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Update/Continuation Thread, Part 3. The kids have been doing

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Update/Continuation Thread, Part 3.

The kids have been doing alright today. Ka need to get back on her stronger opioid treatments(Fentanyl, Morphine and Nicomorphine) due to pelvic problems. Kores, Caer and Stiaan had to see doctors today for different reasons. Kores' Chest was hurting were he was stabbed. Stiaan, is having trouble with his good Eye. Caer, had pelvic pain problems too. They have been more active today though - Kore and Caer were helping new children that arrived at the orphanage including a 10 Year Old Boere Boy from Zimbabwe, that was injured in a farm attack there. I had to donate another $250,000 to the Orphanage. So, that they could call in Doctors to see all four of my adoptee children, plus the new arrivals(six children). They will probably only see $110,000 of that, after Namibian Government Officials goes through the donations.

Previous threads:
Thanks. I am going to be pissed if no more $230,000 actually gets to the Orphanage. I have had that problem before. Their operating costs relies solely on donations.
You're welcome and keep up the great work. You are a hero amongst men. Your actions won't be ever forgotten.
Anon forgive me for being suspicious, but do you have any proof for all this? Specifically the security company. It's something that would interest me but this place has more than a reputation for shadiness.

Don't post anything that could endanger you or the adoption process of course.
I will. I think is what I will do after I retire from LE(three years). I am just being myself.

The Company is going to be called Redder Protection & Security LLC. The ranch attack happened on the Noordwes-Vrystaat Border in March 2015.
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Biotech/AI+robotics anon from yesterday reporting in.

I'm interested in hearing your progress in mid June. Perhaps I'll send you a mail in the meantime just to stay in touch.
-Does South AFrica have any good educational institutions?
-is there any statitcs comparing sa score between different ethnic groups and south africa comparet to other countries?
I have sent emails out to the one's that emailed last night. I might do a vlog thing and put it on YouTube(once we are back in the US) and make the links private.
White Education is on the level of Europe or North America with Private Schools, that only White's can afford. The kids online home school was US$3,200/Semester out on their Ranch.
Stellenbosch University is majority white and hasn't been cucked into giving up its Afrikaans instruction like University of Pretoria and isn't a left wing shithole like Witwatersrand or University of Cape Town. They aren't too bad by international standards if it's around 50+% white. Heading to Stellies for a year in July.

Racial categorization for stats is racist (not even allowed for murder stats), so probably not for the ethnic stats, and due to blacks the regular school stats are shit (as in like second last in science and math in the worldto the point where 20% is the man pass rate and kids are passed to the next grade after failing twice).
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Regular schooling (not university) is good if you go private or are in a white area, otherwise it's shit. Eastern cape is notorious for its dismal matriculation pass rate.
That should be given to Whites. Bantus can take their asses back up to their Urheimat.
God bless you, mate
Thank You. I would honestly live in that area, if it were not for the savage Bantu's. Most of that area used to be Khoisan People, the Bantu's Massacred them.
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Has the sentiment towards the proposed Volksstaat changed? Last time I researched it was still a tiny minority (of Whites) that would favor it.

My information is mostly researching the several small projects and communities that practically go nowhere (except for Orania with a small but stable growth rate, still to small though). Media coverage is--unsurprisingly--sparse and mostly negative.
I think most Boere(Farming) Afrikaner still support an Independent State. It would take a Civil War, though.
My thinking was
- botswana namibia is a very arid and hard to travers area. easier to defend
- St Helena and the other islands. Important to prevent other countries from using them to prosjektera force.
- Zambezi will be easier to defend
- The core being the transvaal will be safe from incursions.
- The southers and western coastline is mountainous and hard to cross
Esentially it is a fortress. What do you think of my alternate state? And reasoning?
Maybe there should be a khoisan buffer state in southern angola?
Can you name some projekts and communities? I would like to look into how they are run and what there outcomes are.
They would need a very high birthrate to populate the land tho
That would work. You could include the Portuguese Whites, still in Angola and Mozambique also(5,000 or so, I believe). German Settlers are still in Namibia too. A surrounding mountain range around the Capital City would be better protection too.

I did the math. It would take 12-16 Children per Boere Family for six generations.
>It would take a Civil War, though.
Winnable? Of course, not as as it looks currently, considering demographics, surrounding nations, and international community. But I can consider scenarios with advanced tech (see yesterday's discussion) that we can bias outcomes to our favor.

>That would work. You could include the Portuguese Whites, still in Angola and Mozambique also(5,000 or so, I believe). German Settlers are still in Namibia too. A surrounding mountain range around the Capital City would be better protection too.
assumin pretoria is the capital. The city would be unsafe if someone managed to break the defenses.
How many in your field do you think share a pro indiginous european european super state?
OK, so I've found nothing in the (Afrikaans) news about this, but I see from the previous threads that the children have only really spoken to the police so far.

Your posts are very detailed, so I'll keep an eye out for the company and maybe shoot you an email.
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>what there outcomes are
Orania is the only serious one, but fragile. Kleinfontein is a mess, just a small white community. Both can be crushed easily in 1.5 hours. Unprotected, no strategic surroundings, nothing valuable they could withheld, no threat potential.
Everything else never left the state of talk and idea.

>in your field
You mean technology? Need to be careful. Liberal (in the American sense) opinions are majority, though I don't know how much of this is just fitting in. I still develop a series of tests to find out about their views behind the facade.
In some cases I can work from a position of strength and just push through with what I want. Perhaps surprisingly many of /ourguys/ are Jewish (Israeli expats, not the libtard diaspora).
It is possibly winnable with Foreign Volunteers to fight and at least some International Support. It would take around six years and ~250,000 KIA.

A defensible position between a minimum of two rivers(for water), Mountains or High Hills on the Outskirts and plains in the middle, for Armor, Aircraft Runways and Anti-Air Positions is one of the best positions in Modern Warfare, and that could be fracked for Oil/Fuel and to grow crops. Tunnel into the Mountains/Hills to protect your Armor, Personnel and Aircraft(Swiss Model).

They are still talking to Police and the Investigation is still open - I am still interviewed every time that I go, and the Detectives want to speak to me again before we leave. I had to promise to begin them back as witnesses as part of the Investigation and if a Trial start. Their names(Caer, Kalien, Stiaan, Kores) are what SA Police assigned to them. I will post a link to the News if it comes out this Year. They found a few new leads when I was there last Month - the Detectives thing that the gang is a professional and has committed multiple attacks on White Farms/Ranches.
Boers named Stiaan? what's up with the two a's?

Y I kno sliding, but it's a common name here. It comes from Stigandur and Stigandi. Today they are used as boat names only in their origin tongue(Íslenska/Norræna), but it's a very common name back at the shitrock and also in Denmark, Stian that is.
>I know so many Stians I do not have the count.
Think it's where you get eastern euro Stojan from, but I'm not sure
Also nice flag minnesota, I can get behind that.
>Soon my norse kinsman soon
>It would take around six years and ~250,000 KIA.
The war would take six years? And we'd lose 250k fighters? (Assuming KIA = Killed in action). Sounds like a bad deal. Too long to control, to lossy to start with. What's the basis of your estimates (if this is a place where you're willing to discuss it)?
The last saxon kings brother who lost willam the bastard was named stigand. Stigand sided with our harald harrade. Navnet er nok et videre germansk navn ikkje skandinavisk
bring the kids back for a Trial*

Afrikaans is a form of 16th Century Dutch, that developed in a Daughter Language. The Scots Language could be considered a Daughter Language of English. Stiaan is a nickname for Kristiaan.

I would love that as the Norwegian Flag.

Yeah. 250,000 Killed In Action in total. Blacks can not really fight, which is why the number is so high. We would lose around 76,000 KIA and WIA.
>It is possibly winnable with Foreign Volunteers to fight and at least some International Support. It would take around six years and ~250,000 KIA.
the survivors could be rich as fuck tho, and the dead will most likely have descendants that hopefully can continu the blood line
>Yeah. 250,000 Killed In Action in total. Blacks can not really fight, which is why the number is so high. We would lose around 76,000 KIA and WIA.
WHat is our idead for a post war south africa? is israel a good model?
Forget the Africans. How do you stop the "international community" from skullfucking you once you pull it off successfully?
You are not far off :)
Check Stigands roots, I just read the saga.
Not going to pull 100% sure on this one I must reread more about him. He shows up in the saga, then goes. I think he was spillover from Ireland when we got kicked out?

I was damn sure Stigand sided with Villhjalm Ruðajarl and not Harald Hardråde, but I might be mistaken here a bit.

Navnet er gammelt, det vet vi. Men opphavet er nok her. Når man leser alt det her om hva ditt og datt betyr av navn om det ikke er opplagt slik som Björn, Örn, Bjarne osv.

En gang sa man det var en tittentei, altså det betydde en som rana noen et sted, og solgte det et annet. Det viser seg være lite troverdig. Jeg har aldri funnet kilder på det i saga materialet. Opphav til navn og språk egentlig også, er egentlig jævli kult
Those are the numbers for a Conventional War. A guerilla/terror campaign from Whites could reduce our causalities, but the African Union Military would get involved.

Former Boer Republics as States/Provinces for the new White Homeland -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boer_Republics. All of that area still has Gold, Diamonds, Uranium and other high priced Mineral/Metals/Other Resources to be mined. The area also contains a possible 1.5 to 3bil Barrels of Fracked Oil and Fracked/Natural Well Gases.
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76k of our own is still high. Now let's enter AI and robotics, exoskeletons, neuroprosthetics, and some biotech into the equation. I'm sure it would change for the better.
Yes, much of it is bleeding edge and hard to get (or even build). But a good deal of it is more on the DIY level now (e.g. drones, computer vision, autonomous vehicles, sensor networks).

SA had a great defense industry, though I haven't looked into it since years. How are they now? Would they be on our side? Deliver to us? Deliver to the enemy as well?
I don't think that you would have problems with recruits. Azov battalion's foreign recruitment drives could serve as an example. You also have the benefit of this not being a brother war, and would likely find even more recruits if service led to citizenship in the new volksstadt
>Afrikaans is a form of 16th Century Dutch, that developed in a Daughter Language. The Scots Language could be considered a Daughter Language of English. Stiaan is a nickname for Kristiaan.
ah okay, what we was told here at first too by our elementary teacher, as stated so many carry that name due to a TV show or something I think.

>I would love that as the Norwegian Flag.
Yes it is red, white and blue and quite lovely, I must admit.

Also, I read the first thread there anon, man doing this is ... I have no words, you are a very good man.
Love that flag, OP
And our lion. (Riksloven) Definitely Norwegian made
That makes sense. Your throwaway email hasn't changed since the previous thread?
You Norwegians really love SA threads for some reason. Since there's so many of you here mind if I ask a question?

One of my Norwegian cousins killed themselves out of the blue a couple of weeks back. I'm not very close to his family but I was quite fond of him despite only meeting him once. Is there any socially appropriate gesture for me to make or is it better if I don't really go out of my way or get involved?
oh I recall (fucked up) some of this now
Trouble maker, brawler,++
>Troubled spirit, fighting spirit.

The -andur, well it's not a duck. I'm not sure

>The case
FUCKING NIGGERS! 9 yo boy to 15 yo girl
Ballistic Vests, Rifle Plates, Ballistic Helmets and Medical Treatment in the Bush would be the highest demands. Also, preserving the herds of Elephants and Rhinos in Nature Parks from Ivory Poaching, since we are not niggers.

That is the model that I am going on.

It is a cool name. Stiaan, wants a "cool" American Name like mine. I combined my Welsh Names to make my name Breydyn, when I was in High School. I use my Welsh Names as my official name(not posting those). I found that Flag in a UK General Thread.

It is [email protected]. I am not changing it, until I get back to the US with the kids. I will let everyone knows the new one, when it is made.
Same thing here as in the US: Show you care with a condolence and some nice words to whoever is left behind, but other than that let them grieve alone.
Has this fag produced any evidence that he is not a LARPer?
>You Norwegians really love SA threads for some reason.
Yeah we do. Unlike our retarded brother to the east, during school we got a bit more nuanced history behind SA. But media is silent as fuck, no news from there, and the sit pisses us off. We're close to the dutch too. 40% of our lang comes from them. We got dutched.

>One of my Norwegian cousins killed themselves out of the blue a couple of weeks back. I'm not very close to his family but I was quite fond of him despite only meeting him once.
Damn, I'm so sorry. I hope it's not someone I know(which is not unlikely here). So tragic man, to end it like that. My condolences.

>Is there any socially appropriate gesture for me to make or is it better if I don't really go out of my way or get involved?
Yes I would have sent some flowers for the funeral, like prolly you do? They sent it to the church and figure something to write on the ribbon.

I was in a horrible sit like this 3 years ago my self, worst funeral I've been to, too young. Two children have no father now, tragic
Thanks. I was going with that but wanted to make sure first
Hey you are a very good person, but are there any news articles for the attack?
I've read your other thread. Strong stuff, and I have no reason to doubt you. You're a saint.

How do you even get in contact with an orphanage from afrikaans in the first place? I'm not financially stable enough to do what you do, but maybe in some years.
>Ballistic Vests, Rifle Plates, Ballistic Helmets and Medical Treatment in the Bush
Considering that such stuff was easily organized during the Balkan wars (20 year old memories, wow), I can imagine it should be possible again from here as well. Though I'm more connected to the stuff I'm mentioning here repeatedly.

Though I've to say that I favor a less violent approach. Smarter, behind the scene, deals, more diplomatic.

Aren't we all? Now play along. What will you do to create the Volksstaat?
Find the nearest one where he will be laid to rest, and ask them for a funeral home or if they do funeral flowers. They will hook you up.

Maybe not fitting with a sad pepe(yet)
I have said that I will after the 15th(when I get back). Patience is a virtue.I am not posting any pictures before that. I am not endangering my adoptee children or my daughter that is going with me, just for 4chan. I will make Vlogs whilst in Namibia, the flight back home, and the first Week that the kids are at my house. I will only post the links here and to those that email me.

It is still an open investigation.

It is a LDS Church Orphanage and my Brother were friends with the Family, before I even knew the kids. He worked on their Ranch for two years after moving to SA before deciding to start his Security Company.

ITAR Laws were not really around during the Balkan Wars. They are very strict now.
That's interesting. Most Americans don't know anything about SA despite Afrikaaners having a lot of parallels historically and culturally to us.

His death was a pretty big shock, I wasn't terribly close to him, but still really liked him and thought highly of him; he also really didn't seem the type. He had a pretty interesting job too and had literally just filmed an ad for a Norwegian state agency
Send flowers with condolences. Don't worry about it being late or not knowing them enough, I'm sure they would appreciate it.
Made an ad, then I do not know him, but the lol thing(you got to have some dark humor) is that I, we all, will know in a few.

Our teacher (marxist, still had to follow curriculum) was all oy vey apartheid gone, but she told us the history.

That granted the SA flags here deliver red pills by B-52. Also had some family that frequent down there, still even.

They could have taught us a lot more though, that's for sure, but as with all countries, your own history is most focused, you "skim" the other flags
But ITAR applies to equipment from the US. They're not the only supplier.
The best Ballistic Vests/Helmets and Rifle Plates are American Made. The multi-hit rifle plates in my Police Plate Carrier can take a single shot from a .338 Lapua Magnum projectile or 210 5.56x45mm SS109 projectiles or 80 M995 AP projectiles.
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Happy Memorial Day. Have a bump.
God bless you OP, and God speed.
You are really the hero that these children need and deserve.
Thank you.
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Happy Memorial Day, and have a bump.
Take care of those children anon, give them a life worth living.

>This is what chicks should spend shekels on rather than muh poor dindu starving cause parents are monkeys

I'll spread this one on the jungle telegraph here, to see the response. I know all the chicks will melt.
Thanks for the Norwegians' suggestions, you're bros, plus you're aware and supportive of SA. this board is by far majority American and most of those posters don't care enough except to troll with BBC memes. I think two out of every three "whites don't belong in Africa you brought it on yourselves" post is unironic

Will send flowers, thanks
I assume many are in circulation outside the US and can be bought from third parties. I bet we could even bribe the armies from surrounding nations and get their supplies. The world is a shady place and Africa is the dark continent for many reasons.
Thank You. I have a few of my Army National Guard buddies here at my House. I have been slow wood grilling four whole feral hog sows, making a Lobster, Crab and Crayfish Boil and Beaufort Stew(Frogmore Stew). I have homemade fireworks too for later.

Thank You. I still think that I could be doing more, only two of the four(twelve and sixteen year olds) are calling me Dad/Daddy. The other two are calling me Mister (my first name).

The black market in SA has everything imaginable. I saw a fucking Carl Gustav Recoiless Rifle for sale(for $30,000).
>Africa is the dark continent for many reasons
You think you are Tony Stark? This shit isn't gonna be solved with self-driving cars and robotic arms. Aerial drones is the only thing I can think of that would be somewhat new and useful. Strap some explosives onto that quadrocopter and you can fly that shit into a window or something. Drones are scary. Remember the gif where some guy taped dildos to drones and flew them around some Russian political event? Comical, seeing those security personnel try to jump and catch these flailing, flying, spinning dicks. Less comical of the dildo had been full of C4. I am surprised ISIS or someone hasn't used them.
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Found it.
Look up the Claw Drone. You could carry rifles or 60mm mortar tubes.

How bad is the situation in South Africa? Speaking with SAanons most tend to regard blacks as scum, but this is /pol/ after-all, and you seem like a reasonably well-adjusted individual, i.e. not your typical /pol/tard.

I know many have said this already, but you should be immensely proud of the work you're doing. You're making a real difference for several kids' lives.

God speed my man, and good luck.
Wow dude. I visited pic related (Lincoln Nat) then had a bunch of homemade panzerotti at a picnic. I thought I made out ok. You're tearing up the competition. Good stuff.
>You think you are Tony Stark?
No, that's my father.

>robotic arms
Don't underestimate neuroprosthetic replacements and enhancements. Things were retarded for years but become mature now.

ISIS uses them. And anti-drone tech is blooming right now. Though most DIY drones are heavily energy-constrained.
It is very slowly becoming a pressure cooker ready to explode. Whites are already guarding their Gated Communities with Armed Civilians(and heavily armed at that). Police are not doing much to calm down the tensions and the ANC are encouraging attacks on Whites. One big event and the whole Country could be multiple war zones - Black ethnic groups against each other, Political Groups against each, Coloreds(Mulattos) and Indians(Tamils/Hindus) fighting each other and against Blacks and Whites, Afrikaners genociding all of those above and Anglo-Saxons(Brits) there. Thank You.

I shot those sows this Morning when I got home from work. They had my new puppy trapped up a tree and whining. They charged my daughter when she tried to go out the house to go get coffee from Caribou's this Morning before they closed, and that made her cry in front of me.
I heard you're in SC? There's a S. African food store in Matthews NC area. Ever been there?
I am about 30 minutes from Downtown Charleston on one of the Sea Islands. I do not get to go to North Carolina much. I go down to Savannah for a Sporting Goods Store(better than Palmetto Arms) once a Week to get .458 Win Mag ammunition for hog hunting and hog bait. I will have to check it out when I am upstate again one day. The kids told me that they miss SA food - they are having to eat Mormon cuisine foods at the orphanage.

How are the relations between Anglo-Saxons and Afrikaaners? I can't imagine they get along too well, but to hear they may end up fighting against each other in a potential ethnic conflict is disturbing to say the least.
They have the Irish-Northern Irish relationship(ready to kill each other for the smallest thing). They just play nice with each other to keep a strong appearance against Blacks.
I was part of the other two threads (albeit not very active, mostly lurking), but all this talk of creating a new homeland in Africa is a bit confusing to me. Is this related to that SA anon who wanted people to email him? If I could get a basic gestalt, that'd be great.

And OP, I'd just like to commend you again on all this. You're a hero.
I hope to Christ that that would all dissipate overnight with the very real threat of being swarmed by thousands of ANC commanded rapist murderers growing stronger daily
>creating a new homeland in Africa
White genocide is ongoing, perhaps increasing soon. There need to be options to work/fight for. Otherwise it's just perpetuating the defensive situation which is no sustainable solution.
What's going on? Can I get the two scoops on the situation?
Norwegian night posters best Norwegian posters
It is just ideas floating around on ways to help all Afrikaner and Germans in Namibia and South Africa out. I am serious about it though. The Afrikaner deserve Natal and Oranje Vrystaat cleansed out and given back. Thanks, I am just being myself like always. I love to help out and love to help Children have a Father or Father Figure. I did not have the best Dad growing up and promised to never be like him(heroin addict and always in trouble).

ANC should be considered a Terrorist Government in Charge. We should have invaded South Africa instead of Iraq.

I am adopting four children from South Africa. Their Parents and 2 month old sibiling(triplets) were killed in front of them in a farm attack in 2015. They were almost killed too. The two Girls(Caer, almost 15, now. Kalien, 12, now) were badly raped, beaten and tortured. The Youngest Boy(Stiaan, 9, now) was almost completely blinded and the oldest boy(Kores, 16 now) was stabbed in the Chest. Kores managed to get to up to his Parent's room and get his Father's Rifle and killed all eight intruders. They were taken to Namibia to a safer orphanage and I found out about them from my brother who was friends with their Parent's and lives in South Africa.
>There need to be options to work/fight for. Otherwise it's just perpetuating the defensive situation which is no sustainable solution.
Absolutely, I don't disagree.

So how can ordinary /pol/ folks help besides raising awareness?
Adopt Afrikaner(White) South African orphans, Raise awareness of Farm Attacks on Afrikaners and White Genocide in South Africa, Help meme the awareness to wake up White's and non-MSM Media in the Western World.
I thought you said your dad was a Mormon. How do you ingerit a claim on gwynedd from a heroin addict?
Holy hell Kores sounds like a fucking murder machine.
hello. I am an american in florida. I'm 20 right now, and I wanted to share this with you before you get flooded with messages. I am male and i had been raped by my father for a number of years. it WAS bad I DID cry a lot and hate myself, but you need to let them know it's not their fault. You also need to... i'm not sure how to say it, make a big deal of it? The more you treat what happened to them as horrible and vile, the worse they'll be. Let it be a part of their past, something to move on from. It all depends on how you treat the bad thing that makes it bad.
I know I'm going to sound like a fucktard but all of those opioids are really dangerous. If you live in a medical marijuana state I highly suggest trying to get one.
I'm an autist and decided not to provide more context, I suggest trying to get a card, that is.
>The more you treat what happened to them as horrible and vile, the worse they'll be

I've noticed this too. My roommate was raped at one point, as an adult male in seminary, really odd and I don't know all the details but definitely not as traumatizing as a father doing it. But it really seems that a good deal of the issue with rape victims is the social concept of them as a broken shell with nothing left to live for. I've spoken to him about it and he doesn't really let it get to him
That's the thing. don't let it get to them. to simplify it. ever notice how if a kid scrapes their knee, one of two things can happen. You can tell them to get up gently and clean it and keep walking. But if you freak out and rush to their side, they'll start bawling their eyes out. For me, one of the most prevalent emotions was rage. Not at my dad, a bit but I still loved him, but just intermittent rage. Expect them to grow up really hating niggers. That won't be avoided.
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It would help if we could get or produce media materials that don't have that neonazi / AWB / white supremacy vibe I get from most stuff. On their images we see things like pic related. I watched some of their documentaries and practically all mix some conspiracy stuff into it while denying own mistakes (being the victim). That makes it not only questionable but blocks people from being open about it.
Have you watched any of Jordan Peterson's lectures?
afraid not, who is he?
He has very bad PTSD and is scared of firearms now too. I have to hide mine when I am with him at the orphanage. Any other normal 16 Year Old would have the same reaction, if he had to kill eight people at fourteen years old. That tells me that he is not a Psychopath or Sociopath and was just protecting his little sisters/brother.

I am not even sure if the boys were raped. They either were not or are very good at hiding it from me. The girls are more open with me and my three (biological) daughters(they are 12, 14 and 17).

It is not available in my State and I am in Law Enforcement. Kali, only asks for pain medication, if she in the 10 range on the pain scale. Caer, has to take Nicomorphine and Fentanyl Daily. She was hurt the worse. She had knife and iron pipe forced into her vagina and was sexually assault by eight grown niggers. She need 876 internal sutures and staples and she still need surgeries to repair other damage Internal Pelvic Injuries. Her Cervix is completely destroyed and they can not treat that at the Orphanage.

A very gentle neutral(enough) tone is needed, whilst presenting all of the facts, calmly and without overt or subtle racism to reach "normies". Two versions could be made with one for normies.
He's the only YouTube celebrity type that's mentioned here that's worth anything. I find that this piece deals with the sort of sentiment around victimization that only makes things worse

ah i see, very good. that's not to say it all went away like pixie dust. there were days where i wouldn't look at the mirror, or sneer at my own reflection if i did.
Oh no, I'm not saying that at all but the trope of a rape victim and the social behavior expected of them probably holds a lot of people back. Moving on as best as possible and not letting it hold one back is probably the best way for someone to heal
I am worried about their Mental Health the most. I have Gynecological Appointments already set up for the Kalien and Caer, when they get here, and a (Human) Afrikaans Translator for them to tell exactly what is wrong and causing them pain. Kalien, has lost her shyness when talking to the Orphanage Doctor. Caer, is still very shy and withdrawn, unless Kores or Kalien is with her in the exam room. Both Kores and Stiaan hate having doctors examine them. We even changed to gender of Doctor they see. The Boy's get to see the Female Doctor that Kali and Caer see - Stiaan is horrified of Male Doctors.
>Stiaan is horrified of Male Doctors

I'm no psychologist but that does sound as though there may have been some sexual assault on the boys. It's strange that that wouldn't have been immediately apparent to the police and EMT's though; have you seen the report or know all the details?
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The Police and Police Councilors(Therapists) were not able to get much out of Stiaan either. He was blinded in the Hospital, until sight came back in his good eye; He is blinded in one eye,permanently. He only had Male Doctors and Nurses during the time that he was completely blinded and needed a Full Psychical(including Male Pelvic) from a Male Doctor. Kores, does not really like it, but he will tolerate it.
Someone give me a quick rundown
I am adopting four Afrikaner(White) Children from South Africa. Their Parent's and 2 month old siblings (Triplets) were killed in front of them in a Farm Attack in March, 2015. The kids were almost killed too. The two Girls(Caerantjë, almost 15, now and Kalien, 12, now) were very badly raped, beaten and tortured. The Youngest Boy(Stiaan, 9, now) was almost completely blinded and the oldest boy(Kores, 16, now) was stabbed in the right side of his Chest. Kores, managed to get to up to his Parent's room and get his Father's rifle and killed all eight of the nigger intruders. The Children were taken to Namibia to a safer Mormon Orphanage after they were stable enough to get out of the Hospital and make the drive to Namibia. I found out about the children from my Brother, whom lives in South Africa. He was very good friends with the Parents before they died and worked on their Ranch for two years. The kids called my Brother their Uncle M.
Thats fucking horrible. I wish the media would touch more about the horrible treatment,genocide and mass rape that goes on in that region.
It has been happening since Apartheid ended and the Western Media and barely even touched on White Genocide and Farm Attacks in Rhodesia, Namibia and South Africa since the 1960's. 750,000 Civilian Whites have been killed since 1977(when I was born).
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Words cannot currently describe my hatred for niggers. I know enough people have said it, but God bless you man. I hope one day they can be healed, in body and in mind, of the terrible abuses they've suffered. You're doing a good thing, OP. Enjoy your evening. Hope to hear from you again.
That's quite an unreasonable amount of hate. Unhealthy for sure.
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I am moving my daughters and the kids to Montana to be around my Family. I can take an early retirement in December 2018 and keep 95% of my Monthly Pension($19,508.33/Month. I would only lose $1,075.26 from a monthly check). I think the wide and very open mountainous area could help them. My Parent's property is an extremely safe area and the closest town is 2 hours away by horse back. The kids are used to very open spaces and having to ride horses to get around their property and to get to the closest Town. I talked to my Parent's last night and they will sell me 2,732 acres of their land for $2,100,000(I can make that back in six months if I open up a bit to Oil Drilling). I could have a house as big as mine now(8,790 sqft) built, by the time, that I am eligible for the Early Retirement. I really hate niggers too. Thank You, I am just trying to do best by them and by my own daughters. I do not try to have favorite, but all of my Girl's(Biological and Adopted) are "Daddy's Girls" I am scared that might cause some jealousy and cat fights.
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>19,500 a month pension
Holy fuck how the fuck did you get a pension like that?
I was selected to be a Troop Executive Commander(one in charge) of my own Special Task Force, within the Highway Patrol, plus my Rank - I am a Major, and have 17 Years on the job. I command the newly created Deportation Assistance Task Force and work with ICE, the DEA and BATF, very closely.
Holy shit I though I had lost the ability to care about these kinds of things but for some reason Imagining white kids being murdered and raped by a pack of subhuman niggers is choking me up. I can watch webms of blacks, arabs, and spic kids being murdered and feel nothing by this is getting to me...
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I'm still reading the previous threads right now and I am just appalled by what has happened. Those fucking subhuman niggers truly don't belong to the same species as us.

Thank you OP for giving these children a second chance. You are truly an inspiration and I'm glad there are still men like you out there. I'm in no position to help right now but this has strengthened my resolve to always keep fighting for our people and what is good and true in this world. Hopefully I too can have a large family one day.

Know that all over the world there are white people who will forever refuse to surrender and no matter what will struggle for our future. You're not alone. God bless.
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Ahh well nvm. I honestly thought you just got lucky and scammed some stupid fucking mobile phone app and sold it for billions. Sounds like you actually earned your keep well done.

I do have a question though, I'm working on a prototype Drone for long term aerial surveillance of an area. [I made it because my farm was being robbed blind by bandits but I can only make it out there once a week]

If the prototype works well I was wondering if I would be able to sell it to the border patrol for them to use, but I would have no idea to even start.
>Deportation Assistance Task Force
Must be very secret.
Same way with me. I stopped caring about all kids getting hurt or killed(that were not mine) after being involved in the Invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq; that changed, when I heard about these four children through my Brother and finally went to South Africa and he took me to the orphanage to meet them. Kalien and Kores gave all me a big hug/bear hug, when they first met me, when my brother took me to see them. My Brother told me that felt safe in my arms and I instantly cared again after that. Kalien, was the first one to call me Pa(means Daddy or Dad in Afrikaans). She is a very sweet little girl with a huge Heart. She told me a few months ago; that she forgives the niggers that attacked her; since they cannot hurt her sibling anymore.

You have to have DARPA or a University test it and improve it, if they think it is good enough, to be considered for any Federal LE or Military Sales. Get a Patent for every detail and plans and then try getting it tested.

We arrest known illegal beaners and hold them whilst ICE ERO's can get a Warrant to deport them. It is kept secretive, to keep Spics and Cartel from finding out anything about it. I only hire the best (White, non-Hispanic) Male State Special Agent's from the State's SWAT Team and State's Counter-Terrorism Task Force. Those are the best Men and (two) Women in Law Enforcement in the State.
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Get him to embrace warrior mode. The best way to overcome trauma is to laugh it away and disassociate with it. It's a technique career soldiers use.
Just don't let him feel bad for doing the right thing.
>forgives the niggers
Don't let her do this. She's trying to cope by de-vilifying them and making it seem less worse than it was. She is setting herself up to be hurt again. She has to overcome them by hating the attackers. To recognize their evil nature and come to terms with evil itself.

Goddamn do I hate niggers even more now.
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bumping with something nice to read

That is the technique that I use to not think about Afghanistan and Iraq, as much, but it does not work with Kor. He is still a hormonal sixteen year old boy. Him having an Edetic Memory(almost photographic) also does not help. He was only 35(top of the stairs) to 5 feet away; when he was pulling the trigger. I told him to be proud of protecting his little siblings and he is, but he is still having Night Terrors and PTSD symptoms. He was using Opium and Marijuana that grows naturally in the fields in around the orphanage to forget, but the care takers made him stop smoking it and so did I.

Kores, does not let her forget and that gets them into some pretty bad fights and arguments. I found an Therapist that will re-enforce that point to Kali, whilst, she is still getting help in accepting what happened. The Therapist does not want to make her forget, but make it take less importance in her life. She said that is the only way, that she could date Males(when I allow her to) and have sex, instead of turning to other Female's for that need. The Therapist said a girl hurting/raping her, could even worse Mental Trauma, if I let her date Homosexuality or Bisexually(neither of those are happening). The Therapist said to let her explore with a female friend(It seems to be natural for Girls during Puberty to explore with a same sex friend at least once[I think, that was the point that the therapist was making]). Neither of the Girls, evens want to look at themselves in a mirror, right now. I asked my oldest daughter, after the therapist was done talking, and she said that she "explored" with her Female best friend around the age of 14 two or three times and never did it again.
That was really interesting.
Bump. Here is a link about farm attacks in South Africa.
What career field do you figure would have the most influence over changing these sorts of things but in the US and globally?
Social Media, since MSM, is not trusted or even worries about it, anymore.
Media(Journalism) and Wide Platform Activist and/or Special Interest Lobbyist.
What about politics? You figure they have any actual say in things, or to get to the higher levels you need to be bought and paid for?
If you could stay Elected, being a (Federal) Congressmen or State Governor, could have a big impact. American Niggers could cry racism the second that you bring attention to the problem though, because, farm attacks happen here, in the Southern US. They are rarer, but they do happened, at least a dozen times a Year - here in South Carolina.
God dude, you're like fucking Batman or something. Saving these children from a terrible fate and conspiring to create an army which will save the rest of SA from the ones who murdered their parents and triplet siblings.

This shit helps me sleep at night
Some information on Plass Moorde(Farm Murders). You guys can use it for Propaganda on Twitter, Reddit Facebook and MySpace.

I did stuff like this when I was Active USASF(Special Forces) all around the World. It is second nature to me. Winning Hearts and Minds involves having empathy and saving Children, even sandniggers, have some empathy for their Children. Afrikaner Children have stuck with me more than any others. My Brother takes me out to poor Afrikaner areas, when I am in South Africa and Namibia. So, that I can give medical aid to their Towns and Villages(some Whites are even poorer than poorest niggers).
I have to start my shift now. I will try posting some, if the thread is alive, when I check in. My throw away email is [email protected] if anyone wants something or more information.
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mfw looking at the cheap as fuck real estate in SA, if it wasn't for all the niggers I would snatch some of that shit up. then again if it wasn't for the nigs then it probably wouldn't be so cheap
My Brother's place was $3.2mil out in the Country. $1.2mil for the House and 2,100 acres, the rest was from Security Features, Safe Rooms for his Family, Cameras and Motion Detectors, Armed Security Service with attack K-9's and Horse Back Patrols for Poachers, in-Home Butler and Maid Service, Grocers-to-Home service, Shopping-to-Home service, Private in-home tutors service for my Nieces and a Helipad.
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