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Hello, i want to tell you about possible habbening in Russia

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Hello, i want to tell you about possible habbening in Russia. Turn on subtitles. Video tells story of Uzbek-oligarch (yeah, muh white Russia) and his relationship with Gazprom and government with proofs, billy. Today is court hearing.
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Tell me, what do people know about Navalniy on the west? By the way he promises to close our borders and make visa with all asian-muslim countries like Uzbekistan, Kyrgizstan, etc. Now they are opened.
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>shoking truth, guys with money are tend to be in relationship with massive corporations.
God i fucking hate slavshits so much.
Hitler was right.
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kek, check your flag. Being self-hating is the worse option. Did you watch the video? It's not just relationship, it's typical fraud
Better to be cheated by one of your own than by filthy liberal fifth column traitor. If Parnas, Yabloko or Navalny ever came to power you would see 90'y come back immediately.
90's didn't go away. It's still going on. Law is not working here. You can't find normal job, even after univercity. Yabloko is shit, they are not true, they had a lot of chances. Pornas is not strong to win, weak leaders. Navalniy is the only option.
>check your flag. Being self-hating is the worse option
Fuck off slavshit. I am the part of that 4% Russia who had predominant R1a halo group.
go be untermensch some where else.
>Tell me, what do people know about Navalniy on the west? By the way he promises to close our borders and make visa with all asian-muslim countries like Uzbekistan, Kyrgizstan, etc. Now they are opened.
Not much, it's difficult for us to observe as our media and government will shill against Putin no matter what. Putin government clearly has corruption issues but we won't get an objective overview of any opposition in our media.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24NML3u5Ug4 little proof, battle of two groups of churkas
>mom, look, i'm so ubermensch, i'm trolling on 4chan
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>Navalniy is the only option
Pls get lost, you fucking CIA shill, not that faggot again.
actually it's very interesting situation. For the first time for last 10 years. May be because our poilitcal scene is not very important for Australia, it's so far.

fuck off putinbot, go to 2ch(mailruchan), there is a place for you. Usmanof needs you there.
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By the way it's very curious year now. 1917-2017. Mostly young people who saw only one president during all their life and his shitty rule want changes.
>actually it's very interesting situation. For the first time for last 10 years. May be because our poilitcal scene is not very important for Australia, it's so far.
The funny thing is if he is a legitimate nationalist and improves Russia, western politicians will hate him even more than Putin.
>Navalniy is the only option.

Strelkov or Mommy have more chances.
Yeah, no, strelkov is amusing but the "liberal clans" have enough influence to never let him into power. Mommy managed to kill her prospects with a particularly religious statement about Nikky2 and a bunch of other anti-soviet shit that sociialists in the gov would never let stand, so no - they have way morechances thannavalny, but way less than anyone who might actually get picked.

If you ask me it's gonna be volodin.
Everyone else is too fucking old.
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Not that shit again, pls. Why we ever need your faggot Nasralni in politics on this fucking board where everyone exept rare russian posters literally give no shit about him?
>go to 2ch(mailruchan)
Its place for your tier of bullshit, gtfo.
>I am the part of that 4% Russia who had predominant R1a halo group
>predominant R1a
Almost half of polacks, russians or ukrainians, are you retarded or what?
> legitimate nationalist and improves Russia, western politicians will hate him even more than Putin.
kek, that's true, they are always seeking for this chance. But actually he is not very nationalist, he just wants to close borders (by the way it was the main goal of nationalists) and at the same time he is liberal enough: he promised to decriminalise marijuana (we have strict outdated laws about it)
no, we don't need any new KGB-fucker in the head.
Pollonskaya is retarded milf, puppet of propaganda
>we don't need any new KGB-fucker in the head.
Speak for yourself, the last one did allright. I wouldn't mind Putin 2.0.
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>he promised to decriminalise marijuana
wtf, i'm nasrlny missile now
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>decriminalise marijuana
>we have strict outdated laws about it
Why we should allow this shit? Are you want your children gettin' high and fuck each other into anus or what?
Wiki says he is 53, meaning he would be 60 in 2024 when he could supposedly come after Putin. And that is too old.

One of the good things Yeltsin did was he chose a man who was in his late 40's to inherit him. As Putin was 48 years old in 1999 that was perfect.

I think that is a pattern under which Vlad operates as well.
>keep an eye on talented and loyal people in middle management, outside of high politics
>ensure their future carieer success makes them dependant and loyal solely to you
>give them bigger and bigger positions to get governing experience
>pick one when it is time to retire (late 40's - early 50's)

Like this guy.


Yeah, I agree if Putin stays till 2024 than Volodin would be too old. And I agree with Dumin as a possibility too. Tho Putin likes to keep things secret, so one can never say for sure.
i'd prefer my chldren to get high not to get drunk with vodka and becoming stupid bydlo. Russican society needs more humanizations and less agression. That's all weed.

are you serious? don't you know what is happening in the country? Do you watch only KiselyovTV?
Then why are you still in Russia? You can imagine any genes you want, but you are still part of that nation.
Mate, my favourite way to figure out what's happening in this country is worldbank.net. My second favourite way is leaving my home and seeing it for myself. Your shilling is misplaced.
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Will Navalniy really gas the xenos?
cмoйcя нa aбyпapaшy, мoй юный мapихyaнoвый нaциoнaлиcт.
he thinks he is special lol
checking your site. I'm opened to any new opinions except putinbots. But it's not shilling, i left my home to see what happened in Moscow 26 march and it was better than any media. Government's reaction on all these investigations was the best marker to see who is good and who is bad. I recommend you to go out 12 june and see what's going on. Just take a look. That's all.
This propaganda is funny, they are helpless in internet, it's not tvbox. look at dislike section of this 'against navalniy' shill-clip
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>dude weed lmao
>gibe clay to everyone
kek analny bots have no chance
What is he rapping about? Why so many dislikes?
No U
lmao you are pathetic
>dude weed lmao
it's called legalisation, know the difference with decriminalisation, mate.
>>gibe clay to everyone
wut? lie, explain yourselve

Dedicated to 26th march.
'you young guys are not the people, you are just pretending, you are rich fucks who has nothing to do and you must sit at home, love putin and be quiet'
This rapper was famous in the past, now he is not, it was an act of creative suicide for money.
>Why so many dislikes?
it's not a tv, in internets you have right on opinion lol

there is also one more shill-video
you ruined it, now he knows the truth kek
so it's being disliked so much for being so pro-putin?
>for being so pro-putin?
for being such a whore (few days ago Navalniy announced Kremlin starts political company to discredit him in internet)
and for being against any form of peaceful meating of people against prime-minister and telling them it's bad

Nothing. The media says Putin is nazi and the next Hitler. They don't want us to know that there is a nationalist opposition.
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few days before clips were uploaded*
meating is constitutional right here, but it was forbidden by govt in many cities (it was across the country) but people have come, next meating will include 190 cities, just imagine.

>They don't want us to know that there is a nationalist opposition
why? they won't bring something bad to finns

that's funny but nationalists consider this movement as liberal, liberals consider this movemnt as nationalistic lol

They want us to think that Kasparov is the opposition.
>why? they won't bring something bad to finns
>that's funny but nationalists consider this movement as liberal, liberals consider this movemnt as nationalistic lol
Western governments need Russia as an enemy to try and scare the population for now. It's very dangerous as they would like a small scale military conflict with Russia to start.

it's "yourself" btw. not attacking grammar, "yourselve" just looks strange
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Kasparov is jew and lives abroad, does and contributes nothing. i still don't understand why do european media keep silence about all this stuff that's going on. It's like tsunami that didn't happen for such a long time.

>Western governments need Russia as an enemy
agreed. Easier to control.
The scariest thing that current govt can be easily involved in such a conflict, they already have 2 in Donbass in Syria, still no wins.
that's fucking Navalny you idiot. Go back to 2ch and wank to your traps. Fucking disgrace to your country that you'd want that Soros funded bastard in government.
>Soros funded bastard
wherez da profz? i give a chance.
What is the future of Russia?

Is it going like the west where white Russians will be outbred and Islam will take over?
Just look at his ties to the Open Russia foundation, it is part funded by (((Khodorkovsky))) and is the Russian branch of George Soros' Open Society Foundations.

Navalny gets funding and campaigning from those organisations.
No it isn't, their birthrate is 1.75 and rising, up from 1.25. Ethnic Russians are 81% of the population and have been the same proportion for near a century.
2024 elections? Why even bother worrying about an election that far away.
He is not part of OpenRussia (it's (((Hodor's))) organisation i know). But he says it's okay if they are trying to manage some meetings and actions, it helps to his activity. But OpenRussia don't get wide support from people, they are minority and will always be because nobody wants Hodorkovskiy or his puppet.

2018 is very soon, presidential elections
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Remind me why he need such a cheap posing?
>What is the future of Russia?
1)continuing of Putin rule (read mafia in the head of state on all levels of government. From little town to the country). And then if oilprices wont grow collapse of the state in from current image.
2)Some real change, not (((change))) lol.
le saviour of white race, Vivec
Except it goes further than that, they actually fund him. Just look at the amount of money he has vs how many people actually support him. A guy polling 1-3% can't raise that much in small donations.

Plus literally every western media outlet and government supports him, that should tell you all you need to know right there.
Sounds like a fairly stable period of Russian history then.

Is there any chance of a demographic shift in Russia?
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no, there was in the 90s, where everyone predicted their population would fall to 100 million. Luckily Putin stopped that, despite what these Russian equivalents of special snowflake smug liberals say.
It's 2017 and people still don't realize Navalny is controlled opposition.
i understand your feelings, but when he shows what he's got about elites i believe him. People really donate him, if i'd have job lol i'd donate too. Keep in mind all russian polls made by Levada or someone else are fake. We don't have real polls.

What do irish media say about Navalniy? Don't they just support enemy of my enemy?

which variant? because first have big possibility of balkanization, that stuff is scary.
No, only may be in case of groving economics and people strting to go back to provinces from Moscow and SPB. Province is dying and moving to capitals.

who controls him? after 26 march i changed my mind, before i thought he is Kremlin project like many others. any proofz?
Currently he crowdfunded about 45 million rubles for 2018 campaign ~ less then $1 million and he have 112 000 REGISTERED volontiers.
45 000 000 / 112 000 = 401 rubbles ~ $6 per volounteer. Remember not only volunteers could donate but just an average supporter (for example his youtube channel have 1 150 000 subscribers)
If he was serious about dealing with the elites then elites all around the world wouldn't support him!

He is serious about dealing with Russian elites maybe, but only because Putin controls them, and therefore they are problematic for the west.

Just look at the very same people who tore Russia apart in the 90s and nearly destroyed it - they support Navalny. Look at the US politicians who want to enslave Russia and balkanise it - they support Navalny. Everyone bad in the world supports Navalny.

Our media doesn't talk about you much, but when it does, it is all shining praise on Jew oligarchs and pseudo liberals like Navalny.
But - most of supporters are young liberals, 30 and under. Not usually the wealthiest of people. Also I'll point out that the crowdfunding obviously doesn't include all the money that foreign NGOs spend on him.
Navalny is a idiot if he does that. It will cause a literal civil war in russia with the muds chimping out.
but elites don't support him, they are even trying to avoid calling his name in media.

>because Putin controls them
because they are part of the problem.

>Just look at the very same people who tore Russia apart in the 90s and nearly destroyed it
they are in the government now, in the Duma etc.
>Look at the US politicians they support Navalny.
Never saw it. i see silence only
i read you

>doesn't include all the money that foreign NGOs spend on him
This is only conjectures

Why? Local muds hate center-asians and consider them as cheap-labout monkeys thinking they themselve are civilized and much better.
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>Just look at the very same people who tore Russia apart in the 90s and nearly destroyed it - they support Navalny.
Lol no. All 90s oligarchs still thriving and robbing country without any problems, only 2 of them had problems - Berezovsky and Khodorkovsky.
FSB tracking 24/7/365 him, his familly, his team (FBK). Still not a single proof that he is tied with foreign NGOs or whatever.
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>But - most of supporters are young liberals, 30 and under. Not usually the wealthiest of people.

There is no way that that could happen.

I was more referring to Slavic Russians being outbred by Muslim Central Asians.
such a coincedence, Hodor started to chimp out and got jailed. Berezovskiy recorded bunch of interviews against Puting and died.
nice pics by the way.
Cops even stole all their computers and technics after 26 march's meeting. If FSB would have such an info they'd already post it on every corner.
Russian elites sure, I was talking about western ones. I don't think you understand just how popular Navalny is with the people who hate Russia. All the same elites from Soros to Rothschilds hate Putin and love Navalny, Explain that in a positive light.

Those two were singled out because they kept meddling in politics, they were also the two most influential at their height. Putins deal with them was very simple - stay out of politics, pay tax, and you can keep your assets. Any proof of him being tracked 24/7? We can exchange 'no proofs' all day long.

Aside from selective photography, what I can tell from that picture is that the people who support Navalny are the same young smug liberals with no life experience who are destroying the west through their ignorance?
Why? Puting dies and Kadirov in Chechnya (he already has little personal army) declares independent and with help of agents tryes to take Dagistan and other neighbors. Tatars don't want to take a part in all this absurd circus and leave. Tyva leaves too
It couldn't be that simple. Russia is taking a massive hit in sanctions to get a part of Ukraine back, they wouldn't just let some strategically important state go because it's too much of a problem.
>All the same elites from Soros to Rothschilds hate Putin and love Navalny
never heard of that, it's bad, they discredit this movement with their personality. Do media there consider them not as evil characters?
May be they just support enemy of my enemy?

>Any proof of him being tracked 24/7?
Here is your proofs, people in black steal all compters from office. On the second cops don't let workers inside their office, saying there is a search.
There's no way it would break up unless somehow a western puppet like Navalny got in charge. Putin has plenty of capable successors should push come to shove.
This state already in last 30 years tryed to separate. They won't succeed again only if other parts of the country will believe to the center and supprt it. Otherwise center is nothing without it's provinces which are already poor as shit and people hate the center.

Putin has plenty of capable successors
he is an old man, don't forget it. And he trusts only to old co-bandits from 90's.
>Those two were singled out because they kept meddling in politics, they were also the two most influential at their height.
But others are not supporting Navalny they are all putin puppets.
>Any proof of him being tracked 24/7?
>literally every step of his vacation is filmed
>bugs in FBK office
>multiple searches in FBK office and Navalny's home, FSB even stole all they tech.
>even those who donated him via yandex-money were interrogatyв by FSB.
He's not an old man, he's in his mid sixties and very healthy. He won't just drop dead.

I still doubt he is constantly tracked, office spied on sure. But technically speaking, does the FSB not have a right to investigate someone they suspect of receiving illegal foreign funds? Maybe he is being watched because he is actually engaged in illegal activities.
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great exemple of proof mate. Just now reminded this 'art' of propaganda, trying to blame a man for having a vacation on russian resorts, riding ford explorer and renting flat in moscow modern commieblock. Compare to government, oligarchs and other pro-putin fucks

he is 64. He is ruling central-oriented pseudo-federal country for 17 years. He is tired as fuck.

>Maybe he is being watched because he is actually engaged in illegal activities
They would already jail him or blame in this.
By the way the results of FSB's investigation on Medvedev's corruption were classified and it's no access to them, make you think, no?
>never heard of that, it's bad, they discredit this movement with their personality. Do media there consider them not as evil characters?
>May be they just support enemy of my enemy?
It's possible outside forces will support anything opposed to Putin. All you can really do is be skeptical and trust no one.

Even Putin I do not quite understand, the corruption and oligarchs contradict the actions of a nationalist. However he also makes strategic choices that probably benefit Russia but make it difficult for him or his associates to make money. I am uncertain of his motivation.
>But technically speaking, does the FSB not have a right to investigate someone they suspect of receiving illegal foreign funds?
FBK said they are ok with it, not care of afraid of the bugs in office, they simply couldn't compete with FSB in this kind of capabilities.
>All you can really do is be skeptical and trust no one.
That's true. I trusted to no one for a long time, here it's what many people choose. But i'm tired of all this shit. We have one on the paper - really democratic free federal country with nice laws. But in reality executive was captured by union of mafia and former-kgb. Then they have captured Duma and judicial branch.

>contradict the actions of a nationalis
it's just an image for foreign countries. Here nobody ever considered him as nationalist because he jails them very fast and now almost all of their leaders are jailed. But some of them are really dangerous for multinational country. During his rule country saw the biggest immigration stream from middle asia. By the way because of poor condition of provinces (especially muslim ones) muslims come to live in russian regions
oh also i forgot to add: you easily can get jailed for repost or comment in social networks like VK or odnoklassniki (such a coincidence, Usmanov - uzbek-oligarch owes them) if you talk shit about them.
>consider this movement as liberal, liberals consider this movemnt as nationalistic lol

When in reality it's just a cheap flavor of 1996 populism devoid of any content, policy and ideology. Yeltsin galvanized support among young retards promising to abolish conscription, Nasralny will make weed legal and anime real.
constitution forbids any kind of ideology and that's good. Thanks to writers of this book.
>When in reality it's just a cheap flavor of 1996 populism
it means nothing have been changed for such a long time since collapse of SU, people didn't get the fair state.

Yeltsin was part of CPSS (communist party), it was their fault for believing to commie.
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>watching anti-corruption videos of dude who collects money on presidential elections but can't be elected
>make weed legal
he talked about decriminalisation not legalisation.
Again, why we should trust to this faggot? If someone should be picked as president - definetely not that dude who craving for it.
Your faggot done literally nothing for our people.
He didn't worked a day in his life but somehow survives, only that is suspicuois as fuck. Which taxes he paid?
I'm sick of your shilling.
>People really donate him, if i'd have job lol i'd donate too
So you had no job too, you fucking leech.
>it's just an image for foreign countries. Here nobody ever considered him as nationalist because he jails them very fast and now almost all of their leaders are jailed. But some of them are really dangerous for multinational country. During his rule country saw the biggest immigration stream from middle asia. By the way because of poor condition of provinces (especially muslim ones) muslims come to live in russian regions
Why bother with Ukraine and Syria though? Keeping a low profile and selling resources makes more money. The west will typically tolerate any dictator or regime as long as they play along with what they want.
I have no idea why he gave Navalny media exposure. People hate oligarchs and 100% sure that they all criminals, so even people who didn't like Navalny will take his side in this. And this oligarch is an an uzbek to boot.
why can't he be elected? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Court_of_Human_Rights this organisation declared he is not guilty and this case of kirovles was fake.

they don't know the difference or just hate him.

No, president must be craving for this. Only such a persons win.
it's only one faget here lol. You're emotional and butthurful. Only shills act like this. He opened eyes on situations that's going on. He showed what's going behind the scenes of this theatre.

>Why bother with Ukraine and Syria though?
1)revenge for getting out of control and trying to change something.
2)Syria- If syria fails there will be a big pipeline of gas to Europe from neighbors which is bad for his corporation. His money can end very fast in this case.
Distraction from Medvedev.
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Oh, if yuropoors said something, we should do what they want us to do.

He is just provoking conflict when he will not be allowed to participate in elections.
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>1)revenge for getting out of control and trying to change something.
>2)Syria- If syria fails there will be a big pipeline of gas to Europe from neighbors which is bad for his corporation. His money can end very fast in this case.
Seems plausible as some motivation, I still feel like there's more going on out of public view though, it was very strange how the west went from being fairly friendly early 2000 to hostile once Obama was elected. The entire thing was strange and no explanation was really given.
> I still feel like there's more going on out of public view though
Yep, that's the main problem in building your opinion about politics and not getting fooled. That's why many people started believing to Navalniy, he told truth with proofs in his videos which unveiled many hidden things with no conter-proofs from other side and only silence.
But his appreciation by (((western media))) stops me a little, it would be such a shame to follow for Soros's project for me as ordinary /pol/ visitor. But anyway some hope is still much better then no hope and emigrating like Kasparov
They are already turning on him. Though that is probably a good sign rather than a negative.
Always archive blogs renowned for trash journalism and clickbait. Thank you.

https://archive.is/gePXk <- salon.com article
>Nasralny will make weed legal and anime real.
>promised weed, delivered sharia
Although, for an anime i can actually have a second thoughs
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