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>tfw only get $1,776.00 bux every month How do they expect

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>tfw only get $1,776.00 bux every month

How do they expect me to live on this?
kys neet
Is that net or gross
>not bad
but seriously, learn how to make more money you flaming faggot. Why are you bringing other people into this? Its nobody's fault but your own.
They don't.
Studio Apartment - $400/mo
Food - $100/mo
Electricity - $50/mo

How can you not live off of that?
Dude wtf, I survived for a year and a half on $1200 a month with $800 going to rent I would have felt like a king making $1700
I'm not a neet.

I have a severe mental disorder, autism, aspergers, ocd, schizoid which has all given me lifelong depression and anxiety, so I can't function. I was NEET for nearly 15 years before I actually got forced to get help from mental health professionals.

What im saying is that I will never be able to afford a place to live unless its with my parents. My parents will have to buy me an apartment in the city because I can't drive or use public transport. They need to do that because if they don't Ill have no way of paying rent, so they need to make it so I dont have rent or mortgage to pay, it's the only way I can live off the autism bux.
I could live in luxury with that much money you nigger.
wtf i'm going to australia now
>internet 1000$ a month
How the fuck do you get above $1300?
Did you use the schitzo method?
Where can you get studio apartments for $400 a month?
Get a fucking job.
Well dude that sucks. i have aspergers too and dyspraxia so life is already shit for me.
Places where nobody but niggers will live
>studio apt $400
fuck off back to your fantasy land retard. this is the real world
you make more than i did at my last 3 jobs op and i live where rent is 800 for a studio, manage and save your money
Lol paying rent
>paying off someone else's mortgage
>feeding into the corporate jew

Real estate>renting

Inb4 cuck leaf
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Rent needs to be at $300 maximum, or simply banned.
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Working 40 hours a week in IT gets me just over $1800/mo

Literally put ever single dollar you can spare into Bitcoin. If you did that a year ago you 1700$ would have become 8500$.
If you had put it that much money every month it would have been 103000$ by now.

And this is only getting more when the Fiat currencies collapse and Bitcoin is established as real currency.
I don't know what you're asking.

After I got my diagnosis done with a specialist the psychologists and general practitioner I see just said I should apply for disability and they helped me apply.

I have no empathy so I'm not going to pretend to care, but I guess that sucks to born in a country that doesn't have help for that.

i get that working retail, wish i did IT tho...fuck
How fucking expensive is rent in Australia

I'm talking like a shitty apartment is a not so nice area. You don't deserve any more than that.
Were you just posting on /fit/?
Lol owning property
>paying interest to the banker jew
>paying taxes to the township and school district jew.
>Paying the roofing jew et. al. every 15-20 years.
At least admit that you can't win leaf.
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working 40 a week at my local mcds franchise gets me 2500 after taxes so you can probably do better or your getting shafted dude
move to the country and find yourself a chill job?
Honest question, what would you have done with yourself in the middle ages?
Well my sister pays $1,600 or so per month for a 3 bedroom townhouse about 30 minutes drive on a highway or freeway (I dont drive, not sure what the difference is) from the city.
Checked An can comfirm, studios are 1000$ where I live
How much did you make from bitcoin?
I already know for a fact if I was born any other time in history I would be dead, no question about it.
Well atleast I cannot hear shit stain children and dogs running around and making noise
how have you survived for this long?

how did you get that bad? were you touched as a kiddy, why not become like that dude from split
Haha, here is working or dying :^)

Damn I love this country, no subhumans to feed.
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>being poor
>2500 after taxes
how the fuck?

where do you live?
This. I've been doing this for the past year. Just pulled the trigger on cashing out my 401K and dumping it all into BTC/ETH
i live in portland and its fucking 1500+ anything less is a pile of shit and your car will constantly get broken into
>being poor
lel, i get that much for writing two job applications a week
In kentucky, me and a friend just scored an apartment for 575 a month. Split both ways thats less than $300 a month.

There are ways yung fagling
>falling for the jewcoin meme

80% ROI in 4 months.
management bruh
im in oregon
hoboy, you guys know people talk like this right before bubbles burst, right?
$100/mo for food
Are you eating only rice, beans and ramen?
tough choice choosing between roommate or isolation...
I hate being a wagecuck

yeah I'm not cut out for that, I have terrible people skills when it comes to delegating or telling people what to do
sweet potatoes, quinoa, beans, oats, veggies, pnt butter

its doable m8...but you arent going on any dates or anything
I get only $1675 a month after tax as a grad student tho Im not in australia
>I have a severe mental disorder, autism, aspergers, ocd, schizoid which has all given me lifelong depression and anxiety, so I can't function.
nah m8 ur just a pussy
Still, i work on programming, i make decent money but i still find life kiind of dull.
wow, before taxes, I'd make $1400 a month if working 40 hours p/w, which I don't.
I'm currently paying 2420 dollaridoos a month but i live in a 'good' area
lol, try surviving for 800 € a month, that is after 40hours of manual labour, 1room apartment rent is 300+ €, food expensive as fuck and don't even start about buying clothes or shit, welcome to the white man paradise
its a shitty fucking job but i get weekends off and 3 weeks PTO. i fucking hate it there but i gotta pay my fucking rent for my daughter and put food on the table. this is what happens when you smoke to much weed in grade school
I get 1100 in neet bux OP. I pay for rent and bills like everyone else. My rent is 400 a month for literally half a duplex.

If you have more than 100 bucks a month for eating out and gaymin, you should seriously STFU.
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Correct, I am poor, you fight or accept the new laws and rights, extermination of housing market, destruction of rent, tge destruction of the system of wages being determined by the power of the enployer over the employee and being replaced by a system of market analysis and a lower % based share of profits for the workers based on the production or profits produced by the worker.
have fun with your 2% gains loser
400/week is pretty standard in the outer suburbs in melb/syd for a 2/1 bed/bath.
Parents have always known there was something wrong with me as I was very very very different to my siblings. My siblings are all successful normies, married, good jobs, social life, kids etc.

They use to take me to doctors when I was a kid in the late 80s, early 90s and they always said that I'd just "grow out of it". Well I never did. Now my parents feel horrible that they let it go for so long and never pushed hard enough to get me the help I needed.

My clinical psychologist says there's not much that can be done for me at this point since my mental condition(s) have been left for too long. This stuff really needs early intervention to avoid turning out like me.

My autism goes beyond anything I could describe on here in text, there's just no point even going into it. I'm so far deep in the autism, it would be a never ending list.
Its all just bants desu, if you have money then life is dull only if you want it. We have more freedom than the burgers, go fuck some bitches.
respect for not being a deadbeat dad

>posting your face and literally being a communist

summer has started
Freedom. God bless your bait.
That's why my parents want to buy me a 1 bedroom apartment in the city. I cant drive and im not allowed to anyway for obvious reasons, and I cant use public transport (for many reasons). So I basically have to be living in the city when my parents aren't around anymore because I'll only be able to walk to places to see doctors or get food, that and I wont be able to afford rent anyway by myself (I cant share with strangers) unless I own the apartment and only have to worry about bills and rates.
It's a real bubble when your barista's talking about it. Only thing baristas are talking about is the shitty economy. Bitcoin is not in a bubble - less than 1% of the world has even heard of it. Also, PBoC has a circulated whitepaper that details the plans to build out the internet to their countryside. Then China will be buying a shit ton of BTC (already have been) to invest into each province so they can lend BTC out to the world. This will immediately enrichen all rural provinces in China. BTC is a long term play.
Not really feeling sympathy. Do you work? I'm working 6-7 days a week and pull in less than that. Exbrain your situation beyond. 'Muh 17 hundred a month' hurrr
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I just use the revolutionary will, I have no plans for communism or marxism in any form, simply enhanced rights, wages and power to individuals.
While I agree you can stretch 1776 a month, your budget estimates are a little absurd. resembles a boomer assessment.
The Australian dollar is only worth .75 USD
Australia also has some retarded fucking prices. So you're actually wealthier than op.
Pretty rough situation anon. Only option now is a noose.
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Christ how rich are your parents

I bet you smell funny, wanna lend us some cash cunt?
>I just use the revolutionary will, I have no plans for communism or marxism in any form, simply enhanced rights, wages and power to individuals.

You're a comunist my dude. At least come out and have the balls to say what you really are.

This is why you guys lose. You dance around definitions and try to redefine words, just be straight with people.
lol at all of these triggered urbanites. I have a 2 bedroom apartment in my small town that costs $600 per month.
idk.. i get 3200€ a month and i dont even know why. im just a retarded linux systems engineer

hope you feel better now
They aren't rich. 1 bedroom apartments in Melbourne CBD aren't pricey unless you buy in a really new high rise.

Most ones in older buildings are 225-275k.
God I feel sorry for your parents, they are probably well in money and successful, but were cursed by getting a retarded son. Japs were right about ending youself in such shame.
you out in the fucking sticks or wut? bullshit it probably looks like shit and small af
I always feel weird reading these threads.

I make $1500 from my hobby Patreon each month, and that's on top of a regular job and without being a friendless shutin.

Are NEETs just lazy? It's not hard to make money in the age of the internet.
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I do not want Communism, I believe in rights to property and see non landholding men as slaves, I work to remove communism by giving more rights, and ownerships to much more people, I do not want a statess society nor a society without a market and property.

>€1185 per month

man you can live like a king on that here
Fuck off really? I was in a studio and got kicked out cause the owner sold it, heard it sold for 450 or higher and this was a SHIT studio

This is syd btw
What the fuck is your hobby that people pays you to do it ?
move to Poland and live a good life

man the fuck up

BTC isn't going to go away. It cannot be controlled, otherwise (((they))) would have pulled the trigger a long time ago
It's the way how money works in the future. It's already worth so much yet nobody is even really using it as a currency yet.
Already have some. But what you goldbugs fail to recognize is you can't do shit with gold with this fast pace economy. Most currency today is digital and a digital format will be needed in the future to keep up with the infrastructure we currently have. What the fuck are you going to do? Chisel gold when you need to buy some eggs?
It's in the same county as a medium sized Midwestern city, but it is sort of in the sticks. Not sure how long it'll stay that way though. Currently this is where all the white people from the city are fleeing to.
I'm buying a 4 bed 2 bath on an acre for $450/mo.
You should have a housing budget of no more than 1/3rd of your income. If your rent is higher than $500 a month find a cheaper place to live.

internet would be $50 bucks a month if you're splitting it with a rommie. Food should probably around $250 a month, more if you eat out a lot. My advice is to ask the parental units for food or get them to visit and take you out to eat if you're having trouble here.

Car payment, insurance, gas should be no more than $400 a month combined. If you're over this sell your fucking car until you can afford it.

Other bills would add up to around $300 a month, altogether you should have approximately $276 dollars left over, you put that in a savings account with a decent interest rate, go to a credit union.

If you're living beyond your means then you need to change your life.
i make $13 a day nigga
44 hours a week

There is literally no reason why China would not develop their own cryptocurrency.

Why would they put their eggs in BTC and possibly enrich whomever created it when they can just control their own source?
thank you for this
i'm fucking tired of people who complain they have no money when they're spending way too much on stupid shit
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mfw my hometown has over 150k people in it and its only about 8 miles
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>tfw get payed aprox 1600 a fortnight
>manage to save 800 of that ez
What is semi-rural Poland like? I've heard its poor and backwards but I feel like a small plot of land on the outskirts of Warsaw or something would be really comfy.
China is absolutely retarded if they think people will use a crypto controlled by them when we could just use BTC which has no way to be controlled.
not including illegals and theres a fuckton
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>tfw I don't even feel 1776 because my government would rather take than give back to me
>tfw I celebrate being American by being irresponsibly in debt
for which it stands, one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all
China wouldnt 'control' it per se, they would own a fuckload of them before it went public.

Just like BTC there's some autist sitting on a bucketload of BTC who could be a billionaire right now because he created the stupid software.

China is pretty big on controlling every single thing in its domain so you'd be pretty naive to think they'd go and play in some other currency.
>see non landholding men as slaves
So everyone but farmers or what?
Or businessmen who buy land with money they earn to build establishments?
Or real estate developers?
Just remember to invest it somewhere. I "saved' tons of money when I was younger only to find out that inflation fucking kills you. I would advise against things like Bitcoin/Gold, better off putting it in a CD or something.
I make $4800 a month, with mah high school diploma.........
Kys you fucking neet, I get less than that and I work. For fucks sake
>become a bookie
>deal drugs on the side
>break into cars
>strong arm weak little jews
>offer yourself as private security for obvious illegal dealings

Life is a bitch and unless your born with a silver spoon in your mouth or have kike connections, luck and crime are the only ways out.

-Poor toothless loser who hates life and wants everyone to know their pain as sucking cock got them nowhere

Do whatever is necessary.
No one matters but you and your own.
Family > Outsiders, forever.
They can control it if they own a fuckton of it, imo its enough to do monetary policy with it. The difference is we know the accounts of the supposed "Satoshi" and all its public so if he's start selling everyone will freak the fuck out, poor guy havees billons freezed in memecoins kek.
Good for you asshole. I have to work and get less money than some addled troglodyte. Be grateful we haven't thrown you to the wolves like we should have
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>4100€ a month
>2400€ left after taxes
You don't have to believe me, but it's already happening nigga
Why do you think they've been cleaning all of their exchanges and removing all of the rehypothication? BTC is decentralized so no one controls it. But yes, you are correct on them creating their own crypto. Basically, they will be using BTC as a stepping stone to their own communist party controlled crypto. Putting their population on a digital-only currency is the goal for population control purposes. But for obvious reasons, it would be very difficult to convince rural farm folk to bite on the digital currency meme. Also by adopting Bitcoin it puts China into the future control of the world reserve currency without having all the hassle.
Listen here and listen clear you money grubbing parasite.

I don't care if you have the fucking plague. You get your filthy hands off my wallet. Next time you do that, you'll get it.

The only time the government should spend money on you is to EUTHANIZE you.
How the fuck do you get so much? When I was in between jobs for 2 months EI only gave me $600/mo and I'm in socialist Canada.
I get 900 for disability. You suck ass.
You only think you know the accounts of Satoshi. There is no way you can know of other accounts setup.

If I were going to protect my bitcoins you can be sure I'd establish 1000s of accounts and dump BTC to all of them before going public.

The ENTIRE PURPOSE was anonymity. Why would the original creator(s) just ignore this fantastic advantage?

There is 100% someone or some people sitting on billions or trillions worth of BTC.
>I make $1500 from my hobby Patreon each month
No you don't
That link is irrelevant to everything you just said. If China, Russia or he US setup a 10bn internet fund it does not follow it has anything whatsoever to do with BTC.
Midwest towns with <2,000 population and nothing to do

Jokes on them

You have the Internet
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>almost $2000 a month for a 2 bed/1 bath

I live in a 3 bed 2 bath duplex and we only pay $1200 a month, and I live in fucking California.
Yeah that's rough. I can't even live off that per week
tfw 2600$ a month after tax
I didn't choose to have mental disorders and low iq. This isn't the life I picked.

My sister is a teacher and my brother is an engineer. They got married, they have kids, they have friends, they do stuff. This is the life ill never have.

Stop trying to act as if we're on the same playing field in life.

Anyway, my doctors are the ones who recommended I apply for disability, I didn't even know I was even capable of getting it until they said I should. I always thought it was for people who were literally retarded as in hurr durr retarded, not just suffering from mental disorders.
What's your job?
Totally possible. No sodas or beer or bags of junk food. Bags of veggies and fruit, rice, peanut butter, bread for sammiches, eggs, chicken thighs, the occasional $1 oven pizza with fake cheese, ramen packet + egg + green onion + sliced chicken = instant upgrade, go visit /ck/.
Buy hemp seeds from your seasoning section of grocery mart, raise chickens, eat eggs and roosters, next buy bee newt, tend your hive during winter to keep them alive, potatoes, romaine letters is easy crop, as your bees escape to create new hive your neighbors complain and call you, you get free hive, honey is a super food, so is hemp seed, rice is cheap, cook rice, add 2 table spoon of hemp seed, can of mix vegetables, 1 lbs groung cooked chicken, add scrambled eggs, add fried potatoes, if you had to buy all this is around $10 and keep eating for 7 days, hemp seeds alone will fill you up providing all the nutrition you need and curbing hunger provided they are preshelled, the shell is high fiber and can be ingested also, adding it to food will cause you to eat less portions, bees will travel up to 15 miles to find pollen even raising them in the city is no problems, chickens can lay up to 2eggs per day, they eat insects and grass, small amounts of bird food can supplement their diet, chickens and bees require little space and can keep you alive on the protein and nutrition fronts, save on electricity by selling your TV and sleeping at night, the only thing you need electricity for is refrigeration and maybe cooking, taking apart a BBQ grill and only using the gas side burner inside, one tank of propane can last you 3 months and cost $7 to refill, research sun gazing after 1 year a site effect is you do not get hungry, nasa has confirmed it creates super humans,
Rent - $585
Food - $150-300
Internet - $25 ($50 if I didn't have a roommate)
Phone - $50
Electricity - $25
I don't even live in a shit hole or the middle of nowhere either. If you can't afford to live in your big city, then maybe you shouldn't. It's not hard to find shitty apartments for like $400 a month all inclusive here if you have some roommates.
>I didn't choose to have mental disorders and low iq
>This self pity

You arent doing anything to improve either, if you're living with NEETbux at least use your time for doing something worthwhile, otherwise you will feel like an useless shit later.
Don't listen to Antifa, regulating the market is Fascist, don't let them steal NatSoc thunder.
Is dyspraxia even a thing? I was diagnosed with it and apart from having an awkward gait and flat feet it hasn't affected me in any way mentally or physically. I don't get it
dont do drugs
750/month neetbucks here
I am alone
>Student living in Iowa City
>Making less than 1000 a month
>450 - rent
>~250 - food
> Whats left over - literally beer/whatever
>no food stamps/welfare either

Stfu 1,776 would have made me a God. Plus Iowa City isn't a shit hole either.
I don't think you have any idea what serious mental health conditions to do people.

We end up

1. Dead
2. Homeless
3. In a bubble living at home with mummy and daddy our entire lives

There is no cure for real mental disorder, not talking about meme """mental""" disorders that normies get despite being able to perfectly function in life.
Fucking Kek, shut the fuck up grandpa. I pay 450 for the tiniest room in a house shared with other 4 people, fucking pain in the ass. The lowest tier studio is 650. A decent one is 750-800
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>itt first world faggots don't know how to survive with $10000 while balkanfags survive with barely $500

kys civilizationtards
But a $1,000,000 house here would cost like $10,000 in your 3rd world country, so it equals out.
You are the filth holding back society
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fuck ya. I live on $735 per month.
Invest it. Make a business. Put it in a mutual fund at the very least.
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pill, hypnosis and checking yourself into a monestary or some shit like that should fix all that.
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move out of your parents' house, snowflakes
Are you this bad?
Skip to 00:40
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>a fortnight
Oh boy, someone's free in here.
Shit thats sad, what will happen when he grows up and haves more strength than her?
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srsly do these (((people))) have such a fullfilled life that euthanisation is just out of the question?!


dont give me that bullshit, we crack the 8 billion ppl on earth mark in the next few months or so.
I'd Honnestly give up at the point OP is at. If you can't be independent you're no good to me or society. No sense in spending tax money on the kid either. It's like having someone with lethal disease, they'll never get better.

OP, would you say you have a happy existence?
Get a better job

>rollan in the neetbux are we anon ?
For me it manifests in the way that i'm shit at sports and having an illegible handwriting.
>Tfw that's what a teacher makes in Spain (In euros)
I 100% agree with you germ. People like that are nothing more than Honnest mistakes by our genetics and God. I don't hate them, but somebody's gotta change their diapers and catch those hands when they freak out. Somebody's gotta feed them, clothe them and house them. Someone had to do that to an unlovable, literal-to-a-T subhuman. Why should the state? What if it had a child? More degeneracy into the gene pool?
No. This guy has other issues, not just autism.

I don't even exist as a person, I'm just here, taking up space, existing. I just observe around me, I don't have any physical or verbal outbursts, I just exist, but not as a person, more of like a statue.

I don't feel happy or sad, it's just existence. I like watching what goes on in the world from like a birds eye view.

To me world events that happen yesterday are like world events that happened in WW2 or something.

I use to watch ant colonies as a kid and just see how interact with the world. This is sort of how I see other humans. I don't see myself as existing as a human, but just like a camera or something in a documentary.

That's the only way I can explain it. There is no me, as in, besides my autism, there is no person here.

I don't feel like I exist, but I am not suicidal. It's hard to explain.
Keep working. New workers and bottom tier never make good money. That's why they are new and bottom tier. Time adds seniority and responsibility.
If you work long and well enough, you become a supervisor to others and get salary/exempt
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Thanks for the info.
Sounds like the only logical solution is for you to kill yourself.
Get on it, faggot
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so what ur basically saying is that nobody would miss you when you would kill yourself, you dont contribute to society even in the slightest bit, just for pure existence you shouldnt put your parents and siblings through the shit youve been putting them through for 30 years.

finaly get ur ass up and overdose on some pills or jump off a bridge.
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>i don't exist as a person
>I'm an expectator
Damn, at least you don't lie to yourself that you're a miracle or something.
Very interesting. Hey, smile a bit, you rolled dübs
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Just make a budget anon. Here is an example.

have you figured out the problems of the world yet?

also, I would reccomend learning business administration skills
wait wtf? how many of you fucking people are on disability because your feels are made of trash neurons?
y'all talking about SJW's being too sensitive and needing trigger warnings, and then here you are living with your parents because you'd piss your pants if you had to ride a city bus???
either man the fuck up or vote for a democrat the next time around if you want to those checks to keep rolling in.
OP's Australia, i know, and dgaf. point still stands for stateside losers.
Im shit at sports but is that really a major issue in adult life? I have pretty ugly handwriting but it's not illegible.

Do you struggle with fine motor skills like doing up buttons on a shirt or sewing?

What about catching a ball or using cutlery?

maybe we want the system to implode and that is why we dont vote for democrats
1800€ Sys Admin, STEM faglet
Yes, it does. Because that was part of the plan of action in the PBoC internally distributed whitepaper for adoption of bitcoin - building out the infrastructure to all rural parts. Also, word is that Japan got a copy of the whitepaper and that is why they jumped the gun to legalize BTC as tender within their own country, so to encourage their own population to rapidly start purchasing bitcoin to gain some edge over China. Mark my words anon, I am not making this shit up. China is preparing their entire system right now for adoption of BTC or announcement of legal tender status. And once that happens, it's off to the races.
>I have a severe mental disorder, autism, aspergers, ocd, schizoid which has all given me lifelong depression and anxiety, so I can't function.

Please kill yourself and for all that is sacred please do not reproduce
Go back to community college and learn a trade. Surest way out of poverty.
I've been there man. I traveled through Europe exactly as you described. I turned into a statue. People would talk to me and I'd respond but only briefly. I couldn't engage conversation properly. It was a weird experience doing this. The guy I was traveling with (whom I met online) had a buddhist monk friend in Amsterdam and we hung out and talked a lot. He told me there's nothing inside us. The only thing that keeps us social is the ego. Most people that kill themselves at a later because their ego shatters. I dunno where I'm going with this but just know there is another side to it all. Find a single person be it a family member, online chum, whatever you can find, and work from there. Peterson said people like us come to being because we lack best friends as a kid. Do some reflection on your past and try and find 'you'. I'm sure there has been at least one time where you felt 'normal' if you go back far enough in your life. It's not easy but I came out of it and the only advice I can give you is to just pretend. Wake up every day a different person and find which one you enjoy being. God bless.
Anon, you said it best. Why would he care for what he does to his parents if he's just pure excistence, nothing more than the empty cast of a man. I think it's very interesting how Honest he can be about his own problem here. Not interesting enough for me to give it a holy get like 1776, but still interesting nonetheless.

OP try LSD and fry your circuits. I promise you'll feel what humanity feels like... Probably. It takes the anxiety of social interaction away from me for a little while.
It must be your autism that makes you feel entitled to YOUR OWN GOD DAMNED apartment. When you're not working or providing anything to society especially. Go live in a family style appt with 4 other tards. If your rent is too high in your area- move you entitled fuck. Why the hell do you idiots feel entitled to love in the most desirable and therefore expensive places ALONE? Then expect it to be paid for fully with money to eat large and live large? Fuck yourself
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I'm a popular artfag.

1.5k isn't even that crazy, I could show you complete garbage that makes 3+k/mo just because all their shit is behind a huge paywall.
>tfw I only get $1488
Still a drain on society, bucko, you can't fix that. Ego or not, he's not worth even a minimum wage job at McDonald's
>tfw secure the existence of our people or a future for my children with such a small salary
It's the kikes!

>yeah dude be a wage slave. Like, man up bro and take home 10% of the real value you produced. Fuck losers, when automation hits even worse, you just gotta man up harder than the robots.

in order to succeed in those places you must become an SJW/ Degenerate

if this anon wants to succeed in life he must sell out his conservative right wing values, and then you would still find something to criticize about him
Thread theme
I said to my doctors if there's some job I could get but they said in my condition there is nothing and they don't want me working.

They literally said I shouldn't even bother torturing myself looking for work. They used those words.

I don't get why people on here get so upset, these are doctors who earn like 500k a year telling me that I shouldn't work, they pay taxes just like you do, they're the ones who said I should apply for disability.

I wouldn't have even applied if my doctors didn't advise it. I would just go back to sending in 500000 job applications a year but they said theres' no point.
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i liked that "you have 0 friends" episode of southpark
McDonalds made a budget for you.
Epic post xD one upboat, I'd give u 4chan gold but I just bought a fleshlight and have no cash xxxxddddd
I'm not asking you to get a job. I want society to stop funding dead ends like you.
>white austr*lians
Welcome your chink overlords and POOJeet officers.
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yes YOU CHOOSED it , u did something fucked up in past lifes and now repaying karma ,that being said there is still hope,you are in the timeline where gene modification and light/atom based healing technologies will be available in this century for sure ,maybe even be disclosed in the upcoming 8 year period ,Trump family will be closely involved in disclosure of such technology .
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NEETs are the opposite of dead ends, you're the dead end.
>Wahhhh I'm poor!
>Live out THERE?! with THOSE people?
>do you realize how many MILES that is from the beach??
>mfw I live in a 600+ square ft flat for 500 euros/month
>100e in food
>No additional charges like electricity/water/heat, it's all in the rent.
>30e/month internet

I earn about 1800e/month with my regular job +100/200 for private strip shows on week-ends

I feel bad for those who can't find good deals on their flat.
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What does a neet produce? I produce ball bearings that go into rocket systems and some of my company's bearings are in Mars right now, what do you produce?
kill yourself you worthless parasite
y'all are blowing my mind right now. i thought you were against the welfare state for trash people who can't get their shit lives together. turns out /pol wants free money for losers being losers as long as the losers are /pol???
i'm using your aggro language and being a dick, but seriously, if you want free shit from the government because life is harder than you thought, why aren't you voting democrat? that's literally the democratic platform.
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OP, all were trying to say is that you misery and your problems are a product of a failure in society.
our civilisation is build upon self improvment and the only way to improve this society is to get rid of unmotivated parts that get left behind by simple changes in life.
Your parents wont be here forever (u sure know that), your siblings, even tho they are your blood kin, will someday have their own problems + they will have to deal with the problems of their spouses and their offspring.
face it your only going to cause more and more problems the further you stay on this path.
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Sounds Nice.

>8 year period
rent is 3-4 times that in most cities in australia
>cell phone
>bar money/spending money

These are leisures privileges, granted; but how do you expect to have a happy and fulfilling life without any of those
>Im shit at sports but is that really a major issue in adult life?
I mean it really isn't, maybe if your social circle is based on sports then it could be a problem
>I have pretty ugly handwriting but it's not illegible.
Yeah i think i should have said the same, my handwriting is ugly but i can write legibly if i'm calm/not anxious
>Do you struggle with fine motor skills like doing up buttons on a shirt or sewing?
II'd say i can do both pretty normally, though i'm not very used to sewing
>What about catching a ball or using cutlery?
I think the first one depends, sometimes when i'm alone and i have a tennis ball or something i related i like to throw it away and catch it in the air, but when it comes to playing sports such as basketball i tend to act more clumsy and nervous, so i think it may be that my dyspraxia gets worsened by social anxiety.
And for cutlery, i'm not very good at it, i can do it if it is a very simple and mechanical movement, not something that requires to move your hands too much.

By the way, your post made me look symptoms of dyspraxia in the dyspraxia foundation page
and a lot of them are also related to behaviour and thinking, they are also very similar to those traits of Asperger's, which makes sense since it is believed that there is a relation between both

Well apparently most people like me with these mental conditions don't even ever get help, most of us end up on the street or dead.

I didn't even get help until I was 30, after being shutin for 15 years. That only happened because my parents basically did an intervention.

I didn't use any social services my entire life, I had not even been to a doctor in over 15 years. I'm autistic about my food selection and muscles, so I've always kept healthy and fit while shut-in. I've only had 3 or 4 minor colds in the last 15 years which I never went to a doctor for. Thanks to my parents for buying me gym equipment at home, etc.

I had a bunch of health tests done on me recently and I'm in perfect health in regards to blood work, bodyfat, fitness, etc. So the autism has been good for at least one thing.
If less than 50% of your total income is free money, you're a slave. The system needs to change, and we need all White countries. This Jewish shit has to fuckinf stop. We need to kill all the Jews.
Kek. I can find a room in Boston for 600
I earn that in a week.
yeah I live in bumfuck nowhere Ontario and my rent is $750/mo for a studio lmao. GLHF guy.
Stop wasting your money on entertainment.
The strong thrive and the weak perish.
w8, OP are your partens by any chance international spys ?
Sell out his right wing values?
What right wing values?
Sounds like he needs to be grateful instead of bitching and moaning like about the minimum living standard guaranteed him.
For that doc who told you not to work- he's an idiot. He may be a doc, but that's not standard practice- get a second opinion.
That doc, also has 400k in non subsidized grad school debt at 28, and probably 60k of non subsidized undergrad debt. He'll probably make 50k a year while a resident for the next 3 to 8 years or longer depending on fellowships. Let me math for you you autism bound fuck- minimum 3kish a month payments for student loans and then cost of living. Budget that you whiny bitch.
Now inagine he defers it- 5 years compounding interest at current eate of 6.5 % for fed- which max at 250k, then whatver shit private rate they secured.
Now imagine... the "options" left to that doc. Can he quit? Sure, if he wants to default and lose everything he owns forever bc bankruptcies won't help. You can sit on your cock and worry about not having enough cash to party. If he sits on his, they take all his shit forever. He also makes too much to write off his interest. God you make me sick op.
You are a burden to society : why would you expect to be given more money than you need for bare survival? What do you want , a Nobel prize for breathing?
We had Rupe Tarpea for things like you in the good old days.

/this thread
You sure as fuck are getting help, you ungrateful nigger. What do you call 1776 a month? I risked my life in the army and all I got was 600 a month to go to college. What the fuck.

You are sucking away the productivity of your relatives. They could be spending their money on things they want, on your other siblings. Meh, at least you're providing cash to the medical industry and food. The free market always wins in the end.
Listen you dumb cunts

the state, a criminal gang, steals your right to live freely on and from the land, they owe some compensation for what they stole from all of us.

And wtf do we actually pay taxes for anyway?

if not to help out the less fortunate?

to fight foreign wars and a police state at home?

grow up and stop being such selfish spoiled little cunts.
It's only okay if OP is white and Aussie. If he's an autistic nigger he can GTFO.
>+100/200 for private strip shows
Could you show us your tits for free, just this one time?
Who owns the rocket though? Liberal NASA? A Satanist kike? Making anything for the enemy is selling out to them. I study STEM in my free time, I learn other languages, I don't fear not getting a paycheck, I support National Social, I study programming and various system architectures. You produce anything and giving it to the Jew means you support the Jew. You get paid for selling out but it's not all your fault. Just don't hate NEETs like you do. There's no reason why I want to produce for this multiracial shithole.
I'm less fortunate. I have no job and rent is coming up. Do I get help from mummy state? No. I sure as fuck get 1/3rd of my paycheck taken through whenever I get one. Thanks [the state]
>I "saved' tons of money when I was younger only to find out that inflation fucking kills you

Low interest rates have almost killed savers , i found i had £1600 in an old savings acount i forgot about and i only made £3 interest .Fooking shit
hey idiot 'Murica is not Australia.

everything is expensive here

rent can easily be $400 a week, not a month.

a packet of cigarettes is $30 and a beer in a pub is $10
I've been trying to get into art for a while now, how would you think is the best way to learn to be an artist?
so how often do you volunteer? not hard to pour soup into bowls or pick up trash.

or, your syntax is all correct and you have experience applying for jobs. why aren't you helping the under-educated population in your community fine tune their resumes and apply for jobs? you could even do that online.
You are too retarded to even argue with your NEET ideology. You can't seriously think that you alone, yourself, with no help from anyone could get to the moon. Or buy machines and run them when you can't even clean your room probably
>beer in a pub is $10

Lol fuck off mate. A cocktail is that much if not more, but schooners are almost always around $5 unless you're at Darling Harbour.

>grow up and stop being such selfish spoiled little cunts.

I only eat once every other day
They don't they want us all to die.

That's the point.

You can escape this by inventing or creating something and doing startups. If you are good at it you can make mondo money and then invest that I high yield investments or other people's startups and make even more. This is what is required.

I am currently trying to build up enough cash to start investing in water utilities and water rights. Clean water is going to become more valuable than oil in the future. Already returns Alot of money.

Goal is to be getting guaranteed 2k a month just from investments on top of my other income but I gotta have Alot of money to buy in initially.

Also i have a four million dollar inherentance coming someday down the road so then I'll be able to really make some serious cash. Until then I'm playing close the vest.

Last big expenditures coming up for me are gonna be a new compute build probably based on the new chipset that's about to come out and a SCAR H for my raifu. After that it's all bank. Car is about paid off.

You have to learn how to build up enough to buy into high yield investments I suggest you spend time on /biz/ and /g/

the only people who are freaked out and made anxious by todays all so accepting society are conservative homophobes and islamophobes and insecure males scared of being cucked by a black guy

what so scary about that if you are not a conservative, ignoring the fact conservatives are highly propagandized
Cigarettes are a collossal waste of money, just saying.

Think of that 1/3 of your paycheck as reperations for what your ancestors did to the African Americans, whiteboi. Now remember, pay your taxes or the police will knock your door down you fucking goys
Milton Friedman was an evil lying Jewish piece of shit not some genius of economics.

you ancap/libertarian types have all just swallowed a whole bunch of evil Jewish poison
Galveston Texas

If you actually want to art-art, just study the renaissance. If you just want to doodle or make porn pick a waifu and don't stop.
Aye, at least you don't.... Hmmm...
>no guns
>high taxes
>no universal Healthcare
Do you have to pay for college?
Kek, a Lotta good that state did to yah! You'd think having infinite land would lower prices on real estate and in turn rent. Gotta love zoning laws
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>tfw you make slightly less than me in burgerbucks
>tfw you don't wreck your body working overnights at Walmart for 11 years

I'm not mad at you NEETs, a bit jealous of your seemingly infinite free time. A luxury I'll get to experience only in death.
Right I survive for 6 years on le no income because college.

Fucking fuk


My wife and I both live off of $1650 after taxes. You have no reason to complain; simply don't spend frivolously, and watch what you buy.
>250€ rent
>100€ bills
>100€ food

>earn 2k€ working in IT

feels good to be 2nd world man
google orgone energy
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gud luck ameribro, i sure hope u dont love your forskin
hang around an art school and learn to talk like an artist.

ie pretentious empty buzzword bullshit.

the art itself can be whatever yow want

sculpt shit, it could be edgy.

Helps if you are Jewish as well BTW
So why don't you learn code/software engineering then? You guys usually take to that stuff really well. Shit look at Fredrick Brennan he managed.
You're clearly an intellectual inferior, go make your ball bearings. You can not even grasp the concept of societal contribution.
>yeah brah get five different certifications to do manual labour that you have to renew and pay for every three years. Fuck dude, just grab life by the balls and spend your free time commuting and taking care of all the household shit so you're left with an hour or two to attend to personal interests. Remember to sleep a full 8 hours or you'll get yelled at by Mr. Steinberg for performing at 2% below theoretical peak efficiency.
In my shithole town in Calfornia
Are you trying to get this autistic neet a highrise in downtown? 1 minute of searching: http://www.realestate.com.au/property-apartment-vic-box+hill-409074711
I don't get it.

It wasn't 1 doctor. It was several specialists from a few different fields who did tests on me. They came to the agreement about me. This included a general practitioner, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist and some other type of specialist who did a lot of the tests on me.
I'm in WA, everything costs way more here

pint of beer, $10 , $12 is some places, $14 even

ask other sandgropers if you don't believe me
You're not supposed to live off it you pathetic faggot. It's supposed to provide a shitty life that motivates you to want more and do better. Your low standards and sense of self worth will fail you though. Kys parasite
Good luck anon. At least you're being productive. OP could have bought 1776 bitcoins when they were one dollar a pop and made 1, 776,000 dollars
Must be the saffo tax.
Lubbock and Amarillo.

>for two people

What the fuck? That sounds fucking awful. How do you make rent? Do you ever go on vacation or save money?
>can't afford to live
>posting on internet

if you can afford internet or device to post on it, you can afford to live. Your priorities are the problem, not your income.
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>studio apartment $100 a month

Hahaha. You're not up to date with Australian realestate prices are you anon
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I hope OP is bait, because all these triggered wagecucks are hilarious.

If you submit yourselves to slavery, don't blame those who are smart enough (or in OPs case, fucked up enough) to avoid it. Be happy. You are someones bitch, making more wealth for them than for yourself.

But that's what you wanted isn't it?
I used to live in section 8 housing in Indiana and it was something like $80 a month for a 2 bedroom apt

and it was small town Indiana so there were no niggers

all things considered it wasn't so bad. Didn't have a washer and dryer though so that sucked
I have low IQ and am horrible with numbers/maths, that stuff is literally impossible for me.
Ayy, what's up nig. GET BACK TO WORK
t. /ptg/
Capitalism sucks shit.
Where do you live anon? I can't imagine that's livable on the coast.
30 days a month
3 dollars and change a day
3 meals a day, 1 dollar per meal
that's a pretty tight food budget
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i feel for you breakroom bro, being on the lowest of lowest carrerladders must suck, only know that ur sacrafice will help other poor restless souls to find that extra bargain they want.
yeah because people should be working to pay for your sorry ass?
>tfw this poor fuck gets a qt and I don't
What's the point brehs
You seem reasonably intelligent judging by your grammar. Why are you so hard on yourself? All you've done in this thread is complain about how hard life is. Have you even tried to fix it? Try harder faggot.
ps I currently live in a bigger town in Indiana and have a two bedroom apt and it's something like $750 per mo. And there are nigs and mudslims everywhere

tldr find a small town that has good internet and go there. You're a 4chan autist like me anyway so it's not like you need clubs and bars to go to
at least you know you have autism

now try and figure out when you are being autistic you faggot
They took it from me as a baby lol.

Is what it is. Muh dik plenty big tho I didn't have one of those nasty docs that cuts half the dik off I guess.

I'm doing pretty good tho senpai I net 3600 a month and when I'm 'on' (I work on production platforms at sea) I make up to 9 thousand a month. Fixing to get a promotion and make more.

It's pretty good but you guys would be shocked to learn just how much money baby boomers took. Things are actually so expensive even with this I am only middle class. I would need to make almost a million a year to be upper class.

Just more proof the entire economic system is failing
M8 think of exchange rate... Fuckn rent here gets to be $1,000 to $1,500 a month at the cheapest of slums. What ya gonna eat?
google "manifesto of tengri 137"
>be poor guy
>rich guy will allow me to work on his machines for 60% of what I produce
>would have never received this deal were I not to agree to these conditions
>tfw still poor living off the state

Chef at Wendy's no doubt
why don't you volunteer then? offer fucking something to someone who has less than you, especially if you're on a free ride. jesus fucking christ.

How did you get the oil rig job? Do they make you sign an employment contract? Plz respond I need monies and employment
What the fuck
I only make $1400/mo and you make more than me shit posting on /pol/

Fuck this I'm done ww3 when?
Yes, because I'm either racially superior to them, or am intellectually superior to them. You normies are worthless nation wrecking fucks, all yoy have ever done is gobble Jewish cock. The fucking LEAST you wastes of space could do is support me, one of the men you literally broke down with your mainstream kike multiracial politically poisonous filth. If you keep your fucking normie friends then get fucked you fucking sellout.
Typing on the internet is different. My writing is in generally ineligible and I can't spell or remember words when using a pen. I rely entirely on the computer artificial intelligence to support my communication.

I am good at copying people, my writing skills is basically looking at smart people and mimicking their behavior. But this only works in an environment like on 4chan where I can pretend to be anything I want by just taking on the appearance of someone I observe. This kind of thing skill is fleeting and varies widely.
Totally doable.
>bag of rice is no more than 5 dollars and feeds more than 10 meals
>beans feed two meals each (99 cent/2 meals if canned, cheaper if bagged)
By getting a job. Welfare isn't for living, it's for the surviving.
Uh that stuff has nothing to do with math or intelligence.

Code is basically like a foreign language only I've found it's easier to understand than one. You should give it a try man you are literally sitting on your ass all day anyway so why not attempt it?

I can read code great still working on that writing part ehehe. But I have oil bux so it's no big.

If Fredrick Brennan who is a cripple midget with a broken spine and autism could make it to living it up in the Philippines working for a porn king fucking mad bitches than someone like you has no excuse. If you don't know who I'm taking about Google it.

Start thinking of the world as a bitch you can fuck not a prison. Same with your body stop thinking of your mind as a prison. Also take omega 3 vitamins you probably have a deficiency and that will help the anxiety. I had horrible add and ocd when I was a kid so I know how bad it can get but I also know certain things fixed it.
Play runescape. That's literally your only hope. Good fucking luck oldfag. Hows it feel knowing there's people half your age with their shit figured out better than you.
hes to busy observing the homeless while they stand in line for soup.

OP is bretty useless.
Invest into bitcoin and the stock market you useless wanker.
What language can you read? Lurk /g/
shut up retard
with what you fucktard?

if you are on benefits and live in city australia you can just pay rent and feed yourself, just.
Don't bother helping him. He claims to have no empathy but he's so deep in feeling sorry for himself there's no way out. Let him be.
>tfw only get $400 FUCKING BUX EVERY MONTH

u live in 1st world country, making decent money, yet u still ask do they expect you to live like this?
Get a job. It aint hard. Don't be picky.
Continue paying for me tax payer scum.
Come to my shithole and spend that salary you'll live like a king here
Where I live, studio apt is like $450, 1bed 550, 2bed 700. Pretty shit apts tho
Try to get anything done without a phone these days. It's a necessity.
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>>127726070 This Leaf has some problems but at least hes trying to contribute.
You OP are even worse than a leaf.
Ill let that sink in for ya.
>put it in a CD.
Have you seen the rates on CDs these days? They're not the rates your father got. You'll be lucky if your CD outpaces inflation by any appreciable degree.

You'll need higher risk investments if you want your money to outpace the Jews' continuous devaluing of the dollar.
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I work enough for free.

It's funny because the niggers I work with don't speak English and I am eventually waved down to help a customer because they can't.
most of your taxes go to pay interest on debt and and for your imperial military industrial complex.
I got diagnosed with IBS, Asperger's, anxiety and depression. It fucking sucks, if i feel anxious it get stabbing pains in my stomach shortly before shitting like a madman, or maybe the IBS acts up which makes me anxious and we end up in the same place. Its just an endless cycle. Psych isn't working, pills made it worse, losing 40kg didn't work, proper diet didn't help and i don't even know if i would be eligible for neetbux. I've been spending my days learning random bush-craft and shit preparing for homelessness. Hopefully life and death will help. Fucking wish i got 1800 bucks a month.
Spend less money.
Years of training and school. Used to be you could go roughneck with no education.

You can technically still do that but only for land based drilling. The only land based activity right now is in West Texas so you would have to come to Houston and hit up some drilling companies.

Rig zone is a website you should check out.

You could also work on the inland water ways working on a towboat. Most of our grain and chemical products move by barge now on the United state vast river system. That also require almost no education (to be a deckhand) but it's very tough work and the pay is not great at first.

If you want a good paying job that bad hit up Marquette marine out of Paducah Kentucky they always need deckhands.

My advice to you and everyone here would be this. If you start a trade like this SAVE WHAT YOU MAKE AND LIVE POOR.
Use the money to go to school later for automation engineering or to be a systems admin/engineer.

Everything is gonna be automated inside of the next 20 years the only people with real jobs will be people who design install and maintain the automation and infrastructure. Also invest in water utilities nigger need drinking water shit pays if you are the water company via share holding.

Oh the deluded Moor.

He gets that money for free.

The government gives him a fat check at the start of each month for doing nothing.

And it's probably more than what you make in 6 months.
got nothing to do with being a normie. I'll die before i become a wage slave. Self sufficiency is instinct. People who cannot produce or refuse to produce or at least care for their own should be exterminated. Fuck any motherfucker who's bills I would be forced to pay and get nothing in return for. At the very least those of us who pay your useless way should get to bang your wife or daughters.
they won't let you do that anymore

you can only go overseas for 4 weeks now i think if you are on disability pension.
Html python general unix/Linux and Java

Also php but php a shit
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all this shit looks so depressing, i wonder what reasons you present when explaining why you are stuck there.
I bet ur cute. Wanna be my bf?
That's my point dickhead did you ever read my comment? the standards of leaving here are very low
you have no idea how expensive this country is to live in Seppo.

just having internet and a stable place to live is difficult on benefits let alone having enough to play the stock market or buy bitcoin
Salary implies he's working for it.
>Jewish* imperial military industrial complex.

That is why I adhere to this.


clever bait
Java a shit, PHP is useful, you should learn C/C++
yeah whatever

them being wrong doesn't make you right
what he said
What the fuck are you idiots even saying? You don't think these are retorts, do you? You can't even manage to heroically justify your own being and you want me to "understand " the necessity of subsidizing yours? You can't create a materialist rationalist explanation of youe value without making value ethereal. Thats because you're human garbage.
>Just learn to code bro!

Probably some of the worst advice you can give to people who have brains. Learning to code isn't bad per se, but you're just going to be 1 of 500 million other people who can code, including like 400 million Indians, Filipinos and Bangladeshis who will work for $2 an hour. And yeah, there's the share of them that do shit work, but a lot of them do fucking amazing work for little pay. You'll be studying so hard just to compete directly with them.

If you're going to learn to code you better also be thinking of ways you can monetize it other than working for other people. Make apps, or something. ANYTHING. Just don't expect to get some mega epic awesome coding job. Coders are a diamond dozen.
So do what I said.

Doesn't becthel Corp need people constantly for mine work over there? I know they are the biggest company in your country. Go work for them.

. The better idea would be to leave Australia and come to Texas we have a lot of aussies that come here as petroleum engineers and shit you'd be right at home.

Just one thing. If you come here you better leave any and a social Marxist trash behind. You learn our ways of doing shit or you don't live here.
I don't feel sorry for myself or anyone.

I score 3/340 on an empathy test, the 3 I scored for was animal cruelty. For some reason I only get emotional response to animals, not to anything else.

If the government made a law that said all autistic people like me should be put down, I don't see how I could argue against it, I mean, what reason do I have to say that shouldn't happen to me? There is none. The state would save money and I would go back to what it was like before I was born, just nothing again.

But we obviously live in a world where people like me are taken care of, so I guess it is what it is.
you are the human garbage I'm afraid spoiled little rich kid.
That's why I said use it to produce software and be a developer. Only way to make actual money unless you are a software design/engineer.
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>tfw rich NEET with rich parents
>tfw 160k in savings
>tfw have zero expenses at all.
>tfw live in big luxurious house for free.
>tfw get $800 a month for mental problems that easily cover any of my hobbies.

Feels good not being a slave and coming from a wealthy family.
>There are people so beautiful and handsome their looks alone get them paid.
You're basically a lot of practice for psychologists and researchers. Don't feel bad. You are getting use.
do you want a 6'5 neet
many people can never learn to code, they just don't have the brains for it.

Don't you think there are already far too many bad programmers out there?

most people who want to write code really shouldn't be allowed to do anything but web pages.

leave the real coding to the .001% who are actually good at it
as long as u're cute. pls be in sydney
Sounds to me like you are making excuses so you can be lazy and not do shit.

You got dealt a bad hand but there are millions upon millions of other niggers worse off than you who are doing something about it.

That is the difference between you and them. Get your shit together man. Force yourself to go out more and break your anxiety it only gets worse over time the more isolate you are.

But whatever you do you have got to get into a source of income. You cannot just sit and literally fucking steal tax dollars your whole life
My grandpa is a multimillionaire but I wont see a cent because my dad was a bum who left me. Some lots in life just fucking suck.
Damn bro what are you investing that in?

What is your portfolio m8
There can be good money in being a coder if marketed properly. Maybe not large scale, but locally. Make a quicky database, white label it and sell it to local companies for logistics, POS, HR or whatever. Even rebranding FOSS stuff has made me some pretty serious jewbucks over the years and none of that is what I actually do for a living. Surprisingly, there are a number of local businesses that have no clue whatsoever about what is available to them.
Meme coins
Better sell before the bubble pops again
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One more post, because I got this very advice here on 4chan 6 years ago. If it helps even one person, then great. Maybe that one person will be like me. It changed my life. It let an uneducated fuck like me make 6 figures in 2013. And I'll get there again, preferably with a less "flash in the pan" method.

Read this thread for a basic rundown: https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=129082391

Here are other forums you can use for more information: http://www.wickedfire.com/

There are other shitty forums like WaFo and BlackhatWorld, but they're full of retards and should be approached with caution. Also, Wickedfire is dead now, nothing like it used to be, but you should still be able to find good old posts to read. Use archive.org on posts in the Enlightened section.

Read this post. It's old, but it should still give you a basic rundown of how to get started: https://web.archive.org/web/20150216040505/http://www.wickedfire.com/enlightened-members/143246-lukes-3k-post-easy-bulletproof-long-term-biz-plan.html

tl;dr make websites. Monetize them effectively. Send traffic to them.

Or don't.
nah m8 queensland
Well I'm gonna go. This was an interesting thread but what is most interesting is op thinking there is some easy way out or some shit.

Nobody but kikes get an easy way out. The rest of us have to fight over the scraps. Get over it I guess.
OP won't respond about volunteering because OP knows he's a bullshit liar about not being able to function. real autistics could come up with a good excuse, but fucking OP has to pretend like it never occurred to him.
>keeping the blood flowing is bad
Get a load of this goy
I believe I already posted why I could not do such a thing.

I can't even communicate with anyone besides my parents and my doctors who essentially talk to my autism.

I don't even talk to my siblings or any extended family members. Normie strangers terrify me, especially if they're close to me. It's why I can't use public transport.

What am I going to volunteer for? The bull ant colony?
From one autistic schizoid to another -- why even make this thread?
what mental problems do you have ?
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