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This is just a friendly reminder that America is paradise. Happy

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Thread replies: 297
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This is just a friendly reminder that America is paradise. Happy Memorial Day, /pol/! God Bless America!

That's THEIR paradise.

This is ours.
Honestly, this is just like every American Suburb in every state. White, Relatively rich, Healthy, moral, and relatively Christian. Just like the neighborhood I grew up in as a kid. My dad even taught me the importance of hanging up the flag and taking it down and how to properly fold it. Happy Memorial day, lest we forget the Men who died valiantly for this country. God Bless them, and God Bless the United States
Looks boring af, desu.
when i think about this, i get so angry that there are so many filthy shitskins out to destroy you. stay strong.
That's a cozy block anon.
That's the point Hans, boring is safe and boring is secure. Well-adjusted, happy people come out of stability.
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Living in paradise
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You're telling me...

Same goes for you
Can confirm America looks like that.
>you will always be a spic
Keep those proud flags waving.
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Do Euros have suburbs
We're grilling steaks, drinking great American craft beers and toasting grandparents who fought for this. Glad to hear there are others who are keeping good flag etiquette alive!

Boring or relaxed; it's a matter of perspective. I'm not sure what suburbs look like in Germany, but I have a feeling the your fuhrer would have given thumbs up neighborhoods like these. (Or maybe an arm up?)

Thanks, Svea! I hope you are able to wrangle your muslim problem, too.
I know right. Where is the diversity?!
appreciate it lad, the pain is mutual. Take back the white land that belongs to you
>town homes

I laugh at poor cunts like you with no land to your name
i have two houses, one like the pic and one with multiple acres
townhouses are a fine first home. It's still property.
Good. Land is the greatest asset to own in this country, especially in the coming decades.
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only commie blocks
paradise because we resisted the commies in the 50s

is this 914?
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That's just a stock photo from google my house is in first photo. There's nothing wrong with townhouses; I just like having a yard. I enjoy mowing it. It's like the American version of a Zen garden! Pic related - with another Old Glory!
Come on man, do t be disingenuous. Euro villages are comfy, they just need to purge and eradicate the shit skins occupying their cities.
Nope, im in jersey
Well we have this
Too slovenly and consumerist. Too ethnically and culturally ambiguous.
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I meant to reply to >>127634584
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happy memeorial day /pol/
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yeah, I'm really proud of all the Americans who volunteered to fight for globalism and didn't stop to ponder the consequences or question if the government is lying.
where is this
fuggg that looks comfy
a history and culture? damn, wish we had some of that
Are these the American equivalent of Suburbs? Are they inhabited mostly old money?
Beautiful Charger!
>America is paradise
The areas that haven't been culturally enriched definitely are paradise.
When I was watching the local Memorial Day parade go by my house today, I couldn't help but notice that the high schoolers were almost all white.
There was a dark girl (looked Arab) and a chink girl, but every one of the other 100 kids in that parade were white. It gave me a bit of hope.
first post nig post
not the kid who posted the photo, but you westchester too?
take a weed eater to that fence you lazy nigger
Villages. Often it's families who have lived there generations. Our suburbs look like pic related
Forgot pic
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Why do you still build those wooden cucksheds, America?
>queer means rifle
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Off to the phosphate mines with you!
How anyone could stand living that close to other people I shall never understand.
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Let's not forget about places like Detroit and Chicago ..
Looks like a fucking containment area for commies
White male and I live in Detroit. AMA.
Are you black?
No, but most of my neighbours are.
The last of the mohicans.
Honestly, this really doesn't look that comfy to me.
>houses are too close together
>only small to medium size trees to be found
>street seems a little too wide compared to postage stamp size front lawns (3 cars' width is ALL you need for a residential street)
Overall, pretty good and orderly, just not the best allocation of space.

This looks much more comfy.

This is great. I bet all those houses back up to woods.


Green grass and palm trees in the same climate can be difficult. I'm guessing this is Florida where you get enough rain for it?

Small yards without any privacy. Cancer.
>Green grass
>enough rain
It's called an irrigation system.
Those shitty houses cost 3M in California.

don't forget to pay your 1% property tax every year and thanks for defending Israel ehehehe
In what state? Places where palm trees grow tend to be extremely hot, which can be hard on grass, regardless of irrigation systems.
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Meanwhile American middle class.
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This is the street I live on in the suburbs of St. Louis. Pretty comfy, pay 400/mo rent for a room in a 3 br 2 bath house
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Central Florida. All I have to do is water 3 times a week, it's been 95+ for months now.
Comfy. Could be England...
I have a relative who lives in literally the next street over. Not a bad neighborhood, but the houses and yards can be a little small. Very Jewish neighborhood.
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This is middle-class.
It's more Jewish as you go south, but where I live is maybe about 40% black. But they are mostly middle class, blue collar, intact black families, not feral nigs
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Yes, much easier to pull off palm trees and green grass in Florida than it is in Arizona or California.
I want to live here...
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the humidity I think
Suburbs is a jew trick
Are you telling me you've never had the experience of a Hassidic Jew neighbor having you come over to his house to turn his oven on or off for him because he was forbidden from doing work on the Sabbath?
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Everything is a jewish trick, even that is a jewish trick.

How does it feel being on the bottom-most rung of society?
Anyone who willfully chooses to live like a city rat deserves it.
Not on my street no, but I see them often since the temple is nearby (across from the Scientology building)
Nice spot. I used to live on Euclid when I went to SLU. Lots of fags but they keep the niggers out with their nice yards.
do all brits live in lord of the rings?
Nice area, a a handful of buddies of mine rented both levels of a duplex around there. Either Amherst or Dartmouth I think. Lots of good memories.
CWE is definitely a bit more hairy (more roaming burglars and thieves who will smash your car window for the change in your cupholder), that's where I commute to every day on the blue line (WUSM)
Am i speaking with a monroenigger?
How the fuck many Saint Louisans are there in this thread?
a high populous city full of whites is not a jewish trick, that's why USA is lacking ones. suburbs were designed to dumb down the white people.
Pretty bad, man.
a lot apparently, was surprised at how many people are familiar with UCity
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>Designed by an autist.
We are clearly the best looking nation from space.
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That's a jewish trick!
It's only paradise if you can live in an area without minorities.

If you're in America, stay away from big cities.
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Niggers love to shit in their dog bowls
Maybe it's because St. Louis suburbs are pretty good in general and we are just more interested in the thread topic than other people?
St Louisans are everywhere. But not all are initiated into our mysteries.
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Oh you ain't seen nothing yet!
WE have some truly WTF layouts in Florida.
True, but niggers don't know how to drive a stick shift and I never left anything in my car worth stealing.
Well I personally wouldn't spend much time in Ferguson or similar suburbs, once you head north of Olive you encounter blocks of abandoned buildings reminiscent of Detroit. As long as you hug one of the universities you're good.
There are burbs right next to big cities. They are stacked on top of eachother. Fuckem. The (((big cities))) are growing like cancerous tumors. Cockroaches.

The weirdest is that golf course in a circle.
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We can relate. Not every creation will be a success.
Check out the "city" of Rotonda West
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This pops up in /k/ every once in a while.
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It was on a demographic decline in the late 1800's. It went to shit in 1913. Point of no return in 1965. We're just riding the wave of globalized consumerism and cultural marxism.
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pic needs to be updated to "muh constitutional carry"
nothing better than purchasing a handgun, stuffing it in your pants, and driving home
>still has yards
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>living around people instead of nature
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>4 meters below sealevel.
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I grew up around Kirkwood, Webster Groves, Des Peres, Frontenac, Clayton and Chesterfield...those general neighborhoods are pretty good, IMO. It's hard to beat living in one of the older houses outside of downtown Kirkwood with old growth trees throughout the neighborhood casting shadows across a two lane road in the middle of a summer day, then going down to the farmer's market on a weekend to be surrounded by the smells of fresh fruit - most people will never understand how good ripe fruit smells if they've never had it stacked all around them.

Granted, the neighborhoods to the north of Olive and east of I-170 can be a little sketchy, though.

Damn that looks comfy af
>tfw you will never chase herds of bison, elk, Woolly rhinoceros, mastadons, and woolly mammoths into canyons that end in glaciers a
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This is the one I made when this meme was first going around.
Looks like Hialeah
>it's been 95+ for months now.
No it hasn't you tool
I'm 20 miles inland you dolt I don't get the sea-breeze it hit 98 today.
I took my son to a Memorial day parade this morning. I hadn't been to one in years.

The guys in the first truck threw candy to him. Most landed on the roadside. We picked it up.

The guys in the second truck threw candy to him. We picked it up again. At this point, both my hands were full.

Ditto the third truck, and the fourth, and the fifth. Every time he bent down to pick up candy, more would fall out of his already-full pockets. I stuffed my own pockets.

The boyscouts walked by and handed out candy. Six little girl scouts broke away from their section and came by with handfuls of candy for him. His hands and pockets were full, and I said, "Thank you, but we already have plenty of candy." They didn't know what to do and just dropped it at his feet.

A set of beige army support vehicles came by and thankfully, didn't throw anything at us. They waved and smiled. It was briefly like what I thought a parade should be.

Ambulances came by and threw candy. At this point, I'm filling my hat. I'm only picking it up because I feel to leave it would be littering. We were the only ones standing in the rain on this particular woodsy corner.

Some candy remained on the street, as I didn't want to step in front of the next vehicles. It soon became mashed into the road. At this point, I'm telling everyone we have plenty of candy already.

Some huge EMTs walk up. I can't fault their friendliness. My son is small and somewhat confounded as one tries to jam a fistful of candy into his pocket. It's spilling everywhere. The other is offering him lollipops from a box.

Finally it ends. We're walking back towards the memorial service, and I'm hoping to unload some candy onto someone else. I offer some to a family and the little girl lifts up a cloth bag. She's got pounds of candy in there. The dad offers us some.

I don't know what to say about it all.
Idk about other countries but our suburbs are mostly commieblocks filled with niggers and small overpriced houses with tiny yards
Hialeah has gaps between houses, and large fruit trees are common. I expect the image would be a lot more green.
That's the Sunset District of SF. It's a nice area actually.
>20 miles inland
That fucking sucks, man.
Although, today most of my breeze was blowing smoke in from a wildfire. Felt like living in China.
land of milk and honey
We throw food on the street, that is how blessed we are
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I lived in ghettos in east las Vegas and southern Nevada and currently live right next to tribal land in Mojave. I'm white as can be and am thrown in shit situations but God damn it do I make the best of it. I'm getting noticed by colleges for baseball, football, and basketball, am a student council president and just received a scholarship from my local post for an essay on what freedom means to me. And the fact that I can be red pilled and based somewhat freely just makes my thank God for this country

Happy memorial day!
>I don't know what to say about it all.

This is a conspiracy by the pharmaceutical companies to give you diabetes, and addicted to insulin shots. Stop giving your kid shitloads of candy,
better than most of the world mate.
though I personal believe single family dwellings are a mistake, people should live in grand multigenerational homes and share dutys such as cooking and child watching
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>breeze was blowing smoke
that always sucks.

While I live in Tampa it's a suburb called "New Tampa" and closer to Wesley Chapel so I live in a drained swamp.
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Dat m&p shield. It's on my list but not before the m&p 9c.
How old are you?
>r*ddit spacing
>over-exaggerating the candy parades
They didn't throw shit in my parade, it was just police, fire services, and some old veterans. As it should be.
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>Votes Macron.
>Demonstrates Marcon.
Just looked at a map. You live *exactly* due west of me :D
>Stop giving your kid shitloads of candy,

I absolutely don't. Candy in our house is an occasional and sparse reward. My kids get excited about receiving a skittle each, and will happily mull over what colors they would like.

I have three shoeboxes of Halloween candy from the past two years. They're gathering dust out of sight atop the kitchen cabinets.

But it's not so easy to control. They get candy at school: from events, holidays, birthdays, and as prizes. And the general sense I get is fuck moderation. Fortunately, my son brings most of it home and I deal with it. But really, there's a communal American candy ration and if you want your kids to have less, good luck.
Pretty much yeah, but you got the Atlantic cooling you down.
>tfw grew up in Germany and there is no place like it in America
Looking to move to the coast, maybe Cali even though its gay maybe the ocean will help. Not a rich Chinaman though :(
So fucking sad.
>over-exaggerating the candy parades

Nope. I was surprised to come from a parade with a hat full of candy. I don't really have anyone else to tell, and this is a Memorial Day thread, so I'm telling you.

I'll go back to blathering about Seth Rich in a moment.
Yeah, Clayton is where I do all my shopping
>tfw just purchased 122 acres in south dakota

I can't wait to pack up and move out there and leave this urban shithole behind
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I think not my overweight friend.
>Sharia Zones.
HDR should not have been used on this photo.
looks like shit to be honest
>Handling The Flag like it is a beach towel.
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You have to go.
It is my goal to live like here some day..
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that was the joke...
'Geweer,' not 'queer.'
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I honestly would love to live in a place like that just to ride my bike at 7 am.

Maybe one day I can cross the border =)
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>Can see your neighbors

No thanks. The only thing I can see from my yard is a farm that's over a mile away.
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I've seen a few verified accounts make wildly inappropriate tweets about Memorial Day. What's going on?
>The only thing I can see from my yard is a farm

And magic sky licorice.
Jesus Britain, you could at least make your buildings not look like a dreary shithole.
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Such filth.

Licorice rain would be nice. It's a vine in the tree I'm under, they'll all over the fucking place. Just haven't gotten around to cutting them all down yet. 8 acres is a bitch to keep up with. Only complaint.
Suburbs in Europe are for the poor.

>when land is $3,000,000 an acre in residential neighborhoods men will build tiny cucksheds

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Yes but we will have the last laugh in 50 years when your entire country submerges into the sea.
wtf is this
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I need to move to a comfy town desu.
A street
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>We conquered the sea centuries ago.

It's all built below sealevel already. But we'll be happily offering our services in the near future for a shekel or two.
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Like a slightly less worse Blackburn.
have you never been to a parade?
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De Haar.jpg
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Got any mid eval castles?
It's a small thing, and an attractive place. You're lucky.

Come North to Big Rapids. We'll get drunk and shoot guns.
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such is life in murica.jpg
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As a kid, I went to a bundle. This is the first I've been to in quite a while, though.
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True, Blackburn really takes the biscuit.
Cucksheds everywhere.
>no one gets shot
That's actually pretty good considering its Detroit.
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American suburbs are trash. They are built for cars, not humans. You have a huge house and a yard that you don't use because you're a fat fuck. You can't to anywhere important by foot or bike because you're surrouned by miles of residential buildings that take up excessive space for no purpose other than to show you can afford it.
They need to mow their fuckin' lawn.
Move to WY. I've lived here my whole life, property is pretty cheap compared to Cauliflower. Only taxed on premade food. Over 90% white. And people are friendly
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This is what paradise looks like boy
the absolute quality of our houses
Croeso I gymru
cosy af but that roof looks pretty flammable though lad.
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my house OP. god bless america.
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Who even needs money/jobs/decent government

It is great. I love our country.
$900,000 for a McShelter. But don't worry, you can get a jumbomega mortgage for your overpriced soulless piece of property.

Such is life in America.
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Amen OP
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>This is just a friendly reminder that America is paradise.


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old welsh mining town?
You lads are making me miss home. I moved to the rural Jew to make the money Jew. Couldn't afford a million dollar suburban comfybox. It really was paradise though.

I think I'll call my mom and wish her a happy Memorial Day.
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Murica in a minute...

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Why even try in life , you muricans buy houses paying throug your life and we dont even have mortgages.

We should have throw more leftist out of helicopters and also those suspects of being leftist and those suspects of being friends with the suspects of being leftist.
Looks too safe and white, goyim. Needs Somalians!
>thinks he owns land

You're just renting it, anon. Fall behind on your taxes and then see how they respect your ownership of property.
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Katerina wasn't even a real flood.
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The average Murican girl...

Where's the fat guy with the mullet doing a fist bump in the air wearing an American flag tshirt, I need that pic
That's what they do to nice, White areas, for sure.
What state?
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Probably, as are most towns in Wales
Wales is literally
>Detroit: the country
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used to live here
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now live here
>tfw never been uncomfy
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Upset about not living in america? It must be tough leaf friend
i-is that New Zealand?
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>Upset about not living in america?

Nah, im good in Québec, Bubba Dean...they're no ''Baltimore lean''...

Dunedin is fucking cold
whybthe fuck would i honor a bunch of soldiers who had nothing to do with freedom. im a latino and i still get shit from "good american people" just looking different.
alot of blacks served in world wars yet when they tried to integrate into good schoops or, god forbid, get actual eual rights, they get hanged, eaten by dogs, and sprayed in the face with water.
fuck this memorial shit. most tried to avoid the draft. iraq veterans wanted the shit to stop and hated bush.

youre a white trash red neck that romantisizes war ignorant of the damage you cause. hell even the parents of the middle eastern veteran got shit just for being brown. fuck america, you aint free. you dont know freedom.
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>youre a white trash red neck that romantisizes war ignorant of the damage you cause.

Im with you on that, esse...

>burger thinks he's living the dream..lmao
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more pics from my street
love how all the houses are brick and have castle-like features
the first one is quebec city the second one is NZ
only if youre a little bitch
I bet you live in warren and only go to the edge of the city for the weed dispensaries.
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Your father???

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isnt the american military like 30-40% hispanic nowdays?
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This goyem is beginning to know
GOD Bless America!
We are this way due to not only our Great Service Men and Women but also our Great Civilian Men and Women who would take up arms domestically if needed!

Looks like the intro to a Dexy's Midnight Runners video
No sir. La Grande, OR.

is your nick name "white boy"?
highly likely there arent any commercial areas or jobs in your town. your town has no prospects at all probably.
Is this Arlington VA?
enjoy those Christmas lights while you can
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>White male and I live in Detroit. AMA.

Your mom is bringing niggers home?

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damn. we got too jewed up before we could develop any real lasting traditions or culture like that. at least we still have our guns and a little bit of our spirit left though
>Paradise. no block party to celebrate memorial day wtf happened to my america?
Those white dudes are the most dangerous motha fuckas in this groups...there ain't no fallen what those dudes did to get those black dudes respect ~ Dave Chappell
You ever accidentally relax?
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you have to be over 18 to post on 4chan m8.
yea fuck that
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Can we agree to disagree?
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whos the milf on the top left?
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not anymore paco
What do you know about hanging?
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I miss the 50s so much and I never even lived then
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>tfw living in the 'burbs

But you're in America, yeah? There's a little slice of paradise for everyone.
How do we fix Detroit?

I can't stand it when poor people live in trash. I grew up poor, and my grandmother grew up poor, and my house and yard were impeccably clean, and so was hers (I saw the family photos). There is just no excuse.

$900,000? You are delusional.
It's their paradise.

This is ours.
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a tranny and a hapa?
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>5 beds 5 baths 5,573 sqft

>Absolutely amazing Near-South Mansion with some very interesting history dating back to the early 1900's. 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, nearly 7,500 finished square feet, and a newer kitchen with newer cabinets, granite counters, and stainless steel appliances. There are two stairways, 3 sunrooms, 4 levels (all finished), 2 fireplace. The finished basement has a 2nd kitchen. There's a wrap around covered porch & 4 stall garage with an attic that could turn into a great mancave, guest house, or more.

lefties face is unfortunate

Future queen in my kitchen.
This is what corn syrup/sugar does
Damn. You sure told me. You have completely changed my perspective. Ok, then. Enjoy your life. I'll get back to my steaks and beer and comfortable life. Adios!
>ignorant of the damage you cause
kek I knew EXACTLY what kind of damage I was doing which is why I reupped and went back 3 more times to splatter hadjis.
You are now free to go back to mowing my lawn, 'latino'.
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>they build houses in the middle of houses instead of bulldozing the entire area and then planting a tree or two when it's all finished
>in the middle of forests*
family takes effort to maintain in healthy balance for all. kids move away to establish their own lobster hierarchies. living with the family implies less power for all involved. most people just can't manage it, they only feel good playing power dad or mom without answering to their own parents. anyway life is short and it's a shame so many ignore their parents and grandparents during their later and final years.

t. decade neet
Where is this? It looks beautiful.
I love streets that have trees overhanging.
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and decimate all the surrounding wildlife habitat, how rude.
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lol what a cuck
Spent 130000 on 3 bedroom, 2 bath with a huge yard (for subrb standards)
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>used to literally live in my own mini castle
>now live in a shitty flat surrounded by pakis

such is life in bongland.
this street looks too fucking familiar. Any chance you're in Madison, WI?
>live in a suburban detached home 45 minutes away from the city
>want to live in a nice, urban, walkable environment where I won't get stabbed over my shoes
>doesn't exist in america
such is life
Why did you move?
How long till they tear that down to build a mosque?
that 407 as fuck m8
Family house m8, also renting/house prices here are astronomical so its all i can afford at the moment.
Those safe urban areas exist. They are just crazy expensive.
I grew up in a house that looked almost like that. im guessing this is in Orlando Florida.
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Near where I live. Pretty cozy
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Gotta love Australia.
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That image really rustles my jimmies
needs more diversity + refugees :)
>Dogwood bloom in the south

The only thing I miss after moving to AK
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America's a big place. Some parts are good some parts are bad. Living in an all white suburbs surrounded by doctors, keeping up with the Joneses, is the equivalent of sticking your head in the sand, definitely not paradise. Ask yourself, have you ever talked to your neighbor? Really TALKED to them?

Paradise is owning an apartment near downtown, and a country home for weekends. Living around minorities actually makes you repilled (about how the stereotypes are true)
Won't help at all my guy. The most German place in the US is Minnesota imo. Maybe northern Michigan.
>just nig my shit up
Get away from the coasts, they are a meme. Tons of German culture and families in midwest, where the real America is.

looks comfy af
More. I have pictures like this saved for when I want to imagine an America without kikes, nigs or jews.
honestly people can talk shit but I think suburbs are beautiful. I've lived smack in downtown in metropolises, in the middle of the woods, everywhere in between. nothing's more cozy than a high quality section of suburbia.
Is this north jersey? Looks like it's near lake hopatcong
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Just took this picture from my English town bedroom window.
6.15am, it's wet and I'm drunk as fuck.
How is Highbury the library, bong?
It looks like the kind of place that rich whites and jews send Muslims to live in by taxing the working white residents.
Very beautiful, you are lucky to live in such a nice neighborhood. I envy it
What do you use your back yards for?
Somewhere in Central/North New Jersey
if florida had reg grass it would be perfect, lived in ohio and the best thing in the world is lay down in the shade on cool grass in the summer.

Mostly sitting and smoking/drinking/reading outside.
Not been very sunny so no chances for plants to come out much yet.
Thinking of growing a couple of chilli plants but I live in the Midlands and we get shit sun here mostly.
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At least we can buy land. You people only have apartments since 4he Chinese keep up buying your territory. How many karaoke bars are in your neighborhood?
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Mfw I get to eat leftover steak from earlier. God bless the United States.
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>american thread
here we go again
Death to the Federal Reserve
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I'd love to live in England.
So comfy! Where is this?
I don't know exactly, although it looks almost identical to this place in North Portland by Cathedral Park.
Thank you for your service, officer.
looks just like a scene from place beyond the pines
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And to you, anon. God Bless America!!
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Like any other reasonable American, we nuke it.
Thread posts: 297
Thread images: 108

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