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Where do people get the idea that spics are humble, polite and

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Where do people get the idea that spics are humble, polite and accepting of others?
TV, movies and the like
I've met and known plenty, I don't know where that came from

I ask the same thing about white people. I mean, I want to like white people. They're just awful people.

>disrespectful to everyone they meet
>50% smell like ass (why?)
>listen to shitty music
>eat shitty food
>age like shit
>their women either have saggy titties or the body of a little boy

I just don't get it. How are they the master race?
You literally just described spic women. Stop projecting, Pablo José Rivera López de Gonzalez.
must have originated before the hordes of illegals started flooding across the border in the 80s.

I'll stop when you tell me why most white people smell horrible. Please, I just want to know why.
depends on the area. California has the worst spics and places like texas have decent spics
>How are they the master race?
because the conquered the majority of the world and are responsible for a lot of ground breaking ideas.
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This, even as one I cannot stand the fact that most of these parasites do not assimilate. And they have the audacity to call me a burrito with sour cream for years because I don't act stupid and George Lopez like and put a shitty country I wasn't born in or have anything to do with before the U.S.

So a few genuises and great people carried the rest of useless whites on their backs? OK, David.
>burrito with sour cream
is that the new thing now? I always got called a coconut
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a few more than the rest of the world it seems

Uncle Juans hating on their own roots by assimilating to a toxic "culture".
I don't know but it's one of the things I get called. Hell I never experienced real racism from whites, only Hispanics. I got along just fine with a literal skin head because I was born here and not ghetto, more so than the viva la noneducacion idiots who talk about Chivas all day.
what is to assimilate to if it was what I was born and raised into?

>great people
>still smell like ass out of the shower

Spics can be bros as long as they aren't the type that fall in with thug nigger culture.
Maybe cause 1/4 of America is mexican now so you guys will just glorify anything that is the majority there.
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>not assimilating into the greatest culture on earth
anon please

Find yourself a nice latina who cook you a decent meal after she milks your cock. We are the newest race on Earth, strong Native American blood with European intellect. Embrace the new race, bro. We are the future.
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>Whites are being outbred in America! We must save the white race in America! 1488!
okay let's look at the main reason why: it's the Hispanic's coming here in hordes, taking our affordable houses meant for whites to raise big families and instead raising their own big family while using our welfare to do so. Every piece of data you can find shows Mexicans as the number one cause of white displacement in the United States.
>lol dude who cares bro they dindu nuffin they pick our fruit cheap and mow our yards lmao
Fucking pathetic every single one of you that claim to be white. As if before the invention of the wetback that whites where just completely unable to farm and landscape. You fucking cucks disgust me.
Spics are allowed to intimidate and terrorize whites under the current status quo, and we are told it is the white man's burden to put up with this nonsense.
People go along with it, and even sing the worthless spic's praises, because they feel they have no choice.
There's a tipping point in all this, though, and you never can tell when things will shift in the opposite direction.
>Hell I never experienced real racism from whites, only Hispanics.
crab bucket mentality at its finest. its up to people like us to change how our race acts In America
I told myself if I marry a Latina she has to be Americanized and not a viva Mexico cunt. Otherwise most of my girlfriends were white.

Just move back to Europe. Or to the bottom of a deep body of water. Or the moon. Just fuck off.
Every Mexican I've ever seen was hardworking
Are Latina handjobs feel good?
>its up to people like us to change how our race acts In America
We can start by supporting mass illegal deportations and a stop to legal migration for a few years to assimilate the legal ones.
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>still smell like ass out of the shower
you sound like a poorfag. Did you grow up in a trailer park or something?
Spices have no middle ground. They're either decent or horrible.
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>still smell like ass

Whites are literally the only race that doesn't stink like a zoo.
I guess it's just what cleanliness smells like to dirty shitskins like you, who are used to their own concoction of vile stenches emanating from them all day long.
I honestly don't care much about tanned skin as long as they share European culture and values. I do not want blacks or really brown people like Central Americans and pajeets because they make me uncomfortable. Hell Dylan roof's bf was a spic
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>Mexican handjobs
Whites honestly smell like urine and their homes smell like rotting garbage though
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You need to go back.
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There was a thread here last week where a shit ton of American posters outed themselves as Mexicans or some form of Latin American. It's probably them pushing it, along with r/the_donald spouting "legal immigration of Mexicans is fine".
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>tfw no whitewashed latina gf
every latina ive met has had an accent and been lefty and borderline retarded.
>He doesn't know about the noble savage myth
Chicanos are bro tier and less cucked than white people.

Bro, only the dumbasses want to go back to Mexico. You need to flush yourself of that white poison lie. The people who come here want a better life for future generations. Go drive down the street and see what skin color is begging for change, versus what skin color is trying to sell things (working). Anyway, I feel bad for you fucking around with those white chicks. Believe me, they want some of that brown dick but they'll be talking shit behind your back too. Don't be a tool.
White people don't notice their own scent but neither do other races.

White people have a sour milk smell to them even when they're clean. If they own a dog, they also have a wet dog scent on top of it whenever their hair is wet.
Do you live in a trailer park in Kentucky or do you just hang around junkies and crackheads?
>supporting mass illegal deportations and a stop to legal migration
I agree with both but I don't see the attitude towards illegal deportations changing anytime soon. Our strong family culture is really starting to bite us because many people know someone or are related to someone who came here illegally. They would never turn their backs on them even if they had right wing views.
The same reason you decided to live in a country white people built.

Nope, middle-class. I've had multiple white friends who I stopped talking to becauase they smell like ass 24/7.
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>Nope, middle-class.
So a poorfag then, Got it.
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Half-spic reporting in, Anglo father. half close to not being sub-human, but still far from not being sub-human.

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>being this smug
kys self hating faggot
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Most spics do hang around white trailer trash due to the meth trade. Don't let them fool you.

Hispanic isn't a race fucktard

When you see a brown mestizo mexican

Call them a fucking mestizo or beaner

Don't lump spaniards into this

Filthy kike
>It's the hispanics

No it's mestizos

Quit blaming mestizo mexican breeding on the spanish you kike
>They would never turn their backs on them even if they had right wing views.
Wrong, my mother was illegal and became legal before I was born, my uncle is illegal and my only Latina gf was illegal but also pretty white washed. Lynching used to be a thing that was normal too, this shit has to change and what better time than now?
Yeah and ive had multiple mexican "friends" who i cut contact with because their breath smells like cat shit. And mexicans always smell like pepper. Like you dont have cologne so you just get a pepper shaker and pepper yourself.
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agreed, spics are almost worst than niggers.
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>kys self hating faggot

>anime avatar

Spotted Captain Autismo. I really don't see why you care about race when it's so obvious that your genetics will never pass on. Go smell your fleshlight- that's what biological failure smells like.
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Even Tejanos hate beaners. Nuke Commiefornia.
Says the nigger
>Filthy kike
No one uses meztiso at all, and seriously you retards assuming everything is Kike's is getting annoying. Know when it is or look like a fucking retard. I know more about Nat Soc than you ever will faggot. i read Irving up the ass, Mein Kampf and his second book, Hitler's table talk and watched TGSNT like 4 times, Go fuck yourself. And that's only those small sources, not to mention the other books and documentaries.
>texas have decent spics

t. Cuckservative

Texas isn't even in the top ten most redpilled states any more. Less than 50% white, but continues to push the "m-muh tejanos are bros" meme. The rest of the south plus Indiana, Missouri, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas are all far more redpilled (and white for that matter, though Mississippi and Bama are slipping) than Mexas.
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Hopefully, this will be the future of illegal spics, spic gang banger drug mules, coyotes, and those that refuse to become citizens to have a "way out". Pic related.
>Wrong, my mother was illegal and became legal before I was born, my uncle is illegal and my only Latina gf was illegal but also pretty white washed
I don't get what you're implying. I'm talking about legal Hispanics now being unable to report illegals they know not ones who became legal.
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Dont know why some of you faggots say Texas mexicans are based

Only 29% voted Trump
Over 50% of open murder warrants in Dallas are on Mexicans that fled to Mexico

A shitskin is a shitskin no matter their location

They're worse than every type of white except white muslims

But it's not. You're connected via a border to Latin America. Living in land that was once part of Mexico. White America is dying, sorry bro. Time to move to Canada :^)
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>We are the future
>Mexico has never been able to advance past being a crime ridden corrupt 3rd world shithole
I don't think so Mordecai
Not surprised whites hate every race even their own.

non mexican spic here, mexicans aren't even humble, they act like their nationality makes them better than the "gringos" and treat other hispanic groups like absolute shit, they think they run latin america and dont shut up about being proud of being born a mexican like it's an achievement.
They just passed a no sanctuary law and an anti trans faggot law

But why? My girl is Chicana, so she tastes like spices all over her body. Do white people eat shit or something?
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>Less than 50% white, but continues to push the "m-muh tejanos are bros" meme.
you sound like a faggot from Austin. if you look at places like Houston you can see there's a clear majority that tend to lean right on issues simply because of their catholic faith. Now if you're just mad because your state isn't majority white anymore then I don't know what to tell you. To me the solution is to focus on assimilation rather than wait for Hitler to pop out from grave and kill everyone that isn't white.
says the spic
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you reddit fags are so easy to spot

Mexico is fucked, that's why so many people are fleeing in the first place. But here in America, they can actually advance themselves without fear of getting their heads chopped off by drug cartels. Oh yeah, who supports the drug cartels again? I forgot...
From talking to them and not making your opinion on them from memes on /pol/
>hates hispanic
i bet you praise black and worship jews

What can I say? I'm an English grammar nerd. Can we just be friends? I've always wanted an autistic pet.
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Actually, where I live was never a colony of Spain, or part of the Mexican "empire".

And you might as well face facts. We took the land fair and square when we crushed the spic army. And you won't conquer it with immigration. You'll have to take it with spilled blood.

And there are plenty of legal spics who don't want the corruption and cartel wars that reunion with Meh-hee-cho will bring. Whites outside of liberal enclaves will start shooting spics. And the niggers sure as hell don't want more competition from criminal spics.

"La Raza" and "La Reconquista" are just spic pipe dreams and circle jerks.

Then why are you bitching? You've got nothing to fear, right? Just keep browing 4chins and everything will be alright.
theyre the low iq genetic detritus of their people. just like the stormweenies here on /pol/
>Look, rabbi, I posted it again
All I can think of is that most white people tend to process lactose differently than other races, so maybe that has something to do with why they have that rancid milk odor about them.
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>I'm an English grammar nerd.
>why white people smell bad
whatever you say poorfag
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The same thing could be said of you, white bois.
Same here. Whites literally smell like pee
Uh why are so many American corporations building vast infrastructure in Mexico then?
Kek, Indiana did that shit years ago. Get back to me when you're frying fairies like we do.

My state is 85% non-Hispanic white, I just call it like I see it.

PS your "right leaning catholic Mexicans" voted less than 35% republican this election.

So... does this mean we can't be friends? I can build you a dog house out back and feed you wet food every other day.
Wow I literally cannot believe Hispanics would refuse to vote for a man who repeatedly insulted, threatened, and stoked animus against them as the core of his platform
you're trying too hard
>Where do people get the idea that spics are humble, polite and accepting of others?

Those who hold these ideas aren't racist pieces of shit who get their perception of people based on memes and bigotry
It's not at all surprising to me, it's annoying when cuckservatives claim "Le based black/Mexican guy in a trump hat XD"

Can you be my autistic pet since Captain Autismo is too shy?
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>calling people autistic while trying to RP with people
Yeah congrats, you've contributed to the terminal decline of American nationhood by building a coalition of enemies who will reflexively oppose every last position you take until your only option will be insurgency or immigration from a two-tiered country of small haves and vast have-nots
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>voted less than 35% republican this election.
is that supposed to be shocking? they don't vote at all to begin with so i'm not surprised
Fully agree

White people have been bitching and bitching these past few years


and then the second you treat them fair they turn on you


/pol/ did this to me

Go away. You're way too autistic for my liking.
>Where do people get the idea that spics are humble, polite and accepting of others?
Same place they get the idea that blacks are cool, hip, assertive gentlemen.

It's a (((scam))).
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And what?

Whites are gods gift to the human race?

Fuck off you land stealing slave driver
you're trying too hard
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entirely peddled by beans themselves

pro-tip: any ameriflag defending beans on 4chan is a bean themselves
and no, they're not "white" hispanic either (95% chance)
>you would totally call me white irl bro!
is that what you parents kept telling you after you found your way back home?
If they aren't honest hard workers then why are so many people willing to do business with them?

I know many business owners who fucking love working with Mexicans because whites are entitled and steal from their employers
You're failing too hard

Whites won't exists in 100 years
>Whites won't exists in 100 years
how is that a concern for me?
Good question, you shouldn't. I unironically think I'm better than all of you
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demographics can be changed very quickly.
>proud of being a ballast
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>this one assblasted spic who thinks he's saging the thread but fucked it up somehow because it keeps bumping anyway
shoo, beaner
yeah but u r gay :DDD
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except for all the white kids being born literally this second.
I have only met two Urgayans and were dirty buttsluts.
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Compared to how many non-whites chunky?
Have you ever done business with whites? Most are thieves and whiners. Many are drug addicts as well. If not alcoholics, then weed or Adderall abusers. If not any of those then they're on meth or heroin

Compare to the Mexican who works a weekly flat rate, never complains, and has a few good jokes to tell every once in a while
I don't have exact numbers.
>Mexico is fucked, that's why so many people are fleeing in the first place
stay and fight for your country. Bunch of lazy cowards. Make Mexico great for once.
>who supports the drug cartels again?
the same (((people))) that support open borders
Is that why Hispanics have higher theft rates than whites and all other crime rates?

I won't speak to drug use and alcohol as you could very well be right on that, but Hispanics steal more than whites. It's fact.
we are polite, you fat cunt
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You land stealing, slave drivers are funny

You and I both know they would call her "white"

The white race is going the way of the do-do bird
>higher theft rates

Blow it out your ass vanilla cakes

You stole America

My irish ancestors literally cooked burger boys since the government allowed them to freely kidnap children during the US-Mex war.

obviously they raped the loli burgers

and that's how me and canelo came to be
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If Jews (0.2% of the world population) can manage to survive, why can't whites?

Let me ask you a serious question. When will white people in Finland die out? How about Nova Scotia. Serious question. You seem so sure of yourself.
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every race has been stealing land and enslaving since the dawn of time. Leftist conveniently ignore this fact for anti-white propaganda. kill yourself
No they don't
Whites on this board try to pretend like they don't

Sage in all fields
Oh look, now white man is trying to play civil.

I'm sure you'll get around to calling me nigger shortly after I post data.

There's no need, it's extremely clear that whites are losing power and will continue to do so as your populations decrease.

Typically I don't cheer, but I've been called nigger 30 times this week, so I'm attitude is changing a bit.
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>humble, polite and accepting of others?

Where in the ever loving FUCK did you get that idea?

Neither will this planet thanks to global warming.

We ruled the planet for millennia, crushing you under the heels of our jackboot. And now, on the precipice of your "turn", a bunch of old white guys are going to set in motion a chain of events that will leave the planet a radioactive husk. Space colonisation is just a distraction to keep your eyes off the prize.

We ruled the past, and we destroyed the future.

Kiss my ass one more time baby.
>thanks to global warming



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Can you answer the question, pube head?

"When will white people in Finland die out? How about Nova Scotia. Serious question. You seem so sure of yourself."

I mean it might just be a meme, but some aspects could be true. Rising ocean temperatures could wipe out certain ecosystems. Knock on effects could drastically reduce food supply.

What I'm saying is I welcome climate change, I see it as a plus.
>I've had multiple white friends who I stopped talking to becauase they smell like ass 24/7.
generally when your a faggot whose constantly getting butt fucked you're going smell ass on everyone when it's really you
Finland is being enriched as we speak.

Only retards obsessed with incest live in Nova Scotia so that's just a matter of time.
Me too. Hot countries (shit skin countries) will be FUCKED if the Earth's temp goes up even by 3 or 4 degrees celsius. We would see mass exodus and shit skins escape for cooler and more prosperous lands. Millions upon millions would die.
And humanity will go drown the drain Whitout Whites

Self-BTFO at its finest
>implying that shaming these people has only negative effects
It's character building to call people on their bullshit.
The Latrino community needs to police their own before martial law does it for them, this is a fundamentally friendly dialogue we have here.
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You're skirting the question. One last reply. Give me a YEAR, if you're so sure about yourself. Bonus points if you can include figures to back up your claim.
Are there more of these poems for other races/ethnicities?
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You whites are so insecure

What am I a fucking math magician?

Get fucked faggot
White people flush their own toilet paper I'm told
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>math magician
mathematician is the proper word. I wouldn't expect a nigger ape with pubic hair on his head to know the difference. bang rocks, shit skin

> finland being enriched

you mean giving free plane rides back to where they came from? not even refugees last 2 winters there. shitskin.
It's almost as if those contradictory statements come from different people.
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