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portugal IS NOT WHITE! portugeese are shitskin subhumans and

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portugal IS NOT WHITE! portugeese are shitskin subhumans and they dont belong to Europa, they need to fuck back off into india and ME

Anyone who disagrees with it is a jew globalist shill
I'm sorry, where does your language come from again?
From the Original Aryans you gypsx
You keep telling yourself that hungol
Atilla the Hun was and his people were the first whites who set foot in Europa
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toasting in quality bread
Why do you want to trigger the brave iberians? I could say the same about you not being white anymore, since you got tainted by gypsies, go back to India.
>Antifa the Hun
But this "X is not white" is a jew globalist shill thing.
Says the spic favela nigger, well known jew lapdog hmm makes you think

he's not hungarian there are tons of divide and conquer threads right now...
Fuck off gypsy shill
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Oh look a gypsy
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nice try cikany magyar
Did you enjoy when we occupied your shit country and whore women?
no but i enjoyed commies massacring u in 1956.
>hungarian education
Jew shills
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yes, we are not wuite we are amerindians, or maybe cambojans, why not congolese?
Go eat boiled cabagge you pineapple head gypsy mulatto
someone has a very bad case of cant handle the bantz

dont worry I still love you

Gypsy immigrant living off welfare in switzerland
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Oh poor little irrelevant nation who never was the 1st global empire in history, I sure feel sorry for you! Hungary is sad!
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>talks shit
>can't handle even the slightest amount of bant
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i have some of your gypsy filthy niggers working for me on my land. You are subhuman trash. Go learn history we are white.

We were.the first superpower i history, better than some gypsies sailing around like faggots
>portugesee subhuman trash

Choose 1
Hungary a second trianon.
Oh look some gulash mongol nigger is trying to disrupt European unity once again
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see you at 6 am to go to the fields. Slave.

If Portuguese aren't "White" ( i.e. of European stock) then what are they....SHLOMO??
>We were.the first superpower
Not trying to offend you but elaborate more please
Portuguese a best.
They have to do something to escape from hairy Portugeses women, so they built boats and run away lñike no tomorrow
They are not hairy.
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bozgoria cigany.jpg
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No,we just try to escape from your gypsoid mustache women that harassed us for centuries.
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fuck you, know our secret.
Prepared to be blacked, white boi.
Thats your job gypo


Okay mohamed




>immigrant detected, you have to go back
OP is gypsy lol, fuck off to pajeetistan

Talk nice or we open the gates and send the sandnigger to you
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I once met a couple spanish girls

they all were hairier than me

There's a 70% chance someone posting under the Swedish flag is either Muslim, African, a rape victim, or a virgin.

I'm sorry for your service.
you and your army of beggars? go wash your ass in a fountain kek
theres a 100% chance you are obese
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Agreed. Portugal is not white.
hungarian scum. shit poor country. shame it was not properly dealt with by the commies, as they did with ukraine.
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Sure Achmed, i don´t even how why do we only genetically cluster in Europe and only near other europids.
Well shilled, goy.
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Estado Novo did nothing wrong
Triggered portinigger

Just wait



Orban will kill you all
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>he doesn't know that 19% of portuguese citizens are jewish
Good estrangeiro
Yes, we did the same ofc
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Respect our veterans. They are way better than some traitors that escaped the war.
As i said, jew shills
Says the steppenigger fag.
the real traitors are those guys (natives of angola ) that fough against their own people for the multi everything pt empire.
Portuguese people are europeans, not the entire world.
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