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Have you lost any friends due to accidental or purposeful reveal

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Have you lost any friends due to accidental or purposeful reveal of your power level, /pol/? I sometimes wish I was a normie.
Woe from wit, eh.

but isn't everyone in russia supposed to be racist and redpilled ?

what happened anon ?
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I have no friends and haven't had any in many years. I guess I think of you guys as my friends.
>purposeful reveal of your power level

There are lines you can't cross. As the nation that lost the most people during WWII, nazi stuff doesn't fly well there.
You're my only friend too, Satan.
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It was a chick from Netherlands, an online friend. Kinda sad to see her go.
Autism. There are stories of /pol/acks doing this on purpose because some retarded reason.
Naw, man, my cucky friends know me for spewing all kinds of bullshit. They just roll their eyes passive agressively or laugh nervously, but that's all.
Don't fool me rabbi, I know a real German would get a mandatory voluntary straponing for anything remotely not lefty.
i have 8 real friends and they accepted my power level. The rest left me a long time ago.
Tell me Sven, is life in Sweden truly the way memes portray it?
Outside of obvious no-go zones like migrant quartals, ghettos, streets, hospitals, libraries, shops, airports, wilderness, stations, historical sites, squares and sex-shops.[
I've never lost anyone but they're all aware of my power level.

I almost got into a physical fight with a buddy a couple of weeks ago over whether or not being gay should be normalised in Russia
>getting in a fight over Russian gays
...Be honest, are you two Irish?
And what's your opinion on the matter?
How autistic do you exactly have to be to reveal your power level? Everyone I know irl and online thinks I'm some leftist socialist sjw. Nobody knows and I'm keeping it that way so the infiltration, subversion, and sabotaging of certain groups I'm involved in can continue. Instead of just hiding what you know, you can use what you know to destroy the left from the inside.
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Close, we're both Scottish
My view was that if the majority of Russians oppose it in their country then no one has the right to tell them what to do. His view was that it was wrong and that Russians should be forced to accept it whether they like it or not.
People online don't generally mind my conservative attitude when they learn I'm from Bulgaria, where this is the standard.
I dont live in a city so i dont know about that,but its getting worse. we have crap security with retarded cops, laws and shitty army. Housing market is really bad, shitty hospitals and more and more big companies are leaving sweden because of our tax system. I live in lappland and there's only 100 people ni my city. Iam half russian(tatar from my mothers side),but sadly i dont know russian. How's life in russia?
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Yes...but that's happened to me since as far back as I can remember.

I remember being in 3/4th grade and telling the teacher about what I learned on the Discovery channel, that we evolved from monkeys and all like has genetic roots.

A kid overheard me and began crying...balling his eyes out as he said "We didn't come from monkey! It's not true!"

The teacher just smiled at me and I took my leave as she consoled him. Same teacher that wispered the word "bullshit" to me on the last day of school.

Shit still happened to this day...but I won't change because the facts don't, reality doesn't bend so neither will I.

Fuck em.

Not from revealing my power level, but by choice. I realized several years ago that the people around me were locked in a degenerate life and weren't interested in changing, so I left. Now I'm basically like this => >>127580666
guy, except I don't think of any of you as my friend either.
Well, ask him if he'd like to make beastiality fully legal. That's the level homosexuality here is at: a big no-no. You can do it, but behind closed doors and doing it will ruin your reputation if someone finds out.
Problem with Russian gays is, they cargo-cult the gay pride parades without thinking about the different mentality.
We Russians do not like bright expressions of emotions. That's displayed most openly with our view on smiles: we think Americans smile excessively, too much and thus run the value of it into the ground, while foreigners think Russians are always grumpy and constipated for third week straight.
So when someone puts on a frilly thong, paints his beard green and goes 'RESPECT ME FOR WHAT I AM', he's hitting two no-nos: faggotry and extensive attention seeking, combined with emotions and sexuality display.
We largely don't give a shit what people do behind closed doors. It becomes a problem when they feel the urge to stuff it in our faces and want us to be acceptant.
Russians tolerate gays, but do not like or accept them easily.

Actually no. I only talk about it to mature people though, who already have some life experience. Most of them go into deep thought and kind of agree. I give them time and don't press. THEY KNOW SOMETHING HAS BEEN GOING WRONG.

Some of them disagree, and we end up agreeing to disagree. I think those will eventually turn as well, because they too know something has been going wrong.

My strategy is to make it personal for them. I take the parts of their life that don't work and connect them to tolerance and globalization.
Quite the opposite, i seem to attract people with "unusual" views, and even going full sperglord nazi rants would be vanilla levels of crazy for them.
even kek thinks you're a loser
>Swedish army
First time I found out you had tank industry was when they were added in WoT.
>Russian life
Decent. People are getting upset over the bad economy, but it's fine: far from a revolutionary situation.
Things are generally going fine, I have to say. More attention is being paid to actual country development. Can't say life's good, but it is decent and I am happy to live here.
Right fucking now though I'm, same as Moscow and the region around it, are in middle of a small storm. Six people died, a chunk of my roof fell off.
I hope you're ok
No. See flag.

>online prostitute

you should be delighted
Chill mate, it's not 'trees are getting torn outta the ground, gang up and fly after the cars through the air' tier. Just really shit weather, most of it is gone now.
> reveal power level
> lost friends
Sometimes the trash takes itself out.
i am too cool too
My best friends are practically neo-Confederates and I know how to keep my mouth shut in public, so no.
I think of you as my friend t-
get out
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jokes on you I don't have friends
I reveal my power level in appropriate situations. Im constantly making anti semetic jokes when im drunk
No. Anyone that retarded wasn't your friend and you should be more discriminatory.
8 is a good number for legit friends. I have maybe two or three of I count my ex, but I still want to fuck her so I don't really consider her a friend exactly.
I lost my friends because they were sjws so now it really doesn't matter how much of my "power level" i reveal
Why would you possibly want to subject yourself to become friends with degenerate leftist retards?
>an online friend
You can't fuck her over the Internet, anon.
>we Russians do not like bright expressions of emotions
>we think Americans smile excessively, too much and thus run the value of it into the ground, while foreigners think Russians are always grumpy and constipated for third week straight
Same here to be honest. I fucking dislike that overly friendly attitude westerners have. Honestly, I went to a certain for about a month, and what stuck out to me was the way some people reacted to me being "out-of-it" because I was tired, I appeared "gloomy" to them - they treated me like a 8 year old kid and kept asking me what was wrong; what was worrying me, shit like that.

Anyway to move on to a more interesting thing, if homosexuality is such a big NO, I wonder what's your stance on transsexuals. What do you people do when you see one?
certain country*
my best friend angrily calls me a racist on a regular basies. We are still best friends.
I have told family members that Hitler was right and that trannies are mentally ill. We are still family.

You will NEVER EVER lose anyone from your life that is worth keeping with views that you have developed while on /pol/.
Mostly make jokes or treat about same as homosexuals. They're seen as the same bunch.
Transsexuals are rare here. You wouldn't see a guy in a dress who's wearing it because he wants to properly show his true feminine side, you'd at best see him in a dress because he is sure that as Napoleon the First, true King of Europa and Lands Attached, he must wear the most good-looking attire.
I remember a news report on that a trans - MtF, - got tossed in the male part of a police jail due to prostitution or something.
Sex change, documents-wise, here is legal if you lose the balls.

Nope. It's actually very easy to occasionally drop borderline redpilled comments every now and then without people catching on. Rationalization goes like this

1. "I'm a good person, a liberal"
2. "Online nazis are something completely alien, something completely vicious and strange and monstrous"
3. "I could never be friends with someone like that"
4. "So if I hear something that might lead me to suspect the person is an online nazi, I'm going to rationalize it as a joke or through some other political lens"

quite easy to hide in plain sight if you know how
>revealing power level ever, why?
Because it's insanity trying to live in a crazy world where you're the only sane person you know and you can't talk about it

Maybe because people need to be exposed.

Maybe because hiding our power level is how less than 10,000 people are able to unjustly rule over 8 billion people
Damned if I know, I have yet to see one. And I live in Moscow a.k.a. degeneracy central (title disputed by St. Petersburg)
As a proud black man of ancient nubian origin living in Australia I haven't lost many close friends from revealing my power level I've only lost casual acquaintances the few times I've brought up the issues of colonialism/white privilege/systematic racism in public. Glad to have lost them desu as there is no place in the afro centric revolution for racist white (((people)))
what business do you have with our girls?
Don't make us put more sanctions on you
I dropped some cunts who revealed their power levels. They went from vaguely cucked to outspoken cultmarxists over the course of a year or so and it was just too bad, cos we had some good times.
It's weird when people who you could talk shit with about any topic ended up doing the eyeroll-fishmouth combo while saying "that's so not okay to joke about." Especially when their main motivation is so obviously signalling moral virtue. Maybe one day they'll deradicalise but I doubt it.
The left has power levels too, but they're not very clandestine about it.
>sex change, documents-wise, here is legal if you lose the balls
The way they're treated is more or less deserved, though. I am okay with people doing that if they're actually ill and medicine doesn't have any effects on them - they don't really have any choice.
But I am not okay with any random people deciding to turn into women just because they feel like it - which is the large majority of that group.
I haven't seen one either, but I think I'll remain with my current stance until I see one in person.
Nope. My best friends were Bernie bros but I helped redpill them during the election. My gf is still disappointingly liberal but she and her friends know not to talk politics to me.
Most of my friends are reasonable people and listen to reason. That's the thing, as long as you make reasoned arguments in the presence of reasonable people, you should expect results. I can easily defend my beliefs which is nice a lot of times considering I attend a liberal university (UT).

There was one time one of my friends called me racist in front of all my friends (she was a socialist/communist sympathizer). I simply asked her why and we had a discussion about the refugee crisis in which I countered her every point with a liberal defense. She's never said anything like that to me ever again and she's even agreed with me sometimes now.
>Punk girl wants to add me on Facebook
>Says she's seen me before at some bar in the Bay Area
>Sure, okay.
>She finds me cute, likes my statuses, etc.
>Randomly go on an open rant about Antifa, not targeting any friends about it
>She deletes me immediately
>Realize she was affiliated with such scum
>Every time we cross paths she has this hatefuck "I still like you" attitude and probably thinks I'm a nazi (I am NatSoc lol)

Whatever. I hope the gestapo comes back.
Oh no, what will I ever do without duo penotti, flowers and faggots of both sexea, your primary exports.
It's good here, in terms of SJW shit. Biggest feminist social network group has like fifty thousand users, and that's from across all Russian-speaking internet.
Only things feminists do here is photoshopping them on red square towers and whining. Russia's already too biased for women to let the social justice filth achieve anything.
Welcome to the future, anon!

>It was a chick from Netherlands, an online friend. Kinda sad to see her go.
you are better off without dutch coalburning whores
>hatefucking a punk chick
Why must this push on my kinks, anon?
>but I won't change because the facts don't, reality doesn't bend so neither will I.
poetry anon.
Yes, but I've also made new friends for the same reason and they're way cooler
I've gained friends. The hatred of all that is SJW is abundant and spreading.
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>Have you lost any friends due to accidental or purposeful reveal of your power level, /pol/?

No, instead I redpilled them all. Some of them still resist the holohaux myth but I'm slowly getting there.
i don't have normie type friends anyway. the only friends i have are long terms who i could say anything to. i dont think they are friends if they go away, just acquaintances who come and go anyway.
What did kek mean by this?
That you're subjugation material.
I didn't reveal my powerlevel but I did call my former liberal friend a neocon for wanting war with Syria and defending the Libyan intervention simply because Clinton had a role.
So close!
>can't lose friends if you don't have any friends

get on my level senpai
Being military, I can get away with my power level. Only with male military though. Gotta watch myself with woman military. Most military guys are more right leaning, which is nice.
>I know that feel.
My best friends back from school were brain dead alcoholic smokers, they even used drugs on some occasion.
Fucking left that group when i got job... now i only see my coworkers as friends and also same as this>>127580666

you merican in korea ?

you have qt korean gf ? makes it worth joining military ?

how do people feel about the holocaust in poland ?
Yes,yes, absolutely not. Dont join the military for women. Absolutely not worth it.
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Totally different in Poland cause Wermacht actually murdered polish people en masse, not in concentration camps like (((they))) would have us believe but still. So basically anything that darkens what germans did gets approval in polish society no matter if it's true or not.

That's why people are extremely resistant to the holohaux truth.
Kys fag
holy shit
I disowned every person I knew who voted Hllary or Bernie
The I realized my life is so much better with out them and they have been my literal enemies for years.
I talk about friends, not strangers. If you can't talk offensive shit around your friends, they're not your friends but colleagues or something else.
>My gf is still disappointingly liberal
isn't this a huge red flag and a ticking relationship-timebomb though? Thought about it?
No, I've cut off people that revealed their power level though.
First of all your job is not to please everyone, but to have people around you that genuinely are your friends, even if they disagree with you politically.
Second of all it doesn't matter what women think about politics, their opinions in this area is useless, so don't even attempt talking with them about that.
The only thing that matters is that a women accepts you leading her.
I gassed 3 friends for voting for hillary
now all my other friends are scared
Sometimes the autistic rage takes over man
Inform him that he needs to be more culturally sensitive to Russians
yes and also I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time before I'm reported to HR for revealing my power level at work.
I'm a foreigner, still white, and revealed my power level all the time in school. Even talking about racial differences and shit. Also, they couldn't compete with me in terms of grades, so they knew their place and had to give credence to my arguments. What I learned was that this generation is cucked beyond saving.
Not really, I always just drop small redpills and act very reasonable IRL, but at the same time i let them know what mudslimes, blacks and others do. You cant just go full racist, just small news, some info here and there.

If you push people they will resist. Feed them a little and let them form their own opinions. It works the best, you will turn your friends more conservative, not loose them.
Truth. Also hiding your power level is the worst subversive meme ever invented.

Want to change the world for the better for your children? Better fucking start speaking out.
I'm friends with everyone on here except leafs.
I agree. Then again, you better know your facts and data before talking about stuff you can't substantiate. Most normies are severely underinformed and don't know shit about the actual numbers. I'd say the vast majority isn't even aware that whites are getting replaced all over the world. So, when they try to argue against your case, they will always lose.
This tell them they're being an anti multicultural xenophobe
Why is Russia such a based country and why must I live in this shitty one?
Don't let your grandpa hear that.
I even lost my sister because of this.

She moved to Denmark to live with some numale LGBT activist.

And then she called me and complain that he doesn't work and constantly taking her to house parties where everyone fall unconscious from overdose in matter of seconds.
Also, her neighbours was gay transgender couple from Oman.

I tell her to fuck off. It was pretty hilarious.
Yes probably. But the ADD fucks me up so badly, I don't really care.
At parties, I get drunk and speak poorly about black people and freely use the word "nigger" in my rants.

People tend to get really pissed off and yell at me.

The funny joke is that I am black, but I sound normal (not like a nigger). I don't get invited to parties anymore.
people like me for it because im straight forward and never lie
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