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Are you planning to move from your country?

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Are you planning to move from your country?
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what's up with this rotation
England is completely lost tbqhwyf.
The lemmings are too many, the muslims and blacks too many, and the non-soft whites too few.

Thinking about maybe moving to hungary
(they're building a wall & banning burka etc)
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that's better
Is there anything more disgusting than Polish """cuisine"""?
yes. would like to reach bongland but im not a paki so it wont be easy.
>divide & conquer kike
french and english
There's no good country to move to. Every country has its own problems.
actually i thought about hungary too. just not sure i want to settle down where everyone is so different and speak mongolian
Currently keeping my options open until the election pans out
It's good working-class food that serves the purpose of sustaining a population.

And no, I have no plans to move. The US isn't perfect and I'll get hit really hard by any financial happening, but this is my home.
No, I'll go down with the ship.
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Polish cuisine is superior in every way to yours, only Italians can compete with us.
the paki thing was a joke m8 take it easy. im trying to move away from kikes.

So which between these two can be eaten raw?
You can't be bothered to learn any other language anyway.
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They're waiting for us anon
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>no pavlaka or majonez on the bread pieces

What do you have against op's food? I think you don't even know taste of real meat.
I have a leaf citizenship but I like living here so not moving.
If I were going to move, I'd learn a new language. I'm not that rude.
You guys are so lucky that your country has two languages in Arabic and french
>I'm not that rude

Sure you are.
I just tagged myself, traitor (((Trump))) will be impeached.
It'll make the invasion go that much more smoothly.
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nice quads
You can eat, or more likely drink raw egg, just like you can eat boiled ones. But you can get sick from eating raw ones.

pic rel

God, I love Japanese bants
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Moving to the US for a year this August, Iowa specifically.
>a literal egg

Don't get me wrong, i kinda like Poland, went there on a school trip to Auschwitz (yes, really)
The thing i really didn't like though was your """delicacies""". Dunno how you guys call em but it's like sort of a torellini or whatever filled with mushrooms and other gunk.
I literally gagged from that
That's for people to add on their own. I was thinking heavy cream or possibly apple sauce for fun, but pavlaka sounds good.
This may be one of the weirdest thread pics i have seen on /pol/. BLACKED porn and traps are sadly too common to consider them weird here
Shouldn't you being using past tense
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I have moved all the way here why would I move again
I hope not.
Dont come to here pawel
yeah, i live in texas, and i'm planning to move out of the US, in texas.
Oh I Jihad, how is that playstation coming along?
>(((real))) meat

>processed food
>real meat
what theres people left in japan? I thought it was a ghost town now.
>pierogi with cabbage and mushrooms
I don't like it either, but we only it eat during Christmas. You should have bought pierogi with meat

to run away from islamic invasion

why would I want to go to toothpasteland?
Feeling restless to wash some UK toilets, are wee Pooland?
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The answer we should all be giving.
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>gypsy speaking
to the oven you go
was that supposed to be a joke? or are you genuinely retarded? are we supposed to laugh at you?
Poland is the best economic performer in the union, keep it up and avoid wars and good things will happen all round from top to bottom.
Stfu kurwa, 3% of Romanians are gypsy and we hate them too.
I've been thinking of Poland for a few months now, actually.
>running away from problems instead of fixing them
Woah, slow down perkele, not so fast
No meat allowed on Christmas eve dinner. Kapusta + mushrooms pierogi are the best or you're a damned sinner.
Moving to Japan

its not easy at all
i would love to leave the Jewnited Snakes of Americuck but I'm stuck here (family).
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>letting family keep you from pursuing your dreams

Anon..you only have ONE (1) life
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is this a food thread?
I moved out of that shithole long time ago my friend
i have a polish friedn and he eats eggs with sugar. is there sugar in the eggs?
Keep spinning the wheel Polan we need EU gibs.

Damnit now I want some egg mayo.
Yes, not my country anymore after decades of incompetent leaders.
>abandon wife and four children

Sure. I'll get right on that (((you)))
This guy right here fucking roasted Japan right now
do i have to eat this???
Where will you go? peru? brazil?
even America would be a paradise to you, and thats fucking sad.

you mean that kind of family

why is japan posting in a thread about leaving your country. you dont want to leave japan
>Are you planning to move from your country?
just guess
Is it getting worse there? They're going full Zimbabwe?
why move to another country when you can just become another country

And even if do it, it would be propably just for a while.
yes. not all of us live with our parents.

But, I am an only child and leaving the country would screw my folks over too as they get old and need more help.

I'm stuck here....plus the language thing. Its a shame because I think I would be super rich in a country like Hungary too.
Of course
Nope because i'm no faggot who jumps ship at the first sign of trouble
>cry me a river
>first sign of trouble

this is decades in the making man.
hell no, I've never heard about anyone adding sugar to boiled eggs (only to raw ones, we call it kogel mogel)

no mayo for you



What's your destination? the UK?
Poland is too comfy
>getting a wife instead of following your dreams

Upon further consideration, you did this to yourself, faggot. Usually people know they want to leave the country for a very long time, so I think a long time ago you chose that settling down with a wife would be worth it over following your dreams

But If it was only recently you developed thoughts of leaving the country, well that's sad.
I wonder where will you go :^)
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New Zeland or I'm going to recreate Rhodesia with >>127710752

Fuck off. We're full.
The lowest birth rate
I wish I could leave this shithole but I won't leave my parents and friends here.
Polish cuisine is fucking delicious.
You clearly haven't tried it.
Still if you don't say you give up that how i see it anyway
>married for 9 years
>were together total of 15 years
>need time machine to 2002 to realize America will become a shitskin haven and South Africa 2.0 and I want to GTFO
No burgerland most likely
Hungary or Finland probably if things get much worse here (they will)
lol no
There are 3 ways to become another country
1. Conquer another country - impossibru
2. Be conquered by another country - noone needs such shithole to pay for
3. To achieve an agreement in society and gradually improve our country - impossible as long as...aww, it's too long to explain. Lot's of greedy idiots among us and in government
Bring the whole village Pajeet. We need more nonwhites.
From America to Poland, yes.
Just bought a house and property in thailand and recently made a small fortune cashing out on bitcoin, gonna go live out my days like a king, banging lady boys
Fuck off Tyrone
>I wonder where will you go :^)
Czech Republic :3

possibly, but the number of other options is tiny


That's about all I got.
as much as a dystopian hellhole this country is, it's got a lot of nice shit going for it like guns
I already emigrated once and got deported to another country so yeah im gonna keep moving until i stop getting deported
Then take your family with you

Lots of families move to different countries. Unless your wife doesn't to. Then you're just circumscribing the differences between you and your wife.

Forgot to mention Hungary. Eastern Europe is pretty shitty though, and I'm worried that as soon as they're able to afford a western european-style welfare state, they'll just go down the exact same path.
At least my native language isn't geopolitically unimportant such that I'm obliged to make a virtue out of learning more than one
1. agree
2. We would gladly take Lwów, but we need you as a buffer zone, and we need you to hate them more than us
3. agree, it is impossible to have worse gov than you. Especially when I hear that our worst, jewish, pro-eu politicians are "ones of the best" in your gov

what's your profession, anon?

I wouldn't want to but with my superior intellect and
-deutsch skills
-anglospeak skills
-masterchef skills
-datamining and excel skills
i'll probably be forced to seek the bread outwards the borders of my beloved homeland.

Stop illegally moving to different countries.

Do it LEGALLY and you won't be deported. BAKA
Your guns are literally the only reason why anyone would want to move there.
Not just wife. Parents too. They would have no one else to take care of them. Moving 7 other people overseas to a land where none of us speak the language because I hate my country seems impractical.
Wish I could, but I don't have anywhere to go, I don't know anyone, I don't have the money for it, and so on.
What are you going to do there? The pork is already cheap af in cz, nobody wants your salo
How long and how much more niggers/mestizos before you become an oasis of diversity like Brazil? 10 years?

I think one of the first signs will be the economy plummeting as low IQ browns can't replace the whites/asians in white collar jobs
Lot's of your politics stated, that you'd gladly take all the land up to Dnepr. But without population. And that they don't need even Lviv (kek) Bandera-loving idiots.

Yep, moving to Czech Republic p. soon
>Not just wife. Parents too. They would have no one else to take care of them. Moving 7 other people overseas to a land where none of us speak the language because I hate my country seems impractical.

What the fuck kind of country do you want to move to that doesn't speak English?
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is that really why though?
Or are you just a stupid lazy fuck?
the unapologetically white ones are all in Eastern Europe.That is where I would want to live.

I would NEVER move from US to anywhere in the Anglosphere; they're more cucked than we are. Thats going from the frying pan to the fire.
i am emigrate to england boston zarabial 9 funtu na godzin bardzo fajne placic

>raising your kids in 99.9% white society
>without homosexual agenda and feminism all around you
>with MUCH MUCH cheapier private healtcare
I don't think that language is such an issue
I'm engineer
You're in da fucking EU! What else do you need? Big boot to punch your fat ass?
Left Venezuela for the us legally mind you, opened a food distribution company in Florida and worked there everyday for 5 yearswhile going to school.
Put the request for my greencard and it got denied and they gave me two options: stay and file for an asylum (venezuelans have that over there) or leave to any country of my choosing. If i didn't make the choice in 30 days I'd be physically removed back to venezuela.
And since I'm not a nigger government honey i decided to move to spain where i have a citizenship.
Now im working at a swiss airline as a financial manager for the time being until i make enough money to go to college wherever i please.
Shit sucks in the sense im 18 and completely alone now but im not stopping for anything
Honestly thinking about moving to canada if this bathroom bill shit starts gaining steam.
No. Because I've moved to Canada and it's very comfy
Our numbers are constantly falling, why would we need more land. 3rd world tier at that full of hostile natives.
It's just a meme pushed by our 70 IQ nationalists/neo-nazis
what a nose
inb4 fag

yes, to yours
I've worked with Poles. Your hatred of vowels is not gonna work for me.

is your name Przchymsk by any chance? That was one of their names, or something like it, been a long time.
The reason my greencard got seniwd was because the factory didnt create 10 full time employments
idk you tell me

jump ship from what though? countries don't matter, people and blood do. I'd rather go somewhere where I can fight for a secure home for whites. If I stay in the US and resign myself to raising children in a multicultural country and using my labor and tax dollars to enrich and strengthen a mulatto/mestizo brown shithole, aren't I just jumping ship in another way?

I'm genuinely not sure, but these are the questions I ask myself. At the end of the day, I'm not too concerned with rocks and dirt at this point. New York is 12 hours away from Beijing, the physical space on this planet is becoming irrelevant.

If actual fighting ever began, I'd be on the first plane back here.
What's the end result of your culinary masterpiece?
Where else could I go? My guns and opinions are completely illegal in Europe, and I don't have the manpower to violently establish a new country somewhere in the third world.
>>You're in da fucking EU! What else do you need?
Contrary to popular opinion, you don't get free money and housing in Sweden if you're from another EU country.
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Well, now you know one LEGITIMATE reason why some men choose to divorce someone they love.

But given you have kids, you're morally obligated to stay. Unfortunately the only path for you to realize your dream is to individually pursue visas for you, your wife, and your family, something you'd want to meet a legal counselor for (there are PLENTY of lawyers you can talk to/arrange appointments for moving to different countries. In your situation, i'd reccomend a lawyer)

but given none of you can speak the language and its HARD ENOUGH TO HAVE JUST ONE PERSON do that, you can't expect an entire family to make that sacrifice, Ergo, you're fucked.

you're the main character of your own story, and in this case, it seems you'll have to put your dreams aside to become a family man
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I lived in Brussels for awhile and man do I want to leave this rotting shell of a fake country planning to go to either China or Australia it's almost the same
I speak more than one language already, it's just a useless skill since my language is by far the most used and important one.
All of you stormfag gun lovers who want to move to a state in USA with Lax gun laws are stupid as fuck. How can you abandon your friends and family and move to an area anywhere where you dont know anyone.
So you will just abandon you birthplace without a fight not a true anglo
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>tfw everyone here wants to move to Poland or Hungary

>No one likes or knows that little country between them.

Why even born here. I'd 1/4 Polish.

Why none of you wants to move to Czechia? It's quite comfy there.
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Because of boobs you'll never get
It ain't Polish name, Mike. Or at least I can't think of anything similar.


this guy has been living here for 15 years and he can't form a proper sentence in Polish, and yet he is extremely happy to rise his kids here. As I've already mentioned - the language is not an issue, there is plenty of native-English speakers here. I have a college that moved here from the US and he doesn't complain

In my stomach

chinks and indians

you will hate chinese with a passion
Why would you want dumb americans or germans to move there? Are you a jew?
you have less borders like job permissions etc. You seem to be just lazy fuck
city you are living in now?
But your language litterature is garbage, for one. How about reading a book in one of the many languages you have mastered?
Ich spreche deutsch seltsam genug...but Germany is already dead.

Already am a family man, why I'm still here. Its funny because I work from home; I can work ANYWHERE in the world....but thanks to the Jew IRS I could never WORK anywhere; it's basically impossible to open a bank account as an American overseas. No foreign banks want to deal with Burgers because the IRS gets involved, because papa jew needs his fix.
No, I just feel unimportant again.
But that Kult America guy seems nice desu.

Any suggestions where? I want to leave this 56% white shithole so bad. The (((USA))) is dead to me.
You need more memes
he is a fucking leftist
No I love my country too much. Plus I can make more money here than anywhere else. If that changes or if every state becomes invested with non whites then I might consider NZ, Aus, or Eastern Europe
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Living with chinks for 20 years by now also been riced already i'll take millions more if I don't have to deal with niggers and sandniggers
>(((kult america)))
I will fucking kill this guy if I ever met him irl
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Standard of living is really high right now. If you are hardworking and not a retard with gib mentality you can live a good life. And yes, I love thouse milky, big Polish boobs.
Is he?
I only watched his videos about Slovakia. Didn't know.
Ex-pat'd from an early age. Now I'm living in the best country in the world so why would I leave?

To give my children a far superior birthplace? Maybe. I have a greater responsibility to the home of my defendants than I do to the home of my ancestors.

But like I said, if actual fighting began here, I wouldn't be anywhere else.
japan is for everyone. i took a semester of japanese in high school so i know ALL about your culture. open borders now, bigot. sushi katana akido kimono!
Kotleba is not enough?

Literally the most based politican in Europe.

Czechia is pretty shitty. I haven't visited Poland or Hungary yet so I can't compare.
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why the fuck would you leave the best country in europe
Finland doesnt even have that much niggers
>lower than fucking Spain
I'd like to move to the US, but judging by their immigration laws they hate legal immigrants.
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Slovak are cool bro :*
When did you lose your nationism what happened to you have you lost faith in your government
Zurek soup (or how it's written) is actually quite tasty.
Wasn't the old Jánošík film in Polish?

Otherwise I can't really recall a reason why would he be even a bit popular in Poland.
I can only imagine what a poles understanding of a 'high standard of living is' lmao. Finally got that flushing toilet boris?

Living around asians is a dream compared to being around browns and blacks. It's the single greatest thing about asian cities.

What a fucking nightmare that to get away from niggers, you also have to get away from whites.
stay the fuck away from Poland u fake russian
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i bet to differ polak
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Eastern Europe or Japan

compared to niggers.. then yeah

yeah, he makes interviews with arabs, blacks, etc. Fuck him

But the point is that he is not in power.
Hungary made first steps in stopping ((refugees)) and Poland is relevant enough to be noticed. You just follow our path, tbqh, and say that Poland and Hungary didn't do this, didn't do that. At least that's how I see this.

It is tasty as fuck with eggs and kielbasa

it was

let me show you, pic rel
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>Ich spreche deutsch seltsam genug...but Germany is already dead.
>Already am a family man, why I'm still here. Its funny because I work from home; I can work ANYWHERE in the world....but thanks to the Jew IRS I could never WORK anywhere; it's basically impossible to open a bank account as an American overseas. No foreign banks want to deal with Burgers because the IRS gets involved, because papa jew needs his fix.

Let me be straight

If you wanted to move to an english speaking country or a country that speaks a language your family speaks, it IS possible to move your family

HOWEVER, you can't expect your entire family to learn a foreign language just so they can follow your political views

your choice is either
>1. Choose a different country that speaks a language your family knows
>2. Abandon your dreams and just focus on the country you're in

that's it.
>Any suggestions where? I want to leave this 56% white shithole so bad. The (((USA))) is dead to me.

And I want to get into US, why don't you just move to somewhere with more white people within the US?

My government is the worst enemy that white people have faced since the ottoman empire was at the gates of Vienna
sieg heil
Poland is nice country loved krakow went to go see the camp the joke i said was lethal especially when i got to the crematorium
>Is something burning
my whole group broke down in tears best moments in poland ever
so you are a nigger. go back
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>makes you fat
>((fast food))

it might taste good, but you can't eat this every day and stay fit

pls, just look at Sweden, pic rel
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>he thinks a fucking underground service is a high standard of living

They got that shit in Delhi and Niger. holy fuck you poorslav bastard I'm crying
Once I save another 200k I'm planning on moving to tasmania
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I'm exactly where i belong
For sure "high standart of living" is a not to be blew up in the air at some pop star concert.
Hvorfor USA? Er du nÆger, din jævel?
No. Only cucks and cowards do that.
>national tolerance for immigrants
why is that crammed into "personal freedom"?
why are we ranking countries based on what a bunch of immigrants looking for free shit think of it?
Greed has done that.
people like us can change it. if you don't believe that then noting won't change
There is no english language nation that is better than the US. The UK and Canada are even more anti-white. Australia is also really cucked. I understand NZ is only 74% white. I probably COULD get irish citizenship via my wife (her people came from there) but Ireland will be majority nonwhite by 2050 so why bother?

Those are my choices. I hate this (((world))) so much.
at least we dont have milions of niggers straight from africa and middle east
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He is getting more and more in polls.
I wouldn't be surprised if ĽSNS would get 2nd place after SMER-SD. No one expected them in goverment, everything can happen now.

But yes I agree. Well, atleast we side with the right ones.

Also to answer OP. If I would get a comfy house in bukowina tatrzańska then yes. But I kinda like it here under Tatras, quite comfy. Only brown shitskin I see are gypsies digging in trashcans each weekend.
>and I want to get into USA
Don't. You'll regret it the minute you land here.
Yes I'm moving to Japan to marry a Japanese girl and become an animator there. :3
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I fixed the image. Now it's better without toxic masculinity and patriarchy.
>Yes I'm moving to Japan to marry a Japanese girl and become an animator there. :3

You're so innocent.

People who have no understanding about how difficult it is to move to japan are fucking hilarious.
No, what I meant was
>clean, modern subway without human trash from MENA
I don't need to buy a fucking new iPhone every year to have /comfy/ life
Good food, great women, modern infrastructure, redpilled society. Can't ask for more.
Oh, and going to concert and not getting killed is also nice, but I am not sure if this is not the 2nd world thing
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depends how often you work out and if its ((homemade)) or ((((fast-food))))
This. Even if you like some things about America our culture is really different from yours and you would be uncomfortable with a lot of it.

Because even if the physical space around you is white and/or conservative, the society you live within (and it's very difficult to isolate children from society, primates are not pack animals) is the world capital of degeneracy, feminism, race-mixing, and kike-worship, and you are under constant 24/7 assault from it from nearly every governmental instruction and media venue. Pretty soon we we will officially be minority white, and it will be a long, slow decline into Braziz of the North as civic trust, IQ, and every standard of quality of life collapses a little more each day.
Not really, if you do it the right way its no ones business.
>will be majority nonwhite by 2050 so why bother?.

You're letting political propoganda restrict your future choices.

That's literal poison. Do what you want, but i think even 30 years of happiness is worth it.
this. our mongrel jew capitalist/consumerist society is sick to the fucking core. STAY AWAY.
Yup. I plan on moving to Poland. I heard it's easy to get citizenship if your family is Polish

Sweden doesn't pump out nigger-glorifying pop culture to every corner of the world; Sweden didn't impose western degeneracy and liberalism in Japan and Korea; they might be as bad as the US in spirit but they aren't nearly as influential.
Stay away, we don't need niggers here. Go to Latvia instead.
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>Fuck off. We're full.

No you're not.

Why is it that people who move to Japan immediately tell everyone else trying to move to Japan to fuck off?

You immigrated, you have zero right to tell others to fuck off.

Japanese posters do this more than the brazil flags.
Not to mention that even white Britons behave like czarnuchy and brudy.
It depends on what happens after the next financial correction
If we go full commie in response, I'm out
>political propaganda
>demographics is destiny
>thinking of my children and their children and so on

But yeah, 30 years of MY happiness eh? The world is fucked for whites and the kikes won. There is no escape and there is no hope. I just wanted to share how much I hate my country and you're up my ass to upend my life and my families life for no benefit whatsoever.
No. Maybe visit for a month, but I'm still figuring out the logistics.
I'm white half Polish half Italian m9

Better economic terms and better for doing business than Norway. With money you can live in those nice gated communities, and also buy a pepping place in the middle of nowhere.

Besides, can always go back to Norway if it gets bad but with Trump in power things could go better.

You think Norway is heading for anything better? Sure we're more whites but as far as economy we're just ((socialism)) on a trust fund which WILL collapse. The hivemind of "muh antiraycism" and feminism stands strong here too.

When I originally made the decision my outlook on the US wasn't as dark as it is now but I still want to go there and rack up some cash through business. Norway is absolute shite for making money /biz/-style.

Laws, regulations, VAT, high taxes fuck all that. If you shoot an intruder in your house, or harm him "too much" you'll be put in jail.

The norwegian government seems all nice and shit until you do business in which it really starts to get in your way and make things harder than they really should be, total pain in the ass.
> bukowina tatrzańska
ahh, memories
extremely comfy

Wish you best luck in the next elections, then. Godspeed.

How can swedish men even take this embarrassment any longer, god

If you have a parent with Polish citizenship then you can get it immediately. Other than that you have to live here for at least 3 years and then pass the language test. more info

But they are waaay more vulnerable to ((propaganda))
No. And I couldn't even if I wanted to.
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>half Polish half Italian
Welcome on board
Do you even have concerts in Poland? As for food, it's fucking apalling apparently. No wonder you guys are willing to live in a 3x3m space with 25 other smelly polish and lithuanians in Britain rather than stay in Poland. Your women have a reputation as whores in as degenerate a society as ours, so don't say shit like you are redpilled.
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Ha miss my szynka and bulka breakfast desu. Right now I'm picking Rydze in Cape Town. 3 kg this morning.

If you want to go to Asia, China and Singarich are much less cucked than Japan. Japan isn't fucked demographically- yet- but it's an American colony that honestly isn't that much better than Korea when it comes to western degernacy.

Also it's boring as piss, but to each his own.
How are you still alive
This desu
You should join me in Czechia.

99% white, no-nonsense politics, 15% flat tax (and lower if you're self-employed), the government actually suggested that all inhabitants should carry a gun to defend themselves, and apparently it's pretty easy starting and running a business there.
Anon, it seems like you don't understand.
We GOT RID OF coalburners and uneducated trash by sending them to the uk. Hence, they are the part of YOUR society, not our.

tldr fuck off, cunt
Polish women can be a bit shallow but even the most disgusting of them rank several tiers above the human trash I've seen teetering around on hih heels in places like London,Cardiff and Newcastle.
China is fucking awful, my opinion of americans plummeted when I saw them bowing and scraping to Chinks over there. Fucking hilarious to see them acting like the bitches they are.
several bars of chocolate per day is the only diet to follow
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you see how these cuckmericans >>127714171 >>127714357 bitch and complain about shit? its like they want the brown cock. thats why they're being out fucked by niggers and fat cocked mexicans. even chino be getting it in
Dude trust me. I am a former U.K. expat. I lived there when I was age 12-15. The minute I landed here I wanted to go back. Niggers everywhere, fat people, shitty infrastructure, high crime rates, flouride etc there's nothing worth moving here.

I wouldn't go to Norway. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, maybe. Australia is option, or Singapore and raise kids alongside white expats. There's no perfect option.
i already chose Japan a long time ago and i'm too far along to change course.

If it's any consolation, South Korea is slowly becoming the asian meme for the next generation and future westerners will forget about japan.

i'll be the last in a long line of weebs, until the japan meme begins again decades from now and i'm an old geezer.
I feel like chinas govt is too oppressive, mongolia might have a good chance to develop greatly, which is better, japan or korea? Both do lots of scientific research which is good for me but i feel like south koreans hate foreigners and specifically americans a shit ton less

I don't know where you went, but whites, especially Americans, are practically worshipped everywhere I've been in China.
you're the ones that should fuck off, fucking parasites though it's good to see some of you are fucking off to your shitholes again. You are base animals, lower than Germans and even Russians, never ever forget that. Your 'country' will be run over again and you'll die in droves.
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>As for food, it's fucking apalling

Is there anything you won't deep fry in two months old rancid cooking oil?
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Fuck off we are full.

Unless you have these qualities:
you are white, have money, have a trade or profession, bring your own white woman, are racist and are right wing.
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White South Africans are tough.
I'm sure the English translation of whatever "Honor of Ballsack" has to say is entirely sufficient.
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What is the right way? I have no family there, no job offer and no 500.000$ to invest.
chinese degeneracy is no better than western degeneracy. the chinese have no souls, they're just machines of pig meat, yak hair, and lamprey skin. they shit and piss in the alleyways, screech and point like children every time they see foreigners, and drink until they black out 4 times a week.
That's one hella mad Anglo. You know, as we say in Poland:
>Poland for Poles, England for Anglos and Poles
you betta get used to them

And even if Brexit changes anything, then they will just move to Ireland/Germany.
there are no Whites left here mate
why fight for a country that isn't even white anymore i'd rather give my children a somewhat decent future without having to shit bricks everytime they go outside because of muh islam
They all hate foreigners, you are just another lost job in a sector that isn't expanding and another awkward social misfit they have to try and be polite to. Guarantee you will want to kill yourself when you realise you are scraping and desperately trying to please people who have no sense of attachment or affection for you whatsoever.
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> Niggers everywhere, fat people, shitty infrastructure, high crime rates, flouride

Sounds like you're describing the UK right there, except you have more pakis and gyppo scum.
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I've seen aussies in person. they look as white as pic related. which isn't white at all. more like tangerines
Just do what the Mexicant's do, get a plane to L.A. and burn your passport
Enjoy the collapse of you do intend to come, because I'm fucking leaving this shithole sooner or later
Nah, I live in a mostly white area away from shit. dave chappelle and like one muslim family lives here, other than that mostly whites.

Pretty small town, we get some lefty teens at the college, and some weird fucking tourists, but there is a strong each to their own mentality and everyone is nice enough.

Neighborly potheads and some of the best nature reserves in the area, no box stores, etc. If you have to have leftists in your area, midwest leftists are the most laid back and least kikey.

I'd probably marry one of your woman, but I'd make up for it with extra racism

Australia isn't necessarily better off than the rest of the West, but demographically it's not that bad yet and its far tougher with its borders than almost any other 1st world white country. I'll be keeping an eye on it.
Actually a lot moved home since its cheaper to live so their money goes further. They get a taste of the good life but realise they are not qualified and on unskilled wages can't hope to live even semi decently. The poorest lowest welfare scum in the UK lives better than 90% of Poles.
just choose korea

korea is more easily acceptable to westerners


that's because korea is westernized. it's very easy to move to korea.

don't choose japan. don't find out what hell awaits here.
English is too poor a language to translate Honor of Ballsack. you'll just end up with a weird approximation.
>Calls poles parasites
Oh boy.
We'll send you 50000 gypsies. Then we will see who you call a parasite next time.

Well, you can get a nice gated community OR the countryside, there's areas within the US where there are very little blacks.

TBQH I would love Norway if it wasn't so culturally cucked and was all about muh socialism.

It is literally anti-business unless your business is this huge blob where you can hire people to do all the tedious govt work.
Yes, literally anything is less shit than here. It's going to turn into new istanbul when europe imports 50 million african workers.
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Yes but where am I welcomed? detail: not muslim.
I have everything except my own woman. How difficult it is to settle down in there?
Sup fellow ohiofag
Yellow springs is a commune
Enjoy your burnt out hippie hole
Balzac is top-tier lit.

pick one
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View of Table Mountain from my balcony. Life comfy here. Nigger slave just vacuumes the apartment and made me coffee. This morning they found a body on a hiking trail right at the bottom of Table Mountain. Some Ghanaian bitch.
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Yeah the sun down here is more brutal than you can imagine if you work outdoors.
Don't bother coming here. It is terrible here and we are full. Full to the brim, no more room for cucks.
>dave chappell lives here
I've been to where your talking about assuming your talking about ohio, very lovely place with lots of artfully painted buildings, the trinket shops threw me off but whatever. Everyone was really nice and it seemed like a stoner town, sad i didnt go hiking while i was there :(
Looks like you will fit it fine.
Should put meth on there, opiates (heroin) very specifically get into Britain (read Europe) from Africa, Jamaica and Afghanistan. American in terms of meth use is in another league though.
Here's a cool place you should check out
I am moving to the USA soon. I am full nervous.
Ones like you have shitty situation. In Eastern Europe you can be beaten for being nonwhite, while in western you have muslims.
Israel seems like a nice option

can i be the 2nd muslim family to lives there
Where to anon? Where are u from? Phoneposter cant check flag :(
About what? Unless you're moving in to middle of a nigger ghetto or something, this place is safe as can be.
come to visit and just don't leave ever. as long as you work and don't take welfare nobody gives a shit. just don't commit any crimes before you marry an american and get a visa. the alternative is going through a 90 step process where you pay shitloads of money for the chance to be denied a visa with no refunds. are immigration process is shit tier bureaucracy.
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>Australia isn't necessarily better off than the rest of the West

Yeah but we have no niggers (<0.5% of the pop) and abos are tame compared to them and only 2.5% of the pop
100% yes

There will be higher standards of living in South East Asian countries than there will be in the UK within 5-10 years.
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>no more room for cucks
Make sure you bring your entire extended family and refuse to integrate, please!
El Salvador. BAD NEWS, anon
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profession in a year:check
white woman: (can we make a deal here cunt?)
racist to niggers and sandniggers;check
right wing:
Also used to hunt large birds so might be a good emu hunter
Can i apply mate?
I left back when i figured Obama was gonna win and renounced my citizenship so the IRS goys can't double tax me.

Only regret is not being able to vote for Trump, but he won anyway.
Don't be nervous if you know what to expect you'll be fine. There are a lot of south Americans here who get by with shit jobs and not even knowing english.
>others parts of Ohio are so jaded that any sense of community is a "commune"

Nah, just old-school hospitality.

That said, prefer my neighbors to be burning out than chimping out.
Encourage the the downfall of our country, friend! That's the spirit!
We have a immigration points system which is actually similar to what I wrote: you need to be young, have money, have a profession and speak English. You get extra points if you have a skill that is needed or if you have a job waiting for you - it should be on our immigration website.
If you marry an Australian or are close family then it is easier. Chinks and Indians do anything, literally anything to get in and game the system any way they can.
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In about an hour gonnasaunter down to the local pub and enjoy happy hour beers at less than a dollar a pint.
El Salvador to Michigan
>implying europe has countrys anymore

god emperor trump said it no boarders -> no country
Sure, but you gotta pay me a monthly stipend to let you in here.

consider it done
I am moving to Ann Arbor Michigan, near the blacks in detroit
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You mean like every nigger in africa?
No ;^)
Living in cincinnati my whole life has destroyed the hope and optimism I once had for this state and country
I already did
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Isn't that just boiled egg? How is that national 'cuisine'? I have that for breakfast every day.
noice, sounds /comfy/.
Stay safe bro, shit looks like its gonna hit the fan there
eh, there's really nothing to be nervous about. the blacks all magnetized together in ghettos and are easily avoidable. i'm more afraid of american women and their fucking lies than anything else, the treacherous bitches.
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I meant no room for any MORE cucks...

Damn it is getting bad down here, we are practically just a warm version of Canada. Prosperity and easy life + kike propaganda can ruin any man's soul. No excuses though - I am going for the white cucks first on the day of the rope.
>Living in cincinnati my whole life

Ouch. I used to know a bunch of people that lived there, but they all slowly got out of there.
If you can make the move, you should do it. Start over.
What? I'm just encouraging you Mexishits to ruin my homeland so i can leave it without missing it or feeling sad about my childhood home and the land of my ancestors being obliterated by retarded shitskins and Democrat policies
Where do I imply that a boiled egg is Polish, national cuisine?
Hum. I have a friend who lived in Ann Arbor for a while, but it was in a whiteish area so there weren't any problems. Unless you're literally in the ghetto where you have a drug den on one side and a pimp on the other it's probably nothing to worry about.

Blacks many engage in crime with each other. The worst they do near me is sometimes rob tiny asian college girls walking alone in the middle of the night in the hipster section of town.
literally nothing is worth than a pole, and we have more than enough gypos. /pol/ saying 'based poles' is literally the same as saying based niggers, they have no fucking clue what scum they are.
I am a US citizen but live in Australia and I voted for the kike loving cunt. You just get to vote from your last state county.
wtf is that?!?!?!?!
Lay off the memes
It is almost impossible to legally immigrate extended family, it takes about a year to legally immigrate your spouse or kids assuming you are legal yourself.

I was born here but I have a US passport because my father is a gringo.
yes, encourage the downfall of a nation of individuals by treating people like individuals instead of demographics. you're at least 1/2 communist, leave please.

Even after renouncing your citizenship? If i try to go back i have to go through the process any Native Aussie would, i doubt they'd still let me vote man.
my family has been here for over a hundred years. We share a huge land border with mexico how can you expect no one to cross that just to feed your autistic white supremacist fantasies?
The simple facts is that the South was hispanic for a long time, recently (~70 yrs ago) there was a lot of white immigration to those places, but as that falls the hispanic numbers will rise because that's who lives there. Most of the old white towns were dying or abandoned before mexicans came in.
You have no idea how the world works and are just a whiny cunt brainwashed by /pol/ memes.
>come to visit and just don't leave ever
That's illegal immigartion. I'm no dirty beaner nor will I live in fear of being deported.

I'll just get my Italian citizenship and move to europe. If the US makes it so hard for me to immigrate they clearly don't want me there.
Sure. Emus are easy as fuck to hunt. If you hunt them long distance on the plains they will literally drop of one after another - oblivious that they are being picked off. It is like hunting non gun shy rabbits, unbelievable until you experience it yourself - they don't even realise they are being hunted.


vid unrelated
I've moved once and about to move again in a few weeks
demographics is destiny.
And my family has roots in the Great Lakes on both sides documented from the early 1600s.
I'm saying "take this from me, I don't want it," but apparently your too retarded to understand that
Well sign me and my chinese gf up we are going to bushland any places we should be aware of like abo strongholds?
ann arbor was nice last time i was there. it's mostly white and asian with very few blacks from what i could tell. you're more likely to have problems with drunk university of michigan students than anyone else, but they don't stray far from campus ever.
Why do British teenagers dress like prostitutes?
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Nah I was born here to US citizens so am dual and have lived in both countries - I can also naturally speak with both accents. I much prefer Australia but am also loyal as fuck to the US - blood and soil for me is two countries. I am thinking of going back to the US but have too many job opportunities at the moment and it is too easy to live here
lol the fuck?
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already did, desu
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That mate is an abo. Abo tranny to be precise
>moving to the US

country of origin??
Me too. This or Poland. No point in working to support niggers and spics who would see you a minority.
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Burgers doesn't look like that, they look like pic related.
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Jeez I hope you atleast got some Polish family.

Do you even know in which part of Poland would you want to live?
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Abos are fairly lame - In major cities they congregate in one or two suburbs, in some small country towns they are a significant proportion of the population but by and large you should be fine unless you are going way out into the centre. Sydney and Melbourne are Asian immigrant traps now so you might want to go to Brisbane or another city if you want the easy Australian way of life.
nope. I'm from Chad
Nah. The bun is on-center and there's usually something spilling out the side, even if it's just grease.
you can get welfare in sweden if you are from an EU country
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