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>he took russia with no shots fired >he took crimea with

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>he took russia with no shots fired
>he took crimea with no shots fired
>he took the usa with no shots fired

What will he take next?
>took russia with no shots fired
Actually he blowing everyone and provoked war in Chechnya
Open your eyes.... oh wait, your Finnish.
My heart <3
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your soul
He can have my country, I don't give a shit any more, at least annex oslo
According to Swedish Kike media, he will invade Sweden tomorrow.
They been saying that for 7 years straight.
Not once stopping to say anything else.

They also praise Hillary on a daily basis.

So, I don't think I trust kike-media anymore.
>he took headshot with no brain damaged.
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came to post this
The West
ur anal virginity, faggot.
but shots will be fired then
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>What will he take next?

Any money that he can lay his hands on. And that ain't much.
>ur anal virginity, faggot.
> implying
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kek, have a (you).
>he blowing everyone

The world

He fired plenty of shots in Chechnya when he took power though. The glorious Muslim purge was what got him so much support to begin with.
He's going to take his medicine, because his health is shot. This is his last term and he'll retire to spend more time with his money (and then his successor will...take steps)
>Glorious Muslim purge

No, please don't, ah you monster... Stay away...
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just leave this here
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How much longer is your JEW economics going to last?
They would level entire villages if they didn't surrender their jihadis. Famously one commander was famous for ordering the artillery bombardment of multiple towns, killing everything there on Christmas Eve while wishing all the jihadis merry Christmas.
A lot of critics call Putin a cuck for forgiving Kadyrov and some other jihadis during the second Chechen war but what they forget is that he only forgave the ones who were under 18 and only under the condition that they would kill their former comrades. Many of these former jihadis in Chechnya ended up enforcing draconian anti-terror laws where they would execute the families of terrorists along with the terrorists themselves.
About a thousand shots fired in Crimea.
And why is Russia the bad guy again? Like no joke
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>Muslim purge
Pick one.

Russia has more muslims than France, the UK and Germany combined.
Syria is almost at 100% assaulted and secured

Pretty impressive comeback desu
hopefully your delusions.
sage the snownigger bait
>Ruslan och ljudmila

dat är jävalla bra böch

10/10 bajka (skaska )czital kogda bil malinkiji i kino smotriel s udavolstvijam takiji filmy uze nie delajut i eto oczen żal
because USA is the good guys
didn't you pay attention in school?
or at least to while watching TV?
USA is by default the good guys, because freedome

>provoked war in Chechnya

Chechens didndu nuffin, they wanted Dagestan and wuz a good bois.
It wasn't a matter of genocide. It was a matter of showing force to make them bend the knee. There were always many Muslims in the region historically and a complete ethnic cleansing would never work. Instead they had to be shown the power of the government in a way that would make them respect the nation. That was achieved.
Saj it wit mi


test post
>He took my wife
>no shots fired
Seems trustable to me
I like how the population in presant day russia is 147 million but according to your chart in will drop 10 millions in 2 years
Shhh!!!, don't rat me out. I'll become and Seth Rich.
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>he took crimea with no shots fired
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>my heart

every "bajka" has a bit of truth to it.
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There were quite a few shots, one capture of a UKR navy base ended in a one sided shoot out.
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Digits confirm it
That's from StratFor, famous for their entire decade of "Russia will collapse tomorrow you guys!".
They recently changed their forecast to saying that Russia will gain further geopolitical influence in the coming years though.
Ja też robi Test

Idzi nacuj Polak raz dwa tri czujesz mi raz dwa trzy jabim tvoju matku cztery pięć sześć siedem osiem dzięwięić dzięśiąć
oh no, pippi will not like it.
My heart
we really should be best allies with the sexy russians
Your virginity.
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delet this
Must be planing another war or something. You never know with those mountain jews.
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Nice Presidente btw frencies...
Your virginity, and he won't be doing you the pleasure of shooting.
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That's because they have opened the floodgates for central asian migrants.
Also 147 million is with Crimea which no one could have predicted.

But the Russian ethnic population is indeed shrinking.
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Rightful Clay at Former Extent.
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he's already one of the richest men in the world
>He took Russia with no shots fired
Literally shots/poison political enemies
>He took Crimea with no shots fired
No shots fired? really?
>He took USA with no shots fired
Literally fake, even in Brazilian shitskin leftist scum mainstream media, we already see this shit as a conspiracy theory from the Democrats.
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why is usa and uk so weak and pathetic?
I wanna move out of this assmeme country so bad...
You don't know how to read the graph you posted. That clearly shows a demographic fall after the 90s and a recent rise. Also the main reason for the population growth is Russian refugees from Ukraine as well as Crimea. Central Asians are much less of a factor by the numbers. White birth rates are also growing faster than Muslim ones which have recently dropped a bit in Chechnya and Dagestan, although muds do still have higher net birthrates.
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Sure, hihihi
Is this russian polandball?
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Are they?

your shill ass and fill it with mongoloid jewuice

>White birth rates are also growing faster than Muslim ones

Overlay this map with a map of ethnicities in Russia.
Ethnic Russians have negative growth rates.
>No shots fired? really?
Yes. That one's true.
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>What will he take next?

Your anus, comrade.

To each according to his needs, comrade Putin NEEDS your anus comrade.
Most of the green are full of ethnic Russians where they are the majority.
Brazil Stronk.
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>he took russia with no shots fired
He killed people in the 90s
>he took crimea with no shots fired
Thats what ((they))) want you to believe
>he took the usa with no shots fired
That he did

He's alright
The green areas in the east are Russian majority. Also those red areas had a much sharper natural decline in previous years. While they aren't in the green, they have improved a lot.
These kinds of graphs don't describe it too well because they don't give you a baseline or trend.
>What will he take next?
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>he took crimea with no shots fired

Sure, why not.

Those green are areas are barely populated.
Even if they have positive birth rates, they can never outweigh the negative birth rates of the Russian heartland.
taking France today?
Macron greets Putin for first face-to-face talks
They told him to become capitalist, so he became capitalism.
The Baltic states.
>What will he take next?
Stops sanctions against Russia.
The birthrates are still positive so clearly they do outweigh them

I'm sure Macron feels nothing but love for a country that hacked his election campaign, openly financed his opponent in the election and had state run media tell the world that he's gay.


>“I don’t believe in French people saying that great-power France should be speaking to great-power Russia -- good luck with that,” Macron said in January in Berlin.
“Russia is indeed in Europe geographically and historically speaking.
We have lot of passions together, literature. And Russians live as Europeans.
But you have Russian leaders who don’t share our values and our views.”
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Putin is crypto-Finnish too. As is Trump, his Y-haplomeme belongs to N1C1. The ruling elite in China are direct descendants of Genghis Khan. It's a Finnish world you're living in.
your mum
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>muh Russian hacking
>muh evil Russian banks
>muh RT

This shit again...
>>he took crimea with no shots fired
I am not so sure about that...

So you're saying that if a village of 1000 people has a growth rate of 11 per 1000 people, it outweighs a city of a million people that is shrinking by 6 people per 1000?

You're calculations are somewhat flawed.
Why did people stop fucking gradually once Stalin died?

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emu dick
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I kekd hard
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And still no proof. Oh, yeah, there's proof, but it's classified...

Read this if you're interested, but i guess i goes against your bias so it's just a fantasy.

To be fair that one has proofs. Note the amount of civilians killed.
So many strong arguments
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maybe pussy your mom?

Ain't clicking that
>proves anything
Yeah, that's the report I summarized already. It's 3 pages of

>muh Twitter trolls
>RT said mean things about Wall Street and Hillary Clinton
>we know Assange got the emails from Russia because remember when Russia hated us during the Cold War

Then 7 pages of

>breaking news: RT is a propaganda arm of the Kremlin, not unlike Western MSN is to the US
Whatever God Emperor Putin wants we shall give Him.
oh boi
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>I get to arbitrarily decide what sources are valid and to what extent because reasons
But it does. Putin's hardline stance against terrorism was what stabilized the country. Everyone knows Chechnya was a bloodbath because nothing else would've been enough. Now terrorism there tends to only occur due to isolated ISIS agents rather than the widespread problem that used to exist.
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