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So, /pol/, who is /ourguy/ in this election? https://uk.reu

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So, /pol/, who is /ourguy/ in this election?

If we're talking policies, Salvini is the closest one but he's never going to be elected, he's a walking joke of a redneck, I cringe just at picturing him meeting with over world leaders.

So what are the odds of the cuck Renzi getting into power?
Unluckily he is our best bet.
I d say it is a bit hard. Even if he (or anyone else)were to win we would just have elections again cause they need to fix a few related laws and shit.
I'd say they are pretty good, Berlusconi is a fuck up with a shitload of legal problems and a complete establishment sellout and M5S are never going to win because they're casuals and they refuse coalitions.

FWICT it will either be Grillo or Renzi, and the latter is a has-been due to being BTFO back in december.
Salvini of course. If you don't vote for him you are a retard.
25% imho
If people like Alberto Bagnai or Claudio Borghi are rednecks then I'm proud of being a redneck.
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Salvini IS /ourguy/
also friendly reminder that m5s are shills
Just vote FdI then, we need to get them over 5% or we lose their seats if this new system passes, with their seats the center right coalition would be the biggest one by a significant margin
Salvini will earn much more vote than the one (((polls))) or last elections showed. Like mine, that I would have voted m5s in the past.
very good
Fratelli d'Italia will probably form a coalition with Salvini and other nationalists/sovereignists.
Voting is a meme in Italy tho, we are close to live under a dictatorship
Would being in a coalition exclude them from the 5% threshold? I'm not sure actually
He has giant balls like ROCKS.
goddamn, bretty good
You really underestimate italians' short memory and the "silent majority" effect. For many years everyone talked shit about Berlusconi but he kept being elected
I really wish he presented himself better, I'm probably going to vote for him but I'm not too optimistic about him winning as long as he keeps expressing himself like someone who had too much grappa
Yes, you can listen to latest Nicola Porro's press review explaining that (one of the few good journalists in Italy)
Oh good, it would be sad seeing their seats go to PD and M5S cucks
>t. expat dishwasher in London

If you want a mainstream candidate Salvini is very good: he actually mentioned white (Italian) genocide in public without sounding like a total freak. If you're from the south and can't really get yourself or your relatives to vote for him, Meloni is your best alternative. Truth is M5S is pulling big numbers especially in the economically depressed south, where they filled the void left by Berlusconi's crumbling party. If there were a solid conservative, christian, traditionalist, anti-immigration party they would likely vote for it instead of M5S - which is what Salvini is trying to do, albeit with only little success so far.

As for me I'll likely vote Salvini since where I live LN will dominate hands down. But if he manages to create a large right wing coalition - which I highly hope, as they'd have the numbers to govern - I might vote further to the right (FN, CP) depending on who joins.
If you believe that participating in the jewish system, playing by the jewish laws will make any difference, you're a fool.

(((They))) wouldn't make a system where the will of the people truly mattered
Italy has to leave the EU if it wants to uncuck itself. All european nations need to.
this. I can get that Lega had some meme people in it, but every party had them at some point.
I'm from Tuscany and it's a honor that LN chose to put Borghi in my region.
I think the real problem is Berlusconi at this point.
Salvini doesn't want a coalition with Berlusca because he knows they have different views on some key points (such as EU) and he also said that he wants to be PM.
Berlusconi is shilling EU and wants to candidate one of his party as PM.

They can't win if they side only with Fratelli d'Italia. I think we're gifting the next elections to either PD or M5S
You're the fool for being conditioned into being such a nihilist with no will to fight. Your indifference is what it takes for the elite to win, they don't need to put forth an actual dictatorship as long as the people refuse to take advantage of their freedom because it's hard and boring
>Truth is M5S is pulling big numbers especially in the economically depressed south,

I'm looking at the map, it's like this:
>Northern and Southern Italy both vote for Berlusconi's party
>Sicily, another island and Adriatic coast vote for 5 start movement
>everything else is split between establishment parties
You HAVE to vote for him. Especially if he does a good coalition with other sovereignists, actually every single point of his program are clear, well explained and supported by greatest economists like Bagnai and Borghi (who also had a relevant international position as economists)
I'm not optimistic too about the win I just think he can achieve a good percentage at the parliament with m5s who is extremely weak (has no homogeneous ideology and confused program)
I just hope Renzi wil get politically destroyed as he destroyed Italy with is politics and with his lies.
Yes, he explained white genocide pretty good, he is much more intelligent than how it seems
Fucking awesome
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>ywn destroy a gypsy camp with your buddy Salvini
why even live?
>For many years everyone talked shit about Berlusconi
Wait, seriously? In the British media, Berlusconi was always portrayed as being pretty popular with average Italians. "He's one of us" kind of sentiment.
>Lega Nord
>Divide the country
>Our guys
How about you kill yourself ?
What map are you looking at?
the gossip, sex scandals and legal issues were hammered by most of the media non-stop.
He didn't play nth-D chess and his reputation was eroded pretty quickly.
Lega Nord stopped advocating Padanian separatism some years ago if I'm correct
this kind of shit along with the 12932324 sweatshirts is what makes him look an idiot even though he's not one
most people joked about him being just like them, but few would admit seeing him as a legitimate politician, with all the gaffes and legal problems... Luckily for him the italian left before Renzi was full of unlikeable cucks who didn't hold a candle to him
Really relevant to the general election. Don't try to talk about things you don't understand
I think separatism is no more a part of Lega Nord's program.
That's why the first gen of leghisti who rallied for Bossi are still pretty butthurt
>that webm
he sounds like a schizo on /pol/

Bossi the retard is still there with his old guard and he already stated they don't recognize Salvini as a leader.

AKA Lega (nord) is a scam
Lol yeah that's why Poland and Hungary do whatever they want
Who knows what they're going to do if they eventually get in power. I sure as hell won't vote for these kikes.
Yes you are right, probably "Nord" in "Lega Nord" will also be removed. Bossi is just raging for having lost primaries
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>t. Macron
fuck off nigger and stop blowing Junker's.
Salvini is not Bossi and there's nothing wrong with a US-style federalization.
correct. Atm they want to uncuck Italy, protect the borders, exit EU, fix Italy and then and only then federalize it.
Soros actually does those things, you american mutt piece of shit.
Can Berlusconi block the shitskins? (((They))) removed him because of that
Il re!
Maybe but he still wants to stay in EU so it wouldn't last long.
>Lega Nord stopped advocating Padanian separatism some years ago if I'm correct


Art. 1 - Finalità
“Lega Nord per l’Indipendenza della Padania”
(di seguito indicato come “Lega Nord”, “Lega Nord

Padania” o “Movimento”), è un movimento politico co
nfederale costituito in forma di associazione non
riconosciuta che ha per finalità il conseguimento d
ell’indipendenza della Padania attraverso metodi
democratici e il suo riconoscimento internazionale
quale Repubblica Federale indipendente e sovrana.
That's literally /our guy/. I hope he wins.
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>he is much more intelligent than how it seems
I have to agree. At first I thought he was oke-ish, just your average right wing guy with a hint of regionalism, but he grew on me over time. I think he's hiding some power levels.

Feels bad man.

>lives in France
I'm not an expert on Italian politics, so forgive my ignorance. But how does the Lega Nord just all of a sudden stop advocating separatism? It doesn't make any sense. Isn't that the whole point of their existence? It's like if McDonald's stopped selling burgers and started selling sushi.

No one, salvini will never win and berlusconi got his head so far up his ass that either grillo or pd is going to win

Salvini and Meloni without any doubt
Work hard to let him get the 20%. He's already at 14%. He will win inside a coaliton if he has 20+%.

M5S are gatekeepers. They are a fraud.
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>Nelle elezioni del Parlamento della Padania del 1997 è candidato capolista della corrente dei Comunisti Padani
t. pic related

One thing I never got: does the Northern League run any candidates outside of Northern Italy? Do they have some sort of affiliated parties in Southern Italy or something? If not, who do Southern Italians vote for if they want a nationalist conservative party?
>But how does the Lega Nord just all of a sudden stop advocating separatism?

It never did.
Everyone is a statist and a socialist, why would I even bother to vote?
I'll vote for Salvini just because I fucking despise gypsies and he's somewhat boots on the ground, but I am pro EU (kick out germany and france commies tho, and gib back UK) and I believe we should have a common set of laws.

Europe must be white and united once again.
>It never did.
Then they shouldn't get elected.
LN also had strong anti-immigration policy, some typical right wing stances on the economy, and was part of Berlusconi's right wing coalition years ago. Therefore over time separatism mutated into federalism.

From that to mainstream right wing party the jump is shorter than it looks. It's still advocating for federalism though (or regionalism, call it as you wish).
This. Also polls are fucking idiotic
Salvini also has a party that is more oriented for southerners called Noi con Salvini.
Same thing, different logo/name. It's there not to scare terroni brainlets who didn't get the memo that Bossi is no longer in charge.
Benito Mussolini was in the italian socialist party and he also used to be the director of the official socialist party newspaper, what's your point?
Fuck off (((expat)))
>Nelle elezioni del Parlamento della Padania del 1997 è candidato capolista della corrente dei Comunisti Padani
>a literal national socialist
>somehow /pol/ is supposed to have a problem with that
Also, if you're one of those expats who abandoned their country for a few more shekels you should shut the fuck up
>Nelle elezioni del Parlamento della Padania del 1997 è candidato capolista della corrente dei Comunisti Padani
tfw it's true and he's now a disillusioned leftist [pic relevant].

>Benito Mussolini was in the italian socialist party
Yep, pic also relevant.
National socialism is great, fuck off.
Kek. I didn't abandon my country, i'm going home soon.
So what's our option if we're not voting LN ?
>So what's our option if we're not voting LN ?
This (>>127599743) is my plan.
M5S has been silent about the new law that would make coalition the only way to win
If we are getting an axis M5S, Lega Nord, Fratelli d'Italia i'm gonna get a really hard erection
The smartest thing to do would be and axis m5s ln, but 5s doesn't even think about it because they are a fraud. And their view anti-ue anti-euro is fake.
I don't really know about them being a Fraud
For now the cities they are governing are not doing bad
Torino for example is being attacked because they do not enough (((cultural exposition)))
While Rome on the on the hand was known to be corrupted as fuck, so it will take time

I will either vote them or fratelly d'italia btw
But for truth's sake they said they would make an eu referendum, even though their goal was to reform it
Italy is fucked anyway:

>Campi Flegrei: otto studi in 5 anni confermano i rischi di eruzione

Seats are assigned by coalition votes, not by party votes. Even if FdI gets 4%, if they're in a coalition with FI and Lega, their 4% is added to the coalition votes.
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Lega Nord and Berlusconi obviously. But they aren't getting majority so best bet it to hope 5 star movment aren't left leaning cucks are are agaisnt immigration, their leader also praised Trump and Brexit and called Maron win a fail. He also doesn't want this scale of immigration (I think)
More like
and marginally but still catastrophically
>The world
M5S are cryptojews and they are now pro (((EU)))
yes but we would die with a smile knowing that Napoletani would be gone for ever
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She needs to be President, badly...
It could turn out be the spark the lights the powder keg.

She's not even THAT good looking, 6.5/10 maybe.
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why don't we make our party? what's the worst thing that can happen?
kind of nymph looking tho
m5s can't be trusted. ideologically weak and confused movement with actually 0 experience in politics

Then you must have sensational women in Italy, because this one is an easy 10, doesn't even look like she's trying hard, either.
renzie = hillary
grillo = bernie
salvini = LePen
forza italia = jeb

we are fucked. im gonna vote meloni (3% at best)
Blank vote it is
Can't bring myself to vote for Berlusconi: meme game too shabby and you just know he'll make lots of compromises with Renzi
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Daily Reminder that the Five Star Movement is our best bet for an eventual Italian exit
Tell me why I'm wrong, Italiabros
una cosa ceh BOH io certe volte non vi capisco, siete in una board internazionale a parlare di politica italiana, che non frega un cazzo nemmeno agli italiani
>perchè realmente non frega un cazzo a nessuno, se ve ne siete accorti la politica di oggi è "X dice questo, se io tengo X allora va bene, se io tengo Y allora X fa cagare e proporrò l'esatto opposto!"

che neanche alle elementari, e state tutti parlando in inglese. che problemi avete? cazzo hanno risposto solo italiani, parlate italiano no?
5-star or lega nord. They both want the niggers and sandniggers to stop coming.
They also look based. Are they fascists?
Tangentopoli 2: Electric Boogaloo

Grillo never mentioned the Kalergi Plan, as far as I know
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>mentioned the Kalergi Plan
Did somebody mention it?!
We speak in english since we can inform the rest of the world in this way, there are some foreign people in the discussion if you hadn't noticed.
Also if you're not interested in politics vote for cuck-renzi like all the other brainlets and watch our country get flooded with shit-skins and rape-fugees alongside the rest of europe.
The right wing coalition could well get the 35% needed for the majority prize if they band together.

They know that if they go on their own they'll loose to M5S (which no one wants in power because they could do some awful shit on a national scale like in Rome) and PD (which would be a disaster and we would became France 2.0).

Lega, FI and FdI will compromise something like their stance on Europe and band together, mark my words
it's a classic nationalist right wing party
But again it's a shitty 3% at best so if lega nord manage to do a good campaign im gonna vote for them
It's 40% and it's to the party, not to the coalition, nobody is going to get it
It can't be to the party

No one would vote such a law that could never happen
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