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How did red hair become so disliked? According to an old thread:

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How did red hair become so disliked? According to an old thread:

"Red hair was quite revered among the Norse. Note how Thor himself is described as having red hair."

So why did red hair become stigmatized? Was it a result of Christianity?
no souls
Here in Spain it is not stigmatized at all. In fact it is pretty cool. I used to be redhaired when I was a child, but I am not anymore. Shit sucks.
>How did red hair become so disliked?

It's not? I keep forgetting that one post on /pol/ is everyone's opinion.

anti-irish propaganda, mostly, which took a life of its own.
if you are trying to make a goyim you need to get rid of unique traits and the awesome shit that comes with them.
Ginger chicks are my biggest fetish but when I see a man with red hair it's really creepy to me
i don't really know why, i just know it's really fun to hate people with red hair. it's also ok to do it.
Because ginger is as white as you can possibly get
Fuck off you demon,im gonna call the nearest inquisitor to torture and murder you pathetic redhaired creature
The Jews from south park tried to stigmatize it and did successfully.
Wasn't red hair demonized before anti-irish propaganda became prominent?
because ginger hair means your people have stayed put for too long,due to its prevaliance means they have stayed in a gene puddle and not mixed enough as it is recessive.

hating gingers is a way to stop faulty DNA being in your gene pool,it triggers the racism gene,,,,its why americans get mad seeing niggers flooding into their ancestrial homeland

you have a deep down urge to protect your peoples genes
its why in england kids with ginger hair get bullied and they wind up joining isis lol

look at white converts to isis,most of them are ginger!
Niggah redhaired people are the master race. Everyone wants to mate with them.
but it's recessive, so "hating gingers" is pointless because you can carry the gene regardless of your hair color, or in other words, you could kill every single person with ginger hair on the planet and it wouldn't do anything.
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Red hair was revered by early Christianity. Most Byzantine art has Jesus, Mary, the Apostles, etc. presented with red hair. Continued right up into the Renaissance, too. Red hair signified noble birth and rare bloodlines. So no; its stigmatisation had fuck all to do with Christianity.
you are a complete fucking autist holy shit. recessive doesnt mean weak you lobotomized retard.
Genetic disasters who deserve the bullying they get.

>be ginge
>go outside at night
>3rd degree sun burn from the moon
Anyone else got a fetish for petite redheads?

For some reason they always want to do anal
Its just really ugly in men, but it can make a hot girl even hotter. Men are supposed to be dark, women and kids are "light".
Jews, Red hair is the pinnacle of evolution
IKR at least here in Scandinavia everyone wants them.
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>tfw gingers will die out in my lifetime while the shitskin populations grow by the billions
It was. It actually goes back to those Norse OP mentioned. They pillaged Europe for a few centuries, and invariably raped some folks. Some of them also had the recessive genes for red hair, and that infusion of Viking DNA was enough to manifest as red-haired babies. Mind you, if they had the recessive gene in the first place it wouldn't have been impossible for the phenotype to come out, but the odds were just a lot better if it was a Viking siring the rape baby that would remind everyone in the village that their men were defeated cucks and their women were cocksleeves.

And that's how the stigma against red hair developed.
You guys need to stop blaming Christianity for things which have happened over the past 100 years. The west has not been Christian since the French revolution
The Viking rape nonsense is jewish propaganda, though, Shlomo. Rapists could be punished by being buried alive.
yeah, Islam only makes sense to inbreed people.
the pale skin is the problem. it burns easy.
Red hair is mostly Irish. Back before migration to the U.S. became big everyone hated everyone. Think how today north and south Italians hate each other. Well that got worse the further away you were from another area. Poles hated Germans, Germans hated French, French hated British, British hated Irish etc. The Irish had low standing even in relation to the British, I've heard the term british nigger thrown around. So yeah, basically xenophobia and pecking order bullshit. I personally think red hair and green eyes are attractive but then again I'm a mutt with a fetish for pale skin.
hurr durr no you chucklefuck, judas was thought to have red hair.
>According to an old thread

This is why you guys are a laughing stock.
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Calling 666-4444
Yes, domestic rapists, in their villages, where they lived, when their womens were the victims. Do you think they applied the same standards to their men in regards to foreign women during wartime?

Do you think any society has ever applied the same standards under those two scenarios?
> red hair become so disliked?
because people who have it are not white
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>neanderthal genetic marker
Make of that what you will.
I think it's cool as fuck.
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This, I dunno why either. Just ugly AF.
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>Lieber Tod als Rot
because celts and scandinavians are the historical niggers of europe
>american education
>original peoples of Europe
because red-haired women are evil?
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next time turn on the proxy when you try to incite a silly purity spiral in which only 1 man living in the woods of southern Bavaria turns out to be truly white, Schlomo
Schon gut, ein Rotschopf hier teilt dein Schmerz.
I heard it had to do w/ England battling Scotland or Ireland or sumting. idk.
It's kinda fugly too
Yet another way for them to divide people.
1. English anti-Irish sentiment
2. A lot of Jews have red hair
3. While some redheaded women are the hottest fucking things on the planet, most gingers are disgusting.
4. They're basically vampires who can't be in the sun without taking constant DoT.
King David was said to have red hair and he is King Jew.
I have a beautiful redhaired gf and I plan on preserving the future of the redhaired race single-handedly
>millions of years of evolution created beautiful white skin and blonde and red hair
>completely bread out by shitskins within 100 years.

>doesn't know he has the blood of both

Either that or you're an ahmed
>what are Neanderthal genetic markers
Who /brown hair but red beard/ here?
Where does that come from?
The english and the irish/scottish.
The brits obviously have had the upper hand when it comes to influence in the last 300 years, their neighbour banter went to far and the domino effect has left us here today.
>implying this somehow invalidates my point
By that logic we are all niggers because life originated in Africa
Feel good man

Potato nigger genes
>celts and scandinavians are the historical niggers of europe
you mean the builders of civilizations around the globe?
it's not here.
It is the Scots, and Irishes fault.

So you think we're niggers of Europe? You originate from both of these peoples.
>what is multiregional theory
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>Was it a result of Christianity?
>LARPagans are this retarded
t. redbeard
shit I got a patch of ginger beard, am I a potato?
I dunno' about normies, but orange hair girls are my greatest weakness.
>tfw ginger
>tfw girls avoid ginger guys like the plague

a-at least old folks usually compliment my hair...
All these retarded af redditors think this.
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Christians are stamping out the ancient mystical faery stock.
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Who hates gingers?
I'd fucking cum buckets for a ginger gf
Because most gingers are ugly as sin
no we don't, the vast majority of British people have mostly anglo blood

there's a small chance that a couple of your ancestors from 1,000 years ago were scandnavian settlers if you're from certain parts of the UK but you're a mong if you call that "originating"
red hair is the sign of the ancients before the aryans
My chin and pube hairs are slightly red.

FACT: redheads are the most powerful race in the world.
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This is how I imagine you look like.
>How did red hair become so disliked?
Same people that for generations have been telling you "blondes are dumb/bimbos/etc."

Connect the dots.
I don't know but I find red haired women very attractive.
it's a eternal anglo/irish thing i believe?
The ancients are being wiped out.
What's happening to Gingers is what is going to happen to all whites if something isn't done to change things.
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>be 6ft blue eyed ginger male

I dunno, I'm the palest person I've ever seen. Some girls love it and some have zero interest. Honestly I feel like some kind of rare bird, people always stare a bit too long. Still a virgin but not for lack of opportunity.

If I rescue and have kids with a blonde haired blue eyed Swedish girl, will my kids be more likely to be blonde or redheaded?
Come to Scandinavia, all women love redhair here. Just be manly tho.
Sub-racemixing is still racemixing ya fucking kiwi
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Red hair predates Viking incursions into Britain by centuries. Tacitus, the Roman historian , describes the Picts of Scotland as having red hair.
Yes, Germany during WW2
You give too much credit for whites.Whites didnt invent much thats credited for them.They just didnt forgot what they learned from the ancients as did other races.
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oh god is that his mom taking the pic?
I don't really give a fuck, so long as the kids are fair haired and fair eyed does it matter?
Blonde, redhair is more recessive.
Civilization originated in Atlantis which was inhabited by 7 foot tall redheads
So inbreeding is the only acceptable way to reproduce?
>So why did red hair become stigmatized? Was it a result of Christianity?
Yes, we have no souls, so since we can't be threatened with an eternity in hell Christianity try to tread us down in other ways.
Enjoy your granchildren with handfeet and toothy foreheads

>Come to Scandinavia

You mean what's left of it?

Jokes aside, I'm half-icelandic so I've got Scandinavian features.

My grandfather on my mothers side must have been irish or something. My grandmother was German, but my mother never met her father so not really sure.

Half tempted to do a 23&me, but not convinced that it isn't some sort of Jewish DNA collection service or something.
Sigh, get of my mom. Both of you. At least until I've left the house.
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>Still a virgin but not for lack of opportunity.
Civilization on Earth dates back tens of millions of years back,mate.
LARPagans think everything north of Spain is "aryan". I want nothing to do with germanic/nordic trash.

>the vast majority of British people have mostly anglo blood

*English, and go have a look at where the Angles were from. It's only been part of Germany for 150 years.
Obviously it means you carry both the brown and red hair genes, but I'm not sure why it restricts itself to the face
but the earth is only 6000 years old?
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its a shitty south park meme
redheads are the true master race

look at her eyes, she was literally crying just a little while before the pic was taken. she was probably choking on his dick a few minutes before
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The jews are jealous and spiteful of the pure aryan people. The aryan man prides himself on self control, honour, loyalty and virtue.
The jew on the hother hand is the satantic spawn of this planet, using degeneracy, impulse and corruption of family to tear apart what is beautiful in this world.

Gingers are the fairest of skin and represent the purest of aryan people with no moodblood mix.
This drives the kikes with furious rage, and such they have used their power of media to slander and change the public's opinion of gingers to dissuade them from breeding or attracting mates.
This is the very reason jew owned spem doner facilities no longer accept ginger dna.
Red hair is not a neanderthal genetic marker.
Neanderthals DID have red hair and pale skin but it was a different mutation to the one that causes red hair in modern humans.

t. ginger
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>Still a virgin but not for lack of opportunity.
I can think of at least three times I passed up fucking some slut. One was even a redheaded qt.

Ended up pretty disillusioned with the whole thing, why are girls so easy?
It isn't the red hair, it's the orange hair as a kid along with the extremely light skin and orange lips.
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>orange lips

hol up

orange lips?
Yeah.Could be.If one year equals one full orbit of the galaxy's core by Sol.
how so
>tfw if you have a redhead waifu people just think you siblings
90% of British people are English
>It's only been part of Germany for 150 years
The Angles pre-date Germany by 2,000 years so I'm not sure what you're trying to say
Fuck i have Potato nigger genes?
red head here with a good beard. whites laugh and me but anyone not anglo or Germanic just stares and asks me questions about my hair. most of the world sees it as exotic and intriguing. indians/blacks/east asians. all of them are impressed with it and i think it adds mystique.
There are Jews with red hair too. It goes back to King David, he probably got it from Ruth. And the Gene passed to Solomon, who had sex with like thousands of women.
I would fight 10,000 Vikings from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark if it meant I got the last redhead.
because most red hair people are just ugly.

it's a really weird thing, either they are almost always ugly and weird looking, or the very few hot red head women are really good looking.
or it could be that a people who lived in between the caucus mountains and northern turkey, then moved more north into europe interbred with other people with red hair
You realize that red hair is also a common ashkenazi phenotype, right?

Better luck next time.

The territory they inhabited is in Jutland and was Danish territory until the 1860's. If the Angles aren't "Scandinavian" then half of Denmark isn't.
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ancient ginger civilisation went from atlantis to china
get woke people
Good luck.I wouldnt want to fight dänes
Anatolian maybe?
Hating redheads is an American thing
Jews often mix themselves with the Goyim.

Brother, are you reading this shit? >>127642105

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theyre the sexiest women on earth.
>implying nu-pagans are the reason the ADL is against """pagan""" symbolism
I don't know, maybe it's the fact that such symbols were used exclusively by neo-Nazis over the past 3 decades?
My theory is it is disliked for the same reason blond hair is ridiculed as "dumb" or "bimbo"

Only white people have it.
Yes, and I married one, porcelian skin, bright red hair. And she's red pilled..
>genghis khan was a ginger too
we wuz khanz senpai
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I have no idea why people are surprised the Tarim mummies are ginger. Some of the Uyghurs that live there today are ginger too.
I've beaten a Dane in a Drunken Fist fight and a Norwegian in a wrestling match. My Iberian-Germanic genes are unbeatable.
>How did red hair become so disliked?

because its disgusting
Most people with red hair are unattractive. I have red hair and I'm not attracted to it but I still consider myself attractive cause I lucked out by having brown eyebrows and a decent face. I'm still self conscious about it to be honest. I just assume women are as repulsed by red hair and pale skin as I am, but I've been with some fairly attractive women so who the hell knows
>Was it a result of Christianity
yes, gingers have no souls
das right senpai, they are remnants of the ancient ginger empire

>red hair
>brown eyes
how is this possible
My dream is to settle down with a qt green eyed red haired waifu and have lots of mutt babies (I have brown hair and brown eyes, but probably am heterozygous because my sister has blonde hair and green eyes). Thanks for reading my blog
usually, it looks like they have no eyebrows. doesn't matter how you spin it, having no eyebrows looks strange.
diget and cool id
Fu4k YH4
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I knew a kid that had brown eyes and very ginger hair. Bit odd desu.
dude, same
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we must secure the existence of our people and a future for ginger children
Where are they all hiding?
The few I've seen are obese or old
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Nazis are evil for what reason? because they fight back against the jew.
Its not a coincidence that Christians are often pro-israel and pagans see through the guise of christianity and the control of kikes.
It was a result of semi humans being afraid of their overlords. All non redheads are niggers to redheads.
South Park ginger episode had a big part in people not like gingers.
Poo haired turktrash
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Sounds terrible. Sorry you had to see that.
Darker red hair is acceptable IF you don't get potato face/eyebrows. That's the big problem. Most redheads I see have SSJ3-tier eyebrows.
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>unironically having the same coloured hair as nonwhites
Brown eyebrows. I have green/brown eyes
sounds like a good heroic configuration as long as you didn't get stuck with a shitty hairline and doughy face. go thank your parents.
They were then what blonde hair and blue eyes are now.
My eyes change from light green in low light to grey in sunshine
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Because of South Park and the Irish
It is my contention that we should take over the world. Or at least establish a ginger ethnostate.
Does your sister let you cum in her?
kek confirms it, we should move to udmurtia
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In all of himan History, never was redhair more "disliked" until Facebook was invented
Thats not ginger
Auburn hair, red beard with blue eyes here......does Auburn hair count as red hair?
yes, not all redheads are ginger
>Often pro-Israel
thats a good thing you kike. The Nazi party openly supported the free state of Israel. We want Jews OUT!
I never said Nazis were evil. But Neo-Nazis aren't the people you want heading any movement.
>pagans see through the guise
No they don't. Pagans are cuckolds with identity issues.
Why is no one else acknowledging this? Red haired girls are god-tier. Red-haired boys are disgusting subhuman ginger niggers.
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It could be worse. My grandfather looked like a mix of Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart so at least I have some of that in me
Anglo propaganda.
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Here we have "kick a ginger day"
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No, I'm lucky to get a hug
Freckles can be a bit unsightly but red haired girls are highly desirable.
I do recall a belief in the 19th century that redheads had a firey temperament and were oversexed.

Someone must have killed the Ginger lord, and you reverted back to a normal person
Many people who descended from Portugal have it too.

>no we don't, the vast majority of British people have mostly anglo blood

Contradicts literally every genetic study done on the UK
It's strange though because I am one of four siblings. I have auburn hair, red beard and blue eyes. Two siblings have blond hair and blue eyes and one has brown hair with brown eyes.....My father was blond with blue eyes and my mother was red hair with green eyes.....genetics are interesting....
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You are the niggerfaggot
the english hate the bog trotters, bog trotters ginger , and so it spreads,,how ever it is a scientificaly proven fact that gingers smell of foxes piss, and that repels clean people
my brothers and sisters are all blond, 3 have blue eyes and 1 has hazel, my dad is redhead with blue eyes and mum has brown hair/eyes
>where did her genes go
South Park imported Britain's hatred for gingers to the U.S.
There is so much variation in white phenotypes. I wonder why this is the case? Why isn't there more variation within Asian populations, or middle eastern or black?
No, you're just ugly man. I have red hair and fuck women regularly, and my wife loves it. The red part, not me dicking other women.
>Why isn't there more variation within Asian populations, or middle eastern or black?
Because they're not human?
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I thought it was "fuck a dog a day"
No that's bullshit.....Rather there must be a scientific reason
I have brown hair and blonde facial hair how common is that? I have Norwegian and German heritage. /uppermidwest/
Rape happens in all wars.
Programming from (((them))). We're the last of the old Mu bloodlines. That's why we're always found coastally or ingressed therefrom.

They want ALL of the old bloodlines wiped out because they fear what's residual in humanity. Teaching people to do it for them is so much more convenient.
according to the bible king david and the first man adam had redhair
The real question is why do people call it red hair when it is quite obviously neon orange
Not common. But badass.
It hasn't. I prayed for a red-haired boy.

Thank you Jesus!
Checking in. My family and I were surprised how red it was when I grew it out for the first time.
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You mean selkies?
I think we are more likely to have the brown hair & brown eyes.
Me. My hair is light brown but my beard is super red. I'm not at all sure what my heritage is on my mom's side, but my dad's side of the family is mostly Germanic.

Is this considered an attractive color combination? Some people have commented on it as being unique, but I'm not sure if "unique" is necessarily a good thing.
You fucking knob head, red hair in the British Isles existed before the Norse raids of 800 - 1200
funniest thing ever seeing ginger italians. But guys im sicilian!
How the Neanderthals became the Basques:
Because fucking novelty women makes your penis go crazy.

Same reason why people tend to like HAPA women while despising HAPA men. Sex + novelty = Strong orgasm.
kek, your mud huts really are impressive
your ancestors were niggers and their descendants and effeminate faggots
Oddly enough when I was born to about 8yo I was platinum blonde, and started darkening since then to what I am now. Light brown scalp hair, red beard (and it glows on the sun).
Heritage is British (Wales) and Swede (Kalmar).
My brother is full red head.
where are the red haired women going to come from then?
My whole familys ginger so I have both mutations which makes my skin almost pure white and my hair bright orange, i don't tan just burn.

i dont get much bother about the ginger stuff but i live in a rural area where its common.

I've heard shit about us having a higher/lower pain threshold aswell but ive never really looked into it.
I love redheads. Even married one.

She shags like a minx.
>How did red hair become so disliked?
Because the irish are basically albino niggers.
It's entirely from that fuckin South Park episode desu
Genetic engineering, obviously.
>I've heard shit about us having a higher/lower pain threshold aswell but ive never really looked into it.
I think we definitely have a lower pain tolerance. I don't think it's just me being a pussy
spotted the filthy fucking carrot top cunt!

GET HIM!!!!!!!!
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Dude looks like Mad Sweeney from American Gods.
Did you know there is different "browns" in eyes. Technically (genetically) green and hazel eyes are just variations of the brown iris.
However, there's also black irises (otherwise known as African Brown).
If you have to ask you're fugly
i tend to handle pain pretty well. The only thing I struggle with is banging my knee on something; that hurts like fuck.

But its all relative, theres no way to really know what normal pain would be like.
Try using SPF 80 (or higher, not lower) and get ±3 hours of sun a day.
You'll get a tan.
But make sure your slathered in it, or else you'll have nasty burn spots in your tan.
>muslims view red hair as mystical and divine
>""""""Scandinavian"""""" women love red hair
This is true, but you also have a higher tolerance for modal stimuli.
I don't know what that is.
"red-headed stepchild" is a term to point out an outsider from an in-group so I don't think the stigma came from South Park, though South Park likely popularized the idea more.
As a ginger, I either have a high pain tolerance or I'm just stubborn.
So I have no idea.
Anti-redhead is code for anti-white
I was actually gonna mention that but I've only ever heard one person use it ever IRL
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Weren't the Picts supposed to be dark-haired or did they just dye their hair for the battles in the same way they war-painted their bodies?
I dont want to look like a shitskin.

It's also impossible. the same mutatioms that give us red hair also make our skin produce pheomelanin instead of eumelanin.
that was the silurians, the picts were paler and ginger, iirc the picts painted their hair white or something in battle
most likely is that the picts were brythonic of some sort. So dark brown hair and blue eyes. Gingers were scattered all throughout the celtic nations, most commonly the gaelic one.
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>looking to Hollywood for education
Red haired faggots are to be burnt and sacrificed.
>t. jamarcus romero
Is that show good? Should I give it a try?

>How did red hair become so disliked?

Judas Iscariot was said to have been red-haired. Then again I read that in a novel titled "Report to Greco," by Nikos Kazantzakis.
Also....there is a high correlation with O- blood and red hair....
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The celts would bleach their hair with limewater and spike it up so that it hardened like that when the lime dried.
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I have red hair and very pale skin.

Never really felt like I fit in due to issues growing up. Now its not that bad since most people have turned into shit into their 30s. (Im 35).
I've never met a normal/abnormal human being in real life that actually had a prejudice against someone with red hair. you are just retarded.
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redheads are subhuma-
And the fucker even has a neckbeard.
is that bad?

i dont even know my blood type.
me neither desu
It's because they are souless vampires.
lost my vcard to a hot redhead. she wasn't like pale freckle ginger though. but hot as shit. shit you would fap to jb now since i was 17and she was 15-16

well sort of lost virignity. drunked fingering on couch then not going to well
o- is universal donor
is there a disadvantage to that?
it means gingers have magic blood
Yes if you a women with 0- blood and get impregnated by a rh positive blood type. The 0- women's body will actually try to kill the child in her womb.
so its an anti-racemixing type? how do.we make it more potent?!?
Having red hair in mainland Europe isn't half as bad as the stigma in the UK and America, has largely to do with the anti-Irish propaganda in both countries.

I never heard shit until South Park made that episode, then all the "Ginger this", "Daywalker that" shit became everywhere.
I don't think it has to do with race, but rather of not have the Rhesus monkey factor within their blood. I am not sure on the biology of it, I am sure someone who studied science in undergrad could shed more light on this.


this could get you started...
cheers burger
>be a white, redheaded male with blue eyes

bow down
They have medication now to stop that.

Plus, IIRC that actually becomes lethal after the second pregnancy. The first one causes the antibodies to start to form, the second time it attacks the fetus.

I could have misremembered though, not in medicine.
I can find the red hair/pale skin with freckles attractive for women, but it doesn't look good on men at all. I wouldn't want to have kids with a redhead.
Some red hair men are fucking perfect
Blond are often top tier too, though
the more they look like vikings, the better
pansy kids that look like dexter from dexter's lab are unattractive regardless of their hair color
My red haired friend killed himself because a girl didn't love her.
Nejat if you are reading this...I miss you man. Come back.
Fire crotch a best
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I was born with red hair and freckles but my hair turned brown with age and my freckles disappeared, my siblings both had blonde hair and it eventually turned brown
Yes. This guy here is right. And even if the first pregnancy is stopped (natural/artificial abortion), it will affect to the second one.
Another point is that even with medication, if during the birth the baby is in contact with his mother's blood, there is a possibility for him to be killed by those anti-bodies.

Both my daughter and I are A-. For me, as a man, it is not a problem at all; but for her, it is a serious question. Finding a fine partner to breed is crucial for the health of her pregnancies (although she is still young to have babies)
This brown hair , dark chest hair, red beard, super ginger pubes. When i was a kid nobody picked on gingers. Actually i don't remember it before southpark so 99% chance its the jews making fun and dividing white people.
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im that combo. almost black hair withj light brown and red beard
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>5th generation red head but existing family records but a old family story would label it back in the 1600s assuming someone didn't fuck with the story down the line.
>historical records indicate there is some truth to the family story

>know I wont find a red head female that isn't fucked in the head enough to date and form a lasting relationship with.

god this time sucks. why do I have to be the one that ends my lineage's red hair
Ever since moving out the cosmopolitan town I grew up in to a much more rural place that's more stock American I've met A LOT of people, women and men, that are virgins in their 20's.

The Christianity's still strong out in the country, it's fascinating
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People with red hair have an innate tendency to be really, really shitty. When St. Peter slaughtered all the snakes in Ireland, where do you think their slithering spirits went? They incarnated into the creature we call the Ginger, a common trait in Ireland.
What state?
It's probably just you, I've had girls like me for my red hair. Just like plenty of guys here have stayed they think red girls are hot, there are plenty of girls into red hair
>was it a result of christianity?

are you a fucking jew?
Also a simple rearrangement of letters in ginger gives us: nigger. Hmm...
sick ID
My girlfriend red head I am blonde. We had blonde blue eye daughter, red heads are usually nasty. You gotta get the hot ones
You don't necessarily have to find a ginger girl, just someone with Northern European ancestry. Neither of my parents have it but they have relatives that do. They were still surprised when I was born with a little red curl of hair

Dating a ginger seems weird to me because people would probably assume we were siblings

Those kids in your pic probably had light hair, but henna is applied to it to make it look red.
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It does happen there though, traces of peoples long gone like the Tocharians still linger in Central Asia.
I used to have a thing for redheads. It usually looks odd on men though.
Who has red hair genes in their family but ISN'T Celtic/Nordic/Germanic whatever. I'm Polish for example.
In my family there runs a red hair gene along the maternal line, unfortunately no one but a 1 year old baby has red (strawberry blonde) hair. The men on my mother's side of the family have had black and dirty blonde hair, so the red hair has been kept recessive by chance. Seems like one of my cousin's husband has another copy of the gene though despite having black hair.
I have basic dirty blond hair with but my beard grows out with a mix of reddish hair. I'm pretty sure I have a copy of the gene from my mom, need to continue that.


I've got a high pain tolerance, but a really low tolerance to temperature.

I get hot and cold very easily, and the extremes of either are literally painful

Mirin' those sick beard genetics.
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>tfw no aryan throwback gf
What type of faggotry dislikes redheads?
Damn, would warbride.
Youre an idiot, you missed the point of JDF seeing nazis as evil. God I hate retards like you so much. Internet argument lord.
Sure you aren't getting redhead Males confused with Gingers? Michael Fassbender is a redhead. Chicks love that dude.
>had red hair as a child
>Rh- blood type
We're Atlantis blood
You'd be surprised, its only banter but of course it effects some more than others.
New York
kek confirms you are some sort of magic creature
Sounds like unicorn shenanigans to me
red hair come from neanderthal gene doesn't it?
Look at the boy in your picture. Do you think he looks like he has the potential to spread his seed across the land? no. the answer is no. he looks like a carrot
Little bugger will grow into a slayer.

How are the muzzies treating you lumberjack?
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You called?
i'm exactly the same way. burns drive me absolutely fucking insane though. i weld so i do get burned occasionally and people around me never understand why i'm being such a bitch over a tiny little burn when they're burned far worse and it's not bothering them at all. oh and also the sun can suck my freckled cock
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>be me
>be amerindian
>one more year left of college
>meet qt 6'0 strawberry blonde 3 years ago
>plan on getting married after college
>she's getting her degree in law

feels fucking great, desu.
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