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Admit it, Obama wasn't that bad as a president and you wish

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Admit it, Obama wasn't that bad as a president and you wish he were still in office instead of Trump

WHAT did Mackey dykes have to do with Solyndra?

Im so sleepy

>believing there's a difference
keep voting, nigger
He was great. Could have been goat if Republicans werent such jealous cucks and block everything
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Obama for President.
He was and still is, a mulatto jimmy carter. Only worse.
I would rather see our country BURN to the ground than see a nigger in the white house again!
is this a penis?
Obama>B Clinton>Trump>BushJr.
We do not tolerate racist behaviour here on 4chan.org/the_donald. Please take your offensive language elsewhere or you can disavow and grab a coat and jump on the racism free trump train. MAGA! NO BRAKES!
>cucked for Islam
>covered for the corrupt Clinton mafia
>repeated shitlib memes like gender wage gap
>constantly incited race riots
>spied on literally everyone

Best Obama
I wouldn't have been upset at Obama, he would have just been a normal president... if only he didn't pass that big-pharma scam known as Obamacare.
He was far from a nigger. Obama is nearly the whitest black men ever seen.
Obama was pretty terrible. Not as terrible as the right made him out to be, just like Trump isn't as terrible as the left makes him out to be, but he was pretty shit. The amount of corruption and political appointee bullshit that took place in his admin was more atrocious than most.
why exactly retards say he was the worst?

They only say that but never explain.

also, I don't care.
You forgot the explicit anti-2nd amendment rhetoric.
He sucked, Trumps fucking hilarious.
but he caused the great racial divide we live in today. racial tension has never been this intense since we were literally hanging niggers.
Trump makes George W Bush look like a competent president.
He was absolutely shit and cause almost irreparable damage to this country. He was even worse than Bush
I don't care either way. it's true even being dark, he gave a classier and more intelligent image of America, but in terms of real stuff it makes no difference
Fuck that Obummer made the Bush's look like children. Went to war with 7 countries at the same time but he smiled while he fucked you. Legalized assassinations and literally took a steaming dump on your constitution any way he could. Go hang yourselves
>he gave a classier and more intelligent image
things that neither matter nor last. Congrats you supported a Kardashian Candidate.
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>I'm too retarded and too triggered to read the full sentence, must post must post
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He got an award for running the country into the ground in only 8 years , that is quite the achievement honestly...though it wasnt really him but the brainless SJWs repeating the marxist propaganda and the dumb chimps on welfare supporting him...yeah great president,turned the USA into a commie welfare state , top shelf!xD
I literally fled and renounced my citizenship to get away from everything he was and signified.

Fuck Obama.
Indoor plumbing>shitty oily curry
This. Bush was just a jewish puppet like any other Potus. But Obongo was also taking the part of libtard activism, destroyed the social peace and let subhumans and subhuman *intellectuals* chimping out without legal consequences. Worst Potus ever. And probably he didnt destroyed america totally just because he is half white. 8 years of a full nigger presidency and murica would become another afrikan cesspool.
Still had a lot of really nasty shit like constantly prosecuting whistleblowers and drone striking shit, but I'll take a centrist president over a complete nutjob any day.
Trump buy his acts is the 1st black president
Nope. Trump is ruling by the book. He is a good technocrat of a jewish colony. He promised MAGA. He didnt promise change the financial jewish scheme, the libtard education or the war economy. And he is not a criminal abomination like Hillary. Best Potus you could vote for in 2016.
>stocks are up
>BTC and ETH moonrocketing
>mexis self deporting in droves
Nah senpai I am good thanks
Obama is the WORST president in our history. He earned that title.
Fuck no.
Barack Hussein Obama was bad you shill.
Obama would have gone through with the TPP. The main reason why I supported Trump was because of his stance on the TPP.

Fuck secret trade deals with tons of other shit mixed in.
will the clinton meme end up some day? He is guilty of niggers absolute decadence, massive spic migration, fed control over all economy and islamic terrorism. But because muh keynesian political economy and the fact he raped women in the oval office he is now considered a good president.
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Remember his Fast & Furious gunrunning scandal? Remember how guns from that scandal were used to shoot a security guard in Garland, Texas, kill a border patrol agent, as well as being used in the massacre at the Bataclan in Paris?

Remember that he signed the NDAA, which allows for indefinite detention of American citizens?

Remember the ACA?

Remember the NSA spying scandal?
Neither of those things are correct

Trump has proved that polls are all wrong and are fake news.
He's the worst. The absolute worst. And all the fuckheads "resisting" Trump are so fucking stupid they don't realize the only reason we have President Trump, is because Obama was so horrendous.
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Remember selling arms to "Evil" Iran for hostages?
Remember arming Saddam Hussein?
Remember arming radical muslims who would later pull off 9/11
Remember spending billions on SDI "Star Wars?"
Remember propping up brutal dictatorships?

Pepperidge Farm remembers..

Yet people still worship this senile old bastard as a "great president"
Meh, we have Trump also because Hillary was shit.
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Absolutely not. Im so glad this fucking two-headed snake scumbag is gone
Barack Barry Hussain Soetero Obama; piss be upon him
>Johnson at 3%
>Nixon at 13%

American education, everyone.
Don't forget being the fucking drone king, despite literally receiving a Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing other than being black.
Remember faggots pushing revisionist history?
Kill yourself you fossil
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>be libby
>Gender Studies major
>"women need to be treated equally"
>Calls America sexist and Islamaphobic
>go to Saudi Obamaville
>Preach feminist ideas
>Get stoned
Isn't tolerance great?
i literally lost 8 years of work because he was in office for 8 years

this nigger getting elected nullified 10% of my life
He wasn't that bad. A lot better than Dubya. But with him came a wave of bullshit from leftists about muh social justice and shit.

Id rather nuke DC and take my chances as an anarchist before bringing him back.
>Obamacare makes it so people in certain income brackets literally can't retire
>Pulled out of Iraq despite being warned by fucking everyone that it'd go to shit the moment we did
>Funded & supplied ISIS and told everyone on national television that it was a GOOD thing that they were ruining countries until the world woke up and realized just how godawful ISIS really is
>Didn't stop supplying them, though
>Made efforts solely to divide America on fucking everything, then claimed it was totally everyone else being divisive
>Claimed he totally had an economic recovery plan, but in the end, he resorted to PRINT MORE MONEY, the most short-sighted thing you can possibly do
>accumulates more debt than all previous presidents combined
>economy still stagnates despite the insane investment mostly because it was spread around in Washington
>"Obama wasn't that bad you guise... don't you wanna him back?"
Out of sight, out of mind. Dude never did shit...
>fucked up health care for millions of Americans
>not that bad

pick one
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>Implying Obongo wasn't a lame duck race baiting soft president.
Trump is fucking awesome, it took literally an age to be blessed with a leader who makes it clear where the root of statism lies, within the courts.
Far too long the courts wielded their power covertly, with God Emperor of Man at the helm their massive power is laid bare.

You've been so pwned, it would be sad if you just took it like men, but the autismal way ya'll are handling it just makes it hilarious, cheers m9!
Obama is a racist. He hates white people, despite being half white, raised in a white household under white values, and given everything he has because of white generosity and white guilt.
>How can high IQ beta males mate?

I voted for Obama twice and completely hated him by the end, so much that I switched sides after they tried to push Killary on us. PA dems for Trump!
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>I only know history from memes

Sure is summer..
You sound like a welfare nigger.
He was absolutely horrible. We spent over $10 Trillion dollars under him and have nothing to show for it. The only jobs created were low income, half the issues he campaigned against he signed and renewed, like the patriot act. NDAA, Prism, and more all came as a result of him rapidly expanding government.

He made race relations worse by embracing the media's lies and calling violent criminal thugs like Trevon what he wished his own son would be like.

Obama played the race card at every opportunity in both campaigns and throughout his presidency. He acomplished nothing and everything is measurably worse today. Average income is the same but inflation and housing cost are up a lot. The bailout failed, it redistributed hundreds of billions of dollars from everyone to his elitist billionaire buddies and most of them bought out their competition with it then immediately sold out to China or India or outsourced production themselves.

Min wage jobs went up, but the US lost millions of engineering, design, business, and manufacturing jobs. This was not an improvement but he'll just smile and lie about it and all the baristas will jack off to his speeches.
Obama was the best president

Look at what the republitards do to our economy and the dems always fix it. its fucking poetry

1. He was the sixth worst president of the US
(After Buchanan, Johnson (Andrew), Johnson (Lindon), Woodrow Wilson and George W. Bush)
2. No, I'm glad that Mr audacity of NOPE is gone and far away. Good riddance, and hopefully he kills himself.
and Trump is the niggerest white man
>Illegal immigration down 70%.
>No race riots which were a monthly occurrence under Obama.

I don't think so.
he literally spied on americans for his own personal gain

the only reason he isn't locked up is because he's black
You're fucked in the head
>Subprime Mortgage Crisis was Clinton's doing
>But it was totally the republicans' fault

Wrong, you fuckwit.
Malik's brother.... Scandal free.... Lol, My sides.
>a nigger
>"""leading""" a white country
O i am laffin
He lied to the community that supported him the most

There's some truth to this. Obama did get played by his own party. They billed him as an uber leftist, and the RW media was only too glad to help that impression. In truth, he was a moderate with some leftover ideas from the 60's about race and culture, but those were more of a hobby than an agenda. He was bad for race relations when he was trying to help Hillary, and I honestly dont think he did, ever will or could realize just how bad he was in that department. Some things just didnt register with him.

I think his party put him up to health care reform, because Hillary had been clawing away at that idea since the 90's. I actually covered it back then and what a boondoggle mess everyone realized it to be.

I think the party was willing to anoint Barry partly to spare the risk of Bills new affairs from destroying their chances in 2008, but also in exchange for getting health care done, the hill he sacrificed most of his political capital on. And its not hard to run a young smoothtalking chocolatey magic negro when a crew of old white men started with 9/11 and ended with the finance crash of 2008 after a summer when gasoline was approaching $5 a gallon.

Sadly, he'll always be remembered for the Obamacare disaster and a miserably meager recovery. He will still always be an icon of an era to a certain part of the population; he was unique and no one can take that away from him.

It will never be so much what he did that people malign him for, though that will be the optics. Materially, what people felt was all the things he didn't do. He didn't help race relations, and that was probably the biggest expectation, foolish as it may have been. He wasn't particularly ambitious in economic policy, he simply didnt know how. And as a world leader, he was something of an international puzzle, an oddity that no one was certain how to interpret.

If teens/young adults had happy lives under Obama, thats how they will remember him, unless they have a better time under Trump. One or the other will stick. But it was a significant era. Whether we want to admit it or not, it was a real social experiment for the nation. You can view the outcome many ways, but no one can deny we tried. We did something no one could predict, like Trump. And it seems to be part of a decades long tradition of each president being able to thank the shit-job his predecessor did for his victory. People have been voting backwards for a while, voting to fire the last party more than hire the new one on any particular merits.

If anything, the first several months of this congress has made me realize that Obama was not to blame for liberal victories in government. The congress is only to happy to fund the left and give away money and advantage to keep their donations coming. I have never seen my party in this depth of blatant establishment corruption.
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>This, Obama's biggest enemy was his own party going far left.

Obama himself was actually pretty moderate.
fuck no, KYS shill fag

>everyone else please remember to sage in your reply
No college kids pretending to be offended black people prevented black people from getting to work by blocking the interstate for blacl peolple since hes been gone.
Yes and fuck the contrarian hipsters who disagree.
He's a completely forgettable President. If he hadn't been black no one would remember him in 15 years.
If you thought he was good you must think dubya was as well because the reality is they were the same damn person
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>Admit it, Obama wasn't that bad as a president and you wish he were still in office instead of Trump

Honestly in hindsight he was not good at all. Hard to say how bad.

#1 foreign policy was fucked. Getting Osama was good and honestly Bush should have done whatever it took to get him. But letting Clinton and whoever talk him into Lybia and Syria was a major mistake. Just more regime change bullshit where the best end is us failing to eliminate the government. Hopefully Trump backs out of Syria quietly and slowly. Also I am pretty sure we sparked Ukraine somehow or let some fucks spark it by paying for that unrest that started the whole thing. Russia should be embraced slowly the only thing that actually reduces war is trade. A country like ours and Russia will want to profit from every other country they can and if they are not doing so through trade and good relations they will eventually find a way to do so through poor relations. Or war. And when real war is too costly well do economic bullshit and cold war proxy shit. We need to stop pushing Russia its not that strong and whatever Putin has done I dont want to see him loose power right now I dont want that country splitting up and causes god knows what problems.

Obamacare is his own damn fault. He had the chance to make it strong and he did not. It has turned out o be nothing but wealth redistribution. He had a chance to use it to fight the rising health care prices but he did not. Now the prices are shooting through the roof still and its going to collapse even without the Republicans so its his own damn fault. If it actually helped on the costs it would survive only because people liked it. They dont they hate it.

His whole leading from behind shit was garbage. The parties are a mess and have been for years he needed a strong hand. And I think his lack of time in Washington hindered him here. Something Clinton has is she knows what to do and who to strong arm to get things done. cont.

Moderate about what?

gibs, loosing 3rd worlders on domestic pop, illegal spying on domestic pop, starting wars, being full of himself with his head up his ass? I'm not seeing the moderation

He tried to just use rhetoric to motivate people to fix things. Also he presided over the fucking democratic party while it turned to shit. He seemed to ignore that he was head of the party while in office trying to be above it.

Even the recovery from financial crisis was wildly mediocre. He lead through the initial shit storm but after that we grew out of the hole very slowly. Even now there are things we have not recovered especially the economic strength.

Hard to say how much of that strength was just bullshit though as everything from Bill Clinton on seems to have been driven by some temp things he did that probably made shit worse in the long run.

He tried to seem moderate and he even legislated that way most of the time but hes left as fuck. The big complaint when Obamacare was proving to be shit right around the election of Trump was his fucking guy saying it was never meant to reduce prices it was meant to redistribute.
>Obama himself was actually pretty moderate.


Okay! Muslim apologists are now moderate? He further destroyed any chance that blacks have of trying to fix their idiotic racist crime infested culture. He further fed the Americans addicted to welfare. He was not a moderate. What he says about Trump further proves that point.
If obama did half the shit trump did republicans would have had a violent coup in this nation
The real answer is reagan

Most of the shit Trump did was remove the presidential directives Obama did. I watched people call him a tyrant for removing the shit Obama decreed without anyone voting on.

> if Obama did 1/2 the shit Trump did
> Trump's been in office approx. 1/16 Obama presidency

So Trump has done 2x as much in ~6 months as Obama did in 8 years?
He's already spent more on travel
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No matter what happens I will be forever glad and smug because Trump won. All those virtue signalling obnoxious liberal faggitors cried their hearts out that day. All the pretentiousness and faggotry they showed before the election got utterly BTFO. I can still feel the high from Trump victory. God Bless America. God Bless the Emperor.

1. You're confusing "has" and "on track to" from your own bullshit propaganda.

2. Even shill politifact admits the figures are not based on Trump's trips, but rather on Obama's vacation that isn't indicative of normal expenses.

I could go on, but it should suffice to say that you should start reading better journalism than the liberal rags (yes that includes CNN) pushing that nonsense.
See ive never understood blind racism. In the past maybe it made sense but I know good black people who do more for their country than Cletus bumblefuck who fucks his sister all day. Also racist goals will never be achieved and it does more harm than good to try to. Same with using Hitler and National Socialism, never gonna happen. Nothing wrong with the beliefs it just needs a new name.
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