IIRC it was translated from Hebrew, to Aramaic,to Greek, to Roman, and then to English, and we get Jehovah.
St. Peter's showcases the father not the son
the original religion of the semitic peoples; that later on became jews, was polytheistic. also the Egyptians kept construction of grand structures in-house the records they left are pretty clear on that
It's a metaphor for shekels.
I thought they were the same person
thanks i thought it was something like that
3 persons same Godhead
...and then prayed to himself, asking that he not sacrifice himself if it was not necessary.

lol trinity fags get out.
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kind of makes you think...
I don't see why they would mention the pyramids. It's not an altogether unique style of building (look up step pyramids), and I just don't see why they would care.
>exodus never happened

Who cares. It's a great myth regardless it's historical accuracy or the divinity of the Bible. I think it might be one of the greatest stories ever written.
Also look up ziggurats. These pyramid-like structures were in a lot of places, and again, they really wouldn't be relevant to mention in the Biblical context.
This story has a lot to do with the passing of the astrological age.
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Now that seems like an unbiased source
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This is one of the earliest depiction of Jesu
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>imagery are bad
Meanwhile in early christianity
The Bull symbolizes Mammon the God of Gold and Riches and The only God Jews worship. In the bible God had to send prophets and finally manifest himself on earth to try to get "his people" to take the right path. Finally he got fed up and realized that even the gentiles are more righteous than his "chosen" people.

Jewish fate is nothing but lip service to God of creation and the rest is Mammonism. Unfortunately they also corrupted christendom with their greed.

>>127979434 See?
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Check this out
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>Why did the Israelites go silly and make the golden calf
Go figure, it's the never ending story, wisdom and morals require too much time and effort with almost no immediate result, let's worship money and prosperity without the foundations wisdom and morals. Society collapses, rinse and repeat.
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This is the new calf
To quote John of Damascus; "I do not worship matter but the creator of matter." Depictions of God are fine. They are not a conduit though, nor are they inherently divine themselves. As long as you don't pray to the statue, which is what the Israelites were doing, it's fine.
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Why did he make the Jews so disobedient
Go read up on how Mesopotamian cultures view images and statues of their gods

It is always in the way that the god is somehow present in there
Free will comes with the possibility of sin. Theirs is Greed accompanied with Pride.
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Check this out
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Hebrew language has no vowels or a j, goid guess tho

So Jesus is a false idol?

I'm too tired for this 2bh so gimmie the TD;LR
Is this Jordan Peterson's book?
T. Reddit
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Check out this blasphemy by the early Christians
Okay. Isn't Christianity a different religion than Babylonian paganism? Thanks, but I'll keep my pretty pictures and statues as long as people pray to God and not the depictions of God.

Age of the Bull my friend. Became age of Pisces. Jesus. Fish. Symbolism. Nothing more.

Entering the age of Aquarius now.
No go redpill yourself on Early Christian art by getting Robin M Jensen's: Understanding Early Christian Art

The early Christians had paintings of Jesus and used Pagan motiffs to represent him
This is Jewish
Kneel before your god babylon
Obviously. Even then God himself ordered artwork of angels and shit in his temple
>Pagan motiffs to represent him

Well I already knew that
>The golden calf is
garbage. The same shit idolworship that infests India, them and their 'sacred' cows.

Moses was up Mt. Sinai at the time when the garbage religion sneaked in to the camp of Israel, but God used it to take away the idolaters by letting Moses kill them all.
Did the early Christians commit idolatry?
Ancient jews were hindus. Hinduism is the only and only true religion. Hindus hold cows in highest retard, on par with their mothers.
But it's nothing to get redpilled about of course there are "pagan" motifs in the Bible, of course, Jesus resembles a lot of predating archetypical heroes and characters, Christianity was heavily modified along with the Bible, at this point it's the peak of fundamental Western civilization values, even after the existentialists deconstructed it they couldn't come up with something better, you can just add upon it.
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No shit given this as well from Martydom Polycarp
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Some proddies think the early christians are iconoclast

This is the redpill
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>Ancient jews were hindus. Hinduism is the only and only true religion. Hindus hold cows in highest retard, on par with their mothers.
1) No they weren't.
2) Hinduism is garbage idolatry.
3) Hindus don't care about cows any more than they care about themselves.

Happy to swim in garbage? Happy to let their 'gods' eat it.
They still commit, you have a lot of Christian sects, the Protestants were the one's who wanted to go as far away as possible from that. The Orthodox Church introduced iconography to represent the scriptures tot he masses because reading was not that common. Idolatry is more or inevitable and can reappear anytime.
>Implying Nepal isn't the holiest place in Hinduism
India is 50% muds, no wonder they are shit lmao
We are poor but we dont swim in garbage
Ever been up Everest
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Is images Idolatry?
Nepali girls are sluts who love white cock
"जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी"

Idol worship. God calls idol worship 'wickedness'. And that's why anti-christ worshipers will be thrown in the lake of fire, for being wicked.
Why do abrahamics have such a hateboner for idolatry? Noone ever believed the idol was a higher being in itself as even the canaanite dirtfarmer probably remembered how his grandpa carved the villagegod.
At best a higher being got invited to reside in it for the time of prayer or the statue just had representative value as the sacredness of a churchroom which is from a materialistic perspective only a room.

Its not even that having smaller gods before god is an issue as praying to angels depicted by images is an a-ok even if they only shall carry your prayer to god (as did hermes or does agni).

Still they absolutely chimp out at the concept of idolatry even tho it is so similar to what they practize on their own in various ways.
thats nothing to do with christianity. Jesus Christ brought Redemption and freedom from sin to the sinners. allowing sinners to become holy through his blood. This is a Unique concept, it does not exist in any other pagan or modern religion. Jesus is also a historical figure, not just a story.
No, it's another form of communication and spreading information, Idolatry revolves more around valueless and relatively short term pleasure symbols, if no truth or values for long-term prosperity( i.e. a "sacrifice" in the present for a greater good in the end.) can be extracted than it's a false idol.
>It's not an altogether unique style of building
>style of building

You make it sound like discussing House & Garden magazine.
*in the future (not end)
Actually in Mesopotamian culture it is believed that the God is in some sense the image or statue
And the early Christians are idolatrous
You have to understand the context of the times
like as he said
>Jews hide their gold all the time
>Smart Jew asks himself how he can get them to unhide the gold
>Hey guys lets make this cool idol out of gold but we need a lot of it so everybody has to chip in
>They worship the statue
>Moses comes back and shames everyone
>All of a sudden the statue is gone
>Smart jew took all the gold and made a run for it
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Mr. Bond - White America
(Eminem White America Rendition)


[Verse 1]
I never woulda dreamed in a million years I'd see
So many young Europeans red-pilled like me
Who share the same views and the same exact beliefs
it's like a fucking army marchin' in back of me
Jewish lies and deflections, have our anger aimed
In no particular direction, just sprays and sprays
while fake news and disinformation, plays and plays
'Til it stays stuck in your head, and you hate your race
The living God is the one who is worthy of worship.

Imagine having a great girlfriend and you can't get enough of her, but a bunch of your friends hate her for no reason and are constantly insulting her and paying hookers to come and seduce you when you have no interest in being with anyone else. Eventually you're going to get real tired of those so-called friends and ditch them.

It's the same type of thing with God, He literally sent His Son to die for your sins, to accept them so that you might live forever, and overcame death and the world, yet there are billions of people who want to worship rocks, mountains, cows, sex or whatever stupid things they imagine.

Being loved by God is such a great thing, like knowing Him. And God rightly calls it wickedness when a person turns to a deaf and dumb idol instead. Every such person deserves to be killed.
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>God is my girlfriend
Proddie cringe 101
But the mesopotanians surely didnt think that them carving an idol from wood or baking one from clay would be akin to crafting a spirit. In the end they had to produce new ones sometimes.
It must have ocurred to them that the object got its sacredness by prayer and not by having eyes and a mouth alone?
trinitarians are deluding themselves for 17 millennia
Repent as an Unitarian or burn forever in the seven hells with Satan as your comrade, sinner!
And that the God dwelled in that statue

It is part of Mesopotamian culture

Look up the Anchor Bible Dictionary that says this for example
That's more or less what they believed
no, the Mesopotamians believe that their gods INCARNATED inside the idols, like additional bodies, but that their gods still living in their respective abodes
(just like a certain religion huh?)
Just destroy all idols, it's safer anyway.
>"जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी"
it actually means mother and motherland is same as reaching the heaven. It's in Sanskrit.
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Christians on here, tell me why I should follow Christianity.
>no Pascal's wager
>no "because faith"
>no "because it's good for society"
Tell me why I should genuinely believe in what the Bible says. What can you do to convince me it's true?
How does that contradict my point?
Why do Nepali girl love white cock
Isnt it Yaweh?
dwelled vs incarnated
their dwellings, homes, are still in the heavens for normal Elohim, and the underground for Chtonic deities.
That is idiotic
Western soft power mate. They are regular sluts like everyone else.
Jehovah is a latinisation of Yahweh.
Calling Jehovah Yahweh is like calling Jesus Yeshua.
Yeah, but Hebrew doesn't have vowels
Either way the statue or image is still the god in some sense

Lots of British and German chicks come here to fuck Sherpas in basecamp desu lol
I dont think that relating my love to a female can be equated to god as then I would have no problem with other people having other girlfriends. My friends probably just got tired of me wanting to have them love my girlfriend as well-you see were this analogy is going lol.

Thing is people never thought the stone would be a feeling thing but the thing beyond the stone which you represent with it. Idolatry as a spiritual mechanism is different but in some ways also similar to the practizes of christians.
Churches are out of stone but are special and need to be consecrated. Is a church an idol for this reason?
The underlying thought is the same, dont get me atarted on saints, guardian angels and homealtars which is straight up henotheism in denial.
Calling idolatry demonworship and saying those spirits are simply evil is a judgement that is also common as shown by that one apostel ttalking about the table of christ and the table of demons you get invited to but that at least speaks from a perspective of understanding of what the other guys do ibstead of just obsessing about "A FUCKING ROCK".
Hate to ruin the story for you but Jehovah is an androgynous snake, and the events of the new testament actually preceed the events of the old testament (Except Revelation, which is the first book written). The whole canon was written in the period of late middle ages, and the events that transpired took place between the 12th and 16th century at different locations and to different people. The truth has been edited.
I've never heard any British girl say: "Hey, you know what's hot? 4 inch Nepali penis! Mmmm."
Most can't even put it on the map desu.
Ah that makes sense then.
So just the way you invite god in a mosque, church or the eucharist.
I am an ex muslim christian convert. You are asking people to explain to you why the Mona Lisa is so great - without ever seeing the painting yourself. And nobody EVER came to faith by being told by somebody that "christianity is good for you".

You have to read the gospel of Jesus Christ yourself. Book of Luke, book of John, any of them. It is so great and transcendent that it will fill whatever voids you have in your life. And you will know that it is a holy work by its own power.
Citation required
my friend has a travel agency, they tell me stories. Hell, they even fuck non-sherpa guides lmao
topkek u upset bruah? but it's true, they do that. lol
A Muslim in Sweden?

No way...
I've read it.
That doesn't make any sense; I could read the Quran and get the same feeling, or read the Talmud. I don't want to devote my entire life to an uncertain feeling.
muslims should be forced to accept Jesus. Offer them the bible or blade.
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Well there has been evidence that not just Christianity, but spirituality in general increases longevity because it gives people meaning, closure, and some happiness. In actuality, it's the person themselves that are able to find calmness and happiness, think of religion as a placebo.
uh. no.
Find something to believe in, and find it for yourself
A lot of Western women are right slags, so they'd shag anything that moves, especially in an exotic land.
Degeneracy leads to self destruction. So suffering and struggle are the way.
Kek. New testament is not like that disorganised illiterate mess the Koran. Or like the corruption-teaching legalist-written satanic talmud.

New Testament is the same basic story written by a bunch of different people who knew Jesus. It is a portrait of Jesus, and reading the NT doesn't mean getting to know the bible. It means getting to know Jesus.

You can't compare other muddy superstitious rulebooks to a portrait of the son of god. Its comparing apples to fermented shit and piss.
That's the most sensible answer
>soft power
Kafir! A jihad on you!
how's kathmandu since the earthquake? did they rebuild the durbar squares? boudhanath?

Jehovah, the name itself means male-female

Please read chronology series by Anatomy Fomenko. Here is a link to a PDF of the first book.


They changed our timeline around. Everything that's happened in history occured much sooner. Yes, the events are real but copied and spread through many centuries.
Because religious people are retarded enough to worship a golden cow.
They started to rely on Moses. When he delayed on the mountain and took his time coming down they lost faith. Aaron gave in to the mob and created something for the people to worship directly. Amazing since they saw the 10 plagues only a short time earlier.
can confirm, fucked a redheaded brit the last time i was in ktm. really awful teeth. actually really awful bone structure in general, but she wanted that D.

ya'll need to stop inbreeding on that island
>androgynous snake

I don't really think God would have, or need a gender
Anatoly Fomenko.
If you haven't already heard of Jordan Peterson or even if you did, i urge you to listen to his lectures he gives the best explanation, and these are just one of his concise videos on it.
Was a celtshit. You need to fuck real Anglo-Saxons instead of native Briton/Scottish/Irish diaspora.
Were your here? Bouddhanath has beeb rebuilt but durbar sq is still under maintenance.
no the real question is why would they make the golden calf if god himself told them not to and he was walking around in physical form

when they made th calf despite what he had said he almost destroyed the jews but moses talked him out of it

its in the bible
It actually means 'He causes to become' Pull your head in.
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>Entering the age of Aquarius now

Interesting, and what happens in age of Aquarius?
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When will the Irish bashing on /pol/ end
>celts are ugly, anglo saxons are hot
>posts picture of guys
Amazing they put all effort into building an idol instead of something useful to help them get out of the desert.
Is this thread reddit and kike shills recount ?
>hate gays in the [current year]
Like what
i lived there for awhile, back in 2011. i wanna go back soon. there was an amazing restaurant by a temple in patan durbar that had fried eggs and meat hanging from the ceiling. hope it's still there.
but its out of most peoples intelligence level. and so is the proper understanding of the bible.
This is fake, kikes would never waste gold like that
Not Irish, just celtshits. This applies to native Briton-descended "Englishmen" as well.
Pretty much anything except a fetish.
God moves through all things, God is not all things, all things though are of God. There's a distinction as to being present within or about something and being present as something.
Not only on the Babylon exile.
The entire Abraham sacrifice thing is completelly related.
God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac because the tradition was to sacrifice the first son to Baal/Moloch or whatever the god was.
So this is a quite old question.
these hippies cant even decide when the 'age of aquarius' begins.
>what happens
the same shit that happens any other time
your daily reminder that the gold used to make the calf was stolen out of egypt.
No shit
same reason for voodoo kabala magic, rituals and symbolism
the gay bashing shows the lack of comprehension with christians. The bible only says homosexuality is a sin, and "unnatural" (whatever that means. Since Spiritual is the opposite of biblical Natural - homosexuality is Spiritual?)

But its still Lust. And hetero-Lust is just as bad as gay-lust (both go equally to hell).

Its not really as hard on gays as the christians make it out to be. Probably they are homophobic and are afraid of people accusing them of being pro-gay. And If properly argued that Jesus was gay, they would be too cowardly to stand up for their religion.
They were never in Egypt, so why do you care about the other made up story?
Honcha! Yes, it's still here!
Which is interesting because I've had discussion with a theologian and was informed that there were more Elohim than just YHWH and that a higher being brought them unto creation or brought them into being before creation, the texts aren't clear as to which was the precursor IIRC, but it's still amusing to me, especially when Lilith is counted amongst other gods in the Semitic pantheon alongside Beelzebub and Ba'al- almost like there was a big war in heaven over some heated issue an YHWH came out on top and claimed ultimate rulership for this age
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looks like 9.5-10/10 to me guvnah
but anyone can cherry pick
So frustrating having to read that behavior over and over in OT. Though the span was often in generations, and they lived longer. Still the Jews wouldn't learn.
Moloch was a Cannanite God, whom for a time the Israelite worshiped -- well before Babylonian exile and release. God intervened so Abraham didn't kill Isaac ... it prefigured the sacrifice God made by sending his son to die as a ransom.
I see you haven't changed your ways much
It's a good story

Knowing the Jews this seems reasonable.
>There are various methods of calculating the length of an astrological age. In sun-sign astrology, the first sign is Aries, followed by Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, whereupon the cycle returns to Aries and through the zodiacal signs again. Astrological ages, however, proceed in the opposite direction ("retrograde" in astronomy). Therefore, the Age of Aquarius follows the Age of Pisces.[1]
>The approximate 2,150 years for each age corresponds to the average time it takes for the vernal equinox to move from one constellation of the zodiac into the next. This can be computed by dividing the earth's 25,800-year gyroscopic precession period by twelve, the number of zodiac constellations used by astrologers. According to different astrologers' calculations, approximate dates for entering the Age of Aquarius range from AD 1447 (Terry MacKinnell) to AD 3597 (John Addey).[2]
>Astrologers believe that an astrological age affects humanity, possibly by influencing the rise and fall of civilizations or cultural tendencies.
>Traditionally, Aquarius is associated with electricity, computers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealism, modernization, astrology, nervous disorders, rebellion, nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverance, humanity, and irresolution.[6][7]
I'd say we're already vastly within the throes of an Aquarian Age, next comes Capircorn and the promotion of the classical attitudes. If not that then we're in an Aquarian era at the end of the Piscean age and about to move into an Aries era- regardless, it means war is looming.
The calf is symbolic of the old religion. First there was Jesus Christ's religion, during the age of the calf. Christianity is much older than Judaism. But (((they))) switched it around. They want you to think the age of the serpent came BEFORE the age of the calf, but first was the age of the calf and then it became the age of the serpent after Jesus Christ's death. We are living in the serpent age now. Look at all the serpent imagery God uses in Exodus. The serpent statue, Moses with the serpent staff, the serpent defiling the cross. They are spitting on Jesus grave with this shit. Most of the events of the old testament happened AFTER Jesus.
>be guided for 40 years through the desert by Moses
>he leaves for 3 days
>when he gets back these ungrateful kikes have somehow made a golden calf to worship

those sand niggers sure do come up with some silly stories
This happened before the 40 years wandering.
"ancient" Egypt was a Christian nation. The book of the dead is about Jesus and the book of life. The ankh is just another form of the cross, of which there are over 40 forms. And we're made to believe all this happened before Christ? No. They switched up the timelines to confuse you. Christ is the savior but you can't follow him imposed on a false religion.
>Most of the events of the old testament happened AFTER Jesus.

i hope you are not serious
>barely literate
>most complex book of all time
Not LARPing. Jesus was crucified in 1185. Most of the events of the old testament happened between 13th 16th century. All of these events happened throughout Europe. Not just the Middle East. The book editors are the same as the cartographers. They changed the names around to deceive you. This all happened in the medieval age. All depictions of events and Christ are medieval. Figures of history are duplicated and created as shadows in a chronological era that did not exist. Plato lived in the Byzantine era, around 15th century right before the fall of Constantinople.
It's easy to sin when you're complacent.

I just don't see any special reason for the pyramids to get mentioned.

There were many ziggurats and step pyramids before the Egyptians built what was essentially their versions of them.
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Galatians 1:8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

fucking retard

Pyramids were built using the same measurement system as Noah's ark, which is the same as the Aztec system for building THEIR pyramids. This system is ultimately what the British measurement is based from. Why? Because they all came from the same source. And pyramids are not 4000+ years old. They were built in the middle ages. As someone pointed out in the 19th century, the Sphinx at Giza has erroded more in the last 300 years than any time previously? Why? Because that's how old the Sphinx really is. Open your mind.

Joseph Smith = False Prophet

Mormons btfo
You are actually a fucking retard

a scholar right here
Not making logical sense and being confusing is not the same as being complex.
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Das rite brutha.

You can grab your fedora on your way back to the_donald. Pls go infect somewhere else with your nihilism.
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>statue of Moloch
>it's totally JHWE
neck yourself schlomo
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Is it fedora posting time
christ almighty, you people are fucking retarded
the bull represents good economic times, the bear which is on the other side of the street and nobody gives a fuck represents bad economic times, because thats how each of those animals attack, the bull attacks upward with its horns, the bear downwards with its paws.
nobody worships this you flamboyant faggot, its just a representation of the economy
Jesus didn't die in 1185, dude. Jesus's death is what made people restart the clock. You're not going to restart the clock to honor the death of someone who wasn't born for another thousand years.

I'm not an expert on Egyptian history, but I have taken a class on the subject in college, I know that doesn't mean a whole lot, but from what I understand there is a lot of empirical evidence as well as cultural evidence to support the pyramids being built 1000+ years BC. It just makes sense that after Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians all creating ziggurats and step pyramids that Egyptians come in and make their own versions of it. It's just around the same time everyone is basically making these similar structures.

Egyptian's just made them effing huge and had a slicker, more memorable design.
File: Coat_of_arms_of_Prussia_1933.svg.png (175KB, 912x1024px) Image search: [Google]
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The final redpill, the Godpill, is for you the only way to protect yourself against Islam indoctrination and marxist evilogy. Your believe in yourself can never compete with a real ideology. You alone are not strong enough to defend yourself against Islam and marxism. Christianity Offers you a real strong believe, rather a way of living, able you to protect your friends, family and values. Your believe in yourself can waver. Believe in God is eternal. You can't kill or destroy a believe. You have to kill all the believers. You as only believing in one person that is yourself, can easily be destroyed. You are just one, and we Christians are many but God is the greatest. Our fate keep us in place and keep us strong. And if one of us dies his believe will spread and it will strenghten our fates even further because he will go to God. It is that kind of dedication what is needed to protect and fight against the Islam and marxism because they do the same. And you stand no chance against them or us Christians.

Deus vult, Gott mit uns.
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