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/pol/ making fun of feminists who whine about the portrayal of

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/pol/ making fun of feminists who whine about the portrayal of women in video games meanwhile they get assblasted over the enemies of Far Cry 5.

can you get any more hypocritical than this?
OP is a faggot
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>anti white leftists
>can't make proper parallels ever
The enemies of far cry 5 are christian militants/terrorists of which there are next to no examples of.

Meanwhile just this week there have been more victims of islamic terrorist attacks than the victims of all school shootings etc. in the last decade + in the US. pic related.

So it's a bit uncanny that the media and entertainment industry is busy by propaganda fabricating a problem that doesn't exist in their witchunt on white people, whilst completely ignoring a problem that DOES exist.

Likewise feminists complains are likewise about essentially non issues. Whilst ignoring actual womens rights abuses that do exist.

The entire feminist movement is only targetting white males who treat the women the best globally whilst protecting or ignoring those that treat women the worst so as not to "offend" them.

Article related: http://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-woman-burned-pakistan-refusing-marriage-proposal-148481/#fQwz7QfFqaGZRlIk.99

go check out sides like religionofpeace.com

The reason the entertainment industry doesn't focus on islamic terrorism as enemies is because they are too scared to point out who is committing the evil and who you should be weary of. So they have to concoct some stupid thing out of thin air that doesn't even exist instead, which is pathetic.
It's just a game tho.
who? I don't care about videogames
women being shown how they really are vs political agenda.
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Here's a few examples from just this week.

>be egyptian kid
>be walking to monestary with the parents
>be shot down by muslims shouting allahu akhbar
>be dead
>10 kids gunned down in cold blood for being christians
>leftists don't know/don't give a shit
This kind of shit happens all the time but leftists aren't paying attention to it.
>leftists is perfectly fine with white christians being portrayed as terrorists/militants in upcoming computer games. and ignores pretty much all examples of the aforementioned.

It doesn't get more hypocritical than far leftists.
Atleast when pol/acks complain they have legitimate grievances, the left doesn't even care what the facts are, they are purely driven by their bogus narratives they concoct with zero validity to it.
you're ignoring the huge amount of threads about this that have been made on here.

I agree with you, but who gives a shit about games/fiction
Apart from yours, there is only one other thread about Far Cry on the board and that one's OP asks why it's even controversial.

What the fuck are you on about?
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>It's just a game tho.
It's blatant anti white propaganda indoctrinating impressionable kids that play them that they should be afraid of white christians because they are terrorists, eventhough it doesn't correspond with reality whatsoever, and it's happening all across the entertainment industry and media on a regular basis this anti white nonsense.

>It's just a game tho.
You seem to care more about pol/acks responses to that (i haven't even seen threads about that yet but i'm not surprised) than you do things like this http://thereligionofpeace.com/ every story and bodycount is backed up by middle eastern articles or other news articles. It's not even the full count.

pic related. This is what's really happening, the bullshit like in the video game is what is NOT happening but is pure anti white propaganda. Ofcourse we have a problem with that, it's teaching kids to hate christian white militants that don't even fucking exist. Atleast with muslims terrorists there's a reason to hate them..


The left doesn't even understand how massive this problem is globally because they don't read the non western news sources.
Instead all you hear out of leftists is "whitey bad whitey bad whitey bad" and "muslims are victims PoC are victims, they never did nuffin".
Looks like you haven't been on /pol/ lately then.

>eventhough it doesn't correspond with reality whatsoever

Exactly, because it's a game/fictional.

As for impressionable kids, I really have trouble believing that anyone will think "wtf I hate Christians now" after playing this game and anyway the game will be rated M so no kids SHOULD play it.
>Exactly, because it's a game/fictional.

Ask yourself why they would portray white christian militants as some boogyman? Did it ever occur to you that this kind of propaganda is everywhere, start paying fucking attention to the anti white propaganda for a change and you might realize why we consistantly respond to it.

Not only is it consistantly painting white people as bad or evil but it doesn't correspond with reality whatsoever.. That's why it's called propaganda my friend..

It's one thing to have a boogeyman that has semblance with what goes on in reality because that makes sense, when it's 180 of reality, and it's consistant, then it's clearly propaganda.
>caring video games
>why they would portray white christian militants as some boogyman

Because Christianity can be pretty scary, that's why 99% of religious horror films are Christian, all the Exorcism stuff and the cryptic Illuminati shit. Or do you think that the Exorcist is also anti-white Propaganda?

Again I have to say that I disagree, video games are supposed to be escapism, portraying things that have no basis in reality.
This. It's blatant demoralization targeted at white males. Which in turn leads to headlines such as France has no culture, there is no such thing as native Sweede, The most important thing we can do in carry on like nothing happened that are met with no response from people they demonize whatsoever.
I think the new enemies look badass. It will probably end up redpilling a lot of people.
Take recent movies like empire, also fiction about anti white nazi terrorists.
How many have white nazi terrorists or white christian terrorists killed this month? this year? this decade? the last 2 decades?

Muslims have killed 100x that in just a little over a week. And their targets? lot of people of color.

But we have to hear constantly about how the threat of white people is the main thing to be afraid of. Since it doesn't exist, they just concoct these narratives pretending that it does, or sensationalize a few stories over a decade whilst ignoring or explaining a way the consistant cases of PoC or muslims doing bad shit.

It's pretty clear what the situation is, white people who complain about this stuff are being propagandized as domestic terrorists for even daring to speak about it.

>Because Christianity can be pretty scary, that's why 99% of religious horror films are Christian, all the Exorcism stuff and the cryptic Illuminati shit.

How exactly can christianity be scary? these movies have nothing to do with reality, it's made in the west that's why it has christian themes.

You just demonstrated just now exactly the problem, you yourself have been so bombarded with anti christian anti white fabrications in movies and entertainment that you apparently can't tell it apart from reality, and this is why you think christianity is scary.

If it was about objectively which religion that was scary and did atrocities if it was trying to match reality then nearly every religiously themed movie would be about islam.
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he's only baiting, though judging by the flag, I'd say you're not far off
Why would anyone buy ubisoft games? They have gone full retard for years now. Stop buying their trash.
>Take recent movies like empire, also fiction about anti white nazi terrorists.

Funny you should say that when the last 2 TV shows I watched were Homeland and Tyrant which are about Islamic terrorism where people get constantly blown up and I also watched that movie about the Benghazi Embassy attack with my dad.

Also you can't deny how dark Christianity's past has been.

Nah I'm not baiting, tho I guess I'm a little bit of a faggot because no matter how much I think that 75% of the shit on here is tinfoil-tier cringe I can't help it but find myself browsing this board every other day.

Bad company, good games doe.
>Again I have to say that I disagree, video games are supposed to be escapism, portraying things that have no basis in reality.
It not only does not have any basis in reality it has ZERO basis in reality, but where do you draw the line between entertainment and propaganda.

For instance, if all over entertainment you had black people consistantly depicted as terrorists and evil in a hypothetical future scenario, would you be ok with the defense you currently put up that "lel it's just fiction so black people just need to calm the fuck down." Yeah, go ahead and pretend that. Some black people might even protest or burn down their frigging neighbourghoods over something like that, but to white people you are told "what's your problem just calm down."

This is the problem about having fictional characters set in an otherwise pseudo realistic future that has zero basis in reality. If you have some enemies that atleast have some basis in reality when you're trying to fictionally represent some hypothetical future scenario, which is exactly what the movie does, you could say ok well atleast it has some basis in reality but it's fiction so we'll let it slide.

When it has absolutely zero basis in reality and it tries to portray some fictional but "possible" future, it crosses into propaganda territory trying to demonize a group of people who have next to no likelyhood of doing those things.
Sure Christianity had its dark period in the middle ages. Islam has been evil from its conception and will remain dark and evil, till they convert every humans into Muslim. And there is nothing our politicians can do about it. I personally believe this is what will doom us all
>Funny you should say that when the last 2 TV shows I watched were Homeland and Tyrant which are about Islamic terrorism where people get constantly blown up and I also watched that movie about the Benghazi Embassy attack with my dad.

This has complete basis in reality so albeit it being somewhat fiction it has basis in reality, thus it is far from propaganda and it's depicted as far less bad than what the ACTUAL situation with islamic terrorism actually is, so again not propaganda.

There's a massive difference between that and taking a group of people who don't do such things at all and consistantly trying to paint them as if they are likely to do such things.

>Also you can't deny how dark Christianity's past has been.

Actually i can, i doubt you know much about its actual history. there were a brief inter christian war which lead to the protestant reformation where after the muslim invasion that caused christians after being invaded and enslaved by muslims for hundreds upon hundreds of years finally banding together under the catholics and fought back.

And then there was the "dark ages" which i'm assuming you are referring to, which was actually directly caused by islamic raiders destroying commercial naval transport causing europe to lack all kinds of things which lead to some bad things with regards to the witches, but those things were so minor in casualties etc. compared to everything else going on in the world that it's ridiculous to point out as something particularly perniscious. But since you don't have a clue about comparing it to other things going on in the same periods in other places, and because these things are embellished out of proportion in western movies made about them, this is the reason you think christianity has a dark past.

You're literally here trying to say don't worry about the entertainment industry cause it's based on fiction, yet all your oppinions clearly come from entertainment rather than actual history/reality
muh kkk tho
>Also you can't deny how dark Christianity's past has been.
if you study actual history and reality instead of embellished fiction/entertainment movies about them (WHICH ARE NOT DOCUMENTARIES BTW.) you will quickly discover that christianity was constantly assaulted and attacked by muslims for 500+ years before even bothering retaliating. One of the first things muslims did after launching the caliphates was to walk across northern europe and invading and occupying spain, they also raided the coastlines via the medditeranean and enslaved millions upon millions of european men and women and brought the women back with them to the harems.

You don't know these things and many other things this is because in the things you know there is ONLY FOCUS on what the christians were doing and not focus on what EVERYONE ELSE were doing, it's very easy to then demonize a particular group of people if you don't know the context of what was happening and the reasons why things were in that way in that given time.
>muh kkk tho
This is similarly blown completely out of proportion by the entertainment industry, the evil kkk, the true manifestation of white christian evil in human history (although having nothing to do with christianity or christian principles) only managed to lynch about 4.000 blacks in about 80+ years because they were tired of the blacks not being repatriated back to africa.

Give islam 2-3 weeks CURRENTLY and they have doubled that bodycount. even WITHOUT their massive and brutal empire that were constantly engaged in war and conquest.

It's almost a human tragedy that people don't know about the brustal history of Islam and its empires. It's one of the most evil empires of all time, both in its brutality and the sheer number it trampled under its foot, yet kids these days are presented with a blank piece of paper and something something on the next page about crusades being bad mkay. Eventhough it was response to 500+ years of islamic aggression and invasion and enslavement and economic warfare by destroying naval transport ships directly having a massive role in why the dark ages occurred in europe and people became ultra fundamentalist christians who thought the reason god allowed this to happen to them was that they were not christian enough, hence the whole witches thing.
>You're literally here trying to say don't worry about the entertainment industry cause it's based on fiction, yet all your oppinions clearly come from entertainment rather than actual history/reality

>if all over entertainment you had black people consistantly depicted as terrorists and evil in a hypothetical future scenario, would you be ok with the defense you currently put up that "lel it's just fiction so black people just need to calm the fuck down."

You're right I wouldn't but I don't see how "white people are constantly portrayed as evil antagonists" in media, take the Far Cry franchise alone, in the second installment you got to kill half of Africa's population lmao.

I'm not trying to argue that, I'm just saying that Christianity's past makes good material for horror films that's all.

There's a massive difference between that and taking a group of people who don't do such things at all and consistantly trying to paint them as if they are likely to do such things.

Even if you're right and we assume that this is somehow consistent and being done on purpose, I've never seen anyone (besides classic SJW's who always said that shit) have their opinion altered in a negative light towards white people. Normies know that it's just a movie or that it's just a game. Even better, and that was my point, when normies watch shit like Homeland they actually ask themselves "damn, those guys have it pretty bad there" so if anything, that really makes people think about how Islam is fucked up.

>after the muslim invasion that caused christians after being invaded and enslaved by muslims for hundreds upon hundreds of years finally banding together under the catholics and fought back.

you're blowing this out of proportion way too much, all I'm saying is that "Exorcisms are scary and good material for horror films"

I mean sure, but they still burned someone if their neighbor yelled out "WITCH" or persecuted someone if they claimed that Earth is a planet that moves around the Sun :^)

The KKK is as much Christian as Islamic terrorists are Muslims
Oh yeah and i should add.. give blacks in the US according to official statistics in just a few major US cities, 6 months to a year and they would have killed more blacks BY THEIR OWN HAND than the entire kkk did in 80+ years. So what the hell is it exactly blacks are afraid of? Also blacks are currently the number 1 NUMBER 1 HATE CRIME OFFENDER in the US. Black people number 1 yeah black people number 1, also number 1 at murdering their own people too.

But.. every white person on the globe is bad and christianity is bad because kkk and 4000 blacks lynched and hitler. So sayeth the media and entertainment industry.
Like I said, no one who plays Far Cry 5 will say "THOSE FUCKIN CHRISTIANS I HATE THEM NOW" but anyone who watches Homeland will probably get redpilled on Islam.
> every white person on the globe is bad and christianity is bad

White guilt is a meme that you guys blow out of proportions because SJW's keep shouting it, but 90% of the people are normies who don't even know about this.
>Like I said, no one who plays Far Cry 5 will say "THOSE FUCKIN CHRISTIANS I HATE THEM NOW" but anyone who watches Homeland will probably get redpilled on Islam.

Except that's a very common view to have. It's why fedora atheism is now so common.
What's the justification generally given for why we must have mass immigration and why we can't criticise it?
>The KKK is as much Christian as Islamic terrorists are Muslims
This is the some of the funniest shit i've heard in a long time. You could not be more wrong about this. It's exactly the other way around. The kkk had literally nothing to do with christianity and islamic terrorist groups have everything to do with the islamic texts. Everything they do they meticulously justify by the qu'ran and the hadiths (the sunnah). What you call islamic terrorists groups is how their entire empire used to operate during their 1400 year existence.
Fedora atheism hates every religion and sits on top of a high horse.

I never said that, everything is to be criticised.
Also I do believe that uncontrolled mass immigration in Europe is wrong. I understand that refugees need a place away from the war but why the fuck are Somalians getting into Europe or why are random brown without background checks. If Europe did meticulous background checks and only allowed strictly refugees temporarily we wouldn't be facing the problems we are now.

“This is what the Lord Almighty says... ‘Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’” (1 Samuel 15:3)

Genocide is literally encouraged in the Bible.
>The enemies of far cry 5 are christian militants/terrorists of which there are next to no examples of.
Haha, very funny
>/pol/ making fun of feminists who whine about the portrayal of women in video games meanwhile they get assblasted over the enemies of Far Cry 5.
This is a false equivalence. Unlike what feminists think, women were never under attack in videogames and pop culture.

On the other hand, the white race, the white culture and christianity are being attacked. It IS a reality. This game is just further promoting these attacks.

> portraying things that have no basis in reality.
The problem is that this game is implied to have basis in reality, by the standards of the left. It reflects the reality of what the left think of white, conservatist and christian people. That's the reason liberals attack christianity and white people in first place.
By doing it, they're enforcing this point of view.

We're on ideological warfare, and this kind of warfare is fought with cultural weapons. Videogames are cultural manifestations similar to Memes, therefore, can be used as ideological weapons, just like happend with the great Meme War.

Also, christianity is the most persecuted religion worldwide nowadays. Attacking this religion is at least morally questionable in face of the reality it is existing.
>Fedora atheism hates every religion and sits on top of a high horse.

They hate christianity, but attacking Islam is racist.

>I never said that, everything is to be criticised.

I never said you did. I asked you what the general justification fed to the public about why we must have mass immigration and why we can't criticise it is. I'll help you out. Economic reasons and pennance for our racist ancestors for why we must have it, and pennance for our racist ancestors for why we can't criticise it.

White guilt is real and is state sanctioned to be taught from birth onwards. You literally learn about it in school.
Name some.

>inb4 westboro standing around and being obnoxious, not actually hurting anyone
>On the other hand, the white race, the white culture and christianity are being attacked.
> this game is implied to have basis in reality

This is the tinfoil-tier claims I mentioned earlier that I just can't get behind.


They hate christianity, but attacking Islam is racist.

I've literally never heard this. Atheists rage about every religion and most of all Islam.

I only started hearing the term "white guilt" or "white genocide" when I started coming on here. Now argue all you want that it's because only you guys are redpilled enough to know about it and understand it but I'll stick with my views that the world isn't one giant conspiracy theory and we're the only ones responsible for our own future, and not for example the Jews (who according to you are running everything and are behind every bad thing that happens to whitey)
>Genocide is literally encouraged in the Bible.
No it isn't, those were specific historical things done by the jews, and from the OLD TESTAMENT not marching orders for all christians which is why you haven't seen christians do such things, i really can't be arsed to give you a crash course in christian doctrine but it's clear you don't understand it/haven't studied it whatsoever.

The marching orders in christianity is from the new testament and is very different, what you are referring to which is from the OLD TESTAMENT there is a historical thing that the JEWS did. Christians aren't supposed to kill unless in self defence or facing an adversary that means to kill them.

The standing orders of islam are completely different and opposite of christianity. Islam encourages to kill unbelievers simply for being unbelievers, again you make an extremely false comparison.

Whilst it's fascinating to talk about how you are wrong with virtually every postulate you make, i really think you should try to do some historical research in the future to alleviate many of these incorrect assumptions you have about the things we're discussing.

In contrast here is 288 narrations of muhammad saying that the best reward in jannah (islamic paradise) is achieved is by waging jihad and then specifying what it is, warfare against the unbeliever/killing kuffar.
http://hadithcollection.com/sahihbukhari/85-/3853-sahih-bukhari-volume-004-book-052-hadith-number-041.html go click through them, knock yourself out.
The difference is that we're right.
hmm, I was under the impression that the Old Testament is one of Christianity's Holy Books. Guess I was wrong :^)
Also i should restate that the things you just quoted from the old testament was done by the JEWS and recorded in the OLD TESTAMENT, the jews aren't christians and believe quite different things, go tell a jew that he's christian and watch his head explode. Christians follow jesus and jesus's marching orders, jews do NOT follow jesus.

it's quite amusing that i should have to tell you that they aren't for you to understand that you're trying to blame christians for what jews did in the OT.
That nigga in the pic is the color of a Greek now.
You are wrong in generalizing. Not all of Christianity sees the Old Testament as canon.
>hmm, I was under the impression that the Old Testament is one of Christianity's Holy Books. Guess I was wrong :^)

Yeah.. i don't think you understand the doctrine of christianity very well since you can't even tell judaism and christianity apart! see this >>127575887
Jews aren't christians, christians follow christ, the jews don't. The jews were SUPPOSED to follow christ and his marching orders but they didn't, hence why you have judaism and christianity as seperate faiths.

you are acting like women are an actual political group. no. tribes are political groups. women are members of tribes. as are men.

the inverse of your scenario would be men complaining about the portrayal of men in video games. that is the apple to apple comparison. and that would be hypocrisy.

targeting a tribe is out and out racism.
>I've literally never heard this.

Then you have not being paying attention. Go find any random twitter faggot who's falling over themselves to defend Islam and you will discover if you dig a little deeper that they are all devout atheists with nothing good to say about Christianity.

>I only started hearing the term "white guilt" or "white genocide" when I started coming on here

That's because we're one of the few that call it as such. For everyone else it's the accepted way of things, and to criticise it verboten.
Here's an example of one such twitter faggot.

Laurie penny:


Always remember to archive sources renowned for trash journalism and clickbait.

https://archive.is/wD03U <- theguardian.com article
>hmm, I was under the impression that the Old Testament is one of Christianity's Holy Books. Guess I was wrong :^)

The reason that the OLD TESTAMENT is part of christian canon is that it has prophecies about jesus and other things about the future via the prophets. The old testament describes however what JEWS did christians only existed AFTER CHRIST, because christian essentially means follower of christ.

The OLD TESTAMENT is a record of what the jews did, and their constant refusal to follow god and their many punishments till god switched to the christians because they refused to follow the messiah that the OT prophecied. What you quoted is some of the things the jews did historically. It has nothing to do with the marching orders jesus laid out in the new testament which is what christians follow. The OT is a historical record but also contains prophecies of the future but is not marching orders for christians. Is also why the christians do not follow leviticus law either because that was for the jews only and is literally stated in the bible that one of the jews many failures was to not adopt christ new standing orders, and those laws put only on the jews like circumcision (which was actually a punishment for a sexual ritual they did that they weren't supposed to, circumcision curbs sexual pleasure) were only for a certain time till the messiah had arrived. But they stuck to their traditions and rejected christ and instead have judaism and christianity is different from judaism. And christianity is a covenant to all mankind.
>I want things to support my values, not somebody else's

Yes, having values is now hypocrisy.

And incidentally, nobody cared when women were making their own things to suit themselves -- it was when they started insisting that our things must be made to suit them that the trouble started.
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Real /pol/acks don't give a SINGLE shit about your sjw videogame
>Not all of Christianity sees the Old Testament as canon.
Yeah they do.

Are you trying to deny that the God who guided Moses isn't the same God Christians believe in and the same God that's Jesus' Father?

They're not targeting anyone, they're just forming a fictitious group to serve a narrative.

>Go find any random twitter faggot who's falling over themselves to defend Islam and you will discover if you dig a little deeper that they are all devout atheists

That's hypocritic too, but from personal experience all the atheist friends of mine, which is 75% of my friends hate Islam way more than Christianity but they hate all religions in general. They even hate the fact that I'm agnostic lmao

That's because we're one of the few that call it as such. For everyone else it's the accepted way of things, and to criticise it verboten.

Like I mentioned earlier, I can't get behind this, sounds like conspiracy-tier stuff.

As I said earlier, those pretentious feminist SJW women who are atheist and hate on men and Christianity while defending Islam is more of an extreme meme and not what most people/atheists think.

What does it matter who did it, what matters is that the "LORD ALMIGHTY" commanded them to do it, the SAME GOD that Christians worship.
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I still lost.
My anecdote trumps yours because it is based on a sample of the entire internet of random people I don't know and would probably not associate with, not just my few friends. You see it everywhere.

>Like I mentioned earlier, I can't get behind this, sounds like conspiracy-tier stuff.

Things that the powers that be don't want to become generally known, or oppose their approved narrative are quite often labeled "conspiracy theories". For example, that the EU wishes to become a country in its own right with flag, anthem, police force, army, and all the rest was also called one.
hypocrisy + power = SJW

I don't see us having any kind of power, you greasy greek.
>For example, that the EU wishes to become a country in its own right with flag, anthem, police force, army, and all the rest was also called one.

Wow people actually called that a conspiracy theory? I thought that was pretty mainstream, everyone thinks that at some point Europe will become one country.

Oh god, not the power/privilege bullshit again. This sounds on the same tier as what an SJW would say.
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>This sounds on the same tier as what an SJW would say.
That's the idea
>Wow people actually called that a conspiracy theory?

Yes. Alex Salmnond, former First Minister of Scotland and Nick Cleg, former leader of the Liberal democrat party (both rabid europhiles) to name two high profile ones from my country off the top of my head.

You are missing the point. We don't like them trying to change our political opinions through media. They are basically brainwashing people and they think we are to stupid to see it.
>not bitching about feminists at every opportunity
>strawmanning it with a deliberate politicised video game that crosses many people who don't even vidya
>Are you trying to deny that the God who guided Moses isn't the same God Christians believe in and the same God that's Jesus' Father?
>What does it matter who did it, what matters is that the "LORD ALMIGHTY" commanded them to do it, the SAME GOD that Christians worship.

Literally just explained it to you earlier, please go read it again.
The marching orders that the messiah gave are different than the things going on with the jews in the OT.
Through jesus god gave entirely new set of marching orders which are different from the stuff in the OT which were only for the jews (many of which were means of punishment) and is a record of their constant backsliding and disobedience.

When the messiah came which was prophecied of the prophets several of which the jews also killed, the jews then refused to follow. The jews through rejecting the messiah rejected god. And the christians are the correct followers of god.

All the shit going on in the OT was to pave the way for messiah to come and destroying several groups of people who followed a different god and wanted to destroy the jews, the jews after constant backsliding then rejected jesus aswell . They were supposed to become christians along with others but didn't. They still don't follow christ or believe in christ.

This is the real problem with what you're saying;

You are inferring that some of the things in OT are standing marching orders by god/that god was saying to those who followed messiah when he came, do this. When the new testament is clear that it was different marching orders and a covenant for all mankind which was much more peaceful.

You are trying to force a square peg through a round hole by claiming that it's christian doctrine or standing marching orders. They are not.
Well because feminists don't even fucking play video games for one. And what everyone else has said.
Let me try to explain it even more succinctly. If you are serious about understanding it.

Galatians 3 explains the reason for the old law meant only for the jews, and the new covenant of the messiah and why the old should fall away and what its purpose was. Only the jews kept the old law (added to the jews because of transgressions) which they weren't supposed to (it was supposed to fall away). Rejected the messiah and god because they didn't accept him as messiah. And now you have judaism and christianity as seperate faiths.

"19 Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given through angels and entrusted to a mediator. 20 A mediator, however, implies more than one party; but God is one."

"23 Before the coming of this faith,[j] we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian."

"26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise."

This is what the jews rejected, and at that point after constant bad behaviour they ended up rejecting god aswell. And that is the current state of affairs and the reason why jews remained jews with judaism instead of becoming christians as they should have, and christians became christians.
I'm sorry, but this is just a silly SJW-tier argument. Far Cry is completely fictional; you can believe it's propaganda if you want but come on....Far Cry 3 was about a white guy getting fucking magic tattoo powers and becoming the messiah of Costa Rica or whatever by murdering a ton of Mexicans. It's fiction, and it has absolutely no basis in reality.

It's not even a historical game like Battlefield or Call of Duty, where I can understand the arguments about overinflating the role of women or blacks in the war or not allowing you to play as Nazis because it's "offensive"

This is fucking Sarkeesian-tier, guys.

Also RE: the Old Testament...and this is coming from a fedora atheist....it's made abundantly clear in the Pentateuch that, at the point the events take place, everything that God is laying down is meant exclusively for the children of Israel because of the covenants he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. I don't know what happens after the Old Testament because I'm only on 1 Samuel, but you can't hold anyone but Jews to the Old Testament.
That's stupid tho, the majority believes that Europe will become one country at some point but it's more of an assumption towards the future, not sure that if you deny that it can be classified under "conspiracy theory".

No one is trying to change opinions and no one is going to be affected by this though, literally no person will say "wtf I hate Christians now" after playing this game.

How fuckin dense do you have to be to treat this game as some sort of political message that "Christians are evil"


So what you're saying is that some of the things in the New Testament contradict what God said in the Old Testament. So, God is wrong? Don't Christians still revere BOTH Testaments as divine?

"Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh." Peter 2:18

btw this is from the New Testament

>but you can't hold anyone but Jews to the Old Testament.

It's literally the same God though. It's like if your dad tells your brother "Kill the neighbor's dog" but your dad is good because he was only telling your brother who's from another marriage.
Fern Gully is a story about fairys and shit in a magical forest. Is it therefore also not blatent, ham fisted propanganda because of this?

Fictional stories having messages for society in them is Hollywood's bread and butter.
Because there's no such thing as a militant Christian extremist in real life, and this game will be absolutely loaded with them.
Movies =/= video games. Why do you think there's a million movies about the Holocaust whereas there has never even been a mention of it in video games? Video games, most of them at least are supposed to be about escapism.

I don't know what that's a response to but yeah sure, why does it matter though, it's fuckin fiction.
So essentially the jews rejected the covenant of the spirit (through the messiah) and stuck to the covenant of the flesh added because of transgressions of the jews, which was idiotic because the whole purpose of the old covenant was to prepare for the arrival of the messiah other than that it was irellevant, so they fucked up bigtime. And they still refuse to acknowledge that, except a few messianic jews.

it's plain as day from galatians 3 their mistake from what i just quoted.. They rejected the new marching orders that were peaceful and for all mankind rejected the messiah, which is why judaism still waits for a messiah to come for the first time.

I hope i explained it in a way that makes sense to you, it seems pretty straight forward to me but i've studied it quite a bit, so if it's new to you you're probably a little confused compared to how you thought christianity was. You can also see clearly the mistake the atheist bashers of christianity make by constantly going back to the OT and claiming it's christianitys marching orders and the massive error they make by doing so.

TL;DR the christians were theologically right the jews were theologically wrong and the jews still insist that it's the other way around. But the jews and the OT laws are not the marching orders of christianity.

>It's literally the same God though. It's like if your dad tells your brother "Kill the neighbor's dog" but your dad is good because he was only telling your brother who's from another marriage.

It's different marching orders for different purposes, the purposes i've already quoted to you in galatians 3. What matters from a perspective of doctrine is what the current marching orders are for christianity.

The current marching orders for christianity (which is a covenant extended to all mankind who would accept it) is NOT to do such things. Only if the marching orders were to do such things would your argument make sense. But it ISN'T.
>That's stupid tho, the majority believes that Europe will become one country at some point but it's more of an assumption towards the future, not sure that if you deny that it can be classified under "conspiracy theory".

I have just linked you to a clip from a debate about our membership of the EU, held in order to inform a largely at that point ignorant public about it, where one of the head honchos of the Remain side compared the EU wanting an army to fucking Elvis not being dead. You're just being a faggot in denial now.
>Movies =/= video games.

They are both forms of mass media. They both are used in the same ways in order to send out (((messages))).
Nothing of what you said justifies what God said, because the Amalekite Genocide was the Word of God.

I'm not sure what we're arguing about here, but I can't draw the comparison to this and what most people think of when someone says "conspiracy theory" because this is about something that hasn't happened yet. No matter if you say that it will or won't happen it's an assumption. WTC or how supposedly the Jews run everything can have a mainstream side and a conspiracy side because it's things that have happened or things that are currently happening, not about things that haven't happened yet.

Stop reading too deep into shit, it's just a game. In Far Cry 2 you depopulated half of Africa, what's the message there?

But who the hell got up in arms over Fern Gully when it came out? It's not like a construction crew saw that the movie featured construction crews in a negative light and started protesting saying "This movie is demonizing construction crews and should be banned or changed or whatever"


It is the same God, presumably; like I said I haven't gotten that far yet. But if you read the Bible you realize that God is fucking batshit crazy. He basically does what he wants when he wants and demands things to be just so or he'll kill you. One of the commandments he passes down to Moses is "Thou shalt not kill" and literally ten minutes later Moses comes down off the mountain to find the Jews worshiping a golden calf, murders most of them, and God is cool with it.

Besides, after the Jews stray from God every single time there's no authority figure present, it's not surprising that God changes his approach later on when Jesus comes into the picture.
Lmao exactly, that's my point all along.
>But who the hell got up in arms over Fern Gully when it came out? It's not like a construction crew saw that the movie featured construction crews in a negative light and started protesting saying "This movie is demonizing construction crews and should be banned or changed or whatever"

About the film itself? Not very many. People who afterwords went full tree hugger? Millions.
>So what you're saying is that some of the things in the New Testament contradict what God said in the Old Testament. So, God is wrong? Don't Christians still revere BOTH Testaments as divine?

Read this >>127578942
The quotes from galatians explains the difference between the old covenant and marching orders/laws only for the jews added because of transgressions. and the new covenant of christianity which is peaceful and benevolent.

The christians are entirely blameless of anything that happens in the OT since christianity was birthed when the messiah arrived and is entirely peaceful in its marching orders. They are a) not to follow the OT marching orders which deals with a situation that was in the past and thus a time based marching order that was to fall away b) they are to follow the messiah and the new covenant/those marching orders and laws which are entirely peaceful. This is the christian doctrine or the covenant of the spirit extended to all mankind. They are to observe the prophecies in the OT that pertains to the messiah and the future so they can see that jesus fullfilled it and is the messiah. But are not to follow the marching orders or the laws only for the jews in the OT.

The galatian quotes explains the reason for the old law (only for jews added because of transgressions till the time the messiah was brought forth) and the reason for the new law which replaced the old law and deals with this "contradiction" you think there is, which is what you seem to be keep asking about.

We keep getting back to the same thing and i keep trying to explain it clearer and clearer so i hope this time you understand the difference.
>People who afterwords went full tree hugger? Millions.

It's a good cause though, this is vastly different from the Far Cry 5 "muh Christians are evil" shit.

So the Christians aren't guilty because it was the Jews who committed genocide but in the same time they worship the same God who told the Jews to commit genocide. Hmm
>It's a good cause though, this is vastly different from the Far Cry 5 "muh Christians are evil" shit.

Subjective and irrelevant. The people making it obviously believe it's a good cause to pursue.
>The people making it obviously believe it's a good cause to pursue.

No, the people making it are making a fictional story. When Ferngully came out the people who worked on the film explicitly said they made it to raise awareness.
>No, the people making it are making a fictional story. When Ferngully came out the people who worked on the film explicitly said they made it to raise awareness.

A fictional story full of (((messages))). That it's fiction is completely irrelevant. Fairy tails are all fictional fantasy, but you would have to be completely retarded to say that they are not trying to say something about the real world. They do not have a disclaimer on them saying "I'm trying to put these ideas in here on purpose" because everyong already knows that making stories with social messages in them is as old as fucking time and does not need to be said.
>So the Christians aren't guilty because it was the Jews who committed genocide but in the same time they worship the same God who told the Jews to commit genocide. Hmm

To be honest i'm trying very hard to explain this to you but you're starting to get a little bit pathetic here.

The christians are not instructed to do these things it's not found in the christian doctrine/the covenant of the spirit given by the messiah.

the covenant with the jews was a timebased thing confronting various enemies of god that was meant to fall away when the messiah arrived so he could extend his new covenant to all mankind which was peaceful and kind.

That he did some wacking of his enemies and dealt with some of satans handywork and followers i guess is something you would have to take up with him and have whatever reservations about that you may like.

But with regards to doctrine and what christians are supposed to do and if they are peaceful or not, then the christian doctrine is peaceful and kind etc.

But essentially what you're saying is some enemies of god that tried to wipe out the jews got wacked in the past till the jews after constant backsliding and were punished by god for it with very strict laws added because of transgressions they kept doing, did the biggest nono which was to reject the messiah and his covenant with all mankind which was their purpose to facilitate.. that means you don't like god.

Ok fair enough, but don't say that he's telling the christians to go genocide people etc. Because that's incorrect. And that seems to be your contention. It's simply not correct that christians are ordered by god to do this thing whatsoever. God ordered the jews to do such things in the past in a specific situation but not as a general thing.

But not the christians which is a covenant of spirit extended to ALL mankind. The biblical god did not order christians to do such a thing.
The difference is that Feminists get pissed off when media portrays REALITY where as /pol/ gets pissed off when media portrays propaganda. Understand?
You're reading too deep into it so we're just gonna have to disagree on this.

>Ok fair enough, but don't say that he's telling the christians to go genocide people etc. Because that's incorrect. And that seems to be your contention. It's simply not correct that christians are ordered by god to do this thing whatsoever. God ordered the jews to do such things in the past in a specific situation but not as a general thing.

I'm not, I'm just saying that there's darkness in the Bible too and even tho Christians aren't ordered to commit genocide (although there still are plenty of fucked up things in the Bible), it's really fucked how the same God that ordered people to murder babies is the same God that the Christians worship.


kek, I strongly believe that it's just a fuckin narrative, Far Cry 2 wasn't propaganda for killing Africans. It's just stories. Stop seeing demons everywhere it'll make your life better.

They have messages, sure, but it's not all some sinister cabal trying to corrupt the public. It's a story meant to entertain, not something as egregious as the 24 hour news cycle shoving the Russia story down America's throat.


I bet /pol/ doesn't get pissed off about 40s comics propaganda saying to slap japs and buy war bonds? Getting pissed when a book or a movie or a game has social dynamics that you don't like and throwing a fit is totally the same thing the feminists do.

Batgirl #41 variant cover where she's crying in the Joker's arms = throw a fucking fit because girls shouldn't be portrayed as weak

Far Cry 5 militant Christians = throw a fucking fit because Christians shouldn't be portrayed as antagonists.

See the similarity?
>I'm not, I'm just saying that there's darkness in the Bible too and even tho Christians aren't ordered to commit genocide (although there still are plenty of fucked up things in the Bible), it's really fucked how the same God that ordered people to murder babies is the same God that the Christians worship.

Don't get me wrong if the christian god had a marching order that said ok you need to go and exterminate that group of innocent people, i wouldn't be able to get behind that and i wouldn't want anything to do with christianity.

But that's not the marching orders of christianity given to all mankind nor was it ever.

The things that are described in the OT some of which are quite disturbing actually deals with some of gods stated enemies, there's even parts of the bible like numbers-deut-joshua that describes an angelic army in the clouds fighting enemies some of which were not your normal kind of human but massive in stature, and in some of these cases the jews aren't even allowed to participate in those fights the cloud army goes alone and then comes back afterwards. And the report is that those places are just burned to the fucking ground, so whatever was there god didn't even want the hebrews to see.

according to the OT account these people who were destroyed were far from innocent but had some affiliation with evil.

So there's definately plenty of dark chapters in the bible about such things. However, christianity has no such marching orders and let's be clear about that. Yes it's the same god but the marching orders then and now are completely different. Essentially god took care of some nasty business, some the angelic army fought some the angelic army and the jews fought and some the jews only fought, and then extended his covenant with ALL mankind. A very peaceful covenant, in essence the war stuff was over now the order was (which was from inception of christianity) to be peaceful and love your neighbourgh as yourself etc.
No I dont see the similary. Women ARE weak. Christians aren't militant.
You probably haven't been paying attention to what's going on with African Christian militia, not that it should matter since the game is supposed to be a work of fiction.


>women ARE weak

You're the reason why modern feminism exists.
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nothing wrong with women in video games though no one likes to look at ugly cunts male or female.
and rednecks don't do shit anymore other than fuck their cousins or the dog.
if playing as a black man isn't fueling fire for racial hatred i don't know what is (((Montreal)))
You can literally apply that logic to everything. In the 2000s there have been about a billion games with Muslim terrorists as the bad boys. In the 90s the main character almost always had either a German or a Russian accent, and you went shooting away.
Well, it's not as though there aren't Apostolics/Dominionists/Seventh Day Adventists who wouldn't like to cleanse the earth of sinners in preparation of Jesus' return, but they're pretty marginal and few in number.

But they exist.

The political expediency of our age dictates that You Shall Not Make The Muslims Angry.

So, consider the Christians... symbolic, I guess.
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its over u got annihilated. The only thing you can do now is leave quietly as the thread gets archived
Im a jewish feminist. AMA

Was just thinking about it and doesn't this mean that certain verses of the Old Testament that are applied to modern doctrines today sort of null and void? I mean Leviticus 18:22 is often thrown around as an argument against homosexuality today and yet it shouldn't apply. The verse about "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" shouldn't have applied during the Inquisition or the Salem witch trials. Even the ten commandments go out the window if we wipe the slate clean for the New Testament, right?
All I know is I want dog fight with crop duster
lol what, I have answered to everything you've said. This isn't a competition to me, it's an exchange of opinions.

Who's really in control?
>I've literally never heard this. Atheists rage about every religion and most of all Islam.
you talk out of your arse the whole fucking problem europe is fucked is because we laughed at christians believeing in a god but love allah because hes from a different culture and we can't attack it without being considered racist YOU KNOW THIS AND ARE A LYING CUNT
I defend my opinion that most atheists rage about all religions BUT

>we laughed at christians believeing in a god but love allah because hes from a different culture and we can't attack it without being considered racist YOU KNOW THIS AND ARE A LYING CUNT

I mean, it's never accepted to attack anyone, be it Christians or Muslims, that sets us back to darker times. When hate becomes mainstream that's when a war is coming.
>Was just thinking about it and doesn't this mean that certain verses of the Old Testament that are applied to modern doctrines today sort of null and void? I mean Leviticus 18:22 is often thrown around as an argument against homosexuality today and yet it shouldn't apply. The verse about "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" shouldn't have applied during the Inquisition or the Salem witch trials. Even the ten commandments go out the window if we wipe the slate clean for the New Testament, right?

No i think you misunderstand it. I quoted galatians here: >>127578942
Essentially these things are still immoral to god but the old covenant law imposed on the jews carried with it severe penalties in often cases death. It's these laws that are not enforced under the new covenant, but the subject matter is still immoral to god. So homosexuality is still immoral, adultery is still immoral etc. But does not carry the punishment it did before. This is very obvious where the pharisees brings jesus a woman caught in adultery and after saying the iconic phrase let the innocent cast the first stone (the original punishment for this), he tells her and this is very important! "go and leave your life of sin". So it's still immoral but the law of punishment for it is no longer in effect. That's what i mean. Similarly with the 10 commandments etc.

So i would be careful to throw out such broad statements that it's now suddently moral and good with god to be a homosexual, a witch, an adulterer and these things. No the difference is these things god still doesn't approve of but you are not to execute or harm someone based on it. They are encouraged to seek forgiveness for it and change their ways etc. but are not to be harmed for it.

Does that make sense? It's the direct lawful consequence like it was under leviticus law for instance, that's removed as far as i understand it. But the acts and subjects themselves are still considered bad.
The traditions likewise like circumcision (which was a punishment for a sexual ritual the jews were not supposed to do, and circumcision reduces sexual pleasure so that law was added to the jews because of the transgression of the jews. Therefore under the new covenant they are also not to be followed in the new covenant, which the epistles speak much about, hence why christians aren't circumcised either.

So tl;dr it's not the subject matter that is now suddently deemed moral under the new covenant where before it was immoral. No it's still immoral and not good, but the direct punishment for it under the OT laws are no longer in effect. Instead seeking forgiveness and leaving your sin is encouraged, but the promotion of these kinds of acts are certainly not encouraged.
Yea, I suppose it does make sense. I don't necessarily agree with all of the laws but the passages make sense.

Where does it say that circumcision was a direct result of Jewish people exercising bizarre rituals in the Bible, though? I thought it was odd that God was so obsessed with circumcision and I never quite saw why.

I also didn't quite glean from Numbers or Deuteronomy anything about God and angelic armies attacking like, the Canaanites, Amorites, Hivites, etc because they were blaspheming or doing things that God didn't want the Israelites to see. I mean you see God's cloud and the pillar of fire guiding Israel through the wilderness or you see God dropping rocks on people during the siege of, I think it was the city of Ai, but I never got the impression that angels were fighting demons in the sky and burning places to the ground to hide stuff. I thought they were just destroying those people because they had inhabited the territory which God had promised to the seed of Abraham before the children of Israel ended up in bondage to Egypt?
wait so how many westerners have been killed by some asian mountain coults? i mean i dont know, maybe some caveman raped you as a child, but i have no problems with the prehistoric fra cry either
>there are no muslim badguys in video games

Bullshit. You don't play video games obviously.
You must have missed it, but for the better part of last week, people were crying on here about FC5.

Talking at least a dozen threads.
The good guys are christians too, the bad guys are clearly lead by a false prophet, which the bible warns about.

You don't play video games AND you never read the bible, yet here you are pretending to be an expert on both.

Sit down.
Write a fucking book for christs sake. I can't keep reading this repetative bullshit.
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>It's blatant anti white propaganda indoctrinating impressionable kids that play them that they should be afraid of white christians because they are terrorists

Dude are you seriously this autistic? Kids aren't gonna give a shit about race or religion. There just gonna enjoy shooting things
You think the Roman Catholic church isn't still evil? They are a pyramid scheme that dumps money into unused real-estate all over the world instead of helping to ease the suffering like what Jesus wanted.
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>le white genocide is a myth meme
Name one outside COD series.
>Genocide is literally encouraged in the Bible
>He quotes a specific passage to a specific group of people about a specific conflict in the old testament
That's not how it works, you fucking retard. It's not encouraging anybody to kill. Unless of course you're ancient Israel fighting with Amalek, dumb cunt.
Counter Strike lmao

>‘Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’
>It's not encouraging anybody to kill

It's like you're not even trying.
It takes some research but if you look into it the jews were doing a ritual called weeping for tammuz which was sexual in nature. It's very clear now that circumcision reduces sexual pleasure. People who have it done to them ofcourse don't know the difference but it cuts off the sensitive parts. It's definately not because god forgot that man had foreskin and told them to snip it, galatians is also very clear that the laws were added to the jews because of transgressions. If you go read galatians 3 with this in mind it becomes crystal clear.

Circumcision was thus ofcourse never to be applied to anyone else but the jews especially after the new covenant it wasn't even to be applied to the jews anymore. But they decided not to give a hoot and see it falsely as a badge of honor when it was the exact opposite. So now they make all kind of excuses for why they keep doing it and try to pretend that it's a good and healthy lifestyle "choice".

>I also didn't quite glean from Numbers or Deuteronomy anything about God and angelic armies attacking

It's staring you right in the face but i don't think you've read it thoroughly enough. What do you think all the stuff in the clouds are? Read it very thoroughly with this in mind.

Here's example of some of the ones they were fighting in some cases.

They said, “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. 33 We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.”

And god gets angry that they think he can't deal with them. Just because the hebrew army can't by itself. So all the stuff in the clouds that's constantly described weren't just there for show.

Angel appearing out of nowhere apparently cloaked but the donkey senses it, and appears with sword drawn.

Angel identifying himself with military rank.
guess killing white people in churches is just as bad as computer generated naked women.
Yeah it is, it's all just pixels on a screen.
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>caring grammar

Just because an angel appeared before, I think it was Balaam, on the donkey doesn't mean there's a whole host of angels in the sky fighting people though.

I will say that the NIV you linked is much clearer than the KJV I've been reading, however. Much plainer language
>>Just because an angel appeared before, I think it was Balaam, on the donkey doesn't mean there's a whole host of angels in the sky fighting people though.
>It's all over the OT in so many place, if you read it very carefully. I read it very intently way back so i know it's there, iirc especially in numbers/deut/joshua etc as far as i remember it during these war campaigns. but it's all over the old testament with these massive flying things in the sky during these descripted events.

The bible in jude also gives the number of these cloud thingies accompanying jesus in the clouds on the 2nd coming. 10.000 but the OT has an incredible amount of weird things in the cloud associated with the lord of hosts. Including where he comes down from the pillar in the cloud makes some reprimands and then scoots back up into the cloud again. Also very strange clouds as they seem to glow or do very unusual things for normal clouds. dissapear and reappear in massive numbers, booming trumpets in the sky and many other things.
>all opinions are interchangeable
>if two people get upset for different reasons they're basically the same person
What's it like being autistic?
Also during the campaigns in the OT you can also see the enemies of the lord of hosts are fucking terrified, they don't know what these cloud thingies are that somehow are helping the hebrews, but they're scared out of their minds.

There's a lot to go into about that and the ark of the covenant they carry around might even be a communication device. But it's very clear from the account that this army is physical in nature, extremely powerful and somehow associated with the lord of hosts/the god of the bible.

It's definately something i would look into if i were you. Either they were all on acid or there was something in the clouds, quite a lot of things in the clouds, that none of them considered normal or natural.
>for different reasons
But it's the same reason, people getting upset over characters in video games.
It's not Anti-white propaganda you dumb Dane. It's pretty obviously anti-extremist. In the cult there are blacks too. You're reaching really fucking far for a game.

Farcry 5 is intentionally insulting you fucking moron. That's completely different than just making a woman with big tits

Maybe I just need to finish reading all the way through, I just remember the one cloud that God lived on and that he would either come down from the cloud to talk to Israel or speak to them through the ark of the covenant.

Are we sure it's in Numbers, because in Numbers they take out Sihod and Og, Sihod's death is attributed to the Israelites and so is Og's.

I mean, the God of the OT does perform miracles to help in military matters like the aforementioned rocks or that one town where the Israelites circle it silently for like seven days and then blow down the walls using just their voices, but so far I'm not seeing any literal angels fighting in war. Except for when they infiltrate Sodom to visit Lot and retrieve him from the city. They usually just come down to deliver messages like with Balaam or Gideon.

The right-wing-white-nationalist-trump-supporting-retards of pol are just as extreme as extreme feminists.

Hypocrisy is lost on them. They will explain away their retardedness because
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How can you argue that though, making a woman with big tits might be intentionally insulting as well with the same thinking.

>The right-wing-white-nationalist-trump-supporting-retards of pol are just as extreme as extreme feminists.

THANK YOU, honestly that's what I believe, they're just as bad as them. Whatever happened to being a superior radical centrist.

Both sides yell crazy shit and read too deep into shit that's simply not there most if not all of the time.
>How can you argue that though, making a woman with big tits might be intentionally insulting as well with the same thinking.

Might be, if you were a fucking idiot. But it's not. In anyway insulting. It's purely sexual.
>if you were a fucking idiot.

Guess that's what people who get riled up over FC5 are then :^)
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